Added automated build script for Windows builds. It's not finished yet; I still need to tie it into InnoSetup.

git-svn-id: svn:// 8b62c5a3-ac7e-4cc8-8f21-d9a121418aba
This commit is contained in:
stephena 2009-09-10 13:56:06 +00:00
parent 48beb4fd1f
commit 3c67bc6588
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo Stella build script for creating win32 and x64 builds.
echo This will create installers (based on InnoSetup) for both 32 and 64-bit,
echo as well as a ZIP archive containing both versions.
echo The 'flip' and 'zip' utilities must be installed in your path.
echo !!! Make sure the code has already been compiled in Visual Studio
echo !!! before launching this command.
set /p STELLA_VER=Enter Stella version:
set /p TO_BUILD=Version to build (32/64/a=all):
set BUILD_32=0
set BUILD_64=0
if %TO_BUILD% == 32 (
set BUILD_32=1
if %TO_BUILD% == 64 (
set BUILD_64=1
if %TO_BUILD% == a (
set BUILD_32=1
set BUILD_64=1
set RELEASE_32="Release"
set RELEASE_64="x64\Release"
if %BUILD_32% == 1 (
if not exist %RELEASE_32% (
echo The 32-bit build was not found in the '%RELEASE_32%' directory
goto done
if %BUILD_64% == 1 (
if not exist %RELEASE_64% (
echo The 64-bit build was not found in the '%RELEASE_64%' directory
goto done
:: Create ZIP folder first
if exist %STELLA_DIR% (
echo Removing old %STELLA_DIR% directory
rmdir /s /q %STELLA_DIR%
echo Creating %STELLA_DIR% ...
mkdir %STELLA_DIR%
mkdir %STELLA_DIR%\32-bit
mkdir %STELLA_DIR%\64-bit
mkdir %STELLA_DIR%\docs
if %BUILD_32% == 1 (
echo Copying 32-bit files to ZIP ...
copy %RELEASE_32%\Stella.exe %STELLA_DIR%\32-bit
copy %RELEASE_32%\SDL.dll %STELLA_DIR%\32-bit
copy %RELEASE_32%\zlibwapi.dll %STELLA_DIR%\32-bit
if %BUILD_64% == 1 (
echo Copying 64-bit files to ZIP ...
copy %RELEASE_64%\Stella.exe %STELLA_DIR%\64-bit
copy %RELEASE_64%\SDL.dll %STELLA_DIR%\64-bit
copy %RELEASE_64%\zlibwapi.dll %STELLA_DIR%\64-bit
echo Copying DOC files ...
xcopy ..\..\docs\* %STELLA_DIR%\docs /s /q
copy ..\..\Announce.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\Changes.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\Copyright.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\License.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\Readme.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\README-SDL.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
copy ..\..\Todo.txt %STELLA_DIR%\docs
for %%a in (%STELLA_DIR%\docs\*.txt) do (
flip -d "%%a"