AC_PREREQ([2.60]) AC_INIT([Snes9x], [1.53], [], [snes9x]) AC_REVISION([$Revision: 1.53 $]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([sdlmain.cpp]) AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_LANG([C++]) S9XFLGS="" S9XDEFS="" S9XLIBS="" AC_DEFUN([AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether g++ accepts $1]) AC_CACHE_VAL([snes9x_cv_option_$2], [ OLD_CXXFLAGS="[$]CXXFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="[$]OLD_CXXFLAGS $1" AC_TRY_RUN( [ int foo; int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* The following code triggs gcc:s generation of aline opcodes, which some versions of as does not support. */ if (argc > 0) argc = 0; return (argc); } ], [snes9x_cv_option_$2="yes"], [snes9x_cv_option_$2="no"]) ]) CXXFLAGS="[$]OLD_CXXFLAGS" if test "x[$]snes9x_cv_option_$2" = "xyes"; then S9XFLGS="[$]S9XFLGS $1" AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) $3 fi ]) # ***************************** # *** Execution begins here *** # ***************************** # Remove -g and -O2 flags manually. if test "x$CFLAGS" != "x"; then CFLAGS="`echo \"$CFLAGS\" | sed -e 's/-g//'`" CFLAGS="`echo \"$CFLAGS\" | sed -e 's/-O2//'`" fi if test "x$CXXFLAGS" != "x"; then CXXFLAGS="`echo \"$CXXFLAGS\" | sed -e 's/-g//'`" CXXFLAGS="`echo \"$CXXFLAGS\" | sed -e 's/-O2//'`" fi # Test what compiler flags we should use. AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [leave debug information in the final binary (default: no)])], [], [enable_debug="no"]) if test "x$enable_debug" = "xyes"; then AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-g], [g]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-O0], [o0]) else AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-O3], [o3], [ AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-O2], [o2], [ AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-O1], [o1])])]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-fomit-frame-pointer], [omit_frame_pointer]) fi # : --enable-neon AC_ARG_ENABLE([neon], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-neon], [use the optimisation flag to enable NEON instructions (default: no)])], [], [enable_neon="no"]) if test "x$enable_neon" != "xno"; then AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG(["-mfpu=neon"], [mfpu], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(["NEON optimisation flag was not accepted."]) ]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG(["-Wa,-march=armv7a"], [march]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG(["-fprefetch-loop-arrays"], [prefetch]) fi # AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-fno-exceptions], [no_exceptions]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-fno-rtti], [no_rtti]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-pedantic], [pedantic]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-Wall], [Wall]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-W], [W]) AC_S9X_COMPILER_FLAG([-Wno-unused-parameter], [Wno_unused_parameter]) # Enable debugger. S9XDEBUGGER="#S9XDEBUGGER=1" AC_ARG_ENABLE([debugger], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debugger], [enable debugger (default: no)])], [], [enable_debugger="no"]) if test "x$enable_debugger" = "xyes"; then S9XDEBUGGER="S9XDEBUGGER=1" S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DDEBUGGER" fi # Enable netplay support if requested. S9XNETPLAY="#S9XNETPLAY=1" AC_ARG_ENABLE([netplay], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-netplay], [enable netplay support (default: no)])], [], [enable_netplay="no"]) if test "x$enable_netplay" = "xyes"; then S9XNETPLAY="S9XNETPLAY=1" S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DNETPLAY_SUPPORT" fi # Enable GZIP support through zlib. AC_CACHE_VAL([snes9x_cv_zlib], [ AC_CHECK_HEADER([zlib.h], [AC_CHECK_LIB([z], [gzread], [snes9x_cv_zlib="yes"], [snes9x_cv_zlib="no"])], [snes9x_cv_zlib="no"]) ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([gzip], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gzip], [enable GZIP support through zlib (default: yes)])], [], [enable_gzip="yes"]) if test "x$enable_gzip" = "xyes"; then if test "x$snes9x_cv_zlib" = "xyes"; then S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DZLIB" S9XLIBS="$S9XLIBS -lz" else AC_MSG_WARN([zlib not found. Build without GZIP support.]) enable_gzip="no" fi fi # Enable ZIP support through zlib. S9XZIP="#S9XZIP=1" AC_ARG_ENABLE([zip], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-zip], [enable ZIP support through zlib (default: yes)])], [], [enable_zip="yes"]) if test "x$enable_zip" = "xyes"; then if test "x$snes9x_cv_zlib" = "xyes"; then S9XZIP="S9XZIP=1" S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DUNZIP_SUPPORT" if test "x$enable_gzip" = "xno"; then S9XLIBS="$S9XLIBS -lz" fi else AC_MSG_WARN([zlib not found. Build without ZIP support.]) enable_zip="no" fi fi # Enable JMA support. S9XJMA="#S9XJMA=1" AC_ARG_ENABLE([jma], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-jma], [enable JMA support (default: yes)])], [], [enable_jma="yes"]) if test "x$enable_jma" = "xyes"; then S9XJMA="S9XJMA=1" S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DJMA_SUPPORT" fi # Enable screenshot support through libpng. AC_CACHE_VAL([snes9x_cv_libpng], [ AC_CHECK_HEADER([png.h], [AC_CHECK_LIB([png], [png_init_io], [snes9x_cv_libpng="yes"], [snes9x_cv_libpng="no"])], [snes9x_cv_libpng="no"]) ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([screenshot], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-screenshot], [enable screenshot support through libpng (default: yes)])], [], [enable_screenshot="yes"]) if test "x$enable_screenshot" = "xyes"; then if test "x$snes9x_cv_libpng" = "xyes"; then S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DHAVE_LIBPNG" S9XLIBS="$S9XLIBS -lpng" else AC_MSG_WARN([libpng not found. Build without screenshot support.]) enable_screenshot="no" fi fi # Check for functions AC_CHECK_FUNC([mkstemp], [ S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DHAVE_MKSTEMP" ]) # : Check SDL, messy. AC_CACHE_VAL([snes9x_cv_sdl], [ AC_CHECK_HEADER([SDL/SDL.h], [AC_CHECK_LIB([SDL], [SDL_Init], [snes9x_cv_sdl="yes"], [snes9x_cv_sdl="no"])], [snes9x_cv_sdl="no"]) ]) if test "x$snes9x_cv_sdl" = "xyes"; then S9XFLGS="$S9XFLGS `sdl-config --cflags`" S9XLIBS="$S9XLIBS `sdl-config --libs`" else AC_MSG_ERROR([SDL is required.]) fi ### # # Check for headers snes9x_have_stdint_h=""; AC_CHECK_HEADER([strings.h], [ S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DHAVE_STRINGS_H" ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([sys/ioctl.h], [ S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DHAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H" ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([stdint.h], [ S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DHAVE_STDINT_H" snes9x_have_stdint_h="-DHAVE_STDINT_H" ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([unistd.h sys/socket.h]) # Check whether the size of pointer is int. if test "x$snes9x_have_stdint_h" = "x"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the size of pointer is int]) AC_TRY_RUN( [ int main (void) { return (!(sizeof(void *) == sizeof(int))); } ], [snes9x_ptr_is_int="yes"], [snes9x_ptr_is_int="no"]) if test "x$snes9x_ptr_is_int" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DPTR_NOT_INT" fi fi # Check whether right shift is arithmetic or not AC_DEFUN([AC_S9X_CHECK_SAR], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether right shift $1 is arithmetic]) OLD_CXXFLAGS="[$]CXXFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="[$]OLD_CXXFLAGS $snes9x_have_stdint_h" AC_TRY_RUN( [ #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include typedef int8_t int8; typedef int16_t int16; typedef int32_t int32; typedef int64_t int64; #else typedef signed char int8; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed int int32; #ifdef __GNUC__ __extension__ #endif typedef long long int64; #endif int main (void) { $1 i; i = -1; i >>= 1; return (i < 0 ? 0 : 1); } ], [snes9x_sar_$1="yes"], [snes9x_sar_$1="no"]) CXXFLAGS="[$]OLD_CXXFLAGS" if test "x$snes9x_sar_$1" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) else S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DRIGHTSHIFT_$1_IS_SAR" AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fi ]) AC_S9X_CHECK_SAR([int8]) AC_S9X_CHECK_SAR([int16]) AC_S9X_CHECK_SAR([int32]) AC_S9X_CHECK_SAR([int64]) if test "x$snes9x_sar_int8" = "xyes" -a "x$snes9x_sar_int16" = "xyes" -a "x$snes9x_sar_int32" = "xyes" -a "x$snes9x_sar_int64" = "xyes"; then S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/-DRIGHTSHIFT_int8_IS_SAR//'`" S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/-DRIGHTSHIFT_int16_IS_SAR//'`" S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/-DRIGHTSHIFT_int32_IS_SAR//'`" S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/-DRIGHTSHIFT_int64_IS_SAR//'`" S9XDEFS="$S9XDEFS -DRIGHTSHIFT_IS_SAR" fi # Output. S9XFLGS="$CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $S9XFLGS" S9XLIBS="$LIBS $S9XLIBS" S9XFLGS="`echo \"$S9XFLGS\" | sed -e 's/ */ /g'`" S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/ */ /g'`" S9XLIBS="`echo \"$S9XLIBS\" | sed -e 's/ */ /g'`" S9XFLGS="`echo \"$S9XFLGS\" | sed -e 's/^ *//'`" S9XDEFS="`echo \"$S9XDEFS\" | sed -e 's/^ *//'`" S9XLIBS="`echo \"$S9XLIBS\" | sed -e 's/^ *//'`" AC_SUBST(S9XFLGS) AC_SUBST(S9XDEFS) AC_SUBST(S9XLIBS) AC_SUBST(S9XDEBUGGER) AC_SUBST(S9XNETPLAY) AC_SUBST(S9XZIP) AC_SUBST(S9XJMA) rm 2>/dev/null cat > <