
746 lines
24 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "ds4_pad_handler.h"
#include <thread>
#include <cmath>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
const auto THREAD_SLEEP = 1ms; //ds4 has new data every ~4ms,
const auto THREAD_SLEEP_INACTIVE = 100ms;
const u32 DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G = 8192;
const u32 DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S = 16; // technically this could be 1024, but keeping it at 16 keeps us within 16 bits of precision
const u32 DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x02_SIZE = 37;
const u32 DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x05_SIZE = 41;
const u32 DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x81_SIZE = 7;
const u32 DS4_INPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE = 78;
const u32 DS4_OUTPUT_REPORT_0x05_SIZE = 32;
const u32 DS4_OUTPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE = 78;
inline u16 Clamp0To255(f32 input)
if (input > 255.f)
return 255;
else if (input < 0.f)
return 0;
else return static_cast<u16>(input);
inline u16 Clamp0To1023(f32 input)
if (input > 1023.f)
return 1023;
else if (input < 0.f)
return 0;
else return static_cast<u16>(input);
// we get back values from 0 - 255 for x and y from the ds4 packets,
// and they end up giving us basically a perfect circle, which is how the ds4 sticks are setup
// however,the ds3, (and i think xbox controllers) give instead a more 'square-ish' type response, so that the corners will give (almost)max x/y instead of the ~30x30 from a perfect circle
// using a simple scale/sensitivity increase would *work* although it eats a chunk of our usable range in exchange
// this might be the best for now, in practice it seems to push the corners to max of 20x20
std::tuple<u16, u16> ConvertToSquirclePoint(u16 inX, u16 inY)
// convert inX and Y to a (-1, 1) vector;
const f32 x = (inX - 127) / 127.f;
const f32 y = ((inY - 127) / 127.f);
// compute angle and len of given point to be used for squircle radius
const f32 angle = std::atan2(y, x);
const f32 r = std::sqrt(std::pow(x, 2.f) + std::pow(y, 2.f));
// now find len/point on the given squircle from our current angle and radius in polar coords
// https://thatsmaths.com/2016/07/14/squircles/
const f32 newLen = (1 + std::pow(std::sin(2 * angle), 2.f) / 8.f) * r;
// we now have len and angle, convert to cartisian
const int newX = Clamp0To255(((newLen * std::cos(angle)) + 1) * 127);
const int newY = Clamp0To255(((newLen * std::sin(angle)) + 1) * 127);
return std::tuple<u16, u16>(newX, newY);
// This tries to convert axis to give us the max even in the corners,
// this actually might work 'too' well, we end up actually getting diagonals of actual max/min, we need the corners still a bit rounded to match ds3
// im leaving it here for now, and future reference as it probably can be used later
//taken from http://theinstructionlimit.com/squaring-the-thumbsticks
/*std::tuple<u16, u16> ConvertToSquarePoint(u16 inX, u16 inY, u32 innerRoundness = 0) {
// convert inX and Y to a (-1, 1) vector;
const f32 x = (inX - 127) / 127.f;
const f32 y = ((inY - 127) / 127.f) * -1;
f32 outX, outY;
const f32 piOver4 = M_PI / 4;
const f32 angle = std::atan2(y, x) + M_PI;
// x+ wall
if (angle <= piOver4 || angle > 7 * piOver4) {
outX = x * (f32)(1 / std::cos(angle));
outY = y * (f32)(1 / std::cos(angle));
// y+ wall
else if (angle > piOver4 && angle <= 3 * piOver4) {
outX = x * (f32)(1 / std::sin(angle));
outY = y * (f32)(1 / std::sin(angle));
// x- wall
else if (angle > 3 * piOver4 && angle <= 5 * piOver4) {
outX = x * (f32)(-1 / std::cos(angle));
outY = y * (f32)(-1 / std::cos(angle));
// y- wall
else if (angle > 5 * piOver4 && angle <= 7 * piOver4) {
outX = x * (f32)(-1 / std::sin(angle));
outY = y * (f32)(-1 / std::sin(angle));
else fmt::throw_exception("invalid angle in convertToSquarePoint");
if (innerRoundness == 0)
return std::tuple<u16, u16>(Clamp0To255((outX + 1) * 127.f), Clamp0To255(((outY * -1) + 1) * 127.f));
const f32 len = std::sqrt(std::pow(x, 2) + std::pow(y, 2));
const f32 factor = std::pow(len, innerRoundness);
outX = (1 - factor) * x + factor * outX;
outY = (1 - factor) * y + factor * outY;
return std::tuple<u16, u16>(Clamp0To255((outX + 1) * 127.f), Clamp0To255(((outY * -1) + 1) * 127.f));
inline s16 GetS16LEData(const u8* buf)
return (s16)(((u16)buf[0] << 0) + ((u16)buf[1] << 8));
inline u32 GetU32LEData(const u8* buf)
return (u32)(((u32)buf[0] << 0) + ((u32)buf[1] << 8) + ((u32)buf[2] << 16) + ((u32)buf[3] << 24));
ds4_pad_handler::ds4_pad_handler() : is_init(false)
void ds4_pad_handler::ProcessData()
for (auto &bind : bindings)
std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> device = bind.first;
auto pad = bind.second;
auto buf = device->padData;
// these are added with previous value and divided to 'smooth' out the readings
// the ds4 seems to rapidly flicker sometimes between two values and this seems to stop that
u16 lx, ly;
//std::tie(lx, ly) = ConvertToSquarePoint(buf[1], buf[2]);
std::tie(lx, ly) = ConvertToSquirclePoint(buf[1], buf[2]);
pad->m_sticks[0].m_value = (lx + pad->m_sticks[0].m_value) / 2; // LX
pad->m_sticks[1].m_value = (ly + pad->m_sticks[1].m_value) / 2; // LY
u16 rx, ry;
//std::tie(rx, ry) = ConvertToSquarePoint(buf[3], buf[4]);
std::tie(rx, ry) = ConvertToSquirclePoint(buf[3], buf[4]);
pad->m_sticks[2].m_value = (rx + pad->m_sticks[2].m_value) / 2; // RX
pad->m_sticks[3].m_value = (ry + pad->m_sticks[3].m_value) / 2; // RY
// l2 r2
pad->m_buttons[0].m_pressed = buf[8] > 0;
pad->m_buttons[0].m_value = buf[8];
pad->m_buttons[1].m_pressed = buf[9] > 0;
pad->m_buttons[1].m_value = buf[9];
// bleh, dpad in buffer is stored in a different state
u8 dpadState = buf[5] & 0xf;
switch (dpadState)
case 0x08: // none pressed
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
case 0x07: // NW...left and up
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
case 0x06: // W..left
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
case 0x05: // SW..left down
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
case 0x04: // S..down
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
case 0x03: // SE..down and right
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 255;
case 0x02: // E... right
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 255;
case 0x01: // NE.. up right
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 255;
case 0x00: // n.. up
pad->m_buttons[2].m_pressed = true;
pad->m_buttons[2].m_value = 255;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[3].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[4].m_value = 0;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_pressed = false;
pad->m_buttons[5].m_value = 0;
fmt::throw_exception("ds4 dpad state encountered unexpected input");
// square, cross, circle, triangle
for (int i = 4; i < 8; ++i)
const bool pressed = ((buf[5] & (1 << i)) != 0);
pad->m_buttons[6 + i - 4].m_pressed = pressed;
pad->m_buttons[6 + i - 4].m_value = pressed ? 255 : 0;
// L1, R1
const bool l1press = ((buf[6] & (1 << 0)) != 0);
pad->m_buttons[10].m_pressed = l1press;
pad->m_buttons[10].m_value = l1press ? 255 : 0;
const bool l2press = ((buf[6] & (1 << 1)) != 0);
pad->m_buttons[11].m_pressed = l2press;
pad->m_buttons[11].m_value = l2press ? 255 : 0;
// select, start, l3, r3
for (int i = 4; i < 8; ++i)
const bool pressed = ((buf[6] & (1 << i)) != 0);
pad->m_buttons[12 + i - 4].m_pressed = pressed;
pad->m_buttons[12 + i - 4].m_value = pressed ? 255 : 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
for (int i = 6; i < 16; i++)
if (pad->m_buttons[i].m_pressed)
// these values come already calibrated from our ds4Thread,
// all we need to do is convert to ds3 range
// accel
f32 accelX = (((s16)((u16)(buf[20] << 8) | buf[19])) / static_cast<f32>(DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G)) * -1;
f32 accelY = (((s16)((u16)(buf[22] << 8) | buf[21])) / static_cast<f32>(DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G)) * -1;
f32 accelZ = (((s16)((u16)(buf[24] << 8) | buf[23])) / static_cast<f32>(DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G)) * -1;
// now just use formula from ds3
accelX = accelX * 113 + 512;
accelY = accelY * 113 + 512;
accelZ = accelZ * 113 + 512;
pad->m_sensors[0].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelX);
pad->m_sensors[1].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelY);
pad->m_sensors[2].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelZ);
// gyroX is yaw, which is all that we need
f32 gyroX = (((s16)((u16)(buf[16] << 8) | buf[15])) / static_cast<f32>(DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S)) * -1;
//const int gyroY = ((u16)(buf[14] << 8) | buf[13]) / 256;
//const int gyroZ = ((u16)(buf[18] << 8) | buf[17]) / 256;
// convert to ds3
gyroX = gyroX * (123.f / 90.f) + 512;
pad->m_sensors[3].m_value = Clamp0To1023(gyroX);
void ds4_pad_handler::UpdateRumble()
// todo: give unique identifier to this instead of port
for (auto &bind : bindings)
std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> device = bind.first;
auto thepad = bind.second;
device->newVibrateData = device->newVibrateData || device->largeVibrate != thepad->m_vibrateMotors[0].m_value || device->smallVibrate != (thepad->m_vibrateMotors[1].m_value ? 255 : 0);
device->largeVibrate = thepad->m_vibrateMotors[0].m_value;
device->smallVibrate = (thepad->m_vibrateMotors[1].m_value ? 255 : 0);
bool ds4_pad_handler::GetCalibrationData(std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> ds4Dev)
std::array<u8, 64> buf;
if (ds4Dev->btCon)
for (int tries = 0; tries < 3; ++tries) {
buf[0] = 0x05;
if (hid_get_feature_report(ds4Dev->hidDevice, buf.data(), DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x05_SIZE) <= 0)
return false;
const u8 btHdr = 0xA3;
const u32 crcHdr = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(&btHdr, 1, crcTable);
const u32 crcCalc = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(buf.data(), (DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x05_SIZE - 4), crcTable, crcHdr);
const u32 crcReported = GetU32LEData(&buf[DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x05_SIZE - 4]);
if (crcCalc != crcReported)
LOG_WARNING(HLE, "[DS4] Calibration CRC check failed! Will retry up to 3 times. Received 0x%x, Expected 0x%x", crcReported, crcCalc);
else break;
if (tries == 2)
return false;
buf[0] = 0x02;
if (hid_get_feature_report(ds4Dev->hidDevice, buf.data(), DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x02_SIZE) <= 0)
LOG_ERROR(HLE, "[DS4] Failed getting calibration data report!");
return false;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::PITCH].bias = GetS16LEData(&buf[1]);
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::YAW].bias = GetS16LEData(&buf[3]);
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::ROLL].bias = GetS16LEData(&buf[5]);
s16 pitchPlus, pitchNeg, rollPlus, rollNeg, yawPlus, yawNeg;
if (ds4Dev->btCon)
pitchPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[7]);
yawPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[9]);
rollPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[11]);
pitchNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[13]);
yawNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[15]);
rollNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[17]);
pitchPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[7]);
pitchNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[9]);
yawPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[11]);
yawNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[13]);
rollPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[15]);
rollNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[17]);
const s32 gyroSpeedScale = GetS16LEData(&buf[19]) + GetS16LEData(&buf[21]);
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::PITCH].sensNumer = gyroSpeedScale * DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::PITCH].sensDenom = pitchPlus - pitchNeg;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::YAW].sensNumer = gyroSpeedScale * DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::YAW].sensDenom = yawPlus - yawNeg;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::ROLL].sensNumer = gyroSpeedScale * DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::ROLL].sensDenom = rollPlus - rollNeg;
const s16 accelXPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[23]);
const s16 accelXNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[25]);
const s16 accelYPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[27]);
const s16 accelYNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[29]);
const s16 accelZPlus = GetS16LEData(&buf[31]);
const s16 accelZNeg = GetS16LEData(&buf[33]);
const s32 accelXRange = accelXPlus - accelXNeg;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::X].bias = accelXPlus - accelXRange / 2;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::X].sensNumer = 2 * DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::X].sensDenom = accelXRange;
const s32 accelYRange = accelYPlus - accelYNeg;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Y].bias = accelYPlus - accelYRange / 2;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Y].sensNumer = 2 * DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Y].sensDenom = accelYRange;
const s32 accelZRange = accelZPlus - accelZNeg;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Z].bias = accelZPlus - accelZRange / 2;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Z].sensNumer = 2 * DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
ds4Dev->calibData[DS4CalibIndex::Z].sensDenom = accelZRange;
// Make sure data 'looks' valid, dongle will report invalid calibration data with no controller connected
for (const auto& data : ds4Dev->calibData)
if (data.sensDenom == 0)
return false;
return true;
void ds4_pad_handler::CheckAddDevice(hid_device* hidDevice, hid_device_info* hidDevInfo)
std::string serial = "";
std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> ds4Dev = std::make_shared<DS4Device>();
ds4Dev->hidDevice = hidDevice;
// There isnt a nice 'portable' way with hidapi to detect bt vs wired as the pid/vid's are the same
// Let's try getting 0x81 feature report, which should will return mac address on wired, and should error on bluetooth
std::array<u8, 64> buf{};
buf[0] = 0x81;
if (hid_get_feature_report(hidDevice, buf.data(), DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x81_SIZE) > 0)
serial = fmt::format("%x%x%x%x%x%x", buf[6], buf[5], buf[4], buf[3], buf[2], buf[1]);
ds4Dev->btCon = true;
std::wstring wSerial(hidDevInfo->serial_number);
serial = std::string(wSerial.begin(), wSerial.end());
if (!GetCalibrationData(ds4Dev))
ds4Dev->hasCalibData = true;
ds4Dev->path = hidDevInfo->path;
hid_set_nonblocking(hidDevice, 1);
controllers.emplace(serial, ds4Dev);
for (auto& controller : controllers)
if (controller.second->hidDevice)
void ds4_pad_handler::SendVibrateData(const std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> device)
std::array<u8, 78> outputBuf{0};
// write rumble state
if (device->btCon)
outputBuf[0] = 0x11;
outputBuf[1] = 0xC4;
outputBuf[3] = 0x07;
outputBuf[6] = device->smallVibrate;
outputBuf[7] = device->largeVibrate;
outputBuf[8] = 0x00; // red
outputBuf[9] = 0x00; // green
outputBuf[10] = 0xff; // blue
const u8 btHdr = 0xA2;
const u32 crcHdr = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(&btHdr, 1, crcTable);
const u32 crcCalc = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(outputBuf.data(), (DS4_OUTPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE - 4), crcTable, crcHdr);
outputBuf[74] = (crcCalc >> 0) & 0xFF;
outputBuf[75] = (crcCalc >> 8) & 0xFF;
outputBuf[76] = (crcCalc >> 16) & 0xFF;
outputBuf[77] = (crcCalc >> 24) & 0xFF;
hid_write_control(device->hidDevice, outputBuf.data(), DS4_OUTPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE);
outputBuf[0] = 0x05;
outputBuf[1] = 0x07;
outputBuf[4] = device->smallVibrate;
outputBuf[5] = device->largeVibrate;
outputBuf[6] = 0x00; // red
outputBuf[7] = 0x00; // green
outputBuf[8] = 0xff; // blue
hid_write(device->hidDevice, outputBuf.data(), DS4_OUTPUT_REPORT_0x05_SIZE);
bool ds4_pad_handler::Init()
if (is_init) return true;
const int res = hid_init();
if (res != 0)
fmt::throw_exception("hidapi-init error.threadproc");
// get all the possible controllers at start
for (auto pid : ds4Pids)
hid_device_info* devInfo = hid_enumerate(DS4_VID, pid);
hid_device_info* head = devInfo;
while (devInfo)
if (controllers.size() >= MAX_GAMEPADS) break;
hid_device* dev = hid_open_path(devInfo->path);
if (dev)
CheckAddDevice(dev, devInfo);
LOG_ERROR(HLE, "[DS4] hid_open_path failed! Reason: %S", hid_error(dev));
devInfo = devInfo->next;
if (controllers.size() == 0)
LOG_ERROR(HLE, "[DS4] No controllers found!");
LOG_SUCCESS(HLE, "[DS4] Controllers found: %d", controllers.size());
is_init = true;
return true;
std::vector<std::string> ds4_pad_handler::ListDevices()
std::vector<std::string> ds4_pads_list;
if (!Init()) return ds4_pads_list;
for (auto& pad : controllers)
ds4_pads_list.emplace_back("Ds4 Pad #" + pad.first);
return ds4_pads_list;
bool ds4_pad_handler::bindPadToDevice(std::shared_ptr<Pad> pad, const std::string& device)
size_t pos = device.find("Ds4 Pad #");
if (pos == std::string::npos) return false;
std::string pad_serial = device.substr(pos + 9);
std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> device_id = nullptr;
for (auto& cur_control : controllers)
if (pad_serial == cur_control.first)
device_id = cur_control.second;
if (device_id == nullptr) return false;
// 'keycode' here is just 0 as we have to manually calculate this
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_L2);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_R2);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_UP);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_DOWN);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_LEFT);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_RIGHT);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_SQUARE);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_CROSS);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_CIRCLE);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_TRIANGLE);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_L1);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_R1);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_SELECT);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_START);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_L3);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL1, 0, CELL_PAD_CTRL_R3);
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, 0x100/*CELL_PAD_CTRL_PS*/);// TODO: PS button support
pad->m_buttons.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_DIGITAL2, 0, 0x0); // Reserved
pad->m_sensors.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_SENSOR_X, 512);
pad->m_sensors.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_SENSOR_Y, 399);
pad->m_sensors.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_SENSOR_Z, 512);
pad->m_sensors.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_SENSOR_G, 512);
pad->m_sticks.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_ANALOG_LEFT_X, 0, 0);
pad->m_sticks.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_ANALOG_LEFT_Y, 0, 0);
pad->m_sticks.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_ANALOG_RIGHT_X, 0, 0);
pad->m_sticks.emplace_back(CELL_PAD_BTN_OFFSET_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y, 0, 0);
pad->m_vibrateMotors.emplace_back(true, 0);
pad->m_vibrateMotors.emplace_back(false, 0);
bindings.emplace_back(device_id, pad);
return true;
void ds4_pad_handler::ThreadProc()
std::array<u8, 78> buf{};
for (auto &bind : bindings)
std::shared_ptr<DS4Device> device = bind.first;
auto thepad = bind.second;
if (device->hidDevice == nullptr)
// try to reconnect
hid_device* dev = hid_open_path(device->path.c_str());
if (dev)
hid_set_nonblocking(dev, 1);
device->hidDevice = dev;
if (!device->hasCalibData)
device->hasCalibData = GetCalibrationData(device);
// nope, not there
const int res = hid_read(device->hidDevice, buf.data(), device->btCon ? 78 : 64);
if (res == -1)
// looks like controller disconnected or read error, deal with it on next loop
device->hidDevice = nullptr;
if (device->newVibrateData)
device->newVibrateData = false;
// no data? keep going
if (res == 0)
// bt controller sends this until 0x02 feature report is sent back (happens on controller init/restart)
if (device->btCon && buf[0] == 0x1)
// tells controller to send 0x11 reports
std::array<u8, 64> buf_error{};
buf_error[0] = 0x2;
hid_get_feature_report(device->hidDevice, buf_error.data(), buf_error.size());
int offset = 0;
// check report and set offset
if (device->btCon && buf[0] == 0x11 && res == 78)
offset = 2;
const u8 btHdr = 0xA1;
const u32 crcHdr = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(&btHdr, 1, crcTable);
const u32 crcCalc = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(buf.data(), (DS4_INPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE - 4), crcTable, crcHdr);
const u32 crcReported = GetU32LEData(&buf[DS4_INPUT_REPORT_0x11_SIZE - 4]);
if (crcCalc != crcReported) {
LOG_WARNING(HLE, "[DS4] Data packet CRC check failed, ignoring! Received 0x%x, Expected 0x%x", crcReported, crcCalc);
else if (!device->btCon && buf[0] == 0x01 && res == 64)
// Ds4 Dongle uses this bit to actually report whether a controller is connected
bool connected = (buf[31] & 0x04) ? false : true;
if (connected && !device->hasCalibData)
device->hasCalibData = GetCalibrationData(device);
offset = 0;
if (device->hasCalibData)
int calibOffset = offset + DS4_INPUT_REPORT_GYRO_X_OFFSET;
for (int i = 0; i < DS4CalibIndex::COUNT; ++i)
const s16 rawValue = GetS16LEData(&buf[calibOffset]);
const s16 calValue = ApplyCalibration(rawValue, device->calibData[i]);
buf[calibOffset++] = ((u16)calValue >> 0) & 0xFF;
buf[calibOffset++] = ((u16)calValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
memcpy(device->padData.data(), &buf[offset], 64);