FAQ for Windows Port

The majority of the things in this FAQ are based off the Windows port of Snes9x.
While some of the information is relevant to most, or all, ports, no guarantees
are made that what is said will be accurate for all versions.


Q: I get a dx9 dll error on startup. What to do?
  A: Snes9x requires DirectX9 to run correctly. You can install it manually from
here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35

Q: I recently purchased a gamepad controller. Will it work on Snes9x?
  A: More than likely yes. Any USB compatible controller will work. Generally
this means any controller made within the past 7 years or so. If you are having
problems consider updating drivers and recalibrating your controller.

Q: In Snes9x my gamepad is having trouble inputting any diagonal directions on
the D-Pad. How can I fix this?
  A: While setting up your controller functions in Snes9x, make sure you do not
setup the diagonal buttons; leave them blank. Ye olde Snes only had 4 buttons on
the D-Pad: Up, down, left and right. By pressing two directions you would go in
the appropriate diagonal direction (game specific, of course). If you have
accidently set a value in the diagonal boxes already either select them one at a
time and hit "Escape", or press the "Toggle Diagonals" button.

Q: Why do you have diagonals in the controller setup anyway?
  A: Simple really. Some people enjoy using the keyboard, or have no other
choice. In the next chapter the topic of keyboard input limitations will be
addressed. Being able to input the diagonals can help hinder that occurrence. It
can also make keyboard usage a bit easier... assigning the directional controls
to the number pad for instance.

Q: I have a translation patch (.ips) for my game. Now what do I do so I can
use it?
  A: Make sure both your ROM image and .ips file are in the same folder. Finally
make sure they have the exact same name (minus file extensions, of course). As
an example "Pie.smc" should have "Pie.ips" and "Super_Pie3(E).smc" should have
"Super_Pie3(E).ips". Now open up Snes9x, load your ROM and voila! It should be
noted that IPS patches are almost always designed for use with a specific dump
of a ROM. If you are positive you are using it correctly, but it still does not
work, consider trying a ROM from a different source.

Q: I think my options in Snes9x got screwed up, how do I reset them?
  A: Snes9x uses a config file, so you can edit your options there in any text
editor if you're having problems. You can safely delete your config file (called
snes9x.conf) to reset all of the options. If it doesn't let you delete or change
it, make sure to close Snes9x first.

Q: Why can't I press many buttons at once? Especially in Chrono Trigger.
  A: Most standard keyboards (There are a few exceptions, though only a few) can
only output so much data to the computer at a time. As such your computer is
often unable to carry-out the instructions you have given it. There are
solutions abound, of course, and here they are now: Lovely recommendation one is
to rearrange the keymapping in Snes9x so that all the necessary buttons are on a
single keystroke... That way you can press 1 key and have it do all the actions.
The draw back to this is that if you set "a" to jump and shoot you will be
unable to jump without shooting, or shoot without jumping, until you change it
back. The super sexy recommendation number 2 is to set the ctrl and alt keys to
some of the necessary buttons. The draw back to this is that often these buttons
can cause problems if used in tandem with other keys, due to Windows shortcuts.
You may, for instance, be using alt to jump and while in midair hit f4 to load a
savestate... That will close the program, which is bad. Finally, and the method
I personally recommend, is to purchase a gamepad. The draw backs to this are
that it requires time and money.
