/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************** SNES9X for Mac OS (c) Copyright John Stiles Snes9x for Mac OS X (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 107 (c) Copyright 2002 PB1400c (c) Copyright 2004 Alexander and Sander (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Steven Seeger (c) Copyright 2005 Ryan Vogt ***********************************************************************************/ #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "apu.h" #include "snapshot.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "display.h" #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include "mac-prefix.h" #include "mac-cart.h" #include "mac-cheatfinder.h" #include "mac-controls.h" #include "mac-dialog.h" #include "mac-file.h" #include "mac-joypad.h" #include "mac-keyboard.h" #include "mac-os.h" #include "mac-snes9x.h" #include "mac-stringtools.h" #include "mac-netplay.h" #include "mac-client.h" #ifdef SELF_TEST #include <sys/un.h> #endif #define KeyIsPressed(km, k) (1 & (((unsigned char *) km) [(k) >> 3] >> ((k) & 7))) enum { kNPCDialogNone, kNPCDialogInit, kNPCDialogConnect, kNPCDialogConnectFailed, kNPCDialogOpenBegin, kNPCDialogOpenEnd, kNPCDialogPrepare, kNPCDialogPrepareFailed, kNPCDialogShowList, kNPCDialogDone, kNPCDialogCancel }; typedef struct { volatile bool8 padloop; volatile bool8 exitsgn; volatile uint32 phasecount; volatile uint32 phasespan; volatile uint8 header; bool8 online; int socket; int numplayers; char name[256]; char serverIP[256]; int savedDeviceSetting; int savedAutoSaveDelay; bool8 configsaved; bool8 dialogcancel; bool8 dialogsheet; int dialogprocess; } clientState; typedef struct { bool8 ready; int player; char name[256]; } clientsInfo; typedef struct { uint32 crc32; int input; int length; char fname[PATH_MAX + 1]; } cROMInfo; static char n_csememu[] = "/tmp/s9x_c_emu_semaphore", n_csempad[] = "/tmp/s9x_c_pad_semaphore"; static clientState npclient; static clientsInfo npcinfo[NP_MAX_PLAYERS]; static cROMInfo nprominfo; static uint32 npcactvpad[NP_MAX_PLAYERS][64], // [player number] npcrecvpad[NP_MAX_PLAYERS][64], // [player number] npcsendpad[64], npccachpad[64]; static WindowRef mRef, sRef; static sem_t *csememu, *csempad; static pthread_t connectthread, preparethread, gamepadthread; static int NPClientGetMesFromServer (void); static void NPClientDetachConnectThread (void); static void NPClientDetachPrepareThread (void); static void NPClientBeginPlayerListSheet (void); static void NPClientEndPlayerListSheet (void); static bool8 NPClientConnectToServer (int); static bool8 NPClientSendMesToServer (int); static bool8 NPClientSendNameToServer (void); static bool8 NPClientGetROMInfoFromServer (void); static bool8 NPClientBeginOpenROMImage (WindowRef); static bool8 NPClientEndOpenROMImage (void); static bool8 NPClientROMReadyToServer (void); static bool8 NPClientGetSRAMFromServer (void); static bool8 NPClientGetPlayerListFromServer (void); static bool8 NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest (void); static void * NPClientConnectThread (void *); static void * NPClientPrepareThread (void *); static void * NPClientNetPlayThread (void *); static void NPClientDialogTimerHandler (EventLoopTimerRef, void *); static OSStatus NPClientDialogEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); static OSStatus NPClientSheetEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); bool8 NPClientDialog (void) { OSStatus err; IBNibRef nibRef; npclient.dialogcancel = true; npclient.dialogsheet = false; npclient.configsaved = false; err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef); if (err == noErr) { err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("Connect"), &mRef); if (err == noErr) { err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("PlayerList"), &sRef); if (err == noErr) { EventHandlerRef eref, seref; EventLoopTimerRef tref; EventHandlerUPP eventUPP, sheetUPP; EventLoopTimerUPP timerUPP; EventTypeSpec windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } }; CFStringRef ref; HIViewRef ctl, root; HIViewID cid; npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogInit; eventUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(NPClientDialogEventHandler); err = InstallWindowEventHandler(mRef, eventUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) mRef, &eref); timerUPP = NewEventLoopTimerUPP(NPClientDialogTimerHandler); err = InstallEventLoopTimer(GetCurrentEventLoop(), 0.0f, 0.1f, timerUPP, (void *) mRef, &tref); sheetUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(NPClientSheetEventHandler); err = InstallWindowEventHandler(sRef, sheetUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) sRef, &seref); root = HIViewGetRoot(mRef); cid.id = 0; cid.signature = 'CHAS'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); HIViewSetVisible(ctl, false); cid.signature = 'SVIP'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); SetEditTextCStr(ctl, npServerIP, false); cid.signature = 'CLNM'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); ref = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, npName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (ref) { SetEditTextCFString(ctl, ref, false); CFRelease(ref); } else SetEditTextCFString(ctl, CFSTR("unknown"), false); MoveWindowPosition(mRef, kWindowClient, false); ShowWindow(mRef); err = HIViewAdvanceFocus(root, 0); err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow(mRef); HideWindow(mRef); SaveWindowPosition(mRef, kWindowClient); err = RemoveEventHandler(seref); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(sheetUPP); err = RemoveEventLoopTimer(tref); DisposeEventLoopTimerUPP(timerUPP); err = RemoveEventHandler(eref); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(eventUPP); CFRelease(sRef); } CFRelease(mRef); } DisposeNibReference(nibRef); } return (!npclient.dialogcancel); } static OSStatus NPClientDialogEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassCommand: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { HICommand tHICommand; case kEventCommandUpdateStatus: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand); if (err == noErr && tHICommand.commandID == 'clos') { UpdateMenuCommandStatus(false); result = noErr; } break; case kEventCommandProcess: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand); if (err == noErr) { switch (tHICommand.commandID) { case 'OK__': CFStringRef ref; HIViewRef ctl, root; HIViewID cid; root = HIViewGetRoot(mRef); cid.id = 0; cid.signature = 'SVIP'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); GetEditTextCStr(ctl, npclient.serverIP); DeactivateControl(ctl); if (npclient.serverIP[0] == 0) strcpy(npclient.serverIP, ""); strcpy(npServerIP, npclient.serverIP); printf("%s\n", npServerIP); cid.signature = 'CLNM'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); CopyEditTextCFString(ctl, &ref); DeactivateControl(ctl); if (ref) { Boolean r; r = CFStringGetCString(ref, npclient.name, 256, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (!r) strcpy(npclient.name, "unknown"); else if (npclient.name[0] == 0) strcpy(npclient.name, "Guest"); CFRelease(ref); } else strcpy(npclient.name, "unknown"); strcpy(npName, npclient.name); printf("%s\n", npName); cid.signature = 'OK__'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); DeactivateControl(ctl); cid.signature = 'NOT_'; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); DeactivateControl(ctl); npclient.dialogcancel = false; npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogConnect; result = noErr; break; case 'NOT_': npclient.dialogcancel = true; npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogCancel; result = noErr; break; case 'NvDn': npclient.dialogcancel = false; npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogOpenEnd; result = noErr; break; } } break; } break; } return (result); } static void NPClientDialogTimerHandler (EventLoopTimerRef inTimer, void *userData) { WindowRef window = (WindowRef) userData; HIViewRef ctl; HIViewID cid = { 'CHAS', 0 }; HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(mRef), cid, &ctl); switch (npclient.dialogprocess) { case kNPCDialogNone: break; case kNPCDialogCancel: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogCancel", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; npclient.dialogcancel = true; QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(mRef); break; case kNPCDialogInit: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogInit", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; break; case kNPCDialogConnect: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogConnect", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; HIViewSetVisible(ctl, true); NPClientDetachConnectThread(); break; case kNPCDialogConnectFailed: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogConnectFailed", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; npclient.dialogcancel = true; QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(mRef); break; case kNPCDialogOpenBegin: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogOpenBegin", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; HIViewSetVisible(ctl, false); NPClientStoreConfig(); if (!NPClientBeginOpenROMImage(window)) { NPClientDisconnect(); NPClientRestoreConfig(); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogCancel; } break; case kNPCDialogOpenEnd: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogOpenEnd", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; if (!NPClientEndOpenROMImage()) { NPClientDisconnect(); NPClientRestoreConfig(); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogCancel; } else npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogPrepare; break; case kNPCDialogPrepare: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogPrepare", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; HIViewSetVisible(ctl, true); NPClientDetachPrepareThread(); break; case kNPCDialogPrepareFailed: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogPrepareFailed", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; NPClientRestoreConfig(); npclient.dialogcancel = true; QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(mRef); break; case kNPCDialogShowList: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogShowList", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; HIViewSetVisible(ctl, false); npclient.dialogsheet = true; NPClientBeginPlayerListSheet(); break; case kNPCDialogDone: NPNotification(" kNPCDialogDone", -1); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogNone; NPClientEndPlayerListSheet(); npclient.dialogsheet = false; npclient.dialogcancel = false; QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(mRef); break; } } static void NPClientDetachConnectThread (void) { pthread_create(&connectthread, NULL, NPClientConnectThread, NULL); pthread_detach(connectthread); } static void * NPClientConnectThread (void *) { NPNotification("Client: Entered connection thread.", -1); if ((NPClientConnectToServer(NP_PORT) == false) || (NPClientSendNameToServer() == false) || (NPClientGetROMInfoFromServer() == false)) { NPClientDisconnect(); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogConnectFailed; return (NULL); } npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogOpenBegin; NPNotification("Client: Exited connection thread.", -1); return (NULL); } void NPClientInit (void) { npclient.padloop = false; npclient.exitsgn = false; npclient.phasecount = 0; npclient.phasespan = 0; npclient.header = 0; npclient.online = false; npclient.socket = -1; npclient.numplayers = 0; npclient.name[0] = 0; npclient.serverIP[0] = 0; nprominfo.crc32 = 0; nprominfo.input = 0; nprominfo.length = 0; nprominfo.fname[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { npcactvpad[i][j] = 0; npcrecvpad[i][j] = 0; } } for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { npcsendpad[j] = 0; npccachpad[j] = 0; } for (int c = 0; c < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; c++) { npcinfo[c].ready = false; npcinfo[c].player = 0; npcinfo[c].name[0] = 0; } } static bool8 NPClientConnectToServer (int port) { #ifndef SELF_TEST struct sockaddr_in address; #else struct sockaddr_un address; #endif NPNotification("Client: Connecting to server...", -1); memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address)); #ifndef SELF_TEST address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(npclient.serverIP); address.sin_port = htons(port); #else address.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(address.sun_path, SOCK_NAME); #endif #ifndef SELF_TEST if (address.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { NPError("Client: Server IP is invalid.", 5001); return (false); } #endif #ifndef SELF_TEST if ((npclient.socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) #else if ((npclient.socket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) #endif { NPError("Client: Failed to create socket.", 5002); return (false); } if (connect(npclient.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { NPError("Client: Failed to connect to server.", 5003); return (false); } npclient.online = true; NPNotification("Client: Connected to server.", -1); return (true); } void NPClientDisconnect (void) { if (npclient.socket != -1) { NPNotification("Client: Disconnecting from server...", -1); close(npclient.socket); npclient.socket = -1; NPNotification("Client: Disconnected from server.", -1); } npclient.online = false; npclient.name[0] = 0; npclient.serverIP[0] = 0; } static bool8 NPClientSendMesToServer (int num) { uint8 mes[2]; mes[0] = NP_CLIENT_MAGIC; mes[1] = num; if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 2) != 2) return (false); return (true); } static int NPClientGetMesFromServer (void) { uint8 mes[2]; if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 2) != 2) return (-1); if (mes[0] != NP_SERVER_MAGIC) return (-1); return ((int) mes[1]); } static bool8 NPClientSendNameToServer (void) { if (!npclient.online) return (false); NPNotification("Client: Sending player name to server...", -1); if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerNameRequest) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5101); return (false); } uint8 mes[4]; uint32 l; l = strlen(npclient.name); WRITE_LONG(mes + 0, l); if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4) { NPError("Client: Failed to send name size to server.", 5102); return (false); } if (socket_write(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) npclient.name, l) != (int) l) { NPError("Client: Failed to send name to server.", 5103); return (false); } if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerNameReceived) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5104); return (false); } if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientNameSent) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5105); return (false); } NPNotification("Client: Sent player name to server.", -1); return (true); } static bool8 NPClientGetROMInfoFromServer (void) { if (!npclient.online) return (false); NPNotification("Client: Receiving ROM information from server...", -1); if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerROMInfoWillSend) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5201); return (false); } if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientROMInfoWaiting) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5202); return (false); } uint8 mes[16]; uint32 l; if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 16) != 16) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive ROM information from server.", 5203); return (false); } nprominfo.crc32 = READ_LONG(mes + 0); nprominfo.input = READ_LONG(mes + 4); l = READ_LONG(mes + 12); if (socket_read(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) nprominfo.fname, l) != (int) l) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive ROM name from server.", 5204); return (false); } nprominfo.fname[l] = 0; nprominfo.length = l; NPNotification("Client: Received ROM information from server.", -1); return (true); } void NPClientStoreConfig (void) { npclient.savedDeviceSetting = deviceSetting; npclient.savedAutoSaveDelay = Settings.AutoSaveDelay; npclient.configsaved = true; deviceSetting = nprominfo.input; Settings.AutoSaveDelay = 0; ChangeInputDevice(); } void NPClientRestoreConfig (void) { if (npclient.configsaved) { deviceSetting = npclient.savedDeviceSetting; Settings.AutoSaveDelay = npclient.savedAutoSaveDelay; npclient.configsaved = false; ChangeInputDevice(); } } static bool8 NPClientBeginOpenROMImage (WindowRef window) { CFStringRef numRef, romRef, baseRef; CFMutableStringRef mesRef; SInt32 replaceAt; bool8 r; DeinitGameWindow(); if (cartOpen) { SNES9X_SaveSRAM(); S9xResetSaveTimer(false); S9xSaveCheatFile(S9xGetFilename(".cht", CHEAT_DIR)); } cartOpen = false; ResetCheatFinder(); romRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, nprominfo.fname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); numRef = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("NPROMNamePos"), "1"); baseRef = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("NPROMNameMes"), "NPROM"); mesRef = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, baseRef); replaceAt = CFStringGetIntValue(numRef); CFStringReplace(mesRef, CFRangeMake(replaceAt - 1, 1), romRef); // r = NavBeginOpenROMImageSheet(window, mesRef); CFRelease(mesRef); CFRelease(baseRef); CFRelease(numRef); CFRelease(romRef); return (r); } static bool8 NPClientEndOpenROMImage (void) { OSStatus err; FSRef cartRef; char filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool8 r; r = NavEndOpenROMImageSheet(&cartRef); if (!r) { cartOpen = false; return (false); } CheckSaveFolder(&cartRef); Settings.ForceLoROM = (romDetect == kLoROMForce ); Settings.ForceHiROM = (romDetect == kHiROMForce ); Settings.ForceHeader = (headerDetect == kHeaderForce ); Settings.ForceNoHeader = (headerDetect == kNoHeaderForce ); Settings.ForceInterleaved = (interleaveDetect == kInterleaveForce ); Settings.ForceInterleaved2 = (interleaveDetect == kInterleave2Force ); Settings.ForceInterleaveGD24 = (interleaveDetect == kInterleaveGD24 ); Settings.ForceNotInterleaved = (interleaveDetect == kNoInterleaveForce); Settings.ForcePAL = (videoDetect == kPALForce ); Settings.ForceNTSC = (videoDetect == kNTSCForce ); GFX.InfoString = NULL; GFX.InfoStringTimeout = 0; S9xResetSaveTimer(true); err = FSRefMakePath(&cartRef, (unsigned char *) filename, PATH_MAX); SNES9X_InitSound(); if (Memory.LoadROM(filename) /*&& (Memory.ROMCRC32 == nprominfo.crc32)*/) { ChangeTypeAndCreator(filename, 'CART', '~9X~'); cartOpen = true; return (true); } else { cartOpen = false; return (false); } } static void NPClientDetachPrepareThread (void) { pthread_create(&preparethread, NULL, NPClientPrepareThread, NULL); pthread_detach(preparethread); } static void * NPClientPrepareThread (void *) { NPNotification("Client: Entered preparing thread.", -1); if ((NPClientROMReadyToServer() == false) || (NPClientGetSRAMFromServer() == false) || (NPClientGetPlayerListFromServer() == false) || (NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest() == false)) { NPClientDisconnect(); npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogPrepareFailed; return (NULL); } npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogShowList; NPNotification("Client: Exited preparing thread.", -1); return (NULL); } static bool8 NPClientROMReadyToServer (void) { if (!npclient.online) return (false); NPNotification("Client: Sending ROM ready sign to server...", -1); if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientROMOpened) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5401); return (false); } NPNotification("Client: Sent ROM ready sign to server.", -1); return (true); } static bool8 NPClientGetSRAMFromServer (void) { if (!npclient.online) return (false); NPNotification("Client: Receiving SRAM from server...", -1); if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerSRAMWillSend) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5501); return (false); } if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientSRAMWaiting) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5502); return (false); } uint8 mes[4]; uint32 sramsize; if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive SRAM size from server.", 5503); return (false); } sramsize = READ_LONG(mes + 0); if (sramsize != (uint32) (Memory.SRAMSize ? (1 << (Memory.SRAMSize + 3)) * 128 : 0)) { NPError("Client: SRAM size mismatch.", 5504); return (false); } if (sramsize && (socket_read(npclient.socket, Memory.SRAM, sramsize) != (int) sramsize)) { NPError("Server: Failed to receive SRAM from server.", 5505); return (false); } if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientSRAMLoaded) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5506); return (false); } NPNotification("Client: Received SRAM from server.", -1); return (true); } static bool8 NPClientGetPlayerListFromServer (void) { if (!npclient.online) return (false); NPNotification("Client: Receiving player list from server...", -1); if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerPlayerWillSend) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5701); return (false); } if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientPlayerWaiting) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5702); return (false); } for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { uint8 mes[10]; uint32 l; if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 10) != 10) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5703); return (false); } npcinfo[i].ready = READ_BYTE(mes + 1); npcinfo[i].player = READ_LONG(mes + 2); l = READ_LONG(mes + 6); if (l && (socket_read(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) npcinfo[i].name, l) != (int) l)) { NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5704); return (false); } npcinfo[i].name[l] = 0; } npclient.numplayers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if (npcinfo[i].ready) npclient.numplayers++; NPNotification("Client: Received player list from server.", -1); NPNotification("Client: Number of players: %d", npclient.numplayers); return (true); } static bool8 NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest (void) { uint8 mes[21]; int l = npclient.numplayers * 4 + 1; NPNotification("Client: Replying sending / receiving pad states test...", -1); for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) { if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l) return (false); if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 5) != 5) return (false); } NPNotification("Client: Replied sending / receiving pad states test.", -1); NPNotification("Client: Receiving phase span value from server...", -1); if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4) return (false); npclient.phasespan = READ_LONG(mes + 0); NPNotification(" phase span: %d (frames)", npclient.phasespan); NPNotification("Client: Received phase span value from server.", -1); return (true); } static void NPClientBeginPlayerListSheet (void) { OSStatus err; CFStringRef ref; HIViewRef ctl, root; HIViewID cid; root = HIViewGetRoot(sRef); cid.signature = 'PLNM'; for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (npcinfo[i].ready) { cid.id = npcinfo[i].player; HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl); ref = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, npcinfo[i].name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (ref) { SetStaticTextCFString(ctl, ref, false); CFRelease(ref); } else SetStaticTextCFString(ctl, CFSTR("unknown"), false); } } err = ShowSheetWindow(sRef, mRef); } static void NPClientEndPlayerListSheet (void) { OSStatus err; err = HideSheetWindow(sRef); } static OSStatus NPClientSheetEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { if (!npclient.dialogsheet) return (eventNotHandledErr); OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassCommand: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { HICommand tHICommand; case kEventCommandUpdateStatus: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand); if (err == noErr && tHICommand.commandID == 'clos') { UpdateMenuCommandStatus(false); result = noErr; } break; case kEventCommandProcess: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &tHICommand); if (err == noErr) { switch (tHICommand.commandID) { case 'ok ': npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogDone; result = noErr; break; } } break; } break; } return (result); } void NPClientDetachNetPlayThread (void) { NPNotification("Client: Detaching pad thread...", -1); npclient.padloop = true; npclient.exitsgn = false; csememu = sem_open(n_csememu, O_CREAT, 0600, 0); csempad = sem_open(n_csempad, O_CREAT, 0600, 0); pthread_create(&gamepadthread, NULL, NPClientNetPlayThread, NULL); pthread_detach(gamepadthread); NPNotification("Client: Detached pad thread.", -1); } void NPClientStopNetPlayThread (void) { NPNotification("Client: Stopping pad thread...", -1); npclient.padloop = false; sem_post(csempad); sem_post(csememu); while (!npclient.exitsgn) sleep(0); sem_unlink(n_csememu); sem_unlink(n_csempad); sem_close(csememu); sem_close(csempad); NPNotification("Client: Stopped pad thread.", -1); } bool8 NPClientNetPlayWaitStart (void) { NPNotification("Client: Waiting start flag...", -1); if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientStartWait) == false) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5801); return (false); } if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerStart) { NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5802); return (false); } npclient.phasecount = 0; npclient.header = 0; sem_post(csempad); NPNotification("Client: Netplay started.", -1); return (true); } static void * NPClientNetPlayThread (void *) { uint8 mes[NP_MAX_PLAYERS * 64 * 4 + 1]; uint8 count = 0; int l; NPNotification("Client: Entered pad thread.", -1); while (npclient.padloop) { sem_wait(csempad); l = npclient.numplayers * npclient.phasespan * 4 + 1; if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l) { npclient.exitsgn = true; sem_post(csememu); pthread_exit(NULL); } if ((mes[0] & 0xF) != count) NPNotification("Client: Warning: Failed to synchronize server.", -1); npclient.header = mes[0] & 0xF0; for (int i = 0; i < npclient.numplayers; i++) for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++) npcrecvpad[i][j] = READ_LONG(mes + (i * npclient.phasespan + j) * 4 + 1); WRITE_BYTE(mes + 0, count); for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++) WRITE_LONG(mes + j * 4 + 1, npcsendpad[j]); l = npclient.phasespan * 4 + 1; if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l) { npclient.exitsgn = true; sem_post(csememu); pthread_exit(NULL); } count = (count + 1) & 0xF; sem_post(csememu); } npclient.exitsgn = true; NPNotification("Client: Exited pad thread.", -1); return (NULL); } void NPClientProcessInput (void) { static uint32 pos = 0; KeyMap myKeys; if (npclient.exitsgn) { if (s9xthreadrunning) { if (!eventQueued) { PostQueueToSubEventLoop(); eventQueued = true; } } else running = false; return; } if (npclient.phasecount == 0) { sem_wait(csememu); for (int i = 0; i < npclient.numplayers; i++) for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++) npcactvpad[i][j] = npcrecvpad[i][j]; for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++) npcsendpad[j] = npccachpad[j]; if (npclient.header & 0x80) { npcsendpad[npclient.phasespan] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < npclient.numplayers; i++) npcactvpad[i][npclient.phasespan] = 0; npclient.phasespan++; if (npclient.phasespan > (uint32) Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond) npclient.phasespan = (uint32) Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond; char str[256]; sprintf(str, "delay: %d", npclient.phasespan); S9xMessage(0, 0, str); } else if (npclient.header & 0x40) { npclient.phasespan--; if (npclient.phasespan == 0) npclient.phasespan = 1; char str[256]; sprintf(str, "delay: %d", npclient.phasespan); S9xMessage(0, 0, str); } npclient.header = 0; pos = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < npclient.numplayers; i++) { controlPad[i] = npcactvpad[i][pos]; ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(i, controlPad[i]); } GetKeys(myKeys); uint32 pad = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PR )) pad |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PL )) pad |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PX )) pad |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PA )) pad |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PStart )) pad |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PSelect)) pad |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PY )) pad |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PB )) pad |= 0x8000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PR] )) pad |= 0x0010; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PL] )) pad |= 0x0020; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PX] )) pad |= 0x0040; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PA] )) pad |= 0x0080; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PRight] )) pad |= 0x0100; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PLeft] )) pad |= 0x0200; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PDown] )) pad |= 0x0400; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PUp] )) pad |= 0x0800; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PStart] )) pad |= 0x1000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PSelect])) pad |= 0x2000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PY] )) pad |= 0x4000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PB] )) pad |= 0x8000; npccachpad[pos] = pad; if (npclient.phasecount == 0) { npclient.phasecount = npclient.phasespan; sem_post(csempad); } npclient.phasecount--; pos++; }