
584 lines
14 KiB

#include "memory_string_searcher.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/vm.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/vm_reservation.h"
#include "Emu/CPU/CPUDisAsm.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/SPUDisAsm.h"
#include "Emu/IdManager.h"
#include "Utilities/Thread.h"
#include "Utilities/StrUtil.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <charconv>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "util/logs.hpp"
#include "util/sysinfo.hpp"
#include "util/asm.hpp"
LOG_CHANNEL(gui_log, "GUI");
constexpr auto qstr = QString::fromStdString;
enum search_mode : int
no_mode = 1,
as_string = 2,
as_hex = 4,
as_f64 = 8,
as_f32 = 16,
as_inst = 32,
as_fake_spu_inst = 64,
template <>
void fmt_class_string<search_mode>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
if (!arg)
out += "No search modes have been selected";
for (int modes = static_cast<int>(arg); modes; modes &= modes - 1)
const int mode = modes & ~(modes - 1);
auto mode_s = [&]() -> std::string_view
switch (mode)
case as_string: return "String";
case as_hex: return "HEX bytes/integer";
case as_f64: return "Double";
case as_f32: return "Float";
case as_inst: return "Instruction";
case as_fake_spu_inst: return "SPU Instruction";
default: return "";
if (mode_s.empty())
if (modes != static_cast<int>(arg))
out += ", ";
out += mode_s;
memory_string_searcher::memory_string_searcher(QWidget* parent, std::shared_ptr<CPUDisAsm> disasm, std::string_view title)
: QDialog(parent)
, m_disasm(std::move(disasm))
if (title.empty())
setWindowTitle(tr("Memory Searcher"));
setWindowTitle(tr("Memory Searcher Of %1").arg(title.data()));
// Extract memory view from the disassembler
std::tie(m_ptr, m_size) = m_disasm->get_memory_span();
m_addr_line = new QLineEdit(this);
m_addr_line->setFixedWidth(QLabel("This is the very length of the lineedit due to hidpi reasons.").sizeHint().width());
QPushButton* button_search = new QPushButton(tr("&Search"), this);
m_chkbox_case_insensitive = new QCheckBox(tr("Case Insensitive"), this);
m_chkbox_case_insensitive->setToolTip(tr("When using string mode, the characters' case will not matter both in string and in memory."
"\nWarning: this may reduce performance of the search."));
m_cbox_input_mode = new QComboBox(this);
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("Select search mode(s).."), QVariant::fromValue(+no_mode));
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("String"), QVariant::fromValue(+as_string));
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("HEX bytes/integer"), QVariant::fromValue(+as_hex));
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("Double"), QVariant::fromValue(+as_f64));
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("Float"), QVariant::fromValue(+as_f32));
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem(tr("Instruction"), QVariant::fromValue(+as_inst));
QString tooltip = tr("String: search the memory for the specified string."
"\nHEX bytes/integer: search the memory for hexadecimal values. Spaces, commas, \"0x\", \"0X\", \"\\x\", \"h\", \"H\" ensure separation of bytes but they are not mandatory."
"\nDouble: reinterpret the string as 64-bit precision floating point value. Values are searched for exact representation, meaning -0 != 0."
"\nFloat: reinterpret the string as 32-bit precision floating point value. Values are searched for exact representation, meaning -0 != 0."
"\nInstruction: search an instruction contains the text of the string.");
if (m_size != 0x40000/*SPU_LS_SIZE*/)
m_cbox_input_mode->addItem("SPU Instruction", QVariant::fromValue(+as_fake_spu_inst));
tooltip.append(tr("\nSPU Instruction: Search an SPU instruction contains the text of the string. For searching instructions within embedded SPU images.\nTip: SPU floats are commented along forming instructions."));
connect(m_cbox_input_mode, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [this](int index)
if (index < 0) return;
if ((1 << index) == no_mode)
m_modes = {};
m_modes = search_mode{m_modes | (1 << index)};
m_modes_label->setText(qstr(fmt::format("%s.", m_modes)));
m_modes_label = new QLabel(qstr(fmt::format("%s.", m_modes)));
QHBoxLayout* hbox_panel = new QHBoxLayout();
QVBoxLayout* vbox_panel = new QVBoxLayout();
connect(button_search, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, [this]()
std::string wstr = m_addr_line->text().toStdString();
if (wstr.empty() || wstr.size() >= 4096u)
gui_log.error("String is empty or too long (size=%u)", wstr.size());
gui_log.notice("Searching for %s (mode: %s)", wstr, m_modes);
u64 found = 0;
for (int modes = m_modes; modes; modes &= modes - 1)
found += OnSearch(wstr, modes & ~(modes - 1));
gui_log.success("Search completed (found %u matches)", +found);
// Show by default
// Expected to be created by IDM, emulation stop will close it
connect(this, &memory_string_searcher::finished, [id = idm::last_id()](int)
u64 memory_string_searcher::OnSearch(std::string wstr, int mode)
bool case_insensitive = false;
// First characters for case insensitive search
const char first_chars[2]{ static_cast<char>(::tolower(wstr[0])), static_cast<char>(::toupper(wstr[0])) };
std::string_view insensitive_search{first_chars, 2};
if (insensitive_search[0] == insensitive_search[1])
// Optimization
switch (mode)
case as_inst:
case as_string:
case as_fake_spu_inst:
case_insensitive = m_chkbox_case_insensitive->isChecked();
if (case_insensitive)
std::transform(wstr.begin(), wstr.end(), wstr.begin(), ::tolower);
case as_hex:
constexpr std::string_view hex_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
// Split
std::vector<std::string> parts = fmt::split(wstr, {" ", ",", "0x", "0X", "\\x", "h", "H"});
// Pad zeroes
for (std::string& part : parts)
if (part.size() % 2)
gui_log.warning("Padding string part with '0' at front due to odd hexadeciaml characters count.");
part.insert(part.begin(), '0');
// Concat strings
for (const std::string& part : parts)
wstr += part;
if (const usz pos = wstr.find_first_not_of(hex_chars); pos != umax)
gui_log.error("String '%s' cannot be interpreted as hexadecimal byte string due to unknown character '%c'.",
m_addr_line->text().toStdString(), wstr[pos]);
return 0;
std::string dst;
dst.resize(wstr.size() / 2);
for (usz pos = 0; pos < wstr.size() / 2; pos++)
uchar value = 0;
std::from_chars(wstr.data() + pos * 2, wstr.data() + (pos + 1) * 2, value, 16);
std::memcpy(dst.data() + pos, &value, 1);
wstr = std::move(dst);
case as_f64:
// Remove trailing 'f' letters
wstr = wstr.substr(0, wstr.find_last_not_of("Ff") + 1);
char* end{};
be_t<f64> value = std::strtod(wstr.data(), &end);
if (wstr.empty() || end != wstr.data() + wstr.size())
gui_log.error("String '%s' cannot be interpreted as double.", wstr);
return 0;
std::memcpy(wstr.data(), &value, sizeof(value));
case as_f32:
wstr = wstr.substr(0, wstr.find_last_not_of("Ff") + 1);
char* end{};
be_t<f32> value = std::strtof(wstr.data(), &end);
if (wstr.empty() || end != wstr.data() + wstr.size())
gui_log.error("String '%s' cannot be interpreted as float.", wstr);
return 0;
std::memcpy(wstr.data(), &value, sizeof(value));
default: ensure(false);
// Search the address space for the string
atomic_t<u32> found = 0;
atomic_t<u32> avail_addr = 0;
// There's no need for so many threads (except for instructions searching)
const u32 max_threads = utils::aligned_div(utils::get_thread_count(), mode < as_inst ? 2 : 1);
static constexpr u32 block_size = 0x2000000;
vm::writer_lock rlock;
const named_thread_group workers("Memory Searcher "sv, max_threads, [&]()
if (mode == as_inst || mode == as_fake_spu_inst)
auto disasm = m_disasm->copy_type_erased();
SPUDisAsm spu_dis(cpu_disasm_mode::normal, static_cast<const u8*>(m_ptr));
const usz limit = std::min(m_size, m_ptr == vm::g_sudo_addr ? 0xFFFF'0000 : m_size);
while (true)
u32 addr;
const bool ok = avail_addr.fetch_op([&](u32& val)
if (val < limit && val != umax)
while (m_ptr == vm::g_sudo_addr && !vm::check_addr(val, mode == as_inst ? vm::page_executable : 0))
// Skip unmapped memory
val = utils::align(val + 1, 0x10000);
if (!val)
return false;
addr = val;
// Iterate 16k instructions at a time
val += 0x10000;
if (!val)
// Overflow detection
val = -1;
return true;
return false;
if (!ok)
u32 spu_base_pc = 0;
if (mode == as_fake_spu_inst)
// Check if we can extend the limits of SPU decoder so it can use the previous 64k block
// For SPU instruction patterns
spu_base_pc = (addr >= 0x10000 && (m_ptr != vm::g_sudo_addr || vm::check_addr(addr - 0x10000, 0))) ? 0x10000 : 0;
// Set base for SPU decoder
spu_dis.change_ptr(static_cast<const u8*>(m_ptr) + addr - spu_base_pc);
for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x10000; i += 4)
if (mode == as_fake_spu_inst ? spu_dis.disasm(spu_base_pc + i) : disasm->disasm(addr + i))
auto& last = mode == as_fake_spu_inst ? spu_dis.last_opcode : disasm->last_opcode;
if (case_insensitive)
std::transform(last.begin(), last.end(), last.begin(), ::tolower);
if (last.find(wstr) != umax)
gui_log.success("Found instruction at 0x%08x: '%s'", addr + i, last);
u32 local_found = 0;
u32 addr = 0;
bool ok = false;
const u64 addr_limit = (m_size >= block_size ? m_size - block_size : 0);
while (true)
if (!(addr % block_size))
std::tie(addr, ok) = avail_addr.fetch_op([&](u32& val)
if (val <= addr_limit)
// Iterate in 32MB blocks
val += block_size;
if (!val) val = -1; // Overflow detection
return true;
return false;
if (!ok)
if (![&]()
if (m_ptr != vm::g_sudo_addr)
// Always valid
return true;
// Skip unmapped memory
for (const u32 end = utils::align(addr + 1, block_size) - 0x1000; !vm::check_addr(addr, 0); addr += 0x1000)
if (addr == end)
return false;
return true;
if (addr == 0u - 0x1000)
// The entire block is unmapped
addr += 0x1000;
const u64 end_mem = std::min<u64>(utils::align<u64>(addr + 1, block_size), m_size);
u64 addr_max = m_ptr == vm::g_sudo_addr ? addr : end_mem;
// Determine allocation size quickly
while (addr_max < end_mem && vm::check_addr(static_cast<u32>(addr_max), vm::page_1m_size))
addr_max += 0x100000;
while (addr_max < end_mem && vm::check_addr(static_cast<u32>(addr_max), vm::page_64k_size))
addr_max += 0x10000;
while (addr_max < end_mem && vm::check_addr(static_cast<u32>(addr_max), 0))
addr_max += 0x1000;
auto get_ptr = [&](u32 address)
return static_cast<const char*>(m_ptr) + address;
std::string_view section{get_ptr(addr), addr_max - addr};
usz first_char = 0;
auto log_occurance = [&](std::string_view& test_sv, bool always_log_str)
// Cut out a view which may or may not be suffixed by a single null character
// This view is a peek at the full string which resides in PS3 memory
test_sv = test_sv.substr(0, std::max<usz>(wstr.size(), 100));
const usz null_pos = test_sv.find_first_of("\n\0"sv, wstr.size());
test_sv = test_sv.substr(0, null_pos);
const usz start = test_sv.data() - get_ptr(0);
if (!always_log_str && test_sv.size() == wstr.size())
// Shorthand logging for identical strings
gui_log.success("Found at 0x%08x", start);
else if (null_pos != umax)
gui_log.success("Found at 0x%08x: '%s'", start, test_sv);
gui_log.success("Found at 0x%08x: '%s'..", start, test_sv);
if (case_insensitive)
while (first_char = section.find_first_of(insensitive_search, first_char), first_char != umax)
const u32 start = addr + first_char;
std::string_view test_sv{get_ptr(start), addr_max - start};
// Do not use allocating functions such as fmt::to_lower
if (test_sv.size() >= wstr.size() && std::all_of(wstr.begin(), wstr.end(), [&](const char& c) { return c == ::tolower(test_sv[&c - wstr.data()]); }))
// Force full logging if any character differs in case
log_occurance(test_sv, !test_sv.starts_with(wstr));
// Allow overlapping strings
while (first_char = section.find_first_of(wstr[0], first_char), first_char != umax)
const u32 start = addr + first_char;
std::string_view test_sv{get_ptr(start), addr_max - start};
if (test_sv.starts_with(wstr))
if (mode == as_string)
log_occurance(test_sv, false);
gui_log.success("Found at 0x%08x", start);
// Check if at last page
if (addr_max >= m_size - 0x1000)
addr = addr_max;
found += local_found;
return found;