
2033 lines
40 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include "File.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "StrFmt.h"
#include "Crypto/sha1.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
#include <map>
#include "util/asm.hpp"
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <cwchar>
#include <Windows.h>
namespace utils
u64 get_unique_tsc();
static std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> to_wchar(const std::string& source)
// String size + null terminator
const usz buf_size = source.size() + 1;
// Safe size
const int size = narrow<int>(buf_size);
// Buffer for max possible output length
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> buffer(new wchar_t[buf_size + 8 + 32768]);
// Prepend wide path prefix (4 characters)
std::memcpy(buffer.get() + 32768, L"\\\\\?\\", 4 * sizeof(wchar_t));
// Test whether additional UNC prefix is required
const bool unc = source.size() > 2 && (source[0] == '\\' || source[0] == '/') && source[1] == source[0];
if (unc)
// Use \\?\UNC\ prefix
std::memcpy(buffer.get() + 32768 + 4, L"UNC\\", 4 * sizeof(wchar_t));
ensure(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, source.c_str(), size, buffer.get() + 32768 + (unc ? 8 : 4), size)); // "to_wchar"
// Canonicalize wide path (replace '/', ".", "..", \\ repetitions, etc)
ensure(GetFullPathNameW(buffer.get() + 32768, 32768, buffer.get(), nullptr) - 1 < 32768 - 1); // "to_wchar"
return buffer;
static void to_utf8(std::string& out, const wchar_t* source)
// String size
const usz length = std::wcslen(source);
// Safe buffer size for max possible output length (including null terminator)
const int buf_size = narrow<int>(length * 3 + 1);
// Resize buffer
out.resize(buf_size - 1);
const int result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, source, static_cast<int>(length) + 1, &out.front(), buf_size, NULL, NULL);
// Fix the size
out.resize(ensure(result) - 1);
static time_t to_time(const ULARGE_INTEGER& ft)
return ft.QuadPart / 10000000ULL - 11644473600ULL;
static time_t to_time(const LARGE_INTEGER& ft)
v.LowPart = ft.LowPart;
v.HighPart = ft.HighPart;
return to_time(v);
static time_t to_time(const FILETIME& ft)
v.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
v.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
return to_time(v);
static FILETIME from_time(s64 _time)
FILETIME result;
if (_time <= -11644473600ll)
result.dwLowDateTime = 0;
result.dwHighDateTime = 0;
else if (_time > INT64_MAX / 10000000ll - 11644473600ll)
result.dwLowDateTime = 0xffffffff;
result.dwHighDateTime = 0x7fffffff;
const ullong wtime = (_time + 11644473600ull) * 10000000ull;
result.dwLowDateTime = static_cast<DWORD>(wtime);
result.dwHighDateTime = static_cast<DWORD>(wtime >> 32);
return result;
static fs::error to_error(DWORD e)
switch (e)
case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return fs::error::noent;
case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return fs::error::noent;
case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return fs::error::acces;
case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: return fs::error::exist;
case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: return fs::error::exist;
case ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK: return fs::error::inval;
case ERROR_DIRECTORY: return fs::error::inval;
case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: return fs::error::inval;
case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return fs::error::acces;
case ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: return fs::error::notempty;
case ERROR_NOT_READY: return fs::error::noent;
case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: return fs::error::toolong;
case ERROR_DISK_FULL: return fs::error::nospace;
default: return fs::error::unknown;
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <copyfile.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
#include <sys/sendfile.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <fstream>
static fs::error to_error(int e)
switch (e)
case ENOENT: return fs::error::noent;
case EEXIST: return fs::error::exist;
case EINVAL: return fs::error::inval;
case EACCES: return fs::error::acces;
case ENOTEMPTY: return fs::error::notempty;
case EROFS: return fs::error::readonly;
case EISDIR: return fs::error::isdir;
case ENOSPC: return fs::error::nospace;
default: return fs::error::unknown;
static std::string path_append(std::string_view path, std::string_view more)
std::string result;
if (const usz src_slash_pos = path.find_last_not_of('/'); src_slash_pos != path.npos)
path.remove_suffix(path.length() - src_slash_pos - 1);
result = path;
if (const usz dst_slash_pos = more.find_first_not_of('/'); dst_slash_pos != more.npos)
return result;
namespace fs
thread_local error g_tls_error = error::ok;
class device_manager final
mutable shared_mutex m_mutex;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<device_base>> m_map;
std::shared_ptr<device_base> get_device(const std::string& path);
std::shared_ptr<device_base> set_device(const std::string& name, const std::shared_ptr<device_base>&);
static device_manager& get_device_manager()
// Use magic static
static device_manager instance;
return instance;
stat_t file_base::stat()
fmt::throw_exception("fs::file::stat() not supported.");
void file_base::sync()
// Do notning
fs::native_handle fs::file_base::get_handle()
#ifdef _WIN32
return -1;
u64 file_base::write_gather(const iovec_clone* buffers, u64 buf_count)
u64 total = 0;
for (u64 i = 0; i < buf_count; i++)
if (!buffers[i].iov_base || buffers[i].iov_len + total < total)
g_tls_error = error::inval;
return -1;
total += buffers[i].iov_len;
const auto buf = std::make_unique<uchar[]>(total);
u64 copied = 0;
for (u64 i = 0; i < buf_count; i++)
std::memcpy(buf.get() + copied, buffers[i].iov_base, buffers[i].iov_len);
copied += buffers[i].iov_len;
return this->write(buf.get(), total);
std::shared_ptr<fs::device_base> fs::device_manager::get_device(const std::string& path)
reader_lock lock(m_mutex);
const auto found = m_map.find(path.substr(0, path.find_first_of('/', 2)));
if (found == m_map.end())
return nullptr;
return found->second;
std::shared_ptr<fs::device_base> fs::device_manager::set_device(const std::string& name, const std::shared_ptr<device_base>& device)
std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
return m_map[name] = device;
std::shared_ptr<fs::device_base> fs::get_virtual_device(const std::string& path)
// Every virtual device path must have "//" at the beginning
if (path.starts_with("//"))
return get_device_manager().get_device(path);
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<fs::device_base> fs::set_virtual_device(const std::string& name, const std::shared_ptr<device_base>& device)
ensure(name.starts_with("//") && name[2] != '/');
return get_device_manager().set_device(name, device);
std::string fs::get_parent_dir(const std::string& path)
std::string_view result = path;
// Number of path components to remove
usz to_remove = 1;
while (to_remove--)
// Trim contiguous delimiters at the end
if (usz sz = result.find_last_not_of(delim) + 1)
result = result.substr(0, sz);
return "/";
const auto elem = result.substr(result.find_last_of(delim) + 1);
if (elem.empty() || elem.size() == result.size())
if (elem == ".")
to_remove += 1;
if (elem == "..")
to_remove += 2;
if (usz sz = result.find_last_not_of(delim) + 1)
result = result.substr(0, sz);
return "/";
return std::string{result};
bool fs::stat(const std::string& path, stat_t& info)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->stat(path, info);
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string_view epath = path;
// '/' and '\\' Not allowed by FindFirstFileExW at the end of path but we should allow it
if (auto not_del = epath.find_last_not_of(delim); not_del != umax && not_del != epath.size() - 1)
epath.remove_suffix(epath.size() - 1 - not_del);
// Handle drives specially
if (epath.find_first_of(delim) == umax && epath.ends_with(':'))
// Must end with a delimiter
if (!GetFileAttributesExW(to_wchar(std::string(epath) + '/').get(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
info.is_directory = true; // Handle drives as directories
info.is_writable = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0;
info.size = attrs.nFileSizeLow | (u64{attrs.nFileSizeHigh} << 32);
info.atime = to_time(attrs.ftLastAccessTime);
info.mtime = to_time(attrs.ftLastWriteTime);
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
return true;
WIN32_FIND_DATA attrs;
// Allowed by FindFirstFileExW but we should not allow it
if (epath.ends_with("*"))
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
const auto wchar_ptr = to_wchar(std::string(epath));
const std::wstring_view wpath_view = wchar_ptr.get();
const HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileExW(wpath_view.data(), FindExInfoStandard, &attrs, FindExSearchNameMatch, nullptr, FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE);
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
struct close_t
HANDLE handle;
~close_t() { FindClose(handle); }
for (close_t find_manage{handle}; attrs.cFileName != wpath_view.substr(wpath_view.find_last_of(wdelim) + 1);)
if (!FindNextFileW(handle, &attrs))
if (const DWORD err = GetLastError(); err != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
g_tls_error = to_error(err);
return false;
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
info.is_directory = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
info.is_writable = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0;
info.size = attrs.nFileSizeLow | (u64{attrs.nFileSizeHigh} << 32);
info.atime = to_time(attrs.ftLastAccessTime);
info.mtime = to_time(attrs.ftLastWriteTime);
info.ctime = info.mtime;
struct ::stat file_info;
if (::stat(path.c_str(), &file_info) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode);
info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation
info.size = file_info.st_size;
info.atime = file_info.st_atime;
info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime;
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
return true;
bool fs::exists(const std::string& path)
fs::stat_t info{};
return fs::stat(path, info);
bool fs::is_file(const std::string& path)
fs::stat_t info{};
if (!fs::stat(path, info))
return false;
if (info.is_directory)
g_tls_error = error::exist;
return false;
return true;
bool fs::is_dir(const std::string& path)
fs::stat_t info{};
if (!fs::stat(path, info))
return false;
if (!info.is_directory)
g_tls_error = error::exist;
return false;
return true;
bool fs::statfs(const std::string& path, fs::device_stat& info)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->statfs(path, info);
#ifdef _WIN32
ULARGE_INTEGER avail_free;
ULARGE_INTEGER total_size;
ULARGE_INTEGER total_free;
// Convert path and return it back to the "short" format
const bool unc = path.size() > 2 && (path[0] == '\\' || path[0] == '/') && path[1] == path[0];
std::wstring str = to_wchar(path).get() + (unc ? 6 : 4);
if (unc)
str[0] = '\\';
str[1] = '\\';
// Keep cutting path from right until it's short enough
while (str.size() > 256)
if (usz x = str.find_last_of('\\') + 1)
str.resize(x - 1);
if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(str.c_str(), &avail_free, &total_size, &total_free))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
info.block_size = 4096; // TODO
info.total_size = total_size.QuadPart;
info.total_free = total_free.QuadPart;
info.avail_free = avail_free.QuadPart;
struct ::statvfs buf;
if (::statvfs(path.c_str(), &buf) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
info.block_size = buf.f_frsize;
info.total_size = info.block_size * buf.f_blocks;
info.total_free = info.block_size * buf.f_bfree;
info.avail_free = info.block_size * buf.f_bavail;
return true;
bool fs::create_dir(const std::string& path)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->create_dir(path);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!CreateDirectoryW(to_wchar(path).get(), NULL))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
if (::mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
bool fs::create_path(const std::string& path)
const std::string parent = get_parent_dir(path);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Workaround: don't call is_dir with naked drive letter
if (!parent.empty() && parent.back() != ':' && !is_dir(parent) && !create_path(parent))
if (!parent.empty() && !is_dir(parent) && !create_path(parent))
return false;
if (!create_dir(path) && g_tls_error != error::exist)
return false;
return true;
bool fs::remove_dir(const std::string& path)
if (path.empty())
// Don't allow removing empty path (TODO)
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->remove_dir(path);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!RemoveDirectoryW(to_wchar(path).get()))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
if (::rmdir(path.c_str()) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
bool fs::rename(const std::string& from, const std::string& to, bool overwrite)
if (from.empty() || to.empty())
// Don't allow opening empty path (TODO)
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
const auto device = get_virtual_device(from);
if (device != get_virtual_device(to))
fmt::throw_exception("fs::rename() between different devices not implemented.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s", from, to);
if (device)
return device->rename(from, to);
#ifdef _WIN32
const auto ws1 = to_wchar(from);
const auto ws2 = to_wchar(to);
if (!MoveFileExW(ws1.get(), ws2.get(), overwrite ? MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING : 0))
DWORD error1 = GetLastError();
if (overwrite && error1 == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && is_dir(from) && is_dir(to))
if (RemoveDirectoryW(ws2.get()))
if (MoveFileW(ws1.get(), ws2.get()))
return true;
error1 = GetLastError();
CreateDirectoryW(ws2.get(), NULL); // TODO
error1 = GetLastError();
g_tls_error = to_error(error1);
return false;
return true;
#ifdef __linux__
if (syscall(SYS_renameat2, AT_FDCWD, from.c_str(), AT_FDCWD, to.c_str(), overwrite ? 0 : 1 /* RENAME_NOREPLACE */) == 0)
return true;
// If the filesystem doesn't support RENAME_NOREPLACE, it returns EINVAL. Retry with fallback method in that case.
if (errno != EINVAL || overwrite)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
if (!overwrite && exists(to))
g_tls_error = fs::error::exist;
return false;
if (::rename(from.c_str(), to.c_str()) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
bool fs::copy_file(const std::string& from, const std::string& to, bool overwrite)
const auto device = get_virtual_device(from);
if (device != get_virtual_device(to) || device) // TODO
fmt::throw_exception("fs::copy_file() for virtual devices not implemented.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s", from, to);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!CopyFileW(to_wchar(from).get(), to_wchar(to).get(), !overwrite))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
/* Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2180079/how-can-i-copy-a-file-on-unix-using-c */
const int input = ::open(from.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (input == -1)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
const int output = ::open(to.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (overwrite ? O_TRUNC : O_EXCL), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
if (output == -1)
const int err = errno;
g_tls_error = to_error(err);
return false;
// Here we use kernel-space copying for performance reasons
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// fcopyfile works on OS X 10.5+
if (::fcopyfile(input, output, 0, COPYFILE_ALL))
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
// sendfile will work with non-socket output (i.e. regular file) on Linux 2.6.33+
off_t bytes_copied = 0;
struct ::stat fileinfo = { 0 };
if (::fstat(input, &fileinfo) == -1 || ::sendfile(output, input, &bytes_copied, fileinfo.st_size) == -1)
#error "Native file copy implementation is missing"
const int err = errno;
g_tls_error = to_error(err);
return false;
return true;
#else // fallback
std::ifstream out{to, std::ios::binary};
if (out.good() && !overwrite)
g_tls_error = to_error(EEXIST);
return false;
std::ifstream in{from, std::ios::binary};
std::ofstream out{to, std::ios::binary};
if (!in.good() || !out.good())
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> bin(in);
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> ein;
std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> bout(out);
std::copy(bin, ein, bout);
return true;
bool fs::remove_file(const std::string& path)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->remove(path);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!DeleteFileW(to_wchar(path).get()))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
if (::unlink(path.c_str()) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
bool fs::truncate_file(const std::string& path, u64 length)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->trunc(path, length);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Open the file
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
_eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart = length;
if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(handle, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof)))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
if (::truncate(path.c_str(), length) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
bool fs::utime(const std::string& path, s64 atime, s64 mtime)
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
return device->utime(path, atime, mtime);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Open the file
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
FILETIME _atime = from_time(atime);
FILETIME _mtime = from_time(mtime);
if (!SetFileTime(handle, nullptr, &_atime, &_mtime))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
::utimbuf buf;
buf.actime = atime;
buf.modtime = mtime;
if (::utime(path.c_str(), &buf) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
void fs::sync()
#ifdef _WIN32
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::unknown;
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::ok;
[[noreturn]] void fs::xnull(const src_loc& loc)
fmt::throw_exception("Null object.%s", loc);
[[noreturn]] void fs::xfail(const src_loc& loc)
fmt::throw_exception("Unexpected fs::error %s%s", g_tls_error, loc);
[[noreturn]] void fs::xovfl()
fmt::throw_exception("Stream overflow.");
fs::file::file(const std::string& path, bs_t<open_mode> mode)
if (path.empty())
// Don't allow opening empty path (TODO)
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
if (auto&& _file = device->open(path, mode))
m_file = std::move(_file);
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD access = 0;
if (mode & fs::read) access |= GENERIC_READ;
if (mode & fs::write) access |= DELETE | (mode & fs::append ? FILE_APPEND_DATA : GENERIC_WRITE);
DWORD disp = 0;
if (mode & fs::create)
disp =
mode & fs::excl ? CREATE_NEW :
mode & fs::trunc ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS;
if (mode & fs::excl)
g_tls_error = error::inval;
disp = mode & fs::trunc ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING;
if (!(mode & fs::unread) || !(mode & fs::write))
if (!(mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread)) || !(mode & fs::write))
const HANDLE handle = CreateFileW(to_wchar(path).get(), access, share, NULL, disp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
class windows_file final : public file_base
const HANDLE m_handle;
windows_file(HANDLE handle)
: m_handle(handle)
~windows_file() override
stat_t stat() override
FILE_BASIC_INFO basic_info;
ensure(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(m_handle, FileBasicInfo, &basic_info, sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFO))); // "file::stat"
stat_t info;
info.is_directory = (basic_info.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
info.is_writable = (basic_info.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0;
info.size = this->size();
info.atime = to_time(basic_info.LastAccessTime);
info.mtime = to_time(basic_info.LastWriteTime);
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
return info;
void sync() override
ensure(FlushFileBuffers(m_handle)); // "file::sync"
bool trunc(u64 length) override
_eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart = length;
if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(m_handle, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof)))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override
// TODO (call ReadFile multiple times if count is too big)
const int size = narrow<int>(count);
DWORD nread;
ensure(ReadFile(m_handle, buffer, size, &nread, NULL)); // "file::read"
return nread;
u64 write(const void* buffer, u64 count) override
// TODO (call WriteFile multiple times if count is too big)
const int size = narrow<int>(count);
DWORD nwritten;
ensure(WriteFile(m_handle, buffer, size, &nwritten, NULL)); // "file::write"
return nwritten;
u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override
if (whence > seek_end)
fmt::throw_exception("Invalid whence (0x%x)", whence);
pos.QuadPart = offset;
const DWORD mode =
whence == seek_set ? FILE_BEGIN :
whence == seek_cur ? FILE_CURRENT : FILE_END;
if (!SetFilePointerEx(m_handle, pos, &pos, mode))
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return -1;
return pos.QuadPart;
u64 size() override
ensure(GetFileSizeEx(m_handle, &size)); // "file::size"
return size.QuadPart;
native_handle get_handle() override
return m_handle;
m_file = std::make_unique<windows_file>(handle);
int flags = O_CLOEXEC; // Ensures all files are closed on execl for auto updater
if (mode & fs::read && mode & fs::write) flags |= O_RDWR;
else if (mode & fs::read) flags |= O_RDONLY;
else if (mode & fs::write) flags |= O_WRONLY;
if (mode & fs::append) flags |= O_APPEND;
if (mode & fs::create) flags |= O_CREAT;
if (mode & fs::trunc && !(mode & fs::lock)) flags |= O_TRUNC;
if (mode & fs::excl) flags |= O_EXCL;
int perm = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
if (mode & fs::write && mode & fs::unread)
if (!(mode & (fs::excl + fs::lock)) && mode & fs::trunc)
// Alternative to truncation for "unread" flag (TODO)
if (mode & fs::create)
perm = 0;
const int fd = ::open(path.c_str(), flags, perm);
if (fd == -1)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
if (mode & fs::write && mode & fs::lock && ::flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0)
g_tls_error = errno == EWOULDBLOCK ? fs::error::acces : to_error(errno);
if (mode & fs::trunc && mode & fs::lock && mode & fs::write)
// Postpone truncation in order to avoid using O_TRUNC on a locked file
ensure(::ftruncate(fd, 0) == 0);
class unix_file final : public file_base
const int m_fd;
unix_file(int fd)
: m_fd(fd)
~unix_file() override
stat_t stat() override
struct ::stat file_info;
ensure(::fstat(m_fd, &file_info) == 0); // "file::stat"
stat_t info;
info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode);
info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation
info.size = file_info.st_size;
info.atime = file_info.st_atime;
info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime;
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
return info;
void sync() override
ensure(::fsync(m_fd) == 0); // "file::sync"
bool trunc(u64 length) override
if (::ftruncate(m_fd, length) != 0)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
return true;
u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override
const auto result = ::read(m_fd, buffer, count);
ensure(result != -1); // "file::read"
return result;
u64 write(const void* buffer, u64 count) override
const auto result = ::write(m_fd, buffer, count);
ensure(result != -1); // "file::write"
return result;
u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override
if (whence > seek_end)
fmt::throw_exception("Invalid whence (0x%x)", whence);
const int mode =
whence == seek_set ? SEEK_SET :
whence == seek_cur ? SEEK_CUR : SEEK_END;
const auto result = ::lseek(m_fd, offset, mode);
if (result == -1)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return -1;
return result;
u64 size() override
struct ::stat file_info;
ensure(::fstat(m_fd, &file_info) == 0); // "file::size"
return file_info.st_size;
native_handle get_handle() override
return m_fd;
u64 write_gather(const iovec_clone* buffers, u64 buf_count) override
static_assert(sizeof(iovec) == sizeof(iovec_clone), "Weird iovec size");
static_assert(offsetof(iovec, iov_len) == offsetof(iovec_clone, iov_len), "Weird iovec::iov_len offset");
u64 result = 0;
while (buf_count)
iovec arg[256];
const auto count = std::min<u64>(buf_count, 256);
std::memcpy(&arg, buffers, sizeof(iovec) * count);
const auto added = ::writev(m_fd, arg, count);
ensure(added != -1); // "file::write_gather"
result += added;
buf_count -= count;
buffers += count;
return result;
m_file = std::make_unique<unix_file>(fd);
fs::file::file(const void* ptr, usz size)
class memory_stream : public file_base
u64 m_pos{};
const char* const m_ptr;
const u64 m_size;
memory_stream(const void* ptr, u64 size)
: m_ptr(static_cast<const char*>(ptr))
, m_size(size)
bool trunc(u64) override
return false;
u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override
if (m_pos < m_size)
// Get readable size
if (const u64 result = std::min<u64>(count, m_size - m_pos))
std::memcpy(buffer, m_ptr + m_pos, result);
m_pos += result;
return result;
return 0;
u64 write(const void*, u64) override
return 0;
u64 seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence) override
const s64 new_pos =
whence == fs::seek_set ? offset :
whence == fs::seek_cur ? offset + m_pos :
whence == fs::seek_end ? offset + size() : -1;
if (new_pos < 0)
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval;
return -1;
m_pos = new_pos;
return m_pos;
u64 size() override
return m_size;
m_file = std::make_unique<memory_stream>(ptr, size);
fs::native_handle fs::file::get_handle() const
if (m_file)
return m_file->get_handle();
#ifdef _WIN32
return -1;
bool fs::dir::open(const std::string& path)
if (path.empty())
// Don't allow opening empty path (TODO)
g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path))
if (auto&& _dir = device->open_dir(path))
m_dir = std::move(_dir);
return true;
return false;
#ifdef _WIN32
const auto handle = FindFirstFileExW(to_wchar(path + "/*").get(), FindExInfoBasic, &found, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE | FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH);
g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError());
return false;
class windows_dir final : public dir_base
std::vector<dir_entry> m_entries;
usz m_pos = 0;
void add_entry(const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& found)
dir_entry info;
to_utf8(info.name, found.cFileName);
info.is_directory = (found.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
info.is_writable = (found.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0;
info.size = ((u64)found.nFileSizeHigh << 32) | (u64)found.nFileSizeLow;
info.atime = to_time(found.ftLastAccessTime);
info.mtime = to_time(found.ftLastWriteTime);
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
windows_dir(HANDLE handle, WIN32_FIND_DATAW& found)
while (FindNextFileW(handle, &found))
ensure(ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == GetLastError()); // "dir::read"
bool read(dir_entry& out) override
if (m_pos >= m_entries.size())
return false;
out = m_entries[m_pos++];
return true;
void rewind() override
m_pos = 0;
m_dir = std::make_unique<windows_dir>(handle, found);
::DIR* const ptr = ::opendir(path.c_str());
if (!ptr)
g_tls_error = to_error(errno);
return false;
class unix_dir final : public dir_base
::DIR* m_dd;
unix_dir(::DIR* dd)
: m_dd(dd)
~unix_dir() override
bool read(dir_entry& info) override
const auto found = ::readdir(m_dd);
if (!found)
return false;
struct ::stat file_info;
if (::fstatat(::dirfd(m_dd), found->d_name, &file_info, 0) != 0)
//failed metadata (broken symlink?), ignore and skip to next file
return read(info);
info.name = found->d_name;
info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode);
info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation
info.size = file_info.st_size;
info.atime = file_info.st_atime;
info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime;
info.ctime = info.mtime;
if (info.atime < info.mtime)
info.atime = info.mtime;
return true;
void rewind() override
m_dir = std::make_unique<unix_dir>(ptr);
return true;
const std::string& fs::get_config_dir()
// Use magic static
static const std::string s_dir = []
std::string dir;
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t buf[32768];
constexpr DWORD size = static_cast<DWORD>(std::size(buf));
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR", buf, size) - 1 >= size - 1 &&
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, size) - 1 >= size - 1)
MessageBoxA(0, fmt::format("GetModuleFileName() failed: error %u.", GetLastError()).c_str(), "fs::get_config_dir()", MB_ICONERROR);
return dir; // empty
to_utf8(dir, buf); // Convert to UTF-8
std::replace(dir.begin(), dir.end(), '\\', '/');
dir.resize(dir.rfind('/') + 1);
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME"))
dir = home + "/Library/Application Support"s;
if (const char* conf = ::getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))
dir = conf;
else if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME"))
dir = home + "/.config"s;
else // Just in case
dir = "./config";
dir += "/rpcs3/";
if (!create_path(dir))
std::printf("Failed to create configuration directory '%s' (%d).\n", dir.c_str(), errno);
return dir;
return s_dir;
const std::string& fs::get_cache_dir()
static const std::string s_dir = []
std::string dir;
#ifdef _WIN32
dir = get_config_dir();
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME"))
dir = home + "/Library/Caches"s;
if (const char* cache = ::getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"))
dir = cache;
else if (const char* conf = ::getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))
dir = conf;
else if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME"))
dir = home + "/.cache"s;
else // Just in case
dir = "./cache";
dir += "/rpcs3/";
if (!create_path(dir))
std::printf("Failed to create configuration directory '%s' (%d).\n", dir.c_str(), errno);
return dir;
return s_dir;
bool fs::remove_all(const std::string& path, bool remove_root)
if (const auto root_dir = dir(path))
for (const auto& entry : root_dir)
if (entry.name == "." || entry.name == "..")
if (!entry.is_directory)
if (!remove_file(path_append(path, entry.name)))
return false;
if (!remove_all(path_append(path, entry.name)))
return false;
return false;
if (remove_root)
return remove_dir(path);
return true;
std::string fs::escape_path(std::string_view path)
std::string real; real.resize(path.size());
auto get_char = [&](usz& from, usz& to, usz count)
std::memcpy(&real[to], &path[from], count);
from += count, to += count;
usz i = 0, j = -1, pos_nondelim = 0, after_delim = 0;
if (i < path.size())
j = 0;
for (; i < path.size();)
real[j] = path[i];
#ifdef _Win32
if (real[j] == '\\')
real[j] = '/';
// If the current character was preceeded by a delimiter special treatment is required:
// If another deleimiter is encountered, remove it (do not write it to output string)
// Otherwise test if it is a "." or ".." sequence.
if (std::exchange(after_delim, path[i] == delim[0] || path[i] == delim[1]))
if (!after_delim)
if (real[j] == '.')
if (i + 1 == path.size())
get_char(i, j, 1);
switch (real[j])
case '.':
bool remove_element = true;
usz k = 1;
for (; k + i != path.size(); k++)
switch (path[i + k])
case '.': continue;
case delim[0]: case delim[1]: break;
default: remove_element = false; break;
if (remove_element)
if (i == 1u)
j = pos_nondelim;
real[j] = '\0';// Ensure termination at this posistion
after_delim = true;
i += k;
get_char(i, j, k);
case '/':
after_delim = true;
default: get_char(i, j, 1); continue;
pos_nondelim = j;
get_char(i, j, 1);
get_char(i, j, 1);
if (j != umax && (real[j] == delim[0] || real[j] == delim[1])) j--; // Do not include a delmiter at the end
real.resize(j + 1);
return real;
u64 fs::get_dir_size(const std::string& path, u64 rounding_alignment)
u64 result = 0;
const auto root_dir = dir(path);
if (!root_dir)
return -1;
for (const auto& entry : root_dir)
if (entry.name == "." || entry.name == "..")
if (!entry.is_directory)
result += utils::align(entry.size, rounding_alignment);
const u64 size = get_dir_size(path_append(path, entry.name), rounding_alignment);
if (size == umax)
return size;
result += size;
return result;
fs::file fs::make_gather(std::vector<fs::file> files)
struct gather_stream : file_base
u64 pos = 0;
u64 end = 0;
std::vector<file> files;
std::map<u64, u64> ends; // Fragment End Offset -> Index
gather_stream(std::vector<fs::file> arg)
: files(std::move(arg))
// Preprocess files
for (auto&& f : files)
end += f.size();
ends.emplace(end, ends.size());
~gather_stream() override
fs::stat_t stat() override
fs::stat_t result{};
if (!files.empty())
result = files[0].stat();
result.is_directory = false;
result.is_writable = false;
result.size = end;
return result;
bool trunc(u64) override
return false;
u64 read(void* buffer, u64 size) override
if (pos < end)
// Current pos
const u64 start = pos;
// Get readable size
if (const u64 max = std::min<u64>(size, end - pos))
u8* buf_out = static_cast<u8*>(buffer);
u64 buf_max = max;
for (auto it = ends.upper_bound(pos); it != ends.end(); ++it)
// Set position for the fragment
files[it->second].seek(pos - it->first, fs::seek_end);
const u64 count = std::min<u64>(it->first - pos, buf_max);
const u64 read = files[it->second].read(buf_out, count);
buf_out += count;
buf_max -= count;
pos += read;
if (read < count || buf_max == 0)
return pos - start;
return 0;
u64 write(const void*, u64) override
return 0;
u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override
const s64 new_pos =
whence == fs::seek_set ? offset :
whence == fs::seek_cur ? offset + pos :
whence == fs::seek_end ? offset + end : -1;
if (new_pos < 0)
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval;
return -1;
pos = new_pos;
return pos;
u64 size() override
return end;
fs::file result;
return result;
fs::pending_file::pending_file(const std::string& path)
m_path = fmt::format(u8"%s/%s.%s.tmp", get_parent_dir(path), std::string_view(path).substr(path.find_last_of(fs::delim) + 1), fmt::base57(utils::get_unique_tsc()));
if (file.open(m_path, fs::create + fs::write + fs::read + fs::excl))
m_dest = path;
while (fs::g_tls_error == fs::error::exist); // Only retry if failed due to existing file
if (!m_path.empty())
bool fs::pending_file::commit(bool overwrite)
if (!file || m_path.empty())
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::noent;
return false;
// The temporary file's contents must be on disk before rename
if (fs::rename(m_path, m_dest, overwrite))
// Disable the destructor
return true;
return false;
void fmt_class_string<fs::seek_mode>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
format_enum(out, arg, [](auto arg)
switch (arg)
return unknown;
void fmt_class_string<fs::error>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
format_enum(out, arg, [](auto arg)
switch (arg)
case fs::error::ok: return "OK";
case fs::error::inval: return "Invalid arguments";
case fs::error::noent: return "Not found";
case fs::error::exist: return "Already exists";
case fs::error::acces: return "Access violation";
case fs::error::notempty: return "Not empty";
case fs::error::readonly: return "Read only";
case fs::error::isdir: return "Is a directory";
case fs::error::toolong: return "Path too long";
case fs::error::nospace: return "Not enough space on the device";
case fs::error::unknown: return "Unknown system error";
return unknown;