/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 BearOso, OV2 (c) Copyright 2017 qwertymodo (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) S-SMP emulator code used in 1.54+ (c) Copyright 2016 byuu SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2018 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SNES9X_H_ #define _SNES9X_H_ #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "1.56.2" #endif #include "port.h" #include "65c816.h" #include "messages.h" #ifdef ZLIB #include <zlib.h> #define FSTREAM gzFile #define READ_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzread(s, p, l) #define WRITE_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzwrite(s, p, l) #define GETS_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzgets(s, p, l) #define GETC_FSTREAM(s) gzgetc(s) #define OPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) gzopen(f, m) #define REOPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) gzdopen(f, m) #define FIND_FSTREAM(f) gztell(f) #define REVERT_FSTREAM(s, o, p) gzseek(s, o, p) #define CLOSE_FSTREAM(s) gzclose(s) #else #define FSTREAM FILE * #define READ_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fread(p, 1, l, s) #define WRITE_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fwrite(p, 1, l, s) #define GETS_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fgets(p, l, s) #define GETC_FSTREAM(s) fgetc(s) #define OPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) fopen(f, m) #define REOPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) fdopen(f, m) #define FIND_FSTREAM(s) ftell(s) #define REVERT_FSTREAM(s, o, p) fseek(s, o, p) #define CLOSE_FSTREAM(s) fclose(s) #endif #include "stream.h" #define STREAM Stream * #define READ_STREAM(p, l, s) s->read(p,l) #define WRITE_STREAM(p, l, s) s->write(p,l) #define GETS_STREAM(p, l, s) s->gets(p,l) #define GETC_STREAM(s) s->get_char() #define OPEN_STREAM(f, m) openStreamFromFSTREAM(f, m) #define REOPEN_STREAM(f, m) reopenStreamFromFd(f, m) #define FIND_STREAM(s) s->pos() #define REVERT_STREAM(s, o, p) s->revert(p, o) #define CLOSE_STREAM(s) s->closeStream() #define SNES_WIDTH 256 #define SNES_HEIGHT 224 #define SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED 239 #define MAX_SNES_WIDTH (SNES_WIDTH * 2) #define MAX_SNES_HEIGHT (SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2) #define IMAGE_WIDTH (Settings.SupportHiRes ? MAX_SNES_WIDTH : SNES_WIDTH) #define IMAGE_HEIGHT (Settings.SupportHiRes ? MAX_SNES_HEIGHT : SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED) #define NTSC_MASTER_CLOCK 21477272.0 #define PAL_MASTER_CLOCK 21281370.0 #define SNES_MAX_NTSC_VCOUNTER 262 #define SNES_MAX_PAL_VCOUNTER 312 #define SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX 341 #ifndef ALLOW_CPU_OVERCLOCK #define ONE_CYCLE 6 #define SLOW_ONE_CYCLE 8 #define TWO_CYCLES 12 #else #define ONE_CYCLE (Settings.OneClockCycle) #define SLOW_ONE_CYCLE (Settings.OneSlowClockCycle) #define TWO_CYCLES (Settings.TwoClockCycles) #endif #define ONE_DOT_CYCLE 4 #define SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE (SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX * ONE_DOT_CYCLE) #define SNES_SCANLINE_TIME (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE / NTSC_MASTER_CLOCK) #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v1 530 #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v2 538 #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_CYCLES 40 #define SNES_HBLANK_START_HC 1096 // H=274 #define SNES_HDMA_START_HC 1106 // FIXME: not true #define SNES_HBLANK_END_HC 4 // H=1 #define SNES_HDMA_INIT_HC 20 // FIXME: not true #define SNES_RENDER_START_HC (128 * ONE_DOT_CYCLE) // FIXME: Snes9x renders a line at a time. #define SNES_TR_MASK (1 << 4) #define SNES_TL_MASK (1 << 5) #define SNES_X_MASK (1 << 6) #define SNES_A_MASK (1 << 7) #define SNES_RIGHT_MASK (1 << 8) #define SNES_LEFT_MASK (1 << 9) #define SNES_DOWN_MASK (1 << 10) #define SNES_UP_MASK (1 << 11) #define SNES_START_MASK (1 << 12) #define SNES_SELECT_MASK (1 << 13) #define SNES_Y_MASK (1 << 14) #define SNES_B_MASK (1 << 15) #define DEBUG_MODE_FLAG (1 << 0) // debugger #define TRACE_FLAG (1 << 1) // debugger #define SINGLE_STEP_FLAG (1 << 2) // debugger #define BREAK_FLAG (1 << 3) // debugger #define SCAN_KEYS_FLAG (1 << 4) // CPU #define HALTED_FLAG (1 << 12) // APU #define FRAME_ADVANCE_FLAG (1 << 9) #define ROM_NAME_LEN 23 #define AUTO_FRAMERATE 200 struct SCPUState { uint32 Flags; int32 Cycles; int32 PrevCycles; int32 V_Counter; uint8 *PCBase; bool8 NMIPending; bool8 IRQLine; bool8 IRQTransition; bool8 IRQLastState; bool8 IRQExternal; int32 IRQPending; int32 MemSpeed; int32 MemSpeedx2; int32 FastROMSpeed; bool8 InDMA; bool8 InHDMA; bool8 InDMAorHDMA; bool8 InWRAMDMAorHDMA; uint8 HDMARanInDMA; int32 CurrentDMAorHDMAChannel; uint8 WhichEvent; int32 NextEvent; bool8 WaitingForInterrupt; uint32 AutoSaveTimer; bool8 SRAMModified; }; enum { HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT = 1, HC_HDMA_START_EVENT = 2, HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT = 3, HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT = 4, HC_RENDER_EVENT = 5, HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT = 6 }; enum { IRQ_NONE = 0, IRQ_SET_FLAG = 1, IRQ_CLEAR_FLAG = 2 }; struct STimings { int32 H_Max_Master; int32 H_Max; int32 V_Max_Master; int32 V_Max; int32 HBlankStart; int32 HBlankEnd; int32 HDMAInit; int32 HDMAStart; int32 NMITriggerPos; int32 NextIRQTimer; int32 IRQTriggerCycles; int32 WRAMRefreshPos; int32 RenderPos; bool8 InterlaceField; int32 DMACPUSync; // The cycles to synchronize DMA and CPU. Snes9x cannot emulate correctly. int32 NMIDMADelay; // The delay of NMI trigger after DMA transfers. Snes9x cannot emulate correctly. int32 IRQFlagChanging; // This value is just a hack. int32 APUSpeedup; bool8 APUAllowTimeOverflow; }; struct SSettings { bool8 TraceDMA; bool8 TraceHDMA; bool8 TraceVRAM; bool8 TraceUnknownRegisters; bool8 TraceDSP; bool8 TraceHCEvent; bool8 TraceSMP; bool8 SuperFX; uint8 DSP; bool8 SA1; bool8 C4; bool8 SDD1; bool8 SPC7110; bool8 SPC7110RTC; bool8 OBC1; uint8 SETA; bool8 SRTC; bool8 BS; bool8 BSXItself; bool8 BSXBootup; bool8 MSU1; bool8 MouseMaster; bool8 SuperScopeMaster; bool8 JustifierMaster; bool8 MultiPlayer5Master; bool8 MacsRifleMaster; bool8 ForceLoROM; bool8 ForceHiROM; bool8 ForceHeader; bool8 ForceNoHeader; bool8 ForceInterleaved; bool8 ForceInterleaved2; bool8 ForceInterleaveGD24; bool8 ForceNotInterleaved; bool8 ForcePAL; bool8 ForceNTSC; bool8 PAL; uint32 FrameTimePAL; uint32 FrameTimeNTSC; uint32 FrameTime; bool8 SoundSync; bool8 SixteenBitSound; uint32 SoundPlaybackRate; uint32 SoundInputRate; bool8 Stereo; bool8 ReverseStereo; bool8 Mute; bool8 DynamicRateControl; int32 DynamicRateLimit; /* Multiplied by 1000 */ int32 InterpolationMethod; bool8 SupportHiRes; bool8 Transparency; uint8 BG_Forced; bool8 DisableGraphicWindows; bool8 DisplayFrameRate; bool8 DisplayWatchedAddresses; bool8 DisplayPressedKeys; bool8 DisplayMovieFrame; bool8 AutoDisplayMessages; uint32 InitialInfoStringTimeout; uint16 DisplayColor; bool8 BilinearFilter; bool8 Multi; char CartAName[PATH_MAX + 1]; char CartBName[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool8 DisableGameSpecificHacks; bool8 BlockInvalidVRAMAccessMaster; bool8 BlockInvalidVRAMAccess; int32 HDMATimingHack; bool8 ForcedPause; bool8 Paused; bool8 StopEmulation; uint32 SkipFrames; uint32 TurboSkipFrames; uint32 AutoMaxSkipFrames; bool8 TurboMode; uint32 HighSpeedSeek; bool8 FrameAdvance; bool8 Rewinding; bool8 NetPlay; bool8 NetPlayServer; char ServerName[128]; int Port; bool8 MovieTruncate; bool8 MovieNotifyIgnored; bool8 WrongMovieStateProtection; bool8 DumpStreams; int DumpStreamsMaxFrames; bool8 TakeScreenshot; int8 StretchScreenshots; bool8 SnapshotScreenshots; char InitialSnapshotFilename[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool8 FastSavestates; bool8 ApplyCheats; bool8 NoPatch; bool8 IgnorePatchChecksum; int32 AutoSaveDelay; bool8 DontSaveOopsSnapshot; bool8 UpAndDown; bool8 OpenGLEnable; uint32 SuperFXClockMultiplier; int OneClockCycle; int OneSlowClockCycle; int TwoClockCycles; int MaxSpriteTilesPerLine; }; struct SSNESGameFixes { uint8 SRAMInitialValue; uint8 Uniracers; }; enum { PAUSE_NETPLAY_CONNECT = (1 << 0), PAUSE_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN = (1 << 1), PAUSE_EXIT = (1 << 2), PAUSE_MENU = (1 << 3), PAUSE_INACTIVE_WINDOW = (1 << 4), PAUSE_WINDOW_ICONISED = (1 << 5), PAUSE_RESTORE_GUI = (1 << 6), PAUSE_FREEZE_FILE = (1 << 7) }; void S9xSetPause(uint32); void S9xClearPause(uint32); void S9xExit(void); void S9xMessage(int, int, const char *); extern struct SSettings Settings; extern struct SCPUState CPU; extern struct STimings Timings; extern struct SSNESGameFixes SNESGameFixes; extern char String[513]; #endif