"Address" = "Address"; "Value" = "Value"; "Description" = "Description"; // Mes: replace ROM name with @ // Pos: position of @ (UniChar count) "OpenROMMes" = "Choose a ROM image"; "FreezeToMes" = "Save the @ freeze file"; "FreezeToPos" = "10"; "DefrostFromMes" = "Choose a @ freeze file"; "DefrostFromPos" = "10"; "NPROMNameMes" = "Server requests @."; "NPROMNamePos" = "17"; "RecordToMes" = "Save the @ movie file"; "RecordToPos" = "10"; "PlayFromMes" = "Choose a @ movie file"; "PlayFromPos" = "10"; "QTRecordMes" = "Save the @ QuickTime movie"; "QTRecordPos" = "10"; "MoviePrevMes" = "Date :\nTime :\nLength :\nFrames :"; // indexes of info area "MoviePrevWidth" = "120"; // width of info area "MoviePrevBorder" = "45"; // width of indexes column "ClearMenu" = "Clear Menu"; "NPReady" = "Ready"; "NPConnecting" = "Connecting"; "NPServerName" = "Server"; "AlertMes_03" = "The folders for saving files could not be created."; "AlertMes_04" = "Some features will not work properly without these folders."; "AlertMes_05" = "This ROM image has bad checksum, so might not work properly."; "AlertMes_06" = "Or failed to detect map / interleave."; "AlertMes_07" = "No enough space in Cheat Entry."; "AlertMes_08" = "Delete some cheats before."; "AlertMes_09" = "Snes9x cannot run on your system."; "AlertMes_10" = "System requirements: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, QuickTime 7 or later."; "PresetNum" = "Preset #%ld"; "RunMenu" = "Run"; "PauseMenu" = "Pause"; "ResetCIFilter" = "Reset All Parameters"; "SoundEffectDlg" = "Sound Effect"; "CreateMetalDlg" = "NO"; // "YES" to metalize above dialogs