add_library(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE) find_package(Qt5 5.10 CONFIG COMPONENTS Widgets Network Qml) if(WIN32) find_package(Qt5 5.10 COMPONENTS WinExtras REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE Qt5::Widgets Qt5::WinExtras Qt5::Network Qt5::Qml) else() find_package(Qt5 5.10 COMPONENTS DBus Gui) if(Qt5DBus_FOUND) target_link_libraries(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::Network Qt5::Qml) target_compile_definitions(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE -DHAVE_QTDBUS) else() target_link_libraries(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Network Qt5::Qml) endif() target_include_directories(3rdparty_qt5 INTERFACE ${Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if(NOT Qt5Widgets_FOUND) if(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.10.0) message("Minimum supported Qt5 version is 5.10.0! You have version ${Qt5Widgets_VERSION} installed, please upgrade!") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux") message(FATAL_ERROR "Most distros do not provide an up-to-date version of Qt. If you're on Ubuntu or Linux Mint, there are PPAs you can use to install one of the latest qt5 versions. just make sure to run source /opt/qt511/bin/ respective source /opt/qt510/bin/ before re-running cmake") elseif(WIN32) message(FATAL_ERROR "You can download the latest version of Qt5 here:") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Look online for instructions on installing an up-to-date Qt5 on ${CMAKE_SYSTEM}.") endif() endif() message("CMake was unable to find Qt5!") if(WIN32) message(FATAL_ERROR "Make sure the QTDIR env variable has been set properly. (for example C:\\Qt\\5.11.1\\msvc2017_64\\)") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux") message(FATAL_ERROR "Make sure to install your distro's qt5 package!") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "You need to have Qt5 installed, look online for instructions on installing Qt5 on ${CMAKE_SYSTEM}.") endif() endif() add_library(3rdparty::qt5 ALIAS 3rdparty_qt5)