/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2011 BearOso, OV2 BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2011 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2011 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include <strings.h> #endif #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #ifdef MITSHM #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h> #endif #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "ppu.h" #include "controls.h" #include "movie.h" #include "logger.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "blit.h" #include "display.h" struct GUIData { Display *display; Screen *screen; Visual *visual; GC gc; int screen_num; int depth; int pixel_format; int bytes_per_pixel; uint32 red_shift; uint32 blue_shift; uint32 green_shift; uint32 red_size; uint32 green_size; uint32 blue_size; Window window; XImage *image; uint8 *snes_buffer; uint8 *filter_buffer; uint8 *blit_screen; uint32 blit_screen_pitch; bool8 need_convert; Cursor point_cursor; Cursor cross_hair_cursor; int video_mode; int mouse_x; int mouse_y; bool8 mod1_pressed; bool8 no_repeat; #ifdef MITSHM XShmSegmentInfo sm_info; bool8 use_shared_memory; #endif }; static struct GUIData GUI; typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> strpair_t; extern std::vector<strpair_t> keymaps; typedef void (* Blitter) (uint8 *, int, uint8 *, int, int, int); #ifdef __linux // Select seems to be broken in 2.x.x kernels - if a signal interrupts a // select system call with a zero timeout, the select call is restarted but // with an infinite timeout! The call will block until data arrives on the // selected fd(s). // // The workaround is to stop the X library calling select in the first // place! Replace XPending - which polls for data from the X server using // select - with an ioctl call to poll for data and then only call the blocking // XNextEvent if data is waiting. #define SELECT_BROKEN_FOR_SIGNALS #endif enum { VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY = 1, VIDEOMODE_TV, VIDEOMODE_SMOOTH, VIDEOMODE_SUPEREAGLE, VIDEOMODE_2XSAI, VIDEOMODE_SUPER2XSAI, VIDEOMODE_EPX, VIDEOMODE_HQ2X }; static int ErrorHandler (Display *, XErrorEvent *); static bool8 CheckForPendingXEvents (Display *); static void SetXRepeat (bool8); static void SetupImage (void); static void TakedownImage (void); static void Repaint (bool8); static void Convert16To24 (int, int); static void Convert16To24Packed (int, int); void S9xExtraDisplayUsage (void) { /* 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */ S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-setrepeat Allow altering keyboard auto-repeat"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, ""); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v1 Video mode: Blocky (default)"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v2 Video mode: TV"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v3 Video mode: Smooth"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v4 Video mode: SuperEagle"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v5 Video mode: 2xSaI"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v6 Video mode: Super2xSaI"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v7 Video mode: EPX"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, "-v8 Video mode: hq2x"); S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_USAGE, ""); } void S9xParseDisplayArg (char **argv, int &i, int argc) { if (!strcasecmp(argv[i], "-setrepeat")) GUI.no_repeat = FALSE; else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "-v", 2)) { switch (argv[i][2]) { case '1': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY; break; case '2': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_TV; break; case '3': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_SMOOTH; break; case '4': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_SUPEREAGLE; break; case '5': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_2XSAI; break; case '6': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_SUPER2XSAI; break; case '7': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_EPX; break; case '8': GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_HQ2X; break; } } else S9xUsage(); } const char * S9xParseDisplayConfig (ConfigFile &conf, int pass) { if (pass != 1) return ("Unix/X11"); if (!conf.GetBool("Unix::ClearAllControls", false)) { keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:k", "Joypad1 Right")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Right", "Joypad1 Right")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:h", "Joypad1 Left")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Left", "Joypad1 Left")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:j", "Joypad1 Down")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:n", "Joypad1 Down")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Down", "Joypad1 Down")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:u", "Joypad1 Up")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Up", "Joypad1 Up")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Return", "Joypad1 Start")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:space", "Joypad1 Select")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+d", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo A")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+d", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky A")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:d", "Joypad1 A")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+c", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo B")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+c", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky B")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:c", "Joypad1 B")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+s", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo X")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+s", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky X")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:s", "Joypad1 X")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+x", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo Y")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+x", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky Y")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:x", "Joypad1 Y")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+a", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+v", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+a", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+v", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:a", "Joypad1 L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:v", "Joypad1 L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+z", "Joypad1 ToggleTurbo R")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+z", "Joypad1 ToggleSticky R")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:z", "Joypad1 R")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Left", "Joypad2 Left")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Right", "Joypad2 Right")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Up", "Joypad2 Up")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Down", "Joypad2 Down")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Enter", "Joypad2 Start")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:KP_Add", "Joypad2 Select")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Prior", "Joypad2 A")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Next", "Joypad2 B")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Home", "Joypad2 X")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:End", "Joypad2 Y")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Insert", "Joypad2 L")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Delete", "Joypad2 R")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F4", "SoundChannel0")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F4", "SoundChannel0")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F5", "SoundChannel1")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F5", "SoundChannel1")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F6", "SoundChannel2")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F6", "SoundChannel2")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F7", "SoundChannel3")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F7", "SoundChannel3")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F8", "SoundChannel4")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F8", "SoundChannel4")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F9", "SoundChannel5")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F9", "SoundChannel5")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F10", "SoundChannel6")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F10", "SoundChannel6")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F11", "SoundChannel7")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F11", "SoundChannel7")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F12", "SoundChannelsOn")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F12", "SoundChannelsOn")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+1", "BeginRecordingMovie")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+2", "EndRecordingMovie")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+3", "LoadMovie")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F1", "SaveSPC")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F1", "SaveSPC")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F10", "LoadOopsFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F2", "LoadFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F2", "LoadFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F11", "LoadFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+F3", "SaveFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+F3", "SaveFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F12", "SaveFreezeFile")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F1", "QuickLoad000")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F2", "QuickLoad001")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F3", "QuickLoad002")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F4", "QuickLoad003")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F5", "QuickLoad004")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F6", "QuickLoad005")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F7", "QuickLoad006")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F8", "QuickLoad007")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:F9", "QuickLoad008")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F1", "QuickSave000")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F2", "QuickSave001")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F3", "QuickSave002")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F4", "QuickSave003")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F5", "QuickSave004")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F6", "QuickSave005")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F7", "QuickSave006")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F8", "QuickSave007")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+F9", "QuickSave008")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Scroll_Lock", "Pause")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:CS+Escape", "Reset")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+Escape", "SoftReset")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Escape", "ExitEmu")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Tab", "EmuTurbo")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+Tab", "ToggleEmuTurbo")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+equal", "IncEmuTurbo")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+minus", "DecEmuTurbo")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+equal", "IncTurboSpeed")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:C+minus", "DecTurboSpeed")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:equal", "IncFrameRate")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:minus", "DecFrameRate")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+equal", "IncFrameTime")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:S+minus", "DecFrameTime")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:6", "SwapJoypads")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:Print", "Screenshot")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:1", "ToggleBG0")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:2", "ToggleBG1")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:3", "ToggleBG2")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:4", "ToggleBG3")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:5", "ToggleSprites")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:9", "ToggleTransparency")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:BackSpace", "ClipWindows")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:A+Escape", "Debugger")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("M00:B0", "{Mouse1 L,Superscope Fire,Justifier1 Trigger}")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("M00:B1", "{Justifier1 AimOffscreen Trigger,Superscope AimOffscreen}")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("M00:B2", "{Mouse1 R,Superscope Cursor,Justifier1 Start}")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("M00:Pointer", "Pointer Mouse1+Superscope+Justifier1")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:grave", "Superscope ToggleTurbo")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:slash", "Superscope Pause")); keymaps.push_back(strpair_t("K00:r", "Rewind")); } GUI.no_repeat = !conf.GetBool("Unix/X11::SetKeyRepeat", TRUE); if (conf.Exists("Unix/X11::VideoMode")) { GUI.video_mode = conf.GetUInt("Unix/X11::VideoMode", VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY); if (GUI.video_mode < 1 || GUI.video_mode > 8) GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY; } else GUI.video_mode = VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY; return ("Unix/X11"); } static void FatalError (const char *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); S9xExit(); } static int ErrorHandler (Display *display, XErrorEvent *event) { #ifdef MITSHM GUI.use_shared_memory = FALSE; #endif return (0); } void S9xInitDisplay (int argc, char **argv) { GUI.display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (GUI.display == NULL) FatalError("Failed to connect to X server."); GUI.screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(GUI.display); GUI.screen_num = XScreenNumberOfScreen(GUI.screen); GUI.visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(GUI.screen); XVisualInfo plate, *matches; int count; plate.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(GUI.visual); matches = XGetVisualInfo(GUI.display, VisualIDMask, &plate, &count); if (!count) FatalError("Your X Window System server is unwell!"); GUI.depth = matches[0].depth; if ((GUI.depth != 15 && GUI.depth != 16 && GUI.depth != 24) || (matches[0].c_class != TrueColor)) FatalError("Requiers 15, 16, 24 or 32-bit color depth supporting TrueColor."); GUI.red_shift = ffs(matches[0].red_mask) - 1; GUI.green_shift = ffs(matches[0].green_mask) - 1; GUI.blue_shift = ffs(matches[0].blue_mask) - 1; GUI.red_size = matches[0].red_mask >> GUI.red_shift; GUI.green_size = matches[0].green_mask >> GUI.green_shift; GUI.blue_size = matches[0].blue_mask >> GUI.blue_shift; if (GUI.depth == 16 && GUI.green_size == 63) GUI.green_shift++; XFree(matches); switch (GUI.depth) { default: case 32: case 24: S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(RGB555); GUI.pixel_format = 555; break; case 16: if (GUI.red_size != GUI.green_size || GUI.blue_size != GUI.green_size) { // 565 format if (GUI.green_shift > GUI.blue_shift && GUI.green_shift > GUI.red_shift) S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(GBR565); else if (GUI.red_shift > GUI.blue_shift) S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(RGB565); else S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(BGR565); GUI.pixel_format = 565; break; } // FALL ... case 15: if (GUI.green_shift > GUI.blue_shift && GUI.green_shift > GUI.red_shift) S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(GBR555); else if (GUI.red_shift > GUI.blue_shift) S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(RGB555); else S9xSetRenderPixelFormat(BGR555); GUI.pixel_format = 555; break; } S9xBlitFilterInit(); S9xBlit2xSaIFilterInit(); S9xBlitHQ2xFilterInit(); XSetWindowAttributes attrib; memset(&attrib, 0, sizeof(attrib)); attrib.background_pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(GUI.screen); attrib.colormap = XCreateColormap(GUI.display, RootWindowOfScreen(GUI.screen), GUI.visual, AllocNone); GUI.window = XCreateWindow(GUI.display, RootWindowOfScreen(GUI.screen), (WidthOfScreen(GUI.screen) - SNES_WIDTH * 2) / 2, (HeightOfScreen(GUI.screen) - SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2) / 2, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2, 0, GUI.depth, InputOutput, GUI.visual, CWBackPixel | CWColormap, &attrib); static XColor bg, fg; static char data[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Pixmap bitmap; bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(GUI.display, GUI.window, data, 8, 8); GUI.point_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(GUI.display, bitmap, bitmap, &fg, &bg, 0, 0); XDefineCursor(GUI.display, GUI.window, GUI.point_cursor); GUI.cross_hair_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(GUI.display, XC_crosshair); GUI.gc = DefaultGCOfScreen(GUI.screen); XSizeHints Hints; XWMHints WMHints; memset((void *) &Hints, 0, sizeof(XSizeHints)); memset((void *) &WMHints, 0, sizeof(XWMHints)); Hints.flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize; Hints.min_width = Hints.max_width = Hints.base_width = SNES_WIDTH * 2; Hints.min_height = Hints.max_height = Hints.base_height = SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2; WMHints.input = True; WMHints.flags = InputHint; XSetWMHints(GUI.display, GUI.window, &WMHints); XSetWMNormalHints(GUI.display, GUI.window, &Hints); XSelectInput(GUI.display, GUI.window, FocusChangeMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask); XMapRaised(GUI.display, GUI.window); XClearWindow(GUI.display, GUI.window); SetupImage(); switch (GUI.depth) { default: case 32: GUI.bytes_per_pixel = 4; break; case 24: if (GUI.image->bits_per_pixel == 24) GUI.bytes_per_pixel = 3; else GUI.bytes_per_pixel = 4; break; case 15: case 16: GUI.bytes_per_pixel = 2; break; } } void S9xDeinitDisplay (void) { S9xTextMode(); TakedownImage(); XSync(GUI.display, False); XCloseDisplay(GUI.display); S9xBlitFilterDeinit(); S9xBlit2xSaIFilterDeinit(); S9xBlitHQ2xFilterDeinit(); } static void TakedownImage (void) { if (GUI.snes_buffer) { free(GUI.snes_buffer); GUI.snes_buffer = NULL; } if (GUI.filter_buffer) { free(GUI.filter_buffer); GUI.filter_buffer = NULL; } if (GUI.image) { #ifdef MITSHM if (GUI.use_shared_memory) { XShmDetach(GUI.display, &GUI.sm_info); GUI.image->data = NULL; XDestroyImage(GUI.image); if (GUI.sm_info.shmaddr) shmdt(GUI.sm_info.shmaddr); if (GUI.sm_info.shmid >= 0) shmctl(GUI.sm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); GUI.image = NULL; } else #endif { XDestroyImage(GUI.image); GUI.image = NULL; } } S9xGraphicsDeinit(); } static void SetupImage (void) { TakedownImage(); #ifdef MITSHM GUI.use_shared_memory = TRUE; int major, minor; Bool shared; if (!XShmQueryVersion(GUI.display, &major, &minor, &shared) || !shared) GUI.image = NULL; else GUI.image = XShmCreateImage(GUI.display, GUI.visual, GUI.depth, ZPixmap, NULL, &GUI.sm_info, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2); if (!GUI.image) GUI.use_shared_memory = FALSE; else { GUI.sm_info.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, GUI.image->bytes_per_line * GUI.image->height, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if (GUI.sm_info.shmid < 0) { XDestroyImage(GUI.image); GUI.use_shared_memory = FALSE; } else { GUI.image->data = GUI.sm_info.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(GUI.sm_info.shmid, 0, 0); if (!GUI.image->data) { XDestroyImage(GUI.image); shmctl(GUI.sm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); GUI.use_shared_memory = FALSE; } else { GUI.sm_info.readOnly = False; XSetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler); XShmAttach(GUI.display, &GUI.sm_info); XSync(GUI.display, False); // X Error handler might clear GUI.use_shared_memory if XShmAttach failed. if (!GUI.use_shared_memory) { XDestroyImage(GUI.image); shmdt(GUI.sm_info.shmaddr); shmctl(GUI.sm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } } } } if (!GUI.use_shared_memory) { fprintf(stderr, "use_shared_memory failed, switching to XPutImage.\n"); #endif GUI.image = XCreateImage(GUI.display, GUI.visual, GUI.depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2, BitmapUnit(GUI.display), 0); GUI.image->data = (char *) malloc(GUI.image->bytes_per_line * GUI.image->height); if (!GUI.image || !GUI.image->data) FatalError("XCreateImage failed."); #ifdef MITSHM } #endif #ifdef LSB_FIRST GUI.image->byte_order = LSBFirst; #else GUI.image->byte_order = MSBFirst; #endif GFX.Pitch = SNES_WIDTH * 2 * 2; GUI.snes_buffer = (uint8 *) calloc(GFX.Pitch * ((SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED + 4) * 2), 1); if (!GUI.snes_buffer) FatalError("Failed to allocate GUI.snes_buffer."); GFX.Screen = (uint16 *) (GUI.snes_buffer + (GFX.Pitch * 2 * 2)); GUI.filter_buffer = (uint8 *) calloc((SNES_WIDTH * 2) * 2 * (SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2), 1); if (!GUI.filter_buffer) FatalError("Failed to allocate GUI.filter_buffer."); if (GUI.depth == 15 || GUI.depth == 16) { GUI.blit_screen_pitch = GUI.image->bytes_per_line; GUI.blit_screen = (uint8 *) GUI.image->data; GUI.need_convert = FALSE; } else { GUI.blit_screen_pitch = (SNES_WIDTH * 2) * 2; GUI.blit_screen = GUI.filter_buffer; GUI.need_convert = TRUE; } S9xGraphicsInit(); } void S9xPutImage (int width, int height) { static int prevWidth = 0, prevHeight = 0; int copyWidth, copyHeight; Blitter blitFn = NULL; if (GUI.video_mode == VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY || GUI.video_mode == VIDEOMODE_TV || GUI.video_mode == VIDEOMODE_SMOOTH) if ((width <= SNES_WIDTH) && ((prevWidth != width) || (prevHeight != height))) S9xBlitClearDelta(); if (width <= SNES_WIDTH) { if (height > SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED) { copyWidth = width * 2; copyHeight = height; blitFn = S9xBlitPixSimple2x1; } else { copyWidth = width * 2; copyHeight = height * 2; switch (GUI.video_mode) { case VIDEOMODE_BLOCKY: blitFn = S9xBlitPixSimple2x2; break; case VIDEOMODE_TV: blitFn = S9xBlitPixTV2x2; break; case VIDEOMODE_SMOOTH: blitFn = S9xBlitPixSmooth2x2; break; case VIDEOMODE_SUPEREAGLE: blitFn = S9xBlitPixSuperEagle16; break; case VIDEOMODE_2XSAI: blitFn = S9xBlitPix2xSaI16; break; case VIDEOMODE_SUPER2XSAI: blitFn = S9xBlitPixSuper2xSaI16; break; case VIDEOMODE_EPX: blitFn = S9xBlitPixEPX16; break; case VIDEOMODE_HQ2X: blitFn = S9xBlitPixHQ2x16; break; } } } else if (height <= SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED) { copyWidth = width; copyHeight = height * 2; switch (GUI.video_mode) { default: blitFn = S9xBlitPixSimple1x2; break; case VIDEOMODE_TV: blitFn = S9xBlitPixTV1x2; break; } } else { copyWidth = width; copyHeight = height; blitFn = S9xBlitPixSimple1x1; } blitFn((uint8 *) GFX.Screen, GFX.Pitch, GUI.blit_screen, GUI.blit_screen_pitch, width, height); if (height < prevHeight) { int p = GUI.blit_screen_pitch >> 2; for (int y = SNES_HEIGHT * 2; y < SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2; y++) { uint32 *d = (uint32 *) (GUI.blit_screen + y * GUI.blit_screen_pitch); for (int x = 0; x < p; x++) *d++ = 0; } } if (GUI.need_convert) { if (GUI.bytes_per_pixel == 3) Convert16To24Packed(copyWidth, copyHeight); else Convert16To24(copyWidth, copyHeight); } Repaint(TRUE); prevWidth = width; prevHeight = height; } static void Convert16To24 (int width, int height) { if (GUI.pixel_format == 565) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint16 *s = (uint16 *) (GUI.blit_screen + y * GUI.blit_screen_pitch); uint32 *d = (uint32 *) (GUI.image->data + y * GUI.image->bytes_per_line); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (((pixel >> 11) & 0x1f) << (GUI.red_shift + 3)) | (((pixel >> 6) & 0x1f) << (GUI.green_shift + 3)) | ((pixel & 0x1f) << (GUI.blue_shift + 3)); } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint16 *s = (uint16 *) (GUI.blit_screen + y * GUI.blit_screen_pitch); uint32 *d = (uint32 *) (GUI.image->data + y * GUI.image->bytes_per_line); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (((pixel >> 10) & 0x1f) << (GUI.red_shift + 3)) | (((pixel >> 5) & 0x1f) << (GUI.green_shift + 3)) | ((pixel & 0x1f) << (GUI.blue_shift + 3)); } } } } static void Convert16To24Packed (int width, int height) { if (GUI.pixel_format == 565) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint16 *s = (uint16 *) (GUI.blit_screen + y * GUI.blit_screen_pitch); uint8 *d = (uint8 *) (GUI.image->data + y * GUI.image->bytes_per_line); #ifdef LSB_FIRST if (GUI.red_shift < GUI.blue_shift) #else if (GUI.red_shift > GUI.blue_shift) #endif { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (pixel >> (11 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel >> (6 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel & 0x1f) << 3; } } else { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (pixel & 0x1f) << 3; *d++ = (pixel >> (6 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel >> (11 - 3)) & 0xf8; } } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint16 *s = (uint16 *) (GUI.blit_screen + y * GUI.blit_screen_pitch); uint8 *d = (uint8 *) (GUI.image->data + y * GUI.image->bytes_per_line); #ifdef LSB_FIRST if (GUI.red_shift < GUI.blue_shift) #else if (GUI.red_shift > GUI.blue_shift) #endif { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (pixel >> (10 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel >> (5 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel & 0x1f) << 3; } } else { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint32 pixel = *s++; *d++ = (pixel & 0x1f) << 3; *d++ = (pixel >> (5 - 3)) & 0xf8; *d++ = (pixel >> (10 - 3)) & 0xf8; } } } } } static void Repaint (bool8 isFrameBoundry) { #ifdef MITSHM if (GUI.use_shared_memory) { XShmPutImage(GUI.display, GUI.window, GUI.gc, GUI.image, 0, 0, 0, 0, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2, False); XSync(GUI.display, False); } else #endif XPutImage(GUI.display, GUI.window, GUI.gc, GUI.image, 0, 0, 0, 0, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2); Window root, child; int root_x, root_y, x, y; unsigned int mask; // Use QueryPointer to sync X server and as a side effect also gets current pointer position for SNES mouse emulation. XQueryPointer(GUI.display, GUI.window, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &mask); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < SNES_WIDTH * 2 && y < SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2) { GUI.mouse_x = x >> 1; GUI.mouse_y = y >> 1; if (mask & Mod1Mask) { if (!GUI.mod1_pressed) { GUI.mod1_pressed = TRUE; XDefineCursor(GUI.display, GUI.window, GUI.cross_hair_cursor); } } else if (GUI.mod1_pressed) { GUI.mod1_pressed = FALSE; XDefineCursor(GUI.display, GUI.window, GUI.point_cursor); } } if (Settings.DumpStreams && isFrameBoundry) S9xVideoLogger(GUI.image->data, SNES_WIDTH * 2, SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2, GUI.bytes_per_pixel, GUI.image->bytes_per_line); } void S9xTextMode (void) { SetXRepeat(TRUE); } void S9xGraphicsMode (void) { SetXRepeat(FALSE); } static bool8 CheckForPendingXEvents (Display *display) { #ifdef SELECT_BROKEN_FOR_SIGNALS int arg = 0; return (XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAlready) || (ioctl(ConnectionNumber(display), FIONREAD, &arg) == 0 && arg)); #else return (XPending(display)); #endif } void S9xProcessEvents (bool8 block) { while (block || CheckForPendingXEvents(GUI.display)) { XEvent event; XNextEvent(GUI.display, &event); block = FALSE; switch (event.type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: S9xReportButton(((event.xkey.state & (ShiftMask | Mod1Mask | ControlMask | Mod4Mask)) << 8) | event.xkey.keycode, event.type == KeyPress); #if 1 { KeyCode kc = XKeysymToKeycode(GUI.display, XKeycodeToKeysym(GUI.display, event.xkey.keycode, 0)); if (event.xkey.keycode != kc) S9xReportButton(((event.xkey.state & (ShiftMask | Mod1Mask | ControlMask | Mod4Mask)) << 8) | kc, event.type == KeyPress); } #endif break; case FocusIn: SetXRepeat(FALSE); XFlush(GUI.display); break; case FocusOut: SetXRepeat(TRUE); XFlush(GUI.display); break; case ConfigureNotify: break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: S9xReportButton(0x40000000 | (event.xbutton.button - 1), event.type == ButtonPress); break; case Expose: Repaint(FALSE); break; } } } const char * S9xSelectFilename (const char *def, const char *dir1, const char *ext1, const char *title) { static char s[PATH_MAX + 1]; char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; SetXRepeat(TRUE); printf("\n%s (default: %s): ", title, def); fflush(stdout); SetXRepeat(FALSE); if (fgets(buffer, PATH_MAX + 1, stdin)) { char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], fname[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; char *p = buffer; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) { strncpy(buffer, def, PATH_MAX + 1); buffer[PATH_MAX] = 0; p = buffer; } char *q = strrchr(p, '\n'); if (q) *q = 0; _splitpath(p, drive, dir, fname, ext); _makepath(s, drive, *dir ? dir : dir1, fname, *ext ? ext : ext1); return (s); } return (NULL); } void S9xMessage (int type, int number, const char *message) { const int max = 36 * 3; static char buffer[max + 1]; fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", message); strncpy(buffer, message, max + 1); buffer[max] = 0; S9xSetInfoString(buffer); } const char * S9xStringInput (const char *message) { static char buffer[256]; printf("%s: ", message); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, stdin)) return (buffer); return (NULL); } void S9xSetTitle (const char *string) { XStoreName(GUI.display, GUI.window, string); XFlush(GUI.display); } static void SetXRepeat (bool8 state) { if (state) XAutoRepeatOn(GUI.display); else XAutoRepeatOff(GUI.display); } s9xcommand_t S9xGetDisplayCommandT (const char *n) { s9xcommand_t cmd; cmd.type = S9xBadMapping; cmd.multi_press = 0; cmd.button_norpt = 0; cmd.port[0] = 0xff; cmd.port[1] = 0; cmd.port[2] = 0; cmd.port[3] = 0; return (cmd); } char * S9xGetDisplayCommandName (s9xcommand_t cmd) { return (strdup("None")); } void S9xHandleDisplayCommand (s9xcommand_t cmd, int16 data1, int16 data2) { return; } bool8 S9xMapDisplayInput (const char *n, s9xcommand_t *cmd) { int i, d; if (!isdigit(n[1]) || !isdigit(n[2]) || n[3] != ':') goto unrecog; d = ((n[1] - '0') * 10 + (n[2] - '0')) << 24; switch (n[0]) { case 'K': { KeyCode kc; KeySym ks; d |= 0x00000000; for (i = 4; n[i] != '\0' && n[i] != '+'; i++) ; if (n[i] == '\0' || i == 4) i = 4; else { for (i = 4; n[i] != '+'; i++) { switch (n[i]) { case 'S': d |= ShiftMask << 8; break; case 'C': d |= ControlMask << 8; break; case 'A': d |= Mod1Mask << 8; break; case 'M': d |= Mod4Mask << 8; break; default: goto unrecog; } } i++; } if ((ks = XStringToKeysym(n + i)) == NoSymbol) goto unrecog; if ((kc = XKeysymToKeycode(GUI.display, ks)) == 0) goto unrecog; d |= kc & 0xff; return (S9xMapButton(d, *cmd, false)); } case 'M': { char *c; int j; d |= 0x40000000; if (!strncmp(n + 4, "Pointer", 7)) { d |= 0x8000; if (n[11] == '\0') return (S9xMapPointer(d, *cmd, true)); i = 11; } else if (n[4] == 'B') i = 5; else goto unrecog; d |= j = strtol(n + i, &c, 10); if ((c != NULL && *c != '\0') || j > 0x7fff) goto unrecog; if (d & 0x8000) return (S9xMapPointer(d, *cmd, true)); return (S9xMapButton(d, *cmd, false)); } default: break; } unrecog: char *err = new char[strlen(n) + 34]; sprintf(err, "Unrecognized input device name '%s'", n); perror(err); delete [] err; return (false); } bool S9xDisplayPollButton (uint32 id, bool *pressed) { return (false); } bool S9xDisplayPollAxis (uint32 id, int16 *value) { return (false); } bool S9xDisplayPollPointer (uint32 id, int16 *x, int16 *y) { if ((id & 0xc0008000) != 0x40008000) return (false); int d = (id >> 24) & 0x3f, n = id & 0x7fff; if (d != 0 || n != 0) return (false); *x = GUI.mouse_x; *y = GUI.mouse_y; return (true); } void S9xSetPalette (void) { return; }