# Common build rules, used by the sub modules and their module.mk files

# Copy the list of objects to a new variable. The name of the new variable
# contains the module name, a trick we use so we can keep multiple different
# module object lists, one for each module.

MODULE_LIB-$(MODULE) := $(MODULE)/lib$(notdir $(MODULE)).a

# If not building as a plugin, add the object files to the main OBJS list

# Convenience library target
#	-$(RM) $@
#	$(AR) $@ $+
#	$(RANLIB) $@ 

# Pseudo target for comfort, allows for "make common", "make gui" etc.

# Clean target, removes all object files. This looks a bit hackish, as we have to
# copy the content of MODULE_OBJS to another unique variable (the next module.mk
# will overwrite it after all). The same for the libMODULE.a library file.
clean: clean-$(MODULE)
clean-$(MODULE): clean-% :
	-$(RM) $(MODULE_OBJS-$*) $(MODULE_LIB-$*) $(PLUGIN-$*)