/*****************************************************************************\ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This file is licensed under the Snes9x License. For further information, consult the LICENSE file in the root directory. \*****************************************************************************/ #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "cpuops.h" #include "dma.h" #include "apu/apu.h" #include "fxemu.h" #include "snapshot.h" #include "movie.h" #ifdef DEBUGGER #include "debug.h" #include "missing.h" #endif static inline void S9xReschedule (void); void S9xMainLoop (void) { #define CHECK_FOR_IRQ_CHANGE() \ if (Timings.IRQFlagChanging) \ { \ if (Timings.IRQFlagChanging & IRQ_TRIGGER_NMI) \ { \ CPU.NMIPending = TRUE; \ Timings.NMITriggerPos = CPU.Cycles + 6; \ } \ if (Timings.IRQFlagChanging & IRQ_CLEAR_FLAG) \ ClearIRQ(); \ else if (Timings.IRQFlagChanging & IRQ_SET_FLAG) \ SetIRQ(); \ Timings.IRQFlagChanging = IRQ_NONE; \ } if (CPU.Flags & SCAN_KEYS_FLAG) { CPU.Flags &= ~SCAN_KEYS_FLAG; S9xMovieUpdate(); } for (;;) { if (CPU.NMIPending) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Settings.TraceHCEvent) S9xTraceFormattedMessage ("Comparing %d to %d\n", Timings.NMITriggerPos, CPU.Cycles); #endif if (Timings.NMITriggerPos <= CPU.Cycles) { CPU.NMIPending = FALSE; Timings.NMITriggerPos = 0xffff; if (CPU.WaitingForInterrupt) { CPU.WaitingForInterrupt = FALSE; Registers.PCw++; CPU.Cycles += TWO_CYCLES + ONE_DOT_CYCLE / 2; while (CPU.Cycles >= CPU.NextEvent) S9xDoHEventProcessing(); } CHECK_FOR_IRQ_CHANGE(); S9xOpcode_NMI(); } } if (CPU.Cycles >= Timings.NextIRQTimer) { #ifdef DEBUGGER S9xTraceMessage ("Timer triggered\n"); #endif S9xUpdateIRQPositions(false); CPU.IRQLine = TRUE; } if (CPU.IRQLine || CPU.IRQExternal) { if (CPU.WaitingForInterrupt) { CPU.WaitingForInterrupt = FALSE; Registers.PCw++; CPU.Cycles += TWO_CYCLES + ONE_DOT_CYCLE / 2; while (CPU.Cycles >= CPU.NextEvent) S9xDoHEventProcessing(); } if (!CheckFlag(IRQ)) { /* The flag pushed onto the stack is the new value */ CHECK_FOR_IRQ_CHANGE(); S9xOpcode_IRQ(); } } /* Change IRQ flag for instructions that set it only on last cycle */ CHECK_FOR_IRQ_CHANGE(); #ifdef DEBUGGER if ((CPU.Flags & BREAK_FLAG) && !(CPU.Flags & SINGLE_STEP_FLAG)) { for (int Break = 0; Break != 6; Break++) { if (S9xBreakpoint[Break].Enabled && S9xBreakpoint[Break].Bank == Registers.PB && S9xBreakpoint[Break].Address == Registers.PCw) { if (S9xBreakpoint[Break].Enabled == 2) S9xBreakpoint[Break].Enabled = TRUE; else CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG; } } } if (CPU.Flags & DEBUG_MODE_FLAG) break; if (CPU.Flags & TRACE_FLAG) S9xTrace(); if (CPU.Flags & SINGLE_STEP_FLAG) { CPU.Flags &= ~SINGLE_STEP_FLAG; CPU.Flags |= DEBUG_MODE_FLAG; } #endif if (CPU.Flags & SCAN_KEYS_FLAG) { break; } uint8 Op; struct SOpcodes *Opcodes; if (CPU.PCBase) { Op = CPU.PCBase[Registers.PCw]; CPU.Cycles += CPU.MemSpeed; Opcodes = ICPU.S9xOpcodes; if (CPU.Cycles > 1000000) { Settings.StopEmulation = true; CPU.Flags |= HALTED_FLAG; S9xMessage(S9X_FATAL_ERROR, 0, "CPU is deadlocked"); return; } } else { Op = S9xGetByte(Registers.PBPC); OpenBus = Op; Opcodes = S9xOpcodesSlow; } if ((Registers.PCw & MEMMAP_MASK) + ICPU.S9xOpLengths[Op] >= MEMMAP_BLOCK_SIZE) { uint8 *oldPCBase = CPU.PCBase; CPU.PCBase = S9xGetBasePointer(ICPU.ShiftedPB + ((uint16) (Registers.PCw + 4))); if (oldPCBase != CPU.PCBase || (Registers.PCw & ~MEMMAP_MASK) == (0xffff & ~MEMMAP_MASK)) Opcodes = S9xOpcodesSlow; } Registers.PCw++; (*Opcodes[Op].S9xOpcode)(); if (Settings.SA1) S9xSA1MainLoop(); } S9xPackStatus(); } static inline void S9xReschedule (void) { switch (CPU.WhichEvent) { case HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_HDMA_START_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.HDMAStart; break; case HC_HDMA_START_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.H_Max; break; case HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.HDMAInit; break; case HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_RENDER_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.RenderPos; break; case HC_RENDER_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.WRAMRefreshPos; break; case HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT: CPU.WhichEvent = HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT; CPU.NextEvent = Timings.HBlankStart; break; } } void S9xDoHEventProcessing (void) { #ifdef DEBUGGER static char eventname[7][32] = { "", "HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT", "HC_HDMA_START_EVENT ", "HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT", "HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT ", "HC_RENDER_EVENT ", "HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT" }; #endif #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Settings.TraceHCEvent) S9xTraceFormattedMessage("--- HC event processing (%s) expected HC:%04d executed HC:%04d VC:%04d", eventname[CPU.WhichEvent], CPU.NextEvent, CPU.Cycles, CPU.V_Counter); #endif switch (CPU.WhichEvent) { case HC_HBLANK_START_EVENT: S9xReschedule(); break; case HC_HDMA_START_EVENT: S9xReschedule(); if (PPU.HDMA && CPU.V_Counter <= PPU.ScreenHeight) { #ifdef DEBUGGER S9xTraceFormattedMessage("*** HDMA Transfer HC:%04d, Channel:%02x", CPU.Cycles, PPU.HDMA); #endif PPU.HDMA = S9xDoHDMA(PPU.HDMA); } break; case HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT: if (Settings.SuperFX) { if (!SuperFX.oneLineDone) S9xSuperFXExec(); SuperFX.oneLineDone = FALSE; } S9xAPUEndScanline(); CPU.Cycles -= Timings.H_Max; if (Timings.NMITriggerPos != 0xffff) Timings.NMITriggerPos -= Timings.H_Max; if (Timings.NextIRQTimer != 0x0fffffff) Timings.NextIRQTimer -= Timings.H_Max; S9xAPUSetReferenceTime(CPU.Cycles); if (Settings.SA1) SA1.Cycles -= Timings.H_Max * 3; CPU.V_Counter++; if (CPU.V_Counter >= Timings.V_Max) // V ranges from 0 to Timings.V_Max - 1 { CPU.V_Counter = 0; // From byuu: // [NTSC] // interlace mode has 525 scanlines: 263 on the even frame, and 262 on the odd. // non-interlace mode has 524 scanlines: 262 scanlines on both even and odd frames. // [PAL] // interlace mode has 625 scanlines: 313 on the even frame, and 312 on the odd. // non-interlace mode has 624 scanlines: 312 scanlines on both even and odd frames. if (IPPU.Interlace && S9xInterlaceField()) Timings.V_Max = Timings.V_Max_Master + 1; // 263 (NTSC), 313?(PAL) else Timings.V_Max = Timings.V_Max_Master; // 262 (NTSC), 312?(PAL) Memory.FillRAM[0x213F] ^= 0x80; PPU.RangeTimeOver = 0; // FIXME: reading $4210 will wait 2 cycles, then perform reading, then wait 4 more cycles. Memory.FillRAM[0x4210] = Model->_5A22; ICPU.Frame++; PPU.HVBeamCounterLatched = 0; } // From byuu: // In non-interlace mode, there are 341 dots per scanline, and 262 scanlines per frame. // On odd frames, scanline 240 is one dot short. // In interlace mode, there are always 341 dots per scanline. Even frames have 263 scanlines, // and odd frames have 262 scanlines. // Interlace mode scanline 240 on odd frames is not missing a dot. if (CPU.V_Counter == 240 && !IPPU.Interlace && S9xInterlaceField()) // V=240 Timings.H_Max = Timings.H_Max_Master - ONE_DOT_CYCLE; // HC=1360 else Timings.H_Max = Timings.H_Max_Master; // HC=1364 if (Model->_5A22 == 2) { if (CPU.V_Counter != 240 || IPPU.Interlace || !S9xInterlaceField()) // V=240 { if (Timings.WRAMRefreshPos == SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v2 - ONE_DOT_CYCLE) // HC=534 Timings.WRAMRefreshPos = SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v2; // HC=538 else Timings.WRAMRefreshPos = SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v2 - ONE_DOT_CYCLE; // HC=534 } } else Timings.WRAMRefreshPos = SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_HC_v1; if (CPU.V_Counter == PPU.ScreenHeight + FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE) // VBlank starts from V=225(240). { S9xEndScreenRefresh(); #ifdef DEBUGGER if (!(CPU.Flags & FRAME_ADVANCE_FLAG)) #endif { S9xSyncSpeed(); } CPU.Flags |= SCAN_KEYS_FLAG; PPU.HDMA = 0; // Bits 7 and 6 of $4212 are computed when read in S9xGetPPU. #ifdef DEBUGGER missing.dma_this_frame = 0; #endif IPPU.MaxBrightness = PPU.Brightness; PPU.ForcedBlanking = (Memory.FillRAM[0x2100] >> 7) & 1; if (!PPU.ForcedBlanking) { PPU.OAMAddr = PPU.SavedOAMAddr; uint8 tmp = 0; if (PPU.OAMPriorityRotation) tmp = (PPU.OAMAddr & 0xFE) >> 1; if ((PPU.OAMFlip & 1) || PPU.FirstSprite != tmp) { PPU.FirstSprite = tmp; IPPU.OBJChanged = TRUE; } PPU.OAMFlip = 0; } // FIXME: writing to $4210 will wait 6 cycles. Memory.FillRAM[0x4210] = 0x80 | Model->_5A22; if (Memory.FillRAM[0x4200] & 0x80) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Settings.TraceHCEvent) S9xTraceFormattedMessage ("NMI Scheduled for next scanline."); #endif // FIXME: triggered at HC=6, checked just before the final CPU cycle, // then, when to call S9xOpcode_NMI()? CPU.NMIPending = TRUE; Timings.NMITriggerPos = 6 + 6; } } if (CPU.V_Counter == PPU.ScreenHeight + 3) // FIXME: not true { if (Memory.FillRAM[0x4200] & 1) S9xDoAutoJoypad(); } if (CPU.V_Counter == FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE) // V=1 S9xStartScreenRefresh(); S9xReschedule(); break; case HC_HDMA_INIT_EVENT: S9xReschedule(); if (CPU.V_Counter == 0) { #ifdef DEBUGGER S9xTraceFormattedMessage("*** HDMA Init HC:%04d, Channel:%02x", CPU.Cycles, PPU.HDMA); #endif S9xStartHDMA(); } break; case HC_RENDER_EVENT: if (CPU.V_Counter >= FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE && CPU.V_Counter <= PPU.ScreenHeight) RenderLine((uint8) (CPU.V_Counter - FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE)); S9xReschedule(); break; case HC_WRAM_REFRESH_EVENT: #ifdef DEBUGGER S9xTraceFormattedMessage("*** WRAM Refresh HC:%04d", CPU.Cycles); #endif CPU.Cycles += SNES_WRAM_REFRESH_CYCLES; S9xReschedule(); break; } #ifdef DEBUGGER if (Settings.TraceHCEvent) S9xTraceFormattedMessage("--- HC event rescheduled (%s) expected HC:%04d current HC:%04d", eventname[CPU.WhichEvent], CPU.NextEvent, CPU.Cycles); #endif }