
369 lines
8.6 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/VFS.h"
#include "TROPUSR.h"
LOG_CHANNEL(trp_log, "Trophy");
enum : u32
std::shared_ptr<rXmlNode> trophy_xml_document::GetRoot()
auto trophy_base = rXmlDocument::GetRoot();
if (auto trophy_conf = trophy_base->GetChildren();
trophy_conf && trophy_conf->GetName() == "trophyconf")
trophy_base = trophy_conf;
trp_log.error("trophy_xml_document: Root name does not match trophyconf in trophy. Name: %s", trophy_conf ? trophy_conf->GetName() : trophy_base->GetName());
// TODO: return nullptr or is this possible?
return trophy_base;
TROPUSRLoader::load_result TROPUSRLoader::Load(const std::string& filepath, const std::string& configpath)
const std::string& path = vfs::get(filepath);
load_result res{};
// Generate TROPUSR.DAT
auto generate = [&]
// Reset filesystem error
fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::ok;
// Generate TROPUSR.DAT if not existing
res.success = Generate(filepath, configpath);
if (!res.success)
trp_log.error("TROPUSRLoader::Load(): Failed to generate TROPUSR.DAT (path='%s', cfg='%s', %s)", path, configpath, fs::g_tls_error);
return res;
if (!m_file.open(path))
return generate();
if (!LoadHeader() || !LoadTableHeaders() || !LoadTables())
// Ignore existing TROPUSR.DAT because it is invalid
res.discarded_existing = true;
trp_log.error("TROPUSRLoader::Load(): Failed to load existing TROPUSR.DAT, trying to generate new file with empty trophies history! (path='%s')", path);
return generate();
res.success = true;
return res;
bool TROPUSRLoader::LoadHeader()
if (!m_file)
return false;
if (!m_file.read(m_header) || m_header.magic != TROPUSR_MAGIC)
return false;
return true;
bool TROPUSRLoader::LoadTableHeaders()
if (!m_file)
return false;
if (!m_file.read(m_tableHeaders, m_header.tables_count))
return false;
return true;
bool TROPUSRLoader::LoadTables()
if (!m_file)
return false;
for (const TROPUSRTableHeader& tableHeader : m_tableHeaders)
if (tableHeader.type == 4u)
if (!m_file.read(m_table4, tableHeader.entries_count))
return false;
if (tableHeader.type == 6u)
if (!m_file.read(m_table6, tableHeader.entries_count))
return false;
// TODO: Other tables
return true;
// TODO: TROPUSRLoader::Save deletes the TROPUSR and creates it again. This is probably very slow.
bool TROPUSRLoader::Save(const std::string& filepath)
fs::pending_file temp(vfs::get(filepath));
if (!temp.file)
return false;
return temp.commit();
bool TROPUSRLoader::Generate(const std::string& filepath, const std::string& configpath)
fs::file config(vfs::get(configpath));
if (!config)
return false;
trophy_xml_document doc{};
pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.Read(config.to_string());
if (!res)
trp_log.error("TROPUSRLoader::Generate: Failed to read file: %s", filepath);
return false;
auto trophy_base = doc.GetRoot();
for (std::shared_ptr<rXmlNode> n = trophy_base->GetChildren(); n; n = n->GetNext())
if (n->GetName() == "trophy")
const u32 trophy_id = std::atoi(n->GetAttribute("id").c_str());
const u32 trophy_pid = std::atoi(n->GetAttribute("pid").c_str());
u32 trophy_grade;
switch (n->GetAttribute("ttype")[0])
case 'B': trophy_grade = trophy_grade::bronze; break;
case 'S': trophy_grade = trophy_grade::silver; break;
case 'G': trophy_grade = trophy_grade::gold; break;
case 'P': trophy_grade = trophy_grade::platinum; break;
default: trophy_grade = trophy_grade::unknown; break;
TROPUSREntry4 entry4 = { 4, u32{sizeof(TROPUSREntry4)} - 0x10, ::size32(m_table4), 0, trophy_id, trophy_grade, trophy_pid };
TROPUSREntry6 entry6 = { 6, u32{sizeof(TROPUSREntry6)} - 0x10, ::size32(m_table6), 0, trophy_id };
u64 offset = sizeof(TROPUSRHeader) + 2 * sizeof(TROPUSRTableHeader);
TROPUSRTableHeader table4header = { 4, u32{sizeof(TROPUSREntry4)} - 0x10, 1, ::size32(m_table4), offset };
offset += m_table4.size() * sizeof(TROPUSREntry4);
TROPUSRTableHeader table6header = { 6, u32{sizeof(TROPUSREntry6)} - 0x10, 1, ::size32(m_table6), offset };
offset += m_table6.size() * sizeof(TROPUSREntry6);
std::memset(&m_header, 0, sizeof(m_header));
m_header.magic = TROPUSR_MAGIC;
m_header.unk1 = 0x00010000;
m_header.tables_count = ::size32(m_tableHeaders);
m_header.unk2 = 0;
return Save(filepath);
u32 TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophiesCount() const
return ::size32(m_table6);
u32 TROPUSRLoader::GetUnlockedTrophiesCount() const
u32 count = 0;
for (const auto& trophy : m_table6)
if (trophy.trophy_state)
return count;
u32 TROPUSRLoader::GetUnlockedPlatinumID(u32 trophy_id, const std::string& config_path)
constexpr u32 invalid_trophy_id = -1; // SCE_NP_TROPHY_INVALID_TROPHY_ID;
if (trophy_id >= m_table6.size() || trophy_id >= m_table4.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::GetUnlockedPlatinumID: Invalid id=%d", trophy_id);
return invalid_trophy_id;
if (m_table6.size() != m_table4.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::GetUnlockedPlatinumID: Table size mismatch: %d vs. %d", m_table6.size(), m_table4.size());
return invalid_trophy_id;
// We need to read the trophy info from file here and update it for backwards compatibility.
// TROPUSRLoader::Generate will currently not be called on existing trophy data which might lack the pid.
fs::file config(config_path);
if (!config)
return invalid_trophy_id;
trophy_xml_document doc{};
pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.Read(config.to_string());
if (!res)
trp_log.error("TROPUSRLoader::GetUnlockedPlatinumID: Failed to read file: %s", config_path);
return invalid_trophy_id;
auto trophy_base = doc.GetRoot();
const usz trophy_count = m_table4.size();
for (std::shared_ptr<rXmlNode> n = trophy_base->GetChildren(); n; n = n->GetNext())
if (n->GetName() == "trophy")
const u32 trophy_id = std::atoi(n->GetAttribute("id").c_str());
const u32 trophy_pid = std::atoi(n->GetAttribute("pid").c_str());
// We currently assume that trophies are ordered
if (trophy_id < trophy_count && m_table4[trophy_id].trophy_id == trophy_id)
// Update the pid for backwards compatibility
m_table4[trophy_id].trophy_pid = trophy_pid;
// Get this trophy's platinum link id
const u32 pid = m_table4[trophy_id].trophy_pid;
// The platinum trophy has to have a valid id and must still be locked
if (pid == invalid_trophy_id || GetTrophyUnlockState(pid)) // the first check is redundant but I'll keep it to prevent regressions
return invalid_trophy_id;
// The platinum trophy stays locked if any relevant trophy is still locked
for (usz i = 0; i < trophy_count; i++)
if (m_table4[i].trophy_pid == pid && !m_table6[i].trophy_state)
return invalid_trophy_id;
// All relevant trophies for this platinum link id were unlocked
return pid;
u32 TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyGrade(u32 id) const
if (id >= m_table4.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyGrade: Invalid id=%d", id);
return trophy_grade::unknown;
return m_table4[id].trophy_grade; // Let's assume the trophies are stored ordered
u32 TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyUnlockState(u32 id) const
if (id >= m_table6.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyUnlockState: Invalid id=%d", id);
return 0;
return m_table6[id].trophy_state; // Let's assume the trophies are stored ordered
u64 TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyTimestamp(u32 id) const
if (id >= m_table6.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::GetTrophyTimestamp: Invalid id=%d", id);
return 0;
// TODO: What timestamp does sceNpTrophyGetTrophyInfo want, timestamp1 or timestamp2?
return m_table6[id].timestamp2; // Let's assume the trophies are stored ordered
bool TROPUSRLoader::UnlockTrophy(u32 id, u64 timestamp1, u64 timestamp2)
if (id >= m_table6.size())
trp_log.warning("TROPUSRLoader::UnlockTrophy: Invalid id=%d", id);
return false;
m_table6[id].trophy_state = 1;
m_table6[id].timestamp1 = timestamp1;
m_table6[id].timestamp2 = timestamp2;
return true;