     Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
                This file is licensed under the Snes9x License.
   For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory.

#ifndef _DSP1_H_
#define _DSP1_H_


struct SDSP0
	uint32	maptype;
	uint32	boundary;

struct SDSP1
	bool8	waiting4command;
	bool8	first_parameter;
	uint8	command;
	uint32	in_count;
	uint32	in_index;
	uint32	out_count;
	uint32	out_index;
	uint8	parameters[512];
	uint8	output[512];

	int16	CentreX;
	int16	CentreY;
	int16	VOffset;

	int16	VPlane_C;
	int16	VPlane_E;

	// Azimuth and Zenith angles
	int16	SinAas;
	int16	CosAas;
	int16	SinAzs;
	int16	CosAzs;

	// Clipped Zenith angle
	int16	SinAZS;
	int16	CosAZS;
	int16	SecAZS_C1;
	int16	SecAZS_E1;
	int16	SecAZS_C2;
	int16	SecAZS_E2;

	int16	Nx;
	int16	Ny;
	int16	Nz;
	int16	Gx;
	int16	Gy;
	int16	Gz;
	int16	C_Les;
	int16	E_Les;
	int16	G_Les;

	int16	matrixA[3][3];
	int16	matrixB[3][3];
	int16	matrixC[3][3];

	int16	Op00Multiplicand;
	int16	Op00Multiplier;
	int16	Op00Result;

	int16	Op20Multiplicand;
	int16	Op20Multiplier;
	int16	Op20Result;

	int16	Op10Coefficient;
	int16	Op10Exponent;
	int16	Op10CoefficientR;
	int16	Op10ExponentR;

	int16	Op04Angle;
	int16	Op04Radius;
	int16	Op04Sin;
	int16	Op04Cos;

	int16	Op0CA;
	int16	Op0CX1;
	int16	Op0CY1;
	int16	Op0CX2;
	int16	Op0CY2;

	int16	Op02FX;
	int16	Op02FY;
	int16	Op02FZ;
	int16	Op02LFE;
	int16	Op02LES;
	int16	Op02AAS;
	int16	Op02AZS;
	int16	Op02VOF;
	int16	Op02VVA;
	int16	Op02CX;
	int16	Op02CY;

	int16	Op0AVS;
	int16	Op0AA;
	int16	Op0AB;
	int16	Op0AC;
	int16	Op0AD;

	int16	Op06X;
	int16	Op06Y;
	int16	Op06Z;
	int16	Op06H;
	int16	Op06V;
	int16	Op06M;

	int16	Op01m;
	int16	Op01Zr;
	int16	Op01Xr;
	int16	Op01Yr;

	int16	Op11m;
	int16	Op11Zr;
	int16	Op11Xr;
	int16	Op11Yr;

	int16	Op21m;
	int16	Op21Zr;
	int16	Op21Xr;
	int16	Op21Yr;

	int16	Op0DX;
	int16	Op0DY;
	int16	Op0DZ;
	int16	Op0DF;
	int16	Op0DL;
	int16	Op0DU;

	int16	Op1DX;
	int16	Op1DY;
	int16	Op1DZ;
	int16	Op1DF;
	int16	Op1DL;
	int16	Op1DU;

	int16	Op2DX;
	int16	Op2DY;
	int16	Op2DZ;
	int16	Op2DF;
	int16	Op2DL;
	int16	Op2DU;

	int16	Op03F;
	int16	Op03L;
	int16	Op03U;
	int16	Op03X;
	int16	Op03Y;
	int16	Op03Z;

	int16	Op13F;
	int16	Op13L;
	int16	Op13U;
	int16	Op13X;
	int16	Op13Y;
	int16	Op13Z;

	int16	Op23F;
	int16	Op23L;
	int16	Op23U;
	int16	Op23X;
	int16	Op23Y;
	int16	Op23Z;

	int16	Op14Zr;
	int16	Op14Xr;
	int16	Op14Yr;
	int16	Op14U;
	int16	Op14F;
	int16	Op14L;
	int16	Op14Zrr;
	int16	Op14Xrr;
	int16	Op14Yrr;

	int16	Op0EH;
	int16	Op0EV;
	int16	Op0EX;
	int16	Op0EY;

	int16	Op0BX;
	int16	Op0BY;
	int16	Op0BZ;
	int16	Op0BS;

	int16	Op1BX;
	int16	Op1BY;
	int16	Op1BZ;
	int16	Op1BS;

	int16	Op2BX;
	int16	Op2BY;
	int16	Op2BZ;
	int16	Op2BS;

	int16	Op28X;
	int16	Op28Y;
	int16	Op28Z;
	int16	Op28R;

	int16	Op1CX;
	int16	Op1CY;
	int16	Op1CZ;
	int16	Op1CXBR;
	int16	Op1CYBR;
	int16	Op1CZBR;
	int16	Op1CXAR;
	int16	Op1CYAR;
	int16	Op1CZAR;
	int16	Op1CX1;
	int16	Op1CY1;
	int16	Op1CZ1;
	int16	Op1CX2;
	int16	Op1CY2;
	int16	Op1CZ2;

	uint16	Op0FRamsize;
	uint16	Op0FPass;

	int16	Op2FUnknown;
	int16	Op2FSize;

	int16	Op08X;
	int16	Op08Y;
	int16	Op08Z;
	int16	Op08Ll;
	int16	Op08Lh;

	int16	Op18X;
	int16	Op18Y;
	int16	Op18Z;
	int16	Op18R;
	int16	Op18D;

	int16	Op38X;
	int16	Op38Y;
	int16	Op38Z;
	int16	Op38R;
	int16	Op38D;

struct SDSP2
	bool8	waiting4command;
	uint8	command;
	uint32	in_count;
	uint32	in_index;
	uint32	out_count;
	uint32	out_index;
	uint8	parameters[512];
	uint8	output[512];

	bool8	Op05HasLen;
	int32	Op05Len;
	uint8	Op05Transparent;

	bool8	Op06HasLen;
	int32	Op06Len;

	uint16	Op09Word1;
	uint16	Op09Word2;

	bool8	Op0DHasLen;
	int32	Op0DOutLen;
	int32	Op0DInLen;

struct SDSP3
	uint16	DR;
	uint16	SR;
	uint16	MemoryIndex;

	int16	WinLo;
	int16	WinHi;
	int16	AddLo;
	int16	AddHi;

	uint16	Codewords;
	uint16	Outwords;
	uint16	Symbol;
	uint16	BitCount;
	uint16	Index;
	uint16	Codes[512];
	uint16	BitsLeft;
	uint16	ReqBits;
	uint16	ReqData;
	uint16	BitCommand;
	uint8	BaseLength;
	uint16	BaseCodes;
	uint16	BaseCode;
	uint8	CodeLengths[8];
	uint16	CodeOffsets[8];
	uint16	LZCode;
	uint8	LZLength;

	uint16	X;
	uint16	Y;

	uint8	Bitmap[8];
	uint8	Bitplane[8];
	uint16	BMIndex;
	uint16	BPIndex;
	uint16	Count;

	int16	op3e_x;
	int16	op3e_y;

	int16	op1e_terrain[0x2000];
	int16	op1e_cost[0x2000];
	int16	op1e_weight[0x2000];

	int16	op1e_cell;
	int16	op1e_turn;
	int16	op1e_search;

	int16	op1e_x;
	int16	op1e_y;

	int16	op1e_min_radius;
	int16	op1e_max_radius;

	int16	op1e_max_search_radius;
	int16	op1e_max_path_radius;

	int16	op1e_lcv_radius;
	int16	op1e_lcv_steps;
	int16	op1e_lcv_turns;

struct SDSP4
	bool8	waiting4command;
	bool8	half_command;
	uint16	command;
	uint32	in_count;
	uint32	in_index;
	uint32	out_count;
	uint32	out_index;
	uint8	parameters[512];
	uint8	output[512];
	uint8	byte;
	uint16	address;

	// op control
	int8	Logic;				// controls op flow

	// projection format
	int16	lcv;				// loop-control variable
	int16	distance;			// z-position into virtual world
	int16	raster;				// current raster line
	int16	segments;			// number of raster lines drawn

	// 1.15.16 or 1.15.0 [sign, integer, fraction]
	int32	world_x;			// line of x-projection in world
	int32	world_y;			// line of y-projection in world
	int32	world_dx;			// projection line x-delta
	int32	world_dy;			// projection line y-delta
	int16	world_ddx;			// x-delta increment
	int16	world_ddy;			// y-delta increment
	int32	world_xenv;			// world x-shaping factor
	int16	world_yofs;			// world y-vertical scroll
	int16	view_x1;			// current viewer-x
	int16	view_y1;			// current viewer-y
	int16	view_x2;			// future viewer-x
	int16	view_y2;			// future viewer-y
	int16	view_dx;			// view x-delta factor
	int16	view_dy;			// view y-delta factor
	int16	view_xofs1;			// current viewer x-vertical scroll
	int16	view_yofs1;			// current viewer y-vertical scroll
	int16	view_xofs2;			// future viewer x-vertical scroll
	int16	view_yofs2;			// future viewer y-vertical scroll
	int16	view_yofsenv;		// y-scroll shaping factor
	int16	view_turnoff_x;		// road turnoff data
	int16	view_turnoff_dx;	// road turnoff delta factor

	// drawing area
	int16	viewport_cx;		// x-center of viewport window
	int16	viewport_cy;		// y-center of render window
	int16	viewport_left;		// x-left of viewport
	int16	viewport_right;		// x-right of viewport
	int16	viewport_top;		// y-top of viewport
	int16	viewport_bottom;	// y-bottom of viewport

	// sprite structure
	int16	sprite_x;			// projected x-pos of sprite
	int16	sprite_y;			// projected y-pos of sprite
	int16	sprite_attr;		// obj attributes
	bool8	sprite_size;		// sprite size: 8x8 or 16x16
	int16	sprite_clipy;		// visible line to clip pixels off
	int16	sprite_count;

	// generic projection variables designed for two solid polygons + two polygon sides
	int16	poly_clipLf[2][2];	// left clip boundary
	int16	poly_clipRt[2][2];	// right clip boundary
	int16	poly_ptr[2][2];		// HDMA structure pointers
	int16	poly_raster[2][2];	// current raster line below horizon
	int16	poly_top[2][2];		// top clip boundary
	int16	poly_bottom[2][2];	// bottom clip boundary
	int16	poly_cx[2][2];		// center for left/right points
	int16	poly_start[2];		// current projection points
	int16	poly_plane[2];		// previous z-plane distance

	// OAM
	int16	OAM_attr[16];		// OAM (size, MSB) data
	int16	OAM_index;			// index into OAM table
	int16	OAM_bits;			// offset into OAM table
	int16	OAM_RowMax;			// maximum number of tiles per 8 aligned pixels (row)
	int16	OAM_Row[32];		// current number of tiles per row

extern struct SDSP0	DSP0;
extern struct SDSP1	DSP1;
extern struct SDSP2	DSP2;
extern struct SDSP3	DSP3;
extern struct SDSP4	DSP4;

uint8 S9xGetDSP (uint16);
void S9xSetDSP (uint8, uint16);
void S9xResetDSP (void);
uint8 DSP1GetByte (uint16);
void DSP1SetByte (uint8, uint16);
uint8 DSP2GetByte (uint16);
void DSP2SetByte (uint8, uint16);
uint8 DSP3GetByte (uint16);
void DSP3SetByte (uint8, uint16);
uint8 DSP4GetByte (uint16);
void DSP4SetByte (uint8, uint16);
void DSP3_Reset (void);

extern uint8 (*GetDSP) (uint16);
extern void (*SetDSP) (uint8, uint16);
