Re-add ZIP build for Windows.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Anthony 2024-10-07 16:27:13 -02:30
parent 0f9cd119ab
commit 4c4c62f7a0
1 changed files with 31 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo This will create an InnoSetup installer for 64-bit Stella.
echo This will create an InnoSetup installer for 64-bit Stella
echo as well as a ZIP archive.
echo ! InnoSetup must be linked to this directory as 'iscc.lnk'
echo ! 'zip.exe' must be installed in this directory (for ZIP files)
echo !!! Make sure the code has already been compiled in Visual Studio
echo !!! before launching this command.
:: Make sure InnoSetup is available
:: Make sure all tools are available
set HAVE_ZIP=1
:: Make sure InnoSetup and/or ZIP are available
if not exist "iscc.lnk" (
echo InnoSetup 'iscc.lnk' not found
goto done
echo InnoSetup 'iscc.lnk' not found - EXE files will not be created
if not exist "zip.exe" (
echo ZIP command not found - ZIP files will not be created
set HAVE_ZIP=0
if %HAVE_ISCC% == 0 (
if %HAVE_ZIP% == 0 (
echo Both EXE and ZIP files cannot be created, exiting
goto done
set RELEASE=x64\Release
@ -36,10 +52,10 @@ mkdir %STELLA_DIR%\docs
echo Copying executable files ...
copy %RELEASE%\Stella.exe %STELLA_DIR%
copy %RELEASE%\*.dll %STELLA_DIR%
echo Copying DOC files ...
xcopy ..\..\..\docs\* %STELLA_DIR%\docs /s /q
xcopy ..\..\..\docs\* %STELLA_DIR%\docs /s /q
copy ..\..\..\Announce.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\..\Changes.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\..\Copyright.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
@ -54,9 +70,16 @@ if not exist Output (
mkdir Output
:: Actually create the ZIP file
if %HAVE_ZIP% == 1 (
echo Creating ZIP file ...
zip -q -r Output\ %STELLA_DIR%
:: Create the Inno EXE files
echo Creating InnoSetup EXE ...
iscc.lnk "%CD%\stella.iss" /q "/dSTELLA_VER=%STELLA_VER%" "/dSTELLA_PATH=%STELLA_DIR%" "/dSTELLA_DOCPATH=%STELLA_DIR%\docs"
if %HAVE_ISCC% == 1 (
echo Creating InnoSetup EXE ...
iscc.lnk "%CD%\stella.iss" /q "/dSTELLA_VER=%STELLA_VER%" "/dSTELLA_PATH=%STELLA_DIR%" "/dSTELLA_DOCPATH=%STELLA_DIR%\docs"
:: Cleanup time
echo Cleaning up files ...