/*********************************************************************************** Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com), Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/) (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca), Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com) (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net), Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net), (c) Copyright 2002 - 2011 zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com) (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 BearOso, OV2 (c) Copyright 2017 qwertymodo (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) BS-X C emulator code (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, zones C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), Nach, zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com) C4 C++ code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch, Nach DSP-1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_, Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com), Gary Henderson, Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora, Nach, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com) DSP-2 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net), Matthew Kendora, neviksti DSP-3 emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden DSP-4 emulator code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden OBC1 emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com), Kris Bleakley Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51 (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by zsKnight, John Weidman, Dark Force SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2009 byuu, neviksti S-DD1 C emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by Andreas Naive, John Weidman S-RTC C emulator code (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu, John Weidman ST010 C++ emulator code (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Matthew Kendora Super FX x86 assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_, pagefault, zsKnight Super FX C emulator code (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson, John Weidman Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51 (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue' Sound emulator code used in 1.52+ (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com) S-SMP emulator code used in 1.54+ (c) Copyright 2016 byuu SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se) 2xSaI filter (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com) NTSC filter (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green GTK+ GUI code (c) Copyright 2004 - 2018 BearOso Win32 GUI code (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip, funkyass, Matthew Kendora, Nach, nitsuja (c) Copyright 2009 - 2018 OV2 Mac OS GUI code (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles (c) Copyright 2001 - 2011 zones Libretro port (c) Copyright 2011 - 2017 Hans-Kristian Arntzen, Daniel De Matteis (Under no circumstances will commercial rights be given) Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in individual files. Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/ Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives. Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product. The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications in future versions. Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. ***********************************************************************************/ #include <map> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "apu/apu.h" #include "snapshot.h" #include "controls.h" #include "crosshairs.h" #include "movie.h" #include "display.h" #ifdef NETPLAY_SUPPORT #include "netplay.h" #endif using namespace std; #define NONE (-2) #define MP5 (-1) #define JOYPAD0 0 #define JOYPAD1 1 #define JOYPAD2 2 #define JOYPAD3 3 #define JOYPAD4 4 #define JOYPAD5 5 #define JOYPAD6 6 #define JOYPAD7 7 #define MOUSE0 8 #define MOUSE1 9 #define SUPERSCOPE 10 #define ONE_JUSTIFIER 11 #define TWO_JUSTIFIERS 12 #define MACSRIFLE 13 #define NUMCTLS 14 // This must be LAST #define POLL_ALL NUMCTLS #define SUPERSCOPE_FIRE 0x80 #define SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR 0x40 #define SUPERSCOPE_TURBO 0x20 #define SUPERSCOPE_PAUSE 0x10 #define SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN 0x02 #define JUSTIFIER_TRIGGER 0x80 #define JUSTIFIER_START 0x20 #define JUSTIFIER_SELECT 0x08 #define MACSRIFLE_TRIGGER 0x01 #define MAP_UNKNOWN (-1) #define MAP_NONE 0 #define MAP_BUTTON 1 #define MAP_AXIS 2 #define MAP_POINTER 3 #define FLAG_IOBIT0 (Memory.FillRAM[0x4213] & 0x40) #define FLAG_IOBIT1 (Memory.FillRAM[0x4213] & 0x80) #define FLAG_IOBIT(n) ((n) ? (FLAG_IOBIT1) : (FLAG_IOBIT0)) bool8 pad_read = 0, pad_read_last = 0; uint8 read_idx[2 /* ports */][2 /* per port */]; struct exemulti { int32 pos; bool8 data1; s9xcommand_t *script; }; struct crosshair { uint8 set; uint8 img; uint8 fg, bg; }; static struct { int16 x, y; int16 V_adj; bool8 V_var; int16 H_adj; bool8 H_var; bool8 mapped; } pseudopointer[8]; static struct { uint16 buttons; uint16 turbos; uint16 toggleturbo; uint16 togglestick; uint8 turbo_ct; } joypad[8]; static struct { uint8 delta_x, delta_y; int16 old_x, old_y; int16 cur_x, cur_y; uint8 buttons; uint32 ID; struct crosshair crosshair; } mouse[2]; static struct { int16 x, y; uint8 phys_buttons; uint8 next_buttons; uint8 read_buttons; uint32 ID; struct crosshair crosshair; } superscope; static struct { int16 x[2], y[2]; uint8 buttons; bool8 offscreen[2]; uint32 ID[2]; struct crosshair crosshair[2]; } justifier; static struct { int8 pads[4]; } mp5[2]; static struct { int16 x, y; uint8 buttons; uint32 ID; struct crosshair crosshair; } macsrifle; static set<struct exemulti *> exemultis; static set<uint32> pollmap[NUMCTLS + 1]; static map<uint32, s9xcommand_t> keymap; static vector<s9xcommand_t *> multis; static uint8 turbo_time; static uint8 pseudobuttons[256]; static bool8 FLAG_LATCH = FALSE; static int32 curcontrollers[2] = { NONE, NONE }; static int32 newcontrollers[2] = { JOYPAD0, NONE }; static char buf[256]; static const char *color_names[32] = { "Trans", "Black", "25Grey", "50Grey", "75Grey", "White", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Sky", "Blue", "Violet", "MagicPink", "Purple", NULL, "tBlack", "t25Grey", "t50Grey", "t75Grey", "tWhite", "tRed", "tOrange", "tYellow", "tGreen", "tCyan", "tSky", "tBlue", "tViolet", "tMagicPink", "tPurple" }; static const char *speed_names[4] = { "Var", "Slow", "Med", "Fast" }; static const int ptrspeeds[4] = { 1, 1, 4, 8 }; // Note: these should be in asciibetical order! #define THE_COMMANDS \ S(BeginRecordingMovie), \ S(ClipWindows), \ S(Debugger), \ S(DecEmuTurbo), \ S(DecFrameRate), \ S(DecFrameTime), \ S(DecTurboSpeed), \ S(EmuTurbo), \ S(EndRecordingMovie), \ S(ExitEmu), \ S(IncEmuTurbo), \ S(IncFrameRate), \ S(IncFrameTime), \ S(IncTurboSpeed), \ S(LoadFreezeFile), \ S(LoadMovie), \ S(LoadOopsFile), \ S(Pause), \ S(QuickLoad000), \ S(QuickLoad001), \ S(QuickLoad002), \ S(QuickLoad003), \ S(QuickLoad004), \ S(QuickLoad005), \ S(QuickLoad006), \ S(QuickLoad007), \ S(QuickLoad008), \ S(QuickLoad009), \ S(QuickLoad010), \ S(QuickSave000), \ S(QuickSave001), \ S(QuickSave002), \ S(QuickSave003), \ S(QuickSave004), \ S(QuickSave005), \ S(QuickSave006), \ S(QuickSave007), \ S(QuickSave008), \ S(QuickSave009), \ S(QuickSave010), \ S(Reset), \ S(SaveFreezeFile), \ S(SaveSPC), \ S(Screenshot), \ S(SeekToFrame), \ S(SoftReset), \ S(SoundChannel0), \ S(SoundChannel1), \ S(SoundChannel2), \ S(SoundChannel3), \ S(SoundChannel4), \ S(SoundChannel5), \ S(SoundChannel6), \ S(SoundChannel7), \ S(SoundChannelsOn), \ S(SwapJoypads), \ S(ToggleBG0), \ S(ToggleBG1), \ S(ToggleBG2), \ S(ToggleBG3), \ S(ToggleEmuTurbo), \ S(ToggleSprites), \ S(ToggleTransparency) \ #define S(x) x enum command_numbers { THE_COMMANDS, LAST_COMMAND }; #undef S #define S(x) #x static const char *command_names[LAST_COMMAND + 1] = { THE_COMMANDS, NULL }; #undef S #undef THE_COMMANDS static void DisplayStateChange (const char *, bool8); static void DoGunLatch (int, int); static void DoMacsRifleLatch (int, int); static int maptype (int); static bool strless (const char *, const char *); static int findstr (const char *, const char **, int); static int get_threshold (const char **); static const char * maptypename (int); static int32 ApplyMulti (s9xcommand_t *, int32, int16); static void do_polling (int); static void UpdatePolledMouse (int); static string& operator += (string &s, int i) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); s.append(buf); return (s); } static string& operator += (string &s, double d) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", d); s.append(buf); return (s); } static void DisplayStateChange (const char *str, bool8 on) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", str, on ? "on":"off"); S9xSetInfoString(buf); } static void DoGunLatch (int x, int y) { x += 40; if (x > 295) x = 295; else if (x < 40) x = 40; if (y > PPU.ScreenHeight - 1) y = PPU.ScreenHeight - 1; else if (y < 0) y = 0; PPU.GunVLatch = (uint16) (y + 1); PPU.GunHLatch = (uint16) x; } static void DoMacsRifleLatch (int x, int y) { PPU.GunVLatch = (uint16) (y + 42);// + (int16) macsrifle.adjust_y; PPU.GunHLatch = (uint16) (x + 76);// + (int16) macsrifle.adjust_x; } static int maptype (int t) { switch (t) { case S9xNoMapping: return (MAP_NONE); case S9xButtonJoypad: case S9xButtonMouse: case S9xButtonSuperscope: case S9xButtonJustifier: case S9xButtonMacsRifle: case S9xButtonCommand: case S9xButtonPseudopointer: case S9xButtonPort: case S9xButtonMulti: return (MAP_BUTTON); case S9xAxisJoypad: case S9xAxisPseudopointer: case S9xAxisPseudobuttons: case S9xAxisPort: return (MAP_AXIS); case S9xPointer: case S9xPointerPort: return (MAP_POINTER); default: return (MAP_UNKNOWN); } } void S9xControlsReset (void) { S9xControlsSoftReset(); mouse[0].buttons &= ~0x30; mouse[1].buttons &= ~0x30; justifier.buttons &= ~JUSTIFIER_SELECT; macsrifle.buttons = 0; } void S9xControlsSoftReset (void) { for (set<struct exemulti *>::iterator it = exemultis.begin(); it != exemultis.end(); it++) delete *it; exemultis.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) read_idx[i][j]=0; FLAG_LATCH = FALSE; curcontrollers[0] = newcontrollers[0]; curcontrollers[1] = newcontrollers[1]; } void S9xUnmapAllControls (void) { S9xControlsReset(); keymap.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (int) multis.size(); i++) free(multis[i]); multis.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < NUMCTLS + 1; i++) pollmap[i].clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pseudopointer[i].x = 0; pseudopointer[i].y = 0; pseudopointer[i].H_adj = 0; pseudopointer[i].V_adj = 0; pseudopointer[i].H_var = 0; pseudopointer[i].V_var = 0; pseudopointer[i].mapped = false; joypad[i].buttons = 0; joypad[i].turbos = 0; joypad[i].turbo_ct = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mouse[i].old_x = mouse[i].old_y = 0; mouse[i].cur_x = mouse[i].cur_y = 0; mouse[i].buttons = 1; mouse[i].ID = InvalidControlID; if (!(mouse[i].crosshair.set & 1)) mouse[i].crosshair.img = 0; // no image for mouse because its only logical position is game-specific, not known by the emulator if (!(mouse[i].crosshair.set & 2)) mouse[i].crosshair.fg = 5; if (!(mouse[i].crosshair.set & 4)) mouse[i].crosshair.bg = 1; justifier.x[i] = justifier.y[i] = 0; justifier.offscreen[i] = 0; justifier.ID[i] = InvalidControlID; if (!(justifier.crosshair[i].set & 1)) justifier.crosshair[i].img = 4; if (!(justifier.crosshair[i].set & 2)) justifier.crosshair[i].fg = i ? 14 : 12; if (!(justifier.crosshair[i].set & 4)) justifier.crosshair[i].bg = 1; } justifier.buttons = 0; superscope.x = superscope.y = 0; superscope.phys_buttons = 0; superscope.next_buttons = 0; superscope.read_buttons = 0; superscope.ID = InvalidControlID; if (!(superscope.crosshair.set & 1)) superscope.crosshair.img = 2; if (!(superscope.crosshair.set & 2)) superscope.crosshair.fg = 5; if (!(superscope.crosshair.set & 4)) superscope.crosshair.bg = 1; macsrifle.x = macsrifle.y = 0; macsrifle.buttons = 0; macsrifle.ID = InvalidControlID; if (!(macsrifle.crosshair.set & 1)) macsrifle.crosshair.img = 2; if (!(macsrifle.crosshair.set & 2)) macsrifle.crosshair.fg = 5; if (!(macsrifle.crosshair.set & 4)) macsrifle.crosshair.bg = 1; memset(pseudobuttons, 0, sizeof(pseudobuttons)); turbo_time = 1; } void S9xSetController (int port, enum controllers controller, int8 id1, int8 id2, int8 id3, int8 id4) { if (port < 0 || port > 1) return; switch (controller) { case CTL_NONE: break; case CTL_JOYPAD: if (id1 < 0 || id1 > 7) break; newcontrollers[port] = JOYPAD0 + id1; return; case CTL_MOUSE: if (id1 < 0 || id1 > 1) break; if (!Settings.MouseMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES Mouse: MouseMaster disabled"); break; } newcontrollers[port] = MOUSE0 + id1; return; case CTL_SUPERSCOPE: if (!Settings.SuperScopeMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES Superscope: SuperScopeMaster disabled"); break; } newcontrollers[port] = SUPERSCOPE; return; case CTL_JUSTIFIER: if (id1 < 0 || id1 > 1) break; if (!Settings.JustifierMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select Konami Justifier: JustifierMaster disabled"); break; } newcontrollers[port] = ONE_JUSTIFIER + id1; return; case CTL_MACSRIFLE: if (!Settings.MacsRifleMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES M.A.C.S. Rifle: MacsRifleMaster disabled"); break; } newcontrollers[port] = MACSRIFLE; return; case CTL_MP5: if (id1 < -1 || id1 > 7) break; if (id2 < -1 || id2 > 7) break; if (id3 < -1 || id3 > 7) break; if (id4 < -1 || id4 > 7) break; if (!Settings.MultiPlayer5Master) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select MP5: MultiPlayer5Master disabled"); break; } newcontrollers[port] = MP5; mp5[port].pads[0] = (id1 < 0) ? NONE : JOYPAD0 + id1; mp5[port].pads[1] = (id2 < 0) ? NONE : JOYPAD0 + id2; mp5[port].pads[2] = (id3 < 0) ? NONE : JOYPAD0 + id3; mp5[port].pads[3] = (id4 < 0) ? NONE : JOYPAD0 + id4; return; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown controller type %d\n", controller); break; } newcontrollers[port] = NONE; } bool S9xVerifyControllers (void) { bool ret = false; int port, i, used[NUMCTLS]; for (i = 0; i < NUMCTLS; used[i++] = 0) ; for (port = 0; port < 2; port++) { switch (i = newcontrollers[port]) { case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: if (!Settings.MouseMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES Mouse: MouseMaster disabled"); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } if (used[i]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Mouse%d used more than once! Disabling extra instances", i - MOUSE0 + 1); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } break; case SUPERSCOPE: if (!Settings.SuperScopeMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES Superscope: SuperScopeMaster disabled"); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } if (used[i]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Superscope used more than once! Disabling extra instances"); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } break; case ONE_JUSTIFIER: case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: if (!Settings.JustifierMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select Konami Justifier: JustifierMaster disabled"); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } if (used[ONE_JUSTIFIER]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Justifier used more than once! Disabling extra instances"); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } break; case MACSRIFLE: if (!Settings.MacsRifleMaster) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select SNES M.A.C.S. Rifle: MacsRifleMaster disabled"); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } if (used[i]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "M.A.C.S. Rifle used more than once! Disabling extra instances"); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } break; case MP5: if (!Settings.MultiPlayer5Master) { S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, "Cannot select MP5: MultiPlayer5Master disabled"); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mp5[port].pads[i] != NONE) { if (used[mp5[port].pads[i] - JOYPAD0]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Joypad%d used more than once! Disabling extra instances", mp5[port].pads[i] - JOYPAD0 + 1); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); mp5[port].pads[i] = NONE; ret = true; break; } } } break; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: if (used[i - JOYPAD0]++ > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Joypad%d used more than once! Disabling extra instances", i - JOYPAD0 + 1); S9xMessage(S9X_CONFIG_INFO, S9X_ERROR, buf); newcontrollers[port] = NONE; ret = true; break; } break; default: break; } } return (ret); } void S9xGetController (int port, enum controllers *controller, int8 *id1, int8 *id2, int8 *id3, int8 *id4) { int i; *controller = CTL_NONE; *id1 = *id2 = *id3 = *id4 = -1; if (port < 0 || port > 1) return; switch (i = newcontrollers[port]) { case MP5: *controller = CTL_MP5; *id1 = (mp5[port].pads[0] == NONE) ? -1 : mp5[port].pads[0] - JOYPAD0; *id2 = (mp5[port].pads[1] == NONE) ? -1 : mp5[port].pads[1] - JOYPAD0; *id3 = (mp5[port].pads[2] == NONE) ? -1 : mp5[port].pads[2] - JOYPAD0; *id4 = (mp5[port].pads[3] == NONE) ? -1 : mp5[port].pads[3] - JOYPAD0; return; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: *controller = CTL_JOYPAD; *id1 = i - JOYPAD0; return; case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: *controller = CTL_MOUSE; *id1 = i - MOUSE0; return; case SUPERSCOPE: *controller = CTL_SUPERSCOPE; *id1 = 1; return; case ONE_JUSTIFIER: case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: *controller = CTL_JUSTIFIER; *id1 = i - ONE_JUSTIFIER; return; case MACSRIFLE: *controller = CTL_MACSRIFLE; *id1 = 1; return; } } void S9xReportControllers (void) { static char mes[128]; char *c = mes; S9xVerifyControllers(); for (int port = 0; port < 2; port++) { c += sprintf(c, "Port %d: ", port + 1); switch (newcontrollers[port]) { case NONE: c += sprintf(c, "<none>. "); break; case MP5: c += sprintf(c, "MP5 with pads"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mp5[port].pads[i] == NONE) c += sprintf(c, " <none>. "); else c += sprintf(c, " #%d. ", mp5[port].pads[i] + 1 - JOYPAD0); } break; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: c += sprintf(c, "Pad #%d. ", (int) (newcontrollers[port] - JOYPAD0 + 1)); break; case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: c += sprintf(c, "Mouse #%d. ", (int) (newcontrollers[port] - MOUSE0 + 1)); break; case SUPERSCOPE: if (port == 0) c += sprintf(c, "Superscope (cannot fire). "); else c += sprintf(c, "Superscope. "); break; case ONE_JUSTIFIER: if (port == 0) c += sprintf(c, "Blue Justifier (cannot fire). "); else c += sprintf(c, "Blue Justifier. "); break; case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: if (port == 0) c += sprintf(c, "Blue and Pink Justifiers (cannot fire). "); else c += sprintf(c, "Blue and Pink Justifiers. "); break; case MACSRIFLE: if (port == 0) c += sprintf(c, "M.A.C.S. Rifle (cannot fire). "); else c += sprintf(c, "M.A.C.S. Rifle. "); break; } } S9xMessage(S9X_INFO, S9X_CONFIG_INFO, mes); } char * S9xGetCommandName (s9xcommand_t command) { string s; char c; switch (command.type) { case S9xButtonJoypad: if (command.button.joypad.buttons == 0) return (strdup("None")); if (command.button.joypad.buttons & 0x000f) return (strdup("None")); s = "Joypad"; s += command.button.joypad.idx + 1; c = ' '; if (command.button.joypad.toggle) { if (c) s += c; s += "Toggle"; c = 0; } if (command.button.joypad.sticky) { if (c) s += c; s += "Sticky"; c = 0; } if (command.button.joypad.turbo ) { if (c) s += c; s += "Turbo"; c = 0; } c = ' '; if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_UP_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Up"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_DOWN_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Down"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_LEFT_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Left"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_RIGHT_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Right"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_A_MASK ) { s += c; s += "A"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_B_MASK ) { s += c; s += "B"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_X_MASK ) { s += c; s += "X"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_Y_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Y"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_TL_MASK ) { s += c; s += "L"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_TR_MASK ) { s += c; s += "R"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_START_MASK ) { s += c; s += "Start"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.joypad.buttons & SNES_SELECT_MASK) { s += c; s += "Select"; c = '+'; } break; case S9xButtonMouse: if (!command.button.mouse.left && !command.button.mouse.right) return (strdup("None")); s = "Mouse"; s += command.button.mouse.idx + 1; s += " "; if (command.button.mouse.left ) s += "L"; if (command.button.mouse.right) s += "R"; break; case S9xButtonSuperscope: if (!command.button.scope.fire && !command.button.scope.cursor && !command.button.scope.turbo && !command.button.scope.pause && !command.button.scope.aim_offscreen) return (strdup("None")); s = "Superscope"; if (command.button.scope.aim_offscreen) s += " AimOffscreen"; c = ' '; if (command.button.scope.fire ) { s += c; s += "Fire"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.scope.cursor) { s += c; s += "Cursor"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.scope.turbo ) { s += c; s += "ToggleTurbo"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.scope.pause ) { s += c; s += "Pause"; c = '+'; } break; case S9xButtonJustifier: if (!command.button.justifier.trigger && !command.button.justifier.start && !command.button.justifier.aim_offscreen) return (strdup("None")); s = "Justifier"; s += command.button.justifier.idx + 1; if (command.button.justifier.aim_offscreen) s += " AimOffscreen"; c = ' '; if (command.button.justifier.trigger) { s += c; s += "Trigger"; c = '+'; } if (command.button.justifier.start ) { s += c; s += "Start"; c = '+'; } break; case S9xButtonMacsRifle: if (!command.button.macsrifle.trigger) return (strdup("None")); s = "MacsRifle"; c = ' '; if (command.button.macsrifle.trigger) { s += c; s += "Trigger"; c = '+'; } break; case S9xButtonCommand: if (command.button.command >= LAST_COMMAND) return (strdup("None")); return (strdup(command_names[command.button.command])); case S9xPointer: if (!command.pointer.aim_mouse0 && !command.pointer.aim_mouse1 && !command.pointer.aim_scope && !command.pointer.aim_justifier0 && !command.pointer.aim_justifier1 && !command.pointer.aim_macsrifle) return (strdup("None")); s = "Pointer"; c = ' '; if (command.pointer.aim_mouse0 ) { s += c; s += "Mouse1"; c = '+'; } if (command.pointer.aim_mouse1 ) { s += c; s += "Mouse2"; c = '+'; } if (command.pointer.aim_scope ) { s += c; s += "Superscope"; c = '+'; } if (command.pointer.aim_justifier0) { s += c; s += "Justifier1"; c = '+'; } if (command.pointer.aim_justifier1) { s += c; s += "Justifier2"; c = '+'; } if (command.pointer.aim_macsrifle) { s += c; s += "MacsRifle"; c = '+'; } break; case S9xButtonPseudopointer: if (!command.button.pointer.UD && !command.button.pointer.LR) return (strdup("None")); if (command.button.pointer.UD == -2 || command.button.pointer.LR == -2) return (strdup("None")); s = "ButtonToPointer "; s += command.button.pointer.idx + 1; if (command.button.pointer.UD) s += (command.button.pointer.UD == 1) ? 'd' : 'u'; if (command.button.pointer.LR) s += (command.button.pointer.LR == 1) ? 'r' : 'l'; s += " "; s += speed_names[command.button.pointer.speed_type]; break; case S9xAxisJoypad: s = "Joypad"; s += command.axis.joypad.idx + 1; s += " Axis "; switch (command.axis.joypad.axis) { case 0: s += (command.axis.joypad.invert ? "Right/Left" : "Left/Right"); break; case 1: s += (command.axis.joypad.invert ? "Down/Up" : "Up/Down" ); break; case 2: s += (command.axis.joypad.invert ? "A/Y" : "Y/A" ); break; case 3: s += (command.axis.joypad.invert ? "B/X" : "X/B" ); break; case 4: s += (command.axis.joypad.invert ? "R/L" : "L/R" ); break; default: return (strdup("None")); } s += " T="; s += int((command.axis.joypad.threshold + 1) * 1000 / 256) / 10.0; s += "%"; break; case S9xAxisPseudopointer: s = "AxisToPointer "; s += command.axis.pointer.idx + 1; s += command.axis.pointer.HV ? 'v' : 'h'; s += " "; if (command.axis.pointer.invert) s += "-"; s += speed_names[command.axis.pointer.speed_type]; break; case S9xAxisPseudobuttons: s = "AxisToButtons "; s += command.axis.button.negbutton; s += "/"; s += command.axis.button.posbutton; s += " T="; s += int((command.axis.button.threshold + 1) * 1000 / 256) / 10.0; s += "%"; break; case S9xButtonPort: case S9xAxisPort: case S9xPointerPort: return (strdup("BUG: Port should have handled this instead of calling S9xGetCommandName()")); case S9xNoMapping: return (strdup("None")); case S9xButtonMulti: { if (command.button.multi_idx >= (int) multis.size()) return (strdup("None")); s = "{"; if (multis[command.button.multi_idx]->multi_press) s = "+{"; bool sep = false; for (s9xcommand_t *m = multis[command.button.multi_idx]; m->multi_press != 3; m++) { if (m->type == S9xNoMapping) { s += ";"; sep = false; } else { if (sep) s += ","; if (m->multi_press == 1) s += "+"; if (m->multi_press == 2) s += "-"; s += S9xGetCommandName(*m); sep = true; } } s += "}"; break; } default: return (strdup("BUG: Unknown command type")); } return (strdup(s.c_str())); } static bool strless (const char *a, const char *b) { return (strcmp(a, b) < 0); } static int findstr (const char *needle, const char **haystack, int numstr) { const char **r; r = lower_bound(haystack, haystack + numstr, needle, strless); if (r >= haystack + numstr || strcmp(needle, *r)) return (-1); return (r - haystack); } static int get_threshold (const char **ss) { const char *s = *ss; int i; if (s[0] != 'T' || s[1] != '=') return (-1); s += 2; i = 0; if (s[0] == '0') { if (s[1] != '.') return (-1); s++; } else { do { if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') return (-1); i = i * 10 + 10 * (*s - '0'); if (i > 1000) return (-1); s++; } while (*s != '.' && *s != '%'); } if (*s == '.') { if (s[1] < '0' || s[1] > '9' || s[2] != '%') return (-1); i += s[1] - '0'; } if (i > 1000) return (-1); *ss = s; return (i); } s9xcommand_t S9xGetCommandT (const char *name) { s9xcommand_t cmd; int i, j; const char *s; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.type = S9xBadMapping; cmd.multi_press = 0; cmd.button_norpt = 0; if (!strcmp(name, "None")) cmd.type = S9xNoMapping; else if (!strncmp(name, "Joypad", 6)) { if (name[6] < '1' || name[6] > '8' || name[7] != ' ') return (cmd); if (!strncmp(name + 8, "Axis ", 5)) { cmd.axis.joypad.idx = name[6] - '1'; s = name + 13; if (!strncmp(s, "Left/Right ", 11)) { j = 0; i = 0; s += 11; } else if (!strncmp(s, "Right/Left ", 11)) { j = 0; i = 1; s += 11; } else if (!strncmp(s, "Up/Down ", 8)) { j = 1; i = 0; s += 8; } else if (!strncmp(s, "Down/Up ", 8)) { j = 1; i = 1; s += 8; } else if (!strncmp(s, "Y/A ", 4)) { j = 2; i = 0; s += 4; } else if (!strncmp(s, "A/Y ", 4)) { j = 2; i = 1; s += 4; } else if (!strncmp(s, "X/B ", 4)) { j = 3; i = 0; s += 4; } else if (!strncmp(s, "B/X ", 4)) { j = 3; i = 1; s += 4; } else if (!strncmp(s, "L/R ", 4)) { j = 4; i = 0; s += 4; } else if (!strncmp(s, "R/L ", 4)) { j = 4; i = 1; s += 4; } else return (cmd); cmd.axis.joypad.axis = j; cmd.axis.joypad.invert = i; i = get_threshold(&s); if (i < 0) return (cmd); cmd.axis.joypad.threshold = (i - 1) * 256 / 1000; cmd.type = S9xAxisJoypad; } else { cmd.button.joypad.idx = name[6] - '1'; s = name + 8; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.joypad.toggle = strncmp(s, "Toggle", 6) ? 0 : 1)) s += i = 6; if ((cmd.button.joypad.sticky = strncmp(s, "Sticky", 6) ? 0 : 1)) s += i = 6; if ((cmd.button.joypad.turbo = strncmp(s, "Turbo", 5) ? 0 : 1)) s += i = 5; if (cmd.button.joypad.toggle && !(cmd.button.joypad.sticky || cmd.button.joypad.turbo)) return (cmd); if (i) { if (*s != ' ') return (cmd); s++; } i = 0; if (!strncmp(s, "Up", 2)) { i |= SNES_UP_MASK; s += 2; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "Down", 4)) { i |= SNES_DOWN_MASK; s += 4; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "Left", 4)) { i |= SNES_LEFT_MASK; s += 4; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "Right", 5)) { i |= SNES_RIGHT_MASK; s += 5; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'A') { i |= SNES_A_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'B') { i |= SNES_B_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'X') { i |= SNES_X_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'Y') { i |= SNES_Y_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'L') { i |= SNES_TL_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (*s == 'R') { i |= SNES_TR_MASK; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "Start", 5)) { i |= SNES_START_MASK; s += 5; if (*s == '+') s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "Select", 6)) { i |= SNES_SELECT_MASK; s += 6; } if (i == 0 || *s != 0 || *(s - 1) == '+') return (cmd); cmd.button.joypad.buttons = i; cmd.type = S9xButtonJoypad; } } else if (!strncmp(name, "Mouse", 5)) { if (name[5] < '1' || name[5] > '2' || name[6] != ' ') return (cmd); cmd.button.mouse.idx = name[5] - '1'; s = name + 7; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.mouse.left = (*s == 'L'))) s += i = 1; if ((cmd.button.mouse.right = (*s == 'R'))) s += i = 1; if (i == 0 || *s != 0) return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xButtonMouse; } else if (!strncmp(name, "Superscope ", 11)) { s = name + 11; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.scope.aim_offscreen = strncmp(s, "AimOffscreen", 12) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 12; if (*s == ' ') s++; else if (*s != 0) return (cmd); } if ((cmd.button.scope.fire = strncmp(s, "Fire", 4) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 4; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.button.scope.cursor = strncmp(s, "Cursor", 6) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 6; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.button.scope.turbo = strncmp(s, "ToggleTurbo", 11) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 11; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.button.scope.pause = strncmp(s, "Pause", 5) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 5; } if (i == 0 || *s != 0 || *(s - 1) == '+') return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xButtonSuperscope; } else if (!strncmp(name, "Justifier", 9)) { if (name[9] < '1' || name[9] > '2' || name[10] != ' ') return (cmd); cmd.button.justifier.idx = name[9] - '1'; s = name + 11; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.justifier.aim_offscreen = strncmp(s, "AimOffscreen", 12) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 12; if (*s == ' ') s++; else if (*s != 0) return (cmd); } if ((cmd.button.justifier.trigger = strncmp(s, "Trigger", 7) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 7; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.button.justifier.start = strncmp(s, "Start", 5) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 5; } if (i == 0 || *s != 0 || *(s - 1) == '+') return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xButtonJustifier; } else if (!strncmp(name, "MacsRifle ", 10)) { s = name + 10; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.macsrifle.trigger = strncmp(s, "Trigger", 7) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 7; } if (i == 0 || *s != 0 || *(s - 1) == '+') return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xButtonMacsRifle; } else if (!strncmp(name, "Pointer ", 8)) { s = name + 8; i = 0; if ((cmd.pointer.aim_mouse0 = strncmp(s, "Mouse1", 6) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 6; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.pointer.aim_mouse1 = strncmp(s, "Mouse2", 6) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 6; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.pointer.aim_scope = strncmp(s, "Superscope", 10) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 10; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.pointer.aim_justifier0 = strncmp(s, "Justifier1", 10) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 10; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.pointer.aim_justifier1 = strncmp(s, "Justifier2", 10) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 10; if (*s == '+') s++; } if ((cmd.pointer.aim_macsrifle = strncmp(s, "MacsRifle", 9) ? 0 : 1)) { s += i = 9; } if (i == 0 || *s != 0 || *(s - 1) == '+') return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xPointer; } else if (!strncmp(name, "ButtonToPointer ", 16)) { if (name[16] < '1' || name[16] > '8') return (cmd); cmd.button.pointer.idx = name[16] - '1'; s = name + 17; i = 0; if ((cmd.button.pointer.UD = (*s == 'u' ? -1 : (*s == 'd' ? 1 : 0)))) s += i = 1; if ((cmd.button.pointer.LR = (*s == 'l' ? -1 : (*s == 'r' ? 1 : 0)))) s += i = 1; if (i == 0 || *(s++) != ' ') return (cmd); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!strcmp(s, speed_names[i])) break; if (i > 3) return (cmd); cmd.button.pointer.speed_type = i; cmd.type = S9xButtonPseudopointer; } else if (!strncmp(name, "AxisToPointer ", 14)) { if (name[14] < '1' || name[14] > '8') return (cmd); cmd.axis.pointer.idx = name[14] - '1'; s= name + 15; i = 0; if (*s == 'h') cmd.axis.pointer.HV = 0; else if (*s == 'v') cmd.axis.pointer.HV = 1; else return (cmd); if (s[1] != ' ') return (cmd); s += 2; if ((cmd.axis.pointer.invert = *s == '-')) s++; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!strcmp(s, speed_names[i])) break; if (i > 3) return (cmd); cmd.axis.pointer.speed_type = i; cmd.type = S9xAxisPseudopointer; } else if (!strncmp(name, "AxisToButtons ", 14)) { s = name + 14; if (s[0] == '0') { if (s[1] != '/') return (cmd); cmd.axis.button.negbutton = 0; s += 2; } else { i = 0; do { if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') return (cmd); i = i * 10 + *s - '0'; if (i > 255) return (cmd); } while (*++s != '/'); cmd.axis.button.negbutton = i; s++; } if (s[0] == '0') { if (s[1] != ' ') return (cmd); cmd.axis.button.posbutton = 0; s += 2; } else { i = 0; do { if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') return (cmd); i = i * 10 + *s - '0'; if (i > 255) return (cmd); } while (*++s != ' '); cmd.axis.button.posbutton = i; s++; } i = get_threshold(&s); if (i < 0) return (cmd); cmd.axis.button.threshold = (i - 1) * 256 / 1000; cmd.type = S9xAxisPseudobuttons; } else if (!strncmp(name, "MULTI#", 6)) { i = strtol(name + 6, (char **) &s, 10); if (s != NULL && *s != '\0') return (cmd); if (i >= (int) multis.size()) return (cmd); cmd.button.multi_idx = i; cmd.type = S9xButtonMulti; } else if (((name[0] == '+' && name[1] == '{') || name[0] == '{') && name[strlen(name) - 1] == '}') { if (multis.size() > 2147483640) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many multis!"); return (cmd); } string x; int n; j = 2; for (i = (name[0] == '+') ? 2 : 1; name[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (name[i] == ',' || name[i] == ';') { if (name[i] == ';') j++; if (++j > 2147483640) { fprintf(stderr, "Multi too long!"); return (cmd); } } if (name[i] == '{') return (cmd); } s9xcommand_t *c = (s9xcommand_t *) calloc(j, sizeof(s9xcommand_t)); if (c == NULL) { perror("malloc error while parsing multi"); return (cmd); } n = 0; i = (name[0] == '+') ? 2 : 1; do { if (name[i] == ';') { c[n].type = S9xNoMapping; c[n].multi_press = 0; c[n].button_norpt = 0; j = i; } else if (name[i] == ',') { free(c); return (cmd); } else { uint8 press = 0; if (name[0] == '+') { if (name[i] == '+') press = 1; else if (name[i] == '-') press = 2; else { free(c); return (cmd); } i++; } for (j = i; name[j] != ';' && name[j] != ',' && name[j] != '}'; j++) ; x.assign(name + i, j - i); c[n] = S9xGetCommandT(x.c_str()); c[n].multi_press = press; if (maptype(c[n].type) != MAP_BUTTON) { free(c); return (cmd); } if (name[j] == ';') j--; } i = j + 1; n++; } while (name[i] != '\0'); c[n].type = S9xNoMapping; c[n].multi_press = 3; multis.push_back(c); cmd.button.multi_idx = multis.size() - 1; cmd.type = S9xButtonMulti; } else { i = findstr(name, command_names, LAST_COMMAND); if (i < 0) return (cmd); cmd.type = S9xButtonCommand; cmd.button.command = i; } return (cmd); } const char ** S9xGetAllSnes9xCommands (void) { return (command_names); } s9xcommand_t S9xGetMapping (uint32 id) { if (keymap.count(id) == 0) { s9xcommand_t cmd; cmd.type = S9xNoMapping; return (cmd); } else return (keymap[id]); } static const char * maptypename (int t) { switch (t) { case MAP_NONE: return ("unmapped"); case MAP_BUTTON: return ("button"); case MAP_AXIS: return ("axis"); case MAP_POINTER: return ("pointer"); default: return ("unknown"); } } void S9xUnmapID (uint32 id) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMCTLS + 1; i++) pollmap[i].erase(id); if (mouse[0].ID == id) mouse[0].ID = InvalidControlID; if (mouse[1].ID == id) mouse[1].ID = InvalidControlID; if (superscope.ID == id) superscope.ID = InvalidControlID; if (justifier.ID[0] == id) justifier.ID[0] = InvalidControlID; if (justifier.ID[1] == id) justifier.ID[1] = InvalidControlID; if (macsrifle.ID == id) macsrifle.ID = InvalidControlID; if (id >= PseudoPointerBase) pseudopointer[id - PseudoPointerBase].mapped = false; keymap.erase(id); } bool S9xMapButton (uint32 id, s9xcommand_t mapping, bool poll) { int t; if (id == InvalidControlID) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot map InvalidControlID\n"); return (false); } t = maptype(mapping.type); if (t == MAP_NONE) { S9xUnmapID(id); return (true); } if (t != MAP_BUTTON) return (false); t = maptype(S9xGetMapping(id).type); if (t != MAP_NONE && t != MAP_BUTTON) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Remapping ID 0x%08x from %s to button\n", id, maptypename(t)); if (id >= PseudoPointerBase) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Refusing to map pseudo-pointer #%d as a button\n", id - PseudoPointerBase); return (false); } t = -1; if (poll) { if (id >= PseudoButtonBase) fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Ignoring attempt to set pseudo-button #%d to polling\n", id - PseudoButtonBase); else { switch (mapping.type) { case S9xButtonJoypad: t = JOYPAD0 + mapping.button.joypad.idx; break; case S9xButtonMouse: t = MOUSE0 + mapping.button.mouse.idx; break; case S9xButtonSuperscope: t = SUPERSCOPE; break; case S9xButtonJustifier: t = ONE_JUSTIFIER + mapping.button.justifier.idx; break; case S9xButtonMacsRifle: t = MACSRIFLE; break; case S9xButtonCommand: case S9xButtonPseudopointer: case S9xButtonPort: case S9xButtonMulti: t = POLL_ALL; break; } } } S9xUnmapID(id); keymap[id] = mapping; if (t >= 0) pollmap[t].insert(id); return (true); } void S9xReportButton (uint32 id, bool pressed) { if (keymap.count(id) == 0) return; if (keymap[id].type == S9xNoMapping) return; if (maptype(keymap[id].type) != MAP_BUTTON) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: S9xReportButton called on %s ID 0x%08x\n", maptypename(maptype(keymap[id].type)), id); return; } if (keymap[id].type == S9xButtonCommand) // skips the "already-pressed check" unless it's a command, as a hack to work around the following problem: if (keymap[id].button_norpt == pressed) // FIXME: this makes the controls "stick" after loading a savestate while recording a movie and holding any button return; keymap[id].button_norpt = pressed; S9xApplyCommand(keymap[id], pressed, 0); } bool S9xMapPointer (uint32 id, s9xcommand_t mapping, bool poll) { int t; if (id == InvalidControlID) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot map InvalidControlID\n"); return (false); } t = maptype(mapping.type); if (t == MAP_NONE) { S9xUnmapID(id); return (true); } if (t != MAP_POINTER) return (false); t = maptype(S9xGetMapping(id).type); if (t != MAP_NONE && t != MAP_POINTER) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Remapping ID 0x%08x from %s to pointer\n", id, maptypename(t)); if (id < PseudoPointerBase && id >= PseudoButtonBase) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Refusing to map pseudo-button #%d as a pointer\n", id - PseudoButtonBase); return (false); } if (mapping.type == S9xPointer) { if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse0 && mouse[0].ID != InvalidControlID && mouse[0].ID != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control Mouse1 with two pointers\n"); return (false); } if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse1 && mouse[1].ID != InvalidControlID && mouse[1].ID != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control Mouse2 with two pointers\n"); return (false); } if (mapping.pointer.aim_scope && superscope.ID != InvalidControlID && superscope.ID != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control SuperScope with two pointers\n"); return (false); } if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier0 && justifier.ID[0] != InvalidControlID && justifier.ID[0] != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control Justifier1 with two pointers\n"); return (false); } if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier1 && justifier.ID[1] != InvalidControlID && justifier.ID[1] != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control Justifier2 with two pointers\n"); return (false); } if (mapping.pointer.aim_macsrifle && macsrifle.ID != InvalidControlID && macsrifle.ID != id) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Rejecting attempt to control M.A.C.S. Rifle with two pointers\n"); return (false); } } S9xUnmapID(id); if (poll) { if (id >= PseudoPointerBase) fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Ignoring attempt to set pseudo-pointer #%d to polling\n", id - PseudoPointerBase); else { switch (mapping.type) { case S9xPointer: if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse0 ) pollmap[MOUSE0 ].insert(id); if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse1 ) pollmap[MOUSE1 ].insert(id); if (mapping.pointer.aim_scope ) pollmap[SUPERSCOPE ].insert(id); if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier0) pollmap[ONE_JUSTIFIER ].insert(id); if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier1) pollmap[TWO_JUSTIFIERS].insert(id); if (mapping.pointer.aim_macsrifle ) pollmap[MACSRIFLE ].insert(id); break; case S9xPointerPort: pollmap[POLL_ALL].insert(id); break; } } } if (id >= PseudoPointerBase) pseudopointer[id - PseudoPointerBase].mapped = true; keymap[id] = mapping; if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse0 ) mouse[0].ID = id; if (mapping.pointer.aim_mouse1 ) mouse[1].ID = id; if (mapping.pointer.aim_scope ) superscope.ID = id; if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier0) justifier.ID[0] = id; if (mapping.pointer.aim_justifier1) justifier.ID[1] = id; if (mapping.pointer.aim_macsrifle ) macsrifle.ID = id; return (true); } void S9xReportPointer (uint32 id, int16 x, int16 y) { if (keymap.count(id) == 0) return; if (keymap[id].type == S9xNoMapping) return; if (maptype(keymap[id].type) != MAP_POINTER) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: S9xReportPointer called on %s ID 0x%08x\n", maptypename(maptype(keymap[id].type)), id); return; } S9xApplyCommand(keymap[id], x, y); } bool S9xMapAxis (uint32 id, s9xcommand_t mapping, bool poll) { int t; if (id == InvalidControlID) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot map InvalidControlID\n"); return (false); } t = maptype(mapping.type); if (t == MAP_NONE) { S9xUnmapID(id); return (true); } if (t != MAP_AXIS) return (false); t = maptype(S9xGetMapping(id).type); if (t != MAP_NONE && t != MAP_AXIS) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Remapping ID 0x%08x from %s to axis\n", id, maptypename(t)); if (id >= PseudoPointerBase) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Refusing to map pseudo-pointer #%d as an axis\n", id - PseudoPointerBase); return (false); } t = -1; if (poll) { switch (mapping.type) { case S9xAxisJoypad: t = JOYPAD0 + mapping.axis.joypad.idx; break; case S9xAxisPseudopointer: case S9xAxisPseudobuttons: case S9xAxisPort: t=POLL_ALL; break; } } S9xUnmapID(id); keymap[id] = mapping; if (t >= 0) pollmap[t].insert(id); return (true); } void S9xReportAxis (uint32 id, int16 value) { if (keymap.count(id) == 0) return; if (keymap[id].type == S9xNoMapping) return; if (maptype(keymap[id].type) != MAP_AXIS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: S9xReportAxis called on %s ID 0x%08x\n", maptypename(maptype(keymap[id].type)), id); return; } S9xApplyCommand(keymap[id], value, 0); } static int32 ApplyMulti (s9xcommand_t *multi, int32 pos, int16 data1) { while (1) { if (multi[pos].multi_press == 3) return (-1); if (multi[pos].type == S9xNoMapping) break; if (multi[pos].multi_press) S9xApplyCommand(multi[pos], multi[pos].multi_press == 1, 0); else S9xApplyCommand(multi[pos], data1, 0); pos++; } return (pos + 1); } void S9xApplyCommand (s9xcommand_t cmd, int16 data1, int16 data2) { int i; switch (cmd.type) { case S9xNoMapping: return; case S9xButtonJoypad: if (cmd.button.joypad.toggle) { if (!data1) return; uint16 r = cmd.button.joypad.buttons; if (cmd.button.joypad.turbo) joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].toggleturbo ^= r; if (cmd.button.joypad.sticky) joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].togglestick ^= r; } else { uint16 r, s, t, st; r = cmd.button.joypad.buttons; st = r & joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].togglestick & joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].toggleturbo; r ^= st; t = r & joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].toggleturbo; r ^= t; s = r & joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].togglestick; r ^= s; if (cmd.button.joypad.turbo && cmd.button.joypad.sticky) { uint16 x = r; r = st; st = x; x = s; s = t; t = x; } else if (cmd.button.joypad.turbo) { uint16 x = r; r = t; t = x; x = s; s = st; st = x; } else if (cmd.button.joypad.sticky) { uint16 x = r; r = s; s = x; x = t; t = st; st = x; } if (data1) { if (!Settings.UpAndDown && !S9xMoviePlaying()) // if up+down isn't allowed AND we are NOT playing a movie, { if (cmd.button.joypad.buttons & (SNES_LEFT_MASK | SNES_RIGHT_MASK)) { // if we're pressing left or right, then unpress and unturbo them both first // so we don't end up hittnig left AND right accidentally. // Note though that the user can still do it on purpose, if Settings.UpAndDown = true. // This is a feature, look up glitches in tLoZ:aLttP to find out why. joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~(SNES_LEFT_MASK | SNES_RIGHT_MASK); joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos &= ~(SNES_LEFT_MASK | SNES_RIGHT_MASK); } if (cmd.button.joypad.buttons & (SNES_UP_MASK | SNES_DOWN_MASK)) { // and ditto for up/down joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~(SNES_UP_MASK | SNES_DOWN_MASK); joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos &= ~(SNES_UP_MASK | SNES_DOWN_MASK); } } joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons |= r; joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos |= t; joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons ^= s; joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~(joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos & st); joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos ^= st; } else { joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~r; joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~(joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos & t); joypad[cmd.button.joypad.idx].turbos &= ~t; } } return; case S9xButtonMouse: i = 0; if (cmd.button.mouse.left ) i |= 0x40; if (cmd.button.mouse.right) i |= 0x80; if (data1) mouse[cmd.button.mouse.idx].buttons |= i; else mouse[cmd.button.mouse.idx].buttons &= ~i; return; case S9xButtonSuperscope: i = 0; if (cmd.button.scope.fire ) i |= SUPERSCOPE_FIRE; if (cmd.button.scope.cursor ) i |= SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR; if (cmd.button.scope.pause ) i |= SUPERSCOPE_PAUSE; if (cmd.button.scope.aim_offscreen) i |= SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN; if (data1) { superscope.phys_buttons |= i; if (cmd.button.scope.turbo) { superscope.phys_buttons ^= SUPERSCOPE_TURBO; if (superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_TURBO) superscope.next_buttons |= superscope.phys_buttons & (SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR); else superscope.next_buttons &= ~(SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR); } superscope.next_buttons |= i & (SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR | SUPERSCOPE_PAUSE); if (!S9xMovieActive()) // PPU modification during non-recordable command screws up movie synchronization if ((superscope.next_buttons & (SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR)) && curcontrollers[1] == SUPERSCOPE && !(superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN)) DoGunLatch(superscope.x, superscope.y); } else { superscope.phys_buttons &= ~i; superscope.next_buttons &= SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN | ~i; } return; case S9xButtonJustifier: i = 0; if (cmd.button.justifier.trigger) i |= JUSTIFIER_TRIGGER; if (cmd.button.justifier.start ) i |= JUSTIFIER_START; if (cmd.button.justifier.aim_offscreen) justifier.offscreen[cmd.button.justifier.idx] = data1 ? 1 : 0; i >>= cmd.button.justifier.idx; if (data1) justifier.buttons |= i; else justifier.buttons &= ~i; return; case S9xButtonMacsRifle: i = 0; if (cmd.button.macsrifle.trigger) i |= MACSRIFLE_TRIGGER; if(data1) macsrifle.buttons |= i; else macsrifle.buttons &= ~i; return; case S9xButtonCommand: if (((enum command_numbers) cmd.button.command) >= LAST_COMMAND) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command %04x\n", cmd.button.command); return; } if (!data1) { switch (i = cmd.button.command) { case EmuTurbo: Settings.TurboMode = FALSE; break; } } else { switch ((enum command_numbers) (i = cmd.button.command)) { case ExitEmu: S9xExit(); break; case Reset: S9xReset(); break; case SoftReset: S9xMovieUpdateOnReset(); if (S9xMoviePlaying()) S9xMovieStop(TRUE); S9xSoftReset(); break; case EmuTurbo: Settings.TurboMode = TRUE; break; case ToggleEmuTurbo: Settings.TurboMode = !Settings.TurboMode; DisplayStateChange("Turbo mode", Settings.TurboMode); break; case ClipWindows: Settings.DisableGraphicWindows = !Settings.DisableGraphicWindows; DisplayStateChange("Graphic clip windows", !Settings.DisableGraphicWindows); break; case Debugger: #ifdef DEBUGGER CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG; #endif break; case IncFrameRate: if (Settings.SkipFrames == AUTO_FRAMERATE) Settings.SkipFrames = 1; else if (Settings.SkipFrames < 10) Settings.SkipFrames++; if (Settings.SkipFrames == AUTO_FRAMERATE) S9xSetInfoString("Auto frame skip"); else { sprintf(buf, "Frame skip: %d", Settings.SkipFrames - 1); S9xSetInfoString(buf); } break; case DecFrameRate: if (Settings.SkipFrames <= 1) Settings.SkipFrames = AUTO_FRAMERATE; else if (Settings.SkipFrames != AUTO_FRAMERATE) Settings.SkipFrames--; if (Settings.SkipFrames == AUTO_FRAMERATE) S9xSetInfoString("Auto frame skip"); else { sprintf(buf, "Frame skip: %d", Settings.SkipFrames - 1); S9xSetInfoString(buf); } break; case IncEmuTurbo: if (Settings.TurboSkipFrames < 20) Settings.TurboSkipFrames += 1; else if (Settings.TurboSkipFrames < 200) Settings.TurboSkipFrames += 5; sprintf(buf, "Turbo frame skip: %d", Settings.TurboSkipFrames); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case DecEmuTurbo: if (Settings.TurboSkipFrames > 20) Settings.TurboSkipFrames -= 5; else if (Settings.TurboSkipFrames > 0) Settings.TurboSkipFrames -= 1; sprintf(buf, "Turbo frame skip: %d", Settings.TurboSkipFrames); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case IncFrameTime: // Increase emulated frame time by 1ms Settings.FrameTime += 1000; sprintf(buf, "Emulated frame time: %dms", Settings.FrameTime / 1000); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case DecFrameTime: // Decrease emulated frame time by 1ms if (Settings.FrameTime >= 1000) Settings.FrameTime -= 1000; sprintf(buf, "Emulated frame time: %dms", Settings.FrameTime / 1000); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case IncTurboSpeed: if (turbo_time >= 120) break; turbo_time++; sprintf(buf, "Turbo speed: %d", turbo_time); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case DecTurboSpeed: if (turbo_time <= 1) break; turbo_time--; sprintf(buf, "Turbo speed: %d", turbo_time); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case LoadFreezeFile: S9xUnfreezeGame(S9xChooseFilename(TRUE)); break; case SaveFreezeFile: S9xFreezeGame(S9xChooseFilename(FALSE)); break; case LoadOopsFile: { char filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], def[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, def, ext); snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%s%s.%.*s", S9xGetDirectory(SNAPSHOT_DIR), SLASH_STR, def, _MAX_EXT - 1, "oops"); if (S9xUnfreezeGame(filename)) { snprintf(buf, 256, "%s.%.*s loaded", def, _MAX_EXT - 1, "oops"); S9xSetInfoString (buf); } else S9xMessage(S9X_ERROR, S9X_FREEZE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Oops file not found"); break; } case Pause: Settings.Paused = !Settings.Paused; DisplayStateChange("Pause", Settings.Paused); #if defined(NETPLAY_SUPPORT) && !defined(__WIN32__) S9xNPSendPause(Settings.Paused); #endif break; case QuickLoad000: case QuickLoad001: case QuickLoad002: case QuickLoad003: case QuickLoad004: case QuickLoad005: case QuickLoad006: case QuickLoad007: case QuickLoad008: case QuickLoad009: case QuickLoad010: { char filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], def[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, def, ext); snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%s%s.%03d", S9xGetDirectory(SNAPSHOT_DIR), SLASH_STR, def, i - QuickLoad000); if (S9xUnfreezeGame(filename)) { snprintf(buf, 256, "%s.%03d loaded", def, i - QuickLoad000); S9xSetInfoString(buf); } else S9xMessage(S9X_ERROR, S9X_FREEZE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Freeze file not found"); break; } case QuickSave000: case QuickSave001: case QuickSave002: case QuickSave003: case QuickSave004: case QuickSave005: case QuickSave006: case QuickSave007: case QuickSave008: case QuickSave009: case QuickSave010: { char filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], def[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, def, ext); snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%s%s.%03d", S9xGetDirectory(SNAPSHOT_DIR), SLASH_STR, def, i - QuickSave000); snprintf(buf, 256, "%s.%03d saved", def, i - QuickSave000); S9xSetInfoString(buf); S9xFreezeGame(filename); break; } case SaveSPC: S9xDumpSPCSnapshot(); break; case Screenshot: Settings.TakeScreenshot = TRUE; break; case SoundChannel0: case SoundChannel1: case SoundChannel2: case SoundChannel3: case SoundChannel4: case SoundChannel5: case SoundChannel6: case SoundChannel7: S9xToggleSoundChannel(i - SoundChannel0); sprintf(buf, "Sound channel %d toggled", i - SoundChannel0); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case SoundChannelsOn: S9xToggleSoundChannel(8); S9xSetInfoString("All sound channels on"); break; case ToggleBG0: Settings.BG_Forced ^= 1; DisplayStateChange("BG#0", !(Settings.BG_Forced & 1)); break; case ToggleBG1: Settings.BG_Forced ^= 2; DisplayStateChange("BG#1", !(Settings.BG_Forced & 2)); break; case ToggleBG2: Settings.BG_Forced ^= 4; DisplayStateChange("BG#2", !(Settings.BG_Forced & 4)); break; case ToggleBG3: Settings.BG_Forced ^= 8; DisplayStateChange("BG#3", !(Settings.BG_Forced & 8)); break; case ToggleSprites: Settings.BG_Forced ^= 16; DisplayStateChange("Sprites", !(Settings.BG_Forced & 16)); break; case ToggleTransparency: Settings.Transparency = !Settings.Transparency; DisplayStateChange("Transparency effects", Settings.Transparency); break; case BeginRecordingMovie: if (S9xMovieActive()) S9xMovieStop(FALSE); S9xMovieCreate(S9xChooseMovieFilename(FALSE), 0xFF, MOVIE_OPT_FROM_RESET, NULL, 0); break; case LoadMovie: if (S9xMovieActive()) S9xMovieStop(FALSE); S9xMovieOpen(S9xChooseMovieFilename(TRUE), FALSE); break; case EndRecordingMovie: if (S9xMovieActive()) S9xMovieStop(FALSE); break; case SwapJoypads: if ((curcontrollers[0] != NONE && !(curcontrollers[0] >= JOYPAD0 && curcontrollers[0] <= JOYPAD7))) { S9xSetInfoString("Cannot swap pads: port 1 is not a joypad"); break; } if ((curcontrollers[1] != NONE && !(curcontrollers[1] >= JOYPAD0 && curcontrollers[1] <= JOYPAD7))) { S9xSetInfoString("Cannot swap pads: port 2 is not a joypad"); break; } newcontrollers[1] = curcontrollers[0]; newcontrollers[0] = curcontrollers[1]; strcpy(buf, "Swap pads: P1="); i = 14; if (newcontrollers[0] == NONE) { strcpy(buf + i, "<none>"); i += 6; } else { sprintf(buf + i, "Joypad%d", newcontrollers[0] - JOYPAD0 + 1); i += 7; } strcpy(buf + i, " P2="); i += 4; if (newcontrollers[1] == NONE) strcpy(buf + i, "<none>"); else sprintf(buf + i, "Joypad%d", newcontrollers[1] - JOYPAD0 + 1); S9xSetInfoString(buf); break; case SeekToFrame: if (S9xMovieActive()) { sprintf(buf, "Select frame number (current: %d)", S9xMovieGetFrameCounter()); const char *frameno = S9xStringInput(buf); if (!frameno) return; int frameDest = atoi(frameno); if (frameDest > 0 && frameDest > (int) S9xMovieGetFrameCounter()) { int distance = frameDest - S9xMovieGetFrameCounter(); Settings.HighSpeedSeek = distance; } } break; case LAST_COMMAND: break; } } return; case S9xPointer: if (cmd.pointer.aim_mouse0) { mouse[0].cur_x = data1; mouse[0].cur_y = data2; } if (cmd.pointer.aim_mouse1) { mouse[1].cur_x = data1; mouse[1].cur_y = data2; } if (cmd.pointer.aim_scope) { superscope.x = data1; superscope.y = data2; } if (cmd.pointer.aim_justifier0) { justifier.x[0] = data1; justifier.y[0] = data2; } if (cmd.pointer.aim_justifier1) { justifier.x[1] = data1; justifier.y[1] = data2; } if (cmd.pointer.aim_macsrifle) { macsrifle.x = data1; macsrifle.y = data2; } return; case S9xButtonPseudopointer: if (data1) { if (cmd.button.pointer.UD) { if (!pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].V_adj) pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].V_adj = cmd.button.pointer.UD * ptrspeeds[cmd.button.pointer.speed_type]; pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].V_var = (cmd.button.pointer.speed_type == 0); } if (cmd.button.pointer.LR) { if (!pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].H_adj) pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].H_adj = cmd.button.pointer.LR * ptrspeeds[cmd.button.pointer.speed_type]; pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].H_var = (cmd.button.pointer.speed_type == 0); } } else { if (cmd.button.pointer.UD) { pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].V_adj = 0; pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].V_var = false; } if (cmd.button.pointer.LR) { pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].H_adj = 0; pseudopointer[cmd.button.pointer.idx].H_var = false; } } return; case S9xAxisJoypad: { uint16 pos, neg; switch (cmd.axis.joypad.axis) { case 0: neg = SNES_LEFT_MASK; pos = SNES_RIGHT_MASK; break; case 1: neg = SNES_UP_MASK; pos = SNES_DOWN_MASK; break; case 2: neg = SNES_Y_MASK; pos = SNES_A_MASK; break; case 3: neg = SNES_X_MASK; pos = SNES_B_MASK; break; case 4: neg = SNES_TL_MASK; pos = SNES_TR_MASK; break; default: return; } if (cmd.axis.joypad.invert) data1 = -data1; uint16 p, r; p = r = 0; if (data1 > ((cmd.axis.joypad.threshold + 1) * 127)) p |= pos; else r |= pos; if (data1 <= ((cmd.axis.joypad.threshold + 1) * -127)) p |= neg; else r |= neg; joypad[cmd.axis.joypad.idx].buttons |= p; joypad[cmd.axis.joypad.idx].buttons &= ~r; joypad[cmd.axis.joypad.idx].turbos &= ~(p | r); return; } case S9xAxisPseudopointer: if (data1 == 0) { if (cmd.axis.pointer.HV) { pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].V_adj = 0; pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].V_var = false; } else { pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].H_adj = 0; pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].H_var = false; } } else { if (cmd.axis.pointer.invert) data1 = -data1; if (cmd.axis.pointer.HV) { if (!pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].V_adj) pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].V_adj = (int16) ((int32) data1 * ptrspeeds[cmd.axis.pointer.speed_type] / 32767); pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].V_var = (cmd.axis.pointer.speed_type == 0); } else { if (!pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].H_adj) pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].H_adj = (int16) ((int32) data1 * ptrspeeds[cmd.axis.pointer.speed_type] / 32767); pseudopointer[cmd.axis.pointer.idx].H_var = (cmd.axis.pointer.speed_type == 0); } } return; case S9xAxisPseudobuttons: if (data1 > ((cmd.axis.button.threshold + 1) * 127)) { if (!pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.posbutton]) { pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.posbutton] = 1; S9xReportButton(PseudoButtonBase + cmd.axis.button.posbutton, true); } } else { if (pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.posbutton]) { pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.posbutton] = 0; S9xReportButton(PseudoButtonBase + cmd.axis.button.posbutton, false); } } if (data1 <= ((cmd.axis.button.threshold + 1) * -127)) { if (!pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.negbutton]) { pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.negbutton] = 1; S9xReportButton(PseudoButtonBase + cmd.axis.button.negbutton, true); } } else { if (pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.negbutton]) { pseudobuttons[cmd.axis.button.negbutton] = 0; S9xReportButton(PseudoButtonBase + cmd.axis.button.negbutton, false); } } return; case S9xButtonPort: case S9xAxisPort: case S9xPointerPort: S9xHandlePortCommand(cmd, data1, data2); return; case S9xButtonMulti: if (cmd.button.multi_idx >= (int) multis.size()) return; if (multis[cmd.button.multi_idx]->multi_press && !data1) return; i = ApplyMulti(multis[cmd.button.multi_idx], 0, data1); if (i >= 0) { struct exemulti *e = new struct exemulti; e->pos = i; e->data1 = data1 != 0; e->script = multis[cmd.button.multi_idx]; exemultis.insert(e); } return; default: fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Unknown command type %d\n", cmd.type); return; } } static void do_polling (int mp) { set<uint32>::iterator itr; if (S9xMoviePlaying()) return; if (pollmap[mp].empty()) return; for (itr = pollmap[mp].begin(); itr != pollmap[mp].end(); itr++) { switch (maptype(keymap[*itr].type)) { case MAP_BUTTON: { bool pressed; if (S9xPollButton(*itr, &pressed)) S9xReportButton(*itr, pressed); break; } case MAP_AXIS: { int16 value; if (S9xPollAxis(*itr, &value)) S9xReportAxis(*itr, value); break; } case MAP_POINTER: { int16 x, y; if (S9xPollPointer(*itr, &x, &y)) S9xReportPointer(*itr, x, y); break; } default: break; } } } static void UpdatePolledMouse (int i) { int16 j; j = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_x - mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_x; if (j < -127) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_x = 0xff; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_x -= 127; } else if (j < 0) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_x = 0x80 | -j; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_x = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_x; } else if (j > 127) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_x = 0x7f; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_x += 127; } else { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_x = (uint8) j; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_x = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_x; } j = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_y - mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_y; if (j < -127) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_y = 0xff; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_y -= 127; } else if (j < 0) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_y = 0x80 | -j; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_y = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_y; } else if (j > 127) { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_y = 0x7f; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_y += 127; } else { mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_y = (uint8) j; mouse[i - MOUSE0].old_y = mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_y; } } void S9xSetJoypadLatch (bool latch) { if (!latch && FLAG_LATCH) { // 1 written, 'plug in' new controllers now curcontrollers[0] = newcontrollers[0]; curcontrollers[1] = newcontrollers[1]; } if (latch && !FLAG_LATCH) { int i; for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) read_idx[n][j] = 0; switch (i = curcontrollers[n]) { case MP5: for (int j = 0, k; j < 4; ++j) { k = mp5[n].pads[j]; if (k == NONE) continue; do_polling(k); } break; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: do_polling(i); break; case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: do_polling(i); if (!S9xMoviePlaying()) UpdatePolledMouse(i); break; case SUPERSCOPE: if (superscope.next_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_FIRE) { superscope.next_buttons &= ~SUPERSCOPE_TURBO; superscope.next_buttons |= superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_TURBO; } if (superscope.next_buttons & (SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR)) { superscope.next_buttons &= ~SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN; superscope.next_buttons |= superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN; } superscope.read_buttons = superscope.next_buttons; superscope.next_buttons &= ~SUPERSCOPE_PAUSE; if (!(superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_TURBO)) superscope.next_buttons &= ~(SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR | SUPERSCOPE_FIRE); do_polling(i); break; case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: do_polling(TWO_JUSTIFIERS); // fall through case ONE_JUSTIFIER: justifier.buttons ^= JUSTIFIER_SELECT; do_polling(ONE_JUSTIFIER); break; case MACSRIFLE: do_polling(i); break; default: break; } } } FLAG_LATCH = latch; } // prevent read_idx from overflowing (only latching resets it) // otherwise $4016/7 reads will start returning input data again static inline uint8 IncreaseReadIdxPost(uint8 &var) { uint8 oldval = var; if (var < 255) var++; return oldval; } uint8 S9xReadJOYSERn (int n) { int i, j, r; if (n > 1) n -= 0x4016; assert(n == 0 || n == 1); uint8 bits = (OpenBus & ~3) | ((n == 1) ? 0x1c : 0); if (FLAG_LATCH) { switch (i = curcontrollers[n]) { case MP5: return (bits | 2); case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: return (bits | ((joypad[i - JOYPAD0].buttons & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)); case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: mouse[i - MOUSE0].buttons += 0x10; if ((mouse[i - MOUSE0].buttons & 0x30) == 0x30) mouse[i - MOUSE0].buttons &= 0xcf; return (bits); case SUPERSCOPE: return (bits | ((superscope.read_buttons & 0x80) ? 1 : 0)); case ONE_JUSTIFIER: case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: return (bits); case MACSRIFLE: do_polling(i); return (bits | ((macsrifle.buttons & 0x01) ? 1 : 0)); default: return (bits); } } else { switch (i = curcontrollers[n]) { case MP5: r = IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][FLAG_IOBIT(n) ? 0 : 1]); j = FLAG_IOBIT(n) ? 0 : 2; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, j++) { if (mp5[n].pads[j] == NONE) continue; if (r >= 16) bits |= 1 << i; else bits |= ((joypad[mp5[n].pads[j] - JOYPAD0].buttons & (0x8000 >> r)) ? 1 : 0) << i; } return (bits); case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: if (read_idx[n][0] >= 16) { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits | 1); } else return (bits | ((joypad[i - JOYPAD0].buttons & (0x8000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: if (read_idx[n][0] < 8) { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits); } else if (read_idx[n][0] < 16) return (bits | ((mouse[i - MOUSE0].buttons & (0x8000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else if (read_idx[n][0] < 24) return (bits | ((mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_y & (0x800000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else if (read_idx[n][0] < 32) return (bits | ((mouse[i - MOUSE0].delta_x & (0x80000000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits | 1); } case SUPERSCOPE: if (read_idx[n][0] < 8) return (bits | ((superscope.read_buttons & (0x80 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits | 1); } case ONE_JUSTIFIER: if (read_idx[n][0] < 24) return (bits | ((0xaa7000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0])) & 1)); else if (read_idx[n][0] < 32) return (bits | ((justifier.buttons & (JUSTIFIER_TRIGGER | JUSTIFIER_START | JUSTIFIER_SELECT) & (0x80000000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits | 1); } case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: if (read_idx[n][0] < 24) return (bits | ((0xaa7000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0])) & 1)); else if (read_idx[n][0] < 32) return (bits | ((justifier.buttons & (0x80000000 >> IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]))) ? 1 : 0)); else { IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits | 1); } case MACSRIFLE: do_polling(i); return (bits | ((macsrifle.buttons & 0x01) ? 1 : 0)); default: IncreaseReadIdxPost(read_idx[n][0]); return (bits); } } } void S9xDoAutoJoypad (void) { int i, j; S9xSetJoypadLatch(1); S9xSetJoypadLatch(0); S9xMovieUpdate(false); for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { switch (i = curcontrollers[n]) { case MP5: j = FLAG_IOBIT(n) ? 0 : 2; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, j++) { if (mp5[n].pads[j] == NONE) WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2 + i * 4, 0); else WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2 + i * 4, joypad[mp5[n].pads[j] - JOYPAD0].buttons); } read_idx[n][FLAG_IOBIT(n) ? 0 : 1] = 16; break; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: read_idx[n][0] = 16; WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2, joypad[i - JOYPAD0].buttons); WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: read_idx[n][0] = 16; WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2, mouse[i - MOUSE0].buttons); WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; case SUPERSCOPE: read_idx[n][0] = 16; Memory.FillRAM[0x4218 + n * 2] = 0xff; Memory.FillRAM[0x4219 + n * 2] = superscope.read_buttons; WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; case ONE_JUSTIFIER: case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: read_idx[n][0] = 16; WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2, 0x000e); WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; case MACSRIFLE: read_idx[n][0] = 16; Memory.FillRAM[0x4218 + n * 2] = 0xff; Memory.FillRAM[0x4219 + n * 2] = macsrifle.buttons; WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; default: WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x4218 + n * 2, 0); WRITE_WORD(Memory.FillRAM + 0x421c + n * 2, 0); break; } } } void S9xControlEOF (void) { struct crosshair *c; int i, j; PPU.GunVLatch = 1000; // i.e., never latch PPU.GunHLatch = 0; for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { switch (i = curcontrollers[n]) { case MP5: for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { i = mp5[n].pads[j]; if (i == NONE) continue; if (++joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbo_ct >= turbo_time) { joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbo_ct = 0; joypad[i - JOYPAD0].buttons ^= joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbos; } } break; case JOYPAD0: case JOYPAD1: case JOYPAD2: case JOYPAD3: case JOYPAD4: case JOYPAD5: case JOYPAD6: case JOYPAD7: if (++joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbo_ct >= turbo_time) { joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbo_ct = 0; joypad[i - JOYPAD0].buttons ^= joypad[i - JOYPAD0].turbos; } break; case MOUSE0: case MOUSE1: c = &mouse[i - MOUSE0].crosshair; if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) S9xDrawCrosshair(S9xGetCrosshair(c->img), c->fg, c->bg, mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_x, mouse[i - MOUSE0].cur_y); break; case SUPERSCOPE: if (n == 1 && !(superscope.phys_buttons & SUPERSCOPE_OFFSCREEN)) { if (superscope.next_buttons & (SUPERSCOPE_FIRE | SUPERSCOPE_CURSOR)) DoGunLatch(superscope.x, superscope.y); c = &superscope.crosshair; if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) S9xDrawCrosshair(S9xGetCrosshair(c->img), c->fg, c->bg, superscope.x, superscope.y); } break; case TWO_JUSTIFIERS: if (n == 1 && !justifier.offscreen[1]) { c = &justifier.crosshair[1]; if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) S9xDrawCrosshair(S9xGetCrosshair(c->img), c->fg, c->bg, justifier.x[1], justifier.y[1]); } i = (justifier.buttons & JUSTIFIER_SELECT) ? 1 : 0; goto do_justifier; case ONE_JUSTIFIER: i = (justifier.buttons & JUSTIFIER_SELECT) ? -1 : 0; do_justifier: if (n == 1) { if (i >= 0 && !justifier.offscreen[i]) DoGunLatch(justifier.x[i], justifier.y[i]); if (!justifier.offscreen[0]) { c = &justifier.crosshair[0]; if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) S9xDrawCrosshair(S9xGetCrosshair(c->img), c->fg, c->bg, justifier.x[0], justifier.y[0]); } } break; case MACSRIFLE: if (n == 1) { DoMacsRifleLatch(macsrifle.x, macsrifle.y); c = &macsrifle.crosshair; if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) S9xDrawCrosshair(S9xGetCrosshair(c->img), c->fg, c->bg, macsrifle.x, macsrifle.y); } break; default: break; } } for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (!pseudopointer[n].mapped) continue; if (pseudopointer[n].H_adj) { pseudopointer[n].x += pseudopointer[n].H_adj; if (pseudopointer[n].x < 0) pseudopointer[n].x = 0; else if (pseudopointer[n].x > 255) pseudopointer[n].x = 255; if (pseudopointer[n].H_var) { if (pseudopointer[n].H_adj < 0) { if (pseudopointer[n].H_adj > -ptrspeeds[3]) pseudopointer[n].H_adj--; } else { if (pseudopointer[n].H_adj < ptrspeeds[3]) pseudopointer[n].H_adj++; } } } if (pseudopointer[n].V_adj) { pseudopointer[n].y += pseudopointer[n].V_adj; if (pseudopointer[n].y < 0) pseudopointer[n].y = 0; else if (pseudopointer[n].y > PPU.ScreenHeight - 1) pseudopointer[n].y = PPU.ScreenHeight - 1; if (pseudopointer[n].V_var) { if (pseudopointer[n].V_adj < 0) { if (pseudopointer[n].V_adj > -ptrspeeds[3]) pseudopointer[n].V_adj--; } else { if (pseudopointer[n].V_adj < ptrspeeds[3]) pseudopointer[n].V_adj++; } } } S9xReportPointer(PseudoPointerBase + n, pseudopointer[n].x, pseudopointer[n].y); } set<struct exemulti *>::iterator it, jt; for (it = exemultis.begin(); it != exemultis.end(); it++) { i = ApplyMulti((*it)->script, (*it)->pos, (*it)->data1); if (i >= 0) (*it)->pos = i; else { jt = it; it--; delete *jt; exemultis.erase(jt); } } do_polling(POLL_ALL); S9xMovieUpdate(); pad_read_last = pad_read; pad_read = false; } void S9xSetControllerCrosshair (enum crosscontrols ctl, int8 idx, const char *fg, const char *bg) { struct crosshair *c; int8 fgcolor = -1, bgcolor = -1; int i, j; if (idx < -1 || idx > 31) { fprintf(stderr, "S9xSetControllerCrosshair() called with invalid index\n"); return; } switch (ctl) { case X_MOUSE1: c = &mouse[0].crosshair; break; case X_MOUSE2: c = &mouse[1].crosshair; break; case X_SUPERSCOPE: c = &superscope.crosshair; break; case X_JUSTIFIER1: c = &justifier.crosshair[0]; break; case X_JUSTIFIER2: c = &justifier.crosshair[1]; break; case X_MACSRIFLE: c = &macsrifle.crosshair; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "S9xSetControllerCrosshair() called with an invalid controller ID %d\n", ctl); return; } if (fg) { fgcolor = 0; if (*fg == 't') { fg++; fgcolor = 16; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (j = 0; color_names[i][j] && fg[j] == color_names[i][j]; j++) ; if (isalnum(fg[j])) continue; if (!color_names[i][j]) break; } fgcolor |= i; if (i > 15 || fgcolor == 16) { fprintf(stderr, "S9xSetControllerCrosshair() called with invalid fgcolor\n"); return; } } if (bg) { bgcolor = 0; if (*bg == 't') { bg++; bgcolor = 16; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (j = 0; color_names[i][j] && bg[j] == color_names[i][j]; j++) ; if (isalnum(bg[j])) continue; if (!color_names[i][j]) break; } bgcolor |= i; if (i > 15 || bgcolor == 16) { fprintf(stderr, "S9xSetControllerCrosshair() called with invalid bgcolor\n"); return; } } if (idx != -1) { c->set |= 1; c->img = idx; } if (fgcolor != -1) { c->set |= 2; c->fg = fgcolor; } if (bgcolor != -1) { c->set |= 4; c->bg = bgcolor; } } void S9xGetControllerCrosshair (enum crosscontrols ctl, int8 *idx, const char **fg, const char **bg) { struct crosshair *c; switch (ctl) { case X_MOUSE1: c = &mouse[0].crosshair; break; case X_MOUSE2: c = &mouse[1].crosshair; break; case X_SUPERSCOPE: c = &superscope.crosshair; break; case X_JUSTIFIER1: c = &justifier.crosshair[0]; break; case X_JUSTIFIER2: c = &justifier.crosshair[1]; break; case X_MACSRIFLE: c = &macsrifle.crosshair; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "S9xGetControllerCrosshair() called with an invalid controller ID %d\n", ctl); return; } if (idx) *idx = c->img; if (fg) *fg = color_names[c->fg]; if (bg) *bg = color_names[c->bg]; } void S9xControlPreSaveState (struct SControlSnapshot *s) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->ver = 4; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { s->port1_read_idx[j] = read_idx[0][j]; s->port2_read_idx[j] = read_idx[1][j]; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) s->mouse_speed[j] = (mouse[j].buttons & 0x30) >> 4; s->justifier_select = ((justifier.buttons & JUSTIFIER_SELECT) ? 1 : 0); #define COPY(x) { memcpy((char *) s->internal + i, &(x), sizeof(x)); i += sizeof(x); } int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) COPY(joypad[j].buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { COPY(mouse[j].delta_x); COPY(mouse[j].delta_y); COPY(mouse[j].old_x); COPY(mouse[j].old_y); COPY(mouse[j].cur_x); COPY(mouse[j].cur_y); COPY(mouse[j].buttons); } COPY(superscope.x); COPY(superscope.y); COPY(superscope.phys_buttons); COPY(superscope.next_buttons); COPY(superscope.read_buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.x[j]); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.y[j]); COPY(justifier.buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.offscreen[j]); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) COPY(mp5[j].pads[k]); COPY(macsrifle.x); COPY(macsrifle.y); COPY(macsrifle.buttons); assert(i == sizeof(s->internal) + sizeof(s->internal_macs)); #undef COPY s->pad_read = pad_read; s->pad_read_last = pad_read_last; } void S9xControlPostLoadState (struct SControlSnapshot *s) { if (curcontrollers[0] == MP5 && s->ver < 1) { // Crap. Old snes9x didn't support this. S9xMessage(S9X_WARNING, S9X_FREEZE_FILE_INFO, "Old savestate has no support for MP5 in port 1."); newcontrollers[0] = curcontrollers[0]; curcontrollers[0] = mp5[0].pads[0]; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { read_idx[0][j] = s->port1_read_idx[j]; read_idx[1][j] = s->port2_read_idx[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) mouse[j].buttons |= (s->mouse_speed[j] & 3) << 4; if (s->justifier_select & 1) justifier.buttons |= JUSTIFIER_SELECT; else justifier.buttons &= ~JUSTIFIER_SELECT; FLAG_LATCH = (Memory.FillRAM[0x4016] & 1) == 1; if (s->ver > 1) { #define COPY(x) { memcpy(&(x), (char *) s->internal + i, sizeof(x)); i += sizeof(x); } int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) COPY(joypad[j].buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { COPY(mouse[j].delta_x); COPY(mouse[j].delta_y); COPY(mouse[j].old_x); COPY(mouse[j].old_y); COPY(mouse[j].cur_x); COPY(mouse[j].cur_y); COPY(mouse[j].buttons); } COPY(superscope.x); COPY(superscope.y); COPY(superscope.phys_buttons); COPY(superscope.next_buttons); COPY(superscope.read_buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.x[j]); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.y[j]); COPY(justifier.buttons); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) COPY(justifier.offscreen[j]); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) COPY(mp5[j].pads[k]); assert(i == sizeof(s->internal)); if (s->ver > 3) { COPY(macsrifle.x); COPY(macsrifle.y); COPY(macsrifle.buttons); assert(i == sizeof(s->internal) + sizeof(s->internal_macs)); } #undef COPY } if (s->ver > 2) { pad_read = s->pad_read; pad_read_last = s->pad_read_last; } } uint16 MovieGetJoypad (int i) { if (i < 0 || i > 7) return (0); return (joypad[i].buttons); } void MovieSetJoypad (int i, uint16 buttons) { if (i < 0 || i > 7) return; joypad[i].buttons = buttons; } bool MovieGetMouse (int i, uint8 out[5]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || (curcontrollers[i] != MOUSE0 && curcontrollers[i] != MOUSE1)) return (false); int n = curcontrollers[i] - MOUSE0; uint8 *ptr = out; WRITE_WORD(ptr, mouse[n].cur_x); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, mouse[n].cur_y); ptr += 2; *ptr = mouse[n].buttons; return (true); } void MovieSetMouse (int i, uint8 in[5], bool inPolling) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || (curcontrollers[i] != MOUSE0 && curcontrollers[i] != MOUSE1)) return; int n = curcontrollers[i] - MOUSE0; uint8 *ptr = in; mouse[n].cur_x = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; mouse[n].cur_y = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; mouse[n].buttons = *ptr; if (inPolling) UpdatePolledMouse(curcontrollers[i]); } bool MovieGetScope (int i, uint8 out[6]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || curcontrollers[i] != SUPERSCOPE) return (false); uint8 *ptr = out; WRITE_WORD(ptr, superscope.x); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, superscope.y); ptr += 2; *ptr++ = superscope.phys_buttons; *ptr = superscope.next_buttons; return (true); } void MovieSetScope (int i, uint8 in[6]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || curcontrollers[i] != SUPERSCOPE) return; uint8 *ptr = in; superscope.x = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; superscope.y = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; superscope.phys_buttons = *ptr++; superscope.next_buttons = *ptr; } bool MovieGetJustifier (int i, uint8 out[11]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || (curcontrollers[i] != ONE_JUSTIFIER && curcontrollers[i] != TWO_JUSTIFIERS)) return (false); uint8 *ptr = out; WRITE_WORD(ptr, justifier.x[0]); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, justifier.x[1]); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, justifier.y[0]); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, justifier.y[1]); ptr += 2; *ptr++ = justifier.buttons; *ptr++ = justifier.offscreen[0]; *ptr = justifier.offscreen[1]; return (true); } void MovieSetJustifier (int i, uint8 in[11]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || (curcontrollers[i] != ONE_JUSTIFIER && curcontrollers[i] != TWO_JUSTIFIERS)) return; uint8 *ptr = in; justifier.x[0] = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; justifier.x[1] = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; justifier.y[0] = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; justifier.y[1] = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; justifier.buttons = *ptr++; justifier.offscreen[0] = *ptr++; justifier.offscreen[1] = *ptr; } bool MovieGetMacsRifle (int i, uint8 out[5]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || curcontrollers[i] != MACSRIFLE) return (false); uint8 *ptr = out; WRITE_WORD(ptr, macsrifle.x); ptr += 2; WRITE_WORD(ptr, macsrifle.y); ptr += 2; *ptr = macsrifle.buttons; return (true); } void MovieSetMacsRifle (int i, uint8 in[5]) { if (i < 0 || i > 1 || curcontrollers[i] != MACSRIFLE) return; uint8 *ptr = in; macsrifle.x = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; macsrifle.y = READ_WORD(ptr); ptr += 2; macsrifle.buttons = *ptr; }