#include "glsl.h" #include "shader_helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross.hpp" #include "SPIRV-Cross/spirv_glsl.hpp" std::string GLSLShader::slang_get_stage(std::vector &lines, std::string name) { std::ostringstream output; bool in_stage = true; if (name.empty()) return std::string(""); for (auto &line : lines) { if (line.find("#pragma stage") != std::string::npos) { if (line.find(std::string("#pragma stage ") + name) != std::string::npos) in_stage = true; else in_stage = false; } else if (line.find("#pragma name") != std::string::npos || line.find("#pragma format") != std::string::npos) { } else if (in_stage) { output << line << '\n'; } } return output.str(); } static void printuniforms(std::vector &unif) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)unif.size(); i++) { SlangUniform &u = unif[i]; printf("Uniform %d: ", i); switch (u.type) { case SL_PREVIOUSFRAMETEXTURE: printf("OriginalHistory%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_PASSTEXTURE: printf("Pass%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_LUTTEXTURE: printf("User%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_PREVIOUSFRAMESIZE: printf("OriginalHistorySize%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_PASSSIZE: printf("PassSize%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_LUTSIZE: printf("UserSize%d\n", u.num); break; case SL_MVP: printf("MVP\n"); break; case SL_FRAMECOUNT: printf("FrameCount\n"); break; case SL_PARAM: printf("Parameter %d\n", u.num); break; } } } static GLuint string_to_format(char *format) { #define MATCH(s, f) \ if (!strcmp(format, s)) \ return f; MATCH("R8_UNORM", GL_R8); MATCH("R8_UINT", GL_R8UI); MATCH("R8_SINT", GL_R8I); MATCH("R8G8_UNORM", GL_RG8); MATCH("R8G8_UINT", GL_RG8UI); MATCH("R8G8_SINT", GL_RG8I); MATCH("R8G8B8A8_UNORM", GL_RGBA8); MATCH("R8G8B8A8_UINT", GL_RGBA8UI); MATCH("R8G8B8A8_SINT", GL_RGBA8I); MATCH("R8G8B8A8_SRGB", GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8); MATCH("A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32", GL_RGB10_A2); MATCH("A2B10G10R10_UINT_PACK32", GL_RGB10_A2UI); MATCH("R16_UINT", GL_R16UI); MATCH("R16_SINT", GL_R16I); MATCH("R16_SFLOAT", GL_R16F); MATCH("R16G16_UINT", GL_RG16UI); MATCH("R16G16_SINT", GL_RG16I); MATCH("R16G16_SFLOAT", GL_RG16F); MATCH("R16G16B16A16_UINT", GL_RGBA16UI); MATCH("R16G16B16A16_SINT", GL_RGBA16I); MATCH("R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT", GL_RGBA16F); MATCH("R32_UINT", GL_R32UI); MATCH("R32_SINT", GL_R32I); MATCH("R32_SFLOAT", GL_R32F); MATCH("R32G32_UINT", GL_RG32UI); MATCH("R32G32_SINT", GL_RG32I); MATCH("R32G32_SFLOAT", GL_RG32F); MATCH("R32G32B32A32_UINT", GL_RGBA32UI); MATCH("R32G32B32A32_SINT", GL_RGBA32I); MATCH("R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT", GL_RGBA32F); return GL_RGBA; } void GLSLShader::slang_parse_pragmas(std::vector &lines, int p) { pass[p].format = GL_RGBA; for (auto &line : lines) { if (line.find("#pragma name") != std::string::npos) { sscanf(line.c_str(), "#pragma name %255s", pass[p].alias); } else if (line.find("#pragma format") != std::string::npos) { char format[256]; sscanf(line.c_str(), "#pragma format %255s", format); pass[p].format = string_to_format(format); if (pass[p].format == GL_RGBA16F || pass[p].format == GL_RGBA32F) pass[p].fp = TRUE; else if (pass[p].format == GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8) pass[p].srgb = TRUE; } } } static const TBuiltInResource DefaultTBuiltInResource = { /* .MaxLights = */ 32, /* .MaxClipPlanes = */ 6, /* .MaxTextureUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxTextureCoords = */ 32, /* .MaxVertexAttribs = */ 64, /* .MaxVertexUniformComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxVaryingFloats = */ 64, /* .MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = */ 80, /* .MaxTextureImageUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxFragmentUniformComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxDrawBuffers = */ 32, /* .MaxVertexUniformVectors = */ 128, /* .MaxVaryingVectors = */ 8, /* .MaxFragmentUniformVectors = */ 16, /* .MaxVertexOutputVectors = */ 16, /* .MaxFragmentInputVectors = */ 15, /* .MinProgramTexelOffset = */ -8, /* .MaxProgramTexelOffset = */ 7, /* .MaxClipDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountX = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountY = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountZ = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeX = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeY = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ = */ 64, /* .MaxComputeUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxComputeImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxVaryingComponents = */ 60, /* .MaxVertexOutputComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxGeometryInputComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxGeometryOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxFragmentInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxImageUnits = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources = */ 8, /* .MaxImageSamples = */ 0, /* .MaxVertexImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxGeometryOutputVertices = */ 256, /* .MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxGeometryUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxGeometryVaryingComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxTessControlInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessControlOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxTessControlUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxTessPatchComponents = */ 120, /* .MaxPatchVertices = */ 32, /* .MaxTessGenLevel = */ 64, /* .MaxViewports = */ 16, /* .MaxVertexAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxAtomicCounterBindings = */ 1, /* .MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize = */ 16384, /* .MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers = */ 4, /* .MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxCullDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxSamples = */ 4, /* .maxMeshOutputVerticesNV = */ 256, /* .maxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV = */ 512, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV = */ 32, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV = */ 1, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = */ 1, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV = */ 32, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV = */ 1, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = */ 1, /* .maxMeshViewCountNV = */ 4, /* .limits = */ { /* .nonInductiveForLoops = */ 1, /* .whileLoops = */ 1, /* .doWhileLoops = */ 1, /* .generalUniformIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalVaryingIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalSamplerIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalVariableIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing = */ 1, }}; GLint GLSLShader::slang_compile(std::vector &lines, std::string stage) { static bool ProcessInitialized = false; if (!ProcessInitialized) { ShInitialize(); ProcessInitialized = true; } std::string source = slang_get_stage(lines, stage); EShLanguage language; if (!stage.compare("fragment")) language = EShLangFragment; else language = EShLangVertex; glslang::TShader shader(language); const char *csource = source.c_str(); shader.setStrings(&csource, 1); EShMessages messages = (EShMessages)(EShMsgDefault | EShMsgVulkanRules | EShMsgSpvRules); std::string debug; auto forbid_includer = glslang::TShader::ForbidIncluder(); if (!shader.preprocess(&DefaultTBuiltInResource, 100, ENoProfile, false, false, messages, &debug, forbid_includer)) { puts(debug.c_str()); return -1; } if (!shader.parse(&DefaultTBuiltInResource, 100, false, messages)) { puts(shader.getInfoLog()); puts(shader.getInfoDebugLog()); return -1; } glslang::TProgram program; program.addShader(&shader); if (!program.link(messages)) { puts(shader.getInfoLog()); puts(shader.getInfoDebugLog()); return -1; } std::vector spirv; glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate(language), spirv); spirv_cross::CompilerGLSL glsl(std::move(spirv)); auto resources = glsl.get_shader_resources(); if (resources.push_constant_buffers.size() > 1 || resources.uniform_buffers.size() > 1) { puts("slang shader doesn't comply with spec:\n" " Too many UBOs or push constant buffers."); return -1; } if (language == EShLangFragment) { for (auto &rsrc : resources.stage_inputs) { // Some of the converted shaders have unmatched declarations for // this in fragment shader if (glsl.get_name(rsrc.id) == "FragCoord") { glsl.set_remapped_variable_state(rsrc.id, true); glsl.set_name(rsrc.id, "gl_FragCoord"); } } } spirv_cross::CompilerGLSL::Options opts; opts.version = gl_version() * 10; opts.vulkan_semantics = false; glsl.set_common_options(opts); std::string glsl_source = glsl.compile(); GLint status = 0; GLchar *cstring = (GLchar *)glsl_source.c_str(); GLint shaderid = glCreateShader( language == EShLangFragment ? GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER : GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(shaderid, 1, &cstring, NULL); glCompileShader(shaderid); glGetShaderiv(shaderid, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); char info_log[1024]; glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderid, 1024, NULL, info_log); if (*info_log) puts(info_log); if (status == GL_FALSE) return -1; return shaderid; } static inline bool isalldigits(std::string str) { for (auto c : str) { if (!isdigit(c)) return false; } return true; } void GLSLShader::slang_introspect() { max_prev_frame = 0; for (int i = 1; i < (int)pass.size(); i++) { GLSLPass &p = pass[i]; int num_uniforms; glGetProgramiv(p.program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &num_uniforms); std::vector indices(num_uniforms); std::vector block_indices(num_uniforms); std::vector offsets(num_uniforms); std::vector names; std::vector locations(num_uniforms); for (int j = 0; j < num_uniforms; j++) indices[j] = j; glGetActiveUniformsiv(p.program, num_uniforms, indices.data(), GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX, block_indices.data()); glGetActiveUniformsiv(p.program, num_uniforms, indices.data(), GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, offsets.data()); for (int j = 0; j < num_uniforms; j++) { char name[1024]; glGetActiveUniformName(p.program, j, 1024, NULL, name); names.push_back(std::string(name)); locations[j] = glGetUniformLocation(p.program, name); } for (int j = 0; j < num_uniforms; j++) { SlangUniform u = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; std::string name; if (locations[j] == -1) { u.location = -1; u.offset = offsets[j]; } else u.location = locations[j]; // Strip off any container size_t dotloc = names[j].find('.'); if (dotloc != std::string::npos) name = names[j].substr(dotloc + 1); else name = names[j]; auto indexedtexorsize = [&](std::string needle, int type) -> bool { if (name.find(needle) == 0) { std::string tmp = name.substr(needle.length()); if (tmp.find("Size") == 0) { u.type = type + 1; tmp = tmp.substr(4); } else u.type = type; if (isalldigits(tmp)) { u.num = std::stoi(tmp); return true; } } return false; }; if (!name.compare("MVP")) { u.type = SL_MVP; } else if (!name.compare("Original")) { u.type = SL_PASSTEXTURE; u.num = 0; } else if (!name.compare("OriginalSize")) { u.type = SL_PASSSIZE; u.num = 0; } else if (!name.compare("Source")) { u.type = SL_PASSTEXTURE; u.num = i - 1; } else if (!name.compare("SourceSize")) { u.type = SL_PASSSIZE; u.num = i - 1; } else if (!name.compare("OutputSize")) { u.type = SL_PASSSIZE; u.num = i; } else if (!name.compare("FrameCount")) { u.type = SL_FRAMECOUNT; } else if (indexedtexorsize("OriginalHistory", SL_PREVIOUSFRAMETEXTURE)) { // OriginalHistory0 is just this frame's pass 0 if (u.num == 0) { if (u.type == SL_PREVIOUSFRAMETEXTURE) u.type = SL_PASSTEXTURE; if (u.type == SL_PREVIOUSFRAMESIZE) u.type = SL_PASSSIZE; } if (u.num > max_prev_frame) max_prev_frame = u.num; } else if (indexedtexorsize("PassOutput", SL_PASSTEXTURE)) { u.num++; } else if (indexedtexorsize("User", SL_LUTTEXTURE)) { } if (u.type != SL_INVALID) { p.uniforms.push_back(u); continue; } bool matched_lut = false; for (int k = 0; k < (int)lut.size(); k++) { std::string lutname(lut[k].id); if (name.compare(lutname) == 0) { u.type = SL_LUTTEXTURE; u.num = k; matched_lut = true; } else if (name.compare(lutname + "Size") == 0) { u.type = SL_LUTSIZE; u.num = k; matched_lut = true; } } if (matched_lut) { p.uniforms.push_back(u); continue; } bool matched_alias = false; for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) { std::string alias(pass[k].alias); if (name.compare(alias) == 0) { u.type = SL_PASSTEXTURE; u.num = k; matched_alias = true; } else if (name.compare(alias + "Size") == 0) { u.type = SL_PASSSIZE; u.num = k; matched_alias = true; } } if (matched_alias) { p.uniforms.push_back(u); continue; } u.type = SL_INVALID; for (int k = 0; k < (int)param.size(); k++) { if (name.compare(param[k].id) == 0) { u.type = SL_PARAM; u.num = k; break; } } if (u.type != SL_INVALID) p.uniforms.push_back(u); } bool uniform_block = false; for (auto &u : p.uniforms) if (u.location == -1) { uniform_block = true; break; } GLint uniform_block_size = 0; if (uniform_block) { glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p.program, 0, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, &uniform_block_size); glGenBuffers(1, &p.ubo); p.ubo_buffer.resize(uniform_block_size); } } } static const GLfloat coords[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, // Vertex Positions 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // Tex coords regular + 16 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, // Tex coords inverted + 24 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; static const GLfloat mvp_ortho[16] = { 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; void GLSLShader::slang_clear_shader_vars() { glDisableVertexAttribArray(0); glDisableVertexAttribArray(1); glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0); } void GLSLShader::slang_set_shader_vars(int p) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) * 32, coords, GL_STATIC_DRAW); GLint attr = glGetAttribLocation(pass[p].program, "Position"); if (attr > -1) { glEnableVertexAttribArray(attr); glVertexAttribPointer(attr, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)(0)); } attr = glGetAttribLocation(pass[p].program, "TexCoord"); if (attr > -1) { GLfloat *offset = 0; offset += 16; if (p == (int)pass.size() - 1) offset += 8; glEnableVertexAttribArray(attr); glVertexAttribPointer(attr, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)(offset)); } glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); uint8_t *ubo = pass[p].ubo_buffer.data(); GLint texunit = 0; for (auto &u : pass[p].uniforms) { switch (u.type) { case SL_PREVIOUSFRAMETEXTURE: case SL_PASSTEXTURE: case SL_LUTTEXTURE: glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + texunit); if (u.type == SL_PASSTEXTURE) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pass[u.num].texture); else if (u.type == SL_PREVIOUSFRAMETEXTURE) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, prev_frame[u.num - 1].texture); else if (u.type == SL_LUTTEXTURE) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lut[u.num].texture); if (u.location == -1) *((GLint *)(ubo + u.offset)) = texunit; else glUniform1i(u.location, texunit); texunit++; break; case SL_PREVIOUSFRAMESIZE: case SL_PASSSIZE: case SL_LUTSIZE: { GLfloat size[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; if (u.type == SL_PASSSIZE) { size[0] = (GLfloat)pass[u.num].width; size[1] = (GLfloat)pass[u.num].height; size[2] = (GLfloat)1.0f / pass[u.num].width; size[3] = (GLfloat)1.0f / pass[u.num].height; } else if (u.type == SL_PREVIOUSFRAMESIZE) { if (u.num < 1) u.num = 0; size[0] = (GLfloat)prev_frame[u.num - 1].width; size[1] = (GLfloat)prev_frame[u.num - 1].height; size[2] = (GLfloat)1.0f / prev_frame[u.num - 1].width; size[3] = (GLfloat)1.0f / prev_frame[u.num - 1].height; } else if (u.type == SL_LUTSIZE) { size[0] = (GLfloat)lut[u.num].width; size[1] = (GLfloat)lut[u.num].height; size[2] = (GLfloat)1.0f / lut[u.num].width; size[3] = (GLfloat)1.0f / lut[u.num].height; } if (u.location == -1) { GLfloat *data = (GLfloat *)(ubo + u.offset); data[0] = size[0]; data[1] = size[1]; data[2] = size[2]; data[3] = size[3]; } else glUniform4fv(u.location, 1, size); break; } case SL_MVP: if (u.location == -1) { GLfloat *data = (GLfloat *)(ubo + u.offset); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) data[i] = mvp_ortho[i]; } else glUniformMatrix4fv(u.location, 1, GL_FALSE, mvp_ortho); break; case SL_FRAMECOUNT: if (u.location == -1) *((GLuint *)(ubo + u.offset)) = frame_count; else glUniform1ui(u.location, frame_count); break; case SL_PARAM: if (u.location == -1) *((GLfloat *)(ubo + u.offset)) = param[u.num].val; else glUniform1f(u.location, param[u.num].val); break; } } if (pass[p].ubo_buffer.size() > 0) { glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, pass[p].ubo); glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, pass[p].ubo_buffer.size(), ubo, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, pass[p].ubo); glUniformBlockBinding(pass[p].program, 0, 0); } }