/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2017 BearOso, OV2 (c) Copyright 2017 qwertymodo (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) S-SMP emulator code used in 1.54+ (c) Copyright 2016 byuu SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2017 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2017 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 ZSNES Team ( zsKnight, _Demo_, pagefault, Nach ) http://www.zsnes.com http://sourceforge.net/projects/zsnes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #ifdef DEBUGGER //#define DebugDSP1 #endif #ifdef DebugDSP1 #include <stdarg.h> static FILE *LogFile = NULL; #endif static const uint16 DSP1ROM[1024] = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x7fff, 0x4000, 0x2000, 0x1000, 0x0800, 0x0400, 0x0200, 0x0100, 0x0080, 0x0040, 0x0020, 0x0001, 0x0008, 0x0004, 0x0002, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 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0x0093, 0x0096, 0x0099, 0x009d, 0x00a0, 0x00a3, 0x00a6, 0x00a9, 0x00ac, 0x00af, 0x00b3, 0x00b6, 0x00b9, 0x00bc, 0x00bf, 0x00c2, 0x00c5, 0x00c9, 0x00cc, 0x00cf, 0x00d2, 0x00d5, 0x00d8, 0x00db, 0x00df, 0x00e2, 0x00e5, 0x00e8, 0x00eb, 0x00ee, 0x00f1, 0x00f5, 0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00fe, 0x0101, 0x0104, 0x0107, 0x010b, 0x010e, 0x0111, 0x0114, 0x0117, 0x011a, 0x011d, 0x0121, 0x0124, 0x0127, 0x012a, 0x012d, 0x0130, 0x0133, 0x0137, 0x013a, 0x013d, 0x0140, 0x0143, 0x0146, 0x0149, 0x014d, 0x0150, 0x0153, 0x0156, 0x0159, 0x015c, 0x015f, 0x0163, 0x0166, 0x0169, 0x016c, 0x016f, 0x0172, 0x0175, 0x0178, 0x017c, 0x017f, 0x0182, 0x0185, 0x0188, 0x018b, 0x018e, 0x0192, 0x0195, 0x0198, 0x019b, 0x019e, 0x01a1, 0x01a4, 0x01a8, 0x01ab, 0x01ae, 0x01b1, 0x01b4, 0x01b7, 0x01ba, 0x01be, 0x01c1, 0x01c4, 0x01c7, 0x01ca, 0x01cd, 0x01d0, 0x01d4, 0x01d7, 0x01da, 0x01dd, 0x01e0, 0x01e3, 0x01e6, 0x01ea, 0x01ed, 0x01f0, 0x01f3, 0x01f6, 0x01f9, 0x01fc, 0x0200, 0x0203, 0x0206, 0x0209, 0x020c, 0x020f, 0x0212, 0x0216, 0x0219, 0x021c, 0x021f, 0x0222, 0x0225, 0x0228, 0x022c, 0x022f, 0x0232, 0x0235, 0x0238, 0x023b, 0x023e, 0x0242, 0x0245, 0x0248, 0x024b, 0x024e, 0x0251, 0x0254, 0x0258, 0x025b, 0x025e, 0x0261, 0x0264, 0x0267, 0x026a, 0x026e, 0x0271, 0x0274, 0x0277, 0x027a, 0x027d, 0x0280, 0x0284, 0x0287, 0x028a, 0x028d, 0x0290, 0x0293, 0x0296, 0x029a, 0x029d, 0x02a0, 0x02a3, 0x02a6, 0x02a9, 0x02ac, 0x02b0, 0x02b3, 0x02b6, 0x02b9, 0x02bc, 0x02bf, 0x02c2, 0x02c6, 0x02c9, 0x02cc, 0x02cf, 0x02d2, 0x02d5, 0x02d8, 0x02db, 0x02df, 0x02e2, 0x02e5, 0x02e8, 0x02eb, 0x02ee, 0x02f1, 0x02f5, 0x02f8, 0x02fb, 0x02fe, 0x0301, 0x0304, 0x0307, 0x030b, 0x030e, 0x0311, 0x0314, 0x0317, 0x031a, 0x031d, 0x0321 }; static const int16 DSP1_SinTable[256] = { 0x0000, 0x0324, 0x0647, 0x096a, 0x0c8b, 0x0fab, 0x12c8, 0x15e2, 0x18f8, 0x1c0b, 0x1f19, 0x2223, 0x2528, 0x2826, 0x2b1f, 0x2e11, 0x30fb, 0x33de, 0x36ba, 0x398c, 0x3c56, 0x3f17, 0x41ce, 0x447a, 0x471c, 0x49b4, 0x4c3f, 0x4ebf, 0x5133, 0x539b, 0x55f5, 0x5842, 0x5a82, 0x5cb4, 0x5ed7, 0x60ec, 0x62f2, 0x64e8, 0x66cf, 0x68a6, 0x6a6d, 0x6c24, 0x6dca, 0x6f5f, 0x70e2, 0x7255, 0x73b5, 0x7504, 0x7641, 0x776c, 0x7884, 0x798a, 0x7a7d, 0x7b5d, 0x7c29, 0x7ce3, 0x7d8a, 0x7e1d, 0x7e9d, 0x7f09, 0x7f62, 0x7fa7, 0x7fd8, 0x7ff6, 0x7fff, 0x7ff6, 0x7fd8, 0x7fa7, 0x7f62, 0x7f09, 0x7e9d, 0x7e1d, 0x7d8a, 0x7ce3, 0x7c29, 0x7b5d, 0x7a7d, 0x798a, 0x7884, 0x776c, 0x7641, 0x7504, 0x73b5, 0x7255, 0x70e2, 0x6f5f, 0x6dca, 0x6c24, 0x6a6d, 0x68a6, 0x66cf, 0x64e8, 0x62f2, 0x60ec, 0x5ed7, 0x5cb4, 0x5a82, 0x5842, 0x55f5, 0x539b, 0x5133, 0x4ebf, 0x4c3f, 0x49b4, 0x471c, 0x447a, 0x41ce, 0x3f17, 0x3c56, 0x398c, 0x36ba, 0x33de, 0x30fb, 0x2e11, 0x2b1f, 0x2826, 0x2528, 0x2223, 0x1f19, 0x1c0b, 0x18f8, 0x15e2, 0x12c8, 0x0fab, 0x0c8b, 0x096a, 0x0647, 0x0324, -0x0000, -0x0324, -0x0647, -0x096a, -0x0c8b, -0x0fab, -0x12c8, -0x15e2, -0x18f8, -0x1c0b, -0x1f19, -0x2223, -0x2528, -0x2826, -0x2b1f, -0x2e11, -0x30fb, -0x33de, -0x36ba, -0x398c, -0x3c56, -0x3f17, -0x41ce, -0x447a, -0x471c, -0x49b4, -0x4c3f, -0x4ebf, -0x5133, -0x539b, -0x55f5, -0x5842, -0x5a82, -0x5cb4, -0x5ed7, -0x60ec, -0x62f2, -0x64e8, -0x66cf, -0x68a6, -0x6a6d, -0x6c24, -0x6dca, -0x6f5f, -0x70e2, -0x7255, -0x73b5, -0x7504, -0x7641, -0x776c, -0x7884, -0x798a, -0x7a7d, -0x7b5d, -0x7c29, -0x7ce3, -0x7d8a, -0x7e1d, -0x7e9d, -0x7f09, -0x7f62, -0x7fa7, -0x7fd8, -0x7ff6, -0x7fff, -0x7ff6, -0x7fd8, -0x7fa7, -0x7f62, -0x7f09, -0x7e9d, -0x7e1d, -0x7d8a, -0x7ce3, -0x7c29, -0x7b5d, -0x7a7d, -0x798a, -0x7884, -0x776c, -0x7641, -0x7504, -0x73b5, -0x7255, -0x70e2, -0x6f5f, -0x6dca, -0x6c24, -0x6a6d, -0x68a6, -0x66cf, -0x64e8, -0x62f2, -0x60ec, -0x5ed7, -0x5cb4, -0x5a82, -0x5842, -0x55f5, -0x539b, -0x5133, -0x4ebf, -0x4c3f, -0x49b4, -0x471c, -0x447a, -0x41ce, -0x3f17, -0x3c56, -0x398c, -0x36ba, -0x33de, -0x30fb, -0x2e11, -0x2b1f, -0x2826, -0x2528, -0x2223, -0x1f19, -0x1c0b, -0x18f8, -0x15e2, -0x12c8, -0x0fab, -0x0c8b, -0x096a, -0x0647, -0x0324 }; #ifdef DebugDSP1 static void Log_Message (const char *Message, ...) { char Msg[400]; va_list ap; size_t ignore; va_start(ap, Message); vsprintf(Msg, Message, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(Msg, "\r\n\0"); ignore = fwrite(Msg, strlen(Msg), 1, LogFile); fflush(LogFile); } static void Start_Log (void) { LogFile = fopen("dsp1emu.log", "wb"); } static void Stop_Log (void) { if (LogFile) { fclose(LogFile); LogFile = NULL; } } #endif static void DSP1_Op00 (void) { DSP1.Op00Result = DSP1.Op00Multiplicand * DSP1.Op00Multiplier >> 15; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP00 MULT %d*%d/32768=%d", DSP1.Op00Multiplicand, DSP1.Op00Multiplier, DSP1.Op00Result); #endif } static void DSP1_Op20 (void) { DSP1.Op20Result = DSP1.Op20Multiplicand * DSP1.Op20Multiplier >> 15; DSP1.Op20Result++; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP20 MULT %d*%d/32768=%d", DSP1.Op20Multiplicand, DSP1.Op20Multiplier, DSP1.Op20Result); #endif } static void DSP1_Inverse (int16 Coefficient, int16 Exponent, int16 *iCoefficient, int16 *iExponent) { // Step One: Division by Zero if (Coefficient == 0x0000) { *iCoefficient = 0x7fff; *iExponent = 0x002f; } else { int16 Sign = 1; // Step Two: Remove Sign if (Coefficient < 0) { if (Coefficient < -32767) Coefficient = -32767; Coefficient = -Coefficient; Sign = -1; } // Step Three: Normalize while (Coefficient < 0x4000) { Coefficient <<= 1; Exponent--; } // Step Four: Special Case if (Coefficient == 0x4000) { if (Sign == 1) *iCoefficient = 0x7fff; else { *iCoefficient = -0x4000; Exponent--; } } else { // Step Five: Initial Guess int16 i = DSP1ROM[((Coefficient - 0x4000) >> 7) + 0x0065]; // Step Six: Iterate "estimated" Newton's Method i = (i + (-i * (Coefficient * i >> 15) >> 15)) << 1; i = (i + (-i * (Coefficient * i >> 15) >> 15)) << 1; *iCoefficient = i * Sign; } *iExponent = 1 - Exponent; } } static void DSP1_Op10 (void) { DSP1_Inverse(DSP1.Op10Coefficient, DSP1.Op10Exponent, &DSP1.Op10CoefficientR, &DSP1.Op10ExponentR); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP10 INV %d*2^%d = %d*2^%d", DSP1.Op10Coefficient, DSP1.Op10Exponent, DSP1.Op10CoefficientR, DSP1.Op10ExponentR); #endif } static int16 DSP1_Sin (int16 Angle) { int32 S; if (Angle < 0) { if (Angle == -32768) return (0); return (-DSP1_Sin(-Angle)); } S = DSP1_SinTable[Angle >> 8] + (DSP1_MulTable[Angle & 0xff] * DSP1_SinTable[0x40 + (Angle >> 8)] >> 15); if (S > 32767) S = 32767; return ((int16) S); } static int16 DSP1_Cos (int16 Angle) { int32 S; if (Angle < 0) { if (Angle == -32768) return (-32768); Angle = -Angle; } S = DSP1_SinTable[0x40 + (Angle >> 8)] - (DSP1_MulTable[Angle & 0xff] * DSP1_SinTable[Angle >> 8] >> 15); if (S < -32768) S = -32767; return ((int16) S); } static void DSP1_Normalize (int16 m, int16 *Coefficient, int16 *Exponent) { int16 i = 0x4000; int16 e = 0; if (m < 0) { while ((m & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } else { while (!(m & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } if (e > 0) *Coefficient = m * DSP1ROM[0x21 + e] << 1; else *Coefficient = m; *Exponent -= e; } static void DSP1_NormalizeDouble (int32 Product, int16 *Coefficient, int16 *Exponent) { int16 n = Product & 0x7fff; int16 m = Product >> 15; int16 i = 0x4000; int16 e = 0; if (m < 0) { while ((m & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } else { while (!(m & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } if (e > 0) { *Coefficient = m * DSP1ROM[0x0021 + e] << 1; if (e < 15) *Coefficient += n * DSP1ROM[0x0040 - e] >> 15; else { i = 0x4000; if (m < 0) { while ((n & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } else { while (!(n & i) && i) { i >>= 1; e++; } } if (e > 15) *Coefficient = n * DSP1ROM[0x0012 + e] << 1; else *Coefficient += n; } } else *Coefficient = m; *Exponent = e; } static int16 DSP1_Truncate (int16 C, int16 E) { if (E > 0) { if (C > 0) return (32767); else if (C < 0) return (-32767); } else { if (E < 0) return (C * DSP1ROM[0x0031 + E] >> 15); } return (C); } static void DSP1_Op04 (void) { DSP1.Op04Sin = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op04Angle) * DSP1.Op04Radius >> 15; DSP1.Op04Cos = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op04Angle) * DSP1.Op04Radius >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op0C (void) { DSP1.Op0CX2 = (DSP1.Op0CY1 * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op0CA) >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0CX1 * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op0CA) >> 15); DSP1.Op0CY2 = (DSP1.Op0CY1 * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op0CA) >> 15) - (DSP1.Op0CX1 * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op0CA) >> 15); } static void DSP1_Parameter (int16 Fx, int16 Fy, int16 Fz, int16 Lfe, int16 Les, int16 Aas, int16 Azs, int16 *Vof, int16 *Vva, int16 *Cx, int16 *Cy) { const int16 MaxAZS_Exp[16] = { 0x38b4, 0x38b7, 0x38ba, 0x38be, 0x38c0, 0x38c4, 0x38c7, 0x38ca, 0x38ce, 0x38d0, 0x38d4, 0x38d7, 0x38da, 0x38dd, 0x38e0, 0x38e4 }; int16 CSec, C, E, MaxAZS, Aux; int16 LfeNx, LfeNy, LfeNz; int16 LesNx, LesNy, LesNz; int16 CentreZ; // Copy Zenith angle for clipping int16 AZS = Azs; // Store Sine and Cosine of Azimuth and Zenith angle DSP1.SinAas = DSP1_Sin(Aas); DSP1.CosAas = DSP1_Cos(Aas); DSP1.SinAzs = DSP1_Sin(Azs); DSP1.CosAzs = DSP1_Cos(Azs); DSP1.Nx = DSP1.SinAzs * -DSP1.SinAas >> 15; DSP1.Ny = DSP1.SinAzs * DSP1.CosAas >> 15; DSP1.Nz = DSP1.CosAzs * 0x7fff >> 15; LfeNx = Lfe * DSP1.Nx >> 15; LfeNy = Lfe * DSP1.Ny >> 15; LfeNz = Lfe * DSP1.Nz >> 15; // Center of Projection DSP1.CentreX = Fx + LfeNx; DSP1.CentreY = Fy + LfeNy; CentreZ = Fz + LfeNz; LesNx = Les * DSP1.Nx >> 15; LesNy = Les * DSP1.Ny >> 15; LesNz = Les * DSP1.Nz >> 15; DSP1.Gx = DSP1.CentreX - LesNx; DSP1.Gy = DSP1.CentreY - LesNy; DSP1.Gz = CentreZ - LesNz; DSP1.E_Les = 0; DSP1_Normalize(Les, &DSP1.C_Les, &DSP1.E_Les); DSP1.G_Les = Les; E = 0; DSP1_Normalize(CentreZ, &C, &E); DSP1.VPlane_C = C; DSP1.VPlane_E = E; // Determine clip boundary and clip Zenith angle if necessary MaxAZS = MaxAZS_Exp[-E]; if (AZS < 0) { MaxAZS = -MaxAZS; if (AZS < MaxAZS + 1) AZS = MaxAZS + 1; } else { if (AZS > MaxAZS) AZS = MaxAZS; } // Store Sine and Cosine of clipped Zenith angle DSP1.SinAZS = DSP1_Sin(AZS); DSP1.CosAZS = DSP1_Cos(AZS); DSP1_Inverse(DSP1.CosAZS, 0, &DSP1.SecAZS_C1, &DSP1.SecAZS_E1); DSP1_Normalize(C * DSP1.SecAZS_C1 >> 15, &C, &E); E += DSP1.SecAZS_E1; C = DSP1_Truncate(C, E) * DSP1.SinAZS >> 15; DSP1.CentreX += C * DSP1.SinAas >> 15; DSP1.CentreY -= C * DSP1.CosAas >> 15; *Cx = DSP1.CentreX; *Cy = DSP1.CentreY; // Raster number of imaginary center and horizontal line *Vof = 0; if ((Azs != AZS) || (Azs == MaxAZS)) { if (Azs == -32768) Azs = -32767; C = Azs - MaxAZS; if (C >= 0) C--; Aux = ~(C << 2); C = Aux * DSP1ROM[0x0328] >> 15; C = (C * Aux >> 15) + DSP1ROM[0x0327]; *Vof -= (C * Aux >> 15) * Les >> 15; C = Aux * Aux >> 15; Aux = (C * DSP1ROM[0x0324] >> 15) + DSP1ROM[0x0325]; DSP1.CosAZS += (C * Aux >> 15) * DSP1.CosAZS >> 15; } DSP1.VOffset = Les * DSP1.CosAZS >> 15; DSP1_Inverse(DSP1.SinAZS, 0, &CSec, &E); DSP1_Normalize(DSP1.VOffset, &C, &E); DSP1_Normalize(C * CSec >> 15, &C, &E); if (C == -32768) { C >>= 1; E++; } *Vva = DSP1_Truncate(-C, E); // Store Secant of clipped Zenith angle DSP1_Inverse(DSP1.CosAZS, 0, &DSP1.SecAZS_C2, &DSP1.SecAZS_E2); } static void DSP1_Raster (int16 Vs, int16 *An, int16 *Bn, int16 *Cn, int16 *Dn) { int16 C, E, C1, E1; DSP1_Inverse((Vs * DSP1.SinAzs >> 15) + DSP1.VOffset, 7, &C, &E); E += DSP1.VPlane_E; C1 = C * DSP1.VPlane_C >> 15; E1 = E + DSP1.SecAZS_E2; DSP1_Normalize(C1, &C, &E); C = DSP1_Truncate(C, E); *An = C * DSP1.CosAas >> 15; *Cn = C * DSP1.SinAas >> 15; DSP1_Normalize(C1 * DSP1.SecAZS_C2 >> 15, &C, &E1); C = DSP1_Truncate(C, E1); *Bn = C * -DSP1.SinAas >> 15; *Dn = C * DSP1.CosAas >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op02 (void) { DSP1_Parameter(DSP1.Op02FX, DSP1.Op02FY, DSP1.Op02FZ, DSP1.Op02LFE, DSP1.Op02LES, DSP1.Op02AAS, DSP1.Op02AZS, &DSP1.Op02VOF, &DSP1.Op02VVA, &DSP1.Op02CX, &DSP1.Op02CY); } static void DSP1_Op0A (void) { DSP1_Raster(DSP1.Op0AVS, &DSP1.Op0AA, &DSP1.Op0AB, &DSP1.Op0AC, &DSP1.Op0AD); DSP1.Op0AVS++; } static int16 DSP1_ShiftR (int16 C, int16 E) { return (C * DSP1ROM[0x0031 + E] >> 15); } static void DSP1_Project (int16 X, int16 Y, int16 Z, int16 *H, int16 *V, int16 *M) { int32 aux, aux4; int16 E, E2, E3, E4, E5, refE, E6, E7; int16 C2, C4, C6, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26; int16 Px, Py, Pz; E4 = E3 = E2 = E = E5 = 0; DSP1_NormalizeDouble((int32) X - DSP1.Gx, &Px, &E4); DSP1_NormalizeDouble((int32) Y - DSP1.Gy, &Py, &E ); DSP1_NormalizeDouble((int32) Z - DSP1.Gz, &Pz, &E3); Px >>= 1; // to avoid overflows when calculating the scalar products E4--; Py >>= 1; E--; Pz >>= 1; E3--; refE = (E < E3) ? E : E3; refE = (refE < E4) ? refE : E4; Px = DSP1_ShiftR(Px, E4 - refE); // normalize them to the same exponent Py = DSP1_ShiftR(Py, E - refE); Pz = DSP1_ShiftR(Pz, E3 - refE); C11 =- (Px * DSP1.Nx >> 15); C8 =- (Py * DSP1.Ny >> 15); C9 =- (Pz * DSP1.Nz >> 15); C12 = C11 + C8 + C9; // this cannot overflow! aux4 = C12; // de-normalization with 32-bits arithmetic refE = 16 - refE; // refE can be up to 3 if (refE >= 0) aux4 <<= (refE); else aux4 >>= -(refE); if (aux4 == -1) aux4 = 0; // why? aux4 >>= 1; aux = ((uint16) DSP1.G_Les) + aux4; // Les - the scalar product of P with the normal vector of the screen DSP1_NormalizeDouble(aux, &C10, &E2); E2 = 15 - E2; DSP1_Inverse(C10, 0, &C4, &E4); C2 = C4 * DSP1.C_Les >> 15; // scale factor // H E7 = 0; C16 = Px * ( DSP1.CosAas * 0x7fff >> 15) >> 15; C20 = Py * ( DSP1.SinAas * 0x7fff >> 15) >> 15; C17 = C16 + C20; // scalar product of P with the normalized horizontal vector of the screen... C18 = C17 * C2 >> 15; // ... multiplied by the scale factor DSP1_Normalize(C18, &C19, &E7); *H = DSP1_Truncate(C19, DSP1.E_Les - E2 + refE + E7); // V E6 = 0; C21 = Px * ( DSP1.CosAzs * -DSP1.SinAas >> 15) >> 15; C22 = Py * ( DSP1.CosAzs * DSP1.CosAas >> 15) >> 15; C23 = Pz * (-DSP1.SinAzs * 0x7fff >> 15) >> 15; C24 = C21 + C22 + C23; // scalar product of P with the normalized vertical vector of the screen... C26 = C24 * C2 >> 15; // ... multiplied by the scale factor DSP1_Normalize(C26, &C25, &E6); *V = DSP1_Truncate(C25, DSP1.E_Les - E2 + refE + E6); // M DSP1_Normalize(C2, &C6, &E4); *M = DSP1_Truncate(C6, E4 + DSP1.E_Les - E2 - 7); // M is the scale factor divided by 2^7 } static void DSP1_Op06 (void) { DSP1_Project(DSP1.Op06X, DSP1.Op06Y, DSP1.Op06Z, &DSP1.Op06H, &DSP1.Op06V, &DSP1.Op06M); } static void DSP1_Op01 (void) { int16 SinAz = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op01Zr); int16 CosAz = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op01Zr); int16 SinAy = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op01Yr); int16 CosAy = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op01Yr); int16 SinAx = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op01Xr); int16 CosAx = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op01Xr); DSP1.Op01m >>= 1; DSP1.matrixA[0][0] = (DSP1.Op01m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixA[0][1] = -((DSP1.Op01m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[0][2] = DSP1.Op01m * SinAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixA[1][0] = ((DSP1.Op01m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op01m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[1][1] = ((DSP1.Op01m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op01m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[1][2] = -((DSP1.Op01m * SinAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[2][0] = ((DSP1.Op01m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op01m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[2][1] = ((DSP1.Op01m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op01m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixA[2][2] = (DSP1.Op01m * CosAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op11 (void) { int16 SinAz = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op11Zr); int16 CosAz = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op11Zr); int16 SinAy = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op11Yr); int16 CosAy = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op11Yr); int16 SinAx = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op11Xr); int16 CosAx = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op11Xr); DSP1.Op11m >>= 1; DSP1.matrixB[0][0] = (DSP1.Op11m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixB[0][1] = -((DSP1.Op11m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[0][2] = DSP1.Op11m * SinAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixB[1][0] = ((DSP1.Op11m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op11m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[1][1] = ((DSP1.Op11m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op11m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[1][2] = -((DSP1.Op11m * SinAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[2][0] = ((DSP1.Op11m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op11m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[2][1] = ((DSP1.Op11m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op11m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixB[2][2] = (DSP1.Op11m * CosAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op21 (void) { int16 SinAz = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op21Zr); int16 CosAz = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op21Zr); int16 SinAy = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op21Yr); int16 CosAy = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op21Yr); int16 SinAx = DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op21Xr); int16 CosAx = DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op21Xr); DSP1.Op21m >>= 1; DSP1.matrixC[0][0] = (DSP1.Op21m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixC[0][1] = -((DSP1.Op21m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[0][2] = DSP1.Op21m * SinAy >> 15; DSP1.matrixC[1][0] = ((DSP1.Op21m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op21m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[1][1] = ((DSP1.Op21m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op21m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[1][2] = -((DSP1.Op21m * SinAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[2][0] = ((DSP1.Op21m * SinAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) - (((DSP1.Op21m * CosAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[2][1] = ((DSP1.Op21m * CosAz >> 15) * SinAx >> 15) + (((DSP1.Op21m * SinAz >> 15) * CosAx >> 15) * SinAy >> 15); DSP1.matrixC[2][2] = (DSP1.Op21m * CosAx >> 15) * CosAy >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op0D (void) { DSP1.Op0DF = (DSP1.Op0DX * DSP1.matrixA[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DY * DSP1.matrixA[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DZ * DSP1.matrixA[0][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op0DL = (DSP1.Op0DX * DSP1.matrixA[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DY * DSP1.matrixA[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DZ * DSP1.matrixA[1][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op0DU = (DSP1.Op0DX * DSP1.matrixA[2][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DY * DSP1.matrixA[2][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op0DZ * DSP1.matrixA[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", DSP1.Op0DX, DSP1.Op0DY, DSP1.Op0DZ, DSP1.Op0DF, DSP1.Op0DL, DSP1.Op0DU); #endif } static void DSP1_Op1D (void) { DSP1.Op1DF = (DSP1.Op1DX * DSP1.matrixB[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DY * DSP1.matrixB[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DZ * DSP1.matrixB[0][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op1DL = (DSP1.Op1DX * DSP1.matrixB[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DY * DSP1.matrixB[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DZ * DSP1.matrixB[1][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op1DU = (DSP1.Op1DX * DSP1.matrixB[2][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DY * DSP1.matrixB[2][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1DZ * DSP1.matrixB[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", DSP1.Op1DX, DSP1.Op1DY, DSP1.Op1DZ, DSP1.Op1DF, DSP1.Op1DL, DSP1.Op1DU); #endif } static void DSP1_Op2D (void) { DSP1.Op2DF = (DSP1.Op2DX * DSP1.matrixC[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DY * DSP1.matrixC[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DZ * DSP1.matrixC[0][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op2DL = (DSP1.Op2DX * DSP1.matrixC[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DY * DSP1.matrixC[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DZ * DSP1.matrixC[1][2] >> 15); DSP1.Op2DU = (DSP1.Op2DX * DSP1.matrixC[2][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DY * DSP1.matrixC[2][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op2DZ * DSP1.matrixC[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP2D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", DSP1.Op2DX, DSP1.Op2DY, DSP1.Op2DZ, DSP1.Op2DF, DSP1.Op2DL, DSP1.Op2DU); #endif } static void DSP1_Op03 (void) { DSP1.Op03X = (DSP1.Op03F * DSP1.matrixA[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03L * DSP1.matrixA[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03U * DSP1.matrixA[2][0] >> 15); DSP1.Op03Y = (DSP1.Op03F * DSP1.matrixA[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03L * DSP1.matrixA[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03U * DSP1.matrixA[2][1] >> 15); DSP1.Op03Z = (DSP1.Op03F * DSP1.matrixA[0][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03L * DSP1.matrixA[1][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op03U * DSP1.matrixA[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP03 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", DSP1.Op03F, DSP1.Op03L, DSP1.Op03U, DSP1.Op03X, DSP1.Op03Y, DSP1.Op03Z); #endif } static void DSP1_Op13 (void) { DSP1.Op13X = (DSP1.Op13F * DSP1.matrixB[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13L * DSP1.matrixB[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13U * DSP1.matrixB[2][0] >> 15); DSP1.Op13Y = (DSP1.Op13F * DSP1.matrixB[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13L * DSP1.matrixB[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13U * DSP1.matrixB[2][1] >> 15); DSP1.Op13Z = (DSP1.Op13F * DSP1.matrixB[0][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13L * DSP1.matrixB[1][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op13U * DSP1.matrixB[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP13 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", DSP1.Op13F, DSP1.Op13L, DSP1.Op13U, DSP1.Op13X, DSP1.Op13Y, DSP1.Op13Z); #endif } static void DSP1_Op23 (void) { DSP1.Op23X = (DSP1.Op23F * DSP1.matrixC[0][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23L * DSP1.matrixC[1][0] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23U * DSP1.matrixC[2][0] >> 15); DSP1.Op23Y = (DSP1.Op23F * DSP1.matrixC[0][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23L * DSP1.matrixC[1][1] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23U * DSP1.matrixC[2][1] >> 15); DSP1.Op23Z = (DSP1.Op23F * DSP1.matrixC[0][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23L * DSP1.matrixC[1][2] >> 15) + (DSP1.Op23U * DSP1.matrixC[2][2] >> 15); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP23 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", DSP1.Op23F, DSP1.Op23L, DSP1.Op23U, DSP1.Op23X, DSP1.Op23Y, DSP1.Op23Z); #endif } static void DSP1_Op14 (void) { int16 CSec, ESec, CTan, CSin, C, E; DSP1_Inverse(DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op14Xr), 0, &CSec, &ESec); // Rotation Around Z DSP1_NormalizeDouble(DSP1.Op14U * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op14Yr) - DSP1.Op14F * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op14Yr), &C, &E); E = ESec - E; DSP1_Normalize(C * CSec >> 15, &C, &E); DSP1.Op14Zrr = DSP1.Op14Zr + DSP1_Truncate(C, E); // Rotation Around X DSP1.Op14Xrr = DSP1.Op14Xr + (DSP1.Op14U * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op14Yr) >> 15) + (DSP1.Op14F * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op14Yr) >> 15); // Rotation Around Y DSP1_NormalizeDouble(DSP1.Op14U * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op14Yr) + DSP1.Op14F * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op14Yr), &C, &E); E = ESec - E; DSP1_Normalize(DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op14Xr), &CSin, &E); CTan = CSec * CSin >> 15; DSP1_Normalize(-(C * CTan >> 15), &C, &E); DSP1.Op14Yrr = DSP1.Op14Yr + DSP1_Truncate(C, E) + DSP1.Op14L; } static void DSP1_Target (int16 H, int16 V, int16 *X, int16 *Y) { int16 C, E, C1, E1; DSP1_Inverse((V * DSP1.SinAzs >> 15) + DSP1.VOffset, 8, &C, &E); E += DSP1.VPlane_E; C1 = C * DSP1.VPlane_C >> 15; E1 = E + DSP1.SecAZS_E1; H <<= 8; DSP1_Normalize(C1, &C, &E); C = DSP1_Truncate(C, E) * H >> 15; *X = DSP1.CentreX + (C * DSP1.CosAas >> 15); *Y = DSP1.CentreY - (C * DSP1.SinAas >> 15); V <<= 8; DSP1_Normalize(C1 * DSP1.SecAZS_C1 >> 15, &C, &E1); C = DSP1_Truncate(C, E1) * V >> 15; *X += C * -DSP1.SinAas >> 15; *Y += C * DSP1.CosAas >> 15; } static void DSP1_Op0E (void) { DSP1_Target(DSP1.Op0EH, DSP1.Op0EV, &DSP1.Op0EX, &DSP1.Op0EY); } static void DSP1_Op0B (void) { DSP1.Op0BS = (DSP1.Op0BX * DSP1.matrixA[0][0] + DSP1.Op0BY * DSP1.matrixA[0][1] + DSP1.Op0BZ * DSP1.matrixA[0][2]) >> 15; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0B"); #endif } static void DSP1_Op1B (void) { DSP1.Op1BS = (DSP1.Op1BX * DSP1.matrixB[0][0] + DSP1.Op1BY * DSP1.matrixB[0][1] + DSP1.Op1BZ * DSP1.matrixB[0][2]) >> 15; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1B X: %d Y: %d Z: %d S: %d", DSP1.Op1BX, DSP1.Op1BY, DSP1.Op1BZ, DSP1.Op1BS); Log_Message(" MX: %d MY: %d MZ: %d Scale: %d", (int16) (DSP1.matrixB[0][0] * 100), (int16) (DSP1.matrixB[0][1] * 100), (int16) (DSP1.matrixB[0][2] * 100), (int16) (DSP1.Op1BS * 100)); #endif } static void DSP1_Op2B (void) { DSP1.Op2BS = (DSP1.Op2BX * DSP1.matrixC[0][0] + DSP1.Op2BY * DSP1.matrixC[0][1] + DSP1.Op2BZ * DSP1.matrixC[0][2]) >> 15; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP2B"); #endif } static void DSP1_Op08 (void) { int32 op08Size = (DSP1.Op08X * DSP1.Op08X + DSP1.Op08Y * DSP1.Op08Y + DSP1.Op08Z * DSP1.Op08Z) << 1; DSP1.Op08Ll = op08Size & 0xffff; DSP1.Op08Lh = (op08Size >> 16) & 0xffff; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP08 %d,%d,%d", DSP1.Op08X, DSP1.Op08Y, DSP1.Op08Z); Log_Message("OP08 ((OP08X^2)+(OP08Y^2)+(OP08Z^2))=%x", op08Size); #endif } static void DSP1_Op18 (void) { DSP1.Op18D = (DSP1.Op18X * DSP1.Op18X + DSP1.Op18Y * DSP1.Op18Y + DSP1.Op18Z * DSP1.Op18Z - DSP1.Op18R * DSP1.Op18R) >> 15; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP18 X: %d Y: %d Z: %d R: %D DIFF %d", DSP1.Op18X, DSP1.Op18Y, DSP1.Op38Z, DSP1.Op18D); #endif } static void DSP1_Op38 (void) { DSP1.Op38D = (DSP1.Op38X * DSP1.Op38X + DSP1.Op38Y * DSP1.Op38Y + DSP1.Op38Z * DSP1.Op38Z - DSP1.Op38R * DSP1.Op38R) >> 15; DSP1.Op38D++; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP38 X: %d Y: %d Z: %d R: %D DIFF %d", DSP1.Op38X, DSP1.Op38Y, DSP1.Op38Z, DSP1.Op38D); #endif } static void DSP1_Op28 (void) { int32 Radius = DSP1.Op28X * DSP1.Op28X + DSP1.Op28Y * DSP1.Op28Y + DSP1.Op28Z * DSP1.Op28Z; if (Radius == 0) DSP1.Op28R = 0; else { int16 C, E, Pos, Node1, Node2; DSP1_NormalizeDouble(Radius, &C, &E); if (E & 1) C = C * 0x4000 >> 15; Pos = C * 0x0040 >> 15; Node1 = DSP1ROM[0x00d5 + Pos]; Node2 = DSP1ROM[0x00d6 + Pos]; DSP1.Op28R = ((Node2 - Node1) * (C & 0x1ff) >> 9) + Node1; DSP1.Op28R >>= (E >> 1); } #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP28 X:%d Y:%d Z:%d", DSP1.Op28X, DSP1.Op28Y, DSP1.Op28Z); Log_Message("OP28 Vector Length %d", DSP1.Op28R); #endif } static void DSP1_Op1C (void) { // Rotate Around Op1CZ1 DSP1.Op1CX1 = (DSP1.Op1CYBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CZ) >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1CXBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CZ) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CY1 = (DSP1.Op1CYBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CZ) >> 15) - (DSP1.Op1CXBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CZ) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CXBR = DSP1.Op1CX1; DSP1.Op1CYBR = DSP1.Op1CY1; // Rotate Around Op1CY1 DSP1.Op1CZ1 = (DSP1.Op1CXBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CY) >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1CZBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CY) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CX1 = (DSP1.Op1CXBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CY) >> 15) - (DSP1.Op1CZBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CY) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CXAR = DSP1.Op1CX1; DSP1.Op1CZBR = DSP1.Op1CZ1; // Rotate Around Op1CX1 DSP1.Op1CY1 = (DSP1.Op1CZBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CX) >> 15) + (DSP1.Op1CYBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CX) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CZ1 = (DSP1.Op1CZBR * DSP1_Cos(DSP1.Op1CX) >> 15) - (DSP1.Op1CYBR * DSP1_Sin(DSP1.Op1CX) >> 15); DSP1.Op1CYAR = DSP1.Op1CY1; DSP1.Op1CZAR = DSP1.Op1CZ1; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1C Apply Matrix CX:%d CY:%d CZ", DSP1.Op1CXAR, DSP1.Op1CYAR, DSP1.Op1CZAR); #endif } static void DSP1_Op0F (void) { DSP1.Op0FPass = 0x0000; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0F RAM Test Pass:%d", DSP1.Op0FPass); #endif } static void DSP1_Op2F (void) { DSP1.Op2FSize = 0x100; } void DSP1SetByte (uint8 byte, uint16 address) { if (address < DSP0.boundary) { if ((DSP1.command == 0x0A || DSP1.command == 0x1A) && DSP1.out_count != 0) { DSP1.out_count--; DSP1.out_index++; return; } else if (DSP1.waiting4command) { DSP1.command = byte; DSP1.in_index = 0; DSP1.waiting4command = FALSE; DSP1.first_parameter = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("OP%02X\n",byte); #endif switch (byte) { case 0x00: DSP1.in_count = 2; break; case 0x30: case 0x10: DSP1.in_count = 2; break; case 0x20: DSP1.in_count = 2; break; case 0x24: case 0x04: DSP1.in_count = 2; break; case 0x08: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x18: DSP1.in_count = 4; break; case 0x28: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x38: DSP1.in_count = 4; break; case 0x2c: case 0x0c: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x3c: case 0x1c: DSP1.in_count = 6; break; case 0x32: case 0x22: case 0x12: case 0x02: DSP1.in_count = 7; break; case 0x0a: DSP1.in_count = 1; break; case 0x3a: case 0x2a: case 0x1a: DSP1.command = 0x1a; DSP1.in_count = 1; break; case 0x16: case 0x26: case 0x36: case 0x06: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x1e: case 0x2e: case 0x3e: case 0x0e: DSP1.in_count = 2; break; case 0x05: case 0x35: case 0x31: case 0x01: DSP1.in_count = 4; break; case 0x15: case 0x11: DSP1.in_count = 4; break; case 0x25: case 0x21: DSP1.in_count = 4; break; case 0x09: case 0x39: case 0x3d: case 0x0d: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x19: case 0x1d: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x29: case 0x2d: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x33: case 0x03: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x13: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x23: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x3b: case 0x0b: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x1b: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x2b: DSP1.in_count = 3; break; case 0x34: case 0x14: DSP1.in_count = 6; break; case 0x07: case 0x0f: DSP1.in_count = 1; break; case 0x27: case 0x2F: DSP1.in_count = 1; break; case 0x17: case 0x37: case 0x3F: DSP1.command = 0x1f; // Fall through case 0x1f: DSP1.in_count = 1; break; default: #ifdef DEBUGGER //printf("OP%02X\n", byte); #endif case 0x80: DSP1.in_count = 0; DSP1.waiting4command = TRUE; DSP1.first_parameter = TRUE; break; } DSP1.in_count <<= 1; } else { DSP1.parameters[DSP1.in_index] = byte; DSP1.first_parameter = FALSE; DSP1.in_index++; } if (DSP1.waiting4command || (DSP1.first_parameter && byte == 0x80)) { DSP1.waiting4command = TRUE; DSP1.first_parameter = FALSE; } else if (DSP1.first_parameter && (DSP1.in_count != 0 || (DSP1.in_count == 0 && DSP1.in_index == 0))) ; else { if (DSP1.in_count) { if (--DSP1.in_count == 0) { // Actually execute the command DSP1.waiting4command = TRUE; DSP1.out_index = 0; switch (DSP1.command) { case 0x1f: DSP1.out_count = 2048; break; case 0x00: // Multiple DSP1.Op00Multiplicand = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op00Multiplier = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1_Op00(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = DSP1.Op00Result & 0xFF; DSP1.output[1] = (DSP1.Op00Result >> 8) & 0xFF; break; case 0x20: // Multiple DSP1.Op20Multiplicand = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op20Multiplier = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1_Op20(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = DSP1.Op20Result & 0xFF; DSP1.output[1] = (DSP1.Op20Result >> 8) & 0xFF; break; case 0x30: case 0x10: // Inverse DSP1.Op10Coefficient = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op10Exponent = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1_Op10(); DSP1.out_count = 4; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) ( ((int16) DSP1.Op10CoefficientR) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((((int16) DSP1.Op10CoefficientR) >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) ( ((int16) DSP1.Op10ExponentR ) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((((int16) DSP1.Op10ExponentR ) >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x24: case 0x04: // Sin and Cos of angle DSP1.Op04Angle = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op04Radius = (uint16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1_Op04(); DSP1.out_count = 4; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op04Sin & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op04Sin >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op04Cos & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op04Cos >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x08: // Radius DSP1.Op08X = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op08Y = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op08Z = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op08(); DSP1.out_count = 4; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) ( ((int16) DSP1.Op08Ll) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((((int16) DSP1.Op08Ll) >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) ( ((int16) DSP1.Op08Lh) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((((int16) DSP1.Op08Lh) >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x18: // Range DSP1.Op18X = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op18Y = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op18Z = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1.Op18R = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[6] | (DSP1.parameters[7] << 8)); DSP1_Op18(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op18D & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op18D >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x38: // Range DSP1.Op38X = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op38Y = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op38Z = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1.Op38R = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[6] | (DSP1.parameters[7] << 8)); DSP1_Op38(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op38D & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op38D >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x28: // Distance (vector length) DSP1.Op28X = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op28Y = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op28Z = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op28(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op28R & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op28R >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x2c: case 0x0c: // Rotate (2D rotate) DSP1.Op0CA = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op0CX1 = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op0CY1 = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op0C(); DSP1.out_count = 4; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0CX2 & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0CX2 >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0CY2 & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0CY2 >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x3c: case 0x1c: // Polar (3D rotate) DSP1.Op1CZ = (DSP1.parameters[ 0] | (DSP1.parameters[ 1] << 8)); //MK: reversed X and Y on neviksti and John's advice. DSP1.Op1CY = (DSP1.parameters[ 2] | (DSP1.parameters[ 3] << 8)); DSP1.Op1CX = (DSP1.parameters[ 4] | (DSP1.parameters[ 5] << 8)); DSP1.Op1CXBR = (DSP1.parameters[ 6] | (DSP1.parameters[ 7] << 8)); DSP1.Op1CYBR = (DSP1.parameters[ 8] | (DSP1.parameters[ 9] << 8)); DSP1.Op1CZBR = (DSP1.parameters[10] | (DSP1.parameters[11] << 8)); DSP1_Op1C(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1CXAR & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1CXAR >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1CYAR & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1CYAR >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1CZAR & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1CZAR >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x32: case 0x22: case 0x12: case 0x02: // Parameter (Projection) DSP1.Op02FX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 0] | (DSP1.parameters[ 1] << 8)); DSP1.Op02FY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 2] | (DSP1.parameters[ 3] << 8)); DSP1.Op02FZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 4] | (DSP1.parameters[ 5] << 8)); DSP1.Op02LFE = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 6] | (DSP1.parameters[ 7] << 8)); DSP1.Op02LES = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 8] | (DSP1.parameters[ 9] << 8)); DSP1.Op02AAS = (uint16) (DSP1.parameters[10] | (DSP1.parameters[11] << 8)); DSP1.Op02AZS = (uint16) (DSP1.parameters[12] | (DSP1.parameters[13] << 8)); DSP1_Op02(); DSP1.out_count = 8; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op02VOF & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op02VOF >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op02VVA & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op02VVA >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op02CX & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op02CX >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[6] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op02CY & 0xFF); DSP1.output[7] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op02CY >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x3a: case 0x2a: case 0x1a: // Raster mode 7 matrix data case 0x0a: DSP1.Op0AVS = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1_Op0A(); DSP1.out_count = 8; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0AA & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0AA >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0AB & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0AB >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0AC & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0AC >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[6] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0AD & 0xFF); DSP1.output[7] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0AD >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.in_index = 0; break; case 0x16: case 0x26: case 0x36: case 0x06: // Project object DSP1.Op06X = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op06Y = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op06Z = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op06(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op06H & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op06H >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op06V & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op06V >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op06M & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op06M >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x1e: case 0x2e: case 0x3e: case 0x0e: // Target DSP1.Op0EH = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op0EV = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1_Op0E(); DSP1.out_count = 4; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0EX & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0EX >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0EY & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0EY >> 8) & 0xFF); break; // Extra commands used by Pilot Wings case 0x05: case 0x35: case 0x31: case 0x01: // Set attitude matrix A DSP1.Op01m = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op01Zr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op01Yr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1.Op01Xr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[6] | (DSP1.parameters[7] << 8)); DSP1_Op01(); break; case 0x15: case 0x11: // Set attitude matrix B DSP1.Op11m = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op11Zr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op11Yr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1.Op11Xr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[7] | (DSP1.parameters[7] << 8)); DSP1_Op11(); break; case 0x25: case 0x21: // Set attitude matrix C DSP1.Op21m = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op21Zr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op21Yr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1.Op21Xr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[6] | (DSP1.parameters[7] << 8)); DSP1_Op21(); break; case 0x09: case 0x39: case 0x3d: case 0x0d: // Objective matrix A DSP1.Op0DX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op0DY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op0DZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op0D(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output [0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0DF & 0xFF); DSP1.output [1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0DF >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output [2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0DL & 0xFF); DSP1.output [3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0DL >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output [4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0DU & 0xFF); DSP1.output [5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0DU >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x19: case 0x1d: // Objective matrix B DSP1.Op1DX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op1DY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op1DZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op1D(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1DF & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1DF >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1DL & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1DL >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1DU & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1DU >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x29: case 0x2d: // Objective matrix C DSP1.Op2DX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op2DY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op2DZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op2D(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op2DF & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op2DF >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op2DL & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op2DL >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op2DU & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op2DU >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x33: case 0x03: // Subjective matrix A DSP1.Op03F = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op03L = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op03U = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op03(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op03X & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op03X >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op03Y & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op03Y >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op03Z & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op03Z >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x13: // Subjective matrix B DSP1.Op13F = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op13L = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op13U = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op13(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op13X & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op13X >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op13Y & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op13Y >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op13Z & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op13Z >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x23: // Subjective matrix C DSP1.Op23F = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op23L = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op23U = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op23(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op23X & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op23X >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op23Y & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op23Y >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op23Z & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op23Z >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x3b: case 0x0b: DSP1.Op0BX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op0BY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op0BZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op0B(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0BS & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0BS >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x1b: DSP1.Op1BX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op1BY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op1BZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op1B(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op1BS & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op1BS >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x2b: DSP1.Op2BX = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1.Op2BY = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[2] | (DSP1.parameters[3] << 8)); DSP1.Op2BZ = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[4] | (DSP1.parameters[5] << 8)); DSP1_Op2B(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op2BS & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op2BS >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x34: case 0x14: DSP1.Op14Zr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 0] | (DSP1.parameters[ 1] << 8)); DSP1.Op14Xr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 2] | (DSP1.parameters[ 3] << 8)); DSP1.Op14Yr = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 4] | (DSP1.parameters[ 5] << 8)); DSP1.Op14U = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 6] | (DSP1.parameters[ 7] << 8)); DSP1.Op14F = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[ 8] | (DSP1.parameters[ 9] << 8)); DSP1.Op14L = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[10] | (DSP1.parameters[11] << 8)); DSP1_Op14(); DSP1.out_count = 6; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op14Zrr & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op14Zrr >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[2] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op14Xrr & 0xFF); DSP1.output[3] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op14Xrr >> 8) & 0xFF); DSP1.output[4] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op14Yrr & 0xFF); DSP1.output[5] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op14Yrr >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x27: case 0x2F: DSP1.Op2FUnknown = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1_Op2F(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op2FSize & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op2FSize >> 8) & 0xFF); break; case 0x07: case 0x0F: DSP1.Op0FRamsize = (int16) (DSP1.parameters[0] | (DSP1.parameters[1] << 8)); DSP1_Op0F(); DSP1.out_count = 2; DSP1.output[0] = (uint8) (DSP1.Op0FPass & 0xFF); DSP1.output[1] = (uint8) ((DSP1.Op0FPass >> 8) & 0xFF); break; default: break; } } } } } } uint8 DSP1GetByte (uint16 address) { uint8 t; if (address < DSP0.boundary) { if (DSP1.out_count) { t = (uint8) DSP1.output[DSP1.out_index]; DSP1.out_index++; if (--DSP1.out_count == 0) { if (DSP1.command == 0x1a || DSP1.command == 0x0a) { DSP1_Op0A(); DSP1.out_count = 8; DSP1.out_index = 0; DSP1.output[0] = DSP1.Op0AA & 0xFF; DSP1.output[1] = (DSP1.Op0AA >> 8) & 0xFF; DSP1.output[2] = DSP1.Op0AB & 0xFF; DSP1.output[3] = (DSP1.Op0AB >> 8) & 0xFF; DSP1.output[4] = DSP1.Op0AC & 0xFF; DSP1.output[5] = (DSP1.Op0AC >> 8) & 0xFF; DSP1.output[6] = DSP1.Op0AD & 0xFF; DSP1.output[7] = (DSP1.Op0AD >> 8) & 0xFF; } if (DSP1.command == 0x1f) { if ((DSP1.out_index % 2) != 0) t = (uint8) DSP1ROM[DSP1.out_index >> 1]; else t = DSP1ROM[DSP1.out_index >> 1] >> 8; } } DSP1.waiting4command = TRUE; } else t = 0xff; } else t = 0x80; return (t); }