#include "slang_shader.hpp" #include "slang_helpers.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../external/glslang/glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h" #include "../external/glslang/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h" #include "../external/glslang/StandAlone/ResourceLimits.h" using std::string; using std::vector; SlangShader::SlangShader() { ubo_size = 0; } SlangShader::~SlangShader() { } /* Recursively load shader file and included files into memory, applying #include and #pragma directives. Will strip all directives except #pragma stage. */ bool SlangShader::preprocess_shader_file(string filename, vector &lines) { std::ifstream stream(filename); if (stream.fail()) return false; string line; while (std::getline(stream, line, '\n')) { std::string_view sv(line); trim(sv); if (sv.empty()) continue; else if (sv.compare(0, 8, "#include") == 0) { sv.remove_prefix(8); trim(sv); if (sv.length() && sv[0] == '\"' && sv[sv.length() - 1] == '\"') { sv.remove_prefix(1); sv.remove_suffix(1); string include_file(sv); canonicalize(include_file, filename); preprocess_shader_file(include_file, lines); } else { printf("Syntax error: #include.\n"); return false; } } else if (sv.compare(0, 17, "#pragma parameter") == 0) { Parameter p{}; sv.remove_prefix(17); auto tokens = split_string_quotes(string{ sv }); if (tokens.size() < 5) { printf("Syntax error: #pragma parameter\n"); printf("%s\n", string{ sv }.c_str()); return false; } p.id = tokens[0]; p.name = tokens[1]; p.val = std::stof(tokens[2]); p.min = std::stof(tokens[3]); p.max = std::stof(tokens[4]); if (tokens.size() >= 6) p.step = std::stof(tokens[5]); p.significant_digits = 0; for (size_t i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) { int significant_digits = get_significant_digits(tokens[i]); if (significant_digits > p.significant_digits) p.significant_digits = significant_digits; } parameters.push_back(p); continue; } else if (sv.compare(0, 12, "#pragma name") == 0) { alias = sv.substr(13); } else if (sv.compare(0, 14, "#pragma format") == 0) { format = sv.substr(15); } else { if (sv.compare(0, 13, "#pragma stage") == 0) pragma_stage_lines.push_back(lines.size()); lines.push_back(line); } } return true; } /* Use the #pragma stage lines to divide the file into separate vertex and fragment shaders. Must have called preprocess beforehand. */ void SlangShader::divide_into_stages(const std::vector &lines) { enum { vertex, fragment, both } stage; stage = both; std::ostringstream vertex_shader_stream; std::ostringstream fragment_shader_stream; auto p = pragma_stage_lines.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (p != pragma_stage_lines.end() && i == *p) { if (lines[i].find("vertex") != string::npos) stage = vertex; else if (lines[i].find("fragment") != string::npos) stage = fragment; p++; } else { if (stage == vertex || stage == both) vertex_shader_stream << lines[i] << '\n'; if (stage == fragment || stage == both) fragment_shader_stream << lines[i] << '\n'; } } vertex_shader_string = vertex_shader_stream.str(); fragment_shader_string = fragment_shader_stream.str(); } /* Load a shader file into memory, preprocess, divide and compile it to SPIRV bytecode. Returns true on success. */ bool SlangShader::load_file(string new_filename) { if (!new_filename.empty()) filename = new_filename; pragma_stage_lines.clear(); vector lines; if (!preprocess_shader_file(filename, lines)) { printf("Failed to load shader file: %s\n", filename.c_str()); return false; } divide_into_stages(lines); if (!generate_spirv()) return false; return true; } static void Initializeglslang() { static bool ProcessInitialized = false; if (!ProcessInitialized) { glslang::InitializeProcess(); ProcessInitialized = true; } } std::vector SlangShader::generate_spirv(std::string shader_string, std::string stage) { Initializeglslang(); const EShMessages messages = (EShMessages)(EShMsgDefault | EShMsgVulkanRules | EShMsgSpvRules); string debug; auto forbid_includer = glslang::TShader::ForbidIncluder(); auto language = stage == "vertex" ? EShLangVertex : stage == "fragment" ? EShLangFragment : EShLangCompute; glslang::TShader shaderTShader(language); auto compile = [&debug, &forbid_includer](glslang::TShader &shader, string &shader_string, std::vector &spirv) -> bool { const char *source = shader_string.c_str(); shader.setStrings(&source, 1); if (!shader.preprocess(&glslang::DefaultTBuiltInResource, 450, ENoProfile, false, false, messages, &debug, forbid_includer)) return false; if (!shader.parse(&glslang::DefaultTBuiltInResource, 450, false, messages)) return false; glslang::TProgram program; program.addShader(&shader); if (!program.link(messages)) return false; glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate(shader.getStage()), spirv); return true; }; std::vector spirv; if (!compile(shaderTShader, shader_string, spirv)) { printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", debug.c_str(), shaderTShader.getInfoLog(), shaderTShader.getInfoDebugLog()); } return spirv; } /* Generate SPIRV from separate preprocessed fragment and vertex shaders. Must have called divide_into_stages beforehand. Returns true on success. */ bool SlangShader::generate_spirv() { Initializeglslang(); const EShMessages messages = (EShMessages)(EShMsgDefault | EShMsgVulkanRules | EShMsgSpvRules | EShMsgDebugInfo | EShMsgAST | EShMsgEnhanced); auto forbid_includer = glslang::TShader::ForbidIncluder(); glslang::TShader vertexTShader(EShLangVertex); glslang::TShader fragmentTShader(EShLangFragment); auto compile = [&forbid_includer](glslang::TShader &shader, string &shader_string, std::vector &spirv) -> bool { const char *source = shader_string.c_str(); shader.setStrings(&source, 1); if (!shader.parse(&glslang::DefaultTBuiltInResource, 450, false, messages, forbid_includer)) return false; glslang::TProgram program; program.addShader(&shader); if (!program.link(messages)) return false; glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate(shader.getStage()), spirv); return true; }; if (!compile(vertexTShader, vertex_shader_string, vertex_shader_spirv)) { printf("%s\n%s\n", vertexTShader.getInfoLog(), vertexTShader.getInfoDebugLog()); return false; } if (!compile(fragmentTShader, fragment_shader_string, fragment_shader_spirv)) { printf("%s\n%s\n", fragmentTShader.getInfoLog(), fragmentTShader.getInfoDebugLog()); return false; } return true; }