     Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
                This file is licensed under the Snes9x License.
   For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory.

#ifndef _SAR_H_
#define _SAR_H_

#define SAR(b, n)	((b) >> (n))

static inline int8 SAR (const int8 b, const int n)
#ifndef RIGHTSHIFT_int8_IS_SAR
	if (b < 0)
		return ((b >> n) | (-1 << (8  - n)));
	return (b >> n);

static inline int16 SAR (const int16 b, const int n)
#ifndef RIGHTSHIFT_int16_IS_SAR
	if (b < 0)
		return ((b >> n) | (-1 << (16 - n)));
	return (b >> n);

static inline int32 SAR (const int32 b, const int n)
#ifndef RIGHTSHIFT_int32_IS_SAR
	if (b < 0)
		return ((b >> n) | (-1 << (32 - n)));
	return (b >> n);

static inline int64 SAR (const int64 b, const int n)
#ifndef RIGHTSHIFT_int64_IS_SAR
	if (b < 0)
		return ((b >> n) | (-1 << (64 - n)));
	return (b >> n);

