#include "stdafx.h" #ifdef WITH_GDB_DEBUGGER #include "GDBDebugServer.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h" #include "Emu/System.h" #include "Emu/IdManager.h" #include "Emu/CPU/CPUThread.h" #include "Emu/Cell/PPUThread.h" #include "Emu/Cell/RawSPUThread.h" #include "Emu/Cell/SPUThread.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include "fcntl.h" #endif extern void ppu_set_breakpoint(u32 addr); extern void ppu_remove_breakpoint(u32 addr); logs::channel gdbDebugServer("gdbDebugServer"); int sock_init(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsa_data; return WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsa_data); #else return 0; #endif } int sock_quit(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 return WSACleanup(); #else return 0; #endif } #ifndef _WIN32 int closesocket(socket_t s) { return close(s); } const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1; const socket_t INVALID_SOCKET = -1; #define sscanf_s sscanf #define HEX_U32 "x" #define HEX_U64 "lx" #else #define HEX_U32 "lx" #define HEX_U64 "llx" #endif bool check_errno_again() { #ifdef _WIN32 int err = GetLastError(); return (err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK); #else int err = errno; return (err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK); #endif } std::string u32_to_hex(u32 i) { return fmt::format("%" HEX_U32, i); } std::string u64_to_padded_hex(u64 value) { return fmt::format("%.16" HEX_U64, value); } std::string u32_to_padded_hex(u32 value) { return fmt::format("%.8" HEX_U32, value); } u8 hex_to_u8(std::string val) { u8 result; sscanf_s(val.c_str(), "%02hhX", &result); return result; } u32 hex_to_u32(std::string val) { u32 result; sscanf_s(val.c_str(), "%" HEX_U32, &result); return result; } u64 hex_to_u64(std::string val) { u64 result; sscanf_s(val.c_str(), "%" HEX_U64, &result); return result; } void GDBDebugServer::start_server() { server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (server_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { gdbDebugServer.error("Error creating server socket"); return; } #ifdef WIN32 { int mode = 1; ioctlsocket(server_socket, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *)&mode); } #else fcntl(server_socket, F_SETFL, fcntl(server_socket, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); #endif int err; sockaddr_in server_saddr; server_saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; int port = g_cfg.misc.gdb_server_port; server_saddr.sin_port = htons(port); server_saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); err = bind(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &server_saddr, sizeof(server_saddr)); if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { gdbDebugServer.error("Error binding to port %d", port); return; } err = listen(server_socket, 1); if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { gdbDebugServer.error("Error listening on port %d", port); return; } gdbDebugServer.success("GDB Debug Server listening on port %d", port); } int GDBDebugServer::read(void * buf, int cnt) { while (!stop) { int result = recv(client_socket, reinterpret_cast(buf), cnt, 0); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (check_errno_again()) { thread_ctrl::wait_for(50); continue; } gdbDebugServer.error("Error during socket read"); fmt::throw_exception("Error during socket read" HERE); } return result; } return 0; } char GDBDebugServer::read_char() { char result; int cnt = read(&result, 1); if (!cnt) { fmt::throw_exception("Tried to read char, but no data was available" HERE); } return result; } u8 GDBDebugServer::read_hexbyte() { char buf[2]; read(buf, 2); return static_cast(strtol(buf, nullptr, 16)); } void GDBDebugServer::try_read_cmd(gdb_cmd & out_cmd) { char c = read_char(); //interrupt if (UNLIKELY(c == 0x03)) { out_cmd.cmd = "\0x03"; out_cmd.data = ""; out_cmd.checksum = 0; return; } if (UNLIKELY(c != '$')) { //gdb starts conversation with + for some reason if (c == '+') { c = read_char(); } if (c != '$') { fmt::throw_exception("Expected start of packet character '$', got '%c' instead" HERE, c); } } //clear packet data out_cmd.cmd = ""; out_cmd.data = ""; out_cmd.checksum = 0; bool cmd_part = true; u8 checksum = 0; while(true) { c = read_char(); if (c == '#') { break; } checksum = (checksum + reinterpret_cast(c)) % 256; //escaped char if (c == '}') { c = read_char() ^ 0x20; checksum = (checksum + reinterpret_cast(c)) % 256; } //cmd-data splitters if (cmd_part && ((c == ':') || (c == '.') || (c == ';'))) { cmd_part = false; } if (cmd_part) { out_cmd.cmd += c; //only q and v commands can have multi-char command if ((out_cmd.cmd.length() == 1) && (c != 'q') && (c != 'v')) { cmd_part = false; } } else { out_cmd.data += c; } } out_cmd.checksum = read_hexbyte(); if (out_cmd.checksum != checksum) { throw new wrong_checksum_exception("Wrong checksum for packet" HERE); } } bool GDBDebugServer::read_cmd(gdb_cmd & out_cmd) { while (true) { try { try_read_cmd(out_cmd); ack(true); return true; } catch (wrong_checksum_exception) { ack(false); } catch (std::runtime_error e) { gdbDebugServer.error(e.what()); return false; } } } void GDBDebugServer::send(const char * buf, int cnt) { gdbDebugServer.trace("Sending %s (%d bytes)", buf, cnt); while (!stop) { int res = ::send(client_socket, buf, cnt, 0); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (check_errno_again()) { thread_ctrl::wait_for(50); continue; } gdbDebugServer.error("Failed sending %d bytes", cnt); return; } return; } } void GDBDebugServer::send_char(char c) { send(&c, 1); } void GDBDebugServer::ack(bool accepted) { send_char(accepted ? '+' : '-'); } void GDBDebugServer::send_cmd(const std::string & cmd) { u8 checksum = 0; std::string buf; buf.reserve(cmd.length() + 4); buf += "$"; for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length(); ++i) { checksum = (checksum + append_encoded_char(cmd[i], buf)) % 256; } buf += "#"; buf += to_hexbyte(checksum); send(buf.c_str(), static_cast(buf.length())); } bool GDBDebugServer::send_cmd_ack(const std::string & cmd) { while (true) { send_cmd(cmd); char c = read_char(); if (LIKELY(c == '+')) { return true; } if (UNLIKELY(c != '-')) { gdbDebugServer.error("Wrong acknowledge character received %c", c); return false; } gdbDebugServer.warning("Client rejected our cmd"); } } u8 GDBDebugServer::append_encoded_char(char c, std::string & str) { u8 checksum = 0; if (UNLIKELY((c == '#') || (c == '$') || (c == '}'))) { str += '}'; c ^= 0x20; checksum = '}'; } checksum = (checksum + reinterpret_cast(c)) % 256; str += c; return checksum; } std::string GDBDebugServer::to_hexbyte(u8 i) { std::string result = "00"; u8 i1 = i & 0xF; u8 i2 = i >> 4; result[0] = i2 > 9 ? 'a' + i2 - 10 : '0' + i2; result[1] = i1 > 9 ? 'a' + i1 - 10 : '0' + i1; return result; } bool GDBDebugServer::select_thread(u64 id) { //in case we have none at all selected_thread.reset(); const auto on_select = [&](u32, cpu_thread& cpu) { return (id == ALL_THREADS) || (id == ANY_THREAD) || (cpu.id == id); }; if (auto ppu = idm::select(on_select)) { selected_thread = ppu.ptr; return true; } return false; } std::string GDBDebugServer::get_reg(std::shared_ptr thread, u32 rid) { std::string result; //ids from gdb/features/rs6000/powerpc-64.c //pc switch (rid) { case 64: return u64_to_padded_hex(thread->cia); //msr? case 65: return std::string(16, 'x'); case 66: return u32_to_padded_hex(thread->cr_pack()); case 67: return u64_to_padded_hex(thread->lr); case 68: return u64_to_padded_hex(thread->ctr); //xer case 69: return std::string(8, 'x'); //fpscr case 70: return std::string(8, 'x'); default: if (rid > 70) return ""; return (rid > 31) ? u64_to_padded_hex(reinterpret_cast(thread->fpr[rid - 32])) //fpr : u64_to_padded_hex(thread->gpr[rid]); //gpr } } bool GDBDebugServer::set_reg(std::shared_ptr thread, u32 rid, std::string value) { switch (rid) { case 64: thread->cia = static_cast(hex_to_u64(value)); return true; //msr? case 65: return true; case 66: thread->cr_unpack(hex_to_u32(value)); return true; case 67: thread->lr = hex_to_u64(value); return true; case 68: thread->ctr = hex_to_u64(value); return true; //xer case 69: return true; //fpscr case 70: return true; default: if (rid > 70) return false; if (rid > 31) { u64 val = hex_to_u64(value); thread->fpr[rid - 32] = reinterpret_cast(val); } else { thread->gpr[rid] = hex_to_u64(value); } return true; } } u32 GDBDebugServer::get_reg_size(std::shared_ptr thread, u32 rid) { switch (rid) { case 66: case 69: case 70: return 4; default: if (rid > 70) { return 0; } return 8; } } bool GDBDebugServer::send_reason() { return send_cmd_ack("S05"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_extended_mode(gdb_cmd & cmd) { return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_reason(gdb_cmd & cmd) { return send_reason(); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_supported(gdb_cmd & cmd) { return send_cmd_ack("PacketSize=1200"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_thread_info(gdb_cmd & cmd) { std::string result = ""; const auto on_select = [&](u32, cpu_thread& cpu) { if (result.length()) { result += ","; } result += u64_to_padded_hex(static_cast(cpu.id)); }; idm::select(on_select); idm::select(on_select); idm::select(on_select); //todo: this may exceed max command length result = "m" + result + "l"; return send_cmd_ack(result);; } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_current_thread(gdb_cmd & cmd) { return send_cmd_ack(selected_thread.expired() ? "" : u64_to_padded_hex(selected_thread.lock()->id)); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_read_register(gdb_cmd & cmd) { select_thread(general_ops_thread_id); auto th = selected_thread.lock(); if (th->id_type() == 1) { auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(th); u32 rid = hex_to_u32(cmd.data); std::string result = get_reg(ppu, rid); if (!result.length()) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Wrong register id %d", rid); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } return send_cmd_ack(result); } gdbDebugServer.warning("Unimplemented thread type %d", th->id_type()); return send_cmd_ack(""); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_write_register(gdb_cmd & cmd) { select_thread(general_ops_thread_id); auto th = selected_thread.lock(); if (th->id_type() == 1) { auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(th); size_t eq_pos = cmd.data.find('='); if (eq_pos == std::string::npos) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Wrong write_register cmd data %s", cmd.data.c_str()); return send_cmd_ack("E02"); } u32 rid = hex_to_u32(cmd.data.substr(0, eq_pos)); std::string value = cmd.data.substr(eq_pos + 1); if (!set_reg(ppu, rid, value)) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Wrong register id %d", rid); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } gdbDebugServer.warning("Unimplemented thread type %d", th->id_type()); return send_cmd_ack(""); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_read_memory(gdb_cmd & cmd) { size_t s = cmd.data.find(','); u32 addr = hex_to_u32(cmd.data.substr(0, s)); u32 len = hex_to_u32(cmd.data.substr(s + 1)); std::string result; result.reserve(len * 2); for (u32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (vm::check_addr(addr + i)) { result += to_hexbyte(vm::read8(addr + i)); } else { break; //result += "xx"; } } if (len && !result.length()) { //nothing read return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } return send_cmd_ack(result); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_write_memory(gdb_cmd & cmd) { size_t s = cmd.data.find(','); size_t s2 = cmd.data.find(':'); if ((s == std::string::npos) || (s2 == std::string::npos)) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Malformed write memory request received: %s", cmd.data.c_str()); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } u32 addr = hex_to_u32(cmd.data.substr(0, s)); u32 len = hex_to_u32(cmd.data.substr(s + 1, s2 - s - 1)); const char* data_ptr = (cmd.data.c_str()) + s2 + 1; for (u32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (vm::check_addr(addr + i)) { u8 val; int res = sscanf_s(data_ptr, "%02hhX", &val); if (!res) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Couldn't read u8 from string %s", data_ptr); return send_cmd_ack("E02"); } data_ptr += 2; vm::write8(addr + i, val); } else { return send_cmd_ack("E03"); } } return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_read_all_registers(gdb_cmd & cmd) { std::string result; select_thread(general_ops_thread_id); auto th = selected_thread.lock(); if (th->id_type() == 1) { auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(th); //68 64-bit registers, and 3 32-bit result.reserve(68*16 + 3*8); for (int i = 0; i < 71; ++i) { result += get_reg(ppu, i); } return send_cmd_ack(result); } gdbDebugServer.warning("Unimplemented thread type %d", th->id_type()); return send_cmd_ack(""); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_write_all_registers(gdb_cmd & cmd) { select_thread(general_ops_thread_id); auto th = selected_thread.lock(); if (th->id_type() == 1) { auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(th); int ptr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 71; ++i) { int sz = get_reg_size(ppu, i); set_reg(ppu, i, cmd.data.substr(ptr, sz * 2)); ptr += sz * 2; } return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } gdbDebugServer.warning("Unimplemented thread type %d", th->id_type()); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_set_thread_ops(gdb_cmd & cmd) { char type = cmd.data[0]; std::string thread = cmd.data.substr(1); u64 id = thread == "-1" ? ALL_THREADS : hex_to_u64(thread); if (type == 'c') { continue_ops_thread_id = id; } else { general_ops_thread_id = id; } if (select_thread(id)) { return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } gdbDebugServer.warning("Client asked to use thread %llx for %s, but no matching thread was found", id, type == 'c' ? "continue ops" : "general ops"); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_attached_to_what(gdb_cmd & cmd) { //creating processes from client is not available yet return send_cmd_ack("1"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_kill(gdb_cmd & cmd) { Emu.Stop(); return true; } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_continue_support(gdb_cmd & cmd) { return send_cmd_ack("vCont;c;s;C;S"); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_vcont(gdb_cmd & cmd) { //todo: handle multiple actions and thread ids this->from_breakpoint = false; if (cmd.data[1] == 'c') { select_thread(continue_ops_thread_id); auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(selected_thread.lock()); ppu->state -= cpu_flag::dbg_pause; if (Emu.IsPaused()) { Emu.Resume(); } thread_ctrl::wait(); //we are in all-stop mode Emu.Pause(); return send_reason(); } else if (cmd.data[1] == 's') { select_thread(continue_ops_thread_id); auto ppu = std::static_pointer_cast(selected_thread.lock()); ppu->state += cpu_flag::dbg_step; ppu->state -= cpu_flag::dbg_pause; if (Emu.IsPaused()) { Emu.Resume(); } else { ppu->notify(); } thread_ctrl::wait(); //we are in all-stop mode Emu.Pause(); return send_reason(); } return send_cmd_ack(""); } static const u32 INVALID_PTR = 0xffffffff; bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_set_breakpoint(gdb_cmd & cmd) { char type = cmd.data[0]; //software breakpoint if (type == '0') { u32 addr = INVALID_PTR; if (cmd.data.find(';') != std::string::npos) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Received request to set breakpoint with condition, but they are not supported"); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } sscanf_s(cmd.data.c_str(), "0,%x", &addr); if (addr == INVALID_PTR) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Can't parse breakpoint request, data: %s", cmd.data.c_str()); return send_cmd_ack("E02"); } ppu_set_breakpoint(addr); return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } //other breakpoint types are not supported return send_cmd_ack(""); } bool GDBDebugServer::cmd_remove_breakpoint(gdb_cmd & cmd) { char type = cmd.data[0]; //software breakpoint if (type == '0') { u32 addr = INVALID_PTR; sscanf_s(cmd.data.c_str(), "0,%x", &addr); if (addr == INVALID_PTR) { gdbDebugServer.warning("Can't parse breakpoint remove request, data: %s", cmd.data.c_str()); return send_cmd_ack("E01"); } ppu_remove_breakpoint(addr); return send_cmd_ack("OK"); } //other breakpoint types are not supported return send_cmd_ack(""); } #define PROCESS_CMD(cmds,handler) if (cmd.cmd == cmds) { if (!handler(cmd)) break; else continue; } void GDBDebugServer::on_task() { sock_init(); start_server(); while (!stop) { sockaddr_in client; socklen_t client_len = sizeof(client); client_socket = accept(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &client_len); if (client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { if (check_errno_again()) { thread_ctrl::wait_for(50); continue; } gdbDebugServer.error("Could not establish new connection\n"); return; } //stop immediately Emu.Pause(); try { char hostbuf[32]; inet_ntop(client.sin_family, reinterpret_cast(&client.sin_addr), hostbuf, 32); gdbDebugServer.success("Got connection to GDB debug server from %s:%d", hostbuf, client.sin_port); gdb_cmd cmd; while (!stop) { if (!read_cmd(cmd)) { break; } gdbDebugServer.trace("Command %s with data %s received", cmd.cmd.c_str(), cmd.data.c_str()); PROCESS_CMD("!", cmd_extended_mode); PROCESS_CMD("?", cmd_reason); PROCESS_CMD("qSupported", cmd_supported); PROCESS_CMD("qfThreadInfo", cmd_thread_info); PROCESS_CMD("qC", cmd_current_thread); PROCESS_CMD("p", cmd_read_register); PROCESS_CMD("P", cmd_write_register); PROCESS_CMD("m", cmd_read_memory); PROCESS_CMD("M", cmd_write_memory); PROCESS_CMD("g", cmd_read_all_registers); PROCESS_CMD("G", cmd_write_all_registers); PROCESS_CMD("H", cmd_set_thread_ops); PROCESS_CMD("qAttached", cmd_attached_to_what); PROCESS_CMD("k", cmd_kill); PROCESS_CMD("vCont?", cmd_continue_support); PROCESS_CMD("vCont", cmd_vcont); PROCESS_CMD("z", cmd_remove_breakpoint); PROCESS_CMD("Z", cmd_set_breakpoint); gdbDebugServer.trace("Unsupported command received %s", cmd.cmd.c_str()); if (!send_cmd_ack("")) { break; } } } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { if (client_socket) { closesocket(client_socket); client_socket = 0; } gdbDebugServer.error(e.what()); } } } #undef PROCESS_CMD void GDBDebugServer::on_exit() { if (server_socket) { closesocket(server_socket); } if (client_socket) { closesocket(client_socket); } sock_quit(); } std::string GDBDebugServer::get_name() const { return "GDBDebugger"; } void GDBDebugServer::on_stop() { this->stop = true; //just in case we are waiting for breakpoint this->notify(); named_thread::on_stop(); } u32 g_gdb_debugger_id = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 #undef sscanf_s #endif #undef HEX_U32 #undef HEX_U64 #endif