/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 BearOso, OV2 BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2010 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2010 zones Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "apu/apu.h" // for "Magic WDM" features #ifdef DEBUGGER #include "snapshot.h" #include "display.h" #include "debug.h" #include "missing.h" #endif #ifdef SA1_OPCODES #define AddCycles(n) { } #else #if (S9X_ACCURACY_LEVEL >= 3) #define AddCycles(n) { CPU.Cycles += (n); while (CPU.Cycles >= CPU.NextEvent) S9xDoHEventProcessing(); } #else #define AddCycles(n) { CPU.Cycles += (n); } #endif #endif #include "cpuaddr.h" #include "cpuops.h" #include "cpumacro.h" /* ADC ********************************************************************* */ static void Op69M1 (void) { ADC(Immediate8(READ)); } static void Op69M0 (void) { ADC(Immediate16(READ)); } static void Op69Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) ADC(Immediate8Slow(READ)); else ADC(Immediate16Slow(READ)); } rOP8 (65M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOP16(65M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOPM (65Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOP8 (75E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOP8 (75E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOP16(75E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOPM (75Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, ADC) rOP8 (72E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (72E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(72E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (72Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (61E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (61E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(61E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (61Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (71E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (71E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(71E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (71E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(71E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (71Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (67M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(67M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (67Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (77M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(77M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (77Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (6DM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(6DM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (6DSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (7DM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(7DM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (7DM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(7DM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (7DSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (79M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(79M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (79M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(79M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (79Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (6FM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(6FM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (6FSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (7FM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(7FM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (7FSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (63M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(63M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (63Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP8 (73M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOP16(73M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, ADC) rOPM (73Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, ADC) /* AND ********************************************************************* */ static void Op29M1 (void) { Registers.AL &= Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op29M0 (void) { Registers.A.W &= Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op29Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL &= Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W &= Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } rOP8 (25M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOP16(25M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOPM (25Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOP8 (35E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOP8 (35E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOP16(35E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOPM (35Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, AND) rOP8 (32E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (32E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(32E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (32Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (21E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (21E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(21E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (21Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (31E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (31E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(31E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (31E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(31E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (31Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (27M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(27M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (27Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (37M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(37M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (37Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (2DM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(2DM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (2DSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (3DM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(3DM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (3DM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(3DM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (3DSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (39M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(39M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (39M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(39M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (39Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (2FM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(2FM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (2FSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (3FM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(3FM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (3FSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (23M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(23M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (23Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP8 (33M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOP16(33M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, AND) rOPM (33Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, AND) /* ASL ********************************************************************* */ static void Op0AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); ICPU._Carry = (Registers.AL & 0x80) != 0; Registers.AL <<= 1; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op0AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); ICPU._Carry = (Registers.AH & 0x80) != 0; Registers.A.W <<= 1; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op0ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { ICPU._Carry = (Registers.AL & 0x80) != 0; Registers.AL <<= 1; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { ICPU._Carry = (Registers.AH & 0x80) != 0; Registers.A.W <<= 1; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (06M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOP16(06M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOPM (06Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOP8 (16E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOP8 (16E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOP16(16E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOPM (16Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, ASL) mOP8 (0EM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOP16(0EM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOPM (0ESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOP8 (1EM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOP16(1EM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOP8 (1EM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOP16(1EM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ASL) mOPM (1ESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ASL) /* BIT ********************************************************************* */ static void Op89M1 (void) { ICPU._Zero = Registers.AL & Immediate8(READ); } static void Op89M0 (void) { ICPU._Zero = (Registers.A.W & Immediate16(READ)) != 0; } static void Op89Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) ICPU._Zero = Registers.AL & Immediate8Slow(READ); else ICPU._Zero = (Registers.A.W & Immediate16Slow(READ)) != 0; } rOP8 (24M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOP16(24M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOPM (24Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOP8 (34E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOP8 (34E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOP16(34E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOPM (34Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, BIT) rOP8 (2CM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOP16(2CM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOPM (2CSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOP8 (3CM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOP16(3CM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOP8 (3CM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOP16(3CM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, BIT) rOPM (3CSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, BIT) /* CMP ********************************************************************* */ static void OpC9M1 (void) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.AL - (int16) Immediate8(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } static void OpC9M0 (void) { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.A.W - (int32) Immediate16(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } static void OpC9Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.AL - (int16) Immediate8Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } else { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.A.W - (int32) Immediate16Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } } rOP8 (C5M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOP16(C5M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOPM (C5Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOP8 (D5E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOP8 (D5E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOP16(D5E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOPM (D5Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, CMP) rOP8 (D2E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D2E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D2E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (D2Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (C1E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (C1E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(C1E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (C1Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D1E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D1E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D1E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D1E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D1E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (D1Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (C7M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(C7M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (C7Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D7M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D7M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (D7Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (CDM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(CDM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (CDSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (DDM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(DDM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (DDM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(DDM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (DDSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D9M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D9M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D9M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D9M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (D9Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (CFM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(CFM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (CFSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (DFM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(DFM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (DFSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (C3M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(C3M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (C3Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP8 (D3M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOP16(D3M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, CMP) rOPM (D3Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, CMP) /* CPX ********************************************************************* */ static void OpE0X1 (void) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.XL - (int16) Immediate8(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } static void OpE0X0 (void) { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.X.W - (int32) Immediate16(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } static void OpE0Slow (void) { if (CheckIndex()) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.XL - (int16) Immediate8Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } else { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.X.W - (int32) Immediate16Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } } rOP8 (E4X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CPX) rOP16(E4X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CPX) rOPX (E4Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, CPX) rOP8 (ECX1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CPX) rOP16(ECX0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CPX) rOPX (ECSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, CPX) /* CPY ********************************************************************* */ static void OpC0X1 (void) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.YL - (int16) Immediate8(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } static void OpC0X0 (void) { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.Y.W - (int32) Immediate16(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } static void OpC0Slow (void) { if (CheckIndex()) { int16 Int16 = (int16) Registers.YL - (int16) Immediate8Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int16 >= 0; SetZN((uint8) Int16); } else { int32 Int32 = (int32) Registers.Y.W - (int32) Immediate16Slow(READ); ICPU._Carry = Int32 >= 0; SetZN((uint16) Int32); } } rOP8 (C4X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CPY) rOP16(C4X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, CPY) rOPX (C4Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, CPY) rOP8 (CCX1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CPY) rOP16(CCX0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, CPY) rOPX (CCSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, CPY) /* DEC ********************************************************************* */ static void Op3AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.AL--; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op3AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.A.W--; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op3ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL--; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W--; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (C6M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOP16(C6M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOPM (C6Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOP8 (D6E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOP8 (D6E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOP16(D6E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOPM (D6Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, DEC) mOP8 (CEM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOP16(CEM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOPM (CESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOP8 (DEM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOP16(DEM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOP8 (DEM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOP16(DEM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, DEC) mOPM (DESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, DEC) /* EOR ********************************************************************* */ static void Op49M1 (void) { Registers.AL ^= Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op49M0 (void) { Registers.A.W ^= Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op49Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL ^= Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W ^= Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } rOP8 (45M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOP16(45M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOPM (45Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOP8 (55E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOP8 (55E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOP16(55E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOPM (55Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, EOR) rOP8 (52E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (52E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(52E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (52Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (41E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (41E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(41E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (41Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (51E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (51E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(51E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (51E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(51E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (51Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (47M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(47M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (47Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (57M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(57M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (57Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (4DM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(4DM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (4DSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (5DM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(5DM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (5DM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(5DM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (5DSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (59M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(59M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (59M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(59M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (59Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (4FM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(4FM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (4FSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (5FM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(5FM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (5FSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (43M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(43M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (43Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP8 (53M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOP16(53M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, EOR) rOPM (53Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, EOR) /* INC ********************************************************************* */ static void Op1AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.AL++; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op1AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.A.W++; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op1ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL++; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W++; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (E6M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOP16(E6M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOPM (E6Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOP8 (F6E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOP8 (F6E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOP16(F6E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOPM (F6Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, INC) mOP8 (EEM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOP16(EEM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOPM (EESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOP8 (FEM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOP16(FEM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOP8 (FEM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOP16(FEM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, INC) mOPM (FESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, INC) /* LDA ********************************************************************* */ static void OpA9M1 (void) { Registers.AL = Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void OpA9M0 (void) { Registers.A.W = Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void OpA9Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL = Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W = Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } rOP8 (A5M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOP16(A5M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOPM (A5Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOP8 (B5E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOP8 (B5E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOP16(B5E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOPM (B5Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDA) rOP8 (B2E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B2E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B2E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (B2Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (A1E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (A1E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(A1E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (A1Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B1E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B1E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B1E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B1E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B1E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (B1Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (A7M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(A7M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (A7Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B7M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B7M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (B7Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (ADM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(ADM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (ADSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (BDM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(BDM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (BDM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(BDM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (BDSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B9M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B9M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B9M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B9M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (B9Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (AFM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(AFM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (AFSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (BFM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(BFM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (BFSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (A3M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(A3M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (A3Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP8 (B3M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOP16(B3M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, LDA) rOPM (B3Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, LDA) /* LDX ********************************************************************* */ static void OpA2X1 (void) { Registers.XL = Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpA2X0 (void) { Registers.X.W = Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpA2Slow (void) { if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL = Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W = Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } rOP8 (A6X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP16(A6X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOPX (A6Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP8 (B6E1, DirectIndexedYE1, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP8 (B6E0X1, DirectIndexedYE0, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP16(B6E0X0, DirectIndexedYE0, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOPX (B6Slow, DirectIndexedYSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP8 (AEX1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP16(AEX0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOPX (AESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP8 (BEX1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOP16(BEX0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_BANK, LDX) rOPX (BESlow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDX) /* LDY ********************************************************************* */ static void OpA0X1 (void) { Registers.YL = Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.YL); } static void OpA0X0 (void) { Registers.Y.W = Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } static void OpA0Slow (void) { if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.YL = Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.YL); } else { Registers.Y.W = Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } } rOP8 (A4X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP16(A4X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOPX (A4Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP8 (B4E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP8 (B4E0X1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP16(B4E0X0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOPX (B4Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP8 (ACX1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP16(ACX0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOPX (ACSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP8 (BCX1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOP16(BCX0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_BANK, LDY) rOPX (BCSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, LDY) /* LSR ********************************************************************* */ static void Op4AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); ICPU._Carry = Registers.AL & 1; Registers.AL >>= 1; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op4AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); ICPU._Carry = Registers.A.W & 1; Registers.A.W >>= 1; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op4ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { ICPU._Carry = Registers.AL & 1; Registers.AL >>= 1; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { ICPU._Carry = Registers.A.W & 1; Registers.A.W >>= 1; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (46M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOP16(46M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOPM (46Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOP8 (56E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOP8 (56E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOP16(56E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOPM (56Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, LSR) mOP8 (4EM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOP16(4EM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOPM (4ESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOP8 (5EM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOP16(5EM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOP8 (5EM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOP16(5EM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, LSR) mOPM (5ESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, LSR) /* ORA ********************************************************************* */ static void Op09M1 (void) { Registers.AL |= Immediate8(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op09M0 (void) { Registers.A.W |= Immediate16(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op09Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL |= Immediate8Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W |= Immediate16Slow(READ); SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } rOP8 (05M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOP16(05M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOPM (05Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOP8 (15E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOP8 (15E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOP16(15E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOPM (15Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, ORA) rOP8 (12E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (12E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(12E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (12Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (01E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (01E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(01E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (01Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (11E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (11E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(11E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (11E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(11E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (11Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (07M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(07M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (07Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (17M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(17M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (17Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (0DM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(0DM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (0DSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (1DM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(1DM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (1DM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(1DM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (1DSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (19M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(19M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (19M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(19M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (19Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (0FM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(0FM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (0FSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (1FM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(1FM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (1FSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (03M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(03M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (03Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP8 (13M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOP16(13M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, ORA) rOPM (13Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, ORA) /* ROL ********************************************************************* */ static void Op2AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); uint16 w = (((uint16) Registers.AL) << 1) | CheckCarry(); ICPU._Carry = w >= 0x100; Registers.AL = (uint8) w; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op2AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); uint32 w = (((uint32) Registers.A.W) << 1) | CheckCarry(); ICPU._Carry = w >= 0x10000; Registers.A.W = (uint16) w; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op2ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { uint16 w = (((uint16) Registers.AL) << 1) | CheckCarry(); ICPU._Carry = w >= 0x100; Registers.AL = (uint8) w; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { uint32 w = (((uint32) Registers.A.W) << 1) | CheckCarry(); ICPU._Carry = w >= 0x10000; Registers.A.W = (uint16) w; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (26M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOP16(26M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOPM (26Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOP8 (36E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOP8 (36E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOP16(36E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOPM (36Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, ROL) mOP8 (2EM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOP16(2EM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOPM (2ESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOP8 (3EM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOP16(3EM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOP8 (3EM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOP16(3EM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ROL) mOPM (3ESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ROL) /* ROR ********************************************************************* */ static void Op6AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); uint16 w = ((uint16) Registers.AL) | (((uint16) CheckCarry()) << 8); ICPU._Carry = w & 1; w >>= 1; Registers.AL = (uint8) w; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op6AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); uint32 w = ((uint32) Registers.A.W) | (((uint32) CheckCarry()) << 16); ICPU._Carry = w & 1; w >>= 1; Registers.A.W = (uint16) w; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op6ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { uint16 w = ((uint16) Registers.AL) | (((uint16) CheckCarry()) << 8); ICPU._Carry = w & 1; w >>= 1; Registers.AL = (uint8) w; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { uint32 w = ((uint32) Registers.A.W) | (((uint32) CheckCarry()) << 16); ICPU._Carry = w & 1; w >>= 1; Registers.A.W = (uint16) w; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } mOP8 (66M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOP16(66M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOPM (66Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOP8 (76E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOP8 (76E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOP16(76E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOPM (76Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, ROR) mOP8 (6EM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOP16(6EM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOPM (6ESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOP8 (7EM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOP16(7EM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOP8 (7EM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOP16(7EM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, ROR) mOPM (7ESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, ROR) /* SBC ********************************************************************* */ static void OpE9M1 (void) { SBC(Immediate8(READ)); } static void OpE9M0 (void) { SBC(Immediate16(READ)); } static void OpE9Slow (void) { if (CheckMemory()) SBC(Immediate8Slow(READ)); else SBC(Immediate16Slow(READ)); } rOP8 (E5M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOP16(E5M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOPM (E5Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOP8 (F5E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOP8 (F5E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOP16(F5E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOPM (F5Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, SBC) rOP8 (F2E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F2E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F2E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (F2Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (E1E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (E1E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(E1E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (E1Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F1E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F1E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F1E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F1E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F1E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (F1Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (E7M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(E7M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (E7Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F7M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F7M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (F7Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (EDM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(EDM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (EDSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (FDM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(FDM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (FDM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(FDM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (FDSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F9M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F9M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F9M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F9M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (F9Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (EFM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(EFM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (EFSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (FFM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(FFM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (FFSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (E3M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(E3M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (E3Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP8 (F3M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOP16(F3M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, SBC) rOPM (F3Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, SBC) /* STA ********************************************************************* */ wOP8 (85M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOP16(85M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOPM (85Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOP8 (95E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOP8 (95E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOP16(95E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOPM (95Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, STA) wOP8 (92E1, DirectIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (92E0M1, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(92E0M0, DirectIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (92Slow, DirectIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (81E1, DirectIndexedIndirectE1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (81E0M1, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(81E0M0, DirectIndexedIndirectE0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (81Slow, DirectIndexedIndirectSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (91E1, DirectIndirectIndexedE1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (91E0M1X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(91E0M0X1, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (91E0M1X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(91E0M0X0, DirectIndirectIndexedE0X0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (91Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (87M1, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(87M0, DirectIndirectLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (87Slow, DirectIndirectLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (97M1, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(97M0, DirectIndirectIndexedLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (97Slow, DirectIndirectIndexedLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (8DM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(8DM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (8DSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (9DM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(9DM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (9DM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(9DM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (9DSlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (99M1X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(99M0X1, AbsoluteIndexedYX1, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (99M1X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(99M0X0, AbsoluteIndexedYX0, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (99Slow, AbsoluteIndexedYSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (8FM1, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(8FM0, AbsoluteLong, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (8FSlow, AbsoluteLongSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (9FM1, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(9FM0, AbsoluteLongIndexedX, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (9FSlow, AbsoluteLongIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (83M1, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(83M0, StackRelative, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (83Slow, StackRelativeSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP8 (93M1, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOP16(93M0, StackRelativeIndirectIndexed, WRAP_NONE, STA) wOPM (93Slow, StackRelativeIndirectIndexedSlow, WRAP_NONE, STA) /* STX ********************************************************************* */ wOP8 (86X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP16(86X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOPX (86Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP8 (96E1, DirectIndexedYE1, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP8 (96E0X1, DirectIndexedYE0, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP16(96E0X0, DirectIndexedYE0, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOPX (96Slow, DirectIndexedYSlow, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP8 (8EX1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOP16(8EX0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, STX) wOPX (8ESlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, STX) /* STY ********************************************************************* */ wOP8 (84X1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP16(84X0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOPX (84Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP8 (94E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP8 (94E0X1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP16(94E0X0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOPX (94Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP8 (8CX1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOP16(8CX0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, STY) wOPX (8CSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, STY) /* STZ ********************************************************************* */ wOP8 (64M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOP16(64M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOPM (64Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOP8 (74E1, DirectIndexedXE1, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOP8 (74E0M1, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOP16(74E0M0, DirectIndexedXE0, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOPM (74Slow, DirectIndexedXSlow, WRAP_BANK, STZ) wOP8 (9CM1, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOP16(9CM0, Absolute, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOPM (9CSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOP8 (9EM1X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOP16(9EM0X1, AbsoluteIndexedXX1, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOP8 (9EM1X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOP16(9EM0X0, AbsoluteIndexedXX0, WRAP_NONE, STZ) wOPM (9ESlow, AbsoluteIndexedXSlow, WRAP_NONE, STZ) /* TRB ********************************************************************* */ mOP8 (14M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, TRB) mOP16(14M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, TRB) mOPM (14Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, TRB) mOP8 (1CM1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, TRB) mOP16(1CM0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, TRB) mOPM (1CSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, TRB) /* TSB ********************************************************************* */ mOP8 (04M1, Direct, WRAP_BANK, TSB) mOP16(04M0, Direct, WRAP_BANK, TSB) mOPM (04Slow, DirectSlow, WRAP_BANK, TSB) mOP8 (0CM1, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, TSB) mOP16(0CM0, Absolute, WRAP_BANK, TSB) mOPM (0CSlow, AbsoluteSlow, WRAP_BANK, TSB) /* Branch Instructions ***************************************************** */ #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN #ifndef SA1_OPCODES inline void CPUShutdown (void) { if (Settings.Shutdown && Registers.PBPC == CPU.WaitAddress) { // Don't skip cycles with a pending NMI or IRQ - could cause delayed interrupt. if (CPU.WaitCounter == 0 && !(CPU.Flags & (IRQ_FLAG | NMI_FLAG))) { CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; if (Settings.SA1) S9xSA1ExecuteDuringSleep(); CPU.Cycles = CPU.NextEvent; ICPU.CPUExecuting = FALSE; S9xAPUExecute(); ICPU.CPUExecuting = TRUE; } else if (CPU.WaitCounter >= 2) CPU.WaitCounter = 1; else CPU.WaitCounter--; } } #else inline void CPUShutdown (void) { if (Settings.Shutdown && Registers.PBPC == CPU.WaitAddress) { if (CPU.WaitCounter >= 1) SA1.Executing = FALSE; else CPU.WaitCounter++; } } #endif #else #define CPUShutdown() #endif // BCC bOP(90E0, Relative, !CheckCarry(), 0, 0) bOP(90E1, Relative, !CheckCarry(), 0, 1) bOP(90Slow, RelativeSlow, !CheckCarry(), 0, CheckEmulation()) // BCS bOP(B0E0, Relative, CheckCarry(), 0, 0) bOP(B0E1, Relative, CheckCarry(), 0, 1) bOP(B0Slow, RelativeSlow, CheckCarry(), 0, CheckEmulation()) // BEQ bOP(F0E0, Relative, CheckZero(), 2, 0) bOP(F0E1, Relative, CheckZero(), 2, 1) bOP(F0Slow, RelativeSlow, CheckZero(), 2, CheckEmulation()) // BMI bOP(30E0, Relative, CheckNegative(), 1, 0) bOP(30E1, Relative, CheckNegative(), 1, 1) bOP(30Slow, RelativeSlow, CheckNegative(), 1, CheckEmulation()) // BNE bOP(D0E0, Relative, !CheckZero(), 1, 0) bOP(D0E1, Relative, !CheckZero(), 1, 1) bOP(D0Slow, RelativeSlow, !CheckZero(), 1, CheckEmulation()) // BPL bOP(10E0, Relative, !CheckNegative(), 1, 0) bOP(10E1, Relative, !CheckNegative(), 1, 1) bOP(10Slow, RelativeSlow, !CheckNegative(), 1, CheckEmulation()) // BRA bOP(80E0, Relative, 1, X, 0) bOP(80E1, Relative, 1, X, 1) bOP(80Slow, RelativeSlow, 1, X, CheckEmulation()) // BVC bOP(50E0, Relative, !CheckOverflow(), 0, 0) bOP(50E1, Relative, !CheckOverflow(), 0, 1) bOP(50Slow, RelativeSlow, !CheckOverflow(), 0, CheckEmulation()) // BVS bOP(70E0, Relative, CheckOverflow(), 0, 0) bOP(70E1, Relative, CheckOverflow(), 0, 1) bOP(70Slow, RelativeSlow, CheckOverflow(), 0, CheckEmulation()) // BRL static void Op82 (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + RelativeLong(JUMP)); } static void Op82Slow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + RelativeLongSlow(JUMP)); } /* Flag Instructions ******************************************************* */ // CLC static void Op18 (void) { ClearCarry(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } // SEC static void Op38 (void) { SetCarry(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } // CLD static void OpD8 (void) { ClearDecimal(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } // SED static void OpF8 (void) { SetDecimal(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.decimal_mode = 1; #endif } // CLI static void Op58 (void) { ClearIRQ(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } // SEI static void Op78 (void) { SetIRQ(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } // CLV static void OpB8 (void) { ClearOverflow(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } /* DEX/DEY ***************************************************************** */ static void OpCAX1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.XL--; SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpCAX0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.X.W--; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpCASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL--; SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W--; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } static void Op88X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.YL--; SetZN(Registers.YL); } static void Op88X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.Y.W--; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } static void Op88Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.YL--; SetZN(Registers.YL); } else { Registers.Y.W--; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } } /* INX/INY ***************************************************************** */ static void OpE8X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.XL++; SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpE8X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.X.W++; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpE8Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL++; SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W++; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } static void OpC8X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.YL++; SetZN(Registers.YL); } static void OpC8X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif Registers.Y.W++; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } static void OpC8Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN CPU.WaitAddress = 0xffffffff; #endif if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.YL--; SetZN(Registers.YL); } else { Registers.Y.W--; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } } /* NOP ********************************************************************* */ static void OpEA (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); } /* PUSH Instructions ******************************************************* */ #define PushW(w) \ S9xSetWord(w, Registers.S.W - 1, WRAP_BANK, WRITE_10); \ Registers.S.W -= 2; #define PushWE(w) \ Registers.SL--; \ S9xSetWord(w, Registers.S.W, WRAP_PAGE, WRITE_10); \ Registers.SL--; #define PushB(b) \ S9xSetByte(b, Registers.S.W--); #define PushBE(b) \ S9xSetByte(b, Registers.S.W); \ Registers.SL--; // PEA static void OpF4E0 (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) Absolute(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; } static void OpF4E1 (void) { // Note: PEA is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. uint16 val = (uint16) Absolute(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; Registers.SH = 1; } static void OpF4Slow (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) AbsoluteSlow(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // PEI static void OpD4E0 (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) DirectIndirectE0(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; } static void OpD4E1 (void) { // Note: PEI is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. uint16 val = (uint16) DirectIndirectE1(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; Registers.SH = 1; } static void OpD4Slow (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) DirectIndirectSlow(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // PER static void Op62E0 (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) RelativeLong(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; } static void Op62E1 (void) { // Note: PER is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. uint16 val = (uint16) RelativeLong(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; Registers.SH = 1; } static void Op62Slow (void) { uint16 val = (uint16) RelativeLongSlow(NONE); PushW(val); OpenBus = val & 0xff; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // PHA static void Op48E1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } static void Op48E0M1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } static void Op48E0M0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.A.W); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } static void Op48Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.AL); } else if (CheckMemory()) { PushB(Registers.AL); } else { PushW(Registers.A.W); } OpenBus = Registers.AL; } // PHB static void Op8BE1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.DB); OpenBus = Registers.DB; } static void Op8BE0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.DB); OpenBus = Registers.DB; } static void Op8BSlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.DB); } else { PushB(Registers.DB); } OpenBus = Registers.DB; } // PHD static void Op0BE0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DL; } static void Op0BE1 (void) { // Note: PHD is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DL; Registers.SH = 1; } static void Op0BSlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DL; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // PHK static void Op4BE1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.PB); OpenBus = Registers.PB; } static void Op4BE0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.PB); OpenBus = Registers.PB; } static void Op4BSlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.PB); } else { PushB(Registers.PB); } OpenBus = Registers.PB; } // PHP static void Op08E0 (void) { S9xPackStatus(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; } static void Op08E1 (void) { S9xPackStatus(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; } static void Op08Slow (void) { S9xPackStatus(); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.PL); } else { PushB(Registers.PL); } OpenBus = Registers.PL; } // PHX static void OpDAE1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } static void OpDAE0X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } static void OpDAE0X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.X.W); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } static void OpDASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.XL); } else if (CheckIndex()) { PushB(Registers.XL); } else { PushW(Registers.X.W); } OpenBus = Registers.XL; } // PHY static void Op5AE1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushBE(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } static void Op5AE0X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushB(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } static void Op5AE0X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.Y.W); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } static void Op5ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushBE(Registers.YL); } else if (CheckIndex()) { PushB(Registers.YL); } else { PushW(Registers.Y.W); } OpenBus = Registers.YL; } /* PULL Instructions ******************************************************* */ #define PullW(w) \ w = S9xGetWord(Registers.S.W + 1, WRAP_BANK); \ Registers.S.W += 2; #define PullWE(w) \ Registers.SL++; \ w = S9xGetWord(Registers.S.W, WRAP_PAGE); \ Registers.SL++; #define PullB(b) \ b = S9xGetByte(++Registers.S.W); #define PullBE(b) \ Registers.SL++; \ b = S9xGetByte(Registers.S.W); // PLA static void Op68E1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullBE(Registers.AL); SetZN(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } static void Op68E0M1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullB(Registers.AL); SetZN(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } static void Op68E0M0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.A.W); SetZN(Registers.A.W); OpenBus = Registers.AH; } static void Op68Slow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullBE(Registers.AL); SetZN(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } else if (CheckMemory()) { PullB(Registers.AL); SetZN(Registers.AL); OpenBus = Registers.AL; } else { PullW(Registers.A.W); SetZN(Registers.A.W); OpenBus = Registers.AH; } } // PLB static void OpABE1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullBE(Registers.DB); SetZN(Registers.DB); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = Registers.DB; } static void OpABE0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullB(Registers.DB); SetZN(Registers.DB); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = Registers.DB; } static void OpABSlow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullBE(Registers.DB); } else { PullB(Registers.DB); } SetZN(Registers.DB); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = Registers.DB; } // PLD static void Op2BE0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.D.W); SetZN(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DH; } static void Op2BE1 (void) { // Note: PLD is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.D.W); SetZN(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DH; Registers.SH = 1; } static void Op2BSlow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.D.W); SetZN(Registers.D.W); OpenBus = Registers.DH; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // PLP static void Op28E1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); S9xUnpackStatus(); S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } static void Op28E0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; S9xUnpackStatus(); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } static void Op28Slow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); } else { PullB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; } S9xUnpackStatus(); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } // PLX static void OpFAE1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullBE(Registers.XL); SetZN(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } static void OpFAE0X1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullB(Registers.XL); SetZN(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } static void OpFAE0X0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.X.W); SetZN(Registers.X.W); OpenBus = Registers.XH; } static void OpFASlow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullBE(Registers.XL); SetZN(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } else if (CheckIndex()) { PullB(Registers.XL); SetZN(Registers.XL); OpenBus = Registers.XL; } else { PullW(Registers.X.W); SetZN(Registers.X.W); OpenBus = Registers.XH; } } // PLY static void Op7AE1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullBE(Registers.YL); SetZN(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } static void Op7AE0X1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullB(Registers.YL); SetZN(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } static void Op7AE0X0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.Y.W); SetZN(Registers.Y.W); OpenBus = Registers.YH; } static void Op7ASlow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullBE(Registers.YL); SetZN(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } else if (CheckIndex()) { PullB(Registers.YL); SetZN(Registers.YL); OpenBus = Registers.YL; } else { PullW(Registers.Y.W); SetZN(Registers.Y.W); OpenBus = Registers.YH; } } /* Transfer Instructions *************************************************** */ // TAX static void OpAAX1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.XL = Registers.AL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpAAX0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.X.W = Registers.A.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpAASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL = Registers.AL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W = Registers.A.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } // TAY static void OpA8X1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.YL = Registers.AL; SetZN(Registers.YL); } static void OpA8X0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.Y.W = Registers.A.W; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } static void OpA8Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.YL = Registers.AL; SetZN(Registers.YL); } else { Registers.Y.W = Registers.A.W; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } } // TCD static void Op5B (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.D.W = Registers.A.W; SetZN(Registers.D.W); } // TCS static void Op1B (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.S.W = Registers.A.W; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // TDC static void Op7B (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.A.W = Registers.D.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } // TSC static void Op3B (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.A.W = Registers.S.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } // TSX static void OpBAX1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.XL = Registers.SL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpBAX0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.X.W = Registers.S.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpBASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL = Registers.SL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W = Registers.S.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } // TXA static void Op8AM1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.AL = Registers.XL; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op8AM0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.A.W = Registers.X.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op8ASlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL = Registers.XL; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W = Registers.X.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } // TXS static void Op9A (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.S.W = Registers.X.W; if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; } // TXY static void Op9BX1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.YL = Registers.XL; SetZN(Registers.YL); } static void Op9BX0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.Y.W = Registers.X.W; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } static void Op9BSlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.YL = Registers.XL; SetZN(Registers.YL); } else { Registers.Y.W = Registers.X.W; SetZN(Registers.Y.W); } } // TYA static void Op98M1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.AL = Registers.YL; SetZN(Registers.AL); } static void Op98M0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.A.W = Registers.Y.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } static void Op98Slow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckMemory()) { Registers.AL = Registers.YL; SetZN(Registers.AL); } else { Registers.A.W = Registers.Y.W; SetZN(Registers.A.W); } } // TYX static void OpBBX1 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.XL = Registers.YL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } static void OpBBX0 (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.X.W = Registers.Y.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } static void OpBBSlow (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL = Registers.YL; SetZN(Registers.XL); } else { Registers.X.W = Registers.Y.W; SetZN(Registers.X.W); } } /* XCE ********************************************************************* */ static void OpFB (void) { AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); uint8 A1 = ICPU._Carry; uint8 A2 = Registers.PH; ICPU._Carry = A2 & 1; Registers.PH = A1; if (CheckEmulation()) { SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); Registers.SH = 1; #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); } /* BRK ********************************************************************* */ static void Op00 (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) S9xTraceMessage("*** BRK"); #endif AddCycles(CPU.MemSpeed); uint16 addr; if (!CheckEmulation()) { PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw + 1); S9xPackStatus(); PushB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFE6); } else { PushWE(Registers.PCw + 1); S9xPackStatus(); PushBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFFE); } S9xSetPCBase(addr); OpenBus = addr >> 8; } /* IRQ ********************************************************************* */ void S9xOpcode_IRQ (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) #ifdef SA1_OPCODES S9xTraceMessage("*** SA1 IRQ"); #else S9xTraceMessage("*** IRQ"); #endif #endif // IRQ and NMI do an opcode fetch as their first "IO" cycle. AddCycles(CPU.MemSpeed + ONE_CYCLE); if (!CheckEmulation()) { PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw); S9xPackStatus(); PushB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); #ifdef SA1_OPCODES OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x2208]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSA1SetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x2207] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x2208] << 8)); #else if (Settings.SA1 && (Memory.FillRAM[0x2209] & 0x40)) { OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x220f]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x220e] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x220f] << 8)); } else { uint16 addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFEE); OpenBus = addr >> 8; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } #endif } else { PushWE(Registers.PCw); S9xPackStatus(); PushBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); #ifdef SA1_OPCODES OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x2208]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSA1SetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x2207] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x2208] << 8)); #else if (Settings.SA1 && (Memory.FillRAM[0x2209] & 0x40)) { OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x220f]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x220e] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x220f] << 8)); } else { uint16 addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFFE); OpenBus = addr >> 8; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } #endif } } /* NMI ********************************************************************* */ void S9xOpcode_NMI (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) #ifdef SA1_OPCODES S9xTraceMessage("*** SA1 NMI"); #else S9xTraceMessage("*** NMI"); #endif #endif // IRQ and NMI do an opcode fetch as their first "IO" cycle. AddCycles(CPU.MemSpeed + ONE_CYCLE); if (!CheckEmulation()) { PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw); S9xPackStatus(); PushB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); #ifdef SA1_OPCODES OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x2206]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSA1SetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x2205] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x2206] << 8)); #else if (Settings.SA1 && (Memory.FillRAM[0x2209] & 0x10)) { OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x220d]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x220c] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x220d] << 8)); } else { uint16 addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFEA); OpenBus = addr >> 8; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } #endif } else { PushWE(Registers.PCw); S9xPackStatus(); PushBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); #ifdef SA1_OPCODES OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x2206]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSA1SetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x2205] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x2206] << 8)); #else if (Settings.SA1 && (Memory.FillRAM[0x2209] & 0x10)) { OpenBus = Memory.FillRAM[0x220d]; AddCycles(2 * SLOW_ONE_CYCLE); S9xSetPCBase(Memory.FillRAM[0x220c] | (Memory.FillRAM[0x220d] << 8)); } else { uint16 addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFFA); OpenBus = addr >> 8; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } #endif } } /* COP ********************************************************************* */ static void Op02 (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) S9xTraceMessage("*** COP"); #endif AddCycles(CPU.MemSpeed); uint16 addr; if (!CheckEmulation()) { PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw + 1); S9xPackStatus(); PushB(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFE4); } else { PushWE(Registers.PCw + 1); S9xPackStatus(); PushBE(Registers.PL); OpenBus = Registers.PL; ClearDecimal(); SetIRQ(); addr = S9xGetWord(0xFFF4); } S9xSetPCBase(addr); OpenBus = addr >> 8; } /* JML ********************************************************************* */ static void OpDC (void) { S9xSetPCBase(AbsoluteIndirectLong(JUMP)); } static void OpDCSlow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(AbsoluteIndirectLongSlow(JUMP)); } static void Op5C (void) { S9xSetPCBase(AbsoluteLong(JUMP)); } static void Op5CSlow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(AbsoluteLongSlow(JUMP)); } /* JMP ********************************************************************* */ static void Op4C (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) Absolute(JUMP))); #if defined(CPU_SHUTDOWN) && defined(SA1_OPCODES) CPUShutdown(); #endif } static void Op4CSlow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) AbsoluteSlow(JUMP))); #if defined(CPU_SHUTDOWN) && defined(SA1_OPCODES) CPUShutdown(); #endif } static void Op6C (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) AbsoluteIndirect(JUMP))); } static void Op6CSlow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) AbsoluteIndirectSlow(JUMP))); } static void Op7C (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) AbsoluteIndexedIndirect(JUMP))); } static void Op7CSlow (void) { S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) AbsoluteIndexedIndirectSlow(JUMP))); } /* JSL/RTL ***************************************************************** */ static void Op22E1 (void) { // Note: JSL is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. uint32 addr = AbsoluteLong(JSR); PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); Registers.SH = 1; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } static void Op22E0 (void) { uint32 addr = AbsoluteLong(JSR); PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); S9xSetPCBase(addr); } static void Op22Slow (void) { uint32 addr = AbsoluteLongSlow(JSR); PushB(Registers.PB); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; S9xSetPCBase(addr); } static void Op6BE1 (void) { // Note: RTL is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.PCw); PullB(Registers.PB); Registers.SH = 1; Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } static void Op6BE0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.PCw); PullB(Registers.PB); Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } static void Op6BSlow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.PCw); PullB(Registers.PB); if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } /* JSR/RTS ***************************************************************** */ static void Op20E1 (void) { uint16 addr = Absolute(JSR); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushWE(Registers.PCw - 1); S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void Op20E0 (void) { uint16 addr = Absolute(JSR); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void Op20Slow (void) { uint16 addr = AbsoluteSlow(JSR); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { PushWE(Registers.PCw - 1); } else { PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); } S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void OpFCE1 (void) { // Note: JSR (a,X) is a new instruction, // and so doesn't respect the emu-mode stack bounds. uint16 addr = AbsoluteIndexedIndirect(JSR); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); Registers.SH = 1; S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void OpFCE0 (void) { uint16 addr = AbsoluteIndexedIndirect(JSR); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void OpFCSlow (void) { uint16 addr = AbsoluteIndexedIndirectSlow(JSR); PushW(Registers.PCw - 1); if (CheckEmulation()) Registers.SH = 1; S9xSetPCBase(ICPU.ShiftedPB + addr); } static void Op60E1 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullWE(Registers.PCw); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } static void Op60E0 (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); PullW(Registers.PCw); AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } static void Op60Slow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (CheckEmulation()) { PullWE(Registers.PCw); } else { PullW(Registers.PCw); } AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); Registers.PCw++; S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); } /* MVN/MVP ***************************************************************** */ static void Op54X1 (void) { uint32 SrcBank; Registers.DB = Immediate8(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); Registers.XL++; Registers.YL++; Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } static void Op54X0 (void) { uint32 SrcBank; Registers.DB = Immediate8(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); Registers.X.W++; Registers.Y.W++; Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } static void Op54Slow (void) { uint32 SrcBank; OpenBus = Registers.DB = Immediate8Slow(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8Slow(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL++; Registers.YL++; } else { Registers.X.W++; Registers.Y.W++; } Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } static void Op44X1 (void) { uint32 SrcBank; Registers.DB = Immediate8(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); Registers.XL--; Registers.YL--; Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } static void Op44X0 (void) { uint32 SrcBank; Registers.DB = Immediate8(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); Registers.X.W--; Registers.Y.W--; Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } static void Op44Slow (void) { uint32 SrcBank; OpenBus = Registers.DB = Immediate8Slow(NONE); ICPU.ShiftedDB = Registers.DB << 16; OpenBus = SrcBank = Immediate8Slow(NONE); S9xSetByte(OpenBus = S9xGetByte((SrcBank << 16) + Registers.X.W), ICPU.ShiftedDB + Registers.Y.W); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XL--; Registers.YL--; } else { Registers.X.W--; Registers.Y.W--; } Registers.A.W--; if (Registers.A.W != 0xffff) Registers.PCw -= 3; AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } /* REP/SEP ***************************************************************** */ static void OpC2 (void) { uint8 Work8 = ~Immediate8(READ); Registers.PL &= Work8; ICPU._Carry &= Work8; ICPU._Overflow &= (Work8 >> 6); ICPU._Negative &= Work8; ICPU._Zero |= ~Work8 & Zero; AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } static void OpC2Slow (void) { uint8 Work8 = ~Immediate8Slow(READ); Registers.PL &= Work8; ICPU._Carry &= Work8; ICPU._Overflow &= (Work8 >> 6); ICPU._Negative &= Work8; ICPU._Zero |= ~Work8 & Zero; AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } static void OpE2 (void) { uint8 Work8 = Immediate8(READ); Registers.PL |= Work8; ICPU._Carry |= Work8 & 1; ICPU._Overflow |= (Work8 >> 6) & 1; ICPU._Negative |= Work8; if (Work8 & Zero) ICPU._Zero = 0; AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); } static void OpE2Slow (void) { uint8 Work8 = Immediate8Slow(READ); Registers.PL |= Work8; ICPU._Carry |= Work8 & 1; ICPU._Overflow |= (Work8 >> 6) & 1; ICPU._Negative |= Work8; if (Work8 & Zero) ICPU._Zero = 0; AddCycles(ONE_CYCLE); if (CheckEmulation()) { SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); } /* XBA ********************************************************************* */ static void OpEB (void) { uint8 Work8 = Registers.AL; Registers.AL = Registers.AH; Registers.AH = Work8; SetZN(Registers.AL); AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); } /* RTI ********************************************************************* */ static void Op40Slow (void) { AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); if (!CheckEmulation()) { PullB(Registers.PL); S9xUnpackStatus(); PullW(Registers.PCw); PullB(Registers.PB); OpenBus = Registers.PB; ICPU.ShiftedPB = Registers.PB << 16; } else { PullBE(Registers.PL); S9xUnpackStatus(); PullWE(Registers.PCw); OpenBus = Registers.PCh; SetFlags(MemoryFlag | IndexFlag); #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.emulate6502 = 1; #endif } S9xSetPCBase(Registers.PBPC); if (CheckIndex()) { Registers.XH = 0; Registers.YH = 0; } S9xFixCycles(); //CHECK_FOR_IRQ(); } /* STP/WAI ***************************************************************** */ // WAI static void OpCB (void) { // Ok, let's just C-ify the ASM versions separately. #ifdef SA1_OPCODES SA1.WaitingForInterrupt = TRUE; Registers.PCw--; #if 0 // XXX: FIXME if (Settings.Shutdown) { SA1.Cycles = SA1.NextEvent; SA1.Executing = FALSE; //S9xAPUExecute(); // FIXME SA1.Executing = TRUE; } #endif #else // SA1_OPCODES #if 0 if (CPU.IRQActive) AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); else #endif { CPU.WaitingForInterrupt = TRUE; Registers.PCw--; #ifdef CPU_SHUTDOWN if (Settings.Shutdown) { CPU.Cycles = CPU.NextEvent; ICPU.CPUExecuting = FALSE; S9xAPUExecute(); ICPU.CPUExecuting = TRUE; } else AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); #else AddCycles(TWO_CYCLES); #endif } #endif // SA1_OPCODES } // STP static void OpDB (void) { Registers.PCw--; CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG | HALTED_FLAG; } /* WDM (Reserved S9xOpcode) ************************************************ */ #ifdef DEBUGGER extern FILE *trace, *trace2; #endif static void Op42 (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER uint8 byte = (uint8) S9xGetWord(Registers.PBPC); #else S9xGetWord(Registers.PBPC); #endif Registers.PCw++; #ifdef DEBUGGER // Hey, let's use this to trigger debug modes. switch (byte) { case 0xdb: // "STP" = Enter debug mode CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG; break; #ifndef SA1_OPCODES case 0xe2: // "SEP" = Trace on if (!(CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG)) { char buf[25]; CPU.Flags |= TRACE_FLAG; snprintf(buf, 25, "WDM trace on at $%02X:%04X", Registers.PB, Registers.PCw); S9xMessage(S9X_DEBUG, S9X_DEBUG_OUTPUT, buf); if (trace != NULL) fclose(trace); trace = fopen("WDMtrace.log", "ab"); } break; case 0xc2: // "REP" = Trace off if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) { char buf[26]; CPU.Flags &= ~TRACE_FLAG; snprintf(buf, 26, "WDM trace off at $%02X:%04X", Registers.PB, Registers.PCw); S9xMessage(S9X_DEBUG, S9X_DEBUG_OUTPUT, buf); if (trace != NULL) fclose(trace); trace = NULL; } break; #endif case 0x42: // "WDM" = Snapshot char filename[PATH_MAX + 1], drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], def[PATH_MAX + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, def, ext); snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s%s%s-%06X.wdm", S9xGetDirectory(SNAPSHOT_DIR), SLASH_STR, def, Registers.PBPC & 0xffffff); sprintf(def, "WDM Snapshot at $%02X:%04X: %s", Registers.PB, Registers.PCw, filename); S9xMessage(S9X_DEBUG, S9X_DEBUG_OUTPUT, def); S9xFreezeGame(filename); break; default: break; } #endif } /* CPU-S9xOpcodes Definitions ************************************************/ struct SOpcodes S9xOpcodesM1X1[256] = { { Op00 }, { Op01E0M1 }, { Op02 }, { Op03M1 }, { Op04M1 }, { Op05M1 }, { Op06M1 }, { Op07M1 }, { Op08E0 }, { Op09M1 }, { Op0AM1 }, { Op0BE0 }, { Op0CM1 }, { Op0DM1 }, { Op0EM1 }, { Op0FM1 }, { Op10E0 }, { Op11E0M1X1 }, { Op12E0M1 }, { Op13M1 }, { Op14M1 }, { Op15E0M1 }, { Op16E0M1 }, { Op17M1 }, { Op18 }, { Op19M1X1 }, { Op1AM1 }, { Op1B }, { Op1CM1 }, { Op1DM1X1 }, { Op1EM1X1 }, { Op1FM1 }, { Op20E0 }, { Op21E0M1 }, { Op22E0 }, { Op23M1 }, { Op24M1 }, { Op25M1 }, { Op26M1 }, { Op27M1 }, { Op28E0 }, { Op29M1 }, { Op2AM1 }, { Op2BE0 }, { Op2CM1 }, { Op2DM1 }, { Op2EM1 }, { Op2FM1 }, { Op30E0 }, { Op31E0M1X1 }, { Op32E0M1 }, { Op33M1 }, { Op34E0M1 }, { Op35E0M1 }, { Op36E0M1 }, { Op37M1 }, { Op38 }, { Op39M1X1 }, { Op3AM1 }, { Op3B }, { Op3CM1X1 }, { Op3DM1X1 }, { Op3EM1X1 }, { Op3FM1 }, { Op40Slow }, { Op41E0M1 }, { Op42 }, { Op43M1 }, { Op44X1 }, { Op45M1 }, { Op46M1 }, { Op47M1 }, { Op48E0M1 }, { Op49M1 }, { Op4AM1 }, { Op4BE0 }, { Op4C }, { Op4DM1 }, { Op4EM1 }, { Op4FM1 }, { Op50E0 }, { Op51E0M1X1 }, { Op52E0M1 }, { Op53M1 }, { Op54X1 }, { Op55E0M1 }, { Op56E0M1 }, { Op57M1 }, { Op58 }, { Op59M1X1 }, { Op5AE0X1 }, { Op5B }, { Op5C }, { Op5DM1X1 }, { Op5EM1X1 }, { Op5FM1 }, { Op60E0 }, { Op61E0M1 }, { Op62E0 }, { Op63M1 }, { Op64M1 }, { Op65M1 }, { Op66M1 }, { Op67M1 }, { Op68E0M1 }, { Op69M1 }, { Op6AM1 }, { Op6BE0 }, { Op6C }, { Op6DM1 }, { Op6EM1 }, { Op6FM1 }, { Op70E0 }, { Op71E0M1X1 }, { Op72E0M1 }, { Op73M1 }, { Op74E0M1 }, { Op75E0M1 }, { Op76E0M1 }, { Op77M1 }, { Op78 }, { Op79M1X1 }, { Op7AE0X1 }, { Op7B }, { Op7C }, { Op7DM1X1 }, { Op7EM1X1 }, { Op7FM1 }, { Op80E0 }, { Op81E0M1 }, { Op82 }, { Op83M1 }, { Op84X1 }, { Op85M1 }, { Op86X1 }, { Op87M1 }, { Op88X1 }, { Op89M1 }, { Op8AM1 }, { Op8BE0 }, { Op8CX1 }, { Op8DM1 }, { Op8EX1 }, { Op8FM1 }, { Op90E0 }, { Op91E0M1X1 }, { Op92E0M1 }, { Op93M1 }, { Op94E0X1 }, { Op95E0M1 }, { Op96E0X1 }, { Op97M1 }, { Op98M1 }, { Op99M1X1 }, { Op9A }, { Op9BX1 }, { Op9CM1 }, { Op9DM1X1 }, { Op9EM1X1 }, { Op9FM1 }, { OpA0X1 }, { OpA1E0M1 }, { OpA2X1 }, { OpA3M1 }, { OpA4X1 }, { OpA5M1 }, { OpA6X1 }, { OpA7M1 }, { OpA8X1 }, { OpA9M1 }, { OpAAX1 }, { OpABE0 }, { OpACX1 }, { OpADM1 }, { OpAEX1 }, { OpAFM1 }, { OpB0E0 }, { OpB1E0M1X1 }, { OpB2E0M1 }, { OpB3M1 }, { OpB4E0X1 }, { OpB5E0M1 }, { OpB6E0X1 }, { OpB7M1 }, { OpB8 }, { OpB9M1X1 }, { OpBAX1 }, { OpBBX1 }, { OpBCX1 }, { OpBDM1X1 }, { OpBEX1 }, { OpBFM1 }, { OpC0X1 }, { OpC1E0M1 }, { OpC2 }, { OpC3M1 }, { OpC4X1 }, { OpC5M1 }, { OpC6M1 }, { OpC7M1 }, { OpC8X1 }, { OpC9M1 }, { OpCAX1 }, { OpCB }, { OpCCX1 }, { OpCDM1 }, { OpCEM1 }, { OpCFM1 }, { OpD0E0 }, { OpD1E0M1X1 }, { OpD2E0M1 }, { OpD3M1 }, { OpD4E0 }, { OpD5E0M1 }, { OpD6E0M1 }, { OpD7M1 }, { OpD8 }, { OpD9M1X1 }, { OpDAE0X1 }, { OpDB }, { OpDC }, { OpDDM1X1 }, { OpDEM1X1 }, { OpDFM1 }, { OpE0X1 }, { OpE1E0M1 }, { OpE2 }, { OpE3M1 }, { OpE4X1 }, { OpE5M1 }, { OpE6M1 }, { OpE7M1 }, { OpE8X1 }, { OpE9M1 }, { OpEA }, { OpEB }, { OpECX1 }, { OpEDM1 }, { OpEEM1 }, { OpEFM1 }, { OpF0E0 }, { OpF1E0M1X1 }, { OpF2E0M1 }, { OpF3M1 }, { OpF4E0 }, { OpF5E0M1 }, { OpF6E0M1 }, { OpF7M1 }, { OpF8 }, { OpF9M1X1 }, { OpFAE0X1 }, { OpFB }, { OpFCE0 }, { OpFDM1X1 }, { OpFEM1X1 }, { OpFFM1 } }; struct SOpcodes S9xOpcodesE1[256] = { { Op00 }, { Op01E1 }, { Op02 }, { Op03M1 }, { Op04M1 }, { Op05M1 }, { Op06M1 }, { Op07M1 }, { Op08E1 }, { Op09M1 }, { Op0AM1 }, { Op0BE1 }, { Op0CM1 }, { Op0DM1 }, { Op0EM1 }, { Op0FM1 }, { Op10E1 }, { Op11E1 }, { Op12E1 }, { Op13M1 }, { Op14M1 }, { Op15E1 }, { Op16E1 }, { Op17M1 }, { Op18 }, { Op19M1X1 }, { Op1AM1 }, { Op1B }, { Op1CM1 }, { Op1DM1X1 }, { Op1EM1X1 }, { Op1FM1 }, { Op20E1 }, { Op21E1 }, { Op22E1 }, { Op23M1 }, { Op24M1 }, { Op25M1 }, { Op26M1 }, { Op27M1 }, { Op28E1 }, { Op29M1 }, { Op2AM1 }, { Op2BE1 }, { Op2CM1 }, { Op2DM1 }, { Op2EM1 }, { Op2FM1 }, { Op30E1 }, { Op31E1 }, { Op32E1 }, { Op33M1 }, { Op34E1 }, { Op35E1 }, { Op36E1 }, { Op37M1 }, { Op38 }, { Op39M1X1 }, { Op3AM1 }, { Op3B }, { Op3CM1X1 }, { Op3DM1X1 }, { Op3EM1X1 }, { Op3FM1 }, { Op40Slow }, { Op41E1 }, { Op42 }, { Op43M1 }, { Op44X1 }, { Op45M1 }, { Op46M1 }, { Op47M1 }, { Op48E1 }, { Op49M1 }, { Op4AM1 }, { Op4BE1 }, { Op4C }, { Op4DM1 }, { Op4EM1 }, { Op4FM1 }, { Op50E1 }, { Op51E1 }, { Op52E1 }, { Op53M1 }, { Op54X1 }, { Op55E1 }, { Op56E1 }, { Op57M1 }, { Op58 }, { Op59M1X1 }, { Op5AE1 }, { Op5B }, { Op5C }, { Op5DM1X1 }, { Op5EM1X1 }, { Op5FM1 }, { Op60E1 }, { Op61E1 }, { Op62E1 }, { Op63M1 }, { Op64M1 }, { Op65M1 }, { Op66M1 }, { Op67M1 }, { Op68E1 }, { Op69M1 }, { Op6AM1 }, { Op6BE1 }, { Op6C }, { Op6DM1 }, { Op6EM1 }, { Op6FM1 }, { Op70E1 }, { Op71E1 }, { Op72E1 }, { Op73M1 }, { Op74E1 }, { Op75E1 }, { Op76E1 }, { Op77M1 }, { Op78 }, { Op79M1X1 }, { Op7AE1 }, { Op7B }, { Op7C }, { Op7DM1X1 }, { Op7EM1X1 }, { Op7FM1 }, { Op80E1 }, { Op81E1 }, { Op82 }, { Op83M1 }, { Op84X1 }, { Op85M1 }, { Op86X1 }, { Op87M1 }, { Op88X1 }, { Op89M1 }, { Op8AM1 }, { Op8BE1 }, { Op8CX1 }, { Op8DM1 }, { Op8EX1 }, { Op8FM1 }, { Op90E1 }, { Op91E1 }, { Op92E1 }, { Op93M1 }, { Op94E1 }, { Op95E1 }, { Op96E1 }, { Op97M1 }, { Op98M1 }, { Op99M1X1 }, { Op9A }, { Op9BX1 }, { Op9CM1 }, { Op9DM1X1 }, { Op9EM1X1 }, { Op9FM1 }, { OpA0X1 }, { OpA1E1 }, { OpA2X1 }, { OpA3M1 }, { OpA4X1 }, { OpA5M1 }, { OpA6X1 }, { OpA7M1 }, { OpA8X1 }, { OpA9M1 }, { OpAAX1 }, { OpABE1 }, { OpACX1 }, { OpADM1 }, { OpAEX1 }, { OpAFM1 }, { OpB0E1 }, { OpB1E1 }, { OpB2E1 }, { OpB3M1 }, { OpB4E1 }, { OpB5E1 }, { OpB6E1 }, { OpB7M1 }, { OpB8 }, { OpB9M1X1 }, { OpBAX1 }, { OpBBX1 }, { OpBCX1 }, { OpBDM1X1 }, { OpBEX1 }, { OpBFM1 }, { OpC0X1 }, { OpC1E1 }, { OpC2 }, { OpC3M1 }, { OpC4X1 }, { OpC5M1 }, { OpC6M1 }, { OpC7M1 }, { OpC8X1 }, { OpC9M1 }, { OpCAX1 }, { OpCB }, { OpCCX1 }, { OpCDM1 }, { OpCEM1 }, { OpCFM1 }, { OpD0E1 }, { OpD1E1 }, { OpD2E1 }, { OpD3M1 }, { OpD4E1 }, { OpD5E1 }, { OpD6E1 }, { OpD7M1 }, { OpD8 }, { OpD9M1X1 }, { OpDAE1 }, { OpDB }, { OpDC }, { OpDDM1X1 }, { OpDEM1X1 }, { OpDFM1 }, { OpE0X1 }, { OpE1E1 }, { OpE2 }, { OpE3M1 }, { OpE4X1 }, { OpE5M1 }, { OpE6M1 }, { OpE7M1 }, { OpE8X1 }, { OpE9M1 }, { OpEA }, { OpEB }, { OpECX1 }, { OpEDM1 }, { OpEEM1 }, { OpEFM1 }, { OpF0E1 }, { OpF1E1 }, { OpF2E1 }, { OpF3M1 }, { OpF4E1 }, { OpF5E1 }, { OpF6E1 }, { OpF7M1 }, { OpF8 }, { OpF9M1X1 }, { OpFAE1 }, { OpFB }, { OpFCE1 }, { OpFDM1X1 }, { OpFEM1X1 }, { OpFFM1 } }; struct SOpcodes S9xOpcodesM1X0[256] = { { Op00 }, { Op01E0M1 }, { Op02 }, { Op03M1 }, { Op04M1 }, { Op05M1 }, { Op06M1 }, { Op07M1 }, { Op08E0 }, { Op09M1 }, { Op0AM1 }, { Op0BE0 }, { Op0CM1 }, { Op0DM1 }, { Op0EM1 }, { Op0FM1 }, { Op10E0 }, { Op11E0M1X0 }, { Op12E0M1 }, { Op13M1 }, { Op14M1 }, { Op15E0M1 }, { Op16E0M1 }, { Op17M1 }, { Op18 }, { Op19M1X0 }, { Op1AM1 }, { Op1B }, { Op1CM1 }, { Op1DM1X0 }, { Op1EM1X0 }, { Op1FM1 }, { Op20E0 }, { Op21E0M1 }, { Op22E0 }, { Op23M1 }, { Op24M1 }, { Op25M1 }, { Op26M1 }, { Op27M1 }, { Op28E0 }, { Op29M1 }, { Op2AM1 }, { Op2BE0 }, { Op2CM1 }, { Op2DM1 }, { Op2EM1 }, { Op2FM1 }, { Op30E0 }, { Op31E0M1X0 }, { Op32E0M1 }, { Op33M1 }, { Op34E0M1 }, { Op35E0M1 }, { Op36E0M1 }, { Op37M1 }, { Op38 }, { Op39M1X0 }, { Op3AM1 }, { Op3B }, { Op3CM1X0 }, { Op3DM1X0 }, { Op3EM1X0 }, { Op3FM1 }, { Op40Slow }, { Op41E0M1 }, { Op42 }, { Op43M1 }, { Op44X0 }, { Op45M1 }, { Op46M1 }, { Op47M1 }, { Op48E0M1 }, { Op49M1 }, { Op4AM1 }, { Op4BE0 }, { Op4C }, { Op4DM1 }, { Op4EM1 }, { Op4FM1 }, { Op50E0 }, { Op51E0M1X0 }, { Op52E0M1 }, { Op53M1 }, { Op54X0 }, { Op55E0M1 }, { Op56E0M1 }, { Op57M1 }, { Op58 }, { Op59M1X0 }, { Op5AE0X0 }, { Op5B }, { Op5C }, { Op5DM1X0 }, { Op5EM1X0 }, { Op5FM1 }, { Op60E0 }, { Op61E0M1 }, { Op62E0 }, { Op63M1 }, { Op64M1 }, { Op65M1 }, { Op66M1 }, { Op67M1 }, { Op68E0M1 }, { Op69M1 }, { Op6AM1 }, { Op6BE0 }, { Op6C }, { Op6DM1 }, { Op6EM1 }, { Op6FM1 }, { Op70E0 }, { Op71E0M1X0 }, { Op72E0M1 }, { Op73M1 }, { Op74E0M1 }, { Op75E0M1 }, { Op76E0M1 }, { Op77M1 }, { Op78 }, { Op79M1X0 }, { Op7AE0X0 }, { Op7B }, { Op7C }, { Op7DM1X0 }, { Op7EM1X0 }, { Op7FM1 }, { Op80E0 }, { Op81E0M1 }, { Op82 }, { Op83M1 }, { Op84X0 }, { Op85M1 }, { Op86X0 }, { Op87M1 }, { Op88X0 }, { Op89M1 }, { Op8AM1 }, { Op8BE0 }, { Op8CX0 }, { Op8DM1 }, { Op8EX0 }, { Op8FM1 }, { Op90E0 }, { Op91E0M1X0 }, { Op92E0M1 }, { Op93M1 }, { Op94E0X0 }, { Op95E0M1 }, { Op96E0X0 }, { Op97M1 }, { Op98M1 }, { Op99M1X0 }, { Op9A }, { Op9BX0 }, { Op9CM1 }, { Op9DM1X0 }, { Op9EM1X0 }, { Op9FM1 }, { OpA0X0 }, { OpA1E0M1 }, { OpA2X0 }, { OpA3M1 }, { OpA4X0 }, { OpA5M1 }, { OpA6X0 }, { OpA7M1 }, { OpA8X0 }, { OpA9M1 }, { OpAAX0 }, { OpABE0 }, { OpACX0 }, { OpADM1 }, { OpAEX0 }, { OpAFM1 }, { OpB0E0 }, { OpB1E0M1X0 }, { OpB2E0M1 }, { OpB3M1 }, { OpB4E0X0 }, { OpB5E0M1 }, { OpB6E0X0 }, { OpB7M1 }, { OpB8 }, { OpB9M1X0 }, { OpBAX0 }, { OpBBX0 }, { OpBCX0 }, { OpBDM1X0 }, { OpBEX0 }, { OpBFM1 }, { OpC0X0 }, { OpC1E0M1 }, { OpC2 }, { OpC3M1 }, { OpC4X0 }, { OpC5M1 }, { OpC6M1 }, { OpC7M1 }, { OpC8X0 }, { OpC9M1 }, { OpCAX0 }, { OpCB }, { OpCCX0 }, { OpCDM1 }, { OpCEM1 }, { OpCFM1 }, { OpD0E0 }, { OpD1E0M1X0 }, { OpD2E0M1 }, { OpD3M1 }, { OpD4E0 }, { OpD5E0M1 }, { OpD6E0M1 }, { OpD7M1 }, { OpD8 }, { OpD9M1X0 }, { OpDAE0X0 }, { OpDB }, { OpDC }, { OpDDM1X0 }, { OpDEM1X0 }, { OpDFM1 }, { OpE0X0 }, { OpE1E0M1 }, { OpE2 }, { OpE3M1 }, { OpE4X0 }, { OpE5M1 }, { OpE6M1 }, { OpE7M1 }, { OpE8X0 }, { OpE9M1 }, { OpEA }, { OpEB }, { OpECX0 }, { OpEDM1 }, { OpEEM1 }, { OpEFM1 }, { OpF0E0 }, { OpF1E0M1X0 }, { OpF2E0M1 }, { OpF3M1 }, { OpF4E0 }, { OpF5E0M1 }, { OpF6E0M1 }, { OpF7M1 }, { OpF8 }, { OpF9M1X0 }, { OpFAE0X0 }, { OpFB }, { OpFCE0 }, { OpFDM1X0 }, { OpFEM1X0 }, { OpFFM1 } }; 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