Revert isFile functionality in Windows for now; just assume it's a file if it isn't a directory.

git-svn-id: svn:// 8b62c5a3-ac7e-4cc8-8f21-d9a121418aba
This commit is contained in:
stephena 2012-06-01 17:58:01 +00:00
parent 9b8155b29d
commit 132dfcddf0
1 changed files with 438 additions and 435 deletions

View File

@ -1,257 +1,260 @@
// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2012 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
// $Id$
// Based on code from ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 The ScummVM project
#include <cassert>
#include <shlobj.h>
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#include <windows.h>
// winnt.h defines ARRAYSIZE, but we want our own one...
#undef GetCurrentDirectory
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <windows.h>
// winnt.h defines ARRAYSIZE, but we want our own one...
#include <tchar.h>
// F_OK, R_OK and W_OK are not defined under MSVC, so we define them here
// For more information on the modes used by MSVC, check:
#ifndef F_OK
#define F_OK 0
#ifndef R_OK
#define R_OK 4
#ifndef W_OK
#define W_OK 2
#include "FSNode.hxx"
#include "HomeFinder.hxx"
static HomeFinder myHomeFinder;
* Implementation of the Stella file system API based on Windows API.
* Parts of this class are documented in the base interface class, AbstractFilesystemNode.
class WindowsFilesystemNode : public AbstractFilesystemNode
* Creates a WindowsFilesystemNode with the root node as path.
* In regular windows systems, a virtual root path is used "".
* In windows CE, the "\" root is used instead.
* Creates a WindowsFilesystemNode for a given path.
* Examples:
* path=c:\foo\bar.txt, currentDir=false -> c:\foo\bar.txt
* path=c:\foo\bar.txt, currentDir=true -> current directory
* path=NULL, currentDir=true -> current directory
* @param path String with the path the new node should point to.
WindowsFilesystemNode(const string& path);
bool exists() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0; }
const string& getDisplayName() const { return _displayName; }
const string& getName() const { return _displayName; }
const string& getPath() const { return _path; }
string getRelativePath() const;
bool isDirectory() const { return _isDirectory; }
bool isFile() const { return _isFile; }
bool isReadable() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0; }
bool isWritable() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), W_OK) == 0; }
bool getChildren(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode, bool hidden) const;
AbstractFilesystemNode* getParent() const;
string _displayName;
string _path;
bool _isDirectory;
bool _isFile;
bool _isPseudoRoot;
bool _isValid;
* Adds a single WindowsFilesystemNode to a given list.
* This method is used by getChildren() to populate the directory entries list.
* @param list List to put the file entry node in.
* @param mode Mode to use while adding the file entry to the list.
* @param base String with the directory being listed.
* @param find_data Describes a file that the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile functions find.
static void addFile(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode, const char* base, WIN32_FIND_DATA* find_data);
* Converts a Unicode string to Ascii format.
* @param str String to convert from Unicode to Ascii.
* @return str in Ascii format.
static char* toAscii(TCHAR *str);
* Converts an Ascii string to Unicode format.
* @param str String to convert from Ascii to Unicode.
* @return str in Unicode format.
static const TCHAR* toUnicode(const char* str);
* Returns the last component of a given path.
* Examples:
* c:\foo\bar.txt would return "\bar.txt"
* c:\foo\bar\ would return "\bar\"
* @param str Path to obtain the last component from.
* @return Pointer to the first char of the last component inside str.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const char* lastPathComponent(const string& str)
return "";
const char *start = str.c_str();
const char *cur = start + str.size() - 2;
while (cur >= start && *cur != '\\')
return cur + 1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void WindowsFilesystemNode::addFile(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode,
const char* base, WIN32_FIND_DATA* find_data)
WindowsFilesystemNode entry;
char* asciiName = toAscii(find_data->cFileName);
bool isDirectory, isFile;
// Skip local directory (.) and parent (..)
if (!strncmp(asciiName, ".", 1) || !strncmp(asciiName, "..", 2))
isDirectory = (find_data->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ? true : false);
isFile = (find_data->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ? true : false);
if ((isFile && mode == FilesystemNode::kListDirectoriesOnly) ||
(isDirectory && mode == FilesystemNode::kListFilesOnly))
entry._isDirectory = isDirectory;
entry._isFile = isFile;
entry._displayName = asciiName;
entry._path = base;
entry._path += asciiName;
if (entry._isDirectory)
entry._path += "\\";
entry._isValid = true;
entry._isPseudoRoot = false;
list.push_back(new WindowsFilesystemNode(entry));
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
char* WindowsFilesystemNode::toAscii(TCHAR* str)
#ifndef UNICODE
return (char*)str;
static char asciiString[MAX_PATH];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, _tcslen(str) + 1, asciiString, sizeof(asciiString), NULL, NULL);
return asciiString;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const TCHAR* WindowsFilesystemNode::toUnicode(const char* str)
#ifndef UNICODE
return (const TCHAR *)str;
static TCHAR unicodeString[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str) + 1, unicodeString, sizeof(unicodeString) / sizeof(TCHAR));
return unicodeString;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Create a virtual root directory for standard Windows system
_isDirectory = true;
_isFile = false;
_isValid = false;
_path = "";
_isPseudoRoot = true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WindowsFilesystemNode::WindowsFilesystemNode(const string& p)
// Expand '~\' to the users 'home' directory
if (p.length() >= 2 && p[0] == '~' && p[1] == '\\')
_path = myHomeFinder.getHomePath();
// Skip over the tilde/dot. We know that p contains at least
// two chars, so this is safe:
_path += p.c_str() + 1;
// Expand '.\' to the current working directory,
// likewise if the path is relative (second character not a colon)
else if ((p.length() >= 2 && ((p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '\\') ||
p[1] != ':')))
char buf[4096];
if(GetCurrentDirectory(4096, buf) > 0)
_path = buf;
// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2012 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
// $Id$
// Based on code from ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 The ScummVM project
#include <cassert>
#include <shlobj.h>
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#include <windows.h>
// winnt.h defines ARRAYSIZE, but we want our own one...
#undef GetCurrentDirectory
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <windows.h>
// winnt.h defines ARRAYSIZE, but we want our own one...
#include <tchar.h>
// F_OK, R_OK and W_OK are not defined under MSVC, so we define them here
// For more information on the modes used by MSVC, check:
#ifndef F_OK
#define F_OK 0
#ifndef R_OK
#define R_OK 4
#ifndef W_OK
#define W_OK 2
#include "FSNode.hxx"
#include "HomeFinder.hxx"
static HomeFinder myHomeFinder;
// TODO - fix isFile() functionality so that it actually determines if something
// is a file; for now, it assumes a file if it isn't a directory
* Implementation of the Stella file system API based on Windows API.
* Parts of this class are documented in the base interface class, AbstractFilesystemNode.
class WindowsFilesystemNode : public AbstractFilesystemNode
* Creates a WindowsFilesystemNode with the root node as path.
* In regular windows systems, a virtual root path is used "".
* In windows CE, the "\" root is used instead.
* Creates a WindowsFilesystemNode for a given path.
* Examples:
* path=c:\foo\bar.txt, currentDir=false -> c:\foo\bar.txt
* path=c:\foo\bar.txt, currentDir=true -> current directory
* path=NULL, currentDir=true -> current directory
* @param path String with the path the new node should point to.
WindowsFilesystemNode(const string& path);
bool exists() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0; }
const string& getDisplayName() const { return _displayName; }
const string& getName() const { return _displayName; }
const string& getPath() const { return _path; }
string getRelativePath() const;
bool isDirectory() const { return _isDirectory; }
bool isFile() const { return _isFile; }
bool isReadable() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0; }
bool isWritable() const { return _access(_path.c_str(), W_OK) == 0; }
bool getChildren(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode, bool hidden) const;
AbstractFilesystemNode* getParent() const;
string _displayName;
string _path;
bool _isDirectory;
bool _isFile;
bool _isPseudoRoot;
bool _isValid;
* Adds a single WindowsFilesystemNode to a given list.
* This method is used by getChildren() to populate the directory entries list.
* @param list List to put the file entry node in.
* @param mode Mode to use while adding the file entry to the list.
* @param base String with the directory being listed.
* @param find_data Describes a file that the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile functions find.
static void addFile(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode, const char* base, WIN32_FIND_DATA* find_data);
* Converts a Unicode string to Ascii format.
* @param str String to convert from Unicode to Ascii.
* @return str in Ascii format.
static char* toAscii(TCHAR *str);
* Converts an Ascii string to Unicode format.
* @param str String to convert from Ascii to Unicode.
* @return str in Unicode format.
static const TCHAR* toUnicode(const char* str);
* Returns the last component of a given path.
* Examples:
* c:\foo\bar.txt would return "\bar.txt"
* c:\foo\bar\ would return "\bar\"
* @param str Path to obtain the last component from.
* @return Pointer to the first char of the last component inside str.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const char* lastPathComponent(const string& str)
return "";
const char *start = str.c_str();
const char *cur = start + str.size() - 2;
while (cur >= start && *cur != '\\')
return cur + 1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void WindowsFilesystemNode::addFile(AbstractFSList& list, ListMode mode,
const char* base, WIN32_FIND_DATA* find_data)
WindowsFilesystemNode entry;
char* asciiName = toAscii(find_data->cFileName);
bool isDirectory, isFile;
// Skip local directory (.) and parent (..)
if (!strncmp(asciiName, ".", 1) || !strncmp(asciiName, "..", 2))
isDirectory = (find_data->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ? true : false);
isFile = !isDirectory;//(find_data->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ? true : false);
if ((isFile && mode == FilesystemNode::kListDirectoriesOnly) ||
(isDirectory && mode == FilesystemNode::kListFilesOnly))
entry._isDirectory = isDirectory;
entry._isFile = isFile;
entry._displayName = asciiName;
entry._path = base;
entry._path += asciiName;
if (entry._isDirectory)
entry._path += "\\";
entry._isValid = true;
entry._isPseudoRoot = false;
list.push_back(new WindowsFilesystemNode(entry));
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
char* WindowsFilesystemNode::toAscii(TCHAR* str)
#ifndef UNICODE
return (char*)str;
static char asciiString[MAX_PATH];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, _tcslen(str) + 1, asciiString, sizeof(asciiString), NULL, NULL);
return asciiString;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const TCHAR* WindowsFilesystemNode::toUnicode(const char* str)
#ifndef UNICODE
return (const TCHAR *)str;
static TCHAR unicodeString[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str) + 1, unicodeString, sizeof(unicodeString) / sizeof(TCHAR));
return unicodeString;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Create a virtual root directory for standard Windows system
_isDirectory = true;
_isFile = false;
_isValid = false;
_path = "";
_isPseudoRoot = true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WindowsFilesystemNode::WindowsFilesystemNode(const string& p)
// Expand '~\' to the users 'home' directory
if (p.length() >= 2 && p[0] == '~' && p[1] == '\\')
_path = myHomeFinder.getHomePath();
// Skip over the tilde/dot. We know that p contains at least
// two chars, so this is safe:
_path += p.c_str() + 1;
// Expand '.\' to the current working directory,
// likewise if the path is relative (second character not a colon)
else if ((p.length() >= 2 && ((p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '\\') ||
p[1] != ':')))
char buf[4096];
if(GetCurrentDirectory(4096, buf) > 0)
_path = buf;
if(p[0] == '.')
// Skip over the tilde/dot. We know that p contains at least
@ -259,184 +262,184 @@ WindowsFilesystemNode::WindowsFilesystemNode(const string& p)
_path = _path + (p.c_str() + 1);
_path = _path + '\\' + p;
_path = p;
_displayName = lastPathComponent(_path);
// Check whether it is a directory, and whether the file actually exists
DWORD fileAttribs = GetFileAttributes(toUnicode(_path.c_str()));
_isDirectory = _isFile = _isValid = false;
_isDirectory = ((fileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0);
_isFile = ((fileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) != 0);
_isValid = true;
// Add a trailing backslash, if necessary
if (_isDirectory && _path.length() > 0 && _path[_path.length()-1] != '\\')
_path += '\\';
_isPseudoRoot = false;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string WindowsFilesystemNode::getRelativePath() const
// If the path starts with the home directory, replace it with '~'
const string& home = myHomeFinder.getHomePath();
if(home != "" && BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(_path, home))
string path = "~";
const char* offset = _path.c_str() + home.length();
if(*offset != '\\') path += '\\';
path += offset;
return path;
return _path;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool WindowsFilesystemNode::
getChildren(AbstractFSList& myList, ListMode mode, bool hidden) const
//TODO: honor the hidden flag
if (_isPseudoRoot)
// Drives enumeration
TCHAR drive_buffer[100];
GetLogicalDriveStrings(sizeof(drive_buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), drive_buffer);
for (TCHAR *current_drive = drive_buffer; *current_drive;
current_drive += _tcslen(current_drive) + 1)
WindowsFilesystemNode entry;
char drive_name[2];
drive_name[0] = toAscii(current_drive)[0];
drive_name[1] = '\0';
entry._displayName = drive_name;
entry._isDirectory = true;
entry._isFile = false;
entry._isValid = true;
entry._isPseudoRoot = false;
entry._path = toAscii(current_drive);
myList.push_back(new WindowsFilesystemNode(entry));
// Files enumeration
HANDLE handle;
char searchPath[MAX_PATH + 10];
sprintf(searchPath, "%s*", _path.c_str());
handle = FindFirstFile(toUnicode(searchPath), &desc);
return false;
addFile(myList, mode, _path.c_str(), &desc);
while (FindNextFile(handle, &desc))
addFile(myList, mode, _path.c_str(), &desc);
return true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* WindowsFilesystemNode::getParent() const
// assert(_isValid || _isPseudoRoot);
if (!_isValid || _isPseudoRoot)
return 0;
WindowsFilesystemNode* p = new WindowsFilesystemNode();
if (_path.size() > 3)
const char *start = _path.c_str();
const char *end = lastPathComponent(_path);
p->_path = string(start, end - start);
p->_isValid = true;
p->_isDirectory = true;
p->_isFile = false;
p->_displayName = lastPathComponent(p->_path);
p->_isPseudoRoot = false;
return p;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeRootFileNode()
return new WindowsFilesystemNode();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeHomeDirectoryFileNode()
return new WindowsFilesystemNode("~\\");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeFileNodePath(const string& path)
return new WindowsFilesystemNode(path);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool AbstractFilesystemNode::makeDir(const string& path)
return CreateDirectory(path.c_str(), NULL) != 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool AbstractFilesystemNode::renameFile(const string& oldfile,
const string& newfile)
return MoveFile(oldfile.c_str(), newfile.c_str()) != 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string AbstractFilesystemNode::getAbsolutePath(const string& p,
const string& startpath,
const string& ext)
// Does p start with a drive letter or the given startpath?
// If not, it isn't an absolute path
string path = FilesystemNode(p).getRelativePath();
bool startsWithDrive = path.length() >= 2 && path[1] == ':';
if(!BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(p, startpath+"\\") && !startsWithDrive)
path = startpath + "\\" + p;
// Does the path have a valid extension?
// If not, we add the given one
string::size_type idx = path.find_last_of('.');
if(idx != string::npos)
if(!BSPF_equalsIgnoreCase(path.c_str() + idx + 1, ext))
path = path.replace(idx+1, ext.length(), ext);
path += "." + ext;
return path;
_path = p;
_displayName = lastPathComponent(_path);
// Check whether it is a directory, and whether the file actually exists
DWORD fileAttribs = GetFileAttributes(toUnicode(_path.c_str()));
_isDirectory = _isFile = _isValid = false;
_isDirectory = ((fileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0);
_isFile = !_isDirectory;//((fileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) != 0);
_isValid = true;
// Add a trailing backslash, if necessary
if (_isDirectory && _path.length() > 0 && _path[_path.length()-1] != '\\')
_path += '\\';
_isPseudoRoot = false;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string WindowsFilesystemNode::getRelativePath() const
// If the path starts with the home directory, replace it with '~'
const string& home = myHomeFinder.getHomePath();
if(home != "" && BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(_path, home))
string path = "~";
const char* offset = _path.c_str() + home.length();
if(*offset != '\\') path += '\\';
path += offset;
return path;
return _path;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool WindowsFilesystemNode::
getChildren(AbstractFSList& myList, ListMode mode, bool hidden) const
//TODO: honor the hidden flag
if (_isPseudoRoot)
// Drives enumeration
TCHAR drive_buffer[100];
GetLogicalDriveStrings(sizeof(drive_buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), drive_buffer);
for (TCHAR *current_drive = drive_buffer; *current_drive;
current_drive += _tcslen(current_drive) + 1)
WindowsFilesystemNode entry;
char drive_name[2];
drive_name[0] = toAscii(current_drive)[0];
drive_name[1] = '\0';
entry._displayName = drive_name;
entry._isDirectory = true;
entry._isFile = false;
entry._isValid = true;
entry._isPseudoRoot = false;
entry._path = toAscii(current_drive);
myList.push_back(new WindowsFilesystemNode(entry));
// Files enumeration
HANDLE handle;
char searchPath[MAX_PATH + 10];
sprintf(searchPath, "%s*", _path.c_str());
handle = FindFirstFile(toUnicode(searchPath), &desc);
return false;
addFile(myList, mode, _path.c_str(), &desc);
while (FindNextFile(handle, &desc))
addFile(myList, mode, _path.c_str(), &desc);
return true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* WindowsFilesystemNode::getParent() const
// assert(_isValid || _isPseudoRoot);
if (!_isValid || _isPseudoRoot)
return 0;
WindowsFilesystemNode* p = new WindowsFilesystemNode();
if (_path.size() > 3)
const char *start = _path.c_str();
const char *end = lastPathComponent(_path);
p->_path = string(start, end - start);
p->_isValid = true;
p->_isDirectory = true;
p->_isFile = false;
p->_displayName = lastPathComponent(p->_path);
p->_isPseudoRoot = false;
return p;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeRootFileNode()
return new WindowsFilesystemNode();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeHomeDirectoryFileNode()
return new WindowsFilesystemNode("~\\");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AbstractFilesystemNode* AbstractFilesystemNode::makeFileNodePath(const string& path)
return new WindowsFilesystemNode(path);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool AbstractFilesystemNode::makeDir(const string& path)
return CreateDirectory(path.c_str(), NULL) != 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool AbstractFilesystemNode::renameFile(const string& oldfile,
const string& newfile)
return MoveFile(oldfile.c_str(), newfile.c_str()) != 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string AbstractFilesystemNode::getAbsolutePath(const string& p,
const string& startpath,
const string& ext)
// Does p start with a drive letter or the given startpath?
// If not, it isn't an absolute path
string path = FilesystemNode(p).getRelativePath();
bool startsWithDrive = path.length() >= 2 && path[1] == ':';
if(!BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(p, startpath+"\\") && !startsWithDrive)
path = startpath + "\\" + p;
// Does the path have a valid extension?
// If not, we add the given one
string::size_type idx = path.find_last_of('.');
if(idx != string::npos)
if(!BSPF_equalsIgnoreCase(path.c_str() + idx + 1, ext))
path = path.replace(idx+1, ext.length(), ext);
path += "." + ext;
return path;