@echo off rem // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify rem // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by rem // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. rem // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, rem // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of rem // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the rem // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. rem // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. rem // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ rem // Official git repository and contact information can be found at rem // https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3 and https://rpcs3.net/. setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set GIT_VERSION_FILE=%~p0..\rpcs3\git-version.h if not defined GIT ( set GIT="git" ) call %GIT% describe > NUL 2> NUL if errorlevel 1 ( echo Git not on path, trying default Msysgit paths set GIT="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\bin\git.exe" call !GIT! describe > NUL 2> NUL if errorlevel 1 ( set GIT="%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\git.exe" ) ) if exist "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" ( rem // Skip updating the file if RPCS3_GIT_VERSION_NO_UPDATE is 1. findstr /B /C:"#define RPCS3_GIT_VERSION_NO_UPDATE 1" "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" > NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( goto done ) ) call %GIT% describe --always > NUL 2> NUL if errorlevel 1 ( echo Unable to update git-version.h, git not found. echo If you don't want to add it to your path, set the GIT environment variable. echo // This is a generated file. > "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_VERSION ^"local_build^" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_BRANCH ^"local_build^" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_FULL_BRANCH ^"local_build^" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo // If you don't want this file to update/recompile, change to 1. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_VERSION_NO_UPDATE 0 >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" goto done ) rem // Get commit count from (unshallowed) HEAD for /F %%I IN ('call %GIT% rev-list HEAD --count') do set COMMIT_COUNT=%%I if defined SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH ( rem // These environment variables are defined by Azure pipelines rem // BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME will look like "RPCS3/rpcs3" rem // SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH will look like "master" rem // BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME will look like "master" rem // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/variables set GIT_FULL_BRANCH=%BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME%/%BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME% if "%SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH%"=="master" ( rem // If pull request comes from a master branch, GIT_BRANCH = username/branch in order to distinguish from upstream/master for /f "tokens=1* delims=/" %%a in ("%BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME%") do set user=%%a set "GIT_BRANCH=!user!/%SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH%" ) else ( rem // Otherwise, GIT_BRANCH=branch set GIT_BRANCH=%SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH% ) rem // Make GIT_VERSION the last commit (shortened); Don't include commit count on non-master builds for /F %%I IN ('call %GIT% rev-parse --short^=8 HEAD') do set GIT_VERSION=%%I ) else ( rem // Get last commit (shortened) and concat after commit count in GIT_VERSION for /F %%I IN ('call %GIT% rev-parse --short^=8 HEAD') do set GIT_VERSION=%COMMIT_COUNT%-%%I for /F %%I IN ('call %GIT% rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do set GIT_BRANCH=%%I set GIT_FULL_BRANCH=local_build ) rem // Echo obtained GIT_VERSION for debug purposes if needed echo %GIT_VERSION% echo %GIT_FULL_BRANCH% rem // Don't modify the file if it already has the current version. if exist "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" ( findstr /C:"%GIT_VERSION%" "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" > NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( goto done ) ) echo // This is a generated file. > "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_VERSION "%GIT_VERSION%" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_BRANCH ^"%GIT_BRANCH%^" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_FULL_BRANCH ^"%GIT_FULL_BRANCH%^" >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo // If you don't want this file to update/recompile, change to 1. >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" echo #define RPCS3_GIT_VERSION_NO_UPDATE 0 >> "%GIT_VERSION_FILE%" :done