mirror of https://github.com/stella-emu/stella.git
1269 lines
45 KiB
1269 lines
45 KiB
// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2010 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
// $Id$
#include "bspf.hxx"
#include "Debugger.hxx"
#include "DiStella.hxx"
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DiStella::DiStella(const CartDebug& dbg, CartDebug::DisassemblyList& list,
CartDebug::BankInfo& info, bool resolvedata)
: myDbg(dbg),
CartDebug::AddressList& addresses = info.addressList;
if(addresses.size() == 0)
CartDebug::AddressList::iterator it = addresses.begin();
uInt16 start = *it++;
if(start & 0x1000)
if(info.size == 4096) // 4K ROM space
The offset is the address where the code segment
starts. For a 4K game, it is usually 0xf000.
Start address = $D973, so therefore
Offset to code = $D000
Code range = $D000-$DFFF
myAppData.start = 0x0000;
myAppData.end = 0x0FFF;
myOffset = (start - (start % 0x1000));
else // 2K ROM space
The offset is the address where the code segment
starts. For a 2K game, it is usually 0xf800,
but can also be 0xf000.
myAppData.start = 0x0000;
myAppData.end = 0x07FF;
myOffset = (start & 0xF800);
else // ZP RAM
// For now, we assume all accesses below $1000 are zero-page
myAppData.start = 0x0080;
myAppData.end = 0x00FF;
myOffset = 0;
myAppData.length = info.size;
info.start = myAppData.start;
info.end = myAppData.end;
info.offset = myOffset;
memset(labels, 0, 0x1000);
// Process any directives first, as they override automatic code determination
// After we've disassembled from all addresses in the address list,
// use all access points determined by Stella during emulation
int codeAccessPoint = 0;
myPC = myAddressQueue.front();
myPCBeg = myPC;
disasm(myPC, 1);
if(myPCBeg <= myPCEnd)
for (uInt32 k = myPCBeg; k <= myPCEnd; k++)
mark(k, CartDebug::CODE);
// When we get to this point, all addresses have been processed
// starting from the initial one in the address list
// If so, process the next one in the list that hasn't already
// been marked as CODE
// If it *has* been marked, it can be removed from consideration
// in all subsequent passes
// Once the address list has been exhausted, we process all addresses
// determined during emulation to represent code, which *haven't* already
// been considered
// Note that we can't simply add all addresses right away, since
// the processing of a single address can cause others to be added in
// the ::disasm method
// All of these have to be exhausted before considering a new address
while(it != addresses.end())
uInt16 addr = *it;
if(!check_bit(addr-myOffset, CartDebug::CODE))
cerr << "(list) marking " << HEX4 << addr << " as CODE\n";
else // remove this address, it is redundant
it = addresses.erase(it);
// Stella itself can provide hints on whether an address has ever
// been referenced as CODE
while(it == addresses.end() && codeAccessPoint <= myAppData.end)
if((Debugger::debugger().getAddressDisasmType(codeAccessPoint+myOffset) & CartDebug::CODE)
&& !(labels[codeAccessPoint & myAppData.end] & CartDebug::CODE))
cerr << "(emul) marking " << HEX4 << (codeAccessPoint+myOffset) << " as CODE\n";
for (int k = 0; k <= myAppData.end; k++)
if (!check_bit(k, CartDebug::SKIP|CartDebug::CODE|CartDebug::GFX|
mark(k+myOffset, CartDebug::ROW);
// Second pass
disasm(myOffset, 2);
// Third pass
disasm(myOffset, 3);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void DiStella::disasm(uInt32 distart, int pass)
#define USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL(pre, address, post) \
const string& l = myDbg.getLabel(address, true); \
if(l != EmptyString) nextline << pre << l << post; \
else nextline << pre << "L" << HEX4 << address << post;
uInt8 op, d1;
uInt16 ad;
AddressingMode addr_mode;
int bytes=0, labfound=0, addbranch=0;
stringstream nextline, nextlinebytes;
/* pc=myAppData.start; */
myPC = distart - myOffset;
while(myPC <= myAppData.end)
if(check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::GFX|CartDebug::PGFX) && !check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::CODE))
if (pass == 2)
mark(myPC+myOffset, CartDebug::VALID_ENTRY);
else if (pass == 3)
if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::REFERENCED))
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'L" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'";
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "' '";
const string& bit_string = check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::GFX) ? "\x7f" : "\x80";
uInt8 byte = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
myDisasmBuf << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)byte << " |";
for(uInt8 i = 0, c = byte; i < 8; ++i, c <<= 1)
myDisasmBuf << ((c > 127) ? bit_string : " ");
myDisasmBuf << "| $" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'";
if(settings.gfx_format == kBASE_2)
myDisasmBuf << Debugger::to_bin_8(byte);
myDisasmBuf << HEX2 << (int)byte;
else if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::DATA) &&
!check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::CODE|CartDebug::GFX|CartDebug::PGFX))
if (pass == 2)
mark(myPC+myOffset, CartDebug::VALID_ENTRY);
else if (pass == 3)
if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::REFERENCED))
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'L" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'";
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "' '";
uInt8 byte = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
myDisasmBuf << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)byte << " $"
<< HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'"
<< HEX2 << (int)byte;
else if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::ROW) &&
!check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::CODE|CartDebug::DATA|CartDebug::GFX|CartDebug::PGFX))
mark(myPC+myOffset, CartDebug::VALID_ENTRY);
if (pass == 3)
bytes = 1;
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'L" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'.byte "
<< "$" << HEX2 << (int)Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
while (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::ROW) &&
!check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::CODE|CartDebug::DATA|CartDebug::GFX|CartDebug::PGFX)
&& pass == 3 && myPC <= myAppData.end)
if (bytes == 17)
myDisasmBuf << " ' '.byte $" << HEX2 << (int)Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
bytes = 1;
myDisasmBuf << ",$" << HEX2 << (int)Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
if (pass == 3)
myDisasmBuf << " ' ' ";
else // The following sections must be SKIP or CODE
// Add label (if any)
op = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset);
/* version 2.1 bug fix */
if (pass == 2)
mark(myPC+myOffset, CartDebug::VALID_ENTRY);
else if (pass == 3)
if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::REFERENCED))
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'L" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'";
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "' '";
// Add opcode mneumonic
addr_mode = ourLookup[op].addr_mode;
#if 0
// FIXME - the following condition is never true
if (ourLookup[op].mnemonic[0] == '.')
addr_mode = IMPLIED;
if (pass == 3)
nextline << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)op << " ;";
if (pass == 1)
M_AIND = JMP Abs, Indirect */
case M_REL:
case M_ADDR:
case M_AIND:
addbranch = 1;
addbranch = 0;
else if (pass == 3)
nextline << ourLookup[op].mnemonic;
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)op << " ";
// Add operand(s) for PC values outside the app data range
if (myPC >= myAppData.end)
if (pass == 3)
/* Line information is already printed; append .byte since last
instruction will put recompilable object larger that original
binary file */
myDisasmBuf << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)op << " $"
<< HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'"
<< HEX2 << (int)op;
if (myPC == myAppData.end)
if (check_bit(myPC, CartDebug::REFERENCED))
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'L" << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'";
myDisasmBuf << HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "' '";
op = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
myDisasmBuf << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)op << " $"
<< HEX4 << myPC+myOffset << "'"
<< HEX2 << (int)op;
myPCEnd = myAppData.end + myOffset;
if (myPC > myAppData.end)
if (pass == 3)
/* Line information is already printed, but we can remove the
Instruction (i.e. BMI) by simply clearing the buffer to print */
myDisasmBuf << ".byte $" << HEX2 << (int)op;
myPCEnd = myAppData.end + myOffset;
} // end switch(addr_mode)
// Add operand(s)
/* Version 2.1 added the extensions to mnemonics */
#if 0
if (op == 0x40 || op == 0x60)
if (pass == 3)
nextline << "\n";
if (pass == 3)
nextline << " A";
ad = Debugger::debugger().dpeek(myPC+myOffset); myPC+=2;
labfound = mark(ad, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 1)
if (addbranch)
if (!check_bit(ad & myAppData.end, CartDebug::CODE))
if (ad > 0xfff)
myAddressQueue.push((ad & myAppData.end) + myOffset);
mark(ad, CartDebug::CODE);
else if(ad > 0xfff)
mark(ad, CartDebug::DATA);
else if (pass == 3)
if (ad < 0x100)
nextline << ".w ";
nextline << " ";
if (labfound == 1)
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", ad, "");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 3)
nextline << CartDebug::ourIOMnemonic[ad-0x280];
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 4)
int tmp = (ad & myAppData.end)+myOffset;
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", tmp, "");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(tmp&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(tmp>>8);
nextline << "$" << HEX4 << ad;
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
labfound = mark(d1, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 3)
if (labfound == 2)
nextline << " " << (ourLookup[op].rw_mode == READ ?
CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicR[d1&0x0f] : CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicW[d1&0x3f]);
nextline << " $" << HEX2 << (int)d1;
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
if (pass == 3)
nextline << " #$" << HEX2 << (int)d1 << " ";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
ad = Debugger::debugger().dpeek(myPC+myOffset); myPC+=2;
labfound = mark(ad, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 2 && !check_bit(ad & myAppData.end, CartDebug::CODE))
mark(ad, CartDebug::DATA);
else if (pass == 3)
if (ad < 0x100)
nextline << ".wx ";
nextline << " ";
if (labfound == 1)
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", ad, ",X");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 3)
nextline << CartDebug::ourIOMnemonic[ad-0x280] << ",X";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 4)
int tmp = (ad & myAppData.end)+myOffset;
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", tmp, ",X");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(tmp&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(tmp>>8);
nextline << "$" << HEX4 << ad << ",X";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
ad = Debugger::debugger().dpeek(myPC+myOffset); myPC+=2;
labfound = mark(ad, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 2 && !check_bit(ad & myAppData.end, CartDebug::CODE))
mark(ad, CartDebug::DATA);
else if (pass == 3)
if (ad < 0x100)
nextline << ".wy ";
nextline << " ";
if (labfound == 1)
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", ad, ",Y");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 3)
nextline << CartDebug::ourIOMnemonic[ad-0x280] << ",Y";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
else if (labfound == 4)
int tmp = (ad & myAppData.end)+myOffset;
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("", tmp, ",Y");
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(tmp&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(tmp>>8);
nextline << "$" << HEX4 << ad << ",Y";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
if (pass == 3)
nextline << " ($" << HEX2 << (int)d1 << ",X)";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
if (pass == 3)
nextline << " ($" << HEX2 << (int)d1 << "),Y";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
labfound = mark(d1, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 3)
if (labfound == 2)
nextline << " " << (ourLookup[op].rw_mode == READ ?
CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicR[d1&0x0f] :
CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicW[d1&0x3f]) << ",X";
nextline << " $" << HEX2 << (int)d1 << ",X";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
labfound = mark(d1, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 3)
if (labfound == 2)
nextline << " " << (ourLookup[op].rw_mode == READ ?
CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicR[d1&0x0f] :
CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicW[d1&0x3f]) << ",Y";
nextline << " $" << HEX2 << (int)d1 << ",Y";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
// SA - 04-06-2010: there seemed to be a bug in distella,
// where wraparound occurred on a 32-bit int, and subsequent
// indexing into the labels array caused a crash
d1 = Debugger::debugger().peek(myPC+myOffset); myPC++;
ad = ((myPC + (Int8)d1) & 0xfff) + myOffset;
labfound = mark(ad, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 1)
if ((addbranch) && !check_bit(ad-myOffset, CartDebug::CODE))
mark(ad, CartDebug::CODE);
else if (pass == 3)
if (labfound == 1)
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL(" ", ad, "");
nextline << " $" << HEX4 << ad;
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)d1;
ad = Debugger::debugger().dpeek(myPC+myOffset); myPC+=2;
labfound = mark(ad, CartDebug::REFERENCED);
if (pass == 2 && !check_bit(ad & myAppData.end, CartDebug::CODE))
mark(ad, CartDebug::DATA);
else if (pass == 3)
if (ad < 0x100)
nextline << ".ind ";
nextline << " ";
if (labfound == 1)
USER_OR_AUTO_LABEL("(", ad, ")");
else if (labfound == 3)
nextline << "(" << CartDebug::ourIOMnemonic[ad-0x280] << ")";
nextline << "($" << HEX4 << ad << ")";
nextlinebytes << HEX2 << (int)(ad&0xff) << " " << HEX2 << (int)(ad>>8);
} // end switch
if (pass == 1)
if (!strcmp(ourLookup[op].mnemonic,"RTS") ||
!strcmp(ourLookup[op].mnemonic,"JMP") ||
/* !strcmp(ourLookup[op].mnemonic,"BRK") || */
myPCEnd = (myPC-1) + myOffset;
else if (pass == 3)
// A complete line of disassembly (text, cycle count, and bytes)
myDisasmBuf << nextline.str() << "'"
<< ";" << dec << (int)ourLookup[op].cycles << "'"
<< nextlinebytes.str();
if (op == 0x40 || op == 0x60)
myDisasmBuf << " ' ' ";
} /* while loop */
/* Just in case we are disassembling outside of the address range, force the myPCEnd to EOF */
myPCEnd = myAppData.end + myOffset;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int DiStella::mark(uInt32 address, uInt8 mask)
For any given offset and code range...
If we're between the offset and the end of the code range, we mark
the bit in the labels array for that data. The labels array is an
array of label info for each code address. If this is the case,
return "1", else...
We sweep for hardware/system equates, which are valid addresses,
outside the scope of the code/data range. For these, we mark its
corresponding hardware/system array element, and return "2" or "3"
(depending on which system/hardware element was accessed).
If this was not the case...
Next we check if it is a code "mirror". For the 2600, address ranges
are limited with 13 bits, so other addresses can exist outside of the
standard code/data range. For these, we mark the element in the "labels"
array that corresponds to the mirrored address, and return "4"
If all else fails, it's not a valid address, so return 0.
A quick example breakdown for a 2600 4K cart:
$00-$3d = system equates (WSYNC, etc...); mark the array's element
with the appropriate bit; return 2.
$0280-$0297 = system equates (INPT0, etc...); mark the array's element
with the appropriate bit; return 3.
$1000-$1FFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$3000-$3FFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$5000-$5FFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$7000-$7FFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$9000-$9FFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$B000-$BFFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$D000-$DFFF = mark the code/data array for the mirrored address
with the appropriate bit; return 4.
$F000-$FFFF = mark the code/data array for the address
with the appropriate bit; return 1.
Anything else = invalid, return 0.
if (address >= myOffset && address <= myAppData.end + myOffset)
Debugger::debugger().setAddressDisasmType(address | myOffset, mask);
labels[address-myOffset] = labels[address-myOffset] | mask;
return 1;
else if (address >= 0 && address <= 0x3f)
return 2;
else if (address >= 0x280 && address <= 0x297)
return 3;
else if (address > 0x1000)
/* 2K & 4K case */
Debugger::debugger().setAddressDisasmType(address | myOffset, mask);
labels[address & myAppData.end] = labels[address & myAppData.end] | mask;
return 4;
return 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool DiStella::check_bit(uInt16 address, uInt8 mask) const
if(Debugger::debugger().getAddressDisasmType(address | myOffset) & mask)
return true;
return labels[address & myAppData.end] & mask;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool DiStella::check_range(uInt16 beg, uInt16 end) const
if(beg > end)
cerr << "Beginning of range greater than end: start = " << hex << beg
<< ", end = " << hex << end << endl;
return false;
else if(beg > myAppData.end + myOffset)
cerr << "Beginning of range out of range: start = " << hex << beg
<< ", range = " << hex << (myAppData.end + myOffset) << endl;
return false;
else if(beg < myOffset)
cerr << "Beginning of range out of range: start = " << hex << beg
<< ", offset = " << hex << myOffset << endl;
return false;
return true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void DiStella::addEntry(CartDebug::DisasmType type)
CartDebug::DisassemblyTag tag;
// Type
tag.type = type;
// Address
myDisasmBuf.seekg(0, ios::beg);
if(myDisasmBuf.peek() == ' ')
tag.address = 0;
myDisasmBuf >> setw(4) >> hex >> tag.address;
// Only include addresses within the requested range
if(tag.address < myAppData.start)
// Label (a user-defined label always overrides any auto-generated one)
myDisasmBuf.seekg(5, ios::beg);
tag.label = myDbg.getLabel(tag.address, true);
if(tag.label == EmptyString)
if(myDisasmBuf.peek() != ' ')
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.label, '\'');
else if(settings.show_addresses && tag.type == CartDebug::CODE)
// Have addresses indented, to differentiate from actual labels
char address[8];
sprintf(address, " $%X", tag.address);
tag.label = address;
// Disassembly
// Up to this point the field sizes are fixed, until we get to
// variable length labels, cycle counts, etc
myDisasmBuf.seekg(11, ios::beg);
case CartDebug::SKIP: // TODO - handle this
tag.disasm = " ";
case CartDebug::CODE:
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.disasm, '\'');
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.ccount, '\'');
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.bytes);
case CartDebug::GFX:
case CartDebug::PGFX:
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.disasm, '\'');
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.bytes);
case CartDebug::DATA:
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.disasm, '\'');
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.bytes);
case CartDebug::ROW:
getline(myDisasmBuf, tag.disasm);
default: // should never happen
tag.disasm = " ";
#if 0
// debugging output
cerr << (tag.type == CartDebug::CODE ? "CartDebug::CODE" : (tag.type == CartDebug::ROW ? "CartDebug::ROW" :
(tag.type == CartDebug::GFX ? "CartDebug::GFX " : "NONE"))) << "|"
<< hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tag.address << "|"
<< tag.label << "|" << tag.disasm << "|" << tag.ccount << "|" << "|"
<< tag.bytes << endl;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void DiStella::processDirectives(const CartDebug::DirectiveList& directives)
for(CartDebug::DirectiveList::const_iterator i = directives.begin();
i != directives.end(); ++i)
const CartDebug::DirectiveTag tag = *i;
if(check_range(tag.start, tag.end))
for(uInt32 k = tag.start; k <= tag.end; ++k)
mark(k, tag.type);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DiStella::Settings DiStella::settings = {
kBASE_2, // gfx_format
true // show_addresses
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const DiStella::Instruction_tag DiStella::ourLookup[256] = {
/**** Positive ****/
/* 00 */ { "BRK", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 7 }, /* Pseudo Absolute */
/* 01 */ { "ORA", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* 02 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 03 */ { "slo", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* 04 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE, M_NONE, NONE, 3 },
/* 05 */ { "ORA", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 06 */ { "ASL", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 07 */ { "slo", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* 08 */ { "PHP", IMPLIED, M_SR, NONE, 3 },
/* 09 */ { "ORA", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* 0a */ { "ASL", ACCUMULATOR, M_AC, WRITE, 2 }, /* Accumulator */
/* 0b */ { "anc", IMMEDIATE, M_ACIM, READ, 2 },
/* 0c */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 0d */ { "ORA", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 0e */ { "ASL", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* 0f */ { "slo", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* 10 */ { "BPL", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* 11 */ { "ORA", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* 12 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 13 */ { "slo", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* 14 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 15 */ { "ORA", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 16 */ { "ASL", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 17 */ { "slo", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* 18 */ { "CLC", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 19 */ { "ORA", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* 1a */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 1b */ { "slo", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* 1c */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 1d */ { "ORA", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 1e */ { "ASL", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 1f */ { "slo", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 },
/* 20 */ { "JSR", ABSOLUTE, M_ADDR, READ, 6 },
/* 21 */ { "AND", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect ,X) */
/* 22 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 23 */ { "rla", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* 24 */ { "BIT", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 25 */ { "AND", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 26 */ { "ROL", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 27 */ { "rla", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* 28 */ { "PLP", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 29 */ { "AND", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* 2a */ { "ROL", ACCUMULATOR, M_AC, WRITE, 2 }, /* Accumulator */
/* 2b */ { "anc", IMMEDIATE, M_ACIM, READ, 2 },
/* 2c */ { "BIT", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 2d */ { "AND", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 2e */ { "ROL", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* 2f */ { "rla", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* 30 */ { "BMI", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* 31 */ { "AND", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* 32 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 33 */ { "rla", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* 34 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 35 */ { "AND", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 36 */ { "ROL", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 37 */ { "rla", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* 38 */ { "SEC", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 39 */ { "AND", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* 3a */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 3b */ { "rla", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* 3c */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 3d */ { "AND", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 3e */ { "ROL", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 3f */ { "rla", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 },
/* 40 */ { "RTI", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 6 },
/* 41 */ { "EOR", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* 42 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 43 */ { "sre", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* 44 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE, M_NONE, NONE, 3 },
/* 45 */ { "EOR", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 46 */ { "LSR", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 47 */ { "sre", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* 48 */ { "PHA", IMPLIED, M_AC, NONE, 3 },
/* 49 */ { "EOR", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* 4a */ { "LSR", ACCUMULATOR, M_AC, WRITE, 2 }, /* Accumulator */
/* 4b */ { "asr", IMMEDIATE, M_ACIM, READ, 2 }, /* (AC & IMM) >>1 */
/* 4c */ { "JMP", ABSOLUTE, M_ADDR, READ, 3 }, /* Absolute */
/* 4d */ { "EOR", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 4e */ { "LSR", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* 4f */ { "sre", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* 50 */ { "BVC", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* 51 */ { "EOR", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* 52 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 53 */ { "sre", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* 54 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 55 */ { "EOR", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 56 */ { "LSR", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 57 */ { "sre", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* 58 */ { "CLI", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 59 */ { "EOR", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* 5a */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 5b */ { "sre", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* 5c */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 5d */ { "EOR", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 5e */ { "LSR", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 5f */ { "sre", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 },
/* 60 */ { "RTS", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 6 },
/* 61 */ { "ADC", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* 62 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* 63 */ { "rra", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* 64 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE, M_NONE, NONE, 3 },
/* 65 */ { "ADC", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 66 */ { "ROR", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 67 */ { "rra", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* 68 */ { "PLA", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 69 */ { "ADC", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* 6a */ { "ROR", ACCUMULATOR, M_AC, WRITE, 2 }, /* Accumulator */
/* 6b */ { "arr", IMMEDIATE, M_ACIM, READ, 2 }, /* ARR isn't typo */
/* 6c */ { "JMP", ABS_INDIRECT,M_AIND, READ, 5 }, /* Indirect */
/* 6d */ { "ADC", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 6e */ { "ROR", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* 6f */ { "rra", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* 70 */ { "BVS", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* 71 */ { "ADC", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* 72 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT relative? */
/* 73 */ { "rra", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* 74 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 75 */ { "ADC", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 76 */ { "ROR", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 77 */ { "rra", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* 78 */ { "SEI", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 79 */ { "ADC", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* 7a */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 7b */ { "rra", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* 7c */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* 7d */ { "ADC", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 7e */ { "ROR", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 7f */ { "rra", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 },
/**** Negative ****/
/* 80 */ { "nop", IMMEDIATE, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 81 */ { "STA", INDIRECT_X, M_AC, WRITE, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* 82 */ { "nop", IMMEDIATE, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 83 */ { "sax", INDIRECT_X, M_ANXR, WRITE, 6 },
/* 84 */ { "STY", ZERO_PAGE, M_YR, WRITE, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 85 */ { "STA", ZERO_PAGE, M_AC, WRITE, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 86 */ { "STX", ZERO_PAGE, M_XR, WRITE, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* 87 */ { "sax", ZERO_PAGE, M_ANXR, WRITE, 3 },
/* 88 */ { "DEY", IMPLIED, M_YR, NONE, 2 },
/* 89 */ { "nop", IMMEDIATE, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* 8a */ { "TXA", IMPLIED, M_XR, NONE, 2 },
/**** very abnormal: usually AC = AC | #$EE & XR & #$oper ****/
/* 8b */ { "ane", IMMEDIATE, M_AXIM, READ, 2 },
/* 8c */ { "STY", ABSOLUTE, M_YR, WRITE, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 8d */ { "STA", ABSOLUTE, M_AC, WRITE, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 8e */ { "STX", ABSOLUTE, M_XR, WRITE, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* 8f */ { "sax", ABSOLUTE, M_ANXR, WRITE, 4 },
/* 90 */ { "BCC", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* 91 */ { "STA", INDIRECT_Y, M_AC, WRITE, 6 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* 92 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT relative? */
/* 93 */ { "sha", INDIRECT_Y, M_ANXR, WRITE, 6 },
/* 94 */ { "STY", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_YR, WRITE, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 95 */ { "STA", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_AC, WRITE, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* 96 */ { "STX", ZERO_PAGE_Y, M_XR, WRITE, 4 }, /* Zeropage,Y */
/* 97 */ { "sax", ZERO_PAGE_Y, M_ANXR, WRITE, 4 },
/* 98 */ { "TYA", IMPLIED, M_YR, NONE, 2 },
/* 99 */ { "STA", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_AC, WRITE, 5 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* 9a */ { "TXS", IMPLIED, M_XR, NONE, 2 },
/*** This is very mysterious comm AND ... */
/* 9b */ { "shs", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ANXR, WRITE, 5 },
/* 9c */ { "shy", ABSOLUTE_X, M_YR, WRITE, 5 },
/* 9d */ { "STA", ABSOLUTE_X, M_AC, WRITE, 5 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* 9e */ { "shx", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_XR , WRITE, 5 },
/* 9f */ { "sha", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ANXR, WRITE, 5 },
/* a0 */ { "LDY", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* a1 */ { "LDA", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (indirect,X) */
/* a2 */ { "LDX", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* a3 */ { "lax", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (indirect,X) */
/* a4 */ { "LDY", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* a5 */ { "LDA", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* a6 */ { "LDX", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* a7 */ { "lax", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 },
/* a8 */ { "TAY", IMPLIED, M_AC, NONE, 2 },
/* a9 */ { "LDA", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* aa */ { "TAX", IMPLIED, M_AC, NONE, 2 },
/* ab */ { "lxa", IMMEDIATE, M_ACIM, READ, 2 }, /* LXA isn't a typo */
/* ac */ { "LDY", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* ad */ { "LDA", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* ae */ { "LDX", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* af */ { "lax", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 },
/* b0 */ { "BCS", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* b1 */ { "LDA", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (indirect),Y */
/* b2 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* b3 */ { "lax", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 },
/* b4 */ { "LDY", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* b5 */ { "LDA", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* b6 */ { "LDX", ZERO_PAGE_Y, M_ZERY, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,Y */
/* b7 */ { "lax", ZERO_PAGE_Y, M_ZERY, READ, 4 },
/* b8 */ { "CLV", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* b9 */ { "LDA", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* ba */ { "TSX", IMPLIED, M_SP, NONE, 2 },
/* bb */ { "las", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_SABY, READ, 4 },
/* bc */ { "LDY", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* bd */ { "LDA", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* be */ { "LDX", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* bf */ { "lax", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 },
/* c0 */ { "CPY", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* c1 */ { "CMP", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* c2 */ { "nop", IMMEDIATE, M_NONE, NONE, 2 }, /* occasional TILT */
/* c3 */ { "dcp", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* c4 */ { "CPY", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* c5 */ { "CMP", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* c6 */ { "DEC", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* c7 */ { "dcp", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* c8 */ { "INY", IMPLIED, M_YR, NONE, 2 },
/* c9 */ { "CMP", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* ca */ { "DEX", IMPLIED, M_XR, NONE, 2 },
/* cb */ { "sbx", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 },
/* cc */ { "CPY", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* cd */ { "CMP", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* ce */ { "DEC", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* cf */ { "dcp", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* d0 */ { "BNE", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* d1 */ { "CMP", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* d2 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* d3 */ { "dcp", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* d4 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* d5 */ { "CMP", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* d6 */ { "DEC", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* d7 */ { "dcp", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* d8 */ { "CLD", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* d9 */ { "CMP", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* da */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* db */ { "dcp", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* dc */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* dd */ { "CMP", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* de */ { "DEC", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* df */ { "dcp", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 },
/* e0 */ { "CPX", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* e1 */ { "SBC", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, READ, 6 }, /* (Indirect,X) */
/* e2 */ { "nop", IMMEDIATE, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* e3 */ { "isb", INDIRECT_X, M_INDX, WRITE, 8 },
/* e4 */ { "CPX", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* e5 */ { "SBC", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, READ, 3 }, /* Zeropage */
/* e6 */ { "INC", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 }, /* Zeropage */
/* e7 */ { "isb", ZERO_PAGE, M_ZERO, WRITE, 5 },
/* e8 */ { "INX", IMPLIED, M_XR, NONE, 2 },
/* e9 */ { "SBC", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* Immediate */
/* ea */ { "NOP", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* eb */ { "sbc", IMMEDIATE, M_IMM, READ, 2 }, /* same as e9 */
/* ec */ { "CPX", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* ed */ { "SBC", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute */
/* ee */ { "INC", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 }, /* Absolute */
/* ef */ { "isb", ABSOLUTE, M_ABS, WRITE, 6 },
/* f0 */ { "BEQ", RELATIVE, M_REL, READ, 2 },
/* f1 */ { "SBC", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, READ, 5 }, /* (Indirect),Y */
/* f2 */ { "jam", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 0 }, /* TILT */
/* f3 */ { "isb", INDIRECT_Y, M_INDY, WRITE, 8 },
/* f4 */ { "nop", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* f5 */ { "SBC", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, READ, 4 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* f6 */ { "INC", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 }, /* Zeropage,X */
/* f7 */ { "isb", ZERO_PAGE_X, M_ZERX, WRITE, 6 },
/* f8 */ { "SED", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* f9 */ { "SBC", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,Y */
/* fa */ { "nop", IMPLIED, M_NONE, NONE, 2 },
/* fb */ { "isb", ABSOLUTE_Y, M_ABSY, WRITE, 7 },
/* fc */ { "nop", ABSOLUTE_X, M_NONE, NONE, 4 },
/* fd */ { "SBC", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, READ, 4 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* fe */ { "INC", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }, /* Absolute,X */
/* ff */ { "isb", ABSOLUTE_X, M_ABSX, WRITE, 7 }