
732 lines
18 KiB

Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
This file is licensed under the Snes9x License.
For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory.
#include <math.h>
#include "../snes9x.h"
#include "apu.h"
#include "../msu1.h"
#include "../snapshot.h"
#include "../display.h"
#include "hermite_resampler.h"
#include "bapu/snes/snes.hpp"
#define APU_DEFAULT_INPUT_RATE 31950 // ~ 59.94Hz
#define APU_NUMERATOR_NTSC 15664
#define APU_NUMERATOR_PAL 34176
#define APU_DENOMINATOR_PAL 709379
namespace SNES
#include "bapu/dsp/blargg_endian.h"
CPU cpu;
namespace spc
static apu_callback sa_callback = NULL;
static void *extra_data = NULL;
static bool8 sound_in_sync = TRUE;
static bool8 sound_enabled = FALSE;
static int buffer_size;
static int lag_master = 0;
static int lag = 0;
static uint8 *landing_buffer = NULL;
static uint8 *shrink_buffer = NULL;
static Resampler *resampler = NULL;
static int32 reference_time;
static uint32 remainder;
static const int timing_hack_numerator = 256;
static int timing_hack_denominator = 256;
/* Set these to NTSC for now. Will change to PAL in S9xAPUTimingSetSpeedup
if necessary on game load. */
static uint32 ratio_numerator = APU_NUMERATOR_NTSC;
static uint32 ratio_denominator = APU_DENOMINATOR_NTSC;
static double dynamic_rate_multiplier = 1.0;
namespace msu
static int buffer_size;
static uint8 *landing_buffer = NULL;
static Resampler *resampler = NULL;
static int resample_buffer_size = -1;
static uint8 *resample_buffer = NULL;
static void EightBitize (uint8 *, int);
static void DeStereo (uint8 *, int);
static void ReverseStereo (uint8 *, int);
static void UpdatePlaybackRate (void);
static void SPCSnapshotCallback (void);
static inline int S9xAPUGetClock (int32);
static inline int S9xAPUGetClockRemainder (int32);
static void EightBitize (uint8 *buffer, int sample_count)
uint8 *buf8 = (uint8 *) buffer;
int16 *buf16 = (int16 *) buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++)
buf8[i] = (uint8) ((buf16[i] / 256) + 128);
static void DeStereo (uint8 *buffer, int sample_count)
int16 *buf = (int16 *) buffer;
int32 s1, s2;
for (int i = 0; i < (sample_count >> 1); i++)
s1 = (int32) buf[2 * i];
s2 = (int32) buf[2 * i + 1];
buf[i] = (int16) ((s1 + s2) >> 1);
static void ReverseStereo (uint8 *src_buffer, int sample_count)
int16 *buffer = (int16 *) src_buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i += 2)
buffer[i + 1] ^= buffer[i];
buffer[i] ^= buffer[i + 1];
buffer[i + 1] ^= buffer[i];
bool8 S9xMixSamples (uint8 *buffer, int sample_count)
static int shrink_buffer_size = -1;
uint8 *dest;
if (!Settings.SixteenBitSound || !Settings.Stereo)
/* We still need both stereo samples for generating the mono sample */
if (!Settings.Stereo)
sample_count <<= 1;
/* We still have to generate 16-bit samples for bit-dropping, too */
if (shrink_buffer_size < (sample_count << 1))
delete[] spc::shrink_buffer;
spc::shrink_buffer = new uint8[sample_count << 1];
shrink_buffer_size = sample_count << 1;
dest = spc::shrink_buffer;
dest = buffer;
if (Settings.MSU1 && msu::resample_buffer_size < (sample_count << 1))
delete[] msu::resample_buffer;
msu::resample_buffer = new uint8[sample_count << 1];
msu::resample_buffer_size = sample_count << 1;
if (Settings.Mute)
memset(dest, 0, sample_count << 1);
return (FALSE);
if (spc::resampler->avail() >= (sample_count + spc::lag))
spc::resampler->read((short *) dest, sample_count);
if (spc::lag == spc::lag_master)
spc::lag = 0;
if (Settings.MSU1)
if (msu::resampler->avail() >= sample_count)
msu::resampler->read((short *)msu::resample_buffer, sample_count);
for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; ++i)
*((int16*)(dest+(i * 2))) += *((int16*)(msu::resample_buffer +(i * 2)));
else // should never occur
memset(buffer, (Settings.SixteenBitSound ? 0 : 128), (sample_count << (Settings.SixteenBitSound ? 1 : 0)) >> (Settings.Stereo ? 0 : 1));
if (spc::lag == 0)
spc::lag = spc::lag_master;
return (FALSE);
if (Settings.ReverseStereo && Settings.Stereo)
ReverseStereo(dest, sample_count);
if (!Settings.Stereo || !Settings.SixteenBitSound)
if (!Settings.Stereo)
DeStereo(dest, sample_count);
sample_count >>= 1;
if (!Settings.SixteenBitSound)
EightBitize(dest, sample_count);
memcpy(buffer, dest, (sample_count << (Settings.SixteenBitSound ? 1 : 0)));
return (TRUE);
int S9xGetSampleCount (void)
return (spc::resampler->avail() >> (Settings.Stereo ? 0 : 1));
/* TODO: Attach */
void S9xFinalizeSamples (void)
bool drop_current_msu1_samples = true;
if (!Settings.Mute)
drop_current_msu1_samples = false;
if (!spc::resampler->push((short *)spc::landing_buffer, SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.sample_count()))
/* We weren't able to process the entire buffer. Potential overrun. */
spc::sound_in_sync = FALSE;
if (Settings.SoundSync && !Settings.TurboMode)
// since we drop the current dsp samples we also want to drop generated msu1 samples
drop_current_msu1_samples = true;
// only generate msu1 if we really consumed the dsp samples (sample_count() resets at end of function),
// otherwise we will generate multiple times for the same samples - so this needs to be after all early
// function returns
if (Settings.MSU1)
// generate the same number of msu1 samples as dsp samples were generated
S9xMSU1SetOutput((int16 *)msu::landing_buffer, msu::buffer_size);
if (!drop_current_msu1_samples && !msu::resampler->push((short *)msu::landing_buffer, S9xMSU1Samples()))
// should not occur, msu buffer is larger and we drop msu samples if spc buffer overruns
if (!Settings.SoundSync || Settings.TurboMode || Settings.Mute)
spc::sound_in_sync = TRUE;
if (spc::resampler->space_empty() >= spc::resampler->space_filled())
spc::sound_in_sync = TRUE;
spc::sound_in_sync = FALSE;
SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.set_output((SNES::SPC_DSP::sample_t *) spc::landing_buffer, spc::buffer_size);
void S9xLandSamples (void)
if (spc::sa_callback != NULL)
void S9xClearSamples (void)
if (Settings.MSU1)
spc::lag = spc::lag_master;
bool8 S9xSyncSound (void)
if (!Settings.SoundSync || spc::sound_in_sync)
return (TRUE);
return (spc::sound_in_sync);
void S9xSetSamplesAvailableCallback (apu_callback callback, void *data)
spc::sa_callback = callback;
spc::extra_data = data;
void S9xUpdateDynamicRate (int avail, int buffer_size)
spc::dynamic_rate_multiplier = 1.0 + (Settings.DynamicRateLimit * (buffer_size - 2 * avail)) /
(double)(1000 * buffer_size);
static void UpdatePlaybackRate (void)
if (Settings.SoundInputRate == 0)
Settings.SoundInputRate = APU_DEFAULT_INPUT_RATE;
double time_ratio = (double) Settings.SoundInputRate * spc::timing_hack_numerator / (Settings.SoundPlaybackRate * spc::timing_hack_denominator);
if (Settings.DynamicRateControl)
time_ratio *= spc::dynamic_rate_multiplier;
if (Settings.MSU1)
time_ratio = (44100.0 / Settings.SoundPlaybackRate) * (Settings.SoundInputRate / 32040.0);
bool8 S9xInitSound (int buffer_ms, int lag_ms)
// buffer_ms : buffer size given in millisecond
// lag_ms : allowable time-lag given in millisecond
int sample_count = buffer_ms * 32040 / 1000;
int lag_sample_count = lag_ms * 32040 / 1000;
spc::lag_master = lag_sample_count;
if (Settings.Stereo)
spc::lag_master <<= 1;
spc::lag = spc::lag_master;
if (sample_count < APU_MINIMUM_SAMPLE_COUNT)
spc::buffer_size = sample_count << 2;
msu::buffer_size = (int)((sample_count << 2) * 1.5); // Always 16-bit, Stereo; 1.5 to never overflow before dsp buffer
printf("Sound buffer size: %d (%d samples)\n", spc::buffer_size, sample_count);
if (spc::landing_buffer)
delete[] spc::landing_buffer;
spc::landing_buffer = new uint8[spc::buffer_size * 2];
if (!spc::landing_buffer)
return (FALSE);
if (msu::landing_buffer)
delete[] msu::landing_buffer;
msu::landing_buffer = new uint8[msu::buffer_size * 2];
if (!msu::landing_buffer)
return (FALSE);
/* The resampler and spc unit use samples (16-bit short) as
arguments. Use 2x in the resampler for buffer leveling with SoundSync */
if (!spc::resampler)
spc::resampler = new HermiteResampler(spc::buffer_size >> (Settings.SoundSync ? 0 : 1));
if (!spc::resampler)
delete[] spc::landing_buffer;
return (FALSE);
spc::resampler->resize(spc::buffer_size >> (Settings.SoundSync ? 0 : 1));
if (!msu::resampler)
msu::resampler = new HermiteResampler(msu::buffer_size);
if (!msu::resampler)
delete[] msu::landing_buffer;
return (FALSE);
SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.set_output ((SNES::SPC_DSP::sample_t *) spc::landing_buffer, spc::buffer_size);
spc::sound_enabled = S9xOpenSoundDevice();
return (spc::sound_enabled);
void S9xSetSoundControl (uint8 voice_switch)
SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.set_stereo_switch (voice_switch << 8 | voice_switch);
void S9xSetSoundMute (bool8 mute)
Settings.Mute = mute;
if (!spc::sound_enabled)
Settings.Mute = TRUE;
void S9xDumpSPCSnapshot (void)
static void SPCSnapshotCallback (void)
S9xSPCDump(S9xGetFilenameInc((".spc"), SPC_DIR));
printf("Dumped key-on triggered spc snapshot.\n");
bool8 S9xInitAPU (void)
spc::landing_buffer = NULL;
spc::shrink_buffer = NULL;
spc::resampler = NULL;
msu::resampler = NULL;
return (TRUE);
void S9xDeinitAPU (void)
if (spc::resampler)
delete spc::resampler;
spc::resampler = NULL;
if (spc::landing_buffer)
delete[] spc::landing_buffer;
spc::landing_buffer = NULL;
if (spc::shrink_buffer)
delete[] spc::shrink_buffer;
spc::shrink_buffer = NULL;
if (msu::resampler)
delete msu::resampler;
msu::resampler = NULL;
if (msu::landing_buffer)
delete[] msu::landing_buffer;
msu::landing_buffer = NULL;
if (msu::resample_buffer)
delete[] msu::resample_buffer;
msu::resample_buffer = NULL;
static inline int S9xAPUGetClock (int32 cpucycles)
return (spc::ratio_numerator * (cpucycles - spc::reference_time) + spc::remainder) /
static inline int S9xAPUGetClockRemainder (int32 cpucycles)
return (spc::ratio_numerator * (cpucycles - spc::reference_time) + spc::remainder) %
uint8 S9xAPUReadPort (int port)
S9xAPUExecute ();
return ((uint8) SNES::smp.port_read (port & 3));
void S9xAPUWritePort (int port, uint8 byte)
S9xAPUExecute ();
SNES::cpu.port_write (port & 3, byte);
void S9xAPUSetReferenceTime (int32 cpucycles)
spc::reference_time = cpucycles;
void S9xAPUExecute (void)
SNES::smp.clock -= S9xAPUGetClock (CPU.Cycles);
SNES::smp.enter ();
spc::remainder = S9xAPUGetClockRemainder(CPU.Cycles);
void S9xAPUEndScanline (void)
if (SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.sample_count() >= APU_MINIMUM_SAMPLE_BLOCK || !spc::sound_in_sync)
void S9xAPUTimingSetSpeedup (int ticks)
if (ticks != 0)
printf("APU speedup hack: %d\n", ticks);
spc::timing_hack_denominator = 256 - ticks;
spc::ratio_numerator = Settings.PAL ? APU_NUMERATOR_PAL : APU_NUMERATOR_NTSC;
spc::ratio_denominator = Settings.PAL ? APU_DENOMINATOR_PAL : APU_DENOMINATOR_NTSC;
spc::ratio_denominator = spc::ratio_denominator * spc::timing_hack_denominator / spc::timing_hack_numerator;
void S9xResetAPU (void)
spc::reference_time = 0;
spc::remainder = 0;
SNES::cpu.reset ();
SNES::cpu.frequency = Settings.PAL ? PAL_MASTER_CLOCK : NTSC_MASTER_CLOCK;
SNES::smp.power ();
SNES::dsp.power ();
SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.set_output ((SNES::SPC_DSP::sample_t *) spc::landing_buffer, spc::buffer_size >> 1);
if (Settings.MSU1)
void S9xSoftResetAPU (void)
spc::reference_time = 0;
spc::remainder = 0;
SNES::cpu.reset ();
SNES::smp.reset ();
SNES::dsp.reset ();
SNES::dsp.spc_dsp.set_output ((SNES::SPC_DSP::sample_t *) spc::landing_buffer, spc::buffer_size >> 1);
if (Settings.MSU1)
void S9xAPUSaveState (uint8 *block)
uint8 *ptr = block;
SNES::smp.save_state (&ptr);
SNES::dsp.save_state (&ptr);
SNES::set_le32(ptr, spc::reference_time);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
SNES::set_le32(ptr, spc::remainder);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
SNES::set_le32(ptr, SNES::dsp.clock);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
memcpy (ptr, SNES::cpu.registers, 4);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
memset (ptr, 0, SPC_SAVE_STATE_BLOCK_SIZE-(ptr-block));
void S9xAPULoadState (uint8 *block)
uint8 *ptr = block;
SNES::smp.load_state (&ptr);
SNES::dsp.load_state (&ptr);
spc::reference_time = SNES::get_le32(ptr);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
spc::remainder = SNES::get_le32(ptr);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
SNES::dsp.clock = SNES::get_le32(ptr);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
memcpy (SNES::cpu.registers, ptr, 4);
static void to_var_from_buf (uint8 **buf, void *var, size_t size)
memcpy(var, *buf, size);
*buf += size;
#undef IF_0_THEN_256
#define IF_0_THEN_256( n ) ((uint8) ((n) - 1) + 1)
void S9xAPULoadBlarggState(uint8 *oldblock)
uint8 *ptr = oldblock;
SNES::SPC_State_Copier copier(&ptr,to_var_from_buf);
copier.copy(SNES::smp.apuram,0x10000); // RAM
uint8 regs_in [0x10];
uint8 regs [0x10];
uint16 pc, spc_time, dsp_time;
uint8 a,x,y,psw,sp;
copier.copy(regs,0x10); // REGS
copier.copy(regs_in,0x10); // REGS_IN
// CPU Regs
pc = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint16) );
a = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
x = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
y = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
psw = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
sp = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
// times
spc_time = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint16) );
dsp_time = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint16) );
int cur_time = S9xAPUGetClock(CPU.Cycles);
// spc_time is absolute, dsp_time is relative
// smp.clock is relative, dsp.clock relative but counting upwards
SNES::smp.clock = spc_time - cur_time;
SNES::dsp.clock = -1 * dsp_time;
// DSP
// Timers
uint16 next_time[3];
uint8 divider[3], counter[3];
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
next_time[i] = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint16) );
divider[i] = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
counter[i] = copier.copy_int( 0, sizeof(uint8) );
// construct timers out of available parts from blargg smp
SNES::smp.timer0.enable = regs[1] >> 0 & 1; // regs[1] = CONTROL = IF_0_THEN_256(regs[10]); // regs[10+i] = TiTARGET
// blargg counts time, get ticks through timer frequency
// (assume tempo = 256)
SNES::smp.timer0.stage1_ticks = 128 - (next_time[0] - cur_time) / 128;
SNES::smp.timer0.stage2_ticks = divider[0];
SNES::smp.timer0.stage3_ticks = counter[0];
SNES::smp.timer1.enable = regs[1] >> 1 & 1; = IF_0_THEN_256(regs[11]);
SNES::smp.timer1.stage1_ticks = 128 - (next_time[1] - cur_time) / 128;
SNES::smp.timer1.stage2_ticks = divider[0];
SNES::smp.timer1.stage3_ticks = counter[0];
SNES::smp.timer2.enable = regs[1] >> 2 & 1; = IF_0_THEN_256(regs[12]);
SNES::smp.timer2.stage1_ticks = 16 - (next_time[2] - cur_time) / 16;
SNES::smp.timer2.stage2_ticks = divider[0];
SNES::smp.timer2.stage3_ticks = counter[0];
SNES::smp.opcode_number = 0;
SNES::smp.opcode_cycle = 0;
SNES::smp.regs.pc = pc;
SNES::smp.regs.sp = sp;
SNES::smp.regs.B.a = a;
SNES::smp.regs.x = x;
SNES::smp.regs.B.y = y;
// blargg's psw has same layout as byuu's flags
SNES::smp.regs.p = psw;
// blargg doesn't explicitly store iplrom_enable
SNES::smp.status.iplrom_enable = regs[1] & 0x80;
SNES::smp.status.dsp_addr = regs[2];
SNES::smp.status.ram00f8 = regs_in[8];
SNES::smp.status.ram00f9 = regs_in[9];
// default to 0 - we are on an opcode boundary, shouldn't matter
spc::reference_time = SNES::get_le32(ptr);
ptr += sizeof(int32);
spc::remainder = SNES::get_le32(ptr);
// blargg stores CPUIx in regs_in
memcpy (SNES::cpu.registers, regs_in + 4, 4);
bool8 S9xSPCDump (const char *filename)
FILE *fs;
uint8 buf[SPC_FILE_SIZE];
size_t ignore;
fs = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!fs)
return (FALSE);
SNES::smp.save_spc (buf);
ignore = fwrite (buf, SPC_FILE_SIZE, 1, fs);
if (ignore == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't write file %s.\n", filename);
return (TRUE);