/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include "conffile.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ #define snprintf _snprintf // needs ANSI compliant name #endif #define SORT_SECTIONS_BY_SIZE // output using namespace std; bool ConfigFile::defaultAutoAdd = false; bool ConfigFile::niceAlignment = false; bool ConfigFile::showComments = true; bool ConfigFile::alphaSort = true; bool ConfigFile::timeSort = false; static ConfigFile* curConfigFile = NULL; // for section_then_key_less ConfigFile::ConfigFile(void) { Clear(); } void ConfigFile::Clear(void){ data.clear(); sectionSizes.ClearSections(); linectr = 0; } bool ConfigFile::LoadFile(const char *filename){ FSTREAM s; bool ret=false; const char *n, *n2; if((s=OPEN_FSTREAM(filename, "r"))){ n=filename; n2=strrchr(n, '/'); if(n2!=NULL) n=n2+1; n2=strrchr(n, '\\'); if(n2!=NULL) n=n2+1; fStream fS(s); LoadFile(&fS, n); CLOSE_FSTREAM(s); ret = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open conffile "); perror(filename); } return ret; } void ConfigFile::LoadFile(Stream *r, const char *name){ curConfigFile = this; string l, key, val; string section; string comment; int i, line, line2; bool eof; line=line2=0; section.clear(); do { line=line2++; l=r->getline(eof); ConfigEntry::trim(l); if(l.size()==0) continue; if(l[0]=='#' || l[0]==';'){ // comment continue; } if(l[0]=='['){ if(*l.rbegin()!=']'){ if(name) fprintf(stderr, "%s:", name); fprintf(stderr, "[%d]: Ignoring invalid section header\n", line); continue; } section.assign(l, 1, l.size()-2); continue; } while(*l.rbegin()=='\\'){ l.erase(l.size()-1); line2++; val=r->getline(eof); if(eof){ fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected EOF reading config file"); if(name) fprintf(stderr, " '%s'", name); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return; } ConfigEntry::trim(val); l+=val; } i=l.find('='); if(i<0){ if(name) fprintf(stderr, "%s:", name); fprintf(stderr, "[%d]: Ignoring invalid entry\n", line); continue; } key=l.substr(0,i); ConfigEntry::trim(key); val=l.substr(i+1); comment = ConfigEntry::trimCommented(val); if(val.size() > 0 && val[0]=='"' && *val.rbegin()=='"') val=val.substr(1, val.size()-2); ConfigEntry e(line, section, key, val); e.comment = comment; if(data.erase(e)) sectionSizes.DecreaseSectionSize(e.section); data.insert(e); sectionSizes.IncreaseSectionSize(e.section); } while(!eof); curConfigFile = NULL; } bool ConfigFile::SaveTo(const char *filename){ string section; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen(filename, "w"))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't write conffile "); perror(filename); return false; } curConfigFile = this; section.clear(); set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::line_less> tmp; fprintf(fp, "# Config file output by snes9x\n"); time_t t=time(NULL); fprintf(fp, "# %s", ctime(&t)); #ifdef SORT_SECTIONS_BY_SIZE std::set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::section_then_key_less> data2; for(set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator k=data.begin(); k!=data.end(); k++){ ConfigEntry e (k->line, k->section, k->key, k->val); e.comment = k->comment; data2.insert(e); } #else #define data2 data #define section_then_key_less key_less #endif for(set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::section_then_key_less>::iterator j=data2.begin(); ; j++){ if(j==data2.end() || j->section!=section){ if(!tmp.empty()){ fprintf(fp, "\n[%s]\n", section.c_str()); unsigned int maxKeyLen=0, maxValLen=0; int maxLeftDiv=0; int maxRightDiv=-1; if(niceAlignment){ for(set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::line_less>::iterator i=tmp.begin(); i!=tmp.end(); i++){ int len3 = i->key.find_last_of(':'); maxRightDiv = MAX(maxRightDiv, len3); len3 = i->key.length() - len3; maxLeftDiv = MAX(maxLeftDiv, len3); maxKeyLen = MAX(maxKeyLen, i->key.length()+3); if(showComments){ string o=i->val; ConfigEntry::trim(o); unsigned int len = o.length(); for(signed int j=len-1;j>=0;j--) if(o.at(j)=='#') len++; if(o!=i->val) len+=2; maxValLen = MAX(maxValLen, len); } } if(maxValLen>48) maxValLen=48; // limit spacing } for(set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::line_less>::iterator i=tmp.begin(); i!=tmp.end(); i++){ string o=i->val; ConfigEntry::trim(o); if(o!=i->val) o="\""+i->val+"\""; int off=0, len3=0; for(;;){ int k=o.find('#',off); if(k>=0){ o.insert(k,1,'#'); // re-double any comment characters off=k+2; if(off<(int)o.length()) continue; } break; } if(niceAlignment){ len3=i->key.find_last_of(':'); int len3sub=0; if(len3 < maxRightDiv){ for(int j=len3;j<maxRightDiv;j++) fputc(' ',fp); len3sub=maxRightDiv-len3; len3 = maxRightDiv; } len3+=maxLeftDiv-i->key.length(); for(unsigned int j=i->key.length()+len3+3;j<maxKeyLen;j++) fputc(' ',fp); fprintf(fp, "%s", i->key.c_str()); for(int j=0;j<len3-len3sub;j++) fputc(' ',fp); fprintf(fp, " = %s", o.c_str()); } else fprintf(fp, "%s = %s", i->key.c_str(), o.c_str()); if(showComments && !i->comment.empty()){ if(niceAlignment) for(unsigned int j=o.length();j<maxValLen;j++) fputc(' ',fp); fprintf(fp, " # %s", i->comment.c_str()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } if(j==data2.end()) break; section=j->section; tmp.clear(); } tmp.insert(*j); } curConfigFile = NULL; #undef data2 #undef section_then_key_less if(ferror(fp)) { printf ("Error writing config file %s\n", filename); } fclose(fp); return true; } /***********************************************/ string ConfigFile::Get(const char *key){ set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; i=data.find(ConfigEntry(key)); i->used=true; return i->val; } bool ConfigFile::Has(const char *key){ return data.find(ConfigEntry(key))!=data.end(); } // exists and isn't completely empty (any side-effects are intentional) bool ConfigFile::Exists(const char *key){ const char* val = GetString(key, NULL); return val && *val; } string ConfigFile::GetString(const char *key, string def){ if(!Exists(key)) return def; return Get(key); } char *ConfigFile::GetString(const char *key, char *out, uint32 outlen){ if(!Exists(key)) return NULL; memset(out, 0, outlen); string o=Get(key); if(outlen>0){ outlen--; if(o.size()<outlen) outlen=o.size(); memcpy(out, o.data(), outlen); } return out; } const char *ConfigFile::GetString(const char *key, const char *def){ set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; i=data.find(ConfigEntry(key)); if(i==data.end()) { if(defaultAutoAdd) SetString(key,""); //SetString(key, def?def:""); return def; } i->used=true; // This should be OK, until this key gets removed const std::string &iVal = i->val; return iVal.c_str(); } char *ConfigFile::GetStringDup(const char *key, const char *def){ const char *c=GetString(key, def); if(c==NULL) return NULL; return strdup(c); } bool ConfigFile::SetString(const char *key, string val, const char *comment){ set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; bool ret=false; bool found; ConfigEntry e(key, val); if(comment && *comment) e.comment = comment; e.used=true; i=data.find(e); found=(i==data.end()); if(!found){ e.line=i->line; data.erase(e); sectionSizes.DecreaseSectionSize(e.section); ret=true; } if((found && (!alphaSort || timeSort)) || (!alphaSort && timeSort)) e.line = linectr++; data.insert(e); sectionSizes.IncreaseSectionSize(e.section); return ret; } int32 ConfigFile::GetInt(const char *key, int32 def, bool *bad){ if(bad) *bad=false; if(!Exists(key)) return def; char *c; int32 i; string o=Get(key); i=strtol(o.c_str(), &c, 10); if(c!=NULL && *c!='\0'){ i=def; if(bad) *bad=true; } return i; } bool ConfigFile::SetInt(const char *key, int32 val, const char *comment){ char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (int)val); return SetString(key, buf, comment); } uint32 ConfigFile::GetUInt(const char *key, uint32 def, int base, bool *bad){ if(bad) *bad=false; if(!Exists(key)) return def; if(base!=8 && base!=10 && base!=16) base=0; char *c; uint32 i; string o=Get(key); i=strtol(o.c_str(), &c, base); if(c!=NULL && *c!='\0'){ i=def; if(bad) *bad=true; } return i; } bool ConfigFile::SetUInt(const char *key, uint32 val, int base, const char *comment){ char buf[20]; switch(base){ case 10: default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", (unsigned int)val); break; case 8: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%#o", (unsigned int)val); break; case 16: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%#x", (unsigned int)val); break; } return SetString(key, buf, comment); } bool ConfigFile::GetBool(const char *key, bool def, bool *bad){ if(bad) *bad=false; if(!Exists(key)) return def; string o=Get(key); const char *c=o.c_str(); if(!strcasecmp(c, "true") || !strcasecmp(c, "1") || !strcasecmp(c, "yes") || !strcasecmp(c, "on")) return true; if(!strcasecmp(c, "false") || !strcasecmp(c, "0") || !strcasecmp(c, "no") || !strcasecmp(c, "off")) return false; if(bad) *bad=true; return def; } bool ConfigFile::SetBool(const char *key, bool val, const char *true_val, const char *false_val, const char *comment){ return SetString(key, val?true_val:false_val, comment); } const char* ConfigFile::GetComment(const char *key) { set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; i=data.find(ConfigEntry(key)); if(i==data.end()) return NULL; // This should be OK, until this key gets removed const std::string &iCom = i->comment; return iCom.c_str(); } bool ConfigFile::DeleteKey(const char *key){ ConfigEntry e = ConfigEntry(key); if(data.erase(e)) { sectionSizes.DecreaseSectionSize(e.section); return true; } return false; } /***********************************************/ bool ConfigFile::DeleteSection(const char *section){ set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator s, e; for(s=data.begin(); s!=data.end() && s->section!=section; s++) ; if(s==data.end()) return false; for(e=s; e!=data.end() && e->section==section; e++) ; data.erase(s, e); sectionSizes.DeleteSection(section); return true; } ConfigFile::secvec_t ConfigFile::GetSection(const char *section){ secvec_t v; set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; v.clear(); for(i=data.begin(); i!=data.end(); i++){ if(i->section!=section) continue; v.push_back(std::pair<string,string>(i->key, i->val)); } return v; } int ConfigFile::GetSectionSize(const std::string section){ return sectionSizes.GetSectionSize(section); } // Clears all key-value pairs that didn't receive a "Get" or "Exists" command void ConfigFile::ClearUnused() { set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; again: for(i=data.begin(); i!=data.end(); i++){ if(!i->used){ data.erase(i); goto again; } } } void ConfigFile::ClearLines() { set<ConfigEntry, ConfigEntry::key_less>::iterator i; for(i=data.begin(); i!=data.end(); i++){ *(const_cast<int*>(&i->line)) = -1; } } bool ConfigFile::ConfigEntry::section_then_key_less::operator()(const ConfigEntry &a, const ConfigEntry &b) { if(curConfigFile && a.section!=b.section){ const int sva = curConfigFile->GetSectionSize(a.section); const int svb = curConfigFile->GetSectionSize(b.section); if(sva<svb) return true; if(sva>svb) return false; return a.section<b.section; } return a.key<b.key; } void ConfigFile::SetDefaultAutoAdd(bool autoAdd) { defaultAutoAdd = autoAdd; } void ConfigFile::SetNiceAlignment(bool align) { niceAlignment = align; } void ConfigFile::SetShowComments(bool show) { showComments = show; } void ConfigFile::SetAlphaSort(bool sort) { alphaSort = sort; } void ConfigFile::SetTimeSort(bool sort) { timeSort = sort; }