project('snes9x-gtk', ['c', 'cpp'], version: '1.60', default_options: ['cpp_std=c++11']) args = ['-DSNES9X_GTK', '-DUNZIP_SUPPORT', '-DNETPLAY_SUPPORT', '-DJMA_SUPPORT', '-Wall', '-W', '-Wno-unused-parameter'] srcs = [] deps = [] includes = ['../apu/bapu', '../', 'src'] warns = [] prefix = get_option('prefix') localedir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('localedir')) datadir = get_option('datadir') appdatadir = get_option ('appdatadir') if appdatadir == '' appdatadir = join_paths(prefix, datadir, 'snes9x') else appdatadir = join_paths(prefix, datadir, appdatadir) endif args += [ '-DDATADIR="' + appdatadir + '"', '-DSNES9XLOCALEDIR="' + localedir + '"' ] subdir('data') subdir('po') glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '> 2.28') gthread_dep = dependency('gthread-2.0', version: '>= 2.6') gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0', version: '>= 2.6') sdl2_dep = dependency('sdl2') deps += [ glib_dep, gthread_dep, gobject_dep, sdl2_dep ] c_compiler = meson.get_compiler('c') if c_compiler.version().version_compare('>=7.0.0') and c_compiler.get_id() == 'gcc' args += '-Wno-format-truncation' endif if get_option('gtk3') and not get_option('gtk2') message('Building with GTK+-3.0') gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.22') gtk_ver = 3 else message('Building with GTK+-2.0') gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-2.0', version: '>= 2.16') gtk_ver = 2 endif deps += gtk_dep x11_dep = c_compiler.find_library('X11') xext_dep = c_compiler.find_library('Xext') dl_dep = c_compiler.find_library('dl') deps += x11_dep deps += xext_dep deps += dl_dep xrandr_dep = dependency('xrandr') deps += xrandr_dep opengl = get_option('opengl') if opengl opengl_dep = dependency('epoxy', required: false) if opengl_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_OPENGL' srcs += [ 'src/gtk_display_driver_opengl.cpp', 'src/gtk_display_driver_opengl.h', 'src/gtk_glx_context.cpp', 'src/gtk_glx_context.h', '../shaders/glsl.cpp', '../shaders/shader_helpers.cpp', 'src/gtk_shader_parameters.cpp' ] deps += opengl_dep else opengl = false warns += 'libepoxy not found. OpenGL will disabled.' endif endif slang = get_option('slang') if slang and opengl spirv_cross_hpp = join_paths(meson.source_root(), '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross.hpp') if not meson.get_compiler('cpp').compiles('#include "' + spirv_cross_hpp + '"') slang = false warns += 'Slang support needs the SPIRV-Cross directory in ../shaders' warns += 'It can be downloaded with:' warns += ' git submodule init ../shaders/SPIRV-Cross' warns += ' git submodule update ../shaders/SPIRV-Cross' endif endif if slang and opengl glslang_dep = c_compiler.find_library('glslang', required: false) spirv_dep = c_compiler.find_library('SPIRV', required: false) osdependent_dep = c_compiler.find_library('OSDependent', required: false) ogl_compiler_dep = c_compiler.find_library('OGLCompiler', required: false) spv_remapper_dep = c_compiler.find_library('SPVRemapper', required: false) if glslang_dep.found() and spirv_dep.found() and osdependent_dep.found() and ogl_compiler_dep.found() and spv_remapper_dep.found() deps += [glslang_dep, spirv_dep, osdependent_dep, ogl_compiler_dep, spv_remapper_dep] args += ['-DUSE_SLANG', '-DSPIRV_CROSS_EXCEPTIONS_TO_ASSERTIONS'] srcs += ['../shaders/slang.cpp'] srcs += ['../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cfg.cpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cfg.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_common.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross.cpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_glsl.cpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_glsl.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross_parsed_ir.cpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_cross_parsed_ir.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_parser.cpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv_parser.hpp', '../shaders/SPIRV-Cross/spirv.hpp'] else slang = false warns += 'glslang libraries not found. Slang shaders will be disabled.' endif endif wayland = get_option('wayland') if wayland and gtk_ver == 3 wayland_dep = dependency('wayland-egl', required: false) if wayland_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_WAYLAND' srcs += ['src/gtk_wayland_egl_context.cpp', 'src/gtk_wayland_egl_context.h'] deps += wayland_dep else wayland = false warns += 'wayland-egl not found. Wayland will be disabled.' endif endif xv = get_option('xv') if xv xv_dep = dependency('xv', required: false) if xv_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_XV' srcs += ['src/gtk_display_driver_xv.cpp', 'src/gtk_display_driver_xv.h'] deps += xv_dep else xv = false warns += 'XV/XVideo was not found. It will be disabled.' endif endif portaudio = get_option('portaudio') if portaudio portaudio_dep = dependency('portaudio-2.0', version: '>= 10', required: false) if portaudio_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_PORTAUDIO' srcs += ['src/gtk_sound_driver_portaudio.cpp', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_portaudio.h'] deps += portaudio_dep else portaudio = false warns += 'PortAudio was not found. It will disabled.' endif endif oss = get_option('oss') if oss if c_compiler.has_header('sys/soundcard.h') args += '-DUSE_OSS' srcs += ['src/gtk_sound_driver_oss.cpp', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_oss.h'] else oss = false warns += 'OSS not found. It will be disabled.' endif endif alsa = get_option('alsa') if alsa alsa_dep = dependency('alsa', required: false) if alsa_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_ALSA' srcs += ['src/gtk_sound_driver_alsa.cpp', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_alsa.h'] deps += alsa_dep else alsa = false warns += 'ALSA not found. It will be disabled.' endif endif pulseaudio = get_option('pulseaudio') if pulseaudio pulseaudio_dep = dependency('libpulse', required: false) if pulseaudio_dep.found() args += '-DUSE_PULSEAUDIO' srcs += ['src/gtk_sound_driver_pulse.cpp', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_pulse.h'] deps += pulseaudio_dep else pulseaudio = false warns += 'PulseAudio not found. Disabling.' endif endif screenshot = get_option('screenshot') if screenshot screenshot_dep = dependency('libpng', required: false) if screenshot_dep.found() args += '-DHAVE_LIBPNG' deps += screenshot_dep else screenshot = false warns += 'libpng not found. Disabling screenshot support.' endif endif systemzip_dep = dependency('minizip', required: false) systemzip = get_option('system-zip') if systemzip and systemzip_dep.found() args += '-DSYSTEM_ZIP' deps += systemzip_dep else systemzip = false includes += '../unzip' srcs += ['../unzip/unzip.c', '../unzip/ioapi.c', '../unzip/zip.c'] endif zlib = get_option('zlib') if zlib zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', required: false) if zlib_dep.found() args += '-DZLIB' deps += zlib_dep else zlib = false warns += 'zlib not found. Disabling.' endif endif if get_option('dangerous-hacks') warns += 'Dangerous hacks are enabled. Don\'t complain if things break!' args += '-DALLOW_CPU_OVERCLOCK' endif if get_option('hq2x') args += '-DUSE_HQ2X' srcs += ['../filter/hq2x.cpp', '../filter/hq2x.h'] endif if get_option('xbrz') args += '-DUSE_XBRZ' srcs += ['../filter/xbrz.cpp', '../filter/xbrz.h', 'src/filter_xbrz.cpp', 'src/filter_xbrz.h'] endif if c_compiler.has_function('mkstemp') args += '-DHAVE_MKSTEMP' endif if c_compiler.has_header('strings.h') args += '-DHAVE_STRINGS_H' endif if c_compiler.has_header('stdint.h') args += '-DHAVE_STDINT_H' endif results ='int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; i = -1; i >>= 1; return (i < 0 ? 0 : 1); }') if results.returncode() == 0 args += '-DRIGHTSHIFT_IS_SAR' endif results ='int main(int argc, char **argv) { return (!(sizeof(void *) == sizeof(int))); }') if results.returncode() != 0 args += '-DPTR_NOT_INT' endif srcs += [ 'src/gtk_sound_driver.h', '../filter/2xsai.cpp', '../filter/2xsai.h', '../filter/epx.cpp', '../filter/epx.h', 'src/filter_epx_unsafe.h', 'src/filter_epx_unsafe.cpp', 'src/gtk_binding.cpp', 'src/gtk_binding.h', 'src/gtk_cheat.cpp', 'src/gtk_cheat.h', 'src/gtk_config.cpp', 'src/gtk_config.h', 'src/gtk_control.cpp', 'src/gtk_control.h', 'src/gtk_display.cpp', 'src/gtk_display_driver_gtk.cpp', 'src/gtk_display_driver_gtk.h', 'src/gtk_display_driver.h', 'src/gtk_display.h', 'src/gtk_file.cpp', 'src/gtk_file.h', 'src/gtk_builder_window.cpp', 'src/gtk_builder_window.h', 'src/gtk_preferences.cpp', 'src/gtk_preferences.h', 'src/gtk_s9xcore.h', 'src/gtk_s9x.cpp', 'src/gtk_s9x.h', 'src/gtk_s9xwindow.cpp', 'src/gtk_s9xwindow.h', 'src/gtk_sound.cpp', 'src/gtk_sound.h', 'src/gtk_splash.cpp', '../filter/snes_ntsc_config.h', '../filter/snes_ntsc.h', '../filter/snes_ntsc_impl.h', '../filter/snes_ntsc.c', 'src/gtk_2_3_compat.h', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_sdl.h', 'src/gtk_sound_driver_sdl.cpp', '../fxinst.cpp', '../fxemu.cpp', '../fxdbg.cpp', '../c4.cpp', '../c4emu.cpp', '../apu/apu.cpp', '../apu/bapu/dsp/sdsp.cpp', '../apu/bapu/smp/smp.cpp', '../apu/bapu/smp/smp_state.cpp', '../msu1.cpp', '../msu1.h', '../dsp.cpp', '../dsp1.cpp', '../dsp2.cpp', '../dsp3.cpp', '../dsp4.cpp', '../spc7110.cpp', '../obc1.cpp', '../seta.cpp', '../seta010.cpp', '../seta011.cpp', '../seta018.cpp', '../controls.cpp', '../crosshairs.cpp', '../cpu.cpp', '../sa1.cpp', '../debug.cpp', '../sdd1.cpp', '../tile.cpp', '../tileimpl-n1x1.cpp', '../tileimpl-n2x1.cpp', '../tileimpl-h2x1.cpp', '../srtc.cpp', '../gfx.cpp', '../memmap.cpp', '../clip.cpp', '../ppu.cpp', '../dma.cpp', '../snes9x.cpp', '../globals.cpp', '../stream.cpp', '../conffile.cpp', '../bsx.cpp', '../logger.cpp', '../snapshot.cpp', '../screenshot.cpp', '../movie.cpp', '../statemanager.cpp', '../sha256.cpp', '../bml.cpp', '../cpuops.cpp', '../cpuexec.cpp', '../sa1cpu.cpp', '../cheats.cpp', '../cheats2.cpp', '../sdd1emu.cpp', '../netplay.cpp', '../server.cpp', '../loadzip.cpp', 'src/gtk_netplay_dialog.cpp', 'src/gtk_netplay_dialog.h', 'src/gtk_netplay.cpp', 'src/gtk_netplay.h', 'src/background_particles.cpp', 'src/background_particles.h' ] libjma_srcs = [ '../jma/s9x-jma.cpp', '../jma/7zlzma.cpp', '../jma/crc32.cpp', '../jma/iiostrm.cpp', '../jma/inbyte.cpp', '../jma/jma.cpp', '../jma/lzma.cpp', '../jma/lzmadec.cpp', '../jma/winout.cpp' ] libjma = static_library('jma', libjma_srcs, c_args: args, cpp_args: [args, '-fexceptions'], include_directories: include_directories(includes)) sourcify = executable('sourcify', 'src/sourcify.c', native: true) gtk_snes9x_ui_cpp = custom_target('sourcify', input: 'src/snes9x.ui', output: 'gtk_snes9x_ui.cpp', command: [sourcify, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'snes9x_ui']) snes9x_gtk = executable('snes9x-gtk', srcs, gtk_snes9x_ui_cpp, c_args: args, cpp_args: [args, '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti'], dependencies: deps, include_directories: include_directories(includes), link_with: libjma, install: true) summary = [ 'Snes9x GTK+ Build Configuration', '[Locations] prefix: ' + prefix, ' datadir: ' + datadir, ' appdatadir: ' + appdatadir, ' localedir: ' + localedir, '[Options] Build type: ' + get_option('buildtype'), ' GTK+ version: ' + gtk_ver.to_string(), ' Wayland: ' + wayland.to_string(), ' OpenGL: ' + opengl.to_string(), ' slang shaders: ' + slang.to_string(), ' XVideo: ' + xv.to_string(), ' ALSA: ' + alsa.to_string(), ' Open Sound System: ' + oss.to_string(), ' PulseAudio: ' + pulseaudio.to_string(), ' PortAudio: ' + portaudio.to_string(), ' HQ2X filter: ' + get_option('hq2x').to_string(), ' xBRZ filter: ' + get_option('xbrz').to_string(), ' Screenshot saving: ' + screenshot.to_string(), ' zlib compression: ' + zlib.to_string(), ' System minizip: ' + systemzip.to_string(), ] summary += warns message('\n'.join(summary))