
185 lines
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// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2011 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
// $Id$
class Debugger;
class TiaDebug;
class TIA;
#include "Array.hxx"
#include "DebuggerSystem.hxx"
// pointer types for TIADebug instance methods
// (used by TiaMethodExpression)
class TIADebug;
typedef int (TIADebug::*TIADEBUG_INT_METHOD)();
// call the pointed-to method on the (global) debugger object.
#define CALL_TIADEBUG_METHOD(method) ( ( Debugger::debugger().tiaDebug().*method)() )
// Indices for various IntArray in TiaState
enum {
P0, P1, M0, M1, BL
class TiaState : public DebuggerState
IntArray ram;
IntArray coluRegs;
IntArray gr;
IntArray pos;
IntArray hm;
IntArray pf;
IntArray size;
IntArray aud;
class TIADebug : public DebuggerSystem
TIADebug(Debugger& dbg, Console& console);
const DebuggerState& getState();
const DebuggerState& getOldState() { return myOldState; }
void saveOldState();
string toString();
/* TIA byte (or part of a byte) registers */
uInt8 nusiz0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 nusiz1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 nusizP0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 nusizP1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 nusizM0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 nusizM1(int newVal = -1);
const string& nusizP0String() { return nusizStrings[nusizP0()]; }
const string& nusizP1String() { return nusizStrings[nusizP1()]; }
uInt8 coluP0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 coluP1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 coluPF(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 coluBK(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 sizeBL(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 ctrlPF(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 pf0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 pf1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 pf2(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 grP0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 grP1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 posP0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 posP1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 posM0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 posM1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 posBL(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 hmP0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 hmP1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 hmM0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 hmM1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 hmBL(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audC0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audC1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audF0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audF1(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audV0(int newVal = -1);
uInt8 audV1(int newVal = -1);
/* TIA bool registers */
bool refP0(int newVal = -1);
bool refP1(int newVal = -1);
bool enaM0(int newVal = -1);
bool enaM1(int newVal = -1);
bool enaBL(int newVal = -1);
bool vdelP0(int newVal = -1);
bool vdelP1(int newVal = -1);
bool vdelBL(int newVal = -1);
bool resMP0(int newVal = -1);
bool resMP1(int newVal = -1);
bool refPF(int newVal = -1);
bool scorePF(int newVal = -1);
bool priorityPF(int newVal = -1);
/* Collision registers */
bool collM0_P1(int newVal = -1) { return collision(0, newVal); }
bool collM0_P0(int newVal = -1) { return collision(1, newVal); }
bool collM1_P0(int newVal = -1) { return collision(2, newVal); }
bool collM1_P1(int newVal = -1) { return collision(3, newVal); }
bool collP0_PF(int newVal = -1) { return collision(4, newVal); }
bool collP0_BL(int newVal = -1) { return collision(5, newVal); }
bool collP1_PF(int newVal = -1) { return collision(6, newVal); }
bool collP1_BL(int newVal = -1) { return collision(7, newVal); }
bool collM0_PF(int newVal = -1) { return collision(8, newVal); }
bool collM0_BL(int newVal = -1) { return collision(9, newVal); }
bool collM1_PF(int newVal = -1) { return collision(10, newVal); }
bool collM1_BL(int newVal = -1) { return collision(11, newVal); }
bool collBL_PF(int newVal = -1) { return collision(12, newVal); }
bool collP0_P1(int newVal = -1) { return collision(13, newVal); }
bool collM0_M1(int newVal = -1) { return collision(14, newVal); }
/* TIA strobe registers */
void strobeWsync() { mySystem.poke(WSYNC, 0); }
void strobeRsync() { mySystem.poke(RSYNC, 0); } // not emulated!
void strobeResP0() { mySystem.poke(RESP0, 0); }
void strobeResP1() { mySystem.poke(RESP1, 0); }
void strobeResM0() { mySystem.poke(RESM0, 0); }
void strobeResM1() { mySystem.poke(RESM1, 0); }
void strobeResBL() { mySystem.poke(RESBL, 0); }
void strobeHmove() { mySystem.poke(HMOVE, 0); }
void strobeHmclr() { mySystem.poke(HMCLR, 0); }
void strobeCxclr() { mySystem.poke(CXCLR, 0); }
/* read-only internal TIA state */
int scanlines();
int frameCount();
int clocksThisLine();
bool vsync();
bool vblank();
int vsyncAsInt() { return int(vsync()); } // so we can use _vsync pseudo-register
int vblankAsInt() { return int(vblank()); } // so we can use _vblank pseudo-register
/** Display a color patch for color at given index in the palette */
string colorSwatch(uInt8 c);
/** Get/set specific bits in the collision register (used by collXX_XX) */
bool collision(int collID, int newVal);
string audFreq(uInt8 div);
string booleanWithLabel(string label, bool value);
TiaState myState;
TiaState myOldState;
string nusizStrings[8];