/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2016 BearOso, OV2 (c) Copyright 2011 - 2016 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) S-SMP emulator code used in 1.54+ (c) Copyright 2016 byuu SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2016 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2016 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2016 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************** SNES9X for Mac OS (c) Copyright John Stiles Snes9x for Mac OS X (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2016 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 107 (c) Copyright 2002 PB1400c (c) Copyright 2004 Alexander and Sander (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Steven Seeger (c) Copyright 2005 Ryan Vogt ***********************************************************************************/ #import "snes9x.h" #import "memmap.h" #import "apu.h" #import "controls.h" #import "crosshairs.h" #import "cheats.h" #import "movie.h" #import "snapshot.h" #import "display.h" #import "blit.h" #ifdef DEBUGGER #import "debug.h" #endif #import #import #import #import "mac-prefix.h" #import "mac-appleevent.h" #import "mac-audio.h" #import "mac-cheat.h" #import "mac-cheatfinder.h" #import "mac-client.h" #import "mac-cocoatools.h" #import "mac-controls.h" #import "mac-coreimage.h" #import "mac-dialog.h" #import "mac-file.h" #import "mac-gworld.h" #import "mac-joypad.h" #import "mac-keyboard.h" #import "mac-multicart.h" #import "mac-musicbox.h" #import "mac-netplay.h" #import "mac-prefs.h" #import "mac-quicktime.h" #import "mac-render.h" #import "mac-screenshot.h" #import "mac-server.h" #import "mac-snes9x.h" #import "mac-stringtools.h" #import "mac-os.h" #define kRecentMenu_MAX 20 #define KeyIsPressed(km, k) (1 & (((unsigned char *) km) [(k) >> 3] >> ((k) & 7))) volatile bool8 running = false; volatile bool8 s9xthreadrunning = false; volatile bool8 eventQueued = false; volatile int windowResizeCount = 1; volatile bool8 windowExtend = true; SInt32 systemVersion; uint32 controlPad[MAC_MAX_PLAYERS]; uint8 romDetect = 0, interleaveDetect = 0, videoDetect = 0, headerDetect = 0; WindowRef gWindow = NULL; HIRect gWindowRect; int glScreenW, glScreenH; CGRect glScreenBounds; Point windowPos[kWindowCount]; CGSize windowSize[kWindowCount]; CGImageRef macIconImage[118]; int macPadIconIndex, macLegendIconIndex, macMusicBoxIconIndex, macFunctionIconIndex; int macFrameSkip = -1; int32 skipFrames = 3; int64 lastFrame = 0; int macFastForwardRate = 5, macFrameAdvanceRate = 1000000; unsigned long spcFileCount = 0, pngFileCount = 0; bool8 finished = false, cartOpen = false, autofire = false, hidExist = true, directDisplay = false; bool8 fullscreen = false, autoRes = false, glstretch = true, gl32bit = true, vsync = true, drawoverscan = false, screencurvature = false, multiprocessor = false, ciFilterEnable = false; long drawingMethod = kDrawingOpenGL; int videoMode = VIDEOMODE_SMOOTH; SInt32 macSoundVolume = 80; // % uint32 macSoundBuffer_ms = 100; // ms uint32 macSoundInterval_ms = 16; // ms bool8 macSoundLagEnable = false; uint16 aueffect = 0; uint8 saveInROMFolder = 2; // 0 : Snes9x 1 : ROM 2 : Application Support CFStringRef saveFolderPath; int macCurvatureWarp = 15, macAspectRatio = 0; bool8 startopendlog = false, showtimeinfrz = true, enabletoggle = true, savewindowpos = false, onscreeninfo = true; int inactiveMode = 2; int musicboxmode = kMBXSoundEmulation; bool8 applycheat = false; int padSetting = 1, deviceSetting = 1, deviceSettingMaster = 1; int macControllerOption = SNES_JOYPAD; AutoFireState autofireRec[MAC_MAX_PLAYERS]; bool8 macQTRecord = false; uint16 macQTMovFlag = 0; uint16 macRecordFlag = 0x3, macPlayFlag = 0x1; wchar_t macRecordWChar[MOVIE_MAX_METADATA]; char npServerIP[256], npName[256]; bool8 lastoverscan = false; CGPoint unlimitedCursor; ExtraOption extraOptions; CFStringRef multiCartPath[2]; #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT IconRef macIconRef[118]; #endif enum { mApple = 128, iAbout = 1, mFile = 129, iOpen = 1, iOpenMulti = 2, iOpenRecent = 3, iClose = 5, iRomInfo = 7, mControl = 134, iKeyboardLayout = 1, iISpLayout = 2, iAutoFire = 4, iISpPreset = 6, mEdit = 130, mEmulation = 131, iResume = 1, iSoftReset = 3, iReset = 4, iDevice = 6, mCheat = 132, iApplyCheats = 1, iGameGenie = 3, iCheatFinder = 4, mOption = 133, iFreeze = 1, iDefrost = 2, iFreezeTo = 4, iDefrostFrom = 5, iRecordMovie = 7, iPlayMovie = 8, iQTMovie = 10, iSaveSPC = 12, iSaveSRAM = 13, iCIFilter = 15, iMusicBox = 17, mNetplay = 135, iServer = 1, iClient = 2, mPresets = 201, mDevice = 202, iPad = 1, iMouse = 2, iMouse2 = 3, iSuperScope = 4, iMultiPlayer5 = 5, iMultiPlayer5_2 = 6, iJustifier1 = 7, iJustifier2 = 8, mRecentItem = 203 }; enum { kmF1Key = 0x7A, kmF2Key = 0x78, kmF3Key = 0x63, kmF4Key = 0x76, kmF5Key = 0x60, kmF6Key = 0x61, km0Key = 0x1D, km1Key = 0x12, km2Key = 0x13, km3Key = 0x14, km4Key = 0x15, km5Key = 0x17, km6Key = 0x16, km7Key = 0x1A, km8Key = 0x1C, km9Key = 0x19, kmAKey = 0x00, kmBKey = 0x0B, kmCKey = 0x08, kmEscKey = 0x35, kmCtrKey = 0x3B, kmMinusKey = 0x1B, kmQKey = 0x0C, kmWKey = 0x0D, kmOKey = 0x1F, kmPKey = 0x23 }; struct ButtonCommand { char command[16]; uint8 keycode; bool8 held; }; struct GameViewInfo { int globalLeft; int globalTop; int width; int height; }; static volatile bool8 rejectinput = false; static bool8 pauseEmulation = false, frameAdvance = false; static pthread_t s9xthread; static MenuRef recentMenu; static CFStringRef recentItem[kRecentMenu_MAX + 1]; static EventHandlerUPP gameWindowUPP, gameWUPaneUPP; static EventHandlerRef gameWindowEventRef, gameWUPaneEventRef; static int windowZoomCount = 0; static int frameCount = 0; static bool8 frzselecting = false; static uint16 changeAuto[2] = { 0x0000, 0x0000 }; static GameViewInfo scopeViewInfo; static ButtonCommand btncmd[] = { { "ToggleBG0", kmF1Key, false }, { "ToggleBG1", kmF2Key, false }, { "ToggleBG2", kmF3Key, false }, { "ToggleBG3", kmF4Key, false }, { "ToggleSprites", kmF5Key, false }, { "SwapJoypads", kmF6Key, false }, { "SoundChannel0", km1Key, false }, { "SoundChannel1", km2Key, false }, { "SoundChannel2", km3Key, false }, { "SoundChannel3", km4Key, false }, { "SoundChannel4", km5Key, false }, { "SoundChannel5", km6Key, false }, { "SoundChannel6", km7Key, false }, { "SoundChannel7", km8Key, false }, { "SoundChannelsOn", km9Key, false }, { "_mac1", km0Key, false }, { "_mac2", kmMinusKey, false }, { "_mac3", kmQKey, false }, { "_mac4", kmWKey, false }, { "_mac5", kmOKey, false }, { "_mac6", kmPKey, false } }; #define kCommandListSize (sizeof(btncmd) / sizeof(btncmd[0])) static void Initialize (void); static void Deinitialize (void); static void InitAutofire (void); static void InitRecentItems (void); static void DeinitRecentItems (void); static void ClearRecentItems (void); static void InitRecentMenu (void); static void DeinitRecentMenu (void); static void ProcessInput (void); static void ResizeGameWindow (void); static void ChangeAutofireSettings (int, int); static void ChangeTurboRate (int); static void ForceChangingKeyScript (void); static void CFTimerCallback (CFRunLoopTimerRef, void *); static void UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen (int, CGImageRef, uint8 *, CGContextRef); static void * MacSnes9xThread (void *); static OSStatus HandleMenuChoice (UInt32, Boolean *); static inline void EmulationLoop (void); static pascal OSStatus MainEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); static pascal OSStatus SubEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); static pascal OSStatus GameWindowEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); static pascal OSStatus GameWindowUserPaneEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); int main (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT NSAutoreleasePool *pool; #endif OSStatus err; EventHandlerRef eref; EventHandlerUPP eUPP; EventTypeSpec mEvents[] = { { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } }, sEvents[] = { { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus }, { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp }, { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved }, { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged } }; #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #endif eUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(MainEventHandler); err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(eUPP, GetEventTypeCount(mEvents), mEvents, NULL, &eref); Initialize(); while (!finished) { if (cartOpen && running) { #ifdef DEBUGGER CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG; S9xDoDebug(); #endif eventQueued = false; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) &lastFrame); frameCount = 0; if (macFrameSkip < 0) skipFrames = 3; else skipFrames = macFrameSkip; err = RemoveEventHandler(eref); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(eUPP); #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT [pool release]; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #endif eUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(SubEventHandler); err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(eUPP, GetEventTypeCount(sEvents), sEvents, NULL, &eref); S9xInitDisplay(NULL, NULL); ClearGFXScreen(); if (!fullscreen) ForceChangingKeyScript(); pthread_create(&s9xthread, NULL, MacSnes9xThread, NULL); CFRunLoopTimerRef cftimer = NULL; CFRunLoopTimerContext cftimerctx = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; if (!fullscreen) { cftimer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), 30, 0, 0, CFTimerCallback, &cftimerctx); if (cftimer) CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), cftimer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } AdjustMenus(); RunApplicationEventLoop(); if (!fullscreen) { if (cftimer) { CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate(cftimer); CFRelease(cftimer); cftimer = NULL; } } pthread_join(s9xthread, NULL); if (!Settings.NetPlay || Settings.NetPlayServer) { SNES9X_SaveSRAM(); S9xResetSaveTimer(false); S9xSaveCheatFile(S9xGetFilename(".cht", CHEAT_DIR)); } S9xDeinitDisplay(); if (Settings.NetPlay) { if (!Settings.NetPlayServer) { DeinitGameWindow(); cartOpen = false; } Settings.NetPlay = false; Settings.NetPlayServer = false; } err = RemoveEventHandler(eref); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(eUPP); #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT [pool release]; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #endif eUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(MainEventHandler); err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(eUPP, GetEventTypeCount(mEvents), mEvents, NULL, &eref); } if (!finished) { AdjustMenus(); RunApplicationEventLoop(); } } Deinitialize(); err = RemoveEventHandler(eref); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(eUPP); #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT [pool release]; #endif return (0); } static void CFTimerCallback (CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info) { OSStatus err; err = UpdateSystemActivity(OverallAct); } static void * MacSnes9xThread (void *) { Settings.StopEmulation = false; s9xthreadrunning = true; EmulationLoop(); s9xthreadrunning = false; Settings.StopEmulation = true; return (NULL); } static inline void EmulationLoop (void) { bool8 olddisplayframerate = false; int storedMacFrameSkip = macFrameSkip; pauseEmulation = false; frameAdvance = false; if (macQTRecord) { olddisplayframerate = Settings.DisplayFrameRate; Settings.DisplayFrameRate = false; } MacStartSound(); if (Settings.NetPlay) { if (Settings.NetPlayServer) { NPServerDetachNetPlayThread(); NPServerStartClients(); while (running) { NPServerProcessInput(); S9xMainLoop(); } NPServerStopNetPlayThread(); NPServerStopServer(); } else { NPClientDetachNetPlayThread(); NPClientNetPlayWaitStart(); while (running) { NPClientProcessInput(); S9xMainLoop(); } NPClientStopNetPlayThread(); NPClientDisconnect(); NPClientRestoreConfig(); } } else { while (running) { ProcessInput(); if (!pauseEmulation) S9xMainLoop(); else { if (frameAdvance) { macFrameSkip = 1; skipFrames = 1; frameAdvance = false; S9xMainLoop(); macFrameSkip = storedMacFrameSkip; } usleep(Settings.FrameTime); } } } MacStopSound(); if (macQTRecord) { MacQTStopRecording(); macQTRecord = false; Settings.DisplayFrameRate = olddisplayframerate; } S9xMovieShutdown(); } static pascal OSStatus MainEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; Boolean done = false; if (frzselecting) return (result); switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassCommand: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { HICommand cmd; case kEventCommandUpdateStatus: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &cmd); if (err == noErr && cmd.commandID == 'clos') { UpdateMenuCommandStatus(false); result = noErr; } break; case kEventCommandProcess: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &cmd); if (err == noErr) { UInt32 modifierkey; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifierkey); if (err == noErr) { if ((cmd.commandID == 'pref') && (modifierkey & optionKey)) cmd.commandID = 'EXTR'; result = HandleMenuChoice(cmd.commandID, &done); if (done) QuitApplicationEventLoop(); } } break; } break; } return (result); } static pascal OSStatus SubEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; if (frzselecting) return (result); switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassCommand: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { HICommand cmd; case kEventCommandUpdateStatus: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &cmd); if (err == noErr && cmd.commandID == 'clos') { UpdateMenuCommandStatus(false); result = noErr; } break; case kEventCommandProcess: err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &cmd); if (err == noErr) { switch (cmd.commandID) { case 'Erun': // Pause case 'SubQ': // Queue from emulation thread running = false; while (s9xthreadrunning) sleep(0); QuitApplicationEventLoop(); result = noErr; break; case 'Ocif': // Core Image Filter HiliteMenu(0); ConfigureCoreImageFilter(); result = noErr; break; } } break; } break; case kEventClassMouse: if (fullscreen) { if ((macControllerOption == SNES_JOYPAD) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5_2)) { if (!(Settings.NetPlay && !Settings.NetPlayServer)) { switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { case kEventMouseUp: HIPoint hipt; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(HIPoint), NULL, &hipt); if (err == noErr) { if (CGRectContainsPoint(glScreenBounds, hipt)) { running = false; while (s9xthreadrunning) sleep(0); QuitApplicationEventLoop(); result = noErr; } } break; } } } else if ((macControllerOption == SNES_MOUSE) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MOUSE_SWAPPED)) { switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { case kEventMouseMoved: case kEventMouseDragged: HIPoint hipt; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamMouseDelta, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(HIPoint), NULL, &hipt); if (err == noErr) { unlimitedCursor.x += hipt.x; unlimitedCursor.y += hipt.y; } break; } } } break; } return (result); } void PostQueueToSubEventLoop (void) { OSStatus err; EventRef event; err = CreateEvent(kCFAllocatorDefault, kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess, 0, kEventAttributeUserEvent, &event); if (err == noErr) { HICommand cmd; cmd.commandID = 'SubQ'; cmd.attributes = kEventAttributeUserEvent; cmd.menu.menuRef = NULL; cmd.menu.menuItemIndex = 0; err = SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, sizeof(HICommand), &cmd); if (err == noErr) err = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), event, kEventPriorityStandard); ReleaseEvent(event); } } void InitGameWindow (void) { OSStatus err; IBNibRef nibRef; WindowAttributes attr; CFStringRef ref; HIViewRef ctl; HIViewID cid = { 'Pict', 0 }; Rect rct; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], fname[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; EventTypeSpec wupaneEvents[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlClick }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlDraw } }, windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated }, { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated }, { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanging }, { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged }, { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowZoom }, { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowToolbarSwitchMode } }; if (gWindow) return; err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef); if (err) QuitWithFatalError(err, "os 02"); err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("GameWindow"), &gWindow); if (err) QuitWithFatalError(err, "os 03"); DisposeNibReference(nibRef); HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(gWindow), cid, &ctl); gameWindowUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(GameWindowEventHandler); err = InstallWindowEventHandler(gWindow, gameWindowUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) gWindow, &gameWindowEventRef); gameWUPaneUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(GameWindowUserPaneEventHandler); err = InstallControlEventHandler(ctl, gameWUPaneUPP, GetEventTypeCount(wupaneEvents), wupaneEvents, (void *) gWindow, &gameWUPaneEventRef); _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext); ref = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, fname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (ref) { SetWindowTitleWithCFString(gWindow, ref); CFRelease(ref); } attr = kWindowFullZoomAttribute | kWindowResizableAttribute | kWindowLiveResizeAttribute; err = ChangeWindowAttributes(gWindow, attr, kWindowNoAttributes); attr = kWindowToolbarButtonAttribute; if (!drawoverscan) err = ChangeWindowAttributes(gWindow, attr, kWindowNoAttributes); else err = ChangeWindowAttributes(gWindow, kWindowNoAttributes, attr); if (savewindowpos) { MoveWindow(gWindow, windowPos[kWindowScreen].h, windowPos[kWindowScreen].v, false); if ((windowSize[kWindowScreen].width <= 0) || (windowSize[kWindowScreen].height <= 0)) { windowExtend = true; windowSize[kWindowScreen].width = 512; windowSize[kWindowScreen].height = kMacWindowHeight; } if (!lastoverscan && !windowExtend && drawoverscan) { windowExtend = true; windowSize[kWindowScreen].height = (int) ((float) (windowSize[kWindowScreen].height + 0.5) * SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED / SNES_HEIGHT); } SizeWindow(gWindow, (short) windowSize[kWindowScreen].width, (short) windowSize[kWindowScreen].height, false); } else { if (drawoverscan) windowExtend = true; SizeWindow(gWindow, 512, (windowExtend ? kMacWindowHeight : (SNES_HEIGHT << 1)), false); RepositionWindow(gWindow, NULL, kWindowCenterOnMainScreen); } windowZoomCount = 0; GetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &rct); gWindowRect = CGRectMake((float) rct.left, (float) rct.top, (float) (rct.right - rct.left), (float) (rct.bottom - rct.top)); ActivateWindow(gWindow, true); } void UpdateGameWindow (void) { OSStatus err; HIViewRef ctl; HIViewID cid = { 'Pict', 0 }; if (!gWindow) return; HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(gWindow), cid, &ctl); err = HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(ctl, true); } static void ResizeGameWindow (void) { Rect rct; int ww, wh; if (!gWindow) return; GetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &rct); wh = (windowExtend ? SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED : SNES_HEIGHT) * ((windowZoomCount >> 1) + 1); if (windowZoomCount % 2) ww = SNES_NTSC_OUT_WIDTH(SNES_WIDTH) * ((windowZoomCount >> 1) + 1) / 2; else ww = SNES_WIDTH * ((windowZoomCount >> 1) + 1); rct.right = rct.left + ww; rct.bottom = rct.top + wh; SetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &rct); printf("Window Size: %d, %d\n", ww, wh); windowZoomCount++; if (windowZoomCount == 8) windowZoomCount = 0; } void DeinitGameWindow (void) { OSStatus err; if (!gWindow) return; SaveWindowPosition(gWindow, kWindowScreen); lastoverscan = drawoverscan; err = RemoveEventHandler(gameWUPaneEventRef); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(gameWUPaneUPP); err = RemoveEventHandler(gameWindowEventRef); DisposeEventHandlerUPP(gameWindowUPP); CFRelease(gWindow); gWindow = NULL; } static pascal OSStatus GameWindowEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; HIRect rct; Rect r; UInt32 attr; switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassWindow: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { case kEventWindowDeactivated: if (running) { if (!(Settings.NetPlay && !Settings.NetPlayServer)) { if (inactiveMode == 3) { running = false; while (s9xthreadrunning) sleep(0); QuitApplicationEventLoop(); result = noErr; } else if (inactiveMode == 2) { rejectinput = true; result = noErr; } } } break; case kEventWindowActivated: if (running) { if (!(Settings.NetPlay && !Settings.NetPlayServer)) { ForceChangingKeyScript(); if (inactiveMode == 2) { rejectinput = false; result = noErr; } } } break; case kEventWindowBoundsChanging: windowResizeCount = 0x7FFFFFFF; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamAttributes, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &attr); if ((err == noErr) && (attr & kWindowBoundsChangeSizeChanged)) { err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeHIRect, NULL, sizeof(HIRect), NULL, &rct); if (err == noErr) { if (GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers() & shiftKey) { HIRect origRct; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamOriginalBounds, typeHIRect, NULL, sizeof(HIRect), NULL, &origRct); if (err == noErr) { rct.size.width = (float) (int) (origRct.size.width * rct.size.height / origRct.size.height); err = SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeHIRect, sizeof(HIRect), &rct); } } gWindowRect = rct; } } result = noErr; break; case kEventWindowBoundsChanged: windowResizeCount = 3; result = noErr; break; case kEventWindowZoom: ResizeGameWindow(); result = noErr; break; case kEventWindowToolbarSwitchMode: windowExtend = !windowExtend; GetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &r); if (windowExtend) r.bottom = r.top + (int) (((float) (r.bottom - r.top) + 0.5) * SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED / SNES_HEIGHT); else r.bottom = r.top + (int) (((float) (r.bottom - r.top) + 0.5) * SNES_HEIGHT / SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED); SetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &r); result = noErr; break; } break; } return (result); } static pascal OSStatus GameWindowUserPaneEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { OSStatus err, result = eventNotHandledErr; switch (GetEventClass(inEvent)) { case kEventClassControl: switch (GetEventKind(inEvent)) { case kEventControlClick: if (running) { if ((macControllerOption == SNES_JOYPAD) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5_2)) { if (!(Settings.NetPlay && !Settings.NetPlayServer)) { if (!frzselecting) { running = false; while (s9xthreadrunning) sleep(0); QuitApplicationEventLoop(); result = noErr; } } } } else { UInt32 count; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamClickCount, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &count); if ((err == noErr) && (count == 2)) { SNES9X_Go(); QuitApplicationEventLoop(); result = noErr; } } break; case kEventControlDraw: CGContextRef ctx; HIViewRef view; HIRect bounds; err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &view); if (err == noErr) { err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, NULL, sizeof(CGContextRef), NULL, &ctx); if (err == noErr) { if (!running) { HIViewGetBounds(view, &bounds); CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, bounds.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1.0f, -1.0f); DrawPauseScreen(ctx, bounds); } } } result = noErr; break; } break; } return (result); } static void InitRecentItems (void) { CFStringRef keyRef, pathRef; int count; char key[32]; count = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) recentItem[i] = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) { sprintf(key, "RecentItem_%02d", i); keyRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, key, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); if (keyRef) { pathRef = (CFStringRef) CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(keyRef, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); if (pathRef) { recentItem[count] = pathRef; count++; } CFRelease(keyRef); } } } static void DeinitRecentItems (void) { CFStringRef keyRef; char key[32]; for (int i = 0; i < kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) { sprintf(key, "RecentItem_%02d", i); keyRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, key, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); if (keyRef) { if (recentItem[i]) { CFPreferencesSetAppValue(keyRef, recentItem[i], kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); CFRelease(recentItem[i]); recentItem[i] = NULL; } else CFPreferencesSetAppValue(keyRef, NULL, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); CFRelease(keyRef); } } CFPreferencesAppSynchronize(kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); } static void ClearRecentItems (void) { for (int i = 0; i < kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) { if (recentItem[i]) { CFRelease(recentItem[i]); recentItem[i] = NULL; } } } void AddRecentItem (FSRef *ref) { OSStatus err; char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; err = FSRefMakePath(ref, (unsigned char *) path, PATH_MAX); if (err == noErr) { CFStringRef pathRef; pathRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (pathRef) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) if (recentItem[i] && (CFStringCompare(pathRef, recentItem[i], 0) == 0)) break; if (i == kRecentMenu_MAX) { for (j = kRecentMenu_MAX - 1; j >= 0; j--) recentItem[j + 1] = recentItem[j]; if (recentItem[kRecentMenu_MAX]) { CFRelease(recentItem[kRecentMenu_MAX]); recentItem[kRecentMenu_MAX] = NULL; } recentItem[0] = pathRef; } else { CFRelease(pathRef); if (i > 0) { CFStringRef temp; temp = recentItem[i]; for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) recentItem[j + 1] = recentItem[j]; recentItem[0] = temp; } } } } } static void InitRecentMenu (void) { OSStatus err; err = CreateNewMenu(mRecentItem, 0, &recentMenu); err = SetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mFile), iOpenRecent, recentMenu); } static void DeinitRecentMenu (void) { CFRelease(recentMenu); } void BuildRecentMenu (void) { OSStatus err; CFStringRef str; err = DeleteMenuItems(recentMenu, 1, CountMenuItems(recentMenu)); for (int i = 0; i < kRecentMenu_MAX; i++) { if (!recentItem[i]) break; Boolean r; char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; r = CFStringGetCString(recentItem[i], path, PATH_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (r) { CFStringRef nameRef; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], fname[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(path, drive, dir, fname, ext); snprintf(path, PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%s", fname, ext); nameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (nameRef) { err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(recentMenu, nameRef, 0, 'FRe0' + i, NULL); CFRelease(nameRef); } } } err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(recentMenu, NULL, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 'FR__', NULL); str = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("ClearMenu"), "ClearMenu"); if (str) { err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(recentMenu, str, 0, 'FRcr', NULL); CFRelease(str); } } void AdjustMenus (void) { OSStatus err; MenuRef menu; CFStringRef str; if (running) { menu = GetMenuRef(mApple); DisableMenuItem(menu, iAbout); DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandPreferences); DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandQuit); menu = GetMenuRef(mFile); DisableMenuItem(menu, iOpen); DisableMenuItem(menu, iOpenMulti); DisableMenuItem(menu, iOpenRecent); DisableMenuItem(menu, iRomInfo); menu = GetMenuRef(mControl); DisableMenuItem(menu, iKeyboardLayout); DisableMenuItem(menu, iISpLayout); DisableMenuItem(menu, iAutoFire); DisableMenuItem(menu, iISpPreset); menu = GetMenuRef(mEmulation); str = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("PauseMenu"), "pause"); err = SetMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, iResume, str); CFRelease(str); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSoftReset); DisableMenuItem(menu, iReset); DisableMenuItem(menu, iDevice); if (Settings.NetPlay) { if (Settings.NetPlayServer) EnableMenuItem(menu, iResume); else DisableMenuItem(menu, iResume); } else EnableMenuItem(menu, iResume); menu = GetMenuRef(mCheat); DisableMenuItem(menu, iApplyCheats); DisableMenuItem(menu, iGameGenie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iCheatFinder); menu = GetMenuRef(mOption); DisableMenuItem(menu, iFreeze); DisableMenuItem(menu, iDefrost); DisableMenuItem(menu, iFreezeTo); DisableMenuItem(menu, iDefrostFrom); DisableMenuItem(menu, iRecordMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iPlayMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iQTMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSPC); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSRAM); DisableMenuItem(menu, iMusicBox); if (ciFilterEnable) EnableMenuItem(menu, iCIFilter); else DisableMenuItem(menu, iCIFilter); menu = GetMenuRef(mNetplay); DisableMenuItem(menu, iServer); DisableMenuItem(menu, iClient); } else { menu = GetMenuRef(mApple); EnableMenuItem(menu, iAbout); EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandPreferences); EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandQuit); menu = GetMenuRef(mFile); EnableMenuItem(menu, iOpen); EnableMenuItem(menu, iOpenMulti); EnableMenuItem(menu, iOpenRecent); if (cartOpen) EnableMenuItem(menu, iRomInfo); else DisableMenuItem(menu, iRomInfo); menu = GetMenuRef(mControl); EnableMenuItem(menu, iKeyboardLayout); EnableMenuItem(menu, iAutoFire); if (hidExist) { EnableMenuItem(menu, iISpLayout); EnableMenuItem(menu, iISpPreset); } else { DisableMenuItem(menu, iISpLayout); DisableMenuItem(menu, iISpPreset); } menu = GetMenuRef(mEmulation); str = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("RunMenu"), "run"); err = SetMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, iResume, str); CFRelease(str); EnableMenuItem(menu, iDevice); if (cartOpen) { EnableMenuItem(menu, iResume); EnableMenuItem(menu, iSoftReset); EnableMenuItem(menu, iReset); } else { DisableMenuItem(menu, iResume); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSoftReset); DisableMenuItem(menu, iReset); } menu = GetMenuRef(mCheat); if (cartOpen) { EnableMenuItem(menu, iApplyCheats); EnableMenuItem(menu, iGameGenie); EnableMenuItem(menu, iCheatFinder); } else { DisableMenuItem(menu, iApplyCheats); DisableMenuItem(menu, iGameGenie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iCheatFinder); } menu = GetMenuRef(mOption); DisableMenuItem(menu, iCIFilter); if (cartOpen) { EnableMenuItem(menu, iFreeze); EnableMenuItem(menu, iDefrost); EnableMenuItem(menu, iFreezeTo); EnableMenuItem(menu, iDefrostFrom); EnableMenuItem(menu, iRecordMovie); EnableMenuItem(menu, iPlayMovie); EnableMenuItem(menu, iQTMovie); EnableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSPC); EnableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSRAM); EnableMenuItem(menu, iMusicBox); } else { DisableMenuItem(menu, iFreeze); DisableMenuItem(menu, iDefrost); DisableMenuItem(menu, iFreezeTo); DisableMenuItem(menu, iDefrostFrom); DisableMenuItem(menu, iRecordMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iPlayMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iQTMovie); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSPC); DisableMenuItem(menu, iSaveSRAM); DisableMenuItem(menu, iMusicBox); } menu = GetMenuRef(mNetplay); EnableMenuItem(menu, iClient); if (cartOpen) EnableMenuItem(menu, iServer); else DisableMenuItem(menu, iServer); } DrawMenuBar(); } void UpdateMenuCommandStatus (Boolean closeMenu) { if (closeMenu) EnableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mFile), iClose); else DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mFile), iClose); } static OSStatus HandleMenuChoice (UInt32 command, Boolean *done) { OSStatus err, result = noErr; MenuRef mh; int item; bool8 isok = true; if ((command & 0xFFFFFF00) == 'FRe\0') { Boolean r; int index; char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; index = (int) (command & 0x000000FF) - (int) '0'; r = CFStringGetCString(recentItem[index], path, PATH_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (r) { FSRef ref; err = FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char *) path, &ref, NULL); if (err == noErr) { if (SNES9X_OpenCart(&ref)) { SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; } else AdjustMenus(); } } } else { switch (command) { case 'abou': // About SNES9X StartCarbonModalDialog(); AboutDialog(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'pref': // Preferences... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigurePreferences(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'EXTR': // Extra Options... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigureExtraOptions(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'quit': // Quit SNES9X SNES9X_Quit(); *done = true; break; case 'open': // Open ROM Image... if (SNES9X_OpenCart(NULL)) { SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; } else AdjustMenus(); break; case 'Mult': // Open Multiple ROM Images... if (SNES9X_OpenMultiCart()) { SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; } else AdjustMenus(); break; case 'FRcr': // Clear Menu ClearRecentItems(); BuildRecentMenu(); break; case 'Finf': // ROM Information StartCarbonModalDialog(); RomInfoDialog(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Ckey': // Configure Keyboard... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigureKeyboard(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Cpad': // Configure Controllers... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigureHID(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Caut': // Automatic Fire... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigureAutofire(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Hapl': // Apply Cheat Entries mh = GetMenuRef(mCheat); applycheat = !applycheat; CheckMenuItem(mh, iApplyCheats, applycheat); Settings.ApplyCheats = applycheat; if (!Settings.ApplyCheats) S9xRemoveCheats(); else S9xApplyCheats(); break; case 'Hent': // Cheat Entry... StartCarbonModalDialog(); ConfigureCheat(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Hfnd': // Cheat Finder... StartCarbonModalDialog(); CheatFinder(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Erun': // Run SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; break; case 'Esrs': // Software Reset SNES9X_SoftReset(); SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; break; case 'Erst': // Hardware Reset SNES9X_Reset(); SNES9X_Go(); *done = true; break; case 'Ofrz': // Freeze State isok = SNES9X_Freeze(); *done = true; break; case 'Odfr': // Defrost state isok = SNES9X_Defrost(); *done = true; break; case 'Ofrd': // Freeze State to... StartCarbonModalDialog(); isok = SNES9X_FreezeTo(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Odfd': // Defrost State From... StartCarbonModalDialog(); isok = SNES9X_DefrostFrom(); if (gWindow) ActivateWindow(gWindow, true); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); *done = true; break; case 'MVrc': // Record Movie... StartCarbonModalDialog(); isok = SNES9X_RecordMovie(); if (gWindow) ActivateWindow(gWindow, true); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); *done = true; break; case 'MVpl': // Play Movie... StartCarbonModalDialog(); isok = SNES9X_PlayMovie(); if (isok && (macPlayFlag & 0x2)) { running = false; isok = SNES9X_QTMovieRecord(); running = true; } if (gWindow) ActivateWindow(gWindow, true); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); *done = true; break; case 'QTmv': // Record QuickTime Movie... StartCarbonModalDialog(); isok = SNES9X_QTMovieRecord(); if (gWindow) ActivateWindow(gWindow, true); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); *done = true; break; case 'Ospc': // Save SPC File at Next Note-on S9xDumpSPCSnapshot(); break; case 'Osrm': // Save SRAM Now SNES9X_SaveSRAM(); break; case 'Ombx': // Music Box StartCarbonModalDialog(); MusicBoxDialog(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); break; case 'Nser': // Server... bool8 sr; Settings.NetPlay = false; Settings.NetPlayServer = false; NPServerInit(); if (!NPServerStartServer(NP_PORT)) { NPServerStopServer(); break; } StartCarbonModalDialog(); sr = NPServerDialog(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); if (sr) { SNES9X_Reset(); SNES9X_Go(); Settings.NetPlay = true; Settings.NetPlayServer = true; *done = true; } else NPServerStopServer(); break; case 'Ncli': // Client... bool8 cr; Settings.NetPlay = false; Settings.NetPlayServer = false; NPClientInit(); StartCarbonModalDialog(); cr = NPClientDialog(); FinishCarbonModalDialog(); if (cr) { SNES9X_Go(); Settings.NetPlay = true; Settings.NetPlayServer = false; *done = true; } else AdjustMenus(); break; case 'CPr1': // Controller Preset case 'CPr2': case 'CPr3': case 'CPr4': case 'CPr5': item = (int) (command & 0x000000FF) - (int) '0'; err = GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mControl), iISpPreset, &mh); CheckMenuItem(mh, padSetting, false); padSetting = item; CheckMenuItem(mh, padSetting, true); ClearPadSetting(); LoadControllerSettings(); break; case 'EIp1': // Input Device case 'EIp2': case 'EIp3': case 'EIp4': case 'EIp5': case 'EIp6': case 'EIp7': case 'EIp8': item = (int) (command & 0x000000FF) - (int) '0'; err = GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mEmulation), iDevice, &mh); CheckMenuItem(mh, deviceSetting, false); deviceSetting = item; deviceSettingMaster = deviceSetting; CheckMenuItem(mh, deviceSetting, true); ChangeInputDevice(); break; default: result = eventNotHandledErr; break; } } return (result); } void ChangeInputDevice (void) { switch (deviceSetting) { case iPad: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_JOYPAD, 1, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_JOYPAD; break; case iMouse: S9xSetController(0, CTL_MOUSE, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_JOYPAD, 1, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_MOUSE; break; case iMouse2: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_MOUSE, 1, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_MOUSE_SWAPPED; break; case iSuperScope: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_SUPERSCOPE, 0, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_SUPERSCOPE; break; case iMultiPlayer5: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_MP5, 1, 2, 3, 4); macControllerOption = SNES_MULTIPLAYER5; break; case iMultiPlayer5_2: S9xSetController(0, CTL_MP5, 0, 1, 2, 3); S9xSetController(1, CTL_MP5, 4, 5, 6, 7); macControllerOption = SNES_MULTIPLAYER5_2; break; case iJustifier1: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_JUSTIFIER, 0, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_JUSTIFIER; break; case iJustifier2: S9xSetController(0, CTL_JOYPAD, 0, 0, 0, 0); S9xSetController(1, CTL_JUSTIFIER, 1, 0, 0, 0); macControllerOption = SNES_JUSTIFIER_2; break; } } void ApplyNSRTHeaderControllers (void) { OSStatus err; MenuRef menu; err = GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mEmulation), iDevice, &menu); if (err) return; for (int i = 1; i <= CountMenuItems(menu); i++) { CheckMenuItem(menu, i, false); SetItemStyle(menu, i, normal); } deviceSetting = deviceSettingMaster; uint32 valid = 0; if (!strncmp((const char *) Memory.NSRTHeader + 24, "NSRT", 4)) { switch (Memory.NSRTHeader[29]) { case 0x00: // Everything goes deviceSetting = iPad; valid = (1 << iPad); break; case 0x10: // Mouse in Port 0 deviceSetting = iMouse; valid = (1 << iMouse); break; case 0x01: // Mouse in Port 1 deviceSetting = iMouse2; valid = (1 << iMouse2); break; case 0x03: // Super Scope in Port 1 deviceSetting = iSuperScope; valid = (1 << iSuperScope); break; case 0x06: // Multitap in Port 1 deviceSetting = iMultiPlayer5; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMultiPlayer5); break; case 0x66: // Multitap in Ports 0 and 1 deviceSetting = iMultiPlayer5_2; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMultiPlayer5) | (1 << iMultiPlayer5_2); break; case 0x08: // Multitap in Port 1, Mouse in new Port 1 deviceSetting = iMouse2; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMouse2) | (1 << iMultiPlayer5); break; case 0x04: // Pad or Super Scope in Port 1 deviceSetting = iSuperScope; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iSuperScope); break; case 0x05: // Justifier - Must ask user... deviceSetting = iJustifier1; valid = (1 << iJustifier1) | (1 << iJustifier2); break; case 0x20: // Pad or Mouse in Port 0 deviceSetting = iMouse; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMouse); break; case 0x22: // Pad or Mouse in Port 0 & 1 deviceSetting = iMouse; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMouse) | (1 << iMouse2); break; case 0x24: // Pad or Mouse in Port 0, Pad or Super Scope in Port 1 deviceSetting = iSuperScope; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMouse) | (1 << iSuperScope); break; case 0x27: // Pad or Mouse in Port 0, Pad or Mouse or Super Scope in Port 1 deviceSetting = iSuperScope; valid = (1 << iPad) | (1 << iMouse) | (1 << iMouse2) | (1 << iSuperScope); break; case 0x99: // Lasabirdie break; case 0x0A: // Barcode Battler break; default: break; } } CheckMenuItem(menu, deviceSetting, true); for (int i = 1; i <= CountMenuItems(menu); i++) { if (valid & (1 << i)) SetItemStyle(menu, i, underline); } ChangeInputDevice(); } int PromptFreezeDefrost (Boolean freezing) { OSStatus err; CGContextRef ctx; CGColorSpaceRef color; CGDataProviderRef prov; CGImageRef image; CGRect rct; CGPoint pt; CFURLRef url; FSCatalogInfo info; FSRef ref; KeyMap keys; UInt64 newestDate, currentDate; UInt32 startTime; float x, y, textw; int result, newestIndex, current_selection, oldInactiveMode; char dateC[256]; uint8 *back, *draw; const UInt32 repeatDelay = 10; const int w = SNES_WIDTH << 1, h = kMacWindowHeight; const char letters[] = "123456789ABC", *filename; const uint8 keyCheck[] = { kmEscKey, km1Key, km2Key, km3Key, km4Key, km5Key, km6Key, km7Key, km8Key, km9Key, kmAKey, kmBKey, kmCKey }; if (!directDisplay) { S9xInitDisplay(NULL, NULL); SNES9X_Go(); } frzselecting = true; oldInactiveMode = inactiveMode; if (inactiveMode == 3) inactiveMode = 2; S9xSetSoundMute(true); back = (uint8 *) malloc(w * h * 2); draw = (uint8 *) malloc(w * h * 2); if (!back || !draw) QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 04"); color = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); if (!color) QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 05"); ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(back, w, h, 5, w * 2, color, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | ((systemVersion >= 0x1040) ? kCGBitmapByteOrder16Host : 0)); if (!ctx) QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 06"); rct = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) w, (float) h); CGContextClearRect(ctx, rct); image = NULL; if (freezing) url = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("logo_freeze"), CFSTR("png"), NULL); else url = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("logo_defrost"), CFSTR("png"), NULL); if (url) { prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithURL(url); if (prov) { image = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(prov, NULL, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease(prov); } CFRelease(url); } if (image) { rct = CGRectMake(0.0f, (float) h - 118.0f, 512.0f, 118.0f); CGContextDrawImage(ctx, rct, image); CGImageRelease(image); } newestDate = 0; newestIndex = -1; CGContextSetLineJoin(ctx, kCGLineJoinRound); rct = CGRectMake(0.0f, (float) h - 238.0f, 128.0f, 120.0f); for (int count = 0; count < 12; count++) { filename = S9xGetFreezeFilename(count); err = FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char *) filename, &ref, NULL); if (err == noErr) { err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL); currentDate = (((UInt64) info.contentModDate.highSeconds << 48) | ((UInt64) info.contentModDate.lowSeconds << 16) | (UInt64) info.contentModDate.fraction); if (currentDate > newestDate) { newestIndex = count; newestDate = currentDate; } DrawThumbnailResource(&ref, ctx, rct); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(ctx, false); CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 1.0f); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); x = rct.origin.x + 127.0f; y = rct.origin.y + 119.0f; CGContextBeginPath(ctx); CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, x, y); CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x, y - 119.0f); CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x - 127.0f, y - 119.0f); CGContextStrokePath(ctx); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(ctx, true); CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 3.0f); CGContextSelectFont(ctx, "Helvetica", 12.0f, kCGEncodingMacRoman); x = rct.origin.x + 5.0f; y = rct.origin.y + 107.0f; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextStroke); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, &letters[count], 1); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextFill); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, &letters[count], 1); if (showtimeinfrz) { CFAbsoluteTime at; CFDateFormatterRef format; CFLocaleRef locale; CFStringRef datstr; Boolean r; err = UCConvertUTCDateTimeToCFAbsoluteTime(&(info.contentModDate), &at); locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent(); format = CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, locale, kCFDateFormatterShortStyle, kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle); datstr = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(kCFAllocatorDefault, format, at); r = CFStringGetCString(datstr, dateC, sizeof(dateC), CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); CFRelease(datstr); CFRelease(format); CFRelease(locale); CGContextSelectFont(ctx, "Helvetica", 10.0f, kCGEncodingMacRoman); x = rct.origin.x + 20.0f; y = rct.origin.y + 107.0f; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextInvisible); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, dateC, strlen(dateC)); pt = CGContextGetTextPosition(ctx); textw = pt.x - x; x = rct.origin.x + 122.0f - textw; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextStroke); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, dateC, strlen(dateC)); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextFill); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, dateC, strlen(dateC)); } } else { CGContextSelectFont(ctx, "Helvetica", 12.0f, kCGEncodingMacRoman); x = rct.origin.x + 5.0f; y = rct.origin.y + 107.0f; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextFill); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f); CGContextShowTextAtPoint(ctx, x, y, &letters[count], 1); } if ((count % 4) == 3) rct = CGRectOffset(rct, -128.0f * 3.0f, -120.0f); else rct = CGRectOffset(rct, 128.0f, 0.0f); } if (newestIndex < 0) newestIndex = 0; CGContextRelease(ctx); image = NULL; prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, back, w * h * 2, NULL); if (prov) { image = CGImageCreate(w, h, 5, 16, w * 2, color, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | ((systemVersion >= 0x1040) ? kCGBitmapByteOrder16Host : 0), prov, NULL, 0, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease(prov); } if (!image) QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 07"); ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(draw, w, h, 5, w * 2, color, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | ((systemVersion >= 0x1040) ? kCGBitmapByteOrder16Host : 0)); if (!ctx) QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 08"); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(ctx, false); UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(newestIndex, image, draw, ctx); CocoaPlayFreezeDefrostSound(); result = -2; current_selection = newestIndex; do { if (!rejectinput) { GetKeys(keys); for (int count = 0; count <= 12; count++) { while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCheck[count])) { result = count - 1; GetKeys(keys); } } while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PRight])) { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection += 1; if (current_selection > 11) current_selection -= 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PRight]) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))) GetKeys(keys); } while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PLeft])) { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection -= 1; if (current_selection < 0) current_selection += 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PLeft]) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))) GetKeys(keys); } while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PDown])) { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection += 4; if (current_selection > 11) current_selection -= 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PDown]) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))) GetKeys(keys); } while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PUp])) { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection -= 4; if (current_selection < 0) current_selection += 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PUp]) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))) GetKeys(keys); } while (KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PA] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PA] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PB] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PB] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PX] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PX] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PY] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PY] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PStart] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PStart] ) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k1PSelect]) || KeyIsPressed(keys, keyCode[k2PSelect])) { GetKeys(keys); result = current_selection; } uint32 pad1, pad2; while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpEsc ) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PStart) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PStart)) result = -1; pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); while ((pad1 & 0x0100) || (pad2 & 0x0100)) // Rt { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection += 1; if (current_selection > 11) current_selection -= 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); do { pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); } while (((pad1 & 0x0100) || (pad2 & 0x0100)) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))); } pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); while ((pad1 & 0x0200) || (pad2 & 0x0200)) // Lf { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection -= 1; if (current_selection < 0) current_selection += 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); do { pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); } while (((pad1 & 0x0200) || (pad2 & 0x0200)) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))); } pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); while ((pad1 & 0x0800) || (pad2 & 0x0800)) // Up { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection -= 4; if (current_selection < 0) current_selection += 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); do { pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); } while (((pad1 & 0x0800) || (pad2 & 0x0800)) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))); } pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); while ((pad1 & 0x0400) || (pad2 & 0x0400)) // Dn { startTime = TickCount(); current_selection += 4; if (current_selection > 11) current_selection -= 12; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); do { pad1 = pad2 = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &pad1); JoypadScanDirection(1, &pad2); } while (((pad1 & 0x0400) || (pad2 & 0x0400)) && (TickCount() < (startTime + repeatDelay))); } while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PA) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PA) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PB) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PB) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PX) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PX) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PY) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PY)) result = current_selection; } usleep(30000); windowResizeCount = 2; UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen(current_selection, image, draw, ctx); } while (result == -2); CocoaPlayFreezeDefrostSound(); CGContextRelease(ctx); CGImageRelease(image); CGColorSpaceRelease(color); free(draw); free(back); S9xSetSoundMute(false); inactiveMode = oldInactiveMode; frzselecting = false; windowResizeCount = 2; return (result); } static void UpdateFreezeDefrostScreen (int newIndex, CGImageRef image, uint8 *draw, CGContextRef ctx) { if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < 12) { CGRect rct; const int w = SNES_WIDTH << 1, h = kMacWindowHeight; CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 1.0f); rct = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) w, (float) h); CGContextDrawImage(ctx, rct, image); rct = CGRectMake(0.0f, (float) h - 238.0f, 128.0f, 120.0f); rct = CGRectOffset(rct, (float) (128 * (newIndex % 4)), (float) (-120 * (newIndex / 4))); rct.size.width -= 1.0f; rct.size.height -= 1.0f; CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); CGContextStrokeRect(ctx, rct); rct = CGRectInset(rct, 1.0f, 1.0f); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); CGContextStrokeRect(ctx, rct); } DrawFreezeDefrostScreen(draw); } static void ProcessInput (void) { KeyMap myKeys; bool8 isok, fnbtn, altbtn, tcbtn; static bool8 toggleff = false, lastTimeTT = false, lastTimeFn = false, ffUp = false, ffDown = false, ffUpSp = false, ffDownSp = false; if (rejectinput) return; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpEsc)) { if (s9xthreadrunning) { if (!eventQueued) { PostQueueToSubEventLoop(); eventQueued = true; } } else running = false; return; } if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFreeze)) { MacStopSound(); while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFreeze)); isok = SNES9X_Freeze(); ClearGFXScreen(); return; } if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpDefrost)) { MacStopSound(); while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpDefrost)); isok = SNES9X_Defrost(); ClearGFXScreen(); return; } if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpScreenshot)) { Settings.TakeScreenshot = true; while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpScreenshot)); } if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpSPC)) { S9xDumpSPCSnapshot(); while (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpSPC)); } if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFFUp)) { if (!ffUpSp) { ChangeTurboRate(+1); ffUpSp = true; } } else ffUpSp = false; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFFDown)) { if (!ffDownSp) { ChangeTurboRate(-1); ffDownSp = true; } } else ffDownSp = false; controlPad[0] = controlPad[1] = 0; JoypadScanDirection(0, &(controlPad[0])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PR )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PL )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PX )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PA )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PStart )) controlPad[0] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PSelect)) controlPad[0] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PY )) controlPad[0] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp1PB )) controlPad[0] |= 0x8000; JoypadScanDirection(1, &(controlPad[1])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PR )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PL )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PX )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PA )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PStart )) controlPad[1] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PSelect)) controlPad[1] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PY )) controlPad[1] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp2PB )) controlPad[1] |= 0x8000; if (((macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5) || (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5_2)) && Settings.MultiPlayer5Master) { controlPad[2] = controlPad[3] = controlPad[4] = 0; JoypadScanDirection(2, &(controlPad[2])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PR )) controlPad[2] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PL )) controlPad[2] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PX )) controlPad[2] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PA )) controlPad[2] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PStart )) controlPad[2] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PSelect)) controlPad[2] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PY )) controlPad[2] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp3PB )) controlPad[2] |= 0x8000; JoypadScanDirection(3, &(controlPad[3])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PR )) controlPad[3] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PL )) controlPad[3] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PX )) controlPad[3] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PA )) controlPad[3] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PStart )) controlPad[3] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PSelect)) controlPad[3] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PY )) controlPad[3] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp4PB )) controlPad[3] |= 0x8000; JoypadScanDirection(4, &(controlPad[4])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PR )) controlPad[4] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PL )) controlPad[4] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PX )) controlPad[4] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PA )) controlPad[4] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PStart )) controlPad[4] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PSelect)) controlPad[4] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PY )) controlPad[4] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp5PB )) controlPad[4] |= 0x8000; ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(2, controlPad[2]); ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(3, controlPad[3]); ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(4, controlPad[4]); if (macControllerOption == SNES_MULTIPLAYER5_2) { controlPad[5] = controlPad[6] = controlPad[7] = 0; JoypadScanDirection(5, &(controlPad[5])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PR )) controlPad[5] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PL )) controlPad[5] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PX )) controlPad[5] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PA )) controlPad[5] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PStart )) controlPad[5] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PSelect)) controlPad[5] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PY )) controlPad[5] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp6PB )) controlPad[5] |= 0x8000; JoypadScanDirection(6, &(controlPad[6])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PR )) controlPad[6] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PL )) controlPad[6] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PX )) controlPad[6] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PA )) controlPad[6] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PStart )) controlPad[6] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PSelect)) controlPad[6] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PY )) controlPad[6] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp7PB )) controlPad[6] |= 0x8000; JoypadScanDirection(7, &(controlPad[7])); if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PR )) controlPad[7] |= 0x0010; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PL )) controlPad[7] |= 0x0020; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PX )) controlPad[7] |= 0x0040; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PA )) controlPad[7] |= 0x0080; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PStart )) controlPad[7] |= 0x1000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PSelect)) controlPad[7] |= 0x2000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PY )) controlPad[7] |= 0x4000; if (ISpKeyIsPressed(kISp8PB )) controlPad[7] |= 0x8000; ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(5, controlPad[5]); ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(6, controlPad[6]); ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(7, controlPad[7]); } } GetKeys(myKeys); fnbtn = (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFunction]) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFunction)); altbtn = (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyAlt] ) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpAlt) ); if (fnbtn) { if (!lastTimeFn) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kCommandListSize; i++) btncmd[i].held = false; } lastTimeFn = true; lastTimeTT = false; ffUp = ffDown = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kCommandListSize; i++) { if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, btncmd[i].keycode)) { if (!(btncmd[i].held)) { btncmd[i].held = true; if (strncmp(btncmd[i].command, "_mac", 4) == 0) { static char msg[64]; switch (btncmd[i].command[4] - '0') { case 1: Settings.DisplayPressedKeys = !Settings.DisplayPressedKeys; break; case 2: if (S9xMovieActive()) Settings.DisplayMovieFrame = !Settings.DisplayMovieFrame; break; case 3: if (macFrameAdvanceRate < 5000000) macFrameAdvanceRate += 100000; sprintf(msg, "Emulation Speed: 100/%d", macFrameAdvanceRate / 10000); S9xSetInfoString(msg); break; case 4: if (macFrameAdvanceRate > 500000) macFrameAdvanceRate -= 100000; sprintf(msg, "Emulation Speed: 100/%d", macFrameAdvanceRate / 10000); S9xSetInfoString(msg); break; case 5: pauseEmulation = !pauseEmulation; break; case 6: frameAdvance = true; break; } } else { s9xcommand_t s9xcmd; s9xcmd = S9xGetCommandT(btncmd[i].command); S9xApplyCommand(s9xcmd, 1, 0); } } } else btncmd[i].held = false; } } else { lastTimeFn = false; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyEsc])) { if (s9xthreadrunning) { if (!eventQueued) { PostQueueToSubEventLoop(); eventQueued = true; } } else running = false; return; } if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFreeze])) { MacStopSound(); while (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFreeze])) GetKeys(myKeys); isok = SNES9X_Freeze(); ClearGFXScreen(); return; } if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyDefrost])) { MacStopSound(); while (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyDefrost])) GetKeys(myKeys); isok = SNES9X_Defrost(); ClearGFXScreen(); return; } if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyScreenshot])) { Settings.TakeScreenshot = true; while (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyScreenshot])) GetKeys(myKeys); } if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeySPC])) { S9xDumpSPCSnapshot(); while (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeySPC])) GetKeys(myKeys); } if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFFUp])) { if (!ffUp) { ChangeTurboRate(+1); ffUp = true; } } else ffUp = false; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFFDown])) { if (!ffDown) { ChangeTurboRate(-1); ffDown = true; } } else ffDown = false; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PR] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0010; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PL] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0020; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PX] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0040; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PA] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0080; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PRight] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0100; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PLeft] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0200; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PDown] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0400; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PUp] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x0800; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PStart] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x1000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PSelect])) controlPad[0] |= 0x2000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PY] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x4000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k1PB] )) controlPad[0] |= 0x8000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PR] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0010; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PL] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0020; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PX] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0040; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PA] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0080; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PRight] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0100; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PLeft] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0200; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PDown] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0400; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PUp] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x0800; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PStart] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x1000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PSelect])) controlPad[1] |= 0x2000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PY] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x4000; if (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[k2PB] )) controlPad[1] |= 0x8000; if (altbtn) { if (!lastTimeTT) changeAuto[0] = changeAuto[1] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { uint16 mask = 0x0010 << j; if (controlPad[i] & mask & autofireRec[i].toggleMask) { controlPad[i] &= ~mask; if (!(changeAuto[i] & mask)) { changeAuto[i] |= mask; ChangeAutofireSettings(i, j); } } else changeAuto[i] &= ~mask; } } lastTimeTT = true; } else lastTimeTT = false; } if (enabletoggle) { if ((ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFastForward) || KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFastForward])) && !fnbtn) { if (!toggleff) { toggleff = true; Settings.TurboMode = !Settings.TurboMode; S9xSetInfoString(Settings.TurboMode ? "Turbo mode on" : "Turbo mode off"); if (!Settings.TurboMode) S9xClearSamples(); } } else toggleff = false; } else { bool8 old = Settings.TurboMode; Settings.TurboMode = ((ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpFastForward) || KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyFastForward])) && !fnbtn) ? true : false; if (!Settings.TurboMode && old) S9xClearSamples(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) controlPad[i] ^= autofireRec[i].invertMask; if (autofire) { long long currentTime; uint16 changeMask; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) ¤tTime); tcbtn = (KeyIsPressed(myKeys, keyCode[kKeyTC]) || ISpKeyIsPressed(kISpTC)); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { changeMask = (lastTimeTT ? (~changeAuto[i]) : 0xFFFF); for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { uint16 mask = (0x0010 << j) & changeMask; if (autofireRec[i].tcMask & mask) { if (!tcbtn) continue; } if (autofireRec[i].buttonMask & mask) { if (controlPad[i] & mask) { if (currentTime > autofireRec[i].nextTime[j]) { if (Settings.TurboMode) autofireRec[i].nextTime[j] = currentTime + (long long) ((1.0 / (float) autofireRec[i].frequency) * 1000000.0 / macFastForwardRate); else autofireRec[i].nextTime[j] = currentTime + (long long) ((1.0 / (float) autofireRec[i].frequency) * 1000000.0); } else controlPad[i] &= ~mask; } } } } } ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(0, controlPad[0]); ControlPadFlagsToS9xReportButtons(1, controlPad[1]); if (macControllerOption == SNES_JUSTIFIER_2) ControlPadFlagsToS9xPseudoPointer(controlPad[1]); } static void ChangeAutofireSettings (int player, int btn) { static char msg[64]; uint16 mask, m; mask = 0x0010 << btn; autofireRec[player].buttonMask ^= mask; autofire = (autofireRec[0].buttonMask || autofireRec[1].buttonMask); m = autofireRec[player].buttonMask; if (m) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Autofire %d:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", player + 1, (m & 0xC0F0 ? " " : ""), (m & 0x0080 ? "A" : ""), (m & 0x8000 ? "B" : ""), (m & 0x0040 ? "X" : ""), (m & 0x4000 ? "Y" : ""), (m & 0x0020 ? "L" : ""), (m & 0x0010 ? "R" : ""), (m & 0x0800 ? " Up" : ""), (m & 0x0400 ? " Dn" : ""), (m & 0x0200 ? " Lf" : ""), (m & 0x0100 ? " Rt" : ""), (m & 0x1000 ? " St" : ""), (m & 0x2000 ? " Se" : "")); else snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Autofire %d: Off", player + 1); S9xSetInfoString(msg); } static void ChangeTurboRate (int d) { static char msg[64]; macFastForwardRate += d; if (macFastForwardRate < 1) macFastForwardRate = 1; else if (macFastForwardRate > 15) macFastForwardRate = 15; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Turbo Rate: %d", macFastForwardRate); S9xSetInfoString(msg); } void GetGameScreenPointer (int16 *x, int16 *y, bool fullmouse) { int ph; ph = !drawoverscan ? ((IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight > 256) ? IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight : (IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight << 1)) : (SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED << 1); if (fullscreen) { if (glstretch) { float fpw = (float) glScreenH / (float) ph * 512.0f; scopeViewInfo.width = (int) (fpw + ((float) glScreenW - fpw) * (float) macAspectRatio / 10000.0); scopeViewInfo.height = glScreenH; scopeViewInfo.globalLeft = (int) glScreenBounds.origin.x + ((glScreenW - scopeViewInfo.width) >> 1); scopeViewInfo.globalTop = (int) glScreenBounds.origin.y; } else { scopeViewInfo.width = 512; scopeViewInfo.height = ph; scopeViewInfo.globalLeft = (int) glScreenBounds.origin.x + ((glScreenW - 512) >> 1); scopeViewInfo.globalTop = (int) glScreenBounds.origin.y + ((glScreenH - ph ) >> 1); } } else { Rect rct; GetWindowBounds(gWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &rct); int ww = rct.right - rct.left, wh = rct.bottom - rct.top; scopeViewInfo.width = ww; scopeViewInfo.globalLeft = rct.left; if (windowExtend) { scopeViewInfo.height = ph * wh / kMacWindowHeight; scopeViewInfo.globalTop = rct.top + ((kMacWindowHeight - ph) >> 1) * wh / kMacWindowHeight; } else { scopeViewInfo.height = wh; scopeViewInfo.globalTop = rct.top; } } if (!fullmouse) { Point pos; GetGlobalMouse(&pos); *x = (int16) (((float) (pos.h - scopeViewInfo.globalLeft)) / ((float) scopeViewInfo.width ) * (float) IPPU.RenderedScreenWidth); *y = (int16) (((float) (pos.v - scopeViewInfo.globalTop )) / ((float) scopeViewInfo.height) * (float) (!drawoverscan ? IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight : SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED)); } else { *x = (int16) (unlimitedCursor.x / (float) scopeViewInfo.width * (float) IPPU.RenderedScreenWidth); *y = (int16) (unlimitedCursor.y / (float) scopeViewInfo.height * (float) (!drawoverscan ? IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight : SNES_HEIGHT_EXTENDED)); } } static void Initialize (void) { OSStatus err; IBNibRef menuNibRef; MenuRef menu; SInt32 qtVersion; printf("\nSnes9x for Mac OS X %s (%s), ", VERSION, MAC_VERSION); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ printf("PowerPC\n\n"); #else printf("Intel\n\n"); #endif err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &systemVersion); err = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTimeVersion, &qtVersion); if ((systemVersion < 0x1039) || (qtVersion < 0x07008000)) { AppearanceAlert(kAlertStopAlert, kS9xMacAlertRequiredSystem, kS9xMacAlertRequiredSystemHint); QuitWithFatalError(0, "os 09"); } printf("OS: %x QuickTime: %x\n\n", (unsigned) systemVersion, (unsigned) qtVersion); #ifdef ZLIB printf("zlib header version: %s\n\n", ZLIB_VERSION); #endif NSApplicationLoad(); bzero(&Settings, sizeof(Settings)); Settings.MouseMaster = true; Settings.SuperScopeMaster = true; Settings.JustifierMaster = true; Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = true; Settings.FrameTimePAL = 20000; Settings.FrameTimeNTSC = 16667; Settings.SixteenBitSound = true; Settings.Stereo = true; Settings.SoundPlaybackRate = 32000; Settings.SoundInputRate = 32000; Settings.SupportHiRes = true; Settings.Transparency = true; Settings.AutoDisplayMessages = true; Settings.InitialInfoStringTimeout = 120; Settings.HDMATimingHack = 100; Settings.BlockInvalidVRAMAccessMaster = true; Settings.StopEmulation = true; Settings.WrongMovieStateProtection = true; Settings.DumpStreamsMaxFrames = -1; Settings.StretchScreenshots = 1; Settings.SnapshotScreenshots = true; Settings.OpenGLEnable = true; for (int a = 0; a < kWindowCount; a++) { windowPos[a].h = 40; windowPos[a].v = 80; windowSize[a].width = -1.0f; windowSize[a].height = -1.0f; } extraOptions.benchmark = false; extraOptions.glForceNoTextureRectangle = false; extraOptions.glUseClientStrageApple = true; extraOptions.glUseTexturePriority = false; extraOptions.glStorageHint = 2; npServerIP[0] = 0; npName[0] = 0; saveFolderPath = NULL; CreateIconImages(); InitAppleEvents(); InitKeyboard(); InitAutofire(); InitCheatFinder(); LoadPrefs(); InitGraphics(); InitMacSound(); SetUpHID(); RegisterHelpBook(); if (systemVersion < 0x1040) ciFilterEnable = false; err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &menuNibRef); err = SetMenuBarFromNib(menuNibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar")); DisposeNibReference(menuNibRef); EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandPreferences); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), 0); CheckMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mCheat), iApplyCheats, applycheat); Settings.ApplyCheats = applycheat; err = GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mControl), iISpPreset, &menu); CheckMenuItem(menu, padSetting, true); err = GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(GetMenuRef(mEmulation), iDevice, &menu); CheckMenuItem(menu, deviceSetting, true); deviceSettingMaster = deviceSetting; DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mOption), iCIFilter); InitRecentItems(); InitRecentMenu(); BuildRecentMenu(); InitMultiCart(); DrawMenuBar(); autofire = (autofireRec[0].buttonMask || autofireRec[1].buttonMask) ? true : false; for (int a = 0; a < MAC_MAX_PLAYERS; a++) for (int b = 0; b < 12; b++) autofireRec[a].nextTime[b] = 0; S9xMovieInit(); S9xUnmapAllControls(); S9xSetupDefaultKeymap(); ChangeInputDevice(); err = EnterMovies(); if (!Memory.Init() || !S9xInitAPU() || !S9xGraphicsInit()) QuitWithFatalError(err, "os 01"); frzselecting = false; S9xSetControllerCrosshair(X_MOUSE1, 0, NULL, NULL); S9xSetControllerCrosshair(X_MOUSE2, 0, NULL, NULL); if (systemVersion >= 0x1040) { InitCoreImage(); InitCoreImageFilter(); } } static void Deinitialize (void) { if (systemVersion >= 0x1040) { DeinitCoreImageFilter(); DeinitCoreImage(); } deviceSetting = deviceSettingMaster; ExitMovies(); DeinitMultiCart(); DeinitRecentMenu(); DeinitRecentItems(); SavePrefs(); ReleaseHID(); DeinitCheatFinder(); DeinitGraphics(); DeinitKeyboard(); DeinitMacSound(); DeinitAppleEvents(); ReleaseIconImages(); S9xGraphicsDeinit(); S9xDeinitAPU(); Memory.Deinit(); } static void InitAutofire (void) { autofire = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) autofireRec[i].nextTime[j] = 0; autofireRec[i].buttonMask = 0x0000; autofireRec[i].toggleMask = 0xFFF0; autofireRec[i].tcMask = 0x0000; autofireRec[i].invertMask = 0x0000; autofireRec[i].frequency = 10; } } static void ForceChangingKeyScript (void) { if (systemVersion >= 0x1050) { OSStatus err; TISInputSourceRef tis; tis = TISCopyCurrentASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource(); err = TISSelectInputSource(tis); CFRelease(tis); } #ifdef MAC_TIGER_PANTHER_SUPPORT else { long script; script = GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript); if (script == smJapanese) KeyScript(smRoman | smKeyForceKeyScriptMask); } #endif } void S9xSyncSpeed (void) { long long currentFrame, adjustment; if (directDisplay) { if (extraOptions.benchmark) IPPU.RenderThisFrame = true; else { if (Settings.SoundSync) { while (!S9xSyncSound()) usleep(0); } if (!macQTRecord) { if (macFrameSkip < 0) // auto skip { skipFrames--; if (skipFrames <= 0) { adjustment = (Settings.TurboMode ? (macFrameAdvanceRate / macFastForwardRate) : macFrameAdvanceRate) / Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) ¤tFrame); skipFrames = (int32) ((currentFrame - lastFrame) / adjustment); lastFrame += frameCount * adjustment; if (skipFrames < 1) skipFrames = 1; else if (skipFrames > 7) { skipFrames = 7; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) &lastFrame); } frameCount = skipFrames; if (lastFrame > currentFrame) usleep((useconds_t) (lastFrame - currentFrame)); IPPU.RenderThisFrame = true; } else IPPU.RenderThisFrame = false; } else // constant { skipFrames--; if (skipFrames <= 0) { adjustment = macFrameAdvanceRate * macFrameSkip / Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) ¤tFrame); if (currentFrame - lastFrame < adjustment) { usleep((useconds_t) (adjustment + lastFrame - currentFrame)); Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) ¤tFrame); } lastFrame = currentFrame; skipFrames = macFrameSkip; if (Settings.TurboMode) skipFrames *= macFastForwardRate; IPPU.RenderThisFrame = true; } else IPPU.RenderThisFrame = false; } } else { MacQTRecordFrame(IPPU.RenderedScreenWidth, IPPU.RenderedScreenHeight); adjustment = macFrameAdvanceRate / Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond; Microseconds((UnsignedWide *) ¤tFrame); if (currentFrame - lastFrame < adjustment) usleep((useconds_t) (adjustment + lastFrame - currentFrame)); lastFrame = currentFrame; IPPU.RenderThisFrame = true; } } } else IPPU.RenderThisFrame = false; } void S9xAutoSaveSRAM (void) { SNES9X_SaveSRAM(); } void S9xMessage (int type, int number, const char *message) { static char mes[256]; if (!onscreeninfo) { printf("%s\n", message); if ((type == S9X_INFO) && (number == S9X_ROM_INFO)) if (strstr(message, "checksum ok") == NULL) AppearanceAlert(kAlertCautionAlert, kS9xMacAlertkBadRom, kS9xMacAlertkBadRomHint); } else { strncpy(mes, message, 255); S9xSetInfoString(mes); } } const char * S9xStringInput (const char *s) { return (NULL); } void S9xToggleSoundChannel (int c) { static int channel_enable = 255; if (c == 8) channel_enable = 255; else channel_enable ^= 1 << c; S9xSetSoundControl(channel_enable); } void S9xExit (void) { PlayAlertSound(); running = false; cartOpen = false; QuitApplicationEventLoop(); } void QuitWithFatalError (OSStatus err, const char *msg) { printf("Quit. %s err: %ld\n", msg, err); ExitToShell(); }