/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "display.h" #include "fscompat.h" #include "port.h" #include "memmap.h" using std::string; bool SplitPath::ext_is(const string &other) { if (strcasecmp(ext.c_str(), other.c_str()) == 0) return true; if (other[0] != '.' && (strcasecmp(other.c_str(), &(ext.c_str()[1])) == 0)) return true; return false; } std::string makepath(const SplitPath &path) { return makepath(path.drive, path.dir, path.stem, path.ext); } std::string S9xGetFilename(string filename, string ext, enum s9x_getdirtype dirtype) { auto path = splitpath(filename); auto dir = S9xGetDirectory(dirtype); return makepath(path.drive, dir, path.stem, ext); } std::string S9xGetFilename(string ext, enum s9x_getdirtype dirtype) { return S9xGetFilename(Memory.ROMFilename, ext, dirtype); } std::string S9xBasename(std::string filename) { auto path = splitpath(filename); return path.stem + path.ext; } std::string S9xBasenameNoExt(std::string filename) { return splitpath(filename).stem; } #if __cplusplus >= 201703L && 0 #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; SplitPath splitpath(string str) { SplitPath output{}; fs::path path(str); if (path.has_root_name()) output.drive = path.root_name().string(); if (path.has_filename()) { output.stem = path.stem().string(); output.ext = path.extension().string(); path.remove_filename(); } if (!path.empty()) output.dir = path.string(); return output; } string makepath(const string &drive, const string &dir, const string &stem, const string &ext) { auto dot_position = ext.find('.'); if (dot_position == string::npos) { fs::path path(drive); path = path / dir / stem; path.replace_extension(ext); return path.string(); } auto filename = stem + ext; fs::path path(drive); path = path / dir / filename; return path.string(); } #else constexpr auto npos = std::string::npos; SplitPath splitpath(string path) { SplitPath output{}; #ifdef _WIN32 if (path.length() > 2 && path[1] == ':') { output.drive = path.substr(0, 2); path = path.substr(2); } #endif auto slash = path.rfind(SLASH_CHAR); auto dot = path.rfind('.'); if (dot != npos && slash != npos && dot < slash) { dot = npos; } else if (dot != npos) { output.ext = path.substr(dot); } if (slash != npos) { output.dir = path.substr(0, slash + 1); output.stem = path.substr(slash + 1, dot - slash - 1); } else { output.stem = path.substr(0, dot); } return output; } string makepath(const string &drive, const string &dir, const string &stem, const string &ext) { string output; if (!drive.empty()) { if (!(dir.length() > 2 && dir[1] == ':')) { output += drive + ":"; if (!dir.empty() && dir[0] != SLASH_CHAR) output += SLASH_CHAR; } } if (!dir.empty()) { output += dir; if (output[output.length() - 1] != SLASH_CHAR) output += SLASH_CHAR; } if (!stem.empty()) { output += stem; } if (!ext.empty()) { if (ext.find('.') == string::npos) output += '.'; output += ext; } return output; } #ifndef _WIN32 void _splitpath(const char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *fname, char *ext) { char *slash = strrchr((char *)path, SLASH_CHAR); char *dot = strrchr((char *)path, '.'); *drive = '\0'; if (dot && slash && dot < slash) { dot = 0; } if (!slash) { *dir = '\0'; strcpy(fname, path); if (dot) { fname[dot - path] = '\0'; strcpy(ext, dot + 1); } else { *ext = '\0'; } } else { strcpy(dir, path); dir[slash - path] = '\0'; strcpy(fname, slash + 1); if (dot) { fname[(dot - slash) - 1] = '\0'; strcpy(ext, dot + 1); } else { *ext = '\0'; } } } void _makepath(char *path, const char *drive, const char *dir, const char *fname, const char *ext) { if (dir && *dir) { strcpy(path, dir); strcat(path, "/"); } else *path = '\0'; strcat(path, fname); if (ext && *ext) { if (!strchr(ext, '.')) strcat(path, "."); strcat(path, ext); } } #endif #endif