
1161 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
This file is licensed under the Snes9x License.
For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory.
SNES9X for Mac OS (c) Copyright John Stiles
Snes9x for Mac OS X
(c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 107
(c) Copyright 2002 PB1400c
(c) Copyright 2004 Alexander and Sander
(c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Steven Seeger
(c) Copyright 2005 Ryan Vogt
#include "snes9x.h"
#include "memmap.h"
#include "mac-prefix.h"
#include "mac-audio.h"
#include "mac-joypad.h"
#include "mac-keyboard.h"
#include "mac-os.h"
#include "mac-render.h"
#include "mac-stringtools.h"
#include "mac-dialog.h"
int autofireLastTabIndex = 1;
static int tabList[] = { 2, 257, 258 };
static void RomInfoCopyToClipboard (void);
static void RomInfoBuildInfoText (char *);
static void AutofireSetAllIconImages (int, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireSetIconImages (int, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireReadAllSettings (int, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireReadSetting (int, uint16, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireWriteAllSettings (int, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireWriteSetting (int, uint16 *, HIViewRef);
static void AutofireSelectTabPane (HIViewRef, SInt16);
static OSStatus UpdateTextControlView (HIViewRef);
static pascal void AutofireSliderActionProc (HIViewRef, HIViewPartCode);
static pascal OSStatus RomInfoEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *);
static pascal OSStatus AutofireTabEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *);
static pascal OSStatus AutofireWindowEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *);
extern "C" FMFont FMGetFontFromATSFontRef (ATSFontRef iFont);
static OSStatus UpdateTextControlView (HIViewRef control)
OSStatus err;
WindowAttributes attr;
err = GetWindowAttributes(GetControlOwner(control), &attr);
if (err == noErr)
if (attr & kWindowCompositingAttribute)
err = HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(control, true);
return (err);
OSStatus SetStaticTextCStr (HIViewRef control, char *text, Boolean draw)
OSStatus err;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlStaticTextTextTag, strlen(text), text);
if ((err == noErr) && draw)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
OSStatus SetStaticTextCFString (HIViewRef control, CFStringRef text, Boolean draw)
OSStatus err;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlStaticTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), &text);
if ((err == noErr) && draw)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
OSStatus SetStaticTextTrunc (HIViewRef control, TruncCode mode, Boolean draw)
OSStatus err;
TruncCode trunc;
Boolean multiline;
if (!control)
return (paramErr);
trunc = mode;
multiline = false;
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag, sizeof(Boolean), &multiline);
if (err == noErr)
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlStaticTextTruncTag, sizeof(TruncCode), &trunc);
if ((err == noErr) && draw)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
OSStatus GetEditTextCStr (HIViewRef control, char *text)
OSStatus err;
Size actualSize;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = GetControlData(control, 0, kControlEditTextTextTag, 255, text, &actualSize);
if (err == noErr)
text[actualSize] = 0;
return (err);
OSStatus SetEditTextCStr (HIViewRef control, char *text, Boolean draw)
OSStatus err;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlEditTextTextTag, strlen(text), text);
if ((err == noErr) && draw)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
OSStatus CopyEditTextCFString (HIViewRef control, CFStringRef *text)
OSStatus err;
Size actualSize;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = GetControlData(control, 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), text, &actualSize);
return (err);
OSStatus SetEditTextCFString (HIViewRef control, CFStringRef text, Boolean draw)
OSStatus err;
if (!control || !text)
return (paramErr);
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), &text);
if ((err == noErr) && draw)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
OSStatus SetEditTextSelection (HIViewRef control, SInt16 selStart, SInt16 selEnd)
OSStatus err;
ControlEditTextSelectionRec selection;
if (!control)
return (paramErr);
selection.selStart = selStart;
selection.selEnd = selEnd;
err = SetControlData(control, 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(selection), &selection);
if (err == noErr)
err = UpdateTextControlView(control);
return (err);
void StartCarbonModalDialog (void)
if (gWindow)
void FinishCarbonModalDialog (void)
if (gWindow)
void MoveWindowPosition (WindowRef window, int which, Boolean resize)
if (savewindowpos)
MoveWindow(window, windowPos[which].h, windowPos[which].v, false);
if (resize)
if ((windowSize[which].width > 0) && (windowSize[which].height > 0))
SizeWindow(window, (short) windowSize[which].width, (short) windowSize[which].height, false);
RepositionWindow(window, NULL, kWindowAlertPositionOnMainScreen);
void SaveWindowPosition (WindowRef window, int which)
Rect rct;
GetWindowBounds(window, kWindowContentRgn, &rct);
windowPos[which].h = rct.left;
windowPos[which].v =;
windowSize[which].width = (float) (rct.right - rct.left);
windowSize[which].height = (float) (rct.bottom - );
void AppearanceAlert (AlertType type, int stringID1, int stringID2)
OSStatus err;
DialogRef dialog;
DialogItemIndex outItemHit;
CFStringRef key1, key2, mes1, mes2;
char label1[32], label2[32];
sprintf(label1, "AlertMes_%02d", stringID1);
sprintf(label2, "AlertMes_%02d", stringID2);
key1 = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, label1, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
key2 = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, label2, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
if (key1) mes1 = CFCopyLocalizedString(key1, "mes1"); else mes1 = NULL;
if (key2) mes2 = CFCopyLocalizedString(key2, "mes2"); else mes2 = NULL;
err = CreateStandardAlert(type, mes1, mes2, NULL, &dialog);
err = RunStandardAlert(dialog, NULL, &outItemHit);
if (key1) CFRelease(key1);
if (key2) CFRelease(key2);
if (mes1) CFRelease(mes1);
if (mes2) CFRelease(mes2);
void AboutDialog (void)
OSStatus err;
IBNibRef nibRef;
err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef);
if (err == noErr)
WindowRef tWindowRef;
err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("About"), &tWindowRef);
if (err == noErr)
EventHandlerRef eref;
EventHandlerUPP eventUPP;
EventTypeSpec windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } };
ControlFontStyleRec frec;
HIViewRef ctl, root;
HIViewID cid;
char text[32];
err = ChangeWindowAttributes(tWindowRef, kWindowNoAttributes, kWindowInWindowMenuAttribute);
if (systemVersion >= 0x1040)
frec.font = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(ATSFontFindFromName(CFSTR("Lucida Grande"), kATSOptionFlagsDefault));
frec.font = kThemeSystemFont;
frec.just = teCenter;
root = HIViewGetRoot(tWindowRef); = 0;
cid.signature = 'VERS';
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "Version %s (%s)", VERSION, MAC_VERSION);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
frec.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseJustMask;
frec.size = 10;
err = SetControlFontStyle(ctl, &frec);
cid.signature = 'NAME';
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
frec.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseFaceMask | kControlUseJustMask;
frec.size = 14; = 1;
err = SetControlFontStyle(ctl, &frec);
eventUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(DefaultEventHandler);
err = InstallWindowEventHandler(tWindowRef, eventUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) tWindowRef, &eref);
MoveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAbout, false);
err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow(tWindowRef);
SaveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAbout);
err = RemoveEventHandler(eref);
pascal OSStatus DefaultEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
WindowRef tWindowRef = (WindowRef) inUserData;
switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
case kEventClassWindow:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
case kEventWindowClose:
result = noErr;
case kEventClassCommand:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
HICommand tHICommand;
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand);
if (err == noErr && tHICommand.commandID == 'clos')
result = noErr;
return (result);
void ConfigureAutofire (void)
OSStatus err;
IBNibRef nibRef;
err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef);
if (err == noErr)
WindowRef tWindowRef;
err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("AutoFire"), &tWindowRef);
if (err == noErr)
EventHandlerRef wRef, tRef;
EventHandlerUPP wUPP, tUPP;
EventTypeSpec wEvent[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } },
tEvent[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlHit } };
ControlActionUPP actionUPP;
HIViewRef ctl, root;
HIViewID cid;
root = HIViewGetRoot(tWindowRef);
wUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(AutofireWindowEventHandler);
err = InstallWindowEventHandler(tWindowRef, wUPP, GetEventTypeCount(wEvent), wEvent, (void *) tWindowRef, &wRef);
cid.signature = 'Ftab'; = 256;
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, autofireLastTabIndex);
AutofireSelectTabPane(ctl, autofireLastTabIndex);
tUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(AutofireTabEventHandler);
err = InstallControlEventHandler(ctl, tUPP, GetEventTypeCount(tEvent), tEvent, 0, &tRef);
actionUPP = NewControlActionUPP(AutofireSliderActionProc);
for (int player = 0; player < 2; player++)
AutofireSetAllIconImages(player + 1, root);
AutofireReadAllSettings(player + 1, root); = player + 1;
cid.signature = 'Slid';
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
SetControlAction(ctl, actionUPP);
MoveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAutoFire, false);
err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow(tWindowRef);
SaveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAutoFire);
for (int player = 0; player < 2; player++)
AutofireWriteAllSettings(player + 1, root);
autofire = (autofireRec[0].buttonMask || autofireRec[1].buttonMask) ? true : false;
err = RemoveEventHandler(tRef);
err = RemoveEventHandler(wRef);
static void AutofireSetAllIconImages (int player, HIViewRef parent)
AutofireSetIconImages(player * 1, parent);
AutofireSetIconImages(player * 11, parent);
AutofireSetIconImages(player * 111, parent);
AutofireSetIconImages(player * 1111, parent);
static void AutofireSetIconImages (int sig, HIViewRef parent)
OSStatus err;
ControlButtonContentInfo info;
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid;
int ofs; = sig;
ofs = macPadIconIndex + ((sig % 2) ? 0 : 12);
if (systemVersion >= 0x1040)
info.contentType = kControlContentCGImageRef;
cid.signature = 'AChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[7 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'BChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[5 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'XChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[6 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'YChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[4 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'LChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[8 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'RChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[9 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Up ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[0 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Down';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[1 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Left';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[2 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Righ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[3 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Star';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[10 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Sele';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.imageRef = macIconImage[11 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
info.contentType = kControlContentIconRef;
cid.signature = 'AChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[7 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'BChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[5 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'XChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[6 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'YChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[4 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'LChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[8 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'RChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[9 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Up ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[0 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Down';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[1 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Left';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[2 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Righ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[3 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Star';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[10 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
cid.signature = 'Sele';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
info.u.iconRef = macIconRef[11 + ofs];
err = SetBevelButtonContentInfo(ctl, &info);
static void AutofireReadAllSettings (int player, HIViewRef parent)
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid;
char num[10];
AutofireReadSetting(player * 1, autofireRec[player - 1].buttonMask, parent);
AutofireReadSetting(player * 11, autofireRec[player - 1].toggleMask, parent);
AutofireReadSetting(player * 111, autofireRec[player - 1].tcMask, parent);
AutofireReadSetting(player * 1111, autofireRec[player - 1].invertMask, parent); = player;
cid.signature = 'Num_';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(num, "%ld", autofireRec[player - 1].frequency);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, num, false);
cid.signature = 'Slid';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, autofireRec[player - 1].frequency);
static void AutofireReadSetting (int sig, uint16 target, HIViewRef parent)
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid; = sig;
cid.signature = 'AChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0080) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'BChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'XChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0040) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'YChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x4000) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'LChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0020) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'RChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0010) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Up ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0800) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Down';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0400) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Left';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0200) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Righ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x0100) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Star';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x1000) ? 1 : 0);
cid.signature = 'Sele';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
SetControl32BitValue(ctl, (target & 0x2000) ? 1 : 0);
static void AutofireWriteAllSettings (int player, HIViewRef parent)
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid;
AutofireWriteSetting(player * 1, &(autofireRec[player - 1].buttonMask), parent);
AutofireWriteSetting(player * 11, &(autofireRec[player - 1].toggleMask), parent);
AutofireWriteSetting(player * 111, &(autofireRec[player - 1].tcMask), parent);
AutofireWriteSetting(player * 1111, &(autofireRec[player - 1].invertMask), parent); = player;
cid.signature = 'Slid';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
autofireRec[player - 1].frequency = GetControl32BitValue(ctl);
static void AutofireWriteSetting (int sig, uint16 *target, HIViewRef parent)
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid; = sig;
*target = 0x0000;
cid.signature = 'AChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0080;
cid.signature = 'BChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x8000;
cid.signature = 'XChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0040;
cid.signature = 'YChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x4000;
cid.signature = 'LChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0020;
cid.signature = 'RChk';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0010;
cid.signature = 'Up ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0800;
cid.signature = 'Down';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0400;
cid.signature = 'Left';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0200;
cid.signature = 'Righ';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x0100;
cid.signature = 'Star';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x1000;
cid.signature = 'Sele';
HIViewFindByID(parent, cid, &ctl);
if (GetControl32BitValue(ctl))
(*target) |= 0x2000;
static void AutofireSelectTabPane (HIViewRef tabControl, SInt16 index)
HIViewRef sup, userPane, selectedPane = NULL;
HIViewID cid;
autofireLastTabIndex = index;
sup = HIViewGetSuperview(tabControl);
cid.signature = 'Ftab';
for (int i = 1; i < tabList[0] + 1; i++)
{ = tabList[i];
HIViewFindByID(sup, cid, &userPane);
if (i == index)
selectedPane = userPane;
HIViewSetVisible(userPane, false);
if (selectedPane != NULL)
HIViewSetVisible(selectedPane, true);
HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(tabControl, true);
static pascal OSStatus AutofireTabEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid;
SInt32 value;
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &ctl);
if (err == noErr)
GetControlID(ctl, &cid);
value = GetControl32BitValue(ctl);
if (( == 256) && (value != autofireLastTabIndex))
AutofireSelectTabPane(ctl, value);
result = noErr;
return (result);
static pascal OSStatus AutofireWindowEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
WindowRef tWindowRef = (WindowRef) inUserData;
switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
case kEventClassWindow:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
case kEventWindowClose:
result = noErr;
case kEventClassCommand:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
HICommand tHICommand;
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand);
if (err == noErr && tHICommand.commandID == 'clos')
result = noErr;
case kEventCommandProcess:
HIViewRef root;
int player = -1;
root = HIViewGetRoot(tWindowRef);
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand);
if (err == noErr)
switch (tHICommand.commandID)
case 'DEF1':
player = 0;
case 'DEF2':
player = 1;
if (player != -1)
autofireRec[player].buttonMask = 0x0000;
autofireRec[player].toggleMask = 0xFFF0;
autofireRec[player].tcMask = 0x0000;
autofireRec[player].invertMask = 0x0000;
autofireRec[player].frequency = 10;
AutofireReadAllSettings(player + 1, root);
result = noErr;
return (result);
static pascal void AutofireSliderActionProc (HIViewRef slider, HIViewPartCode partCode)
HIViewRef ctl;
HIViewID cid;
char num[10];
GetControlID(slider, &cid);
cid.signature = 'Num_';
HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(slider), cid, &ctl);
sprintf(num, "%ld", GetControl32BitValue(slider));
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, num, true);
void RomInfoDialog (void)
OSStatus err;
IBNibRef nibRef;
if (!cartOpen)
err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef);
if (err == noErr)
WindowRef tWindowRef;
err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("RomInfo"), &tWindowRef);
if (err == noErr)
EventHandlerRef eref;
EventHandlerUPP eventUPP;
EventTypeSpec windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } };
CFStringRef sref;
HIViewRef ctl, root;
HIViewID cid;
char text[256];
eventUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(RomInfoEventHandler);
err = InstallWindowEventHandler(tWindowRef, eventUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) tWindowRef, &eref);
root = HIViewGetRoot(tWindowRef); = 0;
cid.signature = 'Name'; // Cart Name
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
strcpy(text, Memory.RawROMName);
sref = CopyFixNameStrings(text, Memory.ROMRegion);
if (!sref)
SetStaticTextCFString(ctl, CFSTR("unknown"), false);
SetStaticTextCFString(ctl, sref, false);
cid.signature = 'Code'; // Game Code
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.ROMId);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Cont'; // Contents
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.KartContents());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Map '; // ROM Map
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.MapType());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Spee'; // ROM Speed
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%02X (%s)", Memory.ROMSpeed, ((Memory.ROMSpeed & 0x10) != 0) ? "FastROM" : "SlowROM");
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Type'; // ROM Type
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%02X", Memory.ROMType);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'SizC'; // Actual ROM Size
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%dMbits", Memory.CalculatedSize / 0x20000);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'SizH'; // ROM Size written in info block
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.Size());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'SRAM'; // SRAM Size
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.StaticRAMSize());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'SumC'; // Actual checksum
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%04X", Memory.CalculatedChecksum);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'SumH'; // Checksum written in info block
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%04X", Memory.ROMChecksum);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'ComH'; // Checksum complement written in info block : SumH + ComH = 0xFFFF
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%04X", Memory.ROMComplementChecksum);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Outp'; // Video output (NTSC or PAL)
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", (Memory.ROMRegion > 12 || Memory.ROMRegion < 2) ? "NTSC 60Hz" : "PAL 50Hz");
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Vers'; // Revision
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.Revision());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Lice'; // Licensee
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.PublishingCompany());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'Regi'; // Region
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "%s", Memory.Country());
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
cid.signature = 'CRC '; // CRC32
HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
sprintf(text, "0x%08X", Memory.ROMCRC32);
SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
MoveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowRomInfo, false);
err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow(tWindowRef);
SaveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowRomInfo);
err = RemoveEventHandler(eref);
static void RomInfoCopyToClipboard (void)
OSStatus err;
PasteboardRef clipboard;
PasteboardSyncFlags sync;
CFDataRef cfdata;
char text[1024];
err = PasteboardCreate(kPasteboardClipboard, &clipboard);
if (err == noErr)
err = PasteboardClear(clipboard);
if (err == noErr)
sync = PasteboardSynchronize(clipboard);
if (!(sync & kPasteboardModified) && (sync & kPasteboardClientIsOwner))
cfdata = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8 *) text, (CFIndex) strlen(text));
if (cfdata)
err = PasteboardPutItemFlavor(clipboard, (PasteboardItemID) 1, CFSTR(""), cfdata, 0);
static void RomInfoBuildInfoText (char *romtext)
char s1[256], s2[1024];
sprintf(s1, "Snes9x version: %s\nMac port version: %s, ", VERSION, MAC_VERSION);
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
strcat(s1, "PowerPC\n\n");
strcat(s1, "Intel\n\n");
sprintf(romtext, "%s%s", s1, s2);
static pascal OSStatus RomInfoEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
WindowRef tWindowRef = (WindowRef) inUserData;
switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
case kEventClassWindow:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
case kEventWindowClose:
result = noErr;
case kEventClassCommand:
switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
HICommand tHICommand;
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand);
if (err == noErr && tHICommand.commandID == 'clos')
result = noErr;
case kEventCommandProcess:
err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand);
if (err == noErr)
switch (tHICommand.commandID)
case 'Clip':
result = noErr;
return (result);
void RegisterHelpBook (void)
OSStatus err;
CFBundleRef bundleRef;
CFURLRef bundleURL;
FSRef fref;
bundleRef = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
if (bundleRef)
bundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(bundleRef);
if (bundleURL)
if (CFURLGetFSRef(bundleURL, &fref))
err = AHRegisterHelpBook(&fref);
void SetHIViewID (HIViewID *cid, OSType signature, SInt32 value)
// Since conflicts Objective-C 'id'...
cid->signature = signature;
cid->id = value;