/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SNES9X_H_ #define _SNES9X_H_ #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "1.60" #endif #include "port.h" #include "65c816.h" #include "messages.h" #ifdef ZLIB #include <zlib.h> #define FSTREAM gzFile #define READ_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzread(s, p, l) #define WRITE_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzwrite(s, p, l) #define GETS_FSTREAM(p, l, s) gzgets(s, p, l) #define GETC_FSTREAM(s) gzgetc(s) #define OPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) gzopen(f, m) #define REOPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) gzdopen(f, m) #define FIND_FSTREAM(f) gztell(f) #define REVERT_FSTREAM(s, o, p) gzseek(s, o, p) #define CLOSE_FSTREAM(s) gzclose(s) #else #define FSTREAM FILE * #define READ_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fread(p, 1, l, s) #define WRITE_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fwrite(p, 1, l, s) #define GETS_FSTREAM(p, l, s) fgets(p, l, s) #define GETC_FSTREAM(s) fgetc(s) #define OPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) fopen(f, m) #define REOPEN_FSTREAM(f, m) fdopen(f, m) #define FIND_FSTREAM(s) ftell(s) #define REVERT_FSTREAM(s, o, p) fseek(s, o, p) #define CLOSE_FSTREAM(s) fclose(s) #endif #include "stream.h" #define STREAM Stream * #define READ_STREAM(p, l, s) s->read(p,l) #define WRITE_STREAM(p, l, s) s->write(p,l) #define GETS_STREAM(p, l, s) s->gets(p,l) #define GETC_STREAM(s) s->get_char() #define OPEN_STREAM(f, m) openStreamFromFSTREAM(f, m) #define REOPEN_STREAM(f, m) reopenStreamFromFd(f, m) #define FIND_STREAM(s) s->pos() #define REVERT_STREAM(s, o, p) s->revert(p, o) #define CLOSE_STREAM(s) s->closeStream() #define SNES_WIDTH 256 #define SNES_HEIGHT 224 #define SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED 239 #define MAX_SNES_WIDTH (SNES_WIDTH * 2) #define MAX_SNES_HEIGHT (SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED * 2) #define IMAGE_WIDTH (Settings.SupportHiRes ? MAX_SNES_WIDTH : SNES_WIDTH) #define IMAGE_HEIGHT (Settings.SupportHiRes ? MAX_SNES_HEIGHT : SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED) #define NTSC_MASTER_CLOCK 21477272.727272 // 21477272 + 8/11 exact #define PAL_MASTER_CLOCK 21281370.0 #define SNES_MAX_NTSC_VCOUNTER 262 #define SNES_MAX_PAL_VCOUNTER 312 #define SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX 341 #ifndef ALLOW_CPU_OVERCLOCK #define ONE_CYCLE 6 #define SLOW_ONE_CYCLE 8 #define TWO_CYCLES 12 #else #define ONE_CYCLE (Settings.OneClockCycle) #define SLOW_ONE_CYCLE (Settings.OneSlowClockCycle) #define TWO_CYCLES (Settings.TwoClockCycles) #endif #define ONE_DOT_CYCLE 4 #define SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE (SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX * ONE_DOT_CYCLE) #define SNES_SCANLINE_TIME (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE / NTSC_MASTER_CLOCK) #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v1 530 #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v2 538 #define SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_CYCLES 40 #define SNES_HBLANK_START_HC 1096 // H=274 #define SNES_HDMA_START_HC 1106 // FIXME: not true #define SNES_HBLANK_END_HC 4 // H=1 #define SNES_HDMA_INIT_HC 20 // FIXME: not true #define SNES_RENDER_START_HC (128 * ONE_DOT_CYCLE) // FIXME: Snes9x renders a line at a time. #define SNES_TR_MASK (1 << 4) #define SNES_TL_MASK (1 << 5) #define SNES_X_MASK (1 << 6) #define SNES_A_MASK (1 << 7) #define SNES_RIGHT_MASK (1 << 8) #define SNES_LEFT_MASK (1 << 9) #define SNES_DOWN_MASK (1 << 10) #define SNES_UP_MASK (1 << 11) #define SNES_START_MASK (1 << 12) #define SNES_SELECT_MASK (1 << 13) #define SNES_Y_MASK (1 << 14) #define SNES_B_MASK (1 << 15) #define DEBUG_MODE_FLAG (1 << 0) // debugger #define TRACE_FLAG (1 << 1) // debugger #define SINGLE_STEP_FLAG (1 << 2) // debugger #define BREAK_FLAG (1 << 3) // debugger #define SCAN_KEYS_FLAG (1 << 4) // CPU #define HALTED_FLAG (1 << 12) // APU #define FRAME_ADVANCE_FLAG (1 << 9) #define ROM_NAME_LEN 23 #define AUTO_FRAMERATE 200 struct SCPUState { uint32 Flags; int32 Cycles; int32 PrevCycles; int32 V_Counter; uint8 *PCBase; bool8 NMIPending; bool8 IRQLine; bool8 IRQTransition; bool8 IRQLastState; bool8 IRQExternal; int32 IRQPending; int32 MemSpeed; int32 MemSpeedx2; int32 FastROMSpeed; bool8 InDMA; bool8 InHDMA; bool8 InDMAorHDMA; bool8 InWRAMDMAorHDMA; uint8 HDMARanInDMA; int32 CurrentDMAorHDMAChannel; uint8 WhichEvent; int32 NextEvent; bool8 WaitingForInterrupt; uint32 AutoSaveTimer; bool8 SRAMModified; }; enum { HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT = 1, HC_HDMA_START_EVENT = 2, HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT = 3, HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT = 4, HC_RENDER_EVENT = 5, HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT = 6 }; enum { IRQ_NONE = 0x0, IRQ_SET_FLAG = 0x1, IRQ_CLEAR_FLAG = 0x2, IRQ_TRIGGER_NMI = 0x4 }; struct STimings { int32 H_Max_Master; int32 H_Max; int32 V_Max_Master; int32 V_Max; int32 HBlankStart; int32 HBlankEnd; int32 HDMAInit; int32 HDMAStart; int32 NMITriggerPos; int32 NextIRQTimer; int32 IRQTriggerCycles; int32 WRAMRefreshPos; int32 RenderPos; bool8 InterlaceField; int32 DMACPUSync; // The cycles to synchronize DMA and CPU. Snes9x cannot emulate correctly. int32 NMIDMADelay; // The delay of NMI trigger after DMA transfers. Snes9x cannot emulate correctly. int32 IRQFlagChanging; // This value is just a hack. int32 APUSpeedup; bool8 APUAllowTimeOverflow; }; struct SSettings { bool8 TraceDMA; bool8 TraceHDMA; bool8 TraceVRAM; bool8 TraceUnknownRegisters; bool8 TraceDSP; bool8 TraceHCEvent; bool8 TraceSMP; bool8 SuperFX; uint8 DSP; bool8 SA1; bool8 C4; bool8 SDD1; bool8 SPC7110; bool8 SPC7110RTC; bool8 OBC1; uint8 SETA; bool8 SRTC; bool8 BS; bool8 BSXItself; bool8 BSXBootup; bool8 MSU1; bool8 MouseMaster; bool8 SuperScopeMaster; bool8 JustifierMaster; bool8 MultiPlayer5Master; bool8 MacsRifleMaster; bool8 ForceLoROM; bool8 ForceHiROM; bool8 ForceHeader; bool8 ForceNoHeader; bool8 ForceInterleaved; bool8 ForceInterleaved2; bool8 ForceInterleaveGD24; bool8 ForceNotInterleaved; bool8 ForcePAL; bool8 ForceNTSC; bool8 PAL; uint32 FrameTimePAL; uint32 FrameTimeNTSC; uint32 FrameTime; bool8 SoundSync; bool8 SixteenBitSound; uint32 SoundPlaybackRate; uint32 SoundInputRate; bool8 Stereo; bool8 ReverseStereo; bool8 Mute; bool8 DynamicRateControl; int32 DynamicRateLimit; /* Multiplied by 1000 */ int32 InterpolationMethod; bool8 SupportHiRes; bool8 Transparency; uint8 BG_Forced; bool8 DisableGraphicWindows; bool8 DisplayTime; bool8 DisplayFrameRate; bool8 DisplayWatchedAddresses; bool8 DisplayPressedKeys; bool8 DisplayMovieFrame; bool8 AutoDisplayMessages; uint32 InitialInfoStringTimeout; uint16 DisplayColor; bool8 BilinearFilter; bool8 Multi; char CartAName[PATH_MAX + 1]; char CartBName[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool8 DisableGameSpecificHacks; bool8 BlockInvalidVRAMAccessMaster; bool8 BlockInvalidVRAMAccess; int32 HDMATimingHack; bool8 ForcedPause; bool8 Paused; bool8 StopEmulation; uint32 SkipFrames; uint32 TurboSkipFrames; uint32 AutoMaxSkipFrames; bool8 TurboMode; uint32 HighSpeedSeek; bool8 FrameAdvance; bool8 Rewinding; bool8 NetPlay; bool8 NetPlayServer; char ServerName[128]; int Port; bool8 MovieTruncate; bool8 MovieNotifyIgnored; bool8 WrongMovieStateProtection; bool8 DumpStreams; int DumpStreamsMaxFrames; bool8 TakeScreenshot; int8 StretchScreenshots; bool8 SnapshotScreenshots; char InitialSnapshotFilename[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool8 FastSavestates; bool8 ApplyCheats; bool8 NoPatch; bool8 IgnorePatchChecksum; bool8 IsPatched; int32 AutoSaveDelay; bool8 DontSaveOopsSnapshot; bool8 UpAndDown; bool8 OpenGLEnable; bool8 SeparateEchoBuffer; uint32 SuperFXClockMultiplier; int OverclockMode; int OneClockCycle; int OneSlowClockCycle; int TwoClockCycles; int MaxSpriteTilesPerLine; }; struct SSNESGameFixes { uint8 SRAMInitialValue; uint8 Uniracers; }; enum { PAUSE_NETPLAY_CONNECT = (1 << 0), PAUSE_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN = (1 << 1), PAUSE_EXIT = (1 << 2), PAUSE_MENU = (1 << 3), PAUSE_INACTIVE_WINDOW = (1 << 4), PAUSE_WINDOW_ICONISED = (1 << 5), PAUSE_RESTORE_GUI = (1 << 6), PAUSE_FREEZE_FILE = (1 << 7) }; void S9xSetPause(uint32); void S9xClearPause(uint32); void S9xExit(void); void S9xMessage(int, int, const char *); extern struct SSettings Settings; extern struct SCPUState CPU; extern struct STimings Timings; extern struct SSNESGameFixes SNESGameFixes; extern char String[513]; #endif