
A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator

Release 3.4.1

User's Guide

  1. A Brief History of the Atari 2600
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started
  4. Advanced Configuration
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. License and Disclaimer

February 1999 - June 2011
The Stella Team
Stella Homepage

A Brief History of the Atari 2600

In the early 1970's, video arcade games gained commercial success for the first time. The American public was introduced to Pong, Tank, and other interactive video games which populated amusement parks, bars, and arcades. The games were successful enough to create interest for home versions, so in 1975 Atari released Home Pong and it was a smash hit. Other companies such as Magnavox and Coleco followed suit and released their own dedicated console games. Then in 1976, Fairchild Camera and Instrument introduced the Channel F system, the first cartridge based home video game system. The industry recognized that cartridge systems were the future of video gaming, and began development in that direction. In January 1977, RCA released the Studio II, another cartridge based system, although it only projected in black and white and seemed to be focused on educational titles. Then, in October 1977, Atari released the Atari VCS (Video Computer System) with an initial offering of nine games. This system, later renamed the Atari 2600, took the industry by storm and dominated the marketplace for years to come.

Because of oversupply, the Christmas season of 1977 was very rough on the video game industry, and the Atari 2600 was the only system that managed to emerge unscathed. Atari enjoyed strong sales in 1978 and a fantastic holiday season, as Atari released more games such as Outlaw, Spacewar, and Breakout. Internally however, Atari was at odds. Nolan Bushnell, the inventor of pong and founder of Atari, wound up leaving the company and purchased Pizza Time Theater, which later became the successful Chuck E. Cheese! In 1979 Atari continued their trend and released 12 more games which met with continued success. However, Atari was now facing some stiffer competition from the Mattel Intellivision and the Magnavox Odyssey2.

Atari needed a mega-hit in 1980 in order to squash the competition, and they found it in the home version of a game from Japan called Space Invaders. It was so popular that people were buying the Atari 2600 just so they could play Space Invaders at home. Following that, Atari released Adventure, which was the first video game to contain an Easter Egg - placing an object in a certain area revealed the programmer's name, Warren Robinett. 1980 was important for another reason - the creation of the first ever third party software producer, Activision. The company was formed by four Atari employees who were unsatisfied with the working conditions at the company. They released four games initially: Dragster, Fishing Derby, Checkers and Boxing. The games were very well received by the public, and revealed that the Atari 2600 was capable of better games than Atari themselves had been producing. Atari tried to prevent Activision from selling games, but they failed and Activision grossed $70 million that year.

By 1981, the video game industry was basically a horse race between the 2600 and the Intellivision. While the Intellivision was technologically superior in some respects, the 2600 continued to lead in sales. Atari released the home version of Asteroids, which was a huge success. Inspired by the success of Activision, another software development group called Imagic was formed. They would not release any games until 1982 however. Another company, Games by Apollo, was formed in Texas and released several games that year.

Coleco entered the market in 1982 with the release of the graphically superior Colecovision. To combat this new system, Atari produced the 5200, a technologically comparable system. The 2600 dropped $100 in price in order to remain competitive. Then a company called Arcadia released a peripheral called the Supercharger which played games in an audio cassette medium. This allowed for multiple loads and expanded the 2600's capabilities.

Atari released Pac-Man and E.T. that year, two incredibly hyped games which were critical flops. Although Pac-Man sold many copies, it was considered to be a poor translation of the arcade hit. However, there were many fantastic games produced for the 2600 during this period, and it was still selling strong.

Ever since the inception of Activision, Atari had been fighting to keep third parties from producing cartridges which they felt were stealing profits from them. Finally the issue was settled when Atari agreed to allow third party manufacturing in exchange for a royalty. Suddenly software companies began popping up all over, and 1982 saw releases from companies like Venturevision, Spectravision, Telesys, CBS, 20th Century Fox, US Games, M Network, Tigervision, Data Age, Imagic and Coleco. There was even a company that released a line of X-Rated games for the 2600 called Mystique. The year was financially successful for Atari, however there seemed to be a glut of software. Although there were many quality titles still produced, there was an increasing number of rushed games as manufacturers attempted to cash in on the craze.

More companies jumped on the band wagon in 1983. Zimag, Ultravision, Amiga, and others were also producing games and peripherals. It seemed as if there was just too much product to meet the demand, and as it turned out there was. By the end of the year, companies began folding. US Games, Data Age, Games by Apollo, Telesys and others all closed their doors from poor sales. A video game crash was occurring, and all companies were taking it on the chin.

1984 was a much more subdued year for the Atari 2600, and the price of the system had now dropped to $40-$50. Many were saying that the video game industry was dead. However, Atari surprised everyone by announcing the release of the 7800, and also promising more 2600 games with improved graphics and sound. Unfortunately, neither of these things happened in 1984 because Atari sold their home video game division to Jack Tramiel who believed that home computers would replace video game systems. No further mention of the 2600 or 7800 was made that year, and it appeared that they might be dead.

1985 was another very quiet year for Atari and video games in general, and only a few games were released for the 2600. Activision produced Cosmic Commuter and Ghostbusters, but with little fanfare or marketing, these games did not sell well. However, because of the huge game library and cheap price, Atari still sold over a million 2600 consoles in 1985.

There were very few plans for home video game systems by any company in 1986, since the market appeared to be dead. Then, to most people's surprise, Nintendo brought the NES to America and it was a smash hit, proving that video games still had a place in the US. Atari decided that maybe it would be a good idea to release the 7800 units it had in storage, and produce some more 2600 games. The 7800 was released with only 3 games initially available, although it was compatible with the 2600 library. They also redesigned the 2600 as the 2600 Jr., a machine with the same abilities, but a new look and marketing campaign. It was sold for less than $50.

Video games were once again selling phenomenally in 1987. Atari released several new titles, including Jr. Pac-Man, and also licensed a number of games from other companies such as Donkey Kong and Q*Bert. These new titles sold for $10-$15. Interestingly, a number of titles began appearing again from third part companies such as Epyx, Froggo, and Exus. It seemed that the 2600 was not dead yet!

In 1988, Atari rehired Nolan Bushnell and announced a number of new titles, including Secret Quest, a game written by Mr. Bushnell himself. Atari continued to manufacture these games even until 1989. However, it was apparent that the 2600, after its introduction over a decade ago, was finally at the end of its run. Although it was still produced and marketed outside of the US, the Atari 2600 finished its run in America. No other console has had such a long history or sold as many systems in the U.S.

Today, the 2600 still has a large number of fans who remember the countless games played over the years, and the years to come. There are even games being produced by hobbyists, some of them quite professionally, being released on newly burnt cartridges with labels and manuals. And the recent trend in retrogaming has brought many more video game fans to rediscover the 2600, and it continues to live on 22 years after its release!

Alexander Bilstein
February 1999


Stella is a freely distributed multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator; originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott. Stella allows you to enjoy all of your favorite 2600 games once again by emulating the 2600's hardware with software. Stella is written in C++, which allows it to be ported to other operating systems and architectures. Since its original release Stella has been ported to AcornOS, AmigaOS, DOS, FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, OpenStep, OS/2, Unix, and Windows, as well as consoles such as Sega Dreamcast, GP2X, Nintendo DS and Playstation Portable (among others).


Getting Started

1. Requirements

The following sections outline the basic system requirements for running Stella under various operating systems.

General (required for all versions of Stella)


The Linux version of Stella is designed to work on a Linux Workstation with the following:


The Mac version of Stella is designed to work on an Apple Macintosh with the following:


The Windows version of Stella is designed to work on Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7 with the following:


Stella is extremely portable, and in its lifetime has been ported to almost every platform where the SDL library exists. It is 32/64 bit clean in Linux/Unix, MacOSX and Windows. The Stella Team is interested in hearing about any problems you may encounter with diverse operating systems and CPU types.

2. Installation

Stella is distributed in both source and binary form. In general, you should always download and install the appropriate binary version. Compiling from source is only recommended for developers, or if the binary version doesn't work for some reason. Once you have a Stella distribution you should follow the instructions for your operating system given below.




3. Locating Game Images (aka, ROMs)


Most games for the Atari 2600 came on cartridges. A cartridge usually consists of a single Read Only Memory (ROM) chip which contains the data and code for the game. Plugging a cartridge into the Atari 2600 allows the 2600's microprocessor to access the program stored on the cartridge.

In a similar way you must "plug" a copy of a cartridge into Stella when you want to play it. Having a ROM image / BIN file, of the cartridge allows you to do this. A ROM image is a file, which contains the actual data and code read from the cartridge. There are several ways to obtain a ROM image of a cartridge:

WARNING: It is illegal to use ROM images of games that you do not actually own since these games are still copyrighted.

Supercharger Cassettes

Supercharger games were not stored on cartridges instead they were stored on cassette tapes. The Supercharger, which plugged into the Atari 2600's cartridge slot, loaded games into its 6K of Random Access Memory (RAM) using a standard audio cassette player. The Supercharger also supported multi-loading, which allowed games to be broken into several segments and loaded at different times. This was useful for large games which had distinct parts such as role playing games.

Most of the available Supercharger ROM images are stored in 8448 bytes files. However, ROM images of multi-load games are sometimes stored in a set of 8448 byte files. The names of these files have a two character sequence number in them which indicates what load they are. The sequence starts with zero, skips a few numbers and then increments by one.

Stella supports multi-load games, however, the set of ROM images must be combined into a single ROM image file. For example to create a multi-load ROM image file for Survival Island you would do the following under Unix:

   % cat survivl0.bin survivl6.bin survivl7.bin > survivl.bin
or to create it under DOS you would:
   % copy /b survivl0.bin+survivl6.bin+survivl7.bin survivl.bin

Once you have the multi-load ROM image file, survivl.bin in this case, you can play the game using it.

Supported File formats

Stella supports ROMs ending with extensions .a26, .bin, .rom, .gz, and .zip. For the last two compressed formats (GZIP and ZIP, respectively), Stella will automatically decompress the archive, and use the first ROM image it finds in it (ie, the first one ending in a valid extension).

4. Playing a Game

Once Stella is installed and you have some ROM images you're almost ready to start playing.

Integrated GUI

Stella contains an integrated GUI for all ports. Commandline support is also available for those who want to use it.

If you start Stella and do not specify a ROM image, it will start in 'ROM Launcher' mode:

If this is your first time starting Stella, you will be asked to select the default ROM directory to use. This is where you have all your ROMs, collected as described in the previous section. Several dialogs will be shown, similar to the following:


The browser should be self-explanatory. The 'Go Up' button moves to the parent folder (if it exists), and the 'Base Dir' button moves to the base directory where, by default, all Stella-related files are stored. Double-clicking an item will enter that directory. Click 'Choose' to select the location, or 'Cancel' to exit the browser. Note that if you don't select a ROM directory now, you will be prompted again the next time Stella is started.

At this point, you may want to set the locations for snapshots and other external paths. This is described in more detail in Advanced Configuration - Config Files. These settings are optional, and can be left at the defaults if you won't be using snapshots in the ROM launcher.

Once you've correctly set the default ROM directory, you can start emulation by selecting a ROM and pressing 'Enter' or clicking 'Select', or double-clicking a ROM. Note that some games require you to 'Reset' the console before you start playing. In this case, you need to hit the virtual reset switch, which by default is the F2 key. Also, some games may require that you press the joystick fire button to begin, which by default is the Left Control or Space key(s). If a game uses a more complex controller, see Getting Started - Keyboard Layout for more information. To exit a game and re-enter the ROM launcher, press the 'Escape' key.

Using the 'Search' textbox in the upper-right of the ROM launcher, the listing can be narrowed down, showing only the ROMs that match the pattern you enter.

Command Menu

While playing a game, normally one would use the keyboard shortcuts for controlling the 'virtual' switches in Stella (ie, the commands associated with the function keys as described in Getting Started - Keyboard Layout). However, another alternative is available. Pressing the '\' key toggles a command menu dialog as follows:

This dialog contains a set of buttons that represent the same functionality as the function keys. You may find this useful if you cannot remember all the function key events, or you wish to use Stella without a keyboard (ie, in a standalone gaming system).

5. Keyboard Layout

The Atari 2600 console controls and controllers are mapped to the computer's keyboard as shown in the following tables. However, most of these events can be remapped to other keys on your keyboard or buttons on your joystick (see Advanced Configuration - Event Remapping). The tables below show the default settings.

Console Controls (can be remapped)

Function Key (Standard) Key (MacOSX)
Exit emulator Control + q Cmd + q
Exit game mode/enter launcher mode Escape Escape
Enter/exit options mode Tab Tab
Enter/exit command mode Backslash (\) Backslash (\)
Enter/exit debugger Backquote (`) Backquote (`)
Select Game F1 F1
Reset Game F2 F2
Color TV F3 F3
Black/White TV F4 F4
Left Player Difficulty B F5 F5
Left Player Difficulty A F6 F6
Right Player Difficulty B F7 F7
Right Player Difficulty A F8 F8
Save state to current slot F9 F9
Change current state slot F10 F10
Load state from current slot F11 F11
Save PNG snapshot F12 F12
Pause/resume emulation Pause  

Joystick / BoosterGrip Controller (can be remapped)

Left Joystick (Joy0) Right Joystick (Joy1)
Function Key
Joystick Up Up arrow
Joystick Down Down arrow
Joystick Left Left arrow
Joystick Right Right arrow
Fire Button Space
Trigger Button 4
Booster Button 5
Function Key
Joystick Up Y
Joystick Down H
Joystick Left G
Joystick Right J
Fire Button F
Trigger Button 6
Booster Button 7

Paddle Controller digital emulation (can be remapped independently of joystick controller)

Left Paddles Right Paddles
Function Key
Paddle 0 decrease Same as 'Joy0 Left'
Paddle 0 increase Same as 'Joy0 Right'
Paddle 0 Fire Same as 'Joy0 Fire'
Paddle 1 decrease Same as 'Joy0 Up'
Paddle 1 increase Same as 'Joy0 Down'
Paddle 1 Fire Same as 'Joy0 Booster'
Function Key
Paddle 2 decrease Same as 'Joy1 Left'
Paddle 2 increase Same as 'Joy1 Right'
Paddle 2 Fire Same as 'Joy1 Fire'
Paddle 3 decrease Same as 'Joy1 Up'
Paddle 3 increase Same as 'Joy1 Down'
Paddle 3 Fire Same as 'Joy1 Booster'

Driving Controller (cannot be remapped, always associated with joystick controller)

Left Driving Right Driving
Function Key
Left Direction Same as 'Joy0 Left'
Right Direction Same as 'Joy0 Right'
Fire Button Same as 'Joy0 Fire'
Function Key
Left Direction Same as 'Joy1 Left'
Right Direction Same as 'Joy1 Right'
Fire Button Same as 'Joy1 Fire'

Sega Genesis Controller (cannot be remapped, always associated with joystick and booster-grip controllers)

Left Pad Right Pad
Function Key
Pad Up Same as 'Joy0 Up'
Pad Down Same as 'Joy0 Down'
Pad Left Same as 'Joy0 Left'
Pad Right Same as 'Joy0 Right'
Button 'B' Same as 'Joy0 Fire'
Button 'C' Same as 'Joy0 Booster'
Function Key
Pad Up Same as 'Joy1 Up'
Pad Down Same as 'Joy1 Down'
Pad Left Same as 'Joy1 Left'
Pad Right Same as 'Joy1 Right'
Button 'B' Same as 'Joy1 Fire'
Button 'C' Same as 'Joy1 Booster'

Keypad Controller (can be remapped)

Left Keypad Right Keypad
Pad Button Key
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 Q
5 W
6 E
7 A
8 S
9 D
. Z
0 X
# C
Pad Button Key
1 8
2 9
3 0
4 I
5 O
6 P
7 K
8 L
9 ;
. ,
0 .
# /

Developer Keys in TIA mode (cannot be remapped)

Function Key (Standard) Key (MacOSX)
Set "Display.YStart" to next larger value Alt + PageUp Cmd + PageUp
Set "Display.YStart" to next smaller value Alt + PageDown Cmd + PageDown
Set "Display.Height" to next larger value Control + PageUp Control + PageUp
Set "Display.Height" to next smaller value Control + PageDown Control + PageDown
Toggle frame stats (scanline count/fps/bs type/etc) Alt + l Cmd + l
Toggle TIA Player0 object Alt + z Cmd + z
Toggle TIA Player1 object Alt + x Cmd + x
Toggle TIA Missile0 object Alt + c Cmd + c
Toggle TIA Missile1 object Alt + v Cmd + v
Toggle TIA Ball object Alt + b Cmd + b
Toggle TIA Playfield object Alt + n Cmd + n
Toggle TIA Player0 collisions Shift-Alt + z Shift-Cmd + z
Toggle TIA Player1 collisions Shift-Alt + x Shift-Cmd + x
Toggle TIA Missile0 collisions Shift-Alt + c Shift-Cmd + c
Toggle TIA Missile1 collisions Shift-Alt + v Shift-Cmd + v
Toggle TIA Ball collisions Shift-Alt + b Shift-Cmd + b
Toggle TIA Playfield collisions Shift-Alt + n Shift-Cmd + n
Toggle TIA HMOVE blanks Alt + m Cmd + m
Toggle TIA 'Fixed Debug Colors' mode Alt + Comma Cmd + Comma
Turn all TIA objects off Alt + . Cmd + .
Turn all TIA objects on Alt + / Cmd + /
Turn all TIA collisions off Shift-Alt + . Shift-Cmd + .
Turn all TIA collisions on Shift-Alt + / Shift-Cmd + /

Other Keys (cannot be remapped, except those marked with '*')

Function Key (Standard) Key (MacOSX)
Switch to next larger zoom level Alt + = Cmd + =
Switch to next smaller zoom level Alt + - Cmd + -
Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode Alt + Enter Cmd + Enter
Decrease volume (*) Alt + [ Cmd + [
Increase volume (*) Alt + ] Cmd + ]
Toggle display palette (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) Control + f Control + f
Save current properties to a new properties file Control + s Control + s
Set mouse to emulate controller 0 Control + 0 Control + 0
Set mouse to emulate controller 1 Control + 1 Control + 1
Set mouse to emulate controller 2 Control + 2 Control + 2
Set mouse to emulate controller 3 Control + 3 Control + 3
Reload current ROM (singlecart ROM, TIA mode)
Load next game in ROM (multicart ROM, TIA mode)
Control + r Control + r
Reload ROM listing (ROM launcher mode) Control + r Control + r
Emulate 'frying' effect (TIA mode) (*) Backspace Backspace
Go to parent directory (UI mode) (*) Backspace Backspace
Toggle 'phosphor' effect Alt + p Cmd + p
Toggle palette Control + p Control + p
Toggle PAL color-loss effect Control + l Control + l
Save continuous PNG snapshots Alt + s Cmd + s

UI keys in Text Editing areas (cannot be remapped)

KeyEditor Function
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line
DeleteRemove character to right of cursor
BackspaceRemove character to left of cursor
Control-aSame function as 'Home'
Control-eSame function as 'End'
Control-dSame function as 'Delete'
Control-kRemove all characters from cursor to end of line
Control-uRemove all characters from cursor to beginning of line
Control-wRemove entire word to left of cursor
Control-LeftMove cursor to beginning of word to the left
Control-RightMove cursor to beginning of word to the right
Control-cCopy entire line to clipboard (not complete)
Control-vPaste clipboard contents (not complete)

Advanced Configuration

The default options in Stella are meant to cater to as many situations as possible. As such, you may never need to change many of its options. However, Stella is very configurable, and if you want to change its behaviour in some way, there's likely a configuration option to do so. The remainder of this (lengthy) section details every configurable option.

1. Using the Command Line

In addition to the built in ROM launcher, Stella can also be used from the commandline (assuming your operating system has a commandline).

To run Stella from the commandline, use the following format:

   stella [options ...] ROM_FILENAME

Options ('0' or 'false' indicates false, '1' or 'true' indicates true, others are self-explanatory):

Argument Description
-video <soft|gl>
Use software or OpenGL rendering mode.
-gl_lib <filename>
OpenGL mode only. Specify the OpenGL library to use (only use this if you know what you're doing). For MacOSX, this should probably be left blank.
-gl_filter <nearest|linear>
OpenGL mode only. Use GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR filtering. GL_NEAREST results in a scaled, pixelated image, while GL_LINEAR introduces blurring.
-gl_aspectn <number>
-gl_aspectp <number>
OpenGL mode only. Specify the amount (as a percentage) to scale the TIA image width in NTSC and PAL mode. Since many video modes do not use square pixels, you can reduce width until the pixels appear square. Allowable values are 80 - 120; I find 85 - 90 gives the most authentic look for NTSC, and 105 - 110 for PAL.
-gl_fsmax <1|0>
OpenGL mode only. Stretch TIA image while in fullscreen mode.
-gl_vsync <1|0>
OpenGL mode only. Synchronize screen updates to the vertical blank period. This can result in smoother updates, and eliminate tearing.
-gl_texrect <1|0>
OpenGL mode only. Enable GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension. This causes problems for some people using ATI video cards.
-tv_tex <off|normal|stag>
OpenGL 2.0 mode only. Enable TV texturing. The GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension must be disabled for this to work correctly.
-tv_bleed <off|low|medium|high>
OpenGL 2.0 mode only. Enable TV colour bleed emulation. A fast video card with at least 128MB RAM is required to use 'high'. The GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension must be disabled for this to work correctly.
-tv_noise <off|low|medium|high>
OpenGL 2.0 mode only. Enable TV radio frequency noise emulation. A fast video card with at least 128MB RAM is required to use 'high'. The GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension must be disabled for this to work correctly.
-tv_phos <1|0>
OpenGL 2.0 mode only. Enable phosphor effect of TV image. This is in addition to the currently emulated software phosphor effect. The GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension must be disabled for this to work correctly.
-tia_filter <filter>
Use the specified filter while in TIA/emulation mode. Currently, this can be zoomZx, where Z={2..10}.
-fullscreen <1|0|-1>
Play the game in fullscreen mode (1 or 0), or completely disable fullscreen mode (-1).
-fullres <auto|WxH>
Use the given resolution in fullscreen mode. If 'auto', let Stella decide which resolution to use.
-center <1|0>
Centers game window (if possible).
-palette <standard|z26|user>
Set the palette to either normal Stella, the one used in the z26 emulator, or a user-defined palette.
-colorloss <1|0>
Enable/disable the PAL color-loss effect.
-framerate <number>
Display the given number of frames per second. Normally, Stella will determine framerate based on number of scanlines. Setting this to 0 automatically enables auto-frame calculation (ie, framerate based on scanlines).
-timing <sleep|busy>
Determines type of wait to perform between processing frames. Sleep will release the CPU as much as possible, and is the preferred method on laptops (and other low-powered devices) and when using GL VSync. Busy will emulate z26 busy-wait behaviour, and use all possible CPU time, but may eliminate graphical 'tearing' in software mode.
-uimessages <1|0>
Enable or disable display of message in the UI. Note that messages indicating serious errors override this setting, and are always shown.
-sound <1|0>
Enable or disable sound generation.
-fragsize <number>
Specify the sound fragment size to use. Linux/Mac seems to work with 512, Windows may need 2048 (but newer versions work with 512 as well).
-freq <number>
Set sound sample output frequency (0 - 48000). Default is 31400. Do not change unless you experience sound issues.
-tiafreq <number>
Set sound sample generation frequency (0 - 48000). Default is 31400. Do not change unless you experience sound issues.
-volume <number>
Set the volume (0 - 100).
-clipvol <1|0>
Enable volume clipping (eliminates popping). Do not change unless you experience sound issues.
-cheat <code>
Use the specified cheatcode (see Cheat section for description).
-showinfo <0|1|2>
Shows some application & game info on the commandline while Stella is running. Zero completely disables output (except for serious errors), while the remaining numbers show increasingly more detail.
-joydeadzone <number>
Sets the joystick axis deadzone area for joysticks/gamepads. All values within the deadzone are treated as zero-axis values, while only those values outside are registered as valid input. Accepts a number from 0 - 29, and uses the formula 3200 + number * 1000. So the possible deadzone values range from 3200 to 32200.
-joyallow4 <1|0>
Allow all 4 directions on a joystick to be pressed simultaneously. Bumper Bash ignores this setting, and always allows all 4 directions.
-usemouse <1|0>
Enable using the mouse for various controllers (paddle, driving, etc).
-grabmouse <1|0>
Keeps the mouse in the game window in emulation mode.
-dsense <number>
Sensitivity for emulation of paddles when using a digital device (ie, joystick digital axis or button, keyboard key, etc). Valid range of values is from 1 to 10, with larger numbers causing faster movement.
-msense <number>
Sensitivity for emulation of paddles when using a mouse. Valid range of values is from 1 to 10, with larger numbers causing faster movement.
-sa1 <left|right>
Stelladaptor/2600-daptor 1 emulates specified joystick port.
-sa2 <left|right>
Stelladaptor/2600-daptor 2 emulates specified joystick port.
-ctrlcombo <1|0>
Use control-x key combos. This is normally enabled, since the Quit command is tied to 'Control-q'. However, there are times when a 2-player game is using either the 'f' or 'r' keys for movement, and pressing Control (for Fire) will perform an unwanted action associated with Control-r or Control-f.
-autoslot <1|0>
Automatically switch to the next available save state slot after saving a ROM state file.
-stats <1|0>
Overlay console info on the TIA image during emulation.
-audiofirst <1|0>
Initialize the audio subsystem before video when emulating a ROM. This seems to be required when using ATI video cards in OpenGL mode in Windows. Since it doesn't hurt other systems, the default is 1.
-fastscbios <1|0>
Disable Supercharger BIOS progress loading bars.
-ssdir <path>
The directory to save snapshot files to.
-sssingle <1|0>
Generate single snapshot instead of many, overwriting any previous snapshots.
-ss1x <1|0>
Ignore any scaling applied to the TIA image, and save snapshot in unscaled (1x) mode.
-ssinterval <number>
Set the interval in seconds between taking snapshots in continuous snapshot mode (currently, 1 - 10).
-rominfo <rom>
Display detailed information about the given ROM, and then exit Stella.
Prints relevant contents of the Stella ROM database, one ROM per line, and then exit Stella. This can be used for external frontends.
-uselauncher <1|0>
Use the built-in ROM launcher. If disabled, launching Stella will simply print a help message, and exiting a ROM will completely exit the program.
-launcherres <WxH>
Set the size of the ROM launcher.
-launcherfont <small|medium|large>
Set the size of the font in the ROM launcher.
-launcherexts <allfiles|allroms|LIST>
Specifies which files to show in the ROM launcher ('allfiles' is self-explanatory, 'allroms' is all files with valid rom extensions (currently: a26, bin, rom, gz, zip), 'LIST' is a ':' separated list of valid rom extensions.
-romviewer <0|1|2>
Hide ROM info viewer in ROM launcher mode (0), or use the given zoom level (1 or 2).
-uipalette <1|2>
Used the specified palette for UI elements. This isn't yet complete.
-listdelay <delay>
Set the amount of time to wait between treating successive keypresses as a single word in list widgets (value can range from 300-1000).
-mwheel <lines>
Set the number of lines a mousewheel will scroll in the UI.
-romdir <dir>
Set the directory where the ROM launcher will start.
-statedir <dir>
Set the directory in which to access state files.
-cheatfile <file>
Set the full pathname of the cheatfile database.
-palettefile <file>
Set the full pathname of the user-defined palette file.
-propsfile <file>
Set the full pathname of the ROM properties file.
-eepromdir <dir>
Set the directory in which to access EEPROM files.
-cfgdir <dir>
Set the directory in which to access Distella config files.
-avoxport <name>
Set the name of the serial port where an AtariVox is connected.
-maxres <WxH>
Useful for developers, this sets the maximum size of window that can be created, allowing to simulate testing on 'smaller' systems.
Prints a help message describing these options, and then exit Stella.

The following are useful to developers. Only use them if you know what you're doing! Note that in all cases, the values supplied to the arguments are not case sensitive.

Argument Description
-resolvedata <never|always|auto>
Try to differentiate between code vs. data sections in the disassembler. See the Debugger section for more information.
-gfxformat <2|16>
Sets the base to use for displaying GFX sections in the disassembler.
-showaddr <1|0>
Shows/hides opcode addresses in the disassembler.
-debuggerres <WxH>
Set the size of the debugger window.
-break <address>
Set a breakpoint at specified address.
Immediately jump to debugger mode when starting Stella.
Start the emulator with the Game Reset switch held down.
Start the emulator with the Game Select switch held down.
Start the emulator with the left joystick button held down.
-tiadriven <1|0>
Set unused TIA pins to be randomly driven high or low on a read/peek. If disabled, use the last databus value for those pins instead.
-ramrandom <1|0>
On reset, either randomize all RAM content, or zero it out instead.
-bs <type>
Set "Cartridge.Type" property. See the Game Properties section for valid types.
-type <type>
Same as using -bs.
-channels <Mono|Stereo>
Set "Cartridge.Sound" property.
-ld <A|B>
Set "Console.LeftDifficulty" property.
-rd <A|B>
Set "Console.RightDifficulty" property.
-tv <Color|BW>
Set "Console.TelevisionType" property.
-sp <Yes|No>
Set "Console.SwapPorts" property.
-lc <type>
Set "Controller.Left" property. See the Game Properties section for valid types.
-rc <type>
Set "Controller.Right" property. See the Game Properties section for valid types.
-bc <type>
Sets both "Controller.Left" and "Controller.Right" properties. See the Game Properties section for valid types.
-cp <Yes|No>
Set "Controller.SwapPaddles" property.
-format <format>
Set "Display.Format" property. See the Game Properties section for valid formats.
-ystart <number>
Set "Display.YStart" property (0 - 64).
-height <number>
Set "Display.Height" property (210 - 256).
-pp <Yes|No>
Set "Display.Phosphor" property.
-ppblend <number>
Set "Display.PPBlend" property, used for phosphor effect (0-100). Default is 77.

2. Changing Options

All settings can be changed within the integrated Options UI while Stella is running (unless otherwise noted; some settings require an application restart). The Options menu can be accessed from the ROM launcher by clicking the Options button, or in-game by pressing the 'Tab' key.

Options Menu dialog:

Video Settings dialog:

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Renderer (*)use specified rendering mode (requires restart)-video
TIA Filterfilter for emulation mode -tia_filter
TIA Palettepalette for emulation mode-palette
FS Resresolution for fullscreen mode-fullres
Timing (*)how to wait between frames (requires restart)-timing
GL FilterOpenGL filter mode-gl_filter
GL Aspect (N)OpenGL width of TIA image in NTSC mode-gl_aspectn
GL Aspect (P)OpenGL width of TIA image in PAL mode-gl_aspectp
Framerateframes per second in emulation mode-framerate
Fullscreen modeself-explanatory-fullscreen
PAL color-lossuse PAL color-loss effect-colorloss
GL FS Stretchstretch fullscreen OpenGL in emulation mode-gl_fsmax
GL VSyncenable OpenGL vertical synchronization-gl_vsync
Show UI messagesoverlay UI messages onscreen-uimessages
Center windowattempt to center application window-center
Fast SC/AR BIOSSkip progress loading bars for SuperCharger ROMs-fastscbios

Video Settings dialog (TV Effects):

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
TV Color Textureemulate TV pixel texturing-tv_tex
TV Color Bleedemulate TV color bleed-tv_bleed
TV Image Noiseemulate TV RF image noise-tv_noise
TV Phosphor Burn-offemulate TV phosphor mixing-tv_phos

Audio Settings dialog:

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Fragment sizeset size of audio buffers-fragsize
Output freqchange sound output frequency (advanced)-freq
TIA freqchange TIA output frequency (advanced)-tiafreq
Clip volumeEliminate popping in sound generation (advanced)-clipvol
Enable soundself-explanatory-sound

Input Settings dialog:

This dialog is described in further detail in Advanced Configuration - Event Remapping.

UI Settings dialog (3 tabs):

This tab is described in further detail in Advanced Configuration - ROM Launcher.

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Debugger Width/Heightself-explanatory (requires restart)-debuggerres

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Interface Palettepalette to use for UI elements-uipalette
List quick delaytime to wait between keypresses in listwidget-listdelay
Mouse wheel scrollnumber of lines mouse scroll will move in listwidget-mscroll
Show Info levelamount of logging information to display-showinfo

Config Files dialog:

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Rom pathspecifies location of ROM files-romdir
State pathspecifies location of state files-statedir
Cheat filespecifies location of cheatfile database-cheatfile
Palette filespecifies location of user palette-palettefile
Properties file specifies location of external database-propsfile
Snapshot pathspecifies where to load/save snapshots-ssdir
EEPROM pathspecifies location of EEPROM files-eepromdir
Overwrite snapshotswhether to overwrite old snapshots-sssingle
Snapshot in 1x modesave snapshot in 1x mode, without filtering-ss1x
Continuous snapshot intervalinterval (in seconds) between snapshot-ssinterval

Audit ROMs dialog:

This dialog is described in further detail in Advanced Configuration - ROM Audit Mode.

Game Properties dialog:

This dialog allows you to change all ROM properties as described in Advanced Configuration - Game Properties.

3. Event Remapping / Input Devices

Almost every event in Stella can be remapped to another key on the keyboard or to buttons on up to eight joysticks/gamepads (see Getting Started - Keyboard Layout for those events which can/cannot be remapped).

Note that there are currently two separate event modes in Stella; emulation mode and user-interface (UI) mode. Each mode has separate mappings, so (for example) while in emulation mode, the left arrow could mean 'joystick 0 left', while in UI mode it could mean 'move cursor left'. Emulation mode occurs whenever you're actually playing a game. UI mode occurs whenever a user interface is present (ROM launcher, debugger, settings menu, etc). Because of these different modes, there are two separate mapping areas.

To remap an event:

  1. Enter Options menu and click the Input Settings button.
  2. If you wish to remap emulation events, click the 'Emul. Events' tab. Otherwise, click the 'UI Events' tab for user interface events.
  3. Select event you want to remap and click the 'Map' button.
  4. Press a key or a joystick button, and that key/button will be bound to the selected event. If nothing seems to happen, either Stella can't see the input device, or the selected event doesn't support being remapped to the input device.
  5. Cancel a remap in progress by clicking 'Cancel', erase a mapping by clicking 'Erase', or reset to default mapping by clicking 'Reset'
  6. Reset to default all mappings by clicking 'Defaults'.

The following screenshots illustrate the event remapping process:

There is also a 'Combo' button in the 'Emulation Events' tab, accessible when a Combo event has been selected from the list of events on the left. Clicking 'Combo' will show a dialog similar to the following:

In this dialog, you can assign various events to the selected combo event. Note that this simply assigns multiple events to the combo; you still need to map the combo event itself to some action, as described in the 'remap an event' section above.

Device and port settings can be configured under the 'Devices & Ports' tab, shown below:

ItemBrief descriptionFor more information,
see CommandLine
Stelladaptor X isSpecifies which virtual port each Stelladaptor/2600-daptor uses (See Advanced Configuration - Stelladaptor/2600-daptor Support)-sa1 & -sa2
AVox serial portDescribed in further detail in Advanced Configuration - AtariVox/SaveKey Support -avoxport
Joy deadzone sizeDeadzone area for axes on joysticks/gamepads-joydeadzone
Digital paddle sensitivitySensitvity used when emulating a paddle using a digital device-dsense
Mouse paddle sensitivitySensitivity used when emulating a paddle using a mouse-msense
Allow all 4 ...Allow all 4 joystick directions to be pressed simultaneously-joyallow4
Use mouse as ...Use the mouse for various controllers (paddles, driving, etc)-usemouse
Grab mouse ...Keep mouse in window in emulation mode-grabmouse

4. ROM Launcher

Several options are configurable in the ROM launcher. The size of the launcher and fonts, as well as the 'ROM info viewer' can be changed in UI Settings => Launcher dialog, as shown below:

Most of the options are self-explanatory, except for the 'ROM Info viewer', which is described below.

Stella supports viewing snapshots and ROM properties of the currently selected ROM in the ROM launcher. Support is automatic, as long as your snapshot directory contains snapshots in the appropriate format. An archive of updated snapshots will be available on the Stella webpage. This archive may be updated periodically as new ROMs are found, and also for each new release of Stella. Note that the snapshots can be any size generated by Stella; they will be resized accordingly.

Currently, there are several restrictions for this feature:

  1. The ROM info viewer can be shown in 1x or 2x mode only.
  2. To view snapshots in 1x mode, the ROM launcher window must be sized at least 640x480. If the launcher isn't large enough, the functionality will be disabled.
  3. To view snapshots in 2x mode, the ROM launcher window must be sized at least 1000x760. If the launcher isn't large enough, an attempt will be made to use 1x mode.

The following snapshots illustrate the various font sizes and rom info zoom levels:

ROM info viewer in 1x mode, UI sized 800x480, small launcher font:

ROM info viewer in 1x mode, UI sized 1000x760, medium launcher font:

ROM info viewer in 2x mode, UI sized 1400x900, large launcher font:

The text box in the upper right corner can be used to narrow down the results in the ROM listing. When this box is empty, all files are shown (subject to the restrictions from the filtering option, explained below). Typing characters here will show only those files that match that pattern. For example, typing 'Activision' will show only files that contain the word 'Activision' in their name. This is very useful for quickly finding a group of related ROMs. Note that the search is not case sensitive, so you don't need to worry about capital or lower-case letters.

The ROM launcher also contains a context menu, selected by clicking the right mouse button anywhere in the current window. This context menu contains the following items:

  1. Override properties: Selecting this option shows a dialog whereby ROM properties can be temporarily overriden. Selecting options from this dialog will cause all ROMs launched after that to use those properties you specify. Clicking Default will disable its functionality, and use ROM properties as defined by the ROM itself. The dialog is as follows (See Advanced Configuration - Game Properties for more information concerning ROM properties):

    ItemFor more information,
    see Commandline
    Bankswitch type-bs
    Left Difficulty-ld
    Right Difficulty-rd
    TV Type-tv
    Hold Select down-holdselect
    Hold Reset down-holdreset
    Hold Button 0 down-holdbutton0

  2. Filter listing: Selecting this option shows a dialog whereby one can filter the types of files shown in the listing. The dialog is as follows:

    Currently, the choices are as follows:

    • All files - self explanatory, show all files in the ROM listing. This is the default, and emulates the behaviour of all previous versions of Stella.
    • All roms - show only files with a valid ROM extension. Currently, this means extensions .a26, .bin, .rom, .gz, .zip.
    • ROMs ending with - show only files with a ROM extension as selected from the checkboxes.

  3. Reload listing: Selecting this performs a reload of the current listing. It is an alternative to pressing the Control-r key combo.

5. ROM Audit Mode

Stella has the ability to rename all your ROMs according to the name specified in the properties database. This is useful if you've downloaded ROMs in DOS 8.3 naming format, and wish the filenames to be more descriptive, or the current filenames are too large to see in the launcher.

This feature is accessible from Options => Audit ROMs, and is only available while in ROM launcher mode. The dialog box for this feature is as follows:

Simply select the ROM path with the 'Audit path' button, and click the 'Audit' button. The ROMs will then be renamed according to their internal properties. When the operation is complete, the number of ROMs that were renamed (as well as ones that weren't) will be shown.

There are several items to take note of:

6. Stelladaptor/2600-daptor Support

Stella supports real Atari 2600 joysticks, paddles and driving controllers using the Stelladaptor and 2600-adaptor devices.

Stella can use up to two adaptors; any extra ones are ignored. Stelladaptor devices will be automatically detected and configured. Devices can be plugged/unplugged while the emulator is running, although you will need to restart the game currently being emulated.

The detection and configuration is as follows:

7. AtariVox/SaveKey Support

Stella supports a real AtariVox device for the speech/SpeakJet portion of the controller. You will need a real AtariVox device, located here, as well as some means of connecting it to your computer (some sort of serial port/USB adaptor). There should be drivers for your serial convertor, which allow your particular operating system to 'see' the device (configuring this is outside the scope of this document). Once your operating system properly detects the AtariVox, you will need to tell Stella which serial port it is connected to. This is done by using the '-avoxport' commandline argument, or by setting it in the UI under the 'Devices & Ports' tab in Advanced Configuration - Input Devices.

Note that you must use the entire name of the port as specified by your operating system. For example, in Windows this would be COM1, COM2, etc; Linux and MacOSX tend to use names similar to '/dev/xxxxxx'. For now, only Linux/UNIX, MacOSX, and Windows are supported.

Support for the EEPROM portion of the AtariVox and SaveKey is currently emulated. That is, a file will be created on your computer simulating the EEPROM; the actual EEPROM hardware itself will not be accessed or modified. This is very useful in the testing stages of creating a new game, since writing to a real EEPROM many times will eventually wear it out.

The location of the EEPROM files are configurable through the '-eepromdir' commandline argument and within the application itself (see Advanced Configuration - Config Files). If the path for these files hasn't been set, the default location will depend on the version of Stella, as follows:

Linux/Unix ~/.stella/atarivox_eeprom.dat
Macintosh ~/Library/Application Support/Stella/atarivox_eeprom.dat
~/Library/Application Support/Stella/savekey_eeprom.dat
Windows %APPDATA%\Stella\atarivox_eeprom.dat
(if a file named 'basedir.txt' exists in the application directory containing the full pathname for _BASEDIR_)

Note that these EEPROM files will be created when necessary, and initialized as a real EEPROM would be (containing all $FF). The files can be manually deleted, which is very useful in testing cases where a ROM is accessing the EEPROM for the first time.

8. Developer Options/Integrated Debugger

Many options are available for ROM developers, which are described in different sections of this manual, as follows:

Finally, Stella contains an extensive, built-in debugger. Have a look at this page for integrated debugger documentation.

9. Settings File

Stella will remember when you change a setting either at the command line or while the emulation is running, and use the settings the next time you start the emulator. The settings are saved in a text file which can be edited outside of Stella. This file can contain your default options, and eliminates the need to specify them on the command line. Any options specified on the command line will override those in the settings file.

The syntax for the settings file is very straightforward. Any line starting with a ';' character is considered a comment and is ignored. Other lines must be of the form: command = value, where command is the same as that specified on the command line (without the '-' character), and value is dependent on the command.

For example, the following table illustrates how command line and settings entries are similar:

Command Line Settings File
-video gl video = gl
-volume 75 volume = 75
-showinfo 1 showinfo = 1 (or showinfo = true)

The settings file has a special name/location depending on which version of Stella you use, which is currently not configurable:

Linux/Unix $HOME/.stella/stellarc
Macintosh Not applicable; settings are saved in ~/Library/Preferences/net.sourceforge.Stella.plist
Windows %APPDATA%\Stella\stella.ini    OR
_BASEDIR_\stella.ini    (if a file named 'basedir.txt' exists in the application directory containing the full pathname for _BASEDIR_)

10. Cheatcode Manager

Stella contains support for Bob Colbert's Cheetah cheat codes, as well as an extended Stella-specific type of cheat code that works on bankswitched ROMs.

To add/remove/edit a cheat code, enter the 'Cheat Code' dialog:

Currently, there are three types of cheatcodes available, all of which must be entered in hexidecimal format:

There's also the concept of one shot codes. These codes work exactly the same as above, except they aren't saved. They are evaluated once and immediately discarded.

Here are a few cheat codes we've found:

Pitfall (standard Cheetah codes):
   5b0ea1 - infinite lives
   723ea1 - infinite time
   aa5??0 - set starting level, ?? = 01 to ff (d0 is kinda neat)

Battlezone (Stella extended codes):
   1236ea1 - infinite lives

Ms Pac-Man (Stella extended codes):
   108fea1 - infinite lives

The name of the cheat database file is configurable through the '-cheatfile' commandline argument and within the application itself (see Advanced Configuration - Config Files). If the path for this file hasn't been set, the default filename will depend on the version of Stella, as follows:

Linux/Unix $HOME/.stella/stella.cht
Macintosh ~/Library/Application Support/Stella/stella.cht
Windows %APPDATA%\Stella\stella.cht    OR
_BASEDIR_\stella.cht    (if a file named 'basedir.txt' exists in the application directory containing the full pathname for _BASEDIR_)

Stella will require a restart for changes to this file to take effect.

11. Game Properties

Stella uses game properties to specify the "best" emulator settings for a game. As of version 2.2 of Stella, a default database of properties are built-in, but you may modify these through the use of a file. This file will contain all properties modified by the user. So this means that when you upgrade Stella, your personal properties settings are preserved.

Property File

A property file consists of some number of blocks. Each block in the file contains the properties for a single game. For example the general format of a property file is:

   ; Comments
   "Cartridge.MD5"      "Value"
   "Property"           "Value"

   ; Comments
   "Cartridge.MD5"      "Value"
   "Property"           "Value"

   . . .

   ; Comments
   "Cartridge.MD5"      "Value"
   "Property"           "Value"

Every block in the property file must have a unique value for the Cartridge.MD5 property.


Each block in a property file consists of a set of properties for a single game. Stella supports the properties described below:

Cartridge.MD5: Indicates the MD5 checksum of the ROM image as a string of hexadecimal digits. Stella uses this property while attempting to match a game with its block of properties. If the value of the property matches the MD5 checksum of the ROM image then Stella uses that block of properties for the game. You can use the GNU md5sum program, which is included with most Linux distributions, to calculate the MD5 checksum of a ROM image.
Cartridge.Manufacturer: Indicates the game's manufacturer.
Cartridge.ModelNo: Indicates the manufacturer's model number for the game.
Cartridge.Name: Indicates the actual name of the game. When you save snapshots, load/save state files, or use the 'ROM Audit' functionality, this is the name that will be used for the respective file(s).
Cartridge.Note: Contains any special notes about playing the game.
Cartridge.Rarity: Indicates how rare a cartridge is, based on the scale described on AtariAge.
Cartridge.Sound: Indicates if the game should use 1 or 2 channels for sound output. All original Atari 2600 machines supported 1 channel only, but some homebrew games have been written to take advantage of stereo sound. The value must be Mono or Stereo.
Cartridge.Type: Indicates the bank-switching type for the game. The value of this property must be either Auto-detect or one of the following (for more information about bank-switching see Kevin Horton's 2600 bankswitching document or the documentation in each cartridges source code file). Types marked as (¹) do not currently have reliable auto-detection, those marked as (²) are not fully supported in the debugger:
 Type Description
0840 8K ECONObanking
2IN1 ¹4-32K Multicart (2 games)
4IN1 ¹8-32K Multicart (4 games)
8IN1 ¹16-64K Multicart (8 games)
16IN1 ¹32-128K Multicart (16 games)
32IN1 ¹64-128K Multicart (32 games)
2K 64-2048 byte Atari
3E 32K Tigervision
3F 512K Tigervision
4A50 64K 4A50 + ram
4K 4K Atari
AR Supercharger
CV Commavid extra ram
DPC Pitfall II
DPC+Enhanced DPC
E0 8K Parker Bros
E7 16K M-network
EF 64K Homestar Runner
EFSC 64K Homestar Runner + ram
F0 Dynacom Megaboy
F4 32K Atari
F4SC 32K Atari + ram
F6 16K Atari
F6SC 16K Atari + ram
F8 8K Atari
F8SC 8K Atari + ram
FE 8K Decathlon
MC ¹²C. Wilkson Megacart
SB 128-256k SUPERbanking
UA 8K UA Ltd.
X07 ¹64K AtariAge
Console.LeftDifficulty: Indicates the default difficulty setting for the left player. The value must be A or B.
Console.RightDifficulty: Indicates the default difficulty setting for the right player. The value must be A or B.
Console.TelevisionType: Indicates the default television setting for the game. The value must be Color or BW.
Console.SwapPorts: Indicates that the left and right ports should be swapped internally. This is used for ROMs like 'Raiders' where the Player 0 joystick is plugged into the right joystick port. The value must be Yes or No.
Indicates what type of controller the left and right player uses. The value must be one of the following types:
 Type Description
Joystick Atari's famous black joystick that was originally included with the system.
BoosterGrip A controller add-in that plugs directly into the joystick port and provides a pass-through for the joystick. In doing so, it provides the two independent buttons.
Paddles Standard paddle controllers for use with games such as Breakout and Warlords. One pair of controller per connector (allows for 4-player Warlords).
Paddles_IAxis Same as Paddles, except the axes are inverted.
Paddles_IDir Same as Paddles, except the direction of movement is inverted.
Paddles_IAxDr Same as Paddles, except both the axes and direction of movement is inverted.
Driving Looks like a paddle, but allows 360' movement. Only one unit per connector, unlike paddles which were sold in pairs.
Keyboard Also known as the Star Raiders controller, functionally identical to the Kid's Controller and Keyboard Controller. Game included an overlay with commands, for use with Star Raiders.
Trackball22 Standard Atari 2600 CX-22 trackball controller.
Trackball80 Atari ST CX-80 trackball controller.
AmigaMouseCommodore Amiga computer mouse.
AtariVoxA SpeakJet based unlimited-vocabulary speech / sound synthesizer with 32K EEPROM.
SaveKeyA 32K EEPROM for saving high scores, etc (the EEPROM portion of an AtariVox).
Genesis Sega Genesis controller, which can be used similar to a BoosterGrip, giving two extra buttons.
Controller.SwapPaddles: Indicates that the left and right paddles in a particular port should be swapped. This is used for ROMs like 'Demons to Diamonds' where the default paddle is paddle 1, not paddle 0. Other ROMs such as 'Tac-Scan' default to paddle 3, which can be set using both 'Controller.SwapPaddles' and 'Console.SwapPorts'. The value must be Yes or No.
Display.Format: Indicates the television format the game was designed for. The value must be Auto-detect, NTSC, PAL, SECAM, NTSC50, PAL60 or SECAM60.
Display.YStart: Indicates the scan-line to start displaying at. The value must be n such that 0 <= n <= 64.
Display.Height: Indicates the number of scan-lines to display. The value must be n such that 210 <= n <= 256.
Display.Phosphor: Indicates whether the phosphor effect should be emulated or not. The value must be Yes or No.
Display.PPBlend: Indicates the amount of blending which will occur while using the phosphor effect. The value must be n such that 0 <= n <= 100. The default value is 77.

The name of the properties file is configurable through the '-propsfile' commandline argument and within the application itself (see Advanced Configuration - Config Files). If the path for this file hasn't been set, the default filename will depend on the version of Stella, as follows:

Linux/Unix $HOME/.stella/
Macintosh ~/Library/Application Support/Stella/
Windows %APPDATA%\Stella\    OR
_BASEDIR_\    (if a file named 'basedir.txt' exists in the application directory containing the full pathname for _BASEDIR_)

Stella will require a restart for changes to this file to take effect.

12. Palette Support

An Atari 2600 palette consists of 128 colours, which are different for the three major television standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM). Stella supports two built-in palettes and one user-defined palette for each format. These are set using the '-palette' option, and are described as follows:

standard The default palette from Stella 1.4 onwards.
z26 The palette from the z26 emulator.
user An external palette file, supplied by the user.

A user-defined palette has certain restrictions, further described as follows:

The name of the palette file is configurable through the '-palettefile' commandline argument and within the application itself (see Advanced Configuration - Config Files). If the path for this file hasn't been set, the default filename will depend on the version of Stella, as follows:

Linux/Unix $HOME/.stella/stella.pal
Macintosh ~/Library/Application Support/Stella/stella.pal
Windows %APPDATA%\Stella\stella.pal    OR
_BASEDIR_\stella.pal    (if a file named 'basedir.txt' exists in the application directory containing the full pathname for _BASEDIR_)

Note that to actually use the external palette, the palette file must exist and be valid, and the palette option should be set to user (in Video Settings dialog). The current ROM will have to be reloaded for changes to this file to take effect.


Bradford W. Mott started developing Stella during the fall of 1995, and Stephen Anthony has maintained the project since around 2004. Over the years, a number of people from around the world have contributed to the project. Some people have provided technical help while others have offered suggestions and praise. The Stella Team is grateful for all the help and support it has received over the years. The following is an incomplete list of the people who have played a part in bringing Stella to you. If I've missed someone, please let me know.

Provided much feedback and testing which eventually led to a fix for the infamous ATI OpenGL 'red screen' issue
Stephen Anthony
Ported Stella 1.1 to SDL. Added extra command line options to X11/SDL versions. Added INI file support, faster startup, snapshot support, and pause functionality to core. Converted Stella 1.1 manual to HTML. Ported codebase to SDL for Windows/MacOSX. Added OpenGL support and Stelladaptor/2600-daptor support. Current maintainer for the Linux, MacOSX and Windows versions.
David Aspell Ported release 0.7 of Stella to Java
Christopher Bennett Helped discover a Superchanger emulation bug in release 1.0 of Stella
Alexander Bilstein Provided "A Brief History of the Atari 2600" for this manual
Ian Bogost and the Georgia Tech Atari Team
(CRT Simulation Project)
Contributed code for the 'CRT simulation' OpenGL filters. The Winter 2009 team members are Edward Booth, Michael Cook, Justin Dobbs, William Rowland and Prince Yang.
Dan Boris Provided technical information on the Supercharger
Piero Cavina Allowed "Oystron" to be included in the Stella distribution
Bob Colbert Allowed "Okie Dokie" to be included in the Stella distribution
Joe D'Andrea Author of the IRIX port of Stella until release 1.2
Renato Ferreira Provided code to support private colormaps under Unix
Ron Fries Author of the awesome TIA Sound library
Aaron Giles Author of the Power Macintosh version of Stella until release 1.1
Mark Grebe
Author of the Macintosh OSX version of Stella from releases 1.4 to 2.4; helped with Stelladaptor support
Tom Hafner
Generously donated a 2600-daptor device and sample code to help with development
Mark Hahn Allowed "Elk Attack" to be included in the Stella distribution and provided help with the TIA HMOVE blank bug
Alex Herbert Provided much information on AtariVox and SaveKey functionality
Kevin Horton Author of the definitive Atari 2600 bank-switching document
Richard Hutchinson Provided an AtariVox USB adaptor to help with AVox development
Thomas Jentzsch Provided updated NTSC palette and many ideas
Andrew Kator
Provided PHP and CSS code for a major update to the Stella website
Richard Kennehan Donated Atari light-sixer, various controllers, and several games to help in testing ROMs on a real system
Kostas Nakos Author/maintainer of the WinCE version of Stella from releases 2.0 to 2.3.5
Erik Kovach Author of the property file for release 0.7, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of Stella
Daniel Marks Provided improved keyboard joystick support for Stella release 0.1
James Mcclain Provided patches for the 1.2 release to get Stella to compile with GCC 3.0
David McEwen Author of the Acorn version of Stella
Jeff Miller Author of the Windows version of Stella until release 1.2
Dan Mowczan Provided a Supercharger to help with Stella's development
Jack Nutting Author of the OpenStep version of Stella
Omegamatrix Provided test ROMs which led to more accurate emulation for SWCHx/SWxCNT and RIOT behaviour, and for 'illegal' TIA reads
John Payson Provided EEPROM emulation code for AtariVox and SaveKey support
Wilbert Pol Provided many ideas and some sample algorithms for greatly improving 'illegal HMOVE' emulation
Manuel Polik Author of the Windows version of Stella (Cyberstella) starting with the 1.2 release until its retirement
Jim Pragit Author of the "Game Menu" emulator game shell
(RomHunter ROMs)
Provides an updated database of ROM information on a regular basis
John Saeger Participated in a helpful discussion on understanding the TIA's RESPx multi-sprite trick
Chris Salomon Provided information and code to help implement Supercharger support
Glenn Saunders Provided a Supercharger to help with Stella's development
Jason Scott Organizer of the property file archive for early versions of Stella
Seagtgruff Provided test ROMs which finally fixed all remaining issues with ADC/SBC opcode decimal mode emulation
David Shaw Provided make targets for the BSDI platform
Raul Silva Helped with design and graphics for an early version of the Stella web site
Chris Snell Maintained a mirror of the Stella FTP site
Darrell Spice Jr. Author of the OS/2 version of Stella
John Stiles Maintained the Macintosh version of Stella until release 1.2
Eckhard Stolberg Provided a description of the TIA bug that produces the star field effect in Cosmic Ark, provided the PAL television palette, and participated in a helpful discussion on understanding the TIA's RESPx multi-sprite trick. Provided the Commavid, Megaboy, 4A50 and X07 support for Stella as well as some improved Supercharger BIOS code.
Matthew Stroup Author of the Amiga version of Stella
Joel Sutton Author of the FreeBSD version of Stella
Greg Troutman Allowed "This Planet Sucks" to be included in the Stella distribution
Robert Tuccitto Provided valuable bugtesting and feedback which finally helped in fixing a long-standing lockup which occurred after Stella has been running for 71 minutes.
Curt Vendel Provided schematics of the TIA which are being used to improve the TIA emulation.
David Voswinkel Maintainer of the PSP version of Stella starting with the 2.0 release until release 2.2
Brian Watson Helped with getting the illegal CPU instruction support working with Stella. Brian also submitted a number of other changes, such as debugger support, which have been finally integrated into the 2.0 release of Stella. Without a doubt, there would be no debugger support in Stella if not for the tireless work of Brian.
Keith Wilkins Maintained the DOS version of Stella until release 0.7
Jeff Wisnia Provided technical data sheet for the 6532 RIOT chip
Albert Yarusso
Provided helpful feedback for the MacOSX port, and generously donated an AtariVox device to help with development
Alex Zaballa Maintainer of the GP2X version of Stella from releases 2.1 to 2.3.5

License and Disclaimer


Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.


0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.

6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.

7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.

8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.