
     SSSS    tt          lll  lll
    SS  SS   tt           ll   ll
    SS     tttttt  eeee   ll   ll   aaaa
     SSSS    tt   ee  ee  ll   ll      aa
        SS   tt   eeeeee  ll   ll   aaaaa  --  "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
    SS  SS   tt   ee      ll   ll  aa  aa
     SSSS     ttt  eeeee llll llll  aaaaa

                              Release History

6.7 to 7.0 (XXXXX XX, 202X)

  * Enhanced ROM launcher to allow multiple images per ROM
    (TODO: controller support, doc)

  * Added searching by filename for ROM launcher images

  * Enhanced Game Properties dialog for multigame ROMs

  * Added optional type format detection based on colors used

  * Added Joy2B+ controller support

  * Enhanced Kid Vid support to play tape audio

  * Added BUS bankswitching support for some older demos

  * Fixed broken 7800 pause key support

-Have fun!

6.6 to 6.7 (June 13, 2022)

    - Because of fixes to JSON handling, all remappings will be reset
      to defaults; if you had custom mappings, they will need to be
      re-entered again.
    - Because of internal changes, all state files are now invalid.

  * Completely reworked the file launcher:
    - Redesigned user interface
    - Added tracking of user favorites, recently played and most popular
    - Added virtual directories for selecting tracked games
    - Added quick path navigation
    - Added navigation history
    - Added icons for files and directories
    - Added option to show/hide file extensions
    - Extended context menu and shortcuts
    - Fixed sluggish behaviour when reading large and/or invalid files

  * Added hotkey display to tooltips.

  * Added option to automatically pause emulation when focus is lost.

  * Added option to toggle autofire mode.

  * Improved controller mappings for Paddles.

  * Improved controller mappings for Driving controllers.

  * Improved Mindlink support.

  * Added another oddball TIA glitch option for score mode color.

  * Enhanced TV jitter emulation (TODO: doc).

  * Enhanced support for CDFJ+ bankswitching type.

  * Added 0FA0 bankswitching for Fotomania ROMs.

  * Added ARM chip auto detection.

  * Extended support for older BUS (experimental) ROMs that worked
    with an older, obsolete version of the BUS scheme; special thanks
    to SpiceWare for the code.

  * Fixed Stella crash due to invalid ZIP files.

  * Fixed TV mode auto detection in some ARM ROMs.

  * Fixed color loss when switching TV mode from/to PAL.

  * Fixed score mode glitch emulation corner case.

  * Fixed state messages staying on screen forever.

  * Added M1 support for the macOS build.

  * Debugger improvements:
    - added PlusROM information
    - fixed patching code in ZP-RAM
    - improved bank origin detection

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 17
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

6.5.3 to 6.6 (November 16, 2021)

  * Added preliminary PlusROM support for saving high scores.

  * Added preliminary support for 'MVC' bankswitching scheme by
    Rob Bairos.

  * Added web links for many games.

  * Added dead zone and linearity settings for analog controllers.

  * Added 'Check for Update' button to Help dialog.

  * Added different mask patterns for scanline emulation.

  * Fixed MindLink controller.

  * Fixed SaveKey not working with QuadTari.

  * Added TIA randomization on startup option.

  * Added different debug color luminances for player and missile copies.

  * Added hotkeys for TV roll speed and toggling 'Developer settings' sets.

  * Debugger: enhanced prompt's auto complete and history.

  * Debugger: added optional logging of breaks and traps.

  * Debugger: added Thumb cycle counting.

6.5.2 to 6.5.3 (April 20, 2021)

  * Added context-sensitive help.

  * Improved support of multiple monitors with different resolutions.

  * Improved analog input reading (Paddles, Keyboards...).

  * Fixed QuadTari support for controller types other than Joysticks.

  * Fixed palette and TV effects saving for Retron77.

  * Fixed immediate disassembling when switching options in debugger.

6.5.1 to 6.5.2 (February 25, 2021)

  * Fixed broken Driving Controller support for Stelladaptor/2600-daptor

  * Fixed missing QuadTari option in UI.

  * Improved QuadTari timing.

  * Added CPU usage stats to ARM cart classes debug widgets.

6.5 to 6.5.1 (January 24, 2021)

  * Fixed paddle button bug for jittering controllers.

  * Improved switching between joysticks and paddles on Retron77 port.

  * Improved memory usage on Retron77 port.

6.4 to 6.5 (January 9, 2021)

  * Added high scores saving.

  * Improved text editing functionality (except PromptWidget):
    - Enhanced selection and cut/copy/paste from keyboard.
    - Added undo and redo support.
    - Added mouse support (selection, cut/copy/paste).
    - All actions have keyboard shortcuts.

  * Various improvements to the ROM launcher:
    - Added wildcard support to the dialog filter
    - Added option to search subdirectories

  * Added static tooltips to some UI items.

  * Added dynamic tooltips to most debugger items.

  * Added sound to Time Machine playback.

  * Added browser dialogs for user saved files.

  * Extended global hotkeys for input devices & ports settings.

  * Moved to using an SQLite database for storing user settings, properties
    and highscores.  More work will follow in future releases.

  * Increased sample size for CDFJ+.

  * Fixed autofire bug for trackball controllers.

  * Fixed bug in TV autodetection in filenames; a filename containing
    'PAL' inside a word would sometimes misdetect as a PAL ROM.

  * Fixed Stelladaptor/2600'daptor devices sometimes not being assigned
    correct default mappings.

  * Codebase now uses C++17 features, which means a minimum of gcc7
    or clang5 for Linux/Mac, and Visual Studio 2019 for Windows.

6.3 to 6.4 (November 2, 2020)

  * Added basic (entire and single line only) text cut/copy and paste.

  * Added color parameters to 'Custom' palette.

  * Some improvements to AtariVox-USB adaptor functionality:
    - Made serial port used for an AtariVox-USB adaptor editable.
    - Autodetection of serial ports no longer messes up devices plugged
      into other serial ports.

  * Added CPU load stats to debugger.  Related to this, added debugger
    pseudo-registers '_ftimreadcycles' and '_fwsynccycles' to show the
    number of cycles since the start of frame under certain circumstances
    (see manual for more details).

  * Fixed bug with aspect correction and fullscreen mode; snapshots from
    such a mode are now pixel-exact.

  * Fixed a bug that caused CDF ROMs to crash on the Retron77 and reduced
    ARM emulation performance for CDF ROMs on other platforms.

  * Fixed crash with missing or incorrectly sized SaveKey data file, and
    with certain functions not working (erase pages, erase entire EEPROM).

  * Fixed Atari mouse autodetection.

  * Fixed bug in ROM launcher, with last ROM selected not being remembered
    when exiting and re-entering a directory.

6.2.1 to 6.3 (October 7, 2020)

  * Added adjustable autofire.

  * Added 'Dark' UI theme.

  * Extended global hotkeys for debug options.

  * Added option to playback a game using the Time Machine.

  * Allow taking snapshots from within the Time Machine dialog.

  * Added the ability to access most files that Stella uses from within a
    ZIP file. This includes the following:
      - Per-ROM properties file (so one can distribute a ROM and its
        associated properties).
      - Debugger symbol (.sym) and list (.lst) files, etc.
      - Several others, as we extend the support.
    Basically, you are now able to put many files that Stella uses inside
    one ZIP file, and distribute just that file.

  * Extended AtariVox support to handle flow control, so that long phrases
    are no longer corrupted/cut off.  This includes properly supporting the
    2600-daptor II, which is flashable to an AVox-USB converter.

  * Added auto-detection of the serial port used for an AtariVox-USB adaptor.

  * Added QuadTari controller support.

  * Added option to select the audio device.

  * Added support for CDFJ+ bankswitching type.

  * Further enhanced UA bankswitching to support more Brazilian carts.

  * Added option to display detected settings info when a ROM is loaded.

  * Added another oddball TIA glitch option for delayed background color.

  * Added option to disable aspect ratio correct scaling.

  * Added debugger pseudo-registers '_timwrapread' and '_timwrapwrite',
    which are set when the RIOT timer is read/written on timer wraparound,

  * Bankswitching schemes BUS, DPC+ and CDFx now work when startup bank
    randomization is enabled (these schemes now ignore that setting).

  * Replaced "Re-disassemble" with "Disassemble @ current line" in debugger.

  * Fixed bug when taking fullscreen snapshots; the dimensions were
    sometimes cut off.

6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (August 25, 2020)

  * Fixed a bug in initial controller mapping.

6.2 to 6.2.1: (June 20, 2020)

  * Fixed Pitfall II ROM not working correctly.

  * Fixed crashes when using some combinations of bankswitching schemes on
    incorrect ROMs, or when using invalid ROM file sizes, etc.

  * Fixed RIOT timer behaviour on reading/writing at the wraparound cycle.

  * Fixed incorrectly setting D6 bit on TIA reads in some cases.  Related
    to this, improve 'tiadriven' option to randomize only D5..D0 bits.

  * Fixed custom palette and TV effects adjustable slider rounding issue.

  * Fixed some bugs in 3E+ scheme when using non-standard ROM sizes.

  * Fixed crash in Audio & Video dialog when opened from debugger, and the
    debugger window sometimes being resized when using the Options dialog.

  * Make NTSC custom phase shift not affect Yellow anymore.

  * Fixed '1x' snapshot mode; TV effects are now disabled.  This mode
    now generates a clean, pixel-exact image.

  * Fixed mappings sometimes not being saved in the Retron77 port.

  * A ROM properties file may now be placed next to the ROM (with the same
    name as the ROM, except ending in .pro), and Stella will automatically
    apply the properties to the ROM. [NOTE: this was present in 6.2, but
    was mistakenly left out of the changelog]

  * Added button to Game Info dialog to save properties of the currently
    loaded ROM to a separate properties file (in the default save directory).
    This is useful in conjunction with the previous item.

  * Allow changing custom palette and TV effects adjustables in 1% steps

  * Updated documentation for changes in ROM properties key names.

  * The codebase now compiles under gcc6 again.  Future versions will
    require gcc7, though.

6.1.2 to 6.2: (June 7, 2020)

  * Added interactive palette to Video & Audio settings.

  * Added 'Custom' palette, generated from user controlled phase shifts.

  * Added that adjustable audio & video settings are displayed as gauge bars.

  * Added four global hotkeys which allow selecting and changing numerous
    audio & video settings without having to remember the dedicated hotkeys.

  * Added 'Turbo' mode, runs the game as fast as the computer allows.

  * Added that paddle centering (per ROM) and sensitivity can be adjusted.

  * Added that mouse sensitivity for Driving controller can be adjusted.

  * Added paddle filtering in UI to avoid unwanted navigation events.

  * Added selectable dialog fonts.

  * Added separate positioning of launcher, emulator and debugger.

  * Added optional display to game refresh rate adaption in fullscreen mode.

  * Added option which lets default ROM path follow launcher navigation.

  * Added debugger 'saveaccess' function, which saves memory access counts to
    a CSV file.

  * Added displaying last write address in the debugger.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_scanend', which gives the number of
    scanlines at the end of the last frame.

  * Added detection of color and audio data in DiStella.

  * Restored 'cfg' directory for Distella config files.

  * Added TV Boy and 3EX bank switching types.

  * Removed unused CV+ and DASH bank switching types.

  * Added support for loading grayscale PNG images in the ROM launcher.

6.1.1 to 6.1.2: (April 25, 2020)

  * Fixed bug with remapped events not being reloaded in certain cases.

  * Fixed bug in debugger for 3E scheme when displaying active RAM bank.

  * Fixed bug in "Dragon Defender" ROM being misconfigured for Mindlink

6.1 to 6.1.1: (April 4, 2020)

  * Fixed crash in 3E bankswitching scheme when writing to ROM addresses.

  * Fix snapshots on Retina HiDPI displays capturing only the top-left

  * Fixed wrong color for BK (background) swatch in the debugger.

  * Fixed 'Right Diff' button in Command menu changing left difficulty

  * Fixed compilation of libretro port on Debian Buster.

6.0.2 to 6.1: (March 22, 2020)

    - Because of major event remapping changes, all remappings will be reset
      to defaults; if you had custom mappings, they will need to be
      re-entered again.

    - Because of major internal changes, all state files are now invalid.

    - Support for Windows XP has been discontinued as of this version.  WinXP
      is now completely out of support from Microsoft, so we are doing the

  * Major improvements to display mode handling in NTSC vs. PAL.  The window
    is now the same size for both modes, and scaling is applied to simulate
    the height of scanlines (in PAL mode, there are more scanlines and hence
    each is narrower).  This more properly emulates how the display would look
    on a real TV.

  * Removed the 'Display_Height' property, changing it to 'Display_VCenter'.
    This new feature, along with the display mode changes above, almost
    completely eliminate having to manually tweak each ROM so that it will
    not have part of the image cut off.

  * Removed the 'Display_YStart' property and all automatic detection of
    ystart.  It caused problems on some ROMs, and was not the way a real
    console would work anyway.  Related to this, ROMs now load much faster.

  * Major improvements to event remapping:
    - Allow mapping of modifier-key and button-direction combinations
    - Physical controllers can map the same action to different events on
      different virtual controllers
    - Many more events can be remapped
    - Events can be filtered by type in UI

  * Paths have been simplified:
    - The following file/directory locations are no longer configurable
      (statedir, nvramdir, cheatfile, palettefile, propsfile); they are
      now all under the base directory
    - Removed cfgdir; Distella config files are now placed with their
      associated ROMs
    - Added 'basedir' commandline argument, which allows to change the
      base directory where almost all config-related items are stored;
      related to this, discontinued the 'basedir.txt' functionality
    - Added 'baseinappdir' commandline argument, which sets the base
      directory to the application folder (Windows only for now); this
      replaces the functionality of 'basedir.txt'

  * Added automatic controller detection.

  * Controllers can be changed during emulation (no ROM reload required

  * Added support for Light Gun controller.

  * Added limited KidVid support (8, 9 and 0 start the games).

  * Removed superfluous controller option 'PADDLES_IDIR'.

  * Added configurable paddle dejittering.

  * Key-repeat mode improved; entering Time Machine by holding down a key
    combo continues to send events (previously, you had to release and then
    press the combo again).

  * Certain buttons in the UI can now be activated repeatedly by holding
    down the mouse button (Time Machine, debugger step/trace/frame advance,

  * Added option to configure mouse double click speed.

  * Added option to configure controller input repeat speed.

  * Added high quality scaling.

  * Made scanlines better aligned to scaling.

  * Added 'HiDPI' mode, which scales the UI by 2x when enabled.  This is
    meant for 4k and above monitors, but can actually be used at any
    lower resolution that is large enough to display the scaled UI.

  * Fixed TIA 'Center' option, Stella now remembers the last windowed position.

  * Added fractional (25% increments) TIA zooms.

  * Removed 'tia.fsfill' option, replacing it with 'tia.fs_stretch'.  This
    new option allows to preserve TIA image aspect ratio in fullscreen
    mode, or stretch to fill the entire screen.

  * Added configurable 'Overscan' option for fullscreen modes.

  * Fullscreen TIA modes no longer assume that desktop taskbars, etc
    are present, hence they are scaled to the proper fullscreen size.

  * Added option to display dialogs in screen corners.

  * Added hotkey for sound on/off.

  * Enhanced 'Command' menu to display current state and more commands.

  * Added option to save and load all TimeMachine states at once.

  * Added option to automatically load/save states when entering/exiting

  * Added option to change pitch of Pitfall II music.

  * ROM Info Viewer size is not limited to fixed zoom steps anymore.

  * ROM Info Viewer can now display multiple lines per property and the
    bank switching type.

  * In file listings, you can now select directories by holding 'Shift' on
    the first character entered.  Entering characters in lowercase still
    selects files, as before.

  * Fixed bug when starting ROMs via MacOS finder.

  * Added various developer options for oddball TIAs:
    - stuffed player, missiles and ball move
    - delayed playfield bits and color
    - delayed players and ball VDEL swap

  * Disabled some developer options for 'Player settings'.

  * Writes to RAM read ports are ignored now.

  * Added Developer setting, which breaks on writes to read ports.

  * Improved breakpoints to now consider the banks.

  * Improved debugger's TIA display and zoom windows.

  * Improved hotkeys, now many emulation keys work in debugger too.

  * Fixed display of negative values in debugger; sometimes they were
    shown as positive.

  * Reworked ROM properties database, making it load faster in certain cases.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 16
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

  * Fixed 'Dancing Plate (Unknown) (PAL)' to use joystick.

  * Fixed cheatcode handling in 2K and 4K ROMs.

  * Fixed bug where ROMs smaller than 64 bytes were not recognized.

  * Fixed bug where frying one ROM was continued with the next ROM.

  * Fixed not working 7800 pause key.

  * Enhanced UA bankswitching to support certain Brazilian carts.

  * Fixed WD bankswitching.

  * Added FC bankswitching for Amiga's Power Play Arcade Video Game Album.

  * Added auto-detection of display format based on filename.

  * Auto-detection of bankswitch scheme by file extension now includes
    more human-readable formats (not restricted to DOS 3-char length).
    See the documentation for the new names.

  * Fixed bug in DPC+ scheme; 'fast fetch mode' was enabled at startup,
    when it should be disabled by default.

  * Some more work on DPC+ playfield 'jitter' effect for certain older DPC+
    driver versions; more ROMs are now detected properly.  Special thanks
    to SpiceWare for his research in this area.

  * Added proper Retron77 port.

  * Added proper libretro port, and fixed display for OpenGLES renderers.

  * PNG/ZIP image support is now conditionally compiled into Stella.
    All major ports (Linux/macOS/Windows) have it enabled by default.

  * SDL/GUI support is now conditionally compiled into Stella.  All major
    ports (Linux/macOS/Windows) have it enabled by default.  This is
    currently needed by the libretro port.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

  * Updated UNIX configure script to work with the gcc version 10 and

6.0.1 to 6.0.2: (October 11, 2019)

  * Updated properties database for Pink Panther ROM.

6.0 to 6.0.1: (June 5, 2019)

  * Added support for CDFJ bankswitching type (Galaga, Wizard of War, etc).

  * Allow the DPC+ scheme to not enable playfield 'jitter' effect for
    certain older DPC+ driver versions; this allows 'Epic Adventure' ROM
    to finally work in Stella.

5.1.3 to 6.0: (December 23, 2018)

  * Note: because of major TIA sound changes, the state file format has
          changed, and old state files will not work with this release.

  * New cycle exact audio core based on work by Chris Brenner (crispy);
    greatly improved audio emulation accuracy (i.e. E.T., Ms. Pacman).

  * Full rewrite of the audio subsystem; resample TIA output to target
    sample rate directly in Stella.

  * Added option to force stereo sound for all ROMs, or to use the
    setting on a per-ROM basis.

  * Threading: decouple emulation from frame rendering.

  * Main loop rewritten; emulating speed and timing is now much more
    faithful (i.e. speed in Pick'n'Pile).

  * Added preliminary support for 'CTY' bankswitching scheme and recently
    released 'Chetiry' ROMs.  Special thanks to SpiceWare for adding music
    support to this scheme.

  * UI modernization (new widget look, dialog titles added, dialogs

  * The bankswitch scheme can now be forced by naming the ROM with a
    specific extension (ie: .f8s for F8SC, .fe for FE, etc).  The
    supported extensions are the same as the ones from HarmonyCart and

  * Audio settings replaced with new 'audio.xxx' settings.

  * FPS setting replaced with speed setting for adjusting emulation speed.

  * Extra functionality for Time Machine dialog (start/stop recording;
    minor fixes).

  * When logging messages to the System Logger, condense similar messages
    that arrive in batches into fewer messages (including timestamps).

  * Fixes for collision corner cases (during HBlank).

  * Fixed excessive CPU usage while in UI modes (ROM launcher, debugger,

  * The 'launcherexts' option has been replaced by a true/false option
    named 'launcherroms', which specifies to show only ROMs or all files
    in the ROM launcher.

  * Changes in 'Game Properties' dialog
    - 'Default' button now affects only current tab like in all other
    - 'Display' and 'Console' tab changes are now immediate.
    - Fixed bug when selecting 'Auto-detect' format for 50Hz ROMs

  * Fixed bug in autodetecting Genesis controllers.

  * Fixed bug with 'thumb.trapfatal' commandline argument; sometimes Stella
    would lock up when encountering a fatal error instead of entering the
    debugger and displaying a message.

  * Fixed bug in reading from settings file with entries that were empty;
    the parsing was failing.  This affected the 'cpurandom' argument; when
    all options in it were turned off, they were all turned on again during
    the next program run.

  * Fixed bug with 'hold' events; they are now released a short time after
    starting a ROM.

  * When starting Stella for the first time, the first ROM selected will
    determine which path to use by default for subsequent runs.

  * Fixed emulator crash when starting SaveKey ROMs from commandline with
    SaveKey messages enabled.

  * Fixed missing TV format update in frame stats dialog when switching
    display type.

  * Fixed missing debug color update when switching display type.

  * 'Fill to scanline' now works for scanlines above current scanline too.

  * The debugger 'uhex' command is now honoured in CDF and BUS schemes.

  * When switching screenmodes, the sound is now paused and later resumed.
    This fixes popping and cracking sounds apparent on some systems, notably
    OSX when toggling windowed/fullscreen mode.

  * State file format has been optimized to be smaller, and faster loading
    and saving.  This affects both the files saved to your computer as well
    as Time Machine functionality.

  * The ROM name saved in a PNG tEXt chunk now honours the 'snapname'

  * Improved snapshots when phosphor is enabled.

  * Updated PAL palette.

  * Added 'Cartridge.StartBank' ROM property, to force a ROM to use a
    specific bank for its reset vector.

  * Added Developer setting, which breaks on reads from write ports.  It
    now detects such conditions in many more cases.  This new way of
    detecting RWP errors obsoletes the old '_rwport' debugger command,
    which has now been removed.

  * Added recently released 'Arkyology' prototype ROM to the database.

  * Added 'Amoeba Jump' and 'Flappy' ROMs (from the Retron77) to the

  * Fixed 'Street Racer' and 'Video Olympics' ROMs to use paddles in both

  * If using SDL 2.0.5 or above, the calculated desktop size now takes
    the taskbar/dock into account (so windows should no longer overlap
    those areas).

  * For UNIX systems: in the ROM launcher, when using symlinks use the
    symlink pathname instead of the underlying filesystem pathname.

  * The UNIX builds now use the system-installed PNG and ZLIB libraries
    by default.

  * The Macintosh builds are now named 'macOS' throughout the codebase to
    reflect the new naming from Apple.

  * For better compatibility, the Windows 32-bit version does not require
    SSE2 anymore.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

5.1.2 to 5.1.3: (June 10, 2018)

  * Fixed crash in OpenBSD when quitting the app, which can also be
    happening on other systems (no reports yet, but the problem is now
    fixed for good).

  * Fixed configure/build scripts to work natively under OpenBSD.

5.1.1 to 5.1.2: (May 20, 2018)

  * Fixed bug with SaveKey autodetection; some ROMs were not correctly
    detecting that a virtual SaveKey device was plugged in.  This notably
    fixes issues in "Super Cobra" and "Scramble" ROMs.

  * Make previously mentioned ROMs use the SaveKey device by default.

  * Fixed bug in UI navigation with joystick hat movement.

5.1 to 5.1.1: (February 21, 2018)

  * Fixed bug in Stargunner ROM starting with a blank screen.

5.0.2 to 5.1: (February 4, 2018)

  * Added "Time Machine" mode, which automatically creates save states
    in user-defined intervals.  The user can navigate back and forth within
    these states inside the emulator and the debugger.

  * Huge improvements to the disassembly view in the debugger and
    disassembly files created:
    - reformatting in debugger for better space utilization
    - much improved code and data detection
    - access tracking and indicators for TIA/IO/RAM adresses in disassembly
    - break vector is tracked (if used)
    - improved cycle count (page penalties, sums created in disassembly)
    - improved handling of instruction masking opcodes (e.g. BIT)

  * Fixed change tracking bug during rewind; changes were accumulated
    instead of being displayed only for the last rewind step.

  * Extended 'rewind' to take a second parameter which allows rewinding
    multiple states.

  * Added 'unwind' command, which undoes the latest rewind(s)

  * Added '<' (unwind) button to debugger.

  * Thumbulator support is not conditional any more.

  * Moved various developer related settings in new Developer Settings
    dialog. These settings now come in two groups (player/developer) and
    allow switching all settings at once.

  * Don't trap write accesses to the datastream pointers in CDF and BUS.
    This fixes -dev.thumb.trapfatal 1.

  * Complete rework of TV mode and ystart autodetection. The new
    implementation is more robust and reduces startup time.

  * Add two "grace lines" of black to the top of the frame when
    autodetecting ystart.

  * Fixed Genesis controller autodetect (Stay Frosty 2, Scramble, etc).

  * Fixed a bug in ystart autodetection that could cause screen jumps.

  * Fixed several bugs in holdselect, holdreset and holdjoyX commandline
    arguments; these now work as expected.

  * Fixed bug in TIA collision handling; it is now disabled in VBlank.

  * Improve TIA PF collision handling during hblank; this fixes a bug in
    Thrust ROM.

  * Fixed wrong display of HM values in debugger after 'HMCLR' has been

  * Fixed bug with the debugger 'savedis' command in Windows; it wasn't
    actually saving the files at all.  This has never been reported
    before, so I guess it shows how many people use that functionality.

  * The debugger 'savedis', 'saverom' and 'saveses' now save files in
    a default, user-visible directory (see the documentation for more
    information).  In the case of 'saveses', the filename is now named
    based on the date and time of when the command was entered.

  * Fixed bug with saving snapshots in 1x mode; there was graphical
    corruption in some cases.  Such snapshots also now include any TV
    effects / phosphor blending currently in use.

  * Fixed regular-sized snapshots when phosphor effect was enabled;
    sometimes the image was 'double-blended', resulting in a snapshot that
    was too dark.

  * Fixed crash when selecting 'CompuMate' as a controller type for a non-
    CompuMate ROM; this controller type can no longer be manually
    selected, and will be used automatically used for CompuMate ROMs.

  * Fixed cheat codes, so 7 digits codes are now accepted as described in
    the doc.

  * Fixed swapped ports being displayed wrong in System Logs and debugger.

  * Added options to erase the AtariVox/Savekey flash memory, either for
    all ROMs or only the current one.  Also added a message (configurable)
    when the flash memory is accessed.

  * Access to the AtariVox/SaveKey can be signaled with a message.

  * Added new interface palette 'Light'.

  * Frame stats display made transparent. Also it now displays the real
    frame rate and if the developer settings group is enabled.

  * Improved tab auto-complete in debugger.

  * Added conditional traps and savestate creation to debugger.

  * Added 'Options...' button to debugger which gives access to the options
    menu during debugging.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_cyclesLo' and '_cyclesHi', which give
    the number of CPU cycles that have occurred since emulation started.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_fcycles', which gives the number of
    CPU cycles that have occurred since the frame started.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_icycles', which gives the number of
    CPU cycles of the last instruction.

  * Extended debugger 'dump' command to take a second argument, indicating
    the end of the range to dump data.

  * Improved change tracking; more values are tracked and change tracking
    now works in case of a break too.

  * Added widgets for trackball and SaveKey/AtariVox controllers.

  * Improved emulation of 'FE' bankswitch scheme (no user-visible changes,
    but internally the emulation is much more accurate compared to the
    real thing).  Related to this, improved the debugger support for this
    scheme (you can now switch banks in the debugger view).

  * Added emulation of 7800 initial RAM values and Pause key.

  * Added ROM properties for 'Scramble' ROMs, and updated info for all
    "Champ Games" ROMs.

  * Added ROM properties for 'Zippy the Porcupine' ROMs, and updated
    info for all "Chris Spry (Sprybug)" ROMs.

  * Support UNIX style builds (configure / make) on OSX with both
    XCode / clang and g++.

  * Fixed error when building with uClibc-ng for ARM (thanks to Sergio

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

5.0.1 to 5.0.2: (August 20, 2017)

  * Improved emulation of Trakball controller, eliminating bias in left/
    right directions.  Thanks to Thomas Jentzsch for the idea and code.
    Related to this, added 'tsense' commandline argument and associated
    UI item, to allow changing sensitivity of mouse trackball emulation.

  * Added preliminary support for multi-threading in the Blargg TV effects
    code.  This is still a WIP; more improvements are coming.  Related to
    this, further optimized the TIA rendering code.  Also added 'threads'
    commandline argument and associated UI item to enable/disable
    multi-threading.  Thanks to Thomas Jentzsch for the bulk of the work
    in this area.

  * Blargg TV effects now no longer cut off the right side of the image
    (by several pixels) in certain cases.

  * Updated CDF scheme to latest version from Spiceware.  In addition,
    this scheme now supports versioning, so older and newer ROMs will
    continue to work.

  * Fixed an annoying bug in Linux, where Alt-Tab'ing out of a window and
    then back again would pass a 'Tab' key event to the app, which in
    most cases would navigate to the next UI element.

  * Fixed potential issue with state file saving and the debugger; under
    certain circumstances a rewind would give a different state than
    before (note that the state file format has changed because of this).

  * Fixed lockups when entering the debugger under certain circumstances.

  * The debugger 'listtraps' command now shows all traps set, not just
    the first one(s).

  * Reverted joystick changes for Decathlon ROMs from last release, as
    it was added by mistake.

5.0 to 5.0.1: (July 23, 2017)

  * Fixed issues in keypad, Genesis and various other controllers that use
    INPTx registers; the emulation is now much more accurate in this area.

  * Various 'Bumper Bash' and 'Decathlon' ROMs are marked as always having
    all 4 directions on a joystick enabled, since they can't be played
    properly otherwise.

  * Added 'Hunchy II' from Chris Walton (cd-w) to ROM properties database.

  * Codebase now uses C++14 features.

4.7.3 to 5.0: (July 16, 2017)

  * Note: because of major TIA/6502/RIOT changes, the state file format
          has changed, and old state files will not work with this release.

  * Stella has moved from Sourceforge to Github.

  * Completely new TIA core is now available, ported from 6502ts by
    Christian Speckner (DirtyHairy). This new core is extremely accurate,
    and matches real hardware in almost every test we've performed.
    New features include:
     - Meltdown emulates correct
     - The lap number in Pole Positions displays correctly
     - Artifacts in the mountains on Snoopy and the Red baron are gone
     - Line artifacts in Title Match Pro Wrestling and Realsports Boxing
       are fixed
     - The spurious line at the left border of Video Chess now displays
     - All 32 char text demos from AtariAge now work perfectly (Stella 4
       shows artifacts on several of these)
     - Stella is now the only emulator to display the "Mega Bitmap Demo"
       (atext.bin) from AtariAge correctly
     - Improved starfield effect for missiles (still TODO for ball and
     - RSYNC emulation has improved, all testcases now match real
     - Several other ROMs that have never worked in any emulator are now
       emulated correctly
     - RDY behavior with respect to write cycles is accurate
     - Optional YStart autodetect and more robust frame handling
     - NUSIZ during player draw matches hardware
     - RESMx during missile draw matches hardware
     - Paddle emulation is slightly more accurate. As a consequence, the
       "paddle feel" may be slightly different from Stella 4
     - Fixed debug colors can now be set for each graphical object, from
       a choice of 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue' and
       'purple'.  This is accessible through the new 'tia.dbgcolors'
       commandline argument and within the UI.

  * Implemented new phosphor emulation mode, which is much closer to real
    TV output.  Related to this, added ability to change the default
    phosphor blend level in the UI and through the new 'tv.phosblend'
    commandline argument.  Special thanks to Thomas Jentzsch for the idea
    and implementation.

  * TV phosphor effect can now be force-enabled for all ROMs, instead
    of manually setting ROM properties for each ROM.  This is accessible
    in the UI and through the 'tv.phosphor' commandline argument, and
    defaults to being off (or enabled per-ROM).

  * PAL color-loss and Blargg TV effects can now be enabled at the same
    time.  Previously, when Blargg effects were enabled, PAL color-loss
    couldn't be shown.  Related to this, the Blargg effects now use much
    less memory and in some cases run faster than before.

  * Much improved RIOT timer emulation never before seen in any emulator.
    Special thanks to Christian Speckner (DirtyHairy) for the
    implementation, and alex_79 for finding documentation that finally
    describes in more detail how the M6532 chip actually works.

  * Added BUS (experimental) and CDF bankswitching schemes, and also
    ARM Timer 1 support; special thanks to SpiceWare for the code.

  * Fixed bug with SaveKey and AtariVox not properly closing their memory
    files before starting another instance of the same ROM, when the ROM
    was opened in the ROM launcher.

  * Various improvements to the debugger and command prompt:
    - The 'cls' command now only clears the screen, not the history
    - The 'help' command now accepts other commands, and gives extra
      information about the command (ie, 'help breakif' prints extended
      information about the breakif command)
    - Added 'palette' command, which shows a color swatch of the
      currently active TIA palette
    - Added 'debugcolors' command, which shows a legend for 'fixed debug
      colors' mode
    - The previous trap'm' commands now work when setting TIA read
      addresses; previously they only worked for write addresses
    - The previous trap'm' commands are now renamed 'trap', 'trapread'
      and 'trapwrite'
    - The TIA tab now shows 'old' contents of player and ball registers
    - Various UI items are crossed out when disabled, to more clearly
      indicate their current state
    - Various UI items that previously required a double-click to toggle
      (pixel and bit widgets) now require only a single-click.
    - Command completion now works with internal functions and pseudo-ops
      (basically, anything starting with the '_' character)
    - System labels (aka, register names, etc) can now be typed in lower-
      case.  Previously, these labels always had to be uppercase.
    - In general, input error checking is much more strictly enforced
    - Read-only UI items now have a different background color, to
      clearly indicate if an item can be modified.
    - Debugger '.lst' and '.sym' files are now searched based on the name
      of the ROM file, and not on the internal properties name.
    - Snapshots can now be saved by pressing the F12 key (the various
      other ways to save snapshots still exist).

  * Mouse grabbing is now enabled in windowed mode only when the ROM is
    using a virtual analog controller (paddles, trakball, etc).

  * Renamed various trakball-like controllers more accurately: AmigaMouse,
    AtariMouse (previously CX80) and Trakball (previously CX22).  Related
    to this, reduced the resolution of the Trakball by half, to properly
    match real hardware.

  * The stack pointer (SP) is now initialized to $FD instead of $FF, to
    match research done in other 6502 projects.

  * Fixed bug in debugger tracing and displaying the partial TIA image;
    the first time entering the debugger and starting to trace, the image
    was blanked out (black) instead of being drawn in greyscale.  Also, the
    image is now synchronized, instead of being two frames behind.

  * Fixed crash with zipped ROMs that are less than 4K in size; so far
    this bug has only ever occurred in Windows XP, but it's been there
    since Stella 4.1.

  * Fixed bug in 'Rom Audit' functionality; sometimes ROMs without a
    valid properties entry were being renamed as "Untitled.bin".

  * For the entire UI, removed colons and generally made the UI items
    easier to read.

  * When in 'ROM launcher mode', Stella now uses slightly less CPU time.
    More work is required in this area, though.

  * Added ROM properties for D.K. VCS homebrew ROM, thanks to Andreas

  * Added slight improvement for auto-detecting Superchip bankswitching;
    the new implementation now works for the NTSC 'Dig Dug' ROM.  Special
    thanks for SpiceWare for the idea and modified implementation.

  * Fixed long-standing bug in 3-voice music in DPC+ bankswitching scheme;
    the music now sounds much more like the real thing.

  * For the Linux/UNIX port:
    - The settings directory now uses the XDG Base Directory Specification.
      In most cases, this means that your files will now be stored in
      '~/.config/stella' instead of '~/.stella'.  To keep your old settings,
      run the following commands from the terminal:
        cd ~
        mv .stella .config/stella

      You will probably need to edit '~/.config/stella/stellarc' and change
      some paths accordingly.

  * For the OSX port:
    - Always use the built-in png and zlib libraries instead of the system

    - The preferences file has changed from 'net.sourceforge.Stella.plist'
      to 'Stella-emu.plist'.  To keep your old settings, run the following
      commands from the terminal:
        cd ~/Library/Preferences
        mv net.sourceforge.Stella.plist Stella-emu.plist

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 13
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

  * Updated included PNG and ZLIB libraries to latest stable version.  Also,
    both libraries are now compiled into the app whenever one is selected.
    This fixes issues with a newer ZLIB not working with an older PNG, etc.

  * Updated build scripts for Visual Studio 2017 (Windows) and MacOS
    Sierra (latest version of Xcode), and make these the minimum supported
    versions for building Stella.

  * Updated UNIX configure script to work with the clang 5+ and gcc 7+
    compiler versions, and fixed compile issues on AArch64 and ppc64le

4.7.2 to 4.7.3: (Nov. 21, 2016)

  * Added preliminary support for the 3E+ bankswitching scheme, developed
    by Thomas Jentzsch.

  * Fixed HMOVE positioning bug that occurred under certain circumstances.
    Thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for the bug report and patch to fix
    the issue.

  * Added 'trapm', 'trapreadm', 'trapwritem' commands to debugger prompt.
    These are similar to the non-'m' versions, except that they also trap
    on all mirrors of the given address.

  * Fixed bug in debugger 'reset' command; it wasn't resetting the
    bankswitching, so after a reset the banks were in an undefined state.

  * Updated UNIX configure script to fix a bug where it fails in
    cross-compilation under certain circumstances.  Thanks to Vlad
    Zakharov for providing a patch to fix this issue.

4.7.1 to 4.7.2: (Mar. 25, 2016)

  * Fixed bug when entering and exiting the debugger; sometimes the
    character corresponding to the '`' key would be output in the
    prompt area.

  * Updated DPC+ Thumb ARM emulation code to latest from David Welch.
    In particular, this fixes incorrect handling of the V flag when
    adding and subtracting, but also fixes compile-time warnings that
    I couldn't get rid of before.

  * Updated UNIX configure script to work with GCC 6.x compilers, and to
    remove references to obsolete compiler versions that can no longer
    be used to compile Stella.

4.7 to 4.7.1: (Feb. 13, 2016)

  * Improved TV 'jitter' emulation; the recovery time can now be spread
    over multiple frame, to simulate a real TV taking multiple frames to
    recover.  Related to this, added new commandline argument
    'tv.jitter_recovery' to set the recovery time.  Finally, enabling
    the jitter effect and the recovery time are now accessible through
    the UI.  Special thanks to SpiceWare of AtariAge for the initial idea
    and implementation.

  * Fixed bug with 'Medieval Mayhem' ROMs; the paddle range was set too
    low, and as a result the number of players couldn't be selected.

  * Fixed bug when using more than two input controllers with the same
    name; each controller after the second one was named the same as the
    second one.  This caused the joystick mappings to be lost, since there
    was only information about two controllers being saved.

  * Indirectly fixed issues with Stelladaptor/2600-daptor devices and
    paddles having too large of a deadzone in Linux.  Currently, this
    involves running an external application to set the deadzone,
    since SDL2 does not yet expose this information.  The program is
    called 'evdev-joystick', and will be released separately from Stella.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 11
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

4.6.7 to 4.7: (January 25, 2016)

  * Improved paddle emulation in several ways:

    - Added ability to specify the maximum range of movement for paddles
      when using a mouse or digital device to emulate the paddle.  This is
      useful since on a real console most paddle games use very little of
      the paddle range, and could result in moving the mouse onscreen with
      nothing appearing to happen (when in effect it was as if you turned
      a real paddle all the way to the end of the range).  This eliminates
      issues in (for example) Kaboom, where there was a huge 'deadzone'
      when moving to the left.  All applicable ROMS in the internal
      database have been updated.

    - The range for paddle emulation now takes an integer from 1 - 20,
      indicating how much to scale movement (ie, how fast the onscreen
      paddle will move when you move the mouse).  The movement itself
      is now also smoother than before.

  * Fixed bug in 'Score mode' in TIA emulation; the TIA object colours
    were correct, but the associated priority was sometimes incorrect.

  * Fixed bug in ROM launcher; selecting 'Options -> Game Properties' after
    loading a ROM would always point to the last opened ROM, not to the one
    currently selected.

  * Fixed bug in storing ROM properties; in some cases, a copy of the
    ROM properties was being stored in the external file when it was
    exactly the same as the internal entry.

  * Added 'CV+' bankswitching scheme, developed by myself and LS_Dracon
    (of AtariAge).  This scheme contains RAM like the CV scheme, and
    also switchable 2K ROM segments by writing to $3D.

  * Added more C++11 updates all over the codebase, and ran Stella
    through Coverity for the first time.  I'm proud to say that Stella
    now has a 0.00 defect rate!

4.6.6 to 4.6.7: (October 28, 2015)

  * Fixed bug when using real paddles plugged into a Stelladaptor
    2600-daptor device; the movement was very erratic.

  * Fixed small logic error in 'MDM' bankswitching scheme.

4.6.5 to 4.6.6: (October 11, 2015)

  * Added 'Alt/Cmd + j' shortcut key and 'tv.jitter' commandline argument
    to toggle the TV scanline jittering emulation added in the last
    release.  Also, this jittering now defaults to off.

  * Fixed bug in 'MDM' bankswitch scheme; bankswitching wasn't being
    done under certain circumstances.

4.6.1 to 4.6.5: (September 26, 2015)

  * Added mappable events for toggling TV color/BW, left difficulty A/B
    and right difficulty A/B.  This means that one key, joystick button,
    etc. can be used to toggle each event.  Thanks to Buzbard of AtariAge
    for the suggestion.

  * Added ability to edit values in more widgets in the debugger.  For
    now, this applies mainly to the various decimal and binary fields.
    More widgets will be made editable in future releases.

  * The TIA now emulates the jitter that occurs when scanline counts
    are not consistent frame-over-frame.  Also, the DPC+ scheme now
    emulates jitter that can occur when using its Fractional Datafetchers
    if the DFxFRACINC registers are not re-initialized every frame.
    Special thanks to SpiceWare for this implementation.

  * Tweaked 'MDM' scheme autodetection to detect that the identification
    string can be in either bank 0 or bank 1.

  * Changed 'hidecursor' commandline argument (and associated UI item) to
    'cursor'.  The new argument allows to set mouse cursor visibility
    separately for both UI and emulation modes.

  * Fixed snapshot bug most noticeable in MacOSX, where taking a snapshot
    of a TIA image sometimes left parts of the UI onscreen (and in the
    resulting picture).

  * Fixed memory leak; the game console wasn't being closed after exiting
    a ROM.

  * For the Windows port: added an application icon for Stella in the
    Control Panel "Add/Remove Programs" list.

  * For the OSX port: Updated build scripts to be compatible with Xcode 7.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

4.6 to 4.6.1: (April 22, 2015)

  * Fixed bug whereby text input could not be entered in certain widgets
    in the debugger.

  * Updated UNIX configure script to work with GCC 5.x compilers.

4.5 to 4.6: (March 21, 2015)

  * Finally fixed fullscreen rendering issues on some OpenGL
    implementations in Linux (mostly Intel-specific).  Basically, the
    concept of 'dirty updates' has been removed; the window is now
    updated continuously.  This may also fix issues some people were
    having with triple-buffering in Windows Direct3D, etc.

  * Fixed sound corruption that happened when running a ROM for the
    first time.  This was most obvious under OSX, but occasionally
    happened on other systems too.

  * Reverted some minor C++11 features (std::regex and cbegin/cend
    iterators) in a few places, since otherwise GCC 4.9 is required to
    compile Stella, and it isn't available on many systems yet.  These
    changes allow Stella to be built with GCC 4.8, which is present in
    the latest 'long term release' of Ubuntu.

  * Fixed error messages on state loading; sometimes multiple messages
    were being added together and displayed.

  * Fixed bug when running ROMs using AtariVox controllers; the app would
    crash upon exiting the ROM.

  * Snapshot functionality now works while the emulation is paused.

  * Certain textfields in the UI now have filtering enabled, preventing
    insertion of illegal characters.  This will be extended throughout
    the code in future releases.

  * DataGridWidgets in the debugger now respond to keypad '+' and '-'.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

4.2 to 4.5: (January 1, 2015)

  * The conversion to C++11 has begun :)  From this point on, to build
    Stella you will need a C++11 compatible compiler (Visual Studio 2013,
    Clang 3.3, gcc 4.9, Xcode 6, etc).  Eventually, this will bring more
    bug-free and (hopefully) faster code.

  * Fixed major bug with joysticks, where mapping was being lost on reset,
    the app would crash when plugging/unplugging certain sticks, etc.

  * Fixed major (but rare) crash that could occur when state files were
    zero'ed or corrupted.

  * Added dialog which shows the internal joystick database (all the
    joysticks that Stella knows about) and the ability to remove
    (currently unplugged) joysticks from this database.

  * Added preliminary support for 'WD' (Wickstead Design) bankswitching
    scheme, used for a previously unreleased prototype ROM.

  * Improved ZIP file handling, so that it now works as a normal
    filesystem does (it properly shows nested files and directories).

  * The debugger 'reset' command now does a complete system reset,
    instead of simply setting the PC to the reset vector address.

  * The 'listdelay' command now accepts a value of zero, indicating that
    list-skipping (jumping to a line in a list by keypress) is disabled.

  * The 'ctrlcombo' command now has a GUI item, allowing it to be changed
    from within the application.

  * Added 'Shift-Alt/Shift-Cmd s' keyboard shortcut, to enable continuous
    snapshot mode for each frame.  This is really only useful if you
    save snapshots in 1x mode; using it in high-resolution mode is
    not recommended.  Special thanks to SvOlli for the idea and code.

  * The minimum supported version for the OSX port is now OSX 10.7.
    Because of this, the 32-bit version is also discontinued, as 10.7
    supports 64-bit Intel only apps.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 10
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

4.1.1 to 4.2: (October 28, 2014)

  * Text input from non-US keyboard layouts is now supported.  Note that
    all text in Stella is still ASCII-only, but at least it can now be
    entered using a native layout.

  * Related to the text input changes, the debugger Alt-combo shortcuts
    have been changed; they now use the same key but with Control instead
    of Alt (Control-F for frame advance, etc).

  * Controllers are now detected dynamically by Stella.  This means that
    you can plug/unplug joysticks/paddles/etc while Stella is running,
    and they will be added and removed automatically.  Also fixed is
    a bug whereby sometimes custom joystick mappings weren't being saved.

  * The 'cpurandom' option is now broken down by register type, so you
    can selectively enable/disable randomization for each one.  The
    default is to disable randomization for all registers.

  * Fixed 'MDM' scheme to trigger bankswitching on writes to hotspots
    (previously it only triggered on reads).  Also, the scheme has been
    modified as originally designed by E. Blink; hotspots are now in the
    range $800-$BFF instead of $800-$FFF.

  * The OSX app-icon now includes 32x32 and 16x16 versions, so 'small'
    icons will be viewable in 'Finder', 'Get Info', etc.

  * The Linux port now uses an app-icon; this seems to be needed for
    some window managers.

4.1 to 4.1.1: (September 14, 2014)

  * Re-added 'uipalette' option due to popular demand (of at least one
    person :)).

  * Fixed bug in Windows port where pressing 'Alt' key combos resulted in
    an annoying system beep.  Currently this is fixed by patching the SDL2
    library and including a modified version with Stella.

4.0 to 4.1: (September 1, 2014)

  * Improved 'DASH' bankswitching scheme support; there is now a debugger
    tab for changing banks and viewing internal cart RAM, and
    autodetection is now implemented.

  * Added 'MDM' (Menu Driven Megacart) bankswitch scheme as described on
    AtariAge and originally developed by Edwin Blink.

  * Improved snapshot viewing in the ROM launcher; snapshots are now
    scaled to the available space, and can better accommodate sizes
    other than those generated by Stella itself.

  * Improved support on multi-monitor systems.  Stella will now use the
    same monitor for fullscreen-windowed mode switches.  Special thanks
    to Magnus Lind for patches that added this functionality.

  * Removed the 'bank' command from the debugger prompt, as it only worked
    (inconsistently) with certain bankswitch types.  The bankswitch UI
    should now be used to query/set bank state.

  * Fixed bug in disassembly output; instructions at $F000 were never
    being highlighted during execution.

  * The UNIX configure script now supports newer versions of Hurd.
    Special thanks to Stephen Kitt for the patch.

3.9.3 to 4.0: (July 1, 2014)

  * Ported Stella to SDL2, which brings many new features.  Among the
    largest improvements is native hardware acceleration support for
    Windows (Direct3D) and Linux/OSX (OpenGL).  It is also now possible
    to port Stella to iOS and Android devices using OpenGLES.
    Hardware acceleration is now required, which means up-to-date drivers
    are needed.  Software rendering is still present, but is somewhat
    unoptimized and unsupported going forward.

  * Fullscreen video modes now use the desktop resolution.  Switching
    to fullscreen and back to windowed mode no longer rearranges icons
    on your desktop.

  * TIA TV effects are now available in all video modes, since hardware
    acceleration is a requirement.

  * Added a much more detailed view of cart extended RAM to a new
    debugger tab.  Special thanks to SpiceWare for this implementation.

  * Added preliminary support for 'DASH' bankswitching scheme by A. Davie.

  * The AtariVox and SaveKey controllers now have the ability in the
    debugger to completely erase the virtual EEPROM data.

  * Added 'savesnap' debugger prompt command, and also associated
    context menu item to the debugger TIA output area.  This saves the
    current TIA image to a PNG file.

  * Added 'hidecursor' commandline option, which allows to completely
    disable showing the mouse cursor (useful on systems that don't have
    a mouse).

  * Removed 'uipalette' option, as the original palette is no longer

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.9.2 to 3.9.3: (January 20, 2014)

  * Added bankswitch schemes BF, BFSC, DF, DFSC and 4KSC, thanks to
    RevEng and CPUWIZ of AtariAge.

  * Updated ROM properties for several ROMs, thanks to Omegamatrix of

  * Fixed program crash when specifying a bankswitch type that Stella
    didn't recognize; an error message is now displayed.

3.9.1 to 3.9.2: (August 31, 2013)

  * Improved parsing of the DASM lst file for the debugger disassembly;
    it sometimes missed constant declarations.

  * Changed 'usemouse' argument from a true/false option to accept
    'always', 'analog' and 'never'.  This allows to use the mouse as a
    controller under more specific circumstances.  The default is
    'analog', which means the mouse is only used to emulate analog-like
    devices (paddles, trackball, etc).

  * Added ability to use bold fonts within the debugger window, which can
    be set with the 'dbg.fontstyle' commandline argument as well as in the
    debugger UI Settings dialog.  This is useful for those that find the
    current font too narrow.

  * Renamed 'debuggerres' argument to 'dbg.res'.  All future debugger-
    specific options will start with 'dbg.'.

  * The TIA 'zoom' area in the debugger now supports scrolling the
    mouse wheel (currently up/down only, as I don't have a sideways
    scrolling mouse to test with).

3.9 to 3.9.1: (August 21, 2013)

  * Note: because of TIA/6502 changes, the state file format has changed
          again, and old state files will not work with this release.

  * Several bugfixes and improvements to the debugger:
      - Improved display of debugger when using larger video modes.  There
        are now three font sizes, which are automatically selected when
        the debugger is sized accordingly.  When using larger fonts, the
        extra space is now used more efficiently.

      - Fixed bug in disassembly when the mirror used for the current
        PC didn't match the mirror for the current bank.  In this case,
        the disassembler became confused and didn't properly track the
        PC address.

      - Fixed bug in display of current TIA frame number in the UI;
        depending on how breakpoints were set, it was sometimes off by

      - Fixed RAM widget Search/Compare textboxes; entering any data and
        then pressing 'Enter' / clicking 'OK' locked the UI until exiting
        and re-entering the debugger.

      - Changed display for various TIA position counters to decimal
        (from hex) in the TIA tab.  Related to this, all data input
        widgets in the UI now have the ability to enter binary,
        decimal or hex values by using the proper leading character
        (\, #, $, respectively).

      - Added 'INTIM Clks' to the 'I/O' tab. which shows the number of
        clocks between each 'step' of the INTIM timer.

      - Added ability to modify 'tiadriven' commandline argument to the
        'TIA' tab, and 'ramrandom' to the 'I/O' tab.  These options were
        available for quite some time, but they weren't exposed in the UI.

      - Added 'cpurandom' commandline argument, and associated UI item
        to the 'I/O' tab.  This works similar to 'ramrandom', and
        randomizes the contents of the CPU registers on ROM startup.

      - Added 'uhex' debugger prompt command, which toggles all
        hexadecimal display between upper/lower case.  This setting is
        also saved in the settings file as argument 'dbg.uhex'.

      - Removed 'loadsym' command from the debugger prompt, since the
        DASM symbol file is always loaded anyway, making the command
        redundant.  Related to this, fixed loading symbols with
        ###.name convention; the leading number is now stripped.

      - Added support for DASM lst files (created with the -l option).
        For now, the contents are only partially used, to detect
        constants vs. symbolic addresses in the symbol file.  Eventually,
        further information from the lst file may be used.

      - The GRPx and PFx registers in the TIA output now show inactive
        background pixels as either blanked or with the underlying object
        colour, instead of always being black.   This gives a more accurate
        representation of how the registers are actually drawn onscreen.
        Thanks to Tjoppen of AtariAge for this idea and sample code.

      - The 'Source Address' locations for the CPU registers now show
        labels where appropriate.

  * Renamed 'Override properties' dialog (accessible from the ROM
    launcher by a right-mouse-button click) to 'Power-on options', with
    the following new options:
      - Set start-up state for both joysticks as well as console select/
        reset buttons.  Related to this, added 'holdjoy01' and 'holdjoy1'
        commandline arguments, and removed 'holdbutton0' argument.

      - The ability to load the ROM directly from this dialog, after
        changing any settings, and also to start in the debugger.

      - Added more detailed information as to how to use this
        functionality to the UI.

      - Buttons held down are reset approx. 0.5 seconds after starting
        the ROM, to simulate pressing and releasing the buttons on a
        real console.

  * Fixed bug when using event remapping; changes were being saved only
    when launching a ROM from the launcher, not in standalone mode.

  * Improved bankswitch autodetection for newer EF and EFSC ROMs
    generated by batari Basic, thanks to RevEng of AtariAge.

  * Added properties database info for "Princess Rescue" ROM.

  * For the Linux/UNIX port:
      - Fixed bug whereby a maximize button was always present in the
        window title bar.  Stella could not be expanded in this way,
        so the button was removed.

      - Added Startup notification protocol patch to the .desktop
        file from Dan Fandrich.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.8.1 to 3.9: (June 27, 2013)

  * Greatly extended functionality of the debugger disassembly:
      - There is now a new tab which lists information specific to the
        cartridge bankswitching scheme in use.  This includes the ability
        to modify internal state even for esoteric ROMs which don't
        follow the standard layout of 4K per bank.

      - The debugger now generates DASM-compatible disassembled code,
        which can be saved to an external file.  This disassembly is
        based on both a static and runtime analysis, and is extremely
        accurate.  It also automatically differentiates between
        CODE/PGFX/GFX/DATA/ROW areas, whereas normal Distella
        only differentiates between CODE/GFX/ROW.  For now, only
        single-bank (4K and smaller) ROMs are supported; support for
        multi-bank ROMs will come in a future release.

      - The disassembly now recognizes various TIA/RIOT read/write
        mirrors, and marks them as such (for example, INPT4|$30 instead
        of INPT4 for address $3C).  Special thanks to Omegamatrix for
        sample code and idea for this feature.

      - ROMS less than 2K in size (so called 'Sub2K' ROMs) now show only
        the actual data in the binary.  This means, for example, that a
        256 byte ROM will show only 256 bytes in the disassembly, instead
        of padding duplicated data to 2K boundary.

      - Fixed bug when entering patched bytes; the current number base
        wasn't being used.

      - Fixed labelling in ROW directives; it wasn't accurately setting
        a label in the case where it occurred in the middle of the data.

      - Added a new dialog for changing Distella settings, located by
        right-clicking the disassembly code.

      - The commandline option 'dis.resolvedata' has been renamed to
        'dis.resolve', with new usage (see manual for further details).

  * Fixed regression in handling ZIP files (as compared to version 3.7.5)
    created with newer versions of the ZIP program.  Related to this, added
    better error messages for invalid/missing/unreadable ROM files.

  * Added 'snapname' commandline argument and associated UI item, for
    specifying whether snapshots should be saved using either the internal
    ROM database name or the actual ROM filename.  This feature was
    present in older releases of Stella, and due to popular demand it's
    now back again.  Related to this, added a new dialog specifically for
    the numerous snapshot-related items.

  * Fixed bug in Linux/OSX versions when starting Stella for the first
    time; it was previously creating mislabeled directories to store
    settings, snapshots, etc.

  * Fixed redundant "New console created" message when entering the same
    ROM multiple times from the ROM launcher.

  * Updated profile database for "BasketBall" ROMs; the joysticks are now
    swapped by default, which allows one and two-player games to work

  * SuperCharger/AR ROMs now ignore the 'ramrandom' setting, and start with
    RAM containing all zeroes.  This seems to fix issues with Dragonstomper
    always starting in exactly the same state.

  * Fixed issue when debugging CompuMate ROMs; keystrokes entered while
    debugging would be interpreted as typing on the CompuMate keyboard.

  * Changed colour of the 'current PC indicator' in the debugger to
    match the one used for line selection.  This makes it easier to
    see for those with problems seeing lighter colours.

  * Improved functionality of the various pop-up dialogs and context
    menus in the UI; they can now be navigated more fully by the keyboard
    and mouse.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 9
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.

  * Updated included PNG and ZLIB libraries to latest stable version.

3.8 to 3.8.1: (March 3, 2013)

  * Added support for TIA RSYNC writes, thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge.
    This allows the recently released "Extra Terrestrials" ROM to run, as
    well as improving emulation of "Fatal Run" and several other test ROMs.

  * Fixed typo in TIA HMOVE writes, thanks to Thomas Jentzsch.  This fixes
    the constant collision issues in "Kool-Aid Man", and several other
    homebrew ROMs.

  * Fixed sound issues on OSX PPC machines (all sound was in little-endian
    format, but PPC is big-endian).

  * The OSX DMG archive now contains proper modification dates.

3.7.5 to 3.8: (February 21, 2013)

  * Huge changes to the sound system:
      - The sound code now uses 16-bit signed samples instead of 8-bit
        unsigned samples, making it more compatible with a wider variety of
      - Improved sound output for several ROMs, including "Space Rocks"
        (the 'heartbeat' sound can now be clearly heard).
      - The 'volume clipping' option has been removed, since in 16-bit
        mode it's no longer needed.
      - The 'Tia freq' option has been removed.
      - Selecting more common sample rates (other than 31400) now works
        much better, but there are still a few ROMS (like Quadrun) where
        31400Hz still works best.

  * Many changes to handling ZIP archives:
      - Files in multiple levels are now recognized.  This fixes issues
        in Windows where such files couldn't be loaded at all, and in all
        systems where ROMs with the same name (but in different
        directories) weren't being recognized.
      - ZIP contents are now handled more intelligently.  Archives
        containing only one ROM are automatically loaded, whereas those
        with multiple files are treated as directories.
      - Opening an archive from the commandline now works as in the UI,
        where opening a multi-ROM archive will pop up the UI and show the
        archive contents (as a directory).
      - The ZIP code behind the scenes is now much faster by making use
        of caching (the old code was actually from 1998!).
      - This new 'archive' infrastructure may eventually lead to 7-Zip
        support, as well as 'virtual' formats (such as showing the list
        of files for 2in1/4in1/8in1/etc within the UI).

  * Improved bankswitch autodetection for FA2 ROMs; 29K and 32K versions
    (meant for Harmony cart) are now recognized.

  * Improved bankswitch autodetection for X07 ROMs (although there's only
    two known ROMs in existence, so the detection probably isn't robust).

  * Tweaked bankswitch autodetection for the 0840, F8 and FE schemes;
    several homebrews that didn't run before now work correctly.

  * Fixed regression in RIOT INTIM reads; at least one known ROM
    (Mr. Roboto Berzerk hack) wasn't working properly.

  * Fixed bug in the debugger with RIOT INTIM/TIMINT display; reads
    were being done multiple times, changing the state of the
    registers and resulting in incorrect emulation.

  * Worked around bug in debugger disassembly of zero-page RAM; for now,
    the resolving of address vs. data sections is turned off in such a
    case.  This fixes lockups in 'Meltdown' ROM.

  * Added support for different directories for saving/loading PNG
    files.  These are set with the 'snapsavedir' and 'snaploaddir'
    commandline arguments (which replace the old 'snapdir'), and are
    also available within the UI.

  * Changed 'eepromdir' commandline argument to 'nvramdir', and changed
    the default location to BASEDIR/nvram (where BASEDIR depends on your
    OS).  This means all your EEPROM and Flash files will have to be
    manually moved to this new directory.  This affects developers, and
    those people playing ROMs with AtariVox/SaveKey support as well as
    the newer 'Star Castle' FA2 ROMs.

  * Updated included PNG and ZLIB libraries to latest stable version.

3.7.4 to 3.7.5: (December 22, 2012)

  * Improved regressions in PAL format autodetection, introduced in the
    past several releases.

  * Fixed crash when loading invalid PNG files in ROM browser.

  * Snapshots generated by Stella now include more informative info, such
    as the build number, platform architecture, TV effects in use, etc.

3.7.3 to 3.7.4: (October 31, 2012)

  * Fixed screen blanking regression in 'Video Chess', and improved
    behaviour of ROMs that don't use VSYNC.

3.7.2 to 3.7.3: (October 26, 2012)

  * Note: because of TIA/RIOT changes, the state file format has changed
          again, and old state files will not work with this release.

  * Improved handling of 'illegal' VSYNC signals, which sometimes created
    'short' frames that caused massive flickering.  Also improved
    related behaviour when VSYNC isn't used at all.

  * Improved sound generation with ROMs that have irregular scanline
    counts.  This fixes many demo ROMs as well as Quadrun, where
    previously there would be 'gaps' in the sound output.

  * Improved emulation of RIOT chip, in particular the behaviour of
    reading from TIMINT.  Also, D6 of the Interrupt Flag register is now
    properly set on active transition of the PA7 pin.

  * Fixed bug in DPC+ bankswitch scheme; the music in several ROMS wasn't
    playing correctly.

  * The ROM properties database now uses 'Auto' instead of 'Auto-select'
    everywhere.  This makes for less typing when running from the

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.7.1 to 3.7.2: (June 10, 2012)

  * Fixed bug in handling filenames with the '~' character, as is used
    extensively by RomHunter rom-sets.

3.7 to 3.7.1: (June 8, 2012)

  * Note: because of TIA changes, the state file format has changed again,
          and old state files will not work with this release.

  * Improved TIA emulation with ROMs that have too few or too many
    scanlines; the output is now more accurate compared to a real TV.
    Special thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for test ROMs in this area.

  * Modified hotkey for "Change console palette" (Control-f) to also
    change the display properties of the TIA.  This allows you to switch
    between NTSC/PAL/SECAM (and variant) modes dynamically.  Related to
    this, added Shift-Control-f key to step backwards through the
    available modes.

  * Added '64in1' and '128in1' multicart bankswitching schemes, which work
    the same as the 2in1/4in1/etc ones (Control-r switches to each
    consecutive game in the ROM).

  * Fixed several bugs in DPC+ bankswitching scheme, including ability
    to load and save state files.  As well, ROMs now work correctly after
    console format autodetection.

  * Fixed bugs in handling relative filenames on the commandline,
    introduced in the last release.  The new functionality should be much
    more robust.

3.6.1 to 3.7: (June 1, 2012)

  * Added Blargg TV effects, with presets for Composite, S-video, RGB,
    and badly adjusted TV, and well as a custom mode with full
    configurability of contrast, brightness, gamma, etc.  Many
    keyboard shortcuts and commandline arguments were added to support
    this; see the documentation for a detailed explanation.  These
    effects are OpenGL-only.  Special thanks to Ian Bogost and the
    Georgia Tech Atari Team for the preliminary implementation.

  * Updated the CompuMate keyboard handler to recognize more keys on an
    actual keyboard, instead of having to remember the weird combinations
    used on the original CompuMate keyboard (although those original keys
    will continue to work).  Related to this, fixed bug whereby
    'ghost keys' would be detected by the CompuMate, particularly after
    pressing 'Enter' to start a game from the ROM launcher.

  * Added emulation for MindLink controller using the mouse; the 'Bionic
    Breakthrough' and 'Telepathy' ROMs now work.

  * Updated FA2 bankswitch scheme (Star Castle) to emulate load/save
    high score functionality to the Harmony cart flash RAM.

  * Added ability for ROM launcher to 'descend' into ZIP files when it
    contains more than one ROM file.  This means you no longer have to
    unzip a multi-file archive before using each ROM.  Thanks go to Roland
    Schabenberger (webOS maintainer) for this idea and sample code.

  * Several improvements to the debugger/disassembler:
      - The 'resolvedata', 'showaddr' and 'gfxformat' commandline
        arguments are renamed to start with 'dis', indicating that
        they're used with the built-in disassembler.
      - Zero-page code addresses no longer have their high-byte
        truncated, and system equates (TIA and I/O registers) are now
        properly marked as such.
      - The Distella '-r' option (Relocate calls out of address range)
        is no longer the default, resulting in output more consistent
        with normal usage of Distella.  Related to this, added the
        '-dis.relocate' commandline argument (and associated UI item)
        to toggle this dynamically.

  * Fixed bug in EFSC bankswitch scheme state saving; the Superchip RAM
    wasn't actually being loaded and saved to state files.

  * Improved speed of loading and saving state files, as well as slightly
    reducing their size.  Because of this, old state files will not work
    with this release.

  * Replaced commandline argument 'uselauncher' with 'exitlauncher'.  The
    new option specifies the behaviour of the ROM launcher when exiting
    a ROM (always exit to launcher, or only when the launcher was actually
    used).  This setting can now be changed in the GUI.

  * Several updates to the internal properties database:
      - 'Juno First' ROMs now use an AtariVox/SaveKey when possible
      - 'Astroblast' ROMs now use the paddles by default
      - 'Star Castle 2600' ROMs added

  * Changed key-combo for enabling TIA objects and collisions to be
    toggled on and off with the Alt-period and Shift-Alt-period
    respectively (instead of having two separate keys to turn them on
    and off).

  * When working on the commandline, relative filenames are now
    correctly handled (current working directory is used).

  * The Windows 98/ME/2000 builds have been discontinued, due to code and
    features that are only available on Windows XP/SP3 and later.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.6 to 3.6.1: (March 30, 2012)

  * Extended FA2 bankswitch scheme to handle 28K ROMs (in addition to
    the previously supported 24K ROMs).

3.5.5 to 3.6: (March 16, 2012)

  * Added support for 2600-daptor II device, including native support
    for 7800 controllers, BoosterGrip and Keypad controllers.  Special
    thanks go to Tom Hafner for a complimentary test sample of this
    device, and also for donating a BoosterGrip controller.

  * Added ability to dynamically swap the port order of Stelladaptor/
    2600-daptor devices with the 'Control-1' key combo (useful if you
    have only one 2600-daptor and want to use it as a left port
    normally, but as a right port for Star Raiders, etc).

  * Added CompuMate bankswitching/controller support to the emulation
    core; the Spectravideo CompuMate ROMs (NTSC and PAL) now work.
    Frequently used keys on the CompuMate are directly mapped to your
    keyboard (ie, Func-Space for backspace is mapped to Backspace, etc).
    Loading/saving from the cassette player is not yet supported, and
    will come in a future release.

  * Fixed bug in BoosterGrip controller emulation; the functionality
    of the booster and trigger buttons was reversed.  Related to this,
    renamed these actions in the Event Mapping dialog to be more clear.

  * Reverted to SDL 1.2.14 for the Windows 98/2k release, since SDL
    1.2.15 isn't supported in that environment.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.5 to 3.5.5: (February 4, 2012)

  * Due to changes in the debugger, old state files will not work with
    this release.

  * Fixed bug in sound restructuring introduced in the last release; in
    some cases, there could be some sound 'crackling' when starting a
    ROM after at least one ROM had already been loaded.

  * Several significant improvements to the debugger I/O tab:
      - added controller input widgets for many of the built-in
        controllers, allowing to control joysticks, paddles, etc
        from within the debugger.
      - added ability to modify the SWCHB/SWBCNT port B registers.
      - added ability to view TIA INPTx and VBLANK latch/dump bits.

  * Reworked 'mcontrol' argument, and added ability to map the mouse
    axes separately for paddles 0-3 or driving controllers 0-1.  In
    such modes, the left mouse button is tied to the x-axis, and the
    right button is tied to the y-axis.

  * Mouse 'specific-axis' mode is now saved per-ROM, meaning that each
    ROM can have separate settings.  For example, this allows one ROM to
    use paddles 0 and 1, while another can use paddles 0 and 2, etc.

  * The key-combo for switching the mouse between controller modes is now
    'Control-0' (Control-1,2,3 have been removed).  This switches
    between all possible modes for the current virtual controllers.

  * Fixed bug in 'Fixed Debug Colors' mode; under certain circumstances,
    playfield graphics could be coloured as being player graphics.

  * Fixed bug in PAL color-loss setting in Video Settings; changing the
    settings wouldn't take effect until the ROM was reloaded.

  * Fixed bugs with cheatcode handling; loading a ROM with a cheat
    disabled would sometimes trash the emulation.  More work is
    required in this area, including the ability to create more
    advanced types of cheats.

  * Updated ROM properties database for all Sega Genesis controller
    compatible ROMs.  Also, the mouse can now emulate a Genesis
    controller, with the left/right buttons mapped to buttons B and C,

  * Added 'FA2' bankswitch scheme, thanks to code from Chris D.
    Walton.  This scheme will be used in an upcoming 'Star Castle' ROM.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 7
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).

  * Added several PERL tools to help in automation of analyzing RomHunter
    ROM set releases.

  * Fixed compile issues in Irix when using the default compiler
    instead of gcc.  Thanks go to Rainer M. Canavan for this code.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

3.4.1 to 3.5: (December 29, 2011)

  * Stella is now DonationWare!  Please see the DonationWare link on the
    main webpage for more information.

  * Added several improvements to the joystick management code.  Joystick
    event mapping is now saved per device, meaning that if you map events
    to a certain joystick device, remove the device and then later insert
    it again, Stella will remember the original mapping.

  * The total number of joysticks present and their associated properties
    (number of axes, buttons and hats) is now dynamic.  That is, there's
    no longer a hard-coded limit on the number of joysticks that Stella
    can use, or the number of buttons, etc that it contains.  This fixes
    a serious bug with PS3 controllers with 27 buttons, whereby adding a
    mapping for joystick 0 would inadvertantly change settings for
    joystick 1, and could potentially lead to a program crash.

  * Added 'mcontrol' commandline argument, which can specify to use each
    mouse axis as a separate paddle.  The old (and default) behaviour can
    be activated by setting this argument to 'auto'.  Related to this,
    removed redundant 'usemouse' argument.

  * Huge restructuring of the OpenGL code, making it compatible with
    OpenGL 2.x+ features (such as vertex buffer objects), while at the
    same time keeping compatibility with OpenGL 1.5 / OpenGL ES.
    Because of the required changes, TV effects were removed (they will
    be added again for the next release).

  * Improvements to audio handling, particularly for certain cases of
    Windows, ATI video cards, and OpenGL mode.  The sound device is now
    opened only once when Stella starts, and is paused between loading
    different ROMs.  This fixes a problem whereby sound could possibly
    not be functional after loading the first ROM.  Related to this,
    removed the 'audiofirst' commandline argument as it's now redundant.

  * Fixed bug with displaying the ROM launcher in Windows XP; the initial
    load was sometimes taking up to 30 seconds to complete.

  * Added logging facility, whereby the output of the application is
    available within Stella itself.  This can still be printed to the
    console, or also saved to a file.  Add the 'loglevel' and
    'logtoconsole' commandline arguments which control these settings,
    and removed the 'showinfo' argument as it's now redundant.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitching scheme to latest code provided by

  * Added MAMCR handling to the Thumb ARM emulation code.  Note that
    MAMCR isn't actually emulated, it is just ignored for now.  This
    fixes a bug whereby accessing MAMCR would crash the ARM emulation.

  * Added 'thumb.trapfatal' commandline argument, which causes the
    Thumb ARM emulation to either trap on a fatal error (throw an
    exception to the debugger and exit emulation) or simply log the
    error and continue.  This should normally always be enabled, but
    can be disabled by developers for testing reasons.

  * Updated default snapshot directory to be much saner and easier to
    find.  For most systems, it now defaults to the users 'Desktop'.
    Note that the commandline argument has changed to 'snapdir'.

  * The debugger 'print' command now indicates "special" addresses if
    they are read-only (R), write-only (W) or read-write (R/W).

  * Fixed a bug where scrolling the mouse-wheel in certain debugger UI
    items would cause the program to crash; scrolling now works as

  * Fixed minor display issue in the debugger RAM area; some addresses
    were being displayed as '...'.

  * Fixed compile issues in the latest versions of Ubuntu and Debian, and
    fixed UNIX desktop file so that Stella will launch with a ROM when
    selected from its icon.  Thanks go to Stephen Kitt for this code.

  * Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

  * Updated the credits list in the documentation, listing people that
    have donated hardware to the Stella team.

3.4 to 3.4.1: (June 11, 2011)

  * Re-enabled 'grabmouse' commandline argument and associated
    functionality with the following changes:
      - it is changed in the "Input Settings' UI, not in 'Video Settings'
      - it only has meaning while in emulation mode
      - it is enabled by default

  * Fixed bug with emulation of paddles using the mouse most evident in
    Warlords; movement was being filtered out if the mouse was moved too
    fast.  There's still more work required in this area, however.

  * Fixed bug with analog axes on gamepad devices, whereby jittering in
    these axes would override input from digital axis, hat or keyboard

  * Fixed bug when switching to the debugger and back again would
    sometimes cause an extra mouse motion event (which would cause the
    emulation to think the mouse was moved and move the player

  * Tweaked bankswitch autodetection code for 4A50 bankswitching; several
    more test ROMs are automatically detected.

  * The 'saverom' debugger command now saves ROMs in your home
    directory by default if you don't specify a valid path.  This fixes
    a bug whereby ROMs were saved in strange locations and couldn't later
    be found.

  * Fixed bug in automatically executing the debugger 'autoexec.stella'
    file; any commands it contained weren't actually being executed.

  * Zero-byte ROMs are no longer loaded and mis-detected as Supercharger

3.3 to 3.4: (May. 29, 2011)

  * Many improvements to input handling, particularly with the mouse and
    - The mouse can now be used to emulate a joystick, booster-grip or
      driving controller.

    - The mouse now controls only one device at a time (1 of 4 paddles,
      1 of 2 joysticks, etc), instead of devices from both virtual ports.

    - The sensitivity for digital and mouse input (for paddles) can now
      be set separately with the 'dsense' and 'msense' commandline
      arguments, and from within the Input Settings UI.

  * Added support for the 2600-daptor device (2600-daptor.com), which is
    similar to a Stelladaptor but improves handling of paddles.  Thanks
    go to Tom Hafner for a complimentary test sample of this device.

  * Added new controller types 'Paddles_IAxis', 'Paddles_IDir', and
    'Paddles_IAxDr', which invert the paddle axis, direction, and
    axis+direction, respectively.  These are used for certain ROMs
    that have the axis or direction inverted from normal (for example,
    using the paddles causes on onscreen object to move up and down vs.
    left and right).  All applicable ROMs in the internal database
    have been updated.

  * Added preliminary support for emulating ARM code to the DPC+
    bankswitching scheme (thanks to Batari).  Related to this, fatal
    errors in the DPC+ ARM code are now caught and shown in the debugger.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 6
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).

  * The ROM audit dialog now automatically selects the current
    directory in the ROM launcher, and reloads the directory after
    the audit is complete.

  * Removed the 'grabmouse' functionality; the mouse is now always
    grabbed while playing a game, and released otherwise.

  * Updated built-in version of the PNG library to the latest version.

3.2.2 to 3.3: (November 12, 2010)

  * Added the following Distella 'directives', which are used to override
    and specifically tell the debugger how to treat address space (CODE,
    GFX, PGFX, DATA, ROW).  See the debugger documentation for more

  * Disassembly from the debugger is now tracked by the emulation core,
    and accented by the built-in Distella code.  Basically, the emulation
    core knows when an address is referenced as code, making for very
    accurate disassembled output.  Related to this, the emulation core now
    tracks accesses to GRPx and PFx registers, automatically marking the
    addresses as GFX or PGFX sections.  This will be improved in future
    releases, as there are many ways to store data in the graphics

  * Improved output of graphics output in the disassembler, by marking
    such addresses with a bitmap of the data they represent.  This
    allows player graphics (GFX directive) and playfield graphics (PGFX
    directive) to really stand out in the disassembly.  Related to this,
    added ability to edit such graphics in either binary or hexidecimal.

  * Added preliminary support for Distella configuration files.  Much
    more work is required in this area, since Stella now contains
    directives that don't yet exist in the standalone Distella program.
    Configuration files are automatically loaded, and debugger commands
    now exist to load and save configuration directives directly from
    the debugger.

  * Added the following commands to the debugger prompt:
     - clearconfig, listconfig, loadconfig, saveconfig
       (used for Distella configuration files)
     - code, data, gfx, pgfx, row
       (directives used to override automatic disassembly types)
     - jump (jumps to a specific address in the disassembly)
     - type (gives detailed info for disassembly type of an address)

  * The debugger prompt commands 'trap', 'trapread' and 'trapwrite' now
    accept a range of addresses as well as a single address.

  * Added 'data source' address output for the CPU SP/A/X/Y registers.
    This is useful for quickly seeing what an operand address resolves
    into with various load commands.

  * Many commands in the debugger prompt are now case-insensitive;
    further improvements will be made in future releases.

  * Many improvements to the built-in Distella disassembler.  When passing
    a relative branch or jump, data is now disassembled as code only if
    the emulation core hasn't detected it as data.  Such 'preliminary'
    code is marked with a '*' in the disassembler, indicating that it is
    tentative code, and hasn't actually been executed yet.  This allows to
    quickly see possible code paths, and at the same time eliminate
    disassembly of addresses that are never used as code sections.

  * Program counter/instruction addresses can now be toggled in the

  * Disassembled instructions involving relative branches now show only
    one byte for the operand, not two bytes.

  * Fixed bug in several text input fields, whereby binary data couldn't
    be input (a '\' was required, but the character was blocked).

  * Fixed issues with PAL ROMs on screenmodes smaller than a PAL ROM
    would require.  In this case, the image is centered and clipped to
    the screen resolution.  This prevents the message "PAL ROM not
    supported" from appearing.

  * Fixed bug in fullscreen OpenGL mode when using ATI video cards;
    the desktop background was 'bleeding through', resulting in a very
    annoying flickering.

  * Fixed crashes when opening windows larger than the desktop resolution
    in fullscreen mode; this is now allowed only in windowed mode.

  * Application window centering now also works when switching between
    video modes, not just when starting the application.

  * Added support for building a Windows version compatible with Windows
    98 and 2000 (compiled with Visual Studio 2005).  Testing is very
    limited, since I no longer have access to these systems.

  * Fixed build issues for Innosetup in Windows XP.

  * Fixed bug in OSX version where the name of the application wasn't
    being shown in Activity Monitor.

  * State files from older versions will no longer work in this release,
    because of the extensive changes to the debugger and disassembler.

3.2.1 to 3.2.2: (September 17, 2010)

  * Fixed bug with window centering; if enabled and the the window was
    larger than the desktop, the window would be moved offscreen.

3.2 to 3.2.1: (August 25, 2010)

  * Improved behaviour of joystick 'hat' movement.  This should fix bugs
    most visible in Yars' Revenge.

  * Fixed bug in debugger rewind states; bankswitching wasn't being
    performed during the rewind.  Related to this, fixed a similar issue
    with the debugger 'loadstate' and 'savestate' commands.

  * Added game properties info and snapshot for the newly released
    'Halo 2600' ROM.

3.1.2 to 3.2: (August 20, 2010)

  * NOTE: because of the many event-related changes in this release, all
    event mapping should be reset to defaults after starting Stella for
    the first time.  As well, because of other internal changes, older
    save-state files are no longer valid.

  * Many improvements to joystick handling code, particularly for analog
    axes.  Navigating the UI should be much smoother now, and remapping
    events to analog axes should be less 'twitchy'.

  * Added ability to assign and remap 'combo' events in emulation mode.
    Combo events are basically a sequence of normal events (up to 8)
    that are generated from a single event (ie, one button on a joystick
    could generate up to 8 events).  Updated Input Settings UI to
    access and modify these events.

  * Default mappings are now available in UI and emulation mode for the
    first 'hat' detected on a joystick/gamepad.  Related to this, a hat
    now works exactly like an axis in UI mode (holding down a direction
    continues that direction until the hat is released/centered).

  * Several major improvements to the debugger:
      - the disassembler can now process multiple entry points, and
        caches entry points as they're encountered (ie, the disassembly
        isn't 'reset' each time a bank change occurs or you exit and
        re-enter the debugger)
      - preliminary support for disassembling from zero-page RAM
      - re-added ability to change banks with the 'bank' debugger
        prompt command and within the ROM disassembly UI
      - user labels in disassembly are now supported again
      - 'runto' command is now case-insensitive, and shows a progressbar
        while searching through the disassembly
      - the debugger window can be resized between ROM loads (previously,
        the app had to be restarted)
      - fixed bug in Distella disassembler output, where it sometimes
        generated addresses above $FFFF
      - a vertical line separates the disassembly from the raw bytes

  * Fixed behaviour of SWCHB and SWBCNT; pins set to output now remember
    the values previously written.  Some ROMs use this functionality for
    extra storage.  Special thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for advice
    and test ROMs in this area.

  * Fixed bug when reading from illegal TIA addresses; a Space Invaders
    hack was showing pink enemies instead of white ones.  Again, special
    thanks to to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for advice and test ROMs in this

  * Fixed bug in handling INPT4/INPT5 latches from VBLANK; a least one
    ROM was working in Stella when it didn't on real hardware.

  * Added 'ramrandom' commandline argument, which is used to randomize
    all RAM in the system; otherwise, the RAM is zeroed.

  * Added 'finishing touches' to some of the UI descriptions, giving a
    better explanation of the functions.  Related to this, certain
    options now show a message box explaining the option in further
    detail (particularly the ROM Audit mode).  As well, when starting
    Stella for the first time, a prompt appears to select a ROM

  * Fixed bugs in the ROM launcher when viewing certain PNG images not
    created by Stella.  Related to this, the official PNG library is now
    included in the Stella codebase (version 1.4.3).  Also added composite
    snapshots for those ROMs which consist of several games.  Thanks go
    to Buzbard of AtariAge for these images.

  * Added several fixes for crashes on 'small' systems (those systems
    where the maximum resolution is less than 640x480).

  * Tweaked bankswitch autodetection for 0840, DPC+, E7 and UA schemes.

  * Improved F8 bankswitch autodetection for Yars Revenge in 8in1 ROM.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications.

  * Snapshots taken in continuous snapshot mode are now timestamped, so
    older files are never overwritten.

  * Fixed a TIA segfault that could occur with certain ROMs.

  * The 'center' application window functionality can now be changed
    without having to restart the application.  Related to this, mouse
    positioning bugs when using the Linux version in OpenGL mode with
    SDL 1.2.14 have been fixed.

  * Reworked the manual, dividing it into 'Getting Started' and
    'Advanced Configuration' sections.  It still contains the same info
    as before, but hopefully in a better organized way.

  * Updated Help dialog; it was showing incorrect info for some OSX

  * Updated OSX build script to not crash when a previous build is
    detected, and to properly handle filenames with spaces.

  * Updated included ZLib to latest release version (1.2.5).

3.1.1 to 3.1.2: (May 3, 2010)

  * Modified 'showinfo' command to accept levels of output, where
    increasingly larger numbers provide more debug output.  Related to
    this, added UI item to modify 'showinfo'.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications, including
    support for 32K ROMs with ARM code (the ARM code is ignored for now).

  * Fixed bug in saving patched ROMs using DPC and DPC+ bankswitch
    schemes; the saved image didn't actually include any changes made by
    the user.

  * Removed 'uselauncher' from the UI, since disabling it will remove
    the ROM launcher on all future runs, and not allow one to enable it
    again.  It's still available from the commandline, for those that
    have a need for it.

3.1 to 3.1.1: (April 26, 2010)

  * Fixed program crash when using RIOT addresses and labels in the
    debugger console prompt.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications.

3.0 to 3.1: (April 22, 2010)

  * Fixed a major bug with text drawing in software rendering mode.
    Switching between windowed and fullscreen mode while text was being
    shown could result in garbled text or even a program crash.

  * Fixed issues when using 'sleep' timing, whereby a lockup could occur
    when changing video modes, and/or Stella would consume more CPU time
    than was necessary.

  * Integrated Distella disassembler, completely replacing the previous
    disassembler.  The entire infrastructure has not been completely
    ported yet.  As a result, labels defined by the user or from a
    DASM symbol file aren't actually used in the disassembly, and almost
    all distella config options are disabled.  These will be addressed in
    a future release.

  * Completely reworked the debugger cartridge interface, so that
    the disassembly is dynamic (ie, the debugger tracks when cart address
    space has changed, and automatically performs a re-disassembly).

  * All carts with extended RAM that differentiate between read and write
    ports now behave correctly when a read from the write port occurs.

  * Added more complete support for the more esoteric bankswitch
    schemes in the debugger.  These schemes now support accurate
    disassembly and ROM patch functionality.  Related to this, fixed a
    bug in disassembler view when a failure to patch a ROM still showed
    the (incorrect) patched results.

  * Added ability to disable TIA object collisions, independent of
    enabling/disabling the objects.  Previously, one had to completely
    disable an object to avoid collisions, but now an object can be
    enabled (and seen) but still have its collisions disabled.  These
    actions are tied to the same keys as the enable ones, except the
    'Shift' key is also used.

  * Added preliminary support for 'DPC+' bankswitching scheme, thanks to
    Darrell Spice Jr and Fred Quimby.

  * Added '16in1' bankswitching scheme, which works with various
    ROMs labeled '128-in-1 ...' (the database has been updated for
    these).  Related to this, switching between multicart ROMs for 2in1,
    4in1, 8in1, 16in1 and 32in1 now shows a UI message indicating which
    ROM is active.

  * Reverted some of the TIA improvements with respect to 'starfield
    effect' as seen in "Cosmic Ark" and "Stay Frosty".  The emulation is
    now more accurate as compared to the majority of consoles in use.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_rwport', which traps on a read from
    the write port.  This differentiates from reads that are normally
    part of a write cycle (ie, it traps only on inadvertent reads).

  * Added 'resolvedata' commandline argument and associated UI item, used
    to set the "resolve data sections" config option in Distella
    (vs. treating all address space as code).

  * Added 'runtopc' debugger command, used to step until encountering the
    given program counter.  This is also available in the ROM disassembly
    UI from the right-click context menu.

  * Added 'listfunctions' and 'delfunction' debugger commands to
    access/remove user-defined functions.  Related to this, fixed a bug
    in 'function' command that could cause a program crash.

  * Added 'cls' debugger command, used to erase the text and history
    from the debugger prompt.

  * Removed the 'listwatches' and 'poke' debugger commands, as they
    were redundant.

  * Removed the 'loadlst' debugger command and the ability to use a
    DASM .lst file.  This code was incomplete, and no longer fits with
    the recent disassembler improvements.  Support for this may return
    in a future release.

  * Modified 'disasm' debugger command to accept a second argument
    indicating the number of lines to disassemble.

  * Improved tab-completion in the debugger prompt; it now completes
    on functions and pseudo-registers.

  * Added emulation of the "Sega Genesis" controller, with two buttons
    that are directly supported on a real system.

  * The ZLib library is now included in the core code, so Windows
    developers no longer have to track down the ZLIBWAPI archive.

  * Many changes to the MacOS X port, bringing it more in line with
    other systems:

      The application is now known as 'Stella' (instead of StellaOSX).

      Two versions are available: the first is a 32-bit Universal Binary
      for OSX 10.4 - 10.6, and the second is 32/64-bit Intel-only for
      OSX 10.6 (aka Snow Leopard).  The Intel version is compiled with the
      very latest compiler (LLVM/Clang), resulting in better performance.

      The keyboard handling is changed to match other systems in terms of
      where the keys actually are on the keyboard (ie, the OSX Command key
      corresponds to Alt, and the OSX Control key corresponds to Control).

      The application menu has been cleaned up and simplified, and it
      now shows the correct shortcuts for menu items.

      The settings file is now (according to Apple standards)

      The base directory (where all other Stella stuff is located) is now
      '~/Library/Application Support/Stella'.

      Because of these changes, all your settings will have to be entered

  * Added 'ctrlcombo' commandline argument, which toggles the use of the
    control key as a modifier key.  This is useful if you want to press
    'Control' and 'R' in a two player game, and not have the combination
    treated as 'Control-R' (which will issue a ROM reload).

  * Added 'usemouse' commandline argument and associated UI item.  This
    toggles the use of the mouse as a controller of any type.

  * Added 'uimessages' commandline argument and associated UI item.
    This toggles showing of UI messages overlaid on the screen.
    Critical messages are still shown, though.

  * Added ability to take multiple snapshots in a given interval every
    x seconds.  This is currently tied to the 'Alt-s' key and is not
    remappable (for now).  The interval can be set with the 'ssinterval'
    commandline argument and within the UI, and defaults to 2.

  * Many changes to the FrameBuffer and UI code for 'smaller' systems.
    Stella will now scale correctly to small screens, down to 320x240
    (which is the absolute lower limit supported).  Related to this,
    added 'maxres' commandline argument, which is useful for developers
    testing on such systems.

  * The About dialog now shows the version of SDL in use, and the type
    of CPU the application is running on (i386, x86_64, etc).

  * Improved 'listrominfo' commandline argument to list all information
    from Stella's internal ROM database, including a heading.  This
    output can be imported into a spreadsheet or database program.

  * Renamed 'tiafloat' commandline argument to 'tiadriven'.  The
    emulation of the behaviour of floating TIA pins is also much more

  * Reworked state files so that they're associated with the cartridge
    type used, not the MD5sum of the ROM.  This is useful for developers,
    since the same state file can now be loaded from different ROMs,
    as long as the cart type stays the same.  This also fixes a bug
    where loading from a non-existent state file could cause Stella
    to crash.  Because of these changes, old state files will no longer

  * Fixed bug in certain editable text fields, where pressing Return/Enter
    would disable any further input.

2.8.4 to 3.0: (September 11, 2009)

  * Huge updates to the TIA emulation system.  Illegal HMOVEs are now
    handled correctly, resulting in improvements to many ROMs (thanks
    to Wilbert Pol for many ideas and code for these improvements).  All
    HMOVE emulation 'cheats' were removed; the emulation is now cycle-exact
    in this area.

  * Improved emulation of the Cosmic Ark 'starfield effect', also used in
    Stay Frosty; the emulation now looks very accurate.

  * Many improvements to the normal TIA rendering code, fixing problems
    when disabling certain graphical objects (certain objects were
    being misdrawn when others were enabled/disabled).

  * Improved TIA collision handling in the non-displayable area of the
    screen; this fixes problems in RAMRacer ROM.

  * Improved TIA redraw problems/graphical garbage when ROMs generate
    many more scanlines than a real TV would allow; this fixes problems
    in Q-Bert and the recent Playaround demo.

  * Added 'Fixed Debug Colors' option similar to the no$26k emulator.
    This allows each graphical object to be drawn in a fixed color,
    more clearly showing how the objects interact.  HMOVE blanks are
    also shown in a different color.  The TIA now emulates a 7-color
    register model, allowing even shared objects to show different
    colors.  This is toggled with the 'Alt Comma' key.

  * Related to 'Fixed Debug Colors', HMOVE blanks can now toggled during
    TIA display with the 'Alt-m' key.

  * Added rewind functionality to the debugger, where states are saved
    after each step/trace/scanline/frame advance.  Pressing 'Alt-r' or
    clicking the new rewind button will undo up to 100 previous

  * Added 'electron beam indicator' to the debugger TIA output.  Basically,
    this is a visual pointer indicating the position of the electron gun
    when scanning the display.

  * Added ability to completely disable fullscreen mode, which fixes
    problems for some people where fullscreen mode was being entered
    even if it wasn't enabled.

  * Added '-joyallow4' commandline argument and associated UI item to
    allow all 4 directions to be pressed simultaneously on a joystick.

  * Improvements made to the ROM launcher: the backspace key now goes
    to the parent directory (this key can be remapped), and previously
    selected directories are now automatically selected.

  * Added support for 2IN1 bankswitching scheme, where two ROMs are
    present in one binary.  Currently supported are 2, 4, 8, and 16K

  * Added bankswitch support for the 6K version of Starpath/Supercharger
    ROMS.  This allows the 6K version of Cubis to run.

  * Updated bankswitching schemes FASC and MB; they are now known as
    FA and F0, respectively.  This naming brings Stella in line with
    other emulators and programming utilities.

  * Fixed editing of cheats in the Cheat Dialog; the old cheat wasn't
    being removed.

2.8.3 to 2.8.4: (July 4, 2009)

  * Fixed bug where Stella could lock up after running for ~71 minutes.
    Special thanks to Robert Tuccitto for bugtesting and feedback on this

  * Updated UA bankswitch autodetection for Gingerbread Man ROM.

  * The smallest ROM that Stella can support is 64 bytes; this lower
    limit is now tested when loading Sub2K ROMs.

2.8.2 to 2.8.3: (June 25, 2009)

  * Fixed OpenGL bug which caused an immediate program crash if the
    available OpenGL version was less than 2.0.

2.8.1 to 2.8.2: (June 23, 2009)

  * Fixed OpenGL detection bug which could disable OpenGL support entirely
    if TV effects are not available (version < 2.0), when in fact only the
    effects should have been disabled.

  * The '\' character can now be entered in UI text fields again.
    Related to this, strings containing '\' are now properly loaded and
    saved to various config files.

2.8 to 2.8.1: (June 19, 2009)

  * NOTE: Windows users will have to reset their options or manually move
    their config folder in this release, since the location of the config
    files has changed.

  * Fixed OpenGL issue for some Windows users whereby the OpenGL TV
    effects weren't available, even if the available version of OpenGL
    was sufficient.  Related to this, the OpenGL version found by
    Stella is now reported in the TV effects dialog.

  * Added fallback to software rendering when OpenGL rendering has been
    requested, but for whatever reason fails to initialize.

  * Added native support for 4in1, 8in1 and 32in1 multicart bankswitching
    schemes.  When using these schemes, the 'Reload ROM' action
    (by default, Control-r) will switch between each game in the ROM.

  * Added bankswitch support for ROMs smaller than 2K in size.  These
    will be treated as 2K ROMs natively, without having to manually
    'pad' them to 2048 bytes.

  * Added preliminary suppport for autodetection of X07 bankswitching.

  * Tweaked PAL autodetection; it was marking some PAL ROMs as NTSC.

  * Changed default location for Stella config files in Windows to
    the users' APPDATA folder (for XP and Vista, this is
    '~/Application Data/Stella').  The '~' symbol now represents the
    users PROFILE/home directory, matching its usage in Linux and OSX.
    The ability to override this with 'basedir.txt' is still
    available, but not advised.

  * Changed '-exitlauncher' commandline argument to '-uselauncher'.
    This works as before except the launcher is never used at all if
    the option is set to false.

  * Fixed crash when launching Stella from the commandline and giving
    a directory name instead of a rom filename.

2.7.7 to 2.8: (June 9, 2009)

  * Added CRT simulation effects as described in the AtariAge posting
    'CRT emulation for Stella'.  For now, this requires OpenGL 2.0 or
    greater with support for GLSL (GL Shading Language).  This code
    will be expanded on and optimized in future releases.

  * Adding editing of extended RAM in the debugger RAM UI.  The RAM
    'spreadsheet' now shows the entire address space of RAM in the
    system, in 128 byte increments.  The first bank shown is zero-page,
    with the others following in consecutive order.  The UI takes care
    of read vs. write port differences, so you don't have to worry
    about the offsets.  For now, all SuperChip based ROMs (EFSC, F4SC,
    F6SC, F8SC) as well as 3E, CV, E7 and FASC are supported.

  * All ROMs which include SC extended RAM will now have memory erased if
    you attempt to read from the write port.  Related to this,
    entering/exiting the debugger will no longer erase the extended RAM.

  * Patching of ROM for bankswitch types 0840, SB, UA and X07 is now
    implemented, but hasn't been extensively tested.

  * Visual improvements to the CPU register UI in the debugger; the
    SP/A/X/Y registers now have separate decimal and binary views.

  * Tweaked paddle control so that all positions are reachable in game
    4 of Activision Casino in both NTSC and PAL versions.

  * SuperCharger/AR ROMs now start with a random value in the CPU
    accumulator.  This should fix issues with Dragonstomper always
    starting in exactly the same state.

  * Auto-detection for '3F' bankswitching improved; several ROMs
    previously detected as 'F8' now work correctly.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 5
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).

  * Added '-exitlauncher' commandline argument and associated UI item,
    to specify what happens when you exit a ROM.  Normally, exiting a
    ROM brings up the ROM launcher, but this can be disabled for those
    using an external frontend (in which case exiting a ROM also exits
    from Stella).

  * Re-added '-fastscbios' commandline argument, and added an associated
    UI item.  When enabled, the SuperCharger load bars are now completely
    removed (and not just sped up as in previous releases).

  * The '-listrominfo' commandline argument now shows all ROM
    information built in to the internal database, taking into account
    any information in 'personal' stella.pro files.

2.7.6 to 2.7.7: (May 1, 2009)

  * Corrected emulation of CPU opcodes involving 'decimal' mode (ADC/RRA
    and SBC/ISB).  Special thanks to SeaGtGruff and others on the Stella
    mailing list for in-depth discussion and creation of test ROMs.

  * Fixed bug in F4SC bankswitching mode; writes to bankswitch addresses
    weren't triggering a bank switch.

  * Changed internal sound frequency of Pitfall 2 from 15.75KHz to 20KHz,
    as this sounds much more authentic when compared to a real cartridge.

2.7.5 to 2.7.6: (April 14, 2009)

  * Added support for 'EF' bankswitching (Paul Slocum Homestar Runner),
    as well as auto-detection of this format.

  * Added support for 'EFSC' bankswitching, as well as auto-detection of
    this format.  This is similar to the 'EF' scheme, but also includes
    128 bytes SuperChip RAM.

  * Added autodetection for '0840' and 'SB' bankswitching formats.

  * Improved autodetection for 'UA' bankswitching format.

  * Fixed bug in selecting video modes larger than the current screen;
    the resulting video mode will now be the largest one available
    (previously it selected the smallest one available).

  * The currently selected CPU register now displays its value in
    decimal and binary (in addition to hex) in the debugger.

2.7.3 to 2.7.5: (Mar. 27, 2009)

  * After about 2 years, finally fixed the infamous 'red screen' issue when
    using ATI video cards in OpenGL mode in Windows.  In the end, it was
    determined to be a bug in the ATI drivers.  Special thanks go to
    Ant (http://aqfl.net) for bugtesting and constant feedback wrt this bug.

  * Fixed bug in TIA SCORE mode emulation when the Priority bit is also
    set.  This fixes a very noticable graphical glitch in 'Swordquest
    Waterworld', as well as minor glitches in several other ROMs such
    as 'Space Shuttle'.

  * Treat spaces as normal characters in the ROM launcher.  This means
    that ROMs with spaces can be located with quick selection (ie,
    typing characters will automatically jump to a ROM with that name,
    and typing 'space' won't cause the launcher to jump back to the top
    of the list).

  * The debugger window can now have a minimum height of 620 lines
    (previously the minimum was 690), but you lose access to the TIA 'RAM'
    bytes when using this resolution.  This should allow it to work
    better on devices with small displays.

2.7.2 to 2.7.3: (Feb. 9, 2009)

  * Fixed rendering issues in software mode when using 24-bit colour depth.
    This isn't as fast as 16 or 32-bit modes, so you're recommended to use
    one of those whenever possible.

  * For the Win32 port: re-added ability to change the default location
    for storing Stella config files.  To use this, simply create a file
    named 'basedir.txt' in the application directory containing the full
    path where all Stella-related items should be stored.

  * Tweaked the TIA info statistics overlay to be smaller while still
    including all relevant information.

2.7.1 to 2.7.2: (Jan. 27, 2009)

  * Fixed major bug in ROM Audit functionality; renaming ROMs would create
    files without an extension.

2.7 to 2.7.1: (Jan. 26, 2009)

  * Partial workaround for sound not working in OpenGL video mode in
    Windows with ATI video hardware.  Sound will now work for the first ROM
    selected, but not for subsequent ones (you will have to quit and
    restart Stella for sound to work again).  Related to this, added
    '-audiofirst' commandline argument, which initializes audio before video
    when emulating a ROM.  Further work is required to completely fix
    this bug.

  * Fixed bug where volume wasn't being saved in 'Audio Settings' when
    started from the ROM launcher.

  * Fixed crash which sometimes occurred when viewing snapshots in the
    ROM Info viewer.

  * Allow setting window sizes for the ROM launcher and debugger to be larger
    than your desktop resolution.  Be careful with this feature, as switching
    to fullscreen mode may cause problems in such cases.

  * Made the ROM launcher filename filtering be case-insensitive.  This fixes
    a bug whereby ROMs with uppercase extensions were marked as invalid.

  * Added a pattern matching textbox to the ROM launcher, used to
    further filter the files shown in the listing.  For now, this filters
    files only (directories are not filtered, and are always shown).

  * The location of EEPROM files used for AtariVox/Savekey emulation can
    now be changed with the '-eepromdir' commandline argument as well as
    in the UI.

  * Added '-gl_aspectn' and '-gl_aspectp' commandline arguments (and
    associated UI items), which replace the previous '-gl_aspect' setting.
    The aspect modes can now be set separately for NTSC and PAL mode.
    Related to this, the range of values is now 80 - 120.

  * Fixed bug with hold-select/reset/button0 when overriding ROM properties;
    the checkboxes in the UI weren't actually doing anything.

  * The 'grabmouse' option is now configurable from the UI; previously
    it was only accessible from the commandline or its shortcut key.

  * Removed 'Emulation_HmoveBlanks' ROM property and associated UI item.
    You can no longer optionally turn off HMOVE blanking; it is always
    enabled when necessary.

2.6.1 to 2.7: (Jan. 19, 2009)

  * Totally reworked the built-in UI to be font-sensitive and use higher-
    resolution fonts.  Stella now requires a minimum screen size of 640x480.
    If used in a resolution smaller than that, the fonts will be reduced
    accordingly.  Related to this, switching between software and OpenGL
    rendering now requires an application restart.

  * Added three different sized fonts (small, medium, large) which can be
    used in the ROM launcher.

  * Added ability to temporarily override ROM properties from the UI.  This
    is tied to a right mouse button context menu in the ROM launcher, and
    is very useful when you want to use a set of properties for all
    subsequent ROMs without having to manually change each one.

  * Added ability to filter the files shown in the ROM launcher.  Currently,
    the choices are 'all files', 'all roms', or 'roms ending with a certain
    extension'.  This functionality is tied to a right mouse button context
    menu in the ROM launcher.  Extensions can also be set with the
    '-launcherexts' commandline argument.

  * Added ability to reload the listing in the ROM launcher, either from
    a right mouse button context menu or pressing the Control/Cmd-R key.

  * Made the ROM info viewer in the ROM launcher configurable to show
    snapshots in 1x or 2x mode.

  * Made the delay between consecutive keys being recognized as one word
    configurable in the ROM launcher.  This is useful if you find that you
    have to press keys too quickly to jump to a specific ROM.  This can be
    set in the UI or using the '-listdelay' commandline argument.

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 4
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).

  * Expanded the statistics overlay for the TIA image to also show
    Display Format and Bankswitch type information.

  * Added '-ss1x' commandline argument and associated UI item, used to
    generate snapshots in 1x mode, independent of the filtering/scaling
    currently in use.

  * Various path textboxes in the UI now recognize './' (or '.\') to mean
    the current directory and '~/' (or '~\') to mean your home directory
    (for Windows, home directory will be your 'My Documents' folder).

  * Large speedup in loading directories with many files in the ROM launcher.

  * Fixed reset issue in 3E, 4A50, AR, CV, E7, F4SC, F6SC, F8SC, FASC and MC
    ROMs; the internal RAM wasn't being randomized after the initial reset.

  * M6532/RIOT RAM is now randomized at every reset, not just when the
    emulation starts.

  * Fixed bug in _diff pseudo-registers in the debugger; they were actually
    defined backwards.

  * Added fix for 'Challenge/Surfers Delight' ROM; the startup bank was
    incorrect.  Combined with the new 'Override Properties' functionality,
    you can now play both games directly from the UI (no need to use the

  * Fixed paddle issue with Activision Casino ROM; the last card in game 4
    can now be reached.

  * Added new pseudo-registers to the debugger, useful for conditional
    breakpoints (_fcount, _cclocks, _vsync, _vblank).

  * Added 'timing' commandline argument functionality to the UI, so you no
    longer need to use the commandline to set it.

  * Size restrictions on the TIA image are now strictly enforced.  The
    maximum height of a 1x TIA image is now 256 lines.

  * Added a new setting to the 'fullres' option named 'auto'.  Using
    'auto' will let Stella decide the best videomode to use in fullscreen.

  * Changed 'gl_fsmax' option to mean 'scale TIA image in fullscreen'.  It
    will have no effect on UI modes.

  * Changed 'gl_aspect' option to range 80-100 (previously, it was 50-100).

  * Removed 'ui_zoom' and 'tia_zoom' options, replacing them with
    'tia_filter' (which can be zoom1x, zoom2x, etc).  There is no equivalent
    for ui_zoom, since the UI can no longer be scaled.

  * Added experimental 64-bit version for Vista64 (may also work on WinXP64).
    This hasn't been extensively tested, and is probably quite a bit slower
    than the 32-bit version.

  * OSX port now requires at least 10.3 and XCode 3.0 to compile.  Sorry,
    but I no longer have access to older systems to compile for 10.2.

  * Huge updates to the documentation, particularly concerning the debugger.
    Many features that have been in Stella for a while are now documented for
    the first time.

2.6 to 2.6.1: (May 22, 2008)

  * Introduced more accurate timing for NTSC vs. PAL modes, where the
    framerate is based on the number of scanlines per frame.  This should
    eliminate 'clicking' sounds when emulating ROMs that don't follow
    the exact NTSC or PAL scanline specs.

  * Added ability to see the current number of scanlines and corresponding
    framerate to the TIA emulation.  This can be set with the '-stats'
    commandline argument, or dynamically turned on and off with the
    'Alt-l' key combo.

  * Modified '-framerate' commandline argument, where a non-zero value
    overrides the automatic framerate calculation (based on number of
    scanlines).  Setting 'framerate' to zero re-enables auto-frame
    calculation.  Also, re-enabled changing the framerate from within the

  * Added '-timing' commandline argument, which sets the type of waiting
    between processing frames.  Setting it to 'sleep' emulates the
    previous behaviour in Stella; setting it to 'busy' emulates z26,
    and can in some cases eliminate screen tearing (at the expense of
    using all available CPU time).

  * Fixed issue with debugger disassembly and mirrored $40 TIA write
    addresses.  They were actually defined at $30, and generating incorrect

  * Fixed issue in AtariVox and SaveKey controllers where accessing the
    EEPROM sometimes failed after the first write.

  * Changed AtariVox and SaveKey EEPROM emulation to default to $FF for
    a blank EEPROM.

  * Fixed regression in cart auto-detection logic; some F6 ROMs were being
    misdetected as E7.

  * Fixed issue with M6532/RIOT timer initialization; it was causing some
    ROMs to hang (most notably Summer Games).  Related to this, reworked
    the built-in random number generator to generate 'more' random numbers.

  * Fixed bug in CommandMenu where console buttons (Select, Reset, etc)
    weren't doing anything.

2.5.1 to 2.6: (May 16, 2008)

  * Added AtariVox support using a real AtariVox device, where Stella
    sends data directly to the AtariVox.  For now, this is supported in
    Linux/UNIX, OSX, and Win32 only.  You'll obviously need a real
    AtariVox, and a serial<->USB adaptor to connect it to your system.
    Added '-avoxport' commandline argument used to set the serial port
    to which the AtariVox is connected.  Special thanks to Al Yarusso
    and Richard H. for providing sample hardware.

  * Added AtariVox and SaveKey EEPROM emulation.  This reads/writes data
    to a 32KB file, not to the actual hardware.  Very useful for testing
    EEPROM support without actually wearing out the real device.  Special
    thanks to J. Payson for providing the EEPROM emulation code, and A.
    Herbert for answering many driver-related questions.

  * Added support for CX-22, CX-80, and AmigaMouse trackball controllers.

  * Improved debugger symfile handling so that addresses accessed as
    read-only won't use write-only labels (and vice-versa).  More work
    is still needed in this area.

  * Added M6532/RIOT tab to the debugger.  This will be expanded on in a
    future release.

  * Added TIA emulation fixes for graphical glitches in Escape from the
    Mindmaster, Mission Survive, Solaris, and SWOOPS!

  * Fixed bug where fullscreen OpenGL scaling wasn't working on 4:3 monitors.

  * Further improvements to the M6532/RIOT emulation, which unfortunately
    have broken old state files (again).

  * Added deadzone setting, for adjusting the deadzone amount for
    analog joysticks.  This can be set using the commandline argument
    '-joydeadzone' or dynamically within the UI.

  * Make ROM disassembly in debugger take advantage of a wide window.

  * Fixed bug in 6507 BCD handling introduced in the last release.

  * For the Win32 port; Win9x should be fully supported again.

2.5 to 2.5.1: (April 9, 2008)

  * Fixed M6532 RIOT timer emulation.  More testing is needed, but the
    changes so far have fixed several ROMs that didn't work before.

  * Fixed issue with weird characters in the debugger disassembly when
    loading .lst files.

  * Fixed bug where entering the debugger for 4A50 and E0 carts caused
    the ROM to be frozen afterwords.

  * Removed logic whereby starting a ROM from something other than the
    built-in launcher wouldn't allow the user to go back to the ROM launcher.

  * Fixed bug (hopefully) with the app icon not showing on the Stella window.
    Further testing is needed, since I can't duplicate the error myself.

  * Fixed default snapshot folder issues; the folder will now be
    automatically created in the same place as state folders, ini files,
    etc (whereever that may be for your platform).

  * Re-added 'lastrom' functionality, where Stella will remember and
    auto-select the last ROM that was successfully launched in the ROM

  * For Stella developers, fixed SpeakJet emulation so it compiles again.
    No improvements have been made to the emulation itself, though.

2.4.2 to 2.5: (March 28, 2008)

  * Added RomInfo widget to the ROM launcher, which shows properties
    information and a snapshot of the currently selected ROM.  Updated the UI
    and added '-romviewer' commandline argument to activate this setting.
    Note that the ROM launcher will have to be sized at least 640x480 for this
    to be used.  Also note that the snapshots must be in 1x mode with a
    maximum size of 320x260.  This will be expanded on in a future release.

  * Added ROM audit functionality, whereby ROMs can be physically renamed
    according to their properties' name.

  * Added bankswitching support for 0840, SB, X07 and 4A50.  A special thanks
    to Eckhard Stolberg for much help in this area.

  * Removed "non-browse" functionality from the ROM launcher; it now always
    uses browse/filesystem mode.  The previous 'pretty' names can now be
    seen by renaming all your ROMs with the new ROM audit feature.

  * Huge overhaul of controller handling and Stelladaptor support, making it
    much easier to add new controller types in a future release.

  * Fixed paddle issues in Night Driver; paddle emulation speed should be
    much better.

  * Fixed several 6507 emulation bugs related to BCD handling.

  * Updated ROM properties based on info from RomHunter.

  * ROM properties can now be edited from the ROM launcher; you no longer
    have to start a ROM to do so.

  * Added support for configurable font to ROM launcher (currently only
    'small' and 'large').  Updated the UI and added -launcherfont' commandline
    argument to change this setting.

  * Added SECAM, NTSC50, PAL60 and SECAM60 to the list of formats that can
    be used.  Also, switching between these modes with 'Ctrl-f' now switches
    the palette only; the number of scanlines won't change.

  * Fixed crash when switching between software and OpenGL mode with a
    Stelladaptor plugged in.

  * Added '-tiafloat' commandline argument, which determines whether or not
    the TIA pins are in a 'floating' state.  This is useful for testing on
    certain CMOS EPROM chips where the unused TIA pins on a read are not
    floating but pulled high.

  * Fixed issue in debugger where once a .sym file was loaded, it was used
    in all ROMs loaded after that.

  * Fixed issue in debugger where equate names weren't showing up in the RAM
    and CPU widgets.  Note that this still isn't perfect, and needs support
    from DASM for proper functionality.

  * Updated state file format, creating smaller files (and in preparation
    for state rewinding in a future release).  Old state saves will no longer

  * Added '-bs' commandline argument, which is an alias for '-type' (which
    is still present).

  * Removed -pXspeed' commandline arguments, and replaced them with a
    single '-pspeed'.

  * Removed '-paddle' commandline argument.  The paddle currently emulated
    by the mouse can still be changed with Ctrl-0..3 or within the UI, but
    the setting is no longer saved.

  * Reworked UI for specifying that the console ports have been swapped,
    hopefully making it easier to understand.

  * Added 'Ctrl-c' & 'Ctrl-v' to EditTextWidgets, allowing to copy and paste
    the text widget contents.  More work in this area is coming in a future

  * Added 'Ctrl-leftarrow' and 'Ctrl-rightarrow' to EditTextWidgets, to move
    to the first character of previous and next words (respectively).

  * For the Win32 port: fixed OpenGL crashes in Vista.  Graphical updates
    are still slower in Vista compared to XP, though.

  * For the Win32 port: default folder for Stella config files is now
    'My Documents\Stella'; this can be disabled if necessary.  This should
    fix issues with losing settings when launching Stella from an IDE,
    and the creation of stella.ini and 'state' directories in many
    different places.

  * For the Win32 port: several fixes to the Visual Studio project files,
    allowing building in debug or release mode, for both i386 and x86_64.
    The project files have been upgraded to Visual Studio 2008, and Stella
    can now be built and distributed without the VS runtime libraries.

  * Updated configure script for cross-compiling Win32 version in Linux.

2.4.1 to 2.4.2: (September 17, 2007)

  * Made usage of 'GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB' extension configurable, and
    have it default to off.  This should take care of the black/white
    screen many people were experiencing with ATI video hardware.  This
    is accessible using the 'gl_texrect' commandline argument).  Set it to
    'true' or 'false' to enable/disable the extension.

2.4 to 2.4.1: (August 27, 2007)

  * Re-added OpenGL aspect ratio setting ('gl_aspect' commandline argument).

  * Re-added non-browser mode to the ROM launcher.

  * For the Linux/UNIX port; fixed OpenGL vsync issue with Nvidia video cards.

2.3.5 to 2.4: (August 20, 2007)

  * Added new video sub-system where fullscreen and windowed modes are treated
    differently.  Windowed modes now use '-zoom_tia' and '-zoom_ui' arguments,
    while fullscreen modes can be specified by resolution using the new
    '-fullres' argument.

  * Widescreen video modes are now supported; Stella will simply center the
    image with surrounding black borders.

  * Many UI-related changes, including resizable ROM launcher and debugger
    windows, and a new UI palette (the previous 'classic' palette is still
    available).  This is still a work in progress.

  * The locations of all major config files (statedir, palette file,
    cheat file, properties file, etc) are now configurable from the
    commandline and within the UI.

  * Updates to TIA palette support.  Added SECAM support, and removed the
    built-in 'original' palette.  Standard, z26, and user are still

  * Various bugfixes to some debugger commands.  The 'run' command no
    longer causes a crash, and several others have better error-checking.

  * Added more complete cartridge auto-detection for Commavid (CV), 3E,
    3F and Activision (FE) formats.

  * Removed XStart and Width ROM properties, since the forthcoming TIA
    rework won't be using them.

  * Reworked internal storage of ROM properties to be faster and take up
    less space.

  * Added several different ways of stretching the OpenGL image to the
    '-gl_fsmax' argument, for more flexibility.

  * Removed OpenGL aspect ratio setting favour of the previously mentioned
    video changes.  We'll see how this goes.

  * Removed dirty-rect support from software rendering, since it was actually
    sub-optimal in Windows and OSX and defaulted to off in previous versions.

  * Added support for gzipped ROMs.

  * Re-added pause support.

  * Re-added support for Windows 98.

  * Removed support for 'STELLA_BASEDIR' environment variable, since each
    config file can be now configured separately.

  * Removed '-fastscbios' argument, since it must always be turned on.

  * Removed PSP support, since it hasn't been updated in over a year, and
    someone else is maintaining another port elsewhere.

  * For the Unix/Linux port; fixed 'make install' issues, and changed icon to
    PNG format.

2.3 to 2.3.5: (January 17, 2007)

  * Greatly improved cartridge bankswitch type auto-detection.  Stella
    can now (mostly) autodetect cartridge types 'E0', 'E7', '3E', '3F' and
    Superchip carts.  Obviously, this autodetection is not infallible, but
    relies on patterns in the ROM data, and how it was compiled.  Because
    of the auto-detection types already supported, almost all bankswitch
    info was removed from internal ROM properties.  Set the ROM property
    "Cartridge.Type" to "Auto-detect" for this to take effect.

  * Added auto-detection of display type (NTSC or PAL).  Currently, PAL60
    ROMs will be detected as NTSC.  This is almost 100% accurate, and fails
    in very few cases (for those that are mislabeled, the ROM properties
    can be set specifically).  Set the ROM property "Display.Format" to
    "Auto-detect" for this to take effect.

  * Improved emulation timing when exiting one ROM and starting another.
    Previously, this could result in the second ROM having its sound start
    later than it should have.

  * Removed pause functionality from the core, since it's been superceded
    by the other event states.  You can now enter one of the menus for a
    similar effect (options, command, debugger, etc).

  * Added toggle for PAL color-loss emulation, which defaults to off.
    Previous versions of Stella always used color-loss emulation.
    Related to this, added 'colorloss' commandline argument.

  * Added rudimentary support for configuring the UI palette ('uipalette'
    commandline argument) and ability to change the size of the launcher window
    ('launchersize' commandline argument).  This will be expanded on in future

  * Reworked options menu so it's now accessible from the ROM launcher as
    well as while playing a ROM.

  * Re-added ability to change the width and height of a Console.  Related to
    this, changing XStart/YStart/Width/Height dynamically no longer resets
    the ROM.

  * Removed 'tiadefaults' commandline argument, since Stella will now default
    to using accurate positioning, and not use 'tweaks'.

  * Joystick code now allows all 4 directions; 'Bumper Bash' now works

  * Improved Keypad emulation; 'Alpha Beam with Ernie', 'Oscars Trash Race'
    and 'Magicard' now work correctly.

  * Reworked GUI code, so that all dialog boxes are automatically centered.

  * Added 'rominfo' commandline argument, which prints some detailed info for
    a ROM.

  * For the OSX port; fixed crashes in OpenGL mode.

  * For the GP2X port; some improvements to the sound code.

  * For the GP2X port; added vertical centering of the TIA image (when possible).

2.2 to 2.3: (December 22, 2006)

  * NOTE: Because of the many changes in this release, all settings
    will be reset to defaults.  If this doesn't happen for you, it will be
    necessary to manually delete your previous settings.

  * Potentially huge speedups in software rendering mode, both in emulation
    and UI modes.  Deactivating 'dirty rects' uses these new modes, which
    can be 2-3 times faster for many configurations.

  * For UI navigation, changed from using 'joymouse' to the more familiar
    'tabbing' functionality, where you move from object to object by use of
    some tab key.  As a result, completely removed the 'joymouse' commandline
    argument and all associated functionality.

  * Added event remapping for UI events, separate from events while in
    emulation mode.

  * Added support for PAL60 ROMs, which use the PAL palette and resolution
    but run at NTSC timing (60Hz).  Added ROM property for this, and updated
    the internal properties database for many PAL60 ROMs.

  * Added support for user-definable palettes.  For now, only one extra palette
    is supported, but in the future we may have them specified per-ROM.

  * Fixed bug in PAL colour-loss emulation, which wasn't actually being done
    for the original Stella and z26 palettes.

  * Fixed several TIA-related emulation bugs as reported on AtariAge.  More
    fixes will come with the TIA rewrite, due in the next release.

  * Added new scaler infrastructure, replacing the '-zoom' commandline argument
    with '-scale_ui' and '-scale_tia'.  This means the UI and emulation can now
    be scaled independently.

  * Added '-gl_vsync' commandline argument and associated UI elements, which
    uses synchronization to vertical blank interrupt in OpenGL on supported
    systems.  This eliminates tearing in OpenGL rendering.

  * Changed naming of snapshots and state files.  These files are now
    named based on the names given in the properties database, and no longer
    use the 'md5sum' name.  As a result, state files from previous versions
    will no longer work unless they're manually renamed.  Related to this,
    removed the '-ssname' commandline argument.

  * Fixed bug where 'Snapshot saved' appeared when taking snapshots in

  * Added a 'Previous directory' entry to the top of each listing while
    in ROM Browse mode, which is equivalent to the 'Go Up' button.  This makes
    it easier to navigate the filesystem, since you never have to 'tab out'
    of the ROM listing.

  * Added all sound related commandline options to the UI, so you no
    longer have to use the commandline to set those options.

  * Added new property to ROM properties specifying whether to swap paddles
    plugged into a virtual port.  This eliminates the need to manually set the
    paddle mode for those ROMs that don't use paddle zero by default.

  * Added a 'Defaults' button to the Game Properties dialog, which resets
    the ROM properties to the internal defaults, deleting that ROMs properties
    from the external properties file.

  * Fixed bug whereby modified ROM properties weren't being reloaded when
    restarting a ROM.

  * Made 'phosphor' and 'phosphor blend' a ROM property, meaning it can be
    set per-ROM.

  * Added support for relocating the base Stella directory, by setting the
    environment variable 'STELLA_BASEDIR'.  This must be done each time before
    Stella starts.

  * Added '-fastscbios' commandline argument, which speeds up loading of
    vertical bars in Supercharger ROMs, and made it the default.

  * Added '-autoslot' commandline argument, which automatically switches
    to the next available slot after saving a state.  This defaults to off,
    and must be set from the commandline.

  * Fixed bug in debugger command 'runto', which could enter an infinite
    loop under some conditions.

  * Updated configure/build toolchain so patching is no longer required for
    Debian packages.

  * Removed dependency on PNG library (PNG snapshots are still present, but the
    actual library is no longer required).

  * For the OSX port, improved OpenGL performance on Mac Mini using Intel
    GMA950 video hardware.

  * For the GP2X port, added support for PAL ROMs, and updated SDL to use
    hardware scaling.

2.1 to 2.2: (April 7, 2006)

  * Added new ROM browser option which works like a normal filesystem
    browser, allowing navigation throughout the filesystem.
    The old mode of browsing is still present, and can be toggled at
    runtime.  Related to this, fixed bug whereby sorting in the ROM
    launcher sometimes didn't work.

  * Integrated stella.pro properties into the application, resulting in
    faster startup time.  Now Stella can be redistributed as a single
    binary; no external files are needed, but they will still be used
    if present.

  * Reworked ROM properties files once again.  The 'user.pro' file has
    been removed, and all user-defined properties are stored in
    'stella.pro' instead.  You should delete all properties files when
    upgrading to this version, to take advantage of the speed increases.

  * Reworked settings files once again.  Removed all references to a
    global settings file.  Each user now gets a user-specific settings
    file only.  If that file doesn't exist, the built-in defaults are

  * Added 'conditional saving' of the cheatcode and settings files, so
    that these files are only written to disk when absolutely
    necessary.  This doesn't really affect desktop systems, but is very
    useful for systems with flashram-based storage (GP2X, WinCE, etc).

  * Reworked Settings class, hopefully fixing a bug whereby settings
    weren't being saved in certain cases (most evident in the OSX port).

  * Added 'tiadefaults' commandline option, which can also be toggled
    from within the GUI.  This option disables all TIA positioning
    'tweaks' that typically make a game look better, and present the
    image exactly as it would appear on a real 2600.

  * Added jitter-detection code for the paddle emulation, which should
    eliminate an annoying 'jittering' effect when using paddles with
    a Stelladaptor.

  * Related to jitter-detection, added '-pthresh' commandline option
    and GUI entry, which sets a bound below which the emulation detects

  * Fixed crash when adding one-shot cheats.

  * Fixed bug in RAM comparative searches in the debugger.

  * Fixed bug with setting snapshot naming type from the GUI (it was
    always being set to 'romname').

  * Re-added low compatibility CPU emulation mode, since it benefits
    some slower systems.  This is activated with the commandline argument
    '-cpu low'.

  * For the OSX port, added Universal binary support.

  * For the OSX port, reworked the menu handling, so that certain menu
    options are only enabled when it makes sense to do so.

  * For the GP2X port, fixed joystick deadzone issues and scroll bug in
    ROM launcher.

  * For the GP2X port, fixed issue with PAL ROMs causing a crash because of
    screen size.  A message is now shown indicating that PAL ROMs are not
    yet supported.

2.0.1 to 2.1: (January 29, 2006)

  * Added phosphor effect, similar to z26.  Useful on ROMs which alternate
    sprites from one frame to another, resulting in an annoying flicker.
    When using phosphor mode, a pixels colour is mixed with its previous value,
    resulting in a blended image that doesn't flicker, emulating the
    phosphoresence effect on a real television.

  * Added 'pp' developer commandline argument to set the "Display.Phosphor"
    property, and 'ppblend' to set the amount to blend pixels in phosphor
    mode.  Also added 'Alt p' key to enable/disable phosphor effect while
    ROM is emulated. By default, phosphor mode is only used when necessary,
    as specified in the stella.pro file.

  * Renamed 'cheetah' commandline argument to 'cheat'.

  * Added per-frame cheatcodes (4 characters long), which are evaluated
    each frame.

  * Added cheatcode GUI, where cheats can be named, edited, saved, etc.

  * Cheat codes are now saved to stella.cht file and are automatically
    reloaded when Stella starts.

  * Improved 'joymouse' functionality.  While in GUI mode, any axis will
    simulate mouse movement, and any button will simulate a mouse click.
    So the GUI can be completely navigated without a mouse.

  * Improved CommandDialog and LauncherDialog wrt joymouse functionality.
    These dialogs are used more than any other on devices without a mouse,
    so joystick axis movement switches between GUI objects, rather than
    simulating the mouse.  This leads to much faster selection of objects.

  * Added mapping of multiple SDL joystick axis to Event Mapping.

  * Added joystick hat support, and mapping of multiple hats to Event Mapping.

  * Added remapping of paddle emulation to the keyboard or joystick axis
    (the mouse is still used by default for paddles).  Related to this,
    use more precise analog values when analog axis are mapped to
    analog-type events (such as paddles).

  * Treat joystick events as other types of controllers based on the virtual
    port entry in stella.pro.  This means that mappings for a joystick will
    emulate other devices when necessary.

  * Added 'sp' developer commandline argument, which sets the
    "Console.SwapPorts" property and swaps the arrangement of the virtual
    ports.  Useful for games like "Raiders of the Lost Ark", where the
    joysticks are normally swapped.

  * Added ability to set which Stelladaptor device emulates which virtual
    joystick port ('sa1' and 'sa2' commandline arguments, which accept
    'left' or 'right').

  * Fixed issues with jittering joysticks/mice causing weird events when
    starting Stella.

  * Added 'freq', 'tiafreq' and 'clipvol' commandline arguments, which
    affect the sound subsystem (see manual for further info).

  * Made state files completely cross-platform, both in terms of endianness
    as well as CPU size (32 vs. 64 bit).

  * Fixed crash with using 'cheat' and 'break' from the commandline.

  * Implemented dynamic loading of OpenGL library.

2.0 to 2.0.1: (October 24, 2005)

  * Added 'dirtyrects' support, which speeds up rendering for some Windows users.

  * Fixed bug where taking snapshots would fail if the snapshot directory
    wasn't specified.

  * Made ROM launcher case-insensitive, so upper and lowercase names are now
    mixed in the correct order.

  * Fixed ZIP ROM support to search the archive for ROMs ending with either
    .bin or .a26 (case insensitive).

  * ROMs which don't have an associated properties entry are no longer named
    'Untitled' in the Stella window or when taking snapshots.  The actual
    ROM name is now used.

  * Changed minimum height of debugger to be 27 lines in the prompt, or approx.
    700 pixels high.  This should make using the debugger easier for users
    with lower resolution monitors.  Related to this, the RomWidget now uses
    all possible vertical space when changing the debugger height.

  * Fixed bug related to upgrading Stella and event mappings being incorrect.
    Stella now detects this, and uses the default mappings.  So upgrading
    to version 2.0.1 means your event mappings will be reset.

  * Fixed bug in loading debugger symbol files generated on different
    operating systems.

  * For the Windows port; added exe installer based on InnoSetup.

  * For the Windows port; compiled icon into Stella, so it now looks like
    a real Win32 application.

  * For the OSX port, reverted window resize key combos back to 'Cmd =' and
   'Cmd -' to match the 1.4.2 release.

1.4.2 to 2.0: (October 16, 2005)

  * Added integrated GUI.  Stella is now a fully graphical application, and all
    settings can be changed dynamically while the application is running.  That
    means the commandline is no longer required (but support is still there
    for those who want to use it).

  * Added ROM launcher.  You can now exit a game and start playing another one
    from directly within Stella (you no longer have to quit Stella and
    restart it).

  * Because of the integrated GUI and ROM launcher, StellaX and KStella
    (the Windows and Linux frontends) have been discontinued.  The OSX
    port now uses the launcher as well.

  * Added an integrated debugger for game developers.  This is currently
    the first version of a debugger in Stella, but it's already quite

  * Added new sound subsystem, which is much faster and more accurate.
    Related to this, added stereo sound output (used by some homebrew games).

  * Added ZIP support.  Stella can now open ROM's compressed in zip

  * Added cartridge 'frying', thanks to Fred "batari" Quimby.  This
    emulates the action of turning the power button on and off on a
    real Atari, often resulting in some strange effects.

  * Added ability to edit current ROM properties from directly within
    Stella, which can then be saved directly into the 'user.pro' file.
    So creating a properties entry for a new ROM can be done without
    any external tools.

  * Added initial support for using Stella in an 'arcade-box'
    environment without a keyboard.  This consists of an in-game
    menu for choosing common actions in Stella, as well as using the
    joystick navigate the mouse pointer.

  * Reworked properties system to use both a system-wide 'stella.pro' and
    a per-user 'user.pro' properties files.  Changes made by the user
    and stored in 'user.pro' are no longer erased when upgrading Stella.

  * Added support for cartridges with 3E bankswitching format.

  * Added preliminary Cheat support.

  * Added 'Alt/Shift-Cmd' z, x, c, v, b, n keys to enable/disable the
    P0, P1, M0, M1, BL, PL bits in the TIA, respectively.

  * Added 'Alt/Shift-Cmd .' key to disable all bits in the TIA.

  * Added 'Alt/Shift-Cmd /' key to enable all bits in the TIA.

  * Added 'Alt/Shift-Cmd g' key to switch dynamically switch between
    software and OpenGL modes while Stella is running.

  * Added 'Ctrl/Cmd r' key to reload the ROM currently being emulated.

  * Added 'Alt/Shift-Cmd s' key to merge the current game properties
    into the properties file.

  * Added 'help' commandline argument.  Launching Stella from the
    commandline with no options now starts Stella in ROM launcher mode,
    instead of showing help (as in previous versions).

  * Added the following commandline arguments for developers:
    "pro, type, ld, rd, tv, lc, rc, bc, format, xstart, ystart, width
    height, cpu, hmove".  Developers can consult the manual for
    further details.

  * Removed 'mergeprops' commandline argument, since there are now
    dedicated keys to either save or merge game properties.

  * Removed 'hidecursor' commandline argument.  Stella will now
    automatically decide when to use this setting.

  * Fixed framerate when switching between NTSC and PAL modes.  Stella
    now uses the correct framerate based on the format of the ROM,
    in terms of both video and audio.

  * Added 'configure' support to the build process for both Linux and
    Win32 (using MinGW).  Developers can now use the familiar 'configure;
    make; make install' commands to compile Stella.

  * Further consolidation and integration of SDL.  This should lead to
    faster operation and a more consistent look for all ports.

  * Fixed some 64-bit issues.  Stella now compiles and runs correctly
    on AMD64 and PPC64 Linux systems.

  * Updated the Stella manual with pictures of the new integrated GUI.

1.4.2a to 1.4.2b: MacOSX version only (February 27, 2005)

  * Added fix to mute sound while user is loading a new cartridge, or using
    the Preferences window.

1.4.2 to 1.4.2a: MacOSX version only (February 21, 2005)

  * Fixed problem in timing loop which was causing crashes after 15-30

  * Turned optimization on in compiler settings, which had somehow gotten
    turned off.

1.4.1 to 1.4.2: (February 19, 2005)

  * Updated the sound system. All popping and cracking sounds that previously
    occurred at program start/stop and when entering/exiting menu or pause
    mode have been eliminated.

  * Fixed the gl_fsmax argument to mean "switch to desktop resolution on
    fullscreen OpenGL", instead of to the maximum possible resolution (the two
    are not always the same).

  * Added Alt [ and Alt ] keys to dynamically adjust the sound volume during

  * Added Control 0, Control 1, Control 2, Control 3 keys to dynamically change
    which paddle the mouse should emulate.

  * Added video_driver argument. This accepts the different options that can be
    specified for SDL_VIDEODRIVER (see SDL homepage for more information).
    Basically, it eliminates the need to set the SDL_VIDEODRIVER environment

  * Made sure screen is refreshed before taking a snapshot.  This eliminates
    the problem with new snapshots containing the text "Snapshot saved".

  * For the Windows port; added windib and directx as options for
    'video_driver' when using software rendering. The 'windib' option is now
    the default, and in many cases it's up to 10 times faster than using

  * For the OSX port; added 'Cmd-R' key to reload the currently loaded ROM.

1.4 to 1.4.1: (August 15, 2004)

  * Fixed PAL sound issues.  PAL games now should sound correct (no distortion
    or missing sounds), but some games may still run too fast.  This is still
    a work-in-progress, and will be fixed in Stella 1.5.

  * Cleaned up the SDL event gathering loop.  This should hopefully fix the
    problems with "double-pumping events" reported by some Windows users.
    Event gathering and dispatching is now much faster as well.

  * Fixed a bug where the Control or Alt keys could be assigned to some event,
    but they could never be used.  Control/Alt can now be used for any event.

  * Updated stella.pro file to work with the latest Good2600 ROMset release
    (Thanks go to Voch for helping to maintain the stella.pro file).

  * For the Windows port; removed requirement for ROM files to be named *.bin
    in the StellaX frontend.  The ROM's can now have any name, but ZIP-files are
    not yet supported.

  * For the Windows port; fixed the problems with the included modified SDL
    library and Windows 98 users.  Stella should now run in Windows 98.

  * For the OSX port; added preference to allow user to select the directory
    in which ROM images are stored.  This sets the default directory to start
    the browsing for a ROM in, and doesn't preclude the user from selecting a
    file outside that directory.

  * For the OSX port; fixed preferences bug where Preferences changed before
    a game was opened were not being saved.

  * For the OSX port; fixed an issue which would prevent the program from
    working with OSX 10.1.

1.3 to 1.4: (July 17, 2004)

  * Codebase ported to SDL. The DOS and X11 ports have been discontinued.

  * Sound code ported to SDL. For the Linux versions, ALSA and OSS sound
    support has been discontinued.

  * The Linux, MacOSX and Windows ports are now based on the same codebase
    and are actively maintained. That means simultaneous (and hopefully more
    frequent) releases.

  * A new Windows port has been created, with the GUI based on StellaX.
    This is the first new release for Windows since Stella 1.2.
    (software mode is not yet optimized; OpenGL mode works much better)

  * A new Mac OSX port has been created by Mark Grebe. This is the first new
    release for Mac OSX since Stella 1.2.

  * Added OpenGL rendering support.

  * Added more refined in-game GUI.

  * Added event remapping. Emulation keys can now be remapped to the keyboard
    or up to 4 joysticks.

  * Added native Stelladaptor support. Joysticks, paddles, and driving
    controllers have been tested.

  * Digital sound support (used in games like Quadrun and Pitfall2) has been
    greatly improved. Sound generation is now more tightly synchronized with
    video updates.

  * Added support for switchable palettes. Currently you can switch between
    the current Stella palette, original Stella palette (pre-1.2 versions),
    and the z26 palette.

  * Added support for UA Limited style bankswitching (Funky Fish and Pleiades).

  * Switched to using high compatibility M6502 mode by default. This means
    old state saves from previous Stella versions will no longer work.

  * The meaning of the "-sound" command line option has been changed. This
    option now accepts either 'true' or 'false (1 or 0) to enable/disable

  * Changed sound mixer functionality. The system volume/mixer settings will
    never be changed; volume changes in Stella will only affect the
    emulation itself.

  * Added "-video" command line option. This option accepts either 'soft' or
    'gl', to use software/OpenGL rendering.

  * Added "-gl_filter" command line option. This option accepts either
    'nearest' or 'linear', to use GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR filtering.

  * Added "-gl_aspect" command line option. This option accepts a decimal
    value specifying how much to scale the width of the emulation image
    (useful for giving an authentic 'square-looking' 4:3 mode).

  * Added "-gl_fsmax" command line option. This option accepts either
    'true' or 'false, and specifies to use the maximum possible resolution
    when in fullscreen OpenGL mode (useful for Linux and for Windows on

  * Added "-fragsize" command line option. This option accepts the size to
    use for sound fragments. Linux/MacOSX works well with 512, Windows seems
    to need 2048. This value must be a power of two.

  * Modified "-volume" command line option. If you specify '-1', Stella will
    use the system volume.

  * Renamed the "-pro" command line option to "-altpro".

  * Renamed the "-fps" command line option to "-framerate".

  * Removed the "-center" command line option. Stella now automatically
    centers the window when possible.

  * Removed the "-paddle real" command line option, since it never really
    worked correctly (and Stelladaptor support adds that functionality

  * Removed all command line options relating to the X11 port
    (owncmap, display).

1.2 to 1.3: (February 17, 2003)

  * Improved TIA sound system so that games with digitized audio work

  * Added saving and loading of game state to the core; X11, SDL, and DOS
    versions current support saving and loading game state

  * Added support for F4 bankswitching method

  * Pitfall II DPC sound emulation completed

  * Fixed a bug which caused the difficulty switches to operate backwards

  * Changed DPC auto-detection to use file size so that Pitfall II mods work

  * Modified RIOT timer emulation so that startup values are random

  * Added 3F bankswitching auto-detection routine so that homebrews and
    demos work without a stella.pro entry

  * Updated the TIA message boxes so they look a little nicer

  * Latest stella.pro file included in distribution

  * Added some developer options to the core, and the ability to change game
    width, height, xstart, ystart, and others while the emulation is running.
    Added ability to switch between NTSC and PAL at runtime, and the ability
    to save the current properties to a file or to merge the changes into the
    stella.pro file; X11 and SDL versions supported for now (compile option)

  * External sound server for the X11 and SDL versions no longer required, as
    all sound code is now integrated into the core

  * Changed locations of the user's config files for the X11 and SDL versions;
    the user's stellarc file is now located in $HOME/.stella/stellarc, state
    files are located in $HOME/.stella/state/ and the stella.pro file is
    located in $HOME/.stella/stella.pro

  * Changed the way options are supplied on the commandline for the X11 and
    SDL versions. Now all commandline options take exactly the same arguments
    as in the INI file.

  * Added "-accurate" command line option to choose between accurate
    (CPU-intensive) timing or less accurate (CPU-friendly) timing to X11
    and SDL versions. This is the final version of what was considered
    experimental timing code in Stella 1.2.

  * Added "-sound" command line option to choose which sound backend to
    use (alsa, oss, sdl) with the X11 and SDL versions.

  * Added the developer command line options to the X11 and SDL versions,
    which are only activated in developer builds: -Dformat, -Dwidth,
    -Dheight, -Dxstart, -Dystart, -Dmerge

  * Fixed window resize bug in the X11 port

  * Added "-nosound" command line option to the DOS port to disable audio

  * DOS port supports a "-vsync" option to synchronize emulation with the
    video blank of the video card

  * Changed VGA code in the DOS port to use a 60Hz 320x200 and a 60Hz
    320x240 graphics mode

  * DOS port has been updated to run better under Windows NT, 2000, and XP.
    There are still issues with the sound, however, it is usable.

  * DOS port is using a new Sound Blaster driver created by Matt Conte which
    supports auto-detection of sound cards.

  * DOS port supports a STELLA_HOME environment variable that defines
    the location of config files.

  * In the DOS port the stella.pro file is searched for first in the
    current working director and then in the $STELLA_HOME directory

  * In the DOS port the ROM image is searched for first using the
    specified path, then in $STELLA_HOME/ROMS, and finally in $STELLA_HOME

Cyberstella 1.2.1 (May 16, 2002)

  * Removed the built-in games until some legal stuff is sorted out

Cyberstella 1.2 (May 10, 2002)

  * Initial release of a new WIN 32 port of Stella

DOS 1.2 to DOS 1.2.1: (April 28, 2002)

  * Fixed a bug with control keys being confused with the pause key

  * Fixed a bug with the pause key causing the application to lockup

1.1 to 1.2: (April 21, 2002)

  * Improved illegal CPU instruction support. Thrust and Qb will now operate

  * Improved emulation of undefined TIA reads. The ball in Video Pinball
    finally bounces off of the paddles!

  * More accurate NTSC and PAL palettes. These palettes should be much more
    like the colors displayed on a real TV.

  * PAL color loss is now emulated. If a PAL game displays an odd number
    of scanlines then the next frame will be displayed in black & white.

  * TIA emulation improved to fix some problems with Pole Position,
    Fatal Run, Dolphin, Decathlon, Robot Tank, and Hole Hunter.

  * Support for Pitfall II has been added, however, the enhanced sound
    provided by the DPC chip found in the Pitfall II cartridge isn't
    currently emulated.

  * Support added for the Commavid (CV) bankswitching method.

  * Support added for the Megaboy cartridge.

  * Improved Supercharger emulation including a new BIOS that shows the
    vertical blue progress bars like the real thing.

  * Code for the emulation core has been updated to work with newer C++
    compilers compliant with the C++ standard.

  * Basic message support added to the TIA emulation. This allows a short
    message to overlay the TIA frame. Currently, it's used when switching
    color modes and difficulty settings.

  * The internal data structure for the stella.pro file was changed from
    a resizable array to a binary search tree. This results in quicker
    startup times.

  * An SDL port of Stella is available (requires SDL 1.2.0 or greater)

  * Added option to not load in the whole stella.pro file when starting
    Stella. This option is enabled on the X11, SDL, and DOS versions. Win32
    version is left alone since it's needed for loading multiple games from
    the UI. Saves on memory usage.

  * Added INI file option to the X11 and SDL versions. Options can be
    specified in this file instead of entering them on the commandline. Any
    options entered on the commandline override options in the INI file.
    File is called stellarc. For the X11 and SDL versions, it can be in
    either $HOME (as $HOME/.stellarc) or in /etc (as /etc/stellarc).  The
    one in $HOME has higher priority than the one in /etc.

  * Added snapshot support to the X11 and SDL versions. Pressing F12 saves
    the current screen in PNG format. Requires PNG library.

  * Removed stella.pro file from the binary, resulting in large space
    savings. The stella.pro file is no longer optional.  For the X11 and
    SDL versions, it can be in either $HOME (as $HOME/.stella.pro) or in
    /etc (as /etc/stella.pro). The one in $HOME has higher priority than
    the one in /etc. For DOS and Win32 versions, the stella.pro file must
    be in the same directory as the executable.

  * Added pause functionality to the core. Implemented in DOS, X11, and
    SDL versions for now.

1.0 to 1.1: (February 26, 1999)

  * DOS and Linux versions support real Atari 2600 paddles using a
    special PC game port adaptor

  * Linux version uses the new 1.2.x joystick driver API

  * Added support for the "-display" option to the X Window version

  * Added support for private colormaps to the X Window version

  * Fixed a few bugs in the Supercharger emulation

    - A major bug in the ROM loading routine was fixed

    - Multi-loading in "Escape from the Mindmaster" works correctly

    - All Supercharger games load and execute at this point

  * Added a small hack to the TIA code to fix a display problem in "Escape
    from the Mindmaster"

  * Improved TIA emulation to support the RESPx multi-sprite trick

1.0b1 to 1.0: (October 7, 1998)

  * DOS version supports 320x200 and 320x240 graphics modes

  * Several portability issues have been resolved

  * Preliminary support for Chris Wilkson's Megacart bank-switching scheme

  * BSDI target included in makefile

  * Improved Users Manual in several "popular" formats

0.7 to 1.0b1: (July 25, 1998)

  * Supports the following controllers:

      Joysticks, Paddles, Booster-Grip, Keyboard and Driving

  * Supports the following bank switching methods:

      2K, 3F, 4K, AR, E0, E7, F4SC, F6, F8, F8SC, FASC, FE

  * Properties are associated with games using their MD5 checksum
    calculated on the entire ROM image

  * Uses the new 'stella.pro' file format for game properties

  * Includes Erik's latest stella.pro properties file

  * New frame rate throttle code for X windows GUI

  * Based on the new and improved M6502 CPU emulation

  * Improvements to TIA emulation

    - Support HMOVE blanks

    - Improved Cosmic Ark star field effect

    - Some support for the RESPx multiple sprite trick

    - Support NTSC and PAL palettes

  * Improvements to PIA emulation (timing)

  * Improved Supercharger emulation

0.6 to 0.7: (June 7, 1997)

  * Improved emulation speed of TIA and 6507

  * Added Starpath Supercharger support

  * Added Tigervision bank-switching support (3F bank-switching)

  * Added pause game feature for Unix and DOS

  * VCS files combined into a single builtin property file

  * Added TIA HMOVE "feature" to support Cosmic Ark stars

  * Improved TIA VSYNC code so that it works more like the real
    thing (0.6 VSYNC code caused the graphics of some games to
    be off such as Alien and Battle Zone)

  * Added two 6507 emulators: one is designed to act more like
    the real thing, while the other is designed to be as fast as
    possible (required for Supercharger support)

  * Changed TIA peeking so lower nibble of byte read is the same
    as the TIA address being accessed (Warlords now works)

0.5 to 0.6: (January 18, 1997)

  * Fixed collision detection problem (Freeway works)

  * Changed PIA timing code to fix screen jitters

  * Added new bank-switching methods: F4SC (Fatal Run), E7 (Burgertime)

  * Fixed some code in the TIA emulation that caused SEGFAULTS

  * Improved frame rate throttling code to work better on fast machines

  * Improved TIA emulation (missle graphics are fully emulated now)

  * Included Bob Colbert's "Okie Dokie" game

  * Uses version 1.1 of the TIA Sound library by Ron Fries

0.4 to 0.5: (November 17, 1996)

  * Added sound support

  * Added new bank-switching methods: F8SC (Defender II), FASC (CBS RAM+)

  * Changed TIA so peeking $E and $F return $F not $0 for Haunted House

  * Changed PIA timing code to fix screen jitters in Frogger

  * Addressing scheme rewritten

  * Optimized 6507 memory accesses

  * Randomized memory in PIA upon startup

  * Removed auto-disabling of objects at the start of a frame
    so you can't walk through walls in Adventure

  * Changed the X windows terminal update method to make it faster and
    easier to understand

0.3 to 0.4 (August 28, 1996):

  * TIA code has been optimized some

  * Some games can be played with just a ROM image

  * New search method for ROM images (no more STELLA_PATH)

  * Delta screen update supported

  * Better error handling added to the "core"

0.2 to 0.3 (July 12, 1996):

  * Keyboard joystick support is much better (Daniel Marks)

  * Paddles are now supported via the mouse (Bradford Mott)

  * Many portability issues have been resolved (Keith Wilkins)

  * Fixed a problem with the 6507 ADC and SBC instructions that caused
    some games (Enduro) not to work correctly (Bradford Mott)

  * Power Macintosh port (Aaron Giles)

  * Windows 95 & NT port (Jeff Miller)