//============================================================================ // // SSSS tt lll lll // SS SS tt ll ll // SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa // SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa // SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator" // SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa // SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa // // Copyright (c) 1995-2010 by Bradford W. Mott and the Stella Team // // See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of // this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. // // $Id$ //============================================================================ #include #include #include "M6502.hxx" #include "System.hxx" #include "CartAR.hxx" // TODO - properly handle read from write port functionality // Note: do r/w port restrictions even exist for this scheme?? // Port to new CartDebug/disassembler scheme // Add bankchanged code // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CartridgeAR::CartridgeAR(const uInt8* image, uInt32 size, const Settings& settings) : my6502(0), mySettings(settings) { // Minimum size supported internally is 8448 bytes uInt32 minsize = BSPF_max(size, 8448u); // Create a load image buffer and copy the given image myLoadImages = new uInt8[minsize]; myNumberOfLoadImages = minsize / 8448; memcpy(myLoadImages, image, size); // Add header if image doesn't include it if(size < 8448) memcpy(myLoadImages+8192, ourDefaultHeader, 256); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CartridgeAR::~CartridgeAR() { delete[] myLoadImages; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::reset() { // Initialize RAM with random values for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 6 * 1024; ++i) myImage[i] = mySystem->randGenerator().next(); // Initialize SC BIOS ROM initializeROM(); myPower = true; myPowerRomCycle = mySystem->cycles(); myWriteEnabled = false; myDataHoldRegister = 0; myNumberOfDistinctAccesses = 0; myWritePending = false; // Set bank configuration upon reset so ROM is selected and powered up bankConfiguration(0); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::systemCyclesReset() { // Get the current system cycle uInt32 cycles = mySystem->cycles(); // Adjust cycle values myPowerRomCycle -= cycles; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::install(System& system) { mySystem = &system; uInt16 shift = mySystem->pageShift(); uInt16 mask = mySystem->pageMask(); my6502 = &(mySystem->m6502()); // Make sure the system we're being installed in has a page size that'll work assert((0x1000 & mask) == 0); System::PageAccess access; for(uInt32 i = 0x1000; i < 0x2000; i += (1 << shift)) { access.directPeekBase = 0; access.directPokeBase = 0; access.device = this; mySystem->setPageAccess(i >> shift, access); } bankConfiguration(0); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uInt8 CartridgeAR::peek(uInt16 addr) { // Is the "dummy" SC BIOS hotspot for reading a load being accessed? if(((addr & 0x1FFF) == 0x1850) && (myImageOffset[1] == (3 * 2048))) { // Get load that's being accessed (BIOS places load number at 0x80) uInt8 load = mySystem->peek(0x0080); // Read the specified load into RAM loadIntoRAM(load); return myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[1]]; } // Cancel any pending write if more than 5 distinct accesses have occurred // TODO: Modify to handle when the distinct counter wraps around... if(myWritePending && (my6502->distinctAccesses() > myNumberOfDistinctAccesses + 5)) { myWritePending = false; } // Is the data hold register being set? if(!(addr & 0x0F00) && (!myWriteEnabled || !myWritePending)) { myDataHoldRegister = addr; myNumberOfDistinctAccesses = my6502->distinctAccesses(); myWritePending = true; } // Is the bank configuration hotspot being accessed? else if((addr & 0x1FFF) == 0x1FF8) { // Yes, so handle bank configuration myWritePending = false; bankConfiguration(myDataHoldRegister); } // Handle poke if writing enabled else if(myWriteEnabled && myWritePending && (my6502->distinctAccesses() == (myNumberOfDistinctAccesses + 5))) { if((addr & 0x0800) == 0) myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[0]] = myDataHoldRegister; else if(myImageOffset[1] != 3 * 2048) // Can't poke to ROM :-) myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[1]] = myDataHoldRegister; myWritePending = false; } return myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[(addr & 0x0800) ? 1 : 0]]; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bool CartridgeAR::poke(uInt16 addr, uInt8) { // Cancel any pending write if more than 5 distinct accesses have occurred // TODO: Modify to handle when the distinct counter wraps around... if(myWritePending && (my6502->distinctAccesses() > myNumberOfDistinctAccesses + 5)) { myWritePending = false; } // Is the data hold register being set? if(!(addr & 0x0F00) && (!myWriteEnabled || !myWritePending)) { myDataHoldRegister = addr; myNumberOfDistinctAccesses = my6502->distinctAccesses(); myWritePending = true; } // Is the bank configuration hotspot being accessed? else if((addr & 0x1FFF) == 0x1FF8) { // Yes, so handle bank configuration myWritePending = false; bankConfiguration(myDataHoldRegister); } // Handle poke if writing enabled else if(myWriteEnabled && myWritePending && (my6502->distinctAccesses() == (myNumberOfDistinctAccesses + 5))) { if((addr & 0x0800) == 0) myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[0]] = myDataHoldRegister; else if(myImageOffset[1] != 3 * 2048) // Can't poke to ROM :-) myImage[(addr & 0x07FF) + myImageOffset[1]] = myDataHoldRegister; myWritePending = false; } return false; // FIXME } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::bankConfiguration(uInt8 configuration) { // D7-D5 of this byte: Write Pulse Delay (n/a for emulator) // // D4-D0: RAM/ROM configuration: // $F000-F7FF $F800-FFFF Address range that banks map into // 000wp 2 ROM // 001wp 0 ROM // 010wp 2 0 as used in Commie Mutants and many others // 011wp 0 2 as used in Suicide Mission // 100wp 2 ROM // 101wp 1 ROM // 110wp 2 1 as used in Killer Satellites // 111wp 1 2 as we use for 2k/4k ROM cloning // // w = Write Enable (1 = enabled; accesses to $F000-$F0FF cause writes // to happen. 0 = disabled, and the cart acts like ROM.) // p = ROM Power (0 = enabled, 1 = off.) Only power the ROM if you're // wanting to access the ROM for multiloads. Otherwise set to 1. myCurrentBank = configuration & 0x1f; // remember for the bank() method // Handle ROM power configuration myPower = !(configuration & 0x01); if(myPower) { myPowerRomCycle = mySystem->cycles(); } myWriteEnabled = configuration & 0x02; switch((configuration >> 2) & 0x07) { case 0: { myImageOffset[0] = 2 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 3 * 2048; break; } case 1: { myImageOffset[0] = 0 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 3 * 2048; break; } case 2: { myImageOffset[0] = 2 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 0 * 2048; break; } case 3: { myImageOffset[0] = 0 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 2 * 2048; break; } case 4: { myImageOffset[0] = 2 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 3 * 2048; break; } case 5: { myImageOffset[0] = 1 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 3 * 2048; break; } case 6: { myImageOffset[0] = 2 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 1 * 2048; break; } case 7: { myImageOffset[0] = 1 * 2048; myImageOffset[1] = 2 * 2048; break; } } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::initializeROM() { // Note that the following offsets depend on the 'scrom.asm' file // in src/emucore/misc. If that file is ever recompiled (and its // contents placed in the ourDummyROMCode array), the offsets will // almost definitely change // The scrom.asm code checks a value at offset 109 as follows: // 0xff -> do a complete jump over the SC BIOS progress bars code // 0x0 -> show SC BIOS progress bars as normal ourDummyROMCode[109] = mySettings.getBool("fastscbios") ? 0xff : 0x0; // The accumulator should contain a random value after exiting the // SC BIOS code - a value placed in offset 281 will be stored in A ourDummyROMCode[281] = mySystem->randGenerator().next(); // Initialize ROM with illegal 6502 opcode that causes a real 6502 to jam for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 2048; ++i) myImage[3 * 2048 + i] = 0x02; // Copy the "dummy" Supercharger BIOS code into the ROM area for(uInt32 j = 0; j < sizeof(ourDummyROMCode); ++j) myImage[3 * 2048 + j] = ourDummyROMCode[j]; // Finally set 6502 vectors to point to initial load code at 0xF80A of BIOS myImage[3 * 2048 + 2044] = 0x0A; myImage[3 * 2048 + 2045] = 0xF8; myImage[3 * 2048 + 2046] = 0x0A; myImage[3 * 2048 + 2047] = 0xF8; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uInt8 CartridgeAR::checksum(uInt8* s, uInt16 length) { uInt8 sum = 0; for(uInt32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) sum += s[i]; return sum; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::loadIntoRAM(uInt8 load) { uInt16 image; // Scan through all of the loads to see if we find the one we're looking for for(image = 0; image < myNumberOfLoadImages; ++image) { // Is this the correct load? if(myLoadImages[(image * 8448) + 8192 + 5] == load) { // Copy the load's header memcpy(myHeader, myLoadImages + (image * 8448) + 8192, 256); // Verify the load's header if(checksum(myHeader, 8) != 0x55) { cerr << "WARNING: The Supercharger header checksum is invalid...\n"; } // Load all of the pages from the load bool invalidPageChecksumSeen = false; for(uInt32 j = 0; j < myHeader[3]; ++j) { uInt32 bank = myHeader[16 + j] & 0x03; uInt32 page = (myHeader[16 + j] >> 2) & 0x07; uInt8* src = myLoadImages + (image * 8448) + (j * 256); uInt8 sum = checksum(src, 256) + myHeader[16 + j] + myHeader[64 + j]; if(!invalidPageChecksumSeen && (sum != 0x55)) { cerr << "WARNING: Some Supercharger page checksums are invalid...\n"; invalidPageChecksumSeen = true; } // Copy page to Supercharger RAM (don't allow a copy into ROM area) if(bank < 3) { memcpy(myImage + (bank * 2048) + (page * 256), src, 256); } } // Copy the bank switching byte and starting address into the 2600's // RAM for the "dummy" SC BIOS to access it mySystem->poke(0xfe, myHeader[0]); mySystem->poke(0xff, myHeader[1]); mySystem->poke(0x80, myHeader[2]); return; } } // TODO: Should probably switch to an internal ROM routine to display // this message to the user... cerr << "ERROR: Supercharger load is missing from ROM image...\n"; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void CartridgeAR::bank(uInt16 bank) { if(bankLocked()) return; bankConfiguration(bank); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - int CartridgeAR::bank() { return myCurrentBank; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - int CartridgeAR::bankCount() { // TODO - this should depend on ROM size return 32; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bool CartridgeAR::patch(uInt16 address, uInt8 value) { // TODO - add support for debugger return false; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uInt8* CartridgeAR::getImage(int& size) { size = myNumberOfLoadImages * 8448; return &myLoadImages[0]; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bool CartridgeAR::save(Serializer& out) const { const string& cart = name(); try { uInt32 i; out.putString(cart); // Indicates the offest within the image for the corresponding bank out.putInt(2); for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) out.putInt(myImageOffset[i]); // The 6K of RAM and 2K of ROM contained in the Supercharger out.putInt(8192); for(i = 0; i < 8192; ++i) out.putByte((char)myImage[i]); // The 256 byte header for the current 8448 byte load out.putInt(256); for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) out.putByte((char)myHeader[i]); // All of the 8448 byte loads associated with the game // Note that the size of this array is myNumberOfLoadImages * 8448 out.putInt(myNumberOfLoadImages * 8448); for(i = 0; i < (uInt32) myNumberOfLoadImages * 8448; ++i) out.putInt(myLoadImages[i]); // Indicates how many 8448 loads there are out.putByte((char)myNumberOfLoadImages); // Indicates if the RAM is write enabled out.putBool(myWriteEnabled); // Indicates if the ROM's power is on or off out.putBool(myPower); // Indicates when the power was last turned on out.putInt(myPowerRomCycle); // Data hold register used for writing out.putByte((char)myDataHoldRegister); // Indicates number of distinct accesses when data hold register was set out.putInt(myNumberOfDistinctAccesses); // Indicates if a write is pending or not out.putBool(myWritePending); } catch(const char* msg) { cerr << "ERROR: CartridgeAR::save" << endl << " " << msg << endl; return false; } return true; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bool CartridgeAR::load(Serializer& in) { const string& cart = name(); try { if(in.getString() != cart) return false; uInt32 i, limit; // Indicates the offest within the image for the corresponding bank limit = (uInt32) in.getInt(); for(i = 0; i < limit; ++i) myImageOffset[i] = (uInt32) in.getInt(); // The 6K of RAM and 2K of ROM contained in the Supercharger limit = (uInt32) in.getInt(); for(i = 0; i < limit; ++i) myImage[i] = (uInt8) in.getByte(); // The 256 byte header for the current 8448 byte load limit = (uInt32) in.getInt(); for(i = 0; i < limit; ++i) myHeader[i] = (uInt8) in.getByte(); // All of the 8448 byte loads associated with the game // Note that the size of this array is myNumberOfLoadImages * 8448 limit = (uInt32) in.getInt(); for(i = 0; i < limit; ++i) myLoadImages[i] = (uInt8) in.getInt(); // Indicates how many 8448 loads there are myNumberOfLoadImages = (uInt8) in.getByte(); // Indicates if the RAM is write enabled myWriteEnabled = in.getBool(); // Indicates if the ROM's power is on or off myPower = in.getBool(); // Indicates when the power was last turned on myPowerRomCycle = (Int32) in.getInt(); // Data hold register used for writing myDataHoldRegister = (uInt8) in.getByte(); // Indicates number of distinct accesses when data hold register was set myNumberOfDistinctAccesses = (uInt32) in.getInt(); // Indicates if a write is pending or not myWritePending = in.getBool(); } catch(const char* msg) { cerr << "ERROR: CartridgeAR::load" << endl << " " << msg << endl; return false; } return true; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uInt8 CartridgeAR::ourDummyROMCode[] = { 0xa5, 0xfa, 0x85, 0x80, 0x4c, 0x18, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x78, 0xd8, 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x94, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0x4c, 0x50, 0xf8, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x06, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xea, 0xbd, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xca, 0xd0, 0xf6, 0x4c, 0x50, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xa2, 0x03, 0xbc, 0x22, 0xf9, 0x94, 0xfa, 0xca, 0x10, 0xf8, 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x28, 0x94, 0x04, 0xca, 0x10, 0xfb, 0xa2, 0x1c, 0x94, 0x81, 0xca, 0x10, 0xfb, 0xa9, 0xff, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xd0, 0x03, 0x4c, 0x13, 0xf9, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x85, 0x1b, 0x85, 0x1c, 0x85, 0x1d, 0x85, 0x1e, 0x85, 0x1f, 0x85, 0x19, 0x85, 0x1a, 0x85, 0x08, 0x85, 0x01, 0xa9, 0x10, 0x85, 0x21, 0x85, 0x02, 0xa2, 0x07, 0xca, 0xca, 0xd0, 0xfd, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x85, 0x20, 0x85, 0x10, 0x85, 0x11, 0x85, 0x02, 0x85, 0x2a, 0xa9, 0x05, 0x85, 0x0a, 0xa9, 0xff, 0x85, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x0e, 0x85, 0x0f, 0x85, 0x84, 0x85, 0x85, 0xa9, 0xf0, 0x85, 0x83, 0xa9, 0x74, 0x85, 0x09, 0xa9, 0x0c, 0x85, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x1f, 0x85, 0x17, 0x85, 0x82, 0xa9, 0x07, 0x85, 0x19, 0xa2, 0x08, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x85, 0x02, 0x88, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0x85, 0x02, 0x85, 0x02, 0xa9, 0x02, 0x85, 0x02, 0x85, 0x00, 0x85, 0x02, 0x85, 0x02, 0x85, 0x02, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, 0xca, 0x10, 0xe4, 0x06, 0x83, 0x66, 0x84, 0x26, 0x85, 0xa5, 0x83, 0x85, 0x0d, 0xa5, 0x84, 0x85, 0x0e, 0xa5, 0x85, 0x85, 0x0f, 0xa6, 0x82, 0xca, 0x86, 0x82, 0x86, 0x17, 0xe0, 0x0a, 0xd0, 0xc3, 0xa9, 0x02, 0x85, 0x01, 0xa2, 0x1c, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x84, 0x19, 0x84, 0x09, 0x94, 0x81, 0xca, 0x10, 0xfb, 0xa6, 0x80, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0x9a, 0xa2, 0xff, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x4c, 0xfa, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xf8, 0xff, 0x4c }; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uInt8 CartridgeAR::ourDefaultHeader[256] = { 0xac, 0xfa, 0x0f, 0x18, 0x62, 0x00, 0x24, 0x02, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x10, 0x14, 0x18, 0x1c, 0x01, 0x05, 0x09, 0x0d, 0x11, 0x15, 0x19, 0x1d, 0x02, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x12, 0x16, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 };