/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ /* S-DD1 decompressor * * Based on code and documentation by Andreas Naive, who deserves a great deal * of thanks and credit for figuring this out. * * Andreas says: * The author is greatly indebted with The Dumper, without whose help and * patience providing him with real S-DD1 data the research had never been * possible. He also wish to note that in the very beggining of his research, * Neviksti had done some steps in the right direction. By last, the author is * indirectly indebted to all the people that worked and contributed in the * S-DD1 issue in the past. */ #include "port.h" #include "sdd1emu.h" static int valid_bits; static uint16 in_stream; static uint8 *in_buf; static uint8 bit_ctr[8]; static uint8 context_states[32]; static int context_MPS[32]; static int bitplane_type; static int high_context_bits; static int low_context_bits; static int prev_bits[8]; static struct { uint8 code_size; uint8 MPS_next; uint8 LPS_next; } evolution_table[] = { /* 0 */ { 0,25,25}, /* 1 */ { 0, 2, 1}, /* 2 */ { 0, 3, 1}, /* 3 */ { 0, 4, 2}, /* 4 */ { 0, 5, 3}, /* 5 */ { 1, 6, 4}, /* 6 */ { 1, 7, 5}, /* 7 */ { 1, 8, 6}, /* 8 */ { 1, 9, 7}, /* 9 */ { 2,10, 8}, /* 10 */ { 2,11, 9}, /* 11 */ { 2,12,10}, /* 12 */ { 2,13,11}, /* 13 */ { 3,14,12}, /* 14 */ { 3,15,13}, /* 15 */ { 3,16,14}, /* 16 */ { 3,17,15}, /* 17 */ { 4,18,16}, /* 18 */ { 4,19,17}, /* 19 */ { 5,20,18}, /* 20 */ { 5,21,19}, /* 21 */ { 6,22,20}, /* 22 */ { 6,23,21}, /* 23 */ { 7,24,22}, /* 24 */ { 7,24,23}, /* 25 */ { 0,26, 1}, /* 26 */ { 1,27, 2}, /* 27 */ { 2,28, 4}, /* 28 */ { 3,29, 8}, /* 29 */ { 4,30,12}, /* 30 */ { 5,31,16}, /* 31 */ { 6,32,18}, /* 32 */ { 7,24,22} }; static uint8 run_table[128] = { 128, 64, 96, 32, 112, 48, 80, 16, 120, 56, 88, 24, 104, 40, 72, 8, 124, 60, 92, 28, 108, 44, 76, 12, 116, 52, 84, 20, 100, 36, 68, 4, 126, 62, 94, 30, 110, 46, 78, 14, 118, 54, 86, 22, 102, 38, 70, 6, 122, 58, 90, 26, 106, 42, 74, 10, 114, 50, 82, 18, 98, 34, 66, 2, 127, 63, 95, 31, 111, 47, 79, 15, 119, 55, 87, 23, 103, 39, 71, 7, 123, 59, 91, 27, 107, 43, 75, 11, 115, 51, 83, 19, 99, 35, 67, 3, 125, 61, 93, 29, 109, 45, 77, 13, 117, 53, 85, 21, 101, 37, 69, 5, 121, 57, 89, 25, 105, 41, 73, 9, 113, 49, 81, 17, 97, 33, 65, 1 }; static inline uint8 GetCodeword(int bits){ uint8 tmp; if(!valid_bits){ in_stream|=*(in_buf++); valid_bits=8; } in_stream<<=1; valid_bits--; in_stream^=0x8000; if(in_stream&0x8000) return 0x80+(1<<bits); tmp=(in_stream>>8) | (0x7f>>bits); in_stream<<=bits; valid_bits-=bits; if(valid_bits<0){ in_stream |= (*(in_buf++))<<(-valid_bits); valid_bits+=8; } return run_table[tmp]; } static inline uint8 GolombGetBit(int code_size){ if(!bit_ctr[code_size]) bit_ctr[code_size]=GetCodeword(code_size); bit_ctr[code_size]--; if(bit_ctr[code_size]==0x80){ bit_ctr[code_size]=0; return 2; /* secret code for 'last zero'. ones are always last. */ } return (bit_ctr[code_size]==0)?1:0; } static inline uint8 ProbGetBit(uint8 context){ uint8 state=context_states[context]; uint8 bit=GolombGetBit(evolution_table[state].code_size); if(bit&1){ context_states[context]=evolution_table[state].LPS_next; if(state<2){ context_MPS[context]^=1; return context_MPS[context]; /* just inverted, so just return it */ } else{ return context_MPS[context]^1; /* we know bit is 1, so use a constant */ } } else if(bit){ context_states[context]=evolution_table[state].MPS_next; /* zero here, zero there, no difference so drop through. */ } return context_MPS[context]; /* we know bit is 0, so don't bother xoring */ } static inline uint8 GetBit(uint8 cur_bitplane){ uint8 bit; bit=ProbGetBit(((cur_bitplane&1)<<4) | ((prev_bits[cur_bitplane]&high_context_bits)>>5) | (prev_bits[cur_bitplane]&low_context_bits)); prev_bits[cur_bitplane] <<= 1; prev_bits[cur_bitplane] |= bit; return bit; } void SDD1_decompress(uint8 *out, uint8 *in, int len){ uint8 bit, i, plane; uint8 byte1, byte2; if(len==0) len=0x10000; bitplane_type=in[0]>>6; switch(in[0]&0x30){ case 0x00: high_context_bits=0x01c0; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x10: high_context_bits=0x0180; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x20: high_context_bits=0x00c0; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x30: high_context_bits=0x0180; low_context_bits =0x0003; break; } in_stream=(in[0]<<11) | (in[1]<<3); valid_bits=5; in_buf=in+2; memset(bit_ctr, 0, sizeof(bit_ctr)); memset(context_states, 0, sizeof(context_states)); memset(context_MPS, 0, sizeof(context_MPS)); memset(prev_bits, 0, sizeof(prev_bits)); switch(bitplane_type){ case 0: while(1) { for(byte1=byte2=0, bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(0)) byte1 |= bit; if(GetBit(1)) byte2 |= bit; } *(out++)=byte1; if(!--len) return; *(out++)=byte2; if(!--len) return; } break; case 1: i=plane=0; while(1) { for(byte1=byte2=0, bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(plane)) byte1 |= bit; if(GetBit(plane+1)) byte2 |= bit; } *(out++)=byte1; if(!--len) return; *(out++)=byte2; if(!--len) return; if(!(i+=32)) plane = (plane+2)&7; } break; case 2: i=plane=0; while(1) { for(byte1=byte2=0, bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(plane)) byte1 |= bit; if(GetBit(plane+1)) byte2 |= bit; } *(out++)=byte1; if(!--len) return; *(out++)=byte2; if(!--len) return; if(!(i+=32)) plane ^= 2; } break; case 3: do { for(byte1=plane=0, bit=1; bit; bit<<=1, plane++){ if(GetBit(plane)) byte1 |= bit; } *(out++)=byte1; } while(--len); break; } } #if 0 static uint8 cur_plane; static uint8 num_bits; static uint8 next_byte; void SDD1_init(uint8 *in){ bitplane_type=in[0]>>6; switch(in[0]&0x30){ case 0x00: high_context_bits=0x01c0; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x10: high_context_bits=0x0180; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x20: high_context_bits=0x00c0; low_context_bits =0x0001; break; case 0x30: high_context_bits=0x0180; low_context_bits =0x0003; break; } in_stream=(in[0]<<11) | (in[1]<<3); valid_bits=5; in_buf=in+2; memset(bit_ctr, 0, sizeof(bit_ctr)); memset(context_states, 0, sizeof(context_states)); memset(context_MPS, 0, sizeof(context_MPS)); memset(prev_bits, 0, sizeof(prev_bits)); cur_plane=0; num_bits=0; } uint8 SDD1_get_byte(void){ uint8 bit; uint8 byte=0; switch(bitplane_type){ case 0: num_bits+=16; if(num_bits&16){ next_byte=0; for(bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(0)) byte |= bit; if(GetBit(1)) next_byte |= bit; } return byte; } else { return next_byte; } case 1: num_bits+=16; if(num_bits&16){ next_byte=0; for(bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(cur_plane)) byte |= bit; if(GetBit(cur_plane+1)) next_byte |= bit; } return byte; } else { if(!num_bits) cur_plane = (cur_plane+2)&7; return next_byte; } case 2: num_bits+=16; if(num_bits&16){ next_byte=0; for(bit=0x80; bit; bit>>=1){ if(GetBit(cur_plane)) byte |= bit; if(GetBit(cur_plane+1)) next_byte |= bit; } return byte; } else { if(!num_bits) cur_plane ^= 2; return next_byte; } case 3: for(cur_plane=0, bit=1; bit; bit<<=1, cur_plane++){ if(GetBit(cur_plane)) byte |= bit; } return byte; default: /* should never happen */ return 0; } } #endif