- check if Command dialog and Settings shoud use the same button (16:9,4:3)
- explain Command and Settings dialog
- explain Power-on options dialog (or refer to Stella User's Guide)

*** Navigation ***

Stella can be controlled via the console buttons or a joystick in left or
right port.

During emulation:
  The joysticks work normal and all console buttons as labeled except of the

  Joystick  ´Button      Action
  Button 3   4:3,16:9    Open the command dialog
  Button 4   -           Open settings
  Button 5   FRY         Return to launcher
  Button 6   -           Rewind game
  Button 8   MODE        Select
  Button 9   RESET       Reset

Inside Launcher:
  Joystick        Button      Action
  Up              SAVE        Previous game
  Down            RESET       Next game
  Left            LOAD        Page up
  Right           MODE        Page down
  Button 1        SKILL P1    Start selected game
  Button 2  or    SKILL P2    Open power-on options
   hold Button 1
  Button 4        COLOR,B/W   Open settings

Inside a dialog:
  Joystick           Button      Action
  Up                 SAVE        Increase current setting
  Down               RESET       Decrease current setting
  Left               LOAD        Previous dialog element
  Right              MODE        Next dialog element
  Button 1           SKILL P1    Select element
  Button 2           SKILL P2    OK
  Button 3  or       4:3,16:9    Previous tab
   Button 1 + Left
  Button 4  or       FRY         Next tab
   Button 1 + Right
  Button 6           -           Cancel

Note: If you have a keyboard attached via OTG all keys work as described in
the Stella User's Guide.