Don't allocate 8MB for patching.

This commit is contained in:
BearOso 2023-02-08 12:09:13 -06:00
parent 2fb67c7329
commit 08bf7a8696
1 changed files with 48 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -3470,6 +3470,33 @@ static uint32 XPSdecode (const uint8 *data, unsigned &addr, unsigned size)
return offset;
static std::vector<uint8_t> ReadStreamUntilEOF(Stream *r)
const size_t max_buffer_size = 4096;
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
uint8_t buffer[max_buffer_size];
size_t total_size = 0;
size_t buffer_size = 0;
int value = 0;
while (value != EOF)
value = r->get_char();
if (value != EOF)
buffer[buffer_size++] = value;
if (buffer_size == max_buffer_size || (value == EOF && buffer_size > 0))
data.resize(data.size() + buffer_size);
memcpy(&data[total_size], buffer, buffer_size);
total_size += buffer_size;
buffer_size = 0;
return data;
//NOTE: UPS patches are *never* created against a headered ROM!
//this is per the UPS file specification. however, do note that it is
//technically possible for a non-compliant patcher to ignore this requirement.
@ -3482,40 +3509,28 @@ static uint32 XPSdecode (const uint8 *data, unsigned &addr, unsigned size)
static bool8 ReadUPSPatch (Stream *r, long, int32 &rom_size)
//Reader lacks size() and rewind(), so we need to read in the file to get its size
uint8 *data = new uint8[8 * 1024 * 1024]; //allocate a lot of memory, better safe than sorry ...
uint32 size = 0;
while(true) {
int value = r->get_char();
if(value == EOF) break;
data[size++] = value;
if(size >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) {
//prevent buffer overflow: SNES-made UPS patches should never be this big anyway ...
delete[] data;
return false;
auto data_vector = ReadStreamUntilEOF(r);
uint8 *data = &data_vector[0];
uint32 size = data_vector.size();
//4-byte header + 1-byte input size + 1-byte output size + 4-byte patch CRC32 + 4-byte unpatched CRC32 + 4-byte patched CRC32
if(size < 18) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is too small
if(size < 18) return false; //patch is too small
uint32 addr = 0;
if(data[addr++] != 'U') { delete[] data; return false; } //patch has an invalid header
if(data[addr++] != 'P') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
if(data[addr++] != 'S') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
if(data[addr++] != '1') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
uint32 addr = 4;
if (memcmp(data, "UPS1", 4) != 0) return false; //patch has an invalid header
uint32 patch_crc32 = caCRC32(data, size - 4); //don't include patch CRC32 itself in CRC32 calculation
uint32 rom_crc32 = caCRC32(Memory.ROM, rom_size);
uint32 px_crc32 = (data[size - 12] << 0) + (data[size - 11] << 8) + (data[size - 10] << 16) + (data[size - 9] << 24);
uint32 py_crc32 = (data[size - 8] << 0) + (data[size - 7] << 8) + (data[size - 6] << 16) + (data[size - 5] << 24);
uint32 pp_crc32 = (data[size - 4] << 0) + (data[size - 3] << 8) + (data[size - 2] << 16) + (data[size - 1] << 24);
if(patch_crc32 != pp_crc32) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is corrupted
if(!Settings.IgnorePatchChecksum && (rom_crc32 != px_crc32) && (rom_crc32 != py_crc32)) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is for a different ROM
if(patch_crc32 != pp_crc32) { return false; } //patch is corrupted
if(!Settings.IgnorePatchChecksum && (rom_crc32 != px_crc32) && (rom_crc32 != py_crc32)) return false; //patch is for a different ROM
uint32 px_size = XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
uint32 py_size = XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
uint32 out_size = ((uint32) rom_size == px_size) ? py_size : px_size;
if(out_size > CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE) { delete[] data; return false; } //applying this patch will overflow Memory.ROM buffer
if(out_size > CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE) { return false; } //applying this patch will overflow Memory.ROM buffer
//fill expanded area with 0x00s; so that XORing works as expected below.
//note that this is needed (and works) whether output ROM is larger or smaller than pre-patched ROM
@ -3534,7 +3549,6 @@ static bool8 ReadUPSPatch (Stream *r, long, int32 &rom_size)
rom_size = out_size;
delete[] data;
uint32 out_crc32 = caCRC32(Memory.ROM, rom_size);
@ -3565,49 +3579,38 @@ static bool8 ReadUPSPatch (Stream *r, long, int32 &rom_size)
static bool8 ReadBPSPatch (Stream *r, long, int32 &rom_size)
uint8 *data = new uint8[8 * 1024 * 1024]; //allocate a lot of memory, better safe than sorry ...
uint32 size = 0;
while(true) {
int value = r->get_char();
if(value == EOF) break;
data[size++] = value;
if(size >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) {
//prevent buffer overflow: SNES-made BPS patches should never be this big anyway ...
delete[] data;
return false;
auto data_vector = ReadStreamUntilEOF(r);
uint8 *data = &data_vector[0];
uint32 size = data_vector.size();
/* 4-byte header + 1-byte input size + 1-byte output size + 1-byte metadata size
+ 4-byte unpatched CRC32 + 4-byte patched CRC32 + 4-byte patch CRC32 */
if(size < 19) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is too small
if(size < 19) return false; //patch is too small
uint32 addr = 0;
if(data[addr++] != 'B') { delete[] data; return false; } //patch has an invalid header
if(data[addr++] != 'P') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
if(data[addr++] != 'S') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
if(data[addr++] != '1') { delete[] data; return false; } //...
uint32 addr = 4;
if (memcmp(data, "BPS1", 4) != 0) return false; //patch has an invalid header
uint32 patch_crc32 = caCRC32(data, size - 4); //don't include patch CRC32 itself in CRC32 calculation
uint32 rom_crc32 = caCRC32(Memory.ROM, rom_size);
uint32 source_crc32 = (data[size - 12] << 0) + (data[size - 11] << 8) + (data[size - 10] << 16) + (data[size - 9] << 24);
uint32 target_crc32 = (data[size - 8] << 0) + (data[size - 7] << 8) + (data[size - 6] << 16) + (data[size - 5] << 24);
uint32 pp_crc32 = (data[size - 4] << 0) + (data[size - 3] << 8) + (data[size - 2] << 16) + (data[size - 1] << 24);
if(patch_crc32 != pp_crc32) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is corrupted
if(!Settings.IgnorePatchChecksum && rom_crc32 != source_crc32) { delete[] data; return false; } //patch is for a different ROM
if(patch_crc32 != pp_crc32) return false; //patch is corrupted
if(!Settings.IgnorePatchChecksum && rom_crc32 != source_crc32) return false; //patch is for a different ROM
XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
uint32 target_size = XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
uint32 metadata_size = XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
addr += metadata_size;
if(target_size > CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE) { delete[] data; return false; } //applying this patch will overflow Memory.ROM buffer
if(target_size > CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE) return false; //applying this patch will overflow Memory.ROM buffer
enum { SourceRead, TargetRead, SourceCopy, TargetCopy };
uint32 outputOffset = 0, sourceRelativeOffset = 0, targetRelativeOffset = 0;
uint8 *patched_rom = new uint8[target_size];
std::vector<uint8_t> patched_rom_vector(target_size);
uint8 *patched_rom = &patched_rom_vector[0];
memset(patched_rom, 0, target_size);
while(addr < size - 12) {
uint32 length = XPSdecode(data, addr, size);
@ -3642,17 +3645,13 @@ static bool8 ReadBPSPatch (Stream *r, long, int32 &rom_size)
delete[] data;
uint32 out_crc32 = caCRC32(patched_rom, target_size);
if(Settings.IgnorePatchChecksum || out_crc32 == target_crc32) {
memcpy(Memory.ROM, patched_rom, target_size);
rom_size = target_size;
delete[] patched_rom;
Settings.IsPatched = 2;
return true;
} else {
delete[] patched_rom;
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: BPS patching failed.\nROM has not been altered.\n");
return false;