/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 BearOso, OV2 (c) Copyright 2017 qwertymodo (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) S-SMP emulator code used in 1.54+ (c) Copyright 2016 byuu SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2018 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ #include <math.h> #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "sar.h" static int16 C4SinTable[512] = { 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811, 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4808, 5205, 5602, 5997, 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126, 9512, 9896, 10278, 10659, 11039, 11416, 11793, 12167, 12539, 12910, 13278, 13645, 14010, 14372, 14732, 15090, 15446, 15800, 16151, 16499, 16846, 17189, 17530, 17869, 18204, 18537, 18868, 19195, 19519, 19841, 20159, 20475, 20787, 21097, 21403, 21706, 22005, 22301, 22594, 22884, 23170, 23453, 23732, 24007, 24279, 24547, 24812, 25073, 25330, 25583, 25832, 26077, 26319, 26557, 26790, 27020, 27245, 27466, 27684, 27897, 28106, 28310, 28511, 28707, 28898, 29086, 29269, 29447, 29621, 29791, 29956, 30117, 30273, 30425, 30572, 30714, 30852, 30985, 31114, 31237, 31357, 31471, 31581, 31685, 31785, 31881, 31971, 32057, 32138, 32214, 32285, 32351, 32413, 32469, 32521, 32568, 32610, 32647, 32679, 32706, 32728, 32745, 32758, 32765, 32767, 32765, 32758, 32745, 32728, 32706, 32679, 32647, 32610, 32568, 32521, 32469, 32413, 32351, 32285, 32214, 32138, 32057, 31971, 31881, 31785, 31685, 31581, 31471, 31357, 31237, 31114, 30985, 30852, 30714, 30572, 30425, 30273, 30117, 29956, 29791, 29621, 29447, 29269, 29086, 28898, 28707, 28511, 28310, 28106, 27897, 27684, 27466, 27245, 27020, 26790, 26557, 26319, 26077, 25832, 25583, 25330, 25073, 24812, 24547, 24279, 24007, 23732, 23453, 23170, 22884, 22594, 22301, 22005, 21706, 21403, 21097, 20787, 20475, 20159, 19841, 19519, 19195, 18868, 18537, 18204, 17869, 17530, 17189, 16846, 16499, 16151, 15800, 15446, 15090, 14732, 14372, 14010, 13645, 13278, 12910, 12539, 12167, 11793, 11416, 11039, 10659, 10278, 9896, 9512, 9126, 8739, 8351, 7961, 7571, 7179, 6786, 6392, 5997, 5602, 5205, 4808, 4409, 4011, 3611, 3211, 2811, 2410, 2009, 1607, 1206, 804, 402, 0, -402, -804, -1206, -1607, -2009, -2410, -2811, -3211, -3611, -4011, -4409, -4808, -5205, -5602, -5997, -6392, -6786, -7179, -7571, -7961, -8351, -8739, -9126, -9512, -9896, -10278, -10659, -11039, -11416, -11793, -12167, -12539, -12910, -13278, -13645, -14010, -14372, -14732, -15090, -15446, -15800, -16151, -16499, -16846, -17189, -17530, -17869, -18204, -18537, -18868, -19195, -19519, -19841, -20159, -20475, -20787, -21097, -21403, -21706, -22005, -22301, -22594, -22884, -23170, -23453, -23732, -24007, -24279, -24547, -24812, -25073, -25330, -25583, -25832, -26077, -26319, -26557, -26790, -27020, -27245, -27466, -27684, -27897, -28106, -28310, -28511, -28707, -28898, -29086, -29269, -29447, -29621, -29791, -29956, -30117, -30273, -30425, -30572, -30714, -30852, -30985, -31114, -31237, -31357, -31471, -31581, -31685, -31785, -31881, -31971, -32057, -32138, -32214, -32285, -32351, -32413, -32469, -32521, -32568, -32610, -32647, -32679, -32706, -32728, -32745, -32758, -32765, -32767, -32765, -32758, -32745, -32728, -32706, -32679, -32647, -32610, -32568, -32521, -32469, -32413, -32351, -32285, -32214, -32138, -32057, -31971, -31881, -31785, -31685, -31581, -31471, -31357, -31237, -31114, -30985, -30852, -30714, -30572, -30425, -30273, -30117, -29956, -29791, -29621, -29447, -29269, -29086, -28898, -28707, -28511, -28310, -28106, -27897, -27684, -27466, -27245, -27020, -26790, -26557, -26319, -26077, -25832, -25583, -25330, -25073, -24812, -24547, -24279, -24007, -23732, -23453, -23170, -22884, -22594, -22301, -22005, -21706, -21403, -21097, -20787, -20475, -20159, -19841, -19519, -19195, -18868, -18537, -18204, -17869, -17530, -17189, -16846, -16499, -16151, -15800, -15446, -15090, -14732, -14372, -14010, -13645, -13278, -12910, -12539, -12167, -11793, -11416, -11039, -10659, -10278, -9896, -9512, -9126, -8739, -8351, -7961, -7571, -7179, -6786, -6392, -5997, -5602, -5205, -4808, -4409, -4011, -3611, -3211, -2811, -2410, -2009, -1607, -1206, -804, -402 }; static int16 C4CosTable[512] = { 32767, 32765, 32758, 32745, 32728, 32706, 32679, 32647, 32610, 32568, 32521, 32469, 32413, 32351, 32285, 32214, 32138, 32057, 31971, 31881, 31785, 31685, 31581, 31471, 31357, 31237, 31114, 30985, 30852, 30714, 30572, 30425, 30273, 30117, 29956, 29791, 29621, 29447, 29269, 29086, 28898, 28707, 28511, 28310, 28106, 27897, 27684, 27466, 27245, 27020, 26790, 26557, 26319, 26077, 25832, 25583, 25330, 25073, 24812, 24547, 24279, 24007, 23732, 23453, 23170, 22884, 22594, 22301, 22005, 21706, 21403, 21097, 20787, 20475, 20159, 19841, 19519, 19195, 18868, 18537, 18204, 17869, 17530, 17189, 16846, 16499, 16151, 15800, 15446, 15090, 14732, 14372, 14010, 13645, 13278, 12910, 12539, 12167, 11793, 11416, 11039, 10659, 10278, 9896, 9512, 9126, 8739, 8351, 7961, 7571, 7179, 6786, 6392, 5997, 5602, 5205, 4808, 4409, 4011, 3611, 3211, 2811, 2410, 2009, 1607, 1206, 804, 402, 0, -402, -804, -1206, -1607, -2009, -2410, -2811, -3211, -3611, -4011, -4409, -4808, -5205, -5602, -5997, -6392, -6786, -7179, -7571, -7961, -8351, -8739, -9126, -9512, -9896, -10278, -10659, -11039, -11416, -11793, -12167, -12539, -12910, -13278, -13645, -14010, -14372, -14732, -15090, -15446, -15800, -16151, -16499, -16846, -17189, -17530, -17869, -18204, -18537, -18868, -19195, -19519, -19841, -20159, -20475, -20787, -21097, -21403, -21706, -22005, -22301, -22594, -22884, -23170, -23453, -23732, -24007, -24279, -24547, -24812, -25073, -25330, -25583, -25832, -26077, -26319, -26557, -26790, -27020, -27245, -27466, -27684, -27897, -28106, -28310, -28511, -28707, -28898, -29086, -29269, -29447, -29621, -29791, -29956, -30117, -30273, -30425, -30572, -30714, -30852, -30985, -31114, -31237, -31357, -31471, -31581, -31685, -31785, -31881, -31971, -32057, -32138, -32214, -32285, -32351, -32413, -32469, -32521, -32568, -32610, -32647, -32679, -32706, -32728, -32745, -32758, -32765, -32767, -32765, -32758, -32745, -32728, -32706, -32679, -32647, -32610, -32568, -32521, -32469, -32413, -32351, -32285, -32214, -32138, -32057, -31971, -31881, -31785, -31685, -31581, -31471, -31357, -31237, -31114, -30985, -30852, -30714, -30572, -30425, -30273, -30117, -29956, -29791, -29621, -29447, -29269, -29086, -28898, -28707, -28511, -28310, -28106, -27897, -27684, -27466, -27245, -27020, -26790, -26557, -26319, -26077, -25832, -25583, -25330, -25073, -24812, -24547, -24279, -24007, -23732, -23453, -23170, -22884, -22594, -22301, -22005, -21706, -21403, -21097, -20787, -20475, -20159, -19841, -19519, -19195, -18868, -18537, -18204, -17869, -17530, -17189, -16846, -16499, -16151, -15800, -15446, -15090, -14732, -14372, -14010, -13645, -13278, -12910, -12539, -12167, -11793, -11416, -11039, -10659, -10278, -9896, -9512, -9126, -8739, -8351, -7961, -7571, -7179, -6786, -6392, -5997, -5602, -5205, -4808, -4409, -4011, -3611, -3211, -2811, -2410, -2009, -1607, -1206, -804, -402, 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811, 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4808, 5205, 5602, 5997, 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126, 9512, 9896, 10278, 10659, 11039, 11416, 11793, 12167, 12539, 12910, 13278, 13645, 14010, 14372, 14732, 15090, 15446, 15800, 16151, 16499, 16846, 17189, 17530, 17869, 18204, 18537, 18868, 19195, 19519, 19841, 20159, 20475, 20787, 21097, 21403, 21706, 22005, 22301, 22594, 22884, 23170, 23453, 23732, 24007, 24279, 24547, 24812, 25073, 25330, 25583, 25832, 26077, 26319, 26557, 26790, 27020, 27245, 27466, 27684, 27897, 28106, 28310, 28511, 28707, 28898, 29086, 29269, 29447, 29621, 29791, 29956, 30117, 30273, 30425, 30572, 30714, 30852, 30985, 31114, 31237, 31357, 31471, 31581, 31685, 31785, 31881, 31971, 32057, 32138, 32214, 32285, 32351, 32413, 32469, 32521, 32568, 32610, 32647, 32679, 32706, 32728, 32745, 32758, 32765 }; static uint8 C4TestPattern[12 * 4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x00 }; static void C4ConvOAM (void); static void C4DoScaleRotate (int); static void C4DrawLine (int32, int32, int16, int32, int32, int16, uint8); static void C4DrawWireFrame (void); static void C4TransformLines (void); static void C4BitPlaneWave (void); static void C4SprDisintegrate (void); static void C4ProcessSprites (void); static void C4ConvOAM (void) { uint8 *OAMptr = Memory.C4RAM + (Memory.C4RAM[0x626] << 2); for (uint8 *i = Memory.C4RAM + 0x1fd; i > OAMptr; i -= 4) *i = 0xe0; // Clear OAM-to-be uint8 *OAMptr2; uint16 globalX, globalY; int16 SprX, SprY; uint8 SprName, SprAttr; uint8 SprCount; globalX = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x0621); globalY = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x0623); OAMptr2 = Memory.C4RAM + 0x200 + (Memory.C4RAM[0x626] >> 2); #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Memory.C4RAM[0x625] != 0) printf("$6625=%02x, expected 00\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x625]); if ((Memory.C4RAM[0x626] >> 2) != Memory.C4RAM[0x629]) printf("$6629=%02x, expected %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x629], (Memory.C4RAM[0x626] >> 2)); if (((uint16) Memory.C4RAM[0x626] << 2) != READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x627)) printf("$6627=%04x, expected %04x\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x627), ((uint16) Memory.C4RAM[0x626] << 2)); #endif if (Memory.C4RAM[0x0620] != 0) { SprCount = 128 - Memory.C4RAM[0x626]; uint8 offset = (Memory.C4RAM[0x626] & 3) * 2; uint8 *srcptr = Memory.C4RAM + 0x220; for (int i = Memory.C4RAM[0x0620]; i > 0 && SprCount > 0; i--, srcptr += 16) { SprX = READ_WORD(srcptr) - globalX; SprY = READ_WORD(srcptr + 2) - globalY; SprName = srcptr[5]; SprAttr = srcptr[4] | srcptr[0x06]; // XXX: mask bits? uint8 *sprptr = C4GetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(srcptr + 7)); if (*sprptr != 0) { int16 X, Y; for (int SprCnt = *sprptr++; SprCnt > 0 && SprCount > 0; SprCnt--, sprptr += 4) { X = (int8) sprptr[1]; if (SprAttr & 0x40) X = -X - ((sprptr[0] & 0x20) ? 16 : 8); // flip X X += SprX; if (X >= -16 && X <= 272) { Y = (int8) sprptr[2]; if (SprAttr & 0x80) Y = -Y - ((sprptr[0] & 0x20) ? 16 : 8); Y += SprY; if (Y >= -16 && Y <= 224) { OAMptr[0] = X & 0xff; OAMptr[1] = (uint8) Y; OAMptr[2] = SprName + sprptr[3]; OAMptr[3] = SprAttr ^ (sprptr[0] & 0xc0); // XXX: Carry from SprName addition? *OAMptr2 &= ~(3 << offset); if (X & 0x100) *OAMptr2 |= 1 << offset; if (sprptr[0] & 0x20) *OAMptr2 |= 2 << offset; OAMptr += 4; SprCount--; offset = (offset + 2) & 6; if (offset == 0) OAMptr2++; } } } } else if (SprCount > 0) { // XXX: Should we be testing -16<=SprX<=272 and -16<=SprY<=224? OAMptr[0] = (uint8) SprX; OAMptr[1] = (uint8) SprY; OAMptr[2] = SprName; OAMptr[3] = SprAttr; *OAMptr2 &= ~(3 << offset); if (SprX & 0x100) *OAMptr2 |= 3 << offset; else *OAMptr2 |= 2 << offset; OAMptr += 4; SprCount--; offset = (offset + 2) & 6; if (offset == 0) OAMptr2++; } } } } static void C4DoScaleRotate (int row_padding) { int16 A, B, C, D; // Calculate matrix int32 XScale = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f); if (XScale & 0x8000) XScale = 0x7fff; int32 YScale = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f92); if (YScale & 0x8000) YScale = 0x7fff; if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) == 0) // no rotation { // XXX: only do this for C and D? // XXX: and then only when YScale is 0x1000? A = (int16) XScale; B = 0; C = 0; D = (int16) YScale; } else if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) == 128) // 90 degree rotation { // XXX: Really do this? A = 0; B = (int16) (-YScale); C = (int16) XScale; D = 0; } else if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) == 256) // 180 degree rotation { // XXX: Really do this? A = (int16) (-XScale); B = 0; C = 0; D = (int16) (-YScale); } else if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) == 384) // 270 degree rotation { // XXX: Really do this? A = 0; B = (int16) YScale; C = (int16) (-XScale); D = 0; } else { A = (int16) SAR(C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * XScale, 15); B = (int16) (-SAR(C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * YScale, 15)); C = (int16) SAR(C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * XScale, 15); D = (int16) SAR(C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * YScale, 15); } // Calculate Pixel Resolution uint8 w = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89] & ~7; uint8 h = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c] & ~7; //printf("%dx%d XScale=%04x YScale=%04x angle=%03x\n", w, h, XScale, YScale, READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff); //printf("Matrix: [%10g %10g] [%04x %04x]\n", A / 4096.0, B / 4096.0, A & 0xffff, B & 0xffff); //printf(" [%10g %10g] [%04x %04x]\n", C / 4096.0, D / 4096.0, C & 0xffff, D & 0xffff); // Clear the output RAM memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, (w + row_padding / 4) * h / 2); int32 Cx = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); int32 Cy = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86); #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f97] != 0) printf("$7f97=%02x, expected 00\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f97]); if ((Cx & ~1) != w / 2 || (Cy & ~1) != h / 2) printf("Center is not middle of image! (%d, %d) != (%d, %d)\n", Cx, Cy, w / 2, h / 2); #endif // Calculate start position (i.e. (Ox, Oy) = (0, 0)) // The low 12 bits are fractional, so (Cx<<12) gives us the Cx we want in the function. // We do Cx*A etc normally because the matrix parameters already have the fractional parts. int32 LineX = (Cx << 12) - Cx * A - Cx * B; int32 LineY = (Cy << 12) - Cy * C - Cy * D; // Start loop uint32 X, Y; uint8 byte; int outidx = 0; uint8 bit = 0x80; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { X = LineX; Y = LineY; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if ((X >> 12) >= w || (Y >> 12) >= h) byte = 0; else { uint32 addr = (Y >> 12) * w + (X >> 12); byte = Memory.C4RAM[0x600 + (addr >> 1)]; if (addr & 1) byte >>= 4; } // De-bitplanify if (byte & 1) Memory.C4RAM[outidx] |= bit; if (byte & 2) Memory.C4RAM[outidx + 1] |= bit; if (byte & 4) Memory.C4RAM[outidx + 16] |= bit; if (byte & 8) Memory.C4RAM[outidx + 17] |= bit; bit >>= 1; if (bit == 0) { bit = 0x80; outidx += 32; } X += A; // Add 1 to output x => add an A and a C Y += C; } outidx += 2 + row_padding; if (outidx & 0x10) outidx &= ~0x10; else outidx -= w * 4 + row_padding; LineX += B; // Add 1 to output y => add a B and a D LineY += D; } } static void C4DrawLine (int32 X1, int32 Y1, int16 Z1, int32 X2, int32 Y2, int16 Z2, uint8 Color) { // Transform coordinates C4WFXVal = (int16) X1; C4WFYVal = (int16) Y1; C4WFZVal = Z1; C4WFScale = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f90]; C4WFX2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f86]; C4WFY2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f87]; C4WFDist = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f88]; C4TransfWireFrame2(); X1 = (C4WFXVal + 48) << 8; Y1 = (C4WFYVal + 48) << 8; C4WFXVal = (int16) X2; C4WFYVal = (int16) Y2; C4WFZVal = Z2; C4TransfWireFrame2(); X2 = (C4WFXVal + 48) << 8; Y2 = (C4WFYVal + 48) << 8; // Get line info C4WFXVal = (int16) (X1 >> 8); C4WFYVal = (int16) (Y1 >> 8); C4WFX2Val = (int16) (X2 >> 8); C4WFY2Val = (int16) (Y2 >> 8); C4CalcWireFrame(); X2 = (int16) C4WFXVal; Y2 = (int16) C4WFYVal; // Render line for (int i = C4WFDist ? C4WFDist : 1; i > 0; i--) { if (X1 > 0xff && Y1 > 0xff && X1 < 0x6000 && Y1 < 0x6000) { uint16 addr = (((Y1 >> 8) >> 3) << 8) - (((Y1 >> 8) >> 3) << 6) + (((X1 >> 8) >> 3) << 4) + ((Y1 >> 8) & 7) * 2; uint8 bit = 0x80 >> ((X1 >> 8) & 7); Memory.C4RAM[addr + 0x300] &= ~bit; Memory.C4RAM[addr + 0x301] &= ~bit; if (Color & 1) Memory.C4RAM[addr + 0x300] |= bit; if (Color & 2) Memory.C4RAM[addr + 0x301] |= bit; } X1 += X2; Y1 += Y2; } } static void C4DrawWireFrame (void) { uint8 *line = C4GetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80)); uint8 *point1, *point2; int16 X1, Y1, Z1; int16 X2, Y2, Z2; uint8 Color; #ifdef DEBUGGER if (READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f) & 0xff00ff) printf("wireframe: Unexpected value in $7f8f: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f)); if (READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1fa4) != 0x001000) printf("wireframe: Unexpected value in $7fa4: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1fa4)); #endif for (int i = Memory.C4RAM[0x0295]; i > 0; i--, line += 5) { if (line[0] == 0xff && line[1] == 0xff) { uint8 *tmp = line - 5; while (tmp[2] == 0xff && tmp[3] == 0xff) tmp -= 5; point1 = C4GetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82] << 16) | (tmp[2] << 8) | tmp[3]); } else point1 = C4GetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82] << 16) | (line[0] << 8) | line[1]); point2 = C4GetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82] << 16) | (line[2] << 8) | line[3]); X1 = (point1[0] << 8) | point1[1]; Y1 = (point1[2] << 8) | point1[3]; Z1 = (point1[4] << 8) | point1[5]; X2 = (point2[0] << 8) | point2[1]; Y2 = (point2[2] << 8) | point2[3]; Z2 = (point2[4] << 8) | point2[5]; Color = line[4]; C4DrawLine(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, Color); } } static void C4TransformLines (void) { C4WFX2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f83]; C4WFY2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f86]; C4WFDist = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89]; C4WFScale = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c]; #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8a] != 0x90) printf("lines: $7f8a = %02x, expected 90\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8a)); #endif // Transform vertices uint8 *ptr = Memory.C4RAM; for (int i = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); i > 0; i--, ptr += 0x10) { C4WFXVal = READ_WORD(ptr + 1); C4WFYVal = READ_WORD(ptr + 5); C4WFZVal = READ_WORD(ptr + 9); C4TransfWireFrame(); // Displace WRITE_WORD(ptr + 1, C4WFXVal + 0x80); WRITE_WORD(ptr + 5, C4WFYVal + 0x50); } WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x600, 23); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x602, 0x60); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x605, 0x40); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x600 + 8, 23); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x602 + 8, 0x60); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x605 + 8, 0x40); ptr = Memory.C4RAM + 0xb02; uint8 *ptr2 = Memory.C4RAM; for (int i = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0xb00); i > 0; i--, ptr += 2, ptr2 += 8) { C4WFXVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + (ptr[0] << 4) + 1); C4WFYVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + (ptr[0] << 4) + 5); C4WFX2Val = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + (ptr[1] << 4) + 1); C4WFY2Val = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + (ptr[1] << 4) + 5); C4CalcWireFrame(); WRITE_WORD(ptr2 + 0x600, C4WFDist ? C4WFDist : 1); WRITE_WORD(ptr2 + 0x602, C4WFXVal); WRITE_WORD(ptr2 + 0x605, C4WFYVal); } } static void C4BitPlaneWave (void) { static uint16 bmpdata[] = { 0x0000, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0006, 0x0008, 0x000A, 0x000C, 0x000E, 0x0200, 0x0202, 0x0204, 0x0206, 0x0208, 0x020A, 0x020C, 0x020E, 0x0400, 0x0402, 0x0404, 0x0406, 0x0408, 0x040A, 0x040C, 0x040E, 0x0600, 0x0602, 0x0604, 0x0606, 0x0608, 0x060A, 0x060C, 0x060E, 0x0800, 0x0802, 0x0804, 0x0806, 0x0808, 0x080A, 0x080C, 0x080E }; uint8 *dst = Memory.C4RAM; uint32 waveptr = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f83]; uint16 mask1 = 0xc0c0; uint16 mask2 = 0x3f3f; #ifdef DEBUGGER if (READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) != Memory.C4RAM[waveptr + 0xb00]) printf("$7f80=%06x, expected %02x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80), Memory.C4RAM[waveptr + 0xb00]); #endif for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) { do { int16 height = -((int8) Memory.C4RAM[waveptr + 0xb00]) - 16; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { uint16 tmp = READ_WORD(dst + bmpdata[i]) & mask2; if (height >= 0) { if (height < 8) tmp |= mask1 & READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0xa00 + height * 2); else tmp |= mask1 & 0xff00; } WRITE_WORD(dst + bmpdata[i], tmp); height++; } waveptr = (waveptr + 1) & 0x7f; mask1 = (mask1 >> 2) | (mask1 << 6); mask2 = (mask2 >> 2) | (mask2 << 6); } while (mask1 != 0xc0c0); dst += 16; do { int16 height = -((int8) Memory.C4RAM[waveptr + 0xb00]) - 16; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { uint16 tmp = READ_WORD(dst + bmpdata[i]) & mask2; if (height >= 0) { if (height < 8) tmp |= mask1 & READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0xa10 + height * 2); else tmp |= mask1 & 0xff00; } WRITE_WORD(dst + bmpdata[i], tmp); height++; } waveptr = (waveptr + 1) & 0x7f; mask1 = (mask1 >> 2) | (mask1 << 6); mask2 = (mask2 >> 2) | (mask2 << 6); } while (mask1 != 0xc0c0); dst += 16; } } static void C4SprDisintegrate (void) { uint8 *src; uint8 width, height; uint32 StartX, StartY; int32 scaleX, scaleY; int32 Cx, Cy; width = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89]; height = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c]; Cx = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); Cy = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); #ifdef DEBUGGER if ((Cx & ~1) != width / 2 || (Cy & ~1) != height / 2) printf("Center is not middle of image for disintegrate! (%d, %d) != (%d, %d)\n", Cx, Cy, width / 2, height / 2); #endif scaleX = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86); scaleY = (int16) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f); StartX = -Cx * scaleX + (Cx << 8); StartY = -Cy * scaleY + (Cy << 8); src = Memory.C4RAM + 0x600; memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, width * height / 2); for (uint32 y = StartY, i = 0; i < height; i++, y += scaleY) { for (uint32 x = StartX, j = 0; j < width; j++, x += scaleX) { if ((x >> 8) < width && (y >> 8) < height && (y >> 8) * width + (x >> 8) < 0x2000) { uint8 pixel = (j & 1) ? (*src >> 4) : *src; int idx = (y >> 11) * width * 4 + (x >> 11) * 32 + ((y >> 8) & 7) * 2; uint8 mask = 0x80 >> ((x >> 8) & 7); if (pixel & 1) Memory.C4RAM[idx] |= mask; if (pixel & 2) Memory.C4RAM[idx + 1] |= mask; if (pixel & 4) Memory.C4RAM[idx + 16] |= mask; if (pixel & 8) Memory.C4RAM[idx + 17] |= mask; } if (j & 1) src++; } } } static void C4ProcessSprites (void) { switch (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]) { case 0x00: // Build OAM #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 00 Build OAM!\n"); #endif C4ConvOAM(); break; case 0x03: // Scale/Rotate #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 03 Scale/Rotate!\n"); #endif C4DoScaleRotate(0); break; case 0x05: // Transform Lines #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 05 Transform Lines!\n"); #endif C4TransformLines(); break; case 0x07: // Scale/Rotate #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 07 Scale/Rotate!\n"); #endif C4DoScaleRotate(64); break; case 0x08: // Draw wireframe #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 08 Draw wireframe!\n"); #endif C4DrawWireFrame(); break; case 0x0b: // Disintegrate #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 0b Disintegrate!\n"); #endif C4SprDisintegrate(); break; case 0x0c: // Wave #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 0b Wave!\n"); #endif C4BitPlaneWave(); break; default: #ifdef DEBUGGER printf("Unknown C4 sprite command (%02x)\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif break; } } void S9xInitC4 (void) { // Stupid zsnes code, we can't do the logical thing without breaking savestates // Memory.C4RAM = &Memory.FillRAM [0x6000]; memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, 0x2000); } uint8 S9xGetC4 (uint16 Address) { if (Address == 0x7f5e) return (0); return (Memory.C4RAM[Address - 0x6000]); } void S9xSetC4 (uint8 byte, uint16 Address) { Memory.C4RAM[Address - 0x6000] = byte; if (Address == 0x7f4f) { if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] == 0x0e && byte < 0x40 && (byte & 3) == 0) { #ifdef DEBUGGER printf("Test command %02x 0e used!\n", byte); #endif Memory.C4RAM[0x1f80] = byte >> 2; } else { switch (byte) { case 0x00: // Sprite #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("00 Sprite!\n"); #endif C4ProcessSprites(); break; case 0x01: // Draw wireframe #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("01 Draw wireframe!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 8) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 08 for command 01 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif memset(Memory.C4RAM + 0x300, 0, 16 * 12 * 3 * 4); C4DrawWireFrame(); break; case 0x05: // Propulsion (?) { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("05 Propulsion (?)!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 05 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int32 tmp = 0x10000; if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83)) tmp = SAR((tmp / READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83)) * READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f81), 8); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80, (uint16) tmp); break; } case 0x0d: // Set vector length #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("0d Set vector length!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 0d %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif C41FXVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); C41FYVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); C41FDistVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86); C4Op0D(); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f89, C41FXVal); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8c, C41FYVal); break; case 0x10: // Polar to rectangluar { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("10 Polar->Rect!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 10 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int32 tmp; int32 r1; r1 = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); if (r1 & 0x8000) r1 |= ~0x7fff; else r1 &= 0x7fff; tmp = SAR(r1 * C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * 2, 16); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86, tmp); tmp = SAR(r1 * C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * 2, 16); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f89, (tmp - SAR(tmp, 6))); break; } case 0x13: // Polar to rectangluar { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("13 Polar->Rect!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 13 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int32 tmp; tmp = SAR((int32) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83) * C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * 2, 8); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86, tmp); tmp = SAR((int32) READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83) * C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) & 0x1ff] * 2, 8); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f89, tmp); break; } case 0x15: // Pythagorean #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("15 Pythagorean!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 15 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif C41FXVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); C41FYVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); //C4Op15(); // optimized to: C41FDist = (int16) sqrt((double) C41FXVal * C41FXVal + (double) C41FYVal * C41FYVal); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80, C41FDist); break; case 0x1f: // atan #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("1f atan!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 1f %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif C41FXVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); C41FYVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); C4Op1F(); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86, C41FAngleRes); break; case 0x22: // Trapezoid { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("22 Trapezoid!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 22 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int16 angle1 = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8c) & 0x1ff; int16 angle2 = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f) & 0x1ff; #ifdef DEBUGGER if (C4CosTable[angle1] == 0) fprintf(stderr, "22 Trapezoid: Invalid tangent! angle1=%d\n", angle1); if (C4CosTable[angle2] == 0) fprintf(stderr, "22 Trapezoid: Invalid tangent! angle2=%d\n", angle2); #endif int32 tan1 = (C4CosTable[angle1] != 0) ? ((((int32) C4SinTable[angle1]) << 16) / C4CosTable[angle1]) : 0x80000000; int32 tan2 = (C4CosTable[angle2] != 0) ? ((((int32) C4SinTable[angle2]) << 16) / C4CosTable[angle2]) : 0x80000000; int16 y = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83) - READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f89); int16 left, right; for (int j = 0; j < 225; j++) { if (y >= 0) { left = SAR((int32) tan1 * y, 16) - READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) + READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86); right = SAR((int32) tan2 * y, 16) - READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) + READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86) + READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f93); if (left < 0 && right < 0) { left = 1; right = 0; } else if (left < 0) left = 0; else if (right < 0) right = 0; if (left > 255 && right > 255) { left = 255; right = 254; } else if (left > 255) left = 255; else if (right > 255) right = 255; } else { left = 1; right = 0; } Memory.C4RAM[j + 0x800] = (uint8) left; Memory.C4RAM[j + 0x900] = (uint8) right; y++; } break; } case 0x25: // Multiply { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("25 Multiply!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 25 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int32 foo = READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80); int32 bar = READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83); foo *= bar; WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80, foo); break; } case 0x2d: // Transform Coords #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("2d Transform Coords!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 2d %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); if (READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f) & 0xff00ff) printf("2d transform coords: Unexpected value in $7f8f: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8f)); if (READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8c) != 0x001000) printf("0d transform coords: Unexpected value in $7f8c: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f8c)); #endif C4WFXVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f81); C4WFYVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f84); C4WFZVal = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f87); C4WFX2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89]; C4WFY2Val = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8a]; C4WFDist = Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8b]; C4WFScale = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f90); C4TransfWireFrame2(); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80, C4WFXVal); WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83, C4WFYVal); break; case 0x40: // Sum { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("40 Sum!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 40 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif uint16 sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; sum += Memory.C4RAM[i++]) ; WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80, sum); break; } case 0x54: // Square { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("54 Square!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 54 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif int64 a = SAR((int64) READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f80) << 40, 40); //printf("%08X%08X\n", (uint32) (a>>32), (uint32) (a&0xFFFFFFFF)); a *= a; //printf("%08X%08X\n", (uint32) (a>>32), (uint32) (a&0xFFFFFFFF)); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f83, a); WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f86, (a >> 24)); break; } case 0x5c: // Immediate Reg #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("5c Immediate Reg!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 5c %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 12 * 4; i++) Memory.C4RAM[i] = C4TestPattern[i]; break; case 0x89: // Immediate ROM #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("89 Immediate ROM!\n"); if (Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d] != 0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 89 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]); #endif Memory.C4RAM[0x1f80] = 0x36; Memory.C4RAM[0x1f81] = 0x43; Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82] = 0x05; break; default: #ifdef DEBUGGER printf("Unknown C4 command (%02x)\n", byte); #endif break; } } } else if (Address == 0x7f47) { #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("C4 load memory %06x => %04x, %04x bytes\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f40), READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f45), READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f43)); if (byte != 0) printf("C4 load: non-0 written to $7f47! Wrote %02x\n", byte); if (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f45) < 0x6000 || (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f45) + READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f43)) > 0x6c00) printf("C4 load: Dest unusual! It's %04x\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f45)); #endif memmove(Memory.C4RAM + (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f45) & 0x1fff), C4GetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f40)), READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM + 0x1f43)); } }