#include "File.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "StrFmt.h" #include "StrUtil.h" #include "Crypto/sha1.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/asm.hpp" #include "util/coro.hpp" using namespace std::literals::string_literals; #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include static std::unique_ptr to_wchar(const std::string& source) { // String size + null terminator const usz buf_size = source.size() + 1; // Safe size const int size = narrow(buf_size); // Buffer for max possible output length std::unique_ptr buffer(new wchar_t[buf_size + 8 + 32768]); // Prepend wide path prefix (4 characters) std::memcpy(buffer.get() + 32768, L"\\\\\?\\", 4 * sizeof(wchar_t)); // Test whether additional UNC prefix is required const bool unc = source.size() > 2 && (source[0] == '\\' || source[0] == '/') && source[1] == source[0]; if (unc) { // Use \\?\UNC\ prefix std::memcpy(buffer.get() + 32768 + 4, L"UNC\\", 4 * sizeof(wchar_t)); } ensure(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, source.c_str(), size, buffer.get() + 32768 + (unc ? 8 : 4), size)); // "to_wchar" // Canonicalize wide path (replace '/', ".", "..", \\ repetitions, etc) ensure(GetFullPathNameW(buffer.get() + 32768, 32768, buffer.get(), nullptr) - 1 < 32768 - 1); // "to_wchar" return buffer; } static time_t to_time(const ULARGE_INTEGER& ft) { return ft.QuadPart / 10000000ULL - 11644473600ULL; } static time_t to_time(const LARGE_INTEGER& ft) { ULARGE_INTEGER v; v.LowPart = ft.LowPart; v.HighPart = ft.HighPart; return to_time(v); } static time_t to_time(const FILETIME& ft) { ULARGE_INTEGER v; v.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; v.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; return to_time(v); } static FILETIME from_time(s64 _time) { FILETIME result; if (_time <= -11644473600ll) { result.dwLowDateTime = 0; result.dwHighDateTime = 0; } else if (_time > s64{smax} / 10000000ll - 11644473600ll) { result.dwLowDateTime = 0xffffffff; result.dwHighDateTime = 0x7fffffff; } else { const ullong wtime = (_time + 11644473600ull) * 10000000ull; result.dwLowDateTime = static_cast(wtime); result.dwHighDateTime = static_cast(wtime >> 32); } return result; } static fs::error to_error(DWORD e) { switch (e) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return fs::error::noent; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return fs::error::noent; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return fs::error::acces; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: return fs::error::exist; case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: return fs::error::exist; case ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK: return fs::error::inval; case ERROR_DIRECTORY: return fs::error::inval; case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: return fs::error::inval; case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return fs::error::acces; case ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: return fs::error::notempty; case ERROR_NOT_READY: return fs::error::noent; case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: return fs::error::toolong; case ERROR_DISK_FULL: return fs::error::nospace; case ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE: return fs::error::xdev; default: return fs::error::unknown; } } #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #include #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun) #include #include #include #else #include #endif static fs::error to_error(int e) { switch (e) { case ENOENT: return fs::error::noent; case EEXIST: return fs::error::exist; case EINVAL: return fs::error::inval; case EACCES: return fs::error::acces; case ENOTEMPTY: return fs::error::notempty; case EROFS: return fs::error::readonly; case EISDIR: return fs::error::isdir; case ENOSPC: return fs::error::nospace; case EXDEV: return fs::error::xdev; default: return fs::error::unknown; } } #endif static std::string path_append(std::string_view path, std::string_view more) { std::string result; if (const usz src_slash_pos = path.find_last_not_of('/'); src_slash_pos != path.npos) { path.remove_suffix(path.length() - src_slash_pos - 1); result = path; } result.push_back('/'); if (const usz dst_slash_pos = more.find_first_not_of('/'); dst_slash_pos != more.npos) { more.remove_prefix(dst_slash_pos); result.append(more); } return result; } namespace fs { thread_local error g_tls_error = error::ok; class device_manager final { mutable shared_mutex m_mutex{}; std::unordered_map> m_map{}; public: shared_ptr get_device(const std::string& path); shared_ptr set_device(const std::string& name, shared_ptr); }; static device_manager& get_device_manager() { // Use magic static static device_manager instance; return instance; } file_base::~file_base() { } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4646) #endif [[noreturn]] stat_t file_base::get_stat() { fmt::throw_exception("fs::file::get_stat() not supported."); } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif void file_base::sync() { // Do notning } fs::native_handle fs::file_base::get_handle() { #ifdef _WIN32 return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else return -1; #endif } file_id file_base::get_id() { return {}; } u64 file_base::write_gather(const iovec_clone* buffers, u64 buf_count) { u64 total = 0; for (u64 i = 0; i < buf_count; i++) { if (!buffers[i].iov_base || buffers[i].iov_len + total < total) { g_tls_error = error::inval; return -1; } total += buffers[i].iov_len; } const auto buf = std::make_unique(total); u64 copied = 0; for (u64 i = 0; i < buf_count; i++) { std::memcpy(buf.get() + copied, buffers[i].iov_base, buffers[i].iov_len); copied += buffers[i].iov_len; } return this->write(buf.get(), total); } file_id::operator bool() const { return !type.empty() && !data.empty(); } // Test if identical // For example: when LHS writes one byte to a file at X offset, RHS file be able to read that exact byte at X offset) bool file_id::is_mirror_of(const file_id& rhs) const { // If either is an invalid ID we cannot compare safely, return false return rhs && type == rhs.type && data == rhs.data; } // Test if both files point to the same file // For example: if a file descriptor pointing to the complete file exists and is being truncated to 0 bytes from non- // -zero size state: this has to affect both RHS and LHS files. bool file_id::is_coherent_with(const file_id& rhs) const { struct id_view { std::string_view type_view; std::basic_string_view data_view; }; id_view _rhs{rhs.type, {rhs.data.data(), rhs.data.size()}}; id_view _lhs{type, {data.data(), data.size()}}; // Peek through fs::file wrappers auto peek_wrapppers = [](id_view& id) { u64 offset_count = 0; constexpr auto lv2_view = "lv2_file::file_view: "sv; for (usz pos = 0; (pos = id.type_view.find(lv2_view, pos)) != umax; pos += lv2_view.size()) { offset_count++; } // Remove offsets data id.data_view.remove_suffix(sizeof(u64) * offset_count); // Get last category identifier if (usz sep = id.type_view.rfind(": "); sep != umax) { id.type_view.remove_prefix(sep + 2); } }; peek_wrapppers(_rhs); peek_wrapppers(_lhs); // If either is an invalid ID we cannot compare safely, return false if (_rhs.type_view.empty() || _rhs.data_view.empty()) { return false; } return _rhs.type_view == _lhs.type_view && _rhs.data_view == _lhs.data_view; } dir_base::~dir_base() { } device_base::device_base() : fs_prefix(fmt::format("/vfsv0_%s%s_", fmt::base57(reinterpret_cast(this)), fmt::base57(utils::get_unique_tsc()))) { } device_base::~device_base() { } bool device_base::remove_dir(const std::string&) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::create_dir(const std::string&) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::create_symlink(const std::string&) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::rename(const std::string&, const std::string&) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::remove(const std::string&) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::trunc(const std::string&, u64) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } bool device_base::utime(const std::string&, s64, s64) { g_tls_error = error::readonly; return false; } } shared_ptr fs::device_manager::get_device(const std::string& path) { reader_lock lock(m_mutex); const usz prefix = path.find_first_of('_', 7) + 1; const auto found = m_map.find(path.substr(prefix, path.find_first_of('/', 1) - prefix)); if (found == m_map.end() || !path.starts_with(found->second->fs_prefix)) { return null_ptr; } return found->second; } shared_ptr fs::device_manager::set_device(const std::string& name, shared_ptr device) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (device) { // Adding if (auto [it, ok] = m_map.try_emplace(name, std::move(device)); ok) { return it->second; } g_tls_error = error::exist; } else { // Removing if (auto found = m_map.find(name); found != m_map.end()) { device = std::move(found->second); m_map.erase(found); return device; } g_tls_error = error::noent; } return null_ptr; } shared_ptr fs::get_virtual_device(const std::string& path) { // Every virtual device path must have specific name at the beginning if (path.starts_with("/vfsv0_") && path.size() >= 8 + 22 && path[29] == '_' && path.find_first_of('/', 1) > 29) { return get_device_manager().get_device(path); } return null_ptr; } shared_ptr fs::set_virtual_device(const std::string& name, shared_ptr device) { return get_device_manager().set_device(name, std::move(device)); } std::string_view fs::get_parent_dir_view(std::string_view path, u32 parent_level) { std::string_view result = path; // Number of path components to remove usz to_remove = parent_level; while (to_remove--) { // Trim contiguous delimiters at the end if (usz sz = result.find_last_not_of(delim) + 1) { result = result.substr(0, sz); } else { return "/"; } const auto elem = result.substr(result.find_last_of(delim) + 1); if (elem.empty() || elem.size() == result.size()) { break; } if (elem == ".") { to_remove += 1; } if (elem == "..") { to_remove += 2; } result.remove_suffix(elem.size()); } if (usz sz = result.find_last_not_of(delim) + 1) { result = result.substr(0, sz); } else { return "/"; } return result; } bool fs::get_stat(const std::string& path, stat_t& info) { // Ensure consistent information on failure info = {}; if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->stat(path, info); } #ifdef _WIN32 std::string_view epath = path; // '/' and '\\' Not allowed by FindFirstFileExW at the end of path but we should allow it if (auto not_del = epath.find_last_not_of(delim); not_del != umax && not_del != epath.size() - 1) { epath.remove_suffix(epath.size() - 1 - not_del); } // Handle drives specially if (epath.find_first_of(delim) == umax && epath.ends_with(':')) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrs{}; // Must end with a delimiter if (!GetFileAttributesExW(to_wchar(std::string(epath) + '/').get(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } info.is_directory = true; // Handle drives as directories info.is_writable = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0; info.size = attrs.nFileSizeLow | (u64{attrs.nFileSizeHigh} << 32); info.atime = to_time(attrs.ftLastAccessTime); info.mtime = to_time(attrs.ftLastWriteTime); info.ctime = info.mtime; if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; return true; } // Allowed by FindFirstFileExW but we should not allow it if (epath.ends_with("*")) { g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } WIN32_FIND_DATA attrs{}; const auto wchar_ptr = to_wchar(std::string(epath)); const std::wstring_view wpath_view = wchar_ptr.get(); const HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileExW(wpath_view.data(), FindExInfoStandard, &attrs, FindExSearchNameMatch, nullptr, FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } struct close_t { HANDLE handle; ~close_t() { FindClose(handle); } }; for (close_t find_manage{handle}; attrs.cFileName != wpath_view.substr(wpath_view.find_last_of(wdelim) + 1);) { if (!FindNextFileW(handle, &attrs)) { if (const DWORD err = GetLastError(); err != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { g_tls_error = to_error(err); return false; } g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } } info.is_directory = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; info.is_symlink = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0; info.is_writable = (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0; info.size = attrs.nFileSizeLow | (u64{attrs.nFileSizeHigh} << 32); info.atime = to_time(attrs.ftLastAccessTime); info.mtime = to_time(attrs.ftLastWriteTime); info.ctime = info.mtime; #else struct ::stat file_info; if (::stat(path.c_str(), &file_info) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode); info.is_symlink = S_ISLNK(file_info.st_mode); info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation info.size = file_info.st_size; info.atime = file_info.st_atime; info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime; info.ctime = info.mtime; #endif if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; return true; } bool fs::exists(const std::string& path) { fs::stat_t info{}; return fs::get_stat(path, info); } bool fs::is_file(const std::string& path) { fs::stat_t info{}; if (!fs::get_stat(path, info)) { return false; } if (info.is_directory) { g_tls_error = error::exist; return false; } return true; } bool fs::is_dir(const std::string& path) { fs::stat_t info{}; if (!fs::get_stat(path, info)) { return false; } if (!info.is_directory) { g_tls_error = error::exist; return false; } return true; } bool fs::is_symlink(const std::string& path) { fs::stat_t info{}; if (!fs::get_stat(path, info)) { return false; } if (!info.is_symlink) { g_tls_error = error::exist; return false; } return true; } bool fs::statfs(const std::string& path, fs::device_stat& info) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->statfs(path, info); } #ifdef _WIN32 ULARGE_INTEGER avail_free; ULARGE_INTEGER total_size; ULARGE_INTEGER total_free; // Convert path and return it back to the "short" format const bool unc = path.size() > 2 && (path[0] == '\\' || path[0] == '/') && path[1] == path[0]; std::wstring str = to_wchar(path).get() + (unc ? 6 : 4); if (unc) { str[0] = '\\'; str[1] = '\\'; } // Keep cutting path from right until it's short enough while (str.size() > 256) { if (usz x = str.find_last_of('\\') + 1) str.resize(x - 1); else break; } if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(str.c_str(), &avail_free, &total_size, &total_free)) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } info.block_size = 4096; // TODO info.total_size = total_size.QuadPart; info.total_free = total_free.QuadPart; info.avail_free = avail_free.QuadPart; #else struct ::statvfs buf; if (::statvfs(path.c_str(), &buf) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } info.block_size = buf.f_frsize; info.total_size = info.block_size * buf.f_blocks; info.total_free = info.block_size * buf.f_bfree; info.avail_free = info.block_size * buf.f_bavail; #endif return true; } bool fs::create_dir(const std::string& path) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->create_dir(path); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!CreateDirectoryW(to_wchar(path).get(), nullptr)) { int res = GetLastError(); if (res == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && is_dir(path)) { // May happen on drives res = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } g_tls_error = to_error(res); return false; } return true; #else if (::mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } bool fs::create_path(const std::string& path) { const std::string parent = get_parent_dir(path); #ifdef _WIN32 // Workaround: don't call is_dir with naked drive letter if (parent.size() < path.size() && (parent.empty() || (parent.back() != ':' && !is_dir(parent) && !create_path(parent)))) #else if (parent.size() < path.size() && !is_dir(parent) && !create_path(parent)) #endif { return false; } if (!create_dir(path) && g_tls_error != error::exist) { return false; } return true; } bool fs::remove_dir(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { // Don't allow removing empty path (TODO) g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->remove_dir(path); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!RemoveDirectoryW(to_wchar(path).get())) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } #else if (::rmdir(path.c_str()) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } #endif return true; } bool fs::create_symlink(const std::string& path, const std::string& target) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->create_symlink(path); } #ifdef _WIN32 const DWORD flags = is_dir(target) ? SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY : 0; if (!CreateSymbolicLinkW(to_wchar(path).get(), to_wchar(target).get(), flags)) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } return true; #else if (::symlink(target.c_str(), path.c_str()) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } bool fs::rename(const std::string& from, const std::string& to, bool overwrite) { if (from.empty() || to.empty()) { // Don't allow opening empty path (TODO) g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } const auto device = get_virtual_device(from); if (device != get_virtual_device(to)) { fmt::throw_exception("fs::rename() between different devices not implemented.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s", from, to); } if (device) { return device->rename(from, to); } #ifdef _WIN32 const auto ws1 = to_wchar(from); const auto ws2 = to_wchar(to); if (!MoveFileExW(ws1.get(), ws2.get(), overwrite ? MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING : 0)) { DWORD error1 = GetLastError(); if (overwrite && error1 == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && is_dir(from) && is_dir(to)) { if (RemoveDirectoryW(ws2.get())) { if (MoveFileW(ws1.get(), ws2.get())) { return true; } error1 = GetLastError(); CreateDirectoryW(ws2.get(), nullptr); // TODO } else { error1 = GetLastError(); } } g_tls_error = to_error(error1); return false; } return true; #else #ifdef __linux__ if (syscall(SYS_renameat2, AT_FDCWD, from.c_str(), AT_FDCWD, to.c_str(), overwrite ? 0 : 1 /* RENAME_NOREPLACE */) == 0) { return true; } // If the filesystem doesn't support RENAME_NOREPLACE, it returns EINVAL. Retry with fallback method in that case. if (errno != EINVAL || overwrite) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } #endif if (!overwrite && exists(to)) { g_tls_error = fs::error::exist; return false; } if (::rename(from.c_str(), to.c_str()) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } bool fs::copy_file(const std::string& from, const std::string& to, bool overwrite) { const auto device = get_virtual_device(from); if (device != get_virtual_device(to) || device) // TODO { fmt::throw_exception("fs::copy_file() for virtual devices not implemented.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s", from, to); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!CopyFileW(to_wchar(from).get(), to_wchar(to).get(), !overwrite)) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } return true; #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun) /* Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2180079/how-can-i-copy-a-file-on-unix-using-c */ const int input = ::open(from.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (input == -1) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } const int output = ::open(to.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (overwrite ? O_TRUNC : O_EXCL), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (output == -1) { const int err = errno; ::close(input); g_tls_error = to_error(err); return false; } // Here we use kernel-space copying for performance reasons #if defined(__APPLE__) // fcopyfile works on OS X 10.5+ if (::fcopyfile(input, output, 0, COPYFILE_ALL)) #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun) // sendfile will work with non-socket output (i.e. regular file) on Linux 2.6.33+ struct ::stat fileinfo = { 0 }; bool result = ::fstat(input, &fileinfo) != -1; if (result) { for (off_t bytes_copied = 0; bytes_copied < fileinfo.st_size; /* Do nothing, bytes_copied is increased by sendfile. */) { if (::sendfile(output, input, &bytes_copied, fileinfo.st_size - bytes_copied) == -1) { result = false; break; } } } if (!result) #else #error "Native file copy implementation is missing" #endif { const int err = errno; ::close(input); ::close(output); g_tls_error = to_error(err); return false; } ::close(input); ::close(output); return true; #else // fallback { std::ifstream out{to, std::ios::binary}; if (out.good() && !overwrite) { g_tls_error = to_error(EEXIST); return false; } } std::ifstream in{from, std::ios::binary}; std::ofstream out{to, std::ios::binary}; if (!in.good() || !out.good()) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } std::istreambuf_iterator bin(in); std::istreambuf_iterator ein; std::ostreambuf_iterator bout(out); std::copy(bin, ein, bout); return true; #endif } bool fs::remove_file(const std::string& path) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->remove(path); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!DeleteFileW(to_wchar(path).get())) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } return true; #else if (::unlink(path.c_str()) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } bool fs::truncate_file(const std::string& path, u64 length) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->trunc(path, length); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Open the file const auto handle = CreateFileW(to_wchar(path).get(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO _eof; _eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart = length; if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(handle, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof))) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); CloseHandle(handle); return false; } CloseHandle(handle); return true; #else if (::truncate(path.c_str(), length) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } bool fs::utime(const std::string& path, s64 atime, s64 mtime) { if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { return device->utime(path, atime, mtime); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Open the file const auto handle = CreateFileW(to_wchar(path).get(), FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } FILETIME _atime = from_time(atime); FILETIME _mtime = from_time(mtime); if (!SetFileTime(handle, nullptr, &_atime, &_mtime)) { const DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); g_tls_error = to_error(last_error); // Some filesystems fail to set a date lower than 01/01/1980 00:00:00 if (last_error == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER && (atime < 315532800 || mtime < 315532800)) { // Try again with 01/01/1980 00:00:00 _atime = from_time(std::max(atime, 315532800)); _mtime = from_time(std::max(mtime, 315532800)); if (SetFileTime(handle, nullptr, &_atime, &_mtime)) { CloseHandle(handle); return true; } } CloseHandle(handle); return false; } CloseHandle(handle); return true; #else ::utimbuf buf; buf.actime = atime; buf.modtime = mtime; if (::utime(path.c_str(), &buf) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; #endif } void fs::sync() { #ifdef _WIN32 fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::unknown; #else ::sync(); fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::ok; #endif } [[noreturn]] void fs::xnull(const src_loc& loc) { fmt::throw_exception("Null object.%s", loc); } [[noreturn]] void fs::xfail(const src_loc& loc) { fmt::throw_exception("Unexpected fs::error %s%s", g_tls_error, loc); } [[noreturn]] void fs::xovfl() { fmt::throw_exception("Stream overflow."); } fs::file::file(const std::string& path, bs_t mode) { if (path.empty()) { // Don't allow opening empty path (TODO) g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return; } if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { if (auto&& _file = device->open(path, mode)) { m_file = std::move(_file); return; } return; } #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD access = 0; if (mode & fs::read) access |= GENERIC_READ; if (mode & fs::write) access |= DELETE | (mode & fs::append ? FILE_APPEND_DATA : GENERIC_WRITE); DWORD disp = 0; if (mode & fs::create) { disp = mode & fs::excl ? CREATE_NEW : mode & fs::trunc ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS; } else { if (mode & fs::excl) { g_tls_error = error::inval; return; } disp = mode & fs::trunc ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING; } DWORD share = FILE_SHARE_DELETE; if (!(mode & fs::unread) || !(mode & fs::write)) { share |= FILE_SHARE_READ; } if (!(mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread)) || !(mode & fs::write)) { share |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } const HANDLE handle = CreateFileW(to_wchar(path).get(), access, share, nullptr, disp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return; } class windows_file final : public file_base { const HANDLE m_handle; atomic_t m_pos; public: windows_file(HANDLE handle) : m_handle(handle) , m_pos(0) { } ~windows_file() override { CloseHandle(m_handle); } stat_t get_stat() override { FILE_BASIC_INFO basic_info; ensure(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(m_handle, FileBasicInfo, &basic_info, sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFO))); // "file::stat" stat_t info; info.is_directory = (basic_info.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; info.is_writable = (basic_info.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0; info.size = this->size(); info.atime = to_time(basic_info.LastAccessTime); info.mtime = to_time(basic_info.LastWriteTime); info.ctime = info.mtime; if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; return info; } void sync() override { ensure(FlushFileBuffers(m_handle)); // "file::sync" } bool trunc(u64 length) override { FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO _eof; _eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart = length; if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(m_handle, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof))) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } return true; } u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 nread_sum = 0; for (char* data = static_cast(buffer); count;) { const DWORD size = static_cast(std::min(count, DWORD{umax} & -4096)); DWORD nread = 0; OVERLAPPED ovl{}; const u64 pos = m_pos; ovl.Offset = DWORD(pos); ovl.OffsetHigh = DWORD(pos >> 32); ensure(ReadFile(m_handle, data, size, &nread, &ovl) || GetLastError() == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); // "file::read" nread_sum += nread; m_pos += nread; if (nread < size) { break; } count -= size; data += size; } return nread_sum; } u64 read_at(u64 offset, void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 nread_sum = 0; for (char* data = static_cast(buffer); count;) { const DWORD size = static_cast(std::min(count, DWORD{umax} & -4096)); DWORD nread = 0; OVERLAPPED ovl{}; ovl.Offset = DWORD(offset); ovl.OffsetHigh = DWORD(offset >> 32); ensure(ReadFile(m_handle, data, size, &nread, &ovl) || GetLastError() == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); // "file::read" nread_sum += nread; if (nread < size) { break; } count -= size; data += size; offset += size; } return nread_sum; } u64 write(const void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 nwritten_sum = 0; for (const char* data = static_cast(buffer); count;) { const DWORD size = static_cast(std::min(count, DWORD{umax} & -4096)); DWORD nwritten = 0; OVERLAPPED ovl{}; const u64 pos = m_pos.fetch_add(size); ovl.Offset = DWORD(pos); ovl.OffsetHigh = DWORD(pos >> 32); ensure(WriteFile(m_handle, data, size, &nwritten, &ovl)); // "file::write" ensure(nwritten == size); nwritten_sum += nwritten; if (nwritten < size) { break; } count -= size; data += size; } return nwritten_sum; } u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override { if (whence > seek_end) { fmt::throw_exception("Invalid whence (0x%x)", whence); } const s64 new_pos = whence == fs::seek_set ? offset : whence == fs::seek_cur ? offset + m_pos : whence == fs::seek_end ? offset + size() : -1; if (new_pos < 0) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval; return -1; } m_pos = new_pos; return m_pos; } u64 size() override { LARGE_INTEGER size; ensure(GetFileSizeEx(m_handle, &size)); // "file::size" return size.QuadPart; } native_handle get_handle() override { return m_handle; } file_id get_id() override { file_id id{"windows_file"}; id.data.resize(sizeof(FILE_ID_INFO)); FILE_ID_INFO info; if (!GetFileInformationByHandleEx(m_handle, FileIdInfo, &info, sizeof(info))) { // Try GetFileInformationByHandle as a fallback BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info2; ensure(GetFileInformationByHandle(m_handle, &info2)); info = {}; info.VolumeSerialNumber = info2.dwVolumeSerialNumber; std::memcpy(&info.FileId, &info2.nFileIndexHigh, 8); } std::memcpy(id.data.data(), &info, sizeof(info)); return id; } }; m_file = std::make_unique(handle); #else int flags = O_CLOEXEC; // Ensures all files are closed on execl for auto updater if (mode & fs::read && mode & fs::write) flags |= O_RDWR; else if (mode & fs::read) flags |= O_RDONLY; else if (mode & fs::write) flags |= O_WRONLY; if (mode & fs::append) flags |= O_APPEND; if (mode & fs::create) flags |= O_CREAT; if (mode & fs::trunc && !(mode & fs::lock)) flags |= O_TRUNC; if (mode & fs::excl) flags |= O_EXCL; int perm = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if (mode & fs::write && mode & fs::unread) { if (!(mode & (fs::excl + fs::lock)) && mode & fs::trunc) { // Alternative to truncation for "unread" flag (TODO) if (mode & fs::create) { ::unlink(path.c_str()); } } perm = 0; } const int fd = ::open(path.c_str(), flags, perm); if (fd == -1) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return; } if (mode & fs::write && mode & fs::lock && ::flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0) { g_tls_error = errno == EWOULDBLOCK ? fs::error::acces : to_error(errno); ::close(fd); return; } if (mode & fs::trunc && mode & fs::lock && mode & fs::write) { // Postpone truncation in order to avoid using O_TRUNC on a locked file ensure(::ftruncate(fd, 0) == 0); } class unix_file final : public file_base { const int m_fd; public: unix_file(int fd) : m_fd(fd) { } ~unix_file() override { ::close(m_fd); } stat_t get_stat() override { struct ::stat file_info; ensure(::fstat(m_fd, &file_info) == 0); // "file::stat" stat_t info; info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode); info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation info.size = file_info.st_size; info.atime = file_info.st_atime; info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime; info.ctime = info.mtime; if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; return info; } void sync() override { ensure(::fsync(m_fd) == 0); // "file::sync" } bool trunc(u64 length) override { if (::ftruncate(m_fd, length) != 0) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } return true; } u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 result = 0; // Loop because (huge?) read can be processed partially while (auto r = ::read(m_fd, buffer, count)) { ensure(r > 0); // "file::read" count -= r; result += r; buffer = static_cast(buffer) + r; if (!count) break; } return result; } u64 read_at(u64 offset, void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 result = 0; // For safety; see read() while (auto r = ::pread(m_fd, buffer, count, offset)) { ensure(r > 0); // "file::read_at" count -= r; offset += r; result += r; buffer = static_cast(buffer) + r; if (!count) break; } return result; } u64 write(const void* buffer, u64 count) override { u64 result = 0; // For safety; see read() while (auto r = ::write(m_fd, buffer, count)) { ensure(r > 0); // "file::write" count -= r; result += r; buffer = static_cast(buffer) + r; if (!count) break; } return result; } u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override { if (whence > seek_end) { fmt::throw_exception("Invalid whence (0x%x)", whence); } const int mode = whence == seek_set ? SEEK_SET : whence == seek_cur ? SEEK_CUR : SEEK_END; const auto result = ::lseek(m_fd, offset, mode); if (result == -1) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return -1; } return result; } u64 size() override { struct ::stat file_info; ensure(::fstat(m_fd, &file_info) == 0); // "file::size" return file_info.st_size; } native_handle get_handle() override { return m_fd; } file_id get_id() override { struct ::stat file_info; ensure(::fstat(m_fd, &file_info) == 0); // "file::get_id" file_id id{"unix_file"}; id.data.resize(sizeof(file_info.st_dev) + sizeof(file_info.st_ino)); std::memcpy(id.data.data(), &file_info.st_dev, sizeof(file_info.st_dev)); std::memcpy(id.data.data() + sizeof(file_info.st_dev), &file_info.st_ino, sizeof(file_info.st_ino)); return id; } u64 write_gather(const iovec_clone* buffers, u64 buf_count) override { static_assert(sizeof(iovec) == sizeof(iovec_clone), "Weird iovec size"); static_assert(offsetof(iovec, iov_len) == offsetof(iovec_clone, iov_len), "Weird iovec::iov_len offset"); u64 result = 0; while (buf_count) { iovec arg[256]; const auto count = std::min(buf_count, 256); std::memcpy(&arg, buffers, sizeof(iovec) * count); const auto added = ::writev(m_fd, arg, count); ensure(added != -1); // "file::write_gather" result += added; buf_count -= count; buffers += count; } return result; } }; m_file = std::make_unique(fd); if (mode & fs::isfile && !(mode & fs::write) && get_stat().is_directory) { m_file.reset(); g_tls_error = error::isdir; } #endif } fs::file::file(const void* ptr, usz size) { class memory_stream : public file_base { u64 m_pos{}; const char* const m_ptr; const u64 m_size; public: memory_stream(const void* ptr, u64 size) : m_ptr(static_cast(ptr)) , m_size(size) { } memory_stream(const memory_stream&) = delete; memory_stream& operator=(const memory_stream&) = delete; bool trunc(u64) override { return false; } u64 read(void* buffer, u64 count) override { if (m_pos < m_size) { // Get readable size if (const u64 result = std::min(count, m_size - m_pos)) { std::memcpy(buffer, m_ptr + m_pos, result); m_pos += result; return result; } } return 0; } u64 read_at(u64 offset, void* buffer, u64 count) override { if (offset < m_size) { // Get readable size if (const u64 result = std::min(count, m_size - offset)) { std::memcpy(buffer, m_ptr + offset, result); return result; } } return 0; } u64 write(const void*, u64) override { return 0; } u64 seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence) override { const s64 new_pos = whence == fs::seek_set ? offset : whence == fs::seek_cur ? offset + m_pos : whence == fs::seek_end ? offset + size() : -1; if (new_pos < 0) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval; return -1; } m_pos = new_pos; return m_pos; } u64 size() override { return m_size; } }; m_file = std::make_unique(ptr, size); } fs::native_handle fs::file::get_handle() const { if (m_file) { return m_file->get_handle(); } #ifdef _WIN32 return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else return -1; #endif } fs::file_id fs::file::get_id() const { if (m_file) { return m_file->get_id(); } return {}; } bool fs::dir::open(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { // Don't allow opening empty path (TODO) g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } if (auto device = get_virtual_device(path)) { if (auto&& _dir = device->open_dir(path)) { m_dir = std::move(_dir); return true; } return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW found; const auto handle = FindFirstFileExW(to_wchar(path + "/*").get(), FindExInfoBasic, &found, FindExSearchNameMatch, nullptr, FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE | FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); return false; } class windows_dir final : public dir_base { std::vector m_entries; usz m_pos = 0; void add_entry(const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& found) { dir_entry info; info.name = wchar_to_utf8(found.cFileName); info.is_directory = (found.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; info.is_writable = (found.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0; info.size = (static_cast(found.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | static_cast(found.nFileSizeLow); info.atime = to_time(found.ftLastAccessTime); info.mtime = to_time(found.ftLastWriteTime); info.ctime = info.mtime; if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; m_entries.emplace_back(std::move(info)); } public: windows_dir(HANDLE handle, WIN32_FIND_DATAW& found) { add_entry(found); while (FindNextFileW(handle, &found)) { add_entry(found); } ensure(ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == GetLastError()); // "dir::read" FindClose(handle); } bool read(dir_entry& out) override { if (m_pos >= m_entries.size()) { return false; } out = m_entries[m_pos++]; return true; } void rewind() override { m_pos = 0; } }; m_dir = std::make_unique(handle, found); #else ::DIR* const ptr = ::opendir(path.c_str()); if (!ptr) { g_tls_error = to_error(errno); return false; } class unix_dir final : public dir_base { ::DIR* m_dd; public: unix_dir(::DIR* dd) : m_dd(dd) { } unix_dir(const unix_dir&) = delete; unix_dir& operator=(const unix_dir&) = delete; ~unix_dir() override { ::closedir(m_dd); } bool read(dir_entry& info) override { const auto found = ::readdir(m_dd); if (!found) { return false; } struct ::stat file_info; if (::fstatat(::dirfd(m_dd), found->d_name, &file_info, 0) != 0) { //failed metadata (broken symlink?), ignore and skip to next file return read(info); } info.name = found->d_name; info.is_directory = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode); info.is_writable = file_info.st_mode & 0200; // HACK: approximation info.size = file_info.st_size; info.atime = file_info.st_atime; info.mtime = file_info.st_mtime; info.ctime = info.mtime; if (info.atime < info.mtime) info.atime = info.mtime; return true; } void rewind() override { ::rewinddir(m_dd); } }; m_dir = std::make_unique(ptr); #endif return true; } bool fs::file::strict_read_check(u64 _size, u64 type_size) const { if (usz pos0 = pos(), size0 = size(); (pos0 >= size0 ? 0 : (size0 - pos0)) / type_size < _size) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval; return false; } return true; } std::string fs::get_executable_path() { // Use magic static static const std::string s_exe_path = [] { #if defined(_WIN32) constexpr DWORD size = 32767; std::vector buffer(size); GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buffer.data(), size); return wchar_to_utf8(buffer.data()); #elif defined(__APPLE__) char bin_path[PATH_MAX]; uint32_t bin_path_size = sizeof(bin_path); if (_NSGetExecutablePath(bin_path, &bin_path_size) != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to find app binary path" << std::endl; return std::string{}; } // App bundle directory is three levels up from the binary. return get_parent_dir(bin_path, 3); #else if (const char* appimage_path = ::getenv("APPIMAGE")) { std::cout << "Found AppImage path: " << appimage_path << std::endl; return std::string(appimage_path); } std::cout << "No AppImage path found, checking for executable" << std::endl; char exe_path[PATH_MAX]; const ssize_t len = ::readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe_path, sizeof(exe_path) - 1); if (len == -1) { std::cerr << "Failed to find executable path" << std::endl; return std::string{}; } exe_path[len] = '\0'; std::cout << "Found exec path: " << exe_path << std::endl; return std::string(exe_path); #endif }(); return s_exe_path; } std::string fs::get_executable_dir() { // Use magic static static const std::string s_exe_dir = [] { std::string exe_path = get_executable_path(); if (exe_path.empty()) { return exe_path; } return get_parent_dir(exe_path) + "/"; }(); return s_exe_dir; } const std::string& fs::get_config_dir() { // Use magic static static const std::string s_dir = [] { std::string dir; // Check if a portable directory exists. std::string portable_dir = get_executable_dir() + "/portable/"; if (is_dir(portable_dir)) { return portable_dir; } #ifdef _WIN32 std::vector buf; // Check if RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR is set and get the required buffer size DWORD size = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR", nullptr, 0); if (size > 0) { // Resize buffer and fetch RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR buf.resize(size); if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR", buf.data(), size) != (size - 1)) { // Clear buffer on failure and notify user MessageBoxA(nullptr, fmt::format("GetEnvironmentVariable(RPCS3_CONFIG_DIR) failed: error: %s", fmt::win_error{GetLastError(), nullptr}).c_str(), "fs::get_config_dir()", MB_ICONERROR); buf.clear(); } } // Fallback to executable path if needed for (DWORD buf_size = MAX_PATH; size == 0; buf_size += MAX_PATH) { buf.resize(buf_size); size = GetModuleFileName(nullptr, buf.data(), buf_size); if (size == 0) { MessageBoxA(nullptr, fmt::format("GetModuleFileName() failed: error: %s", fmt::win_error{GetLastError(), nullptr}).c_str(), "fs::get_config_dir()", MB_ICONERROR); return dir; // empty } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Try again with increased buffer size size = 0; continue; } } dir = wchar_to_utf8(buf.data()); std::replace(dir.begin(), dir.end(), '\\', '/'); dir.resize(dir.rfind('/') + 1); #else #ifdef __APPLE__ if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME")) dir = home + "/Library/Application Support"s; #else if (const char* conf = ::getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) dir = conf; else if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME")) dir = home + "/.config"s; #endif else // Just in case dir = "./config"; dir += "/rpcs3/"; if (!create_path(dir)) { std::printf("Failed to create configuration directory '%s' (%d).\n", dir.c_str(), errno); } #endif return dir; }(); return s_dir; } const std::string& fs::get_cache_dir() { static const std::string s_dir = [] { std::string dir; #ifdef _WIN32 dir = get_config_dir(); #else #ifdef __APPLE__ if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME")) dir = home + "/Library/Caches"s; #else if (const char* cache = ::getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")) dir = cache; else if (const char* conf = ::getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) dir = conf; else if (const char* home = ::getenv("HOME")) dir = home + "/.cache"s; #endif else // Just in case dir = "./cache"; dir += "/rpcs3/"; if (!create_path(dir)) { std::printf("Failed to create configuration directory '%s' (%d).\n", dir.c_str(), errno); } #endif return dir; }(); return s_dir; } const std::string& fs::get_temp_dir() { static const std::string s_dir = [] { std::string dir; #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH + 2]{}; if (GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH + 1, buf) - 1 > MAX_PATH) { MessageBoxA(nullptr, fmt::format("GetTempPath() failed: error: %s", fmt::win_error{GetLastError(), nullptr}).c_str(), "fs::get_temp_dir()", MB_ICONERROR); return dir; // empty } dir = wchar_to_utf8(buf); #else const char* tmp_dir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmp_dir == nullptr || tmp_dir[0] == '\0') { // Fall back to cache directory dir = get_cache_dir(); } else { dir = tmp_dir; if (!dir.ends_with("/")) { // Ensure path ends with a separator dir += "/"; } } #endif return dir; }(); return s_dir; } bool fs::remove_all(const std::string& path, bool remove_root, bool is_no_dir_ok) { if (const auto root_dir = dir(path)) { for (const auto& entry : root_dir) { if (entry.name == "." || entry.name == "..") { continue; } if (!entry.is_directory) { if (!remove_file(path_append(path, entry.name))) { return false; } } else { if (!remove_all(path_append(path, entry.name))) { return false; } } } } else { return is_no_dir_ok; } if (remove_root) { return remove_dir(path); } return true; } u64 fs::get_dir_size(const std::string& path, u64 rounding_alignment, atomic_t* cancel_flag) { u64 result = 0; const auto root_dir = dir(path); if (!root_dir) { return -1; } for (const auto& entry : root_dir) { if (cancel_flag && *cancel_flag) { return umax; } if (entry.name == "." || entry.name == "..") { continue; } if (!entry.is_directory) { result += utils::align(entry.size, rounding_alignment); } else { const u64 size = get_dir_size(path_append(path, entry.name), rounding_alignment); if (size == umax) { return size; } result += size; } } return result; } fs::file fs::make_gather(std::vector files) { struct gather_stream : file_base { u64 pos = 0; u64 end = 0; std::vector files{}; std::map ends{}; // Fragment End Offset -> Index gather_stream(std::vector arg) : files(std::move(arg)) { // Preprocess files for (auto&& f : files) { end += f.size(); ends.emplace(end, ends.size()); } } ~gather_stream() override { } fs::stat_t get_stat() override { fs::stat_t result{}; if (!files.empty()) { result = files[0].get_stat(); } result.is_directory = false; result.is_writable = false; result.size = end; return result; } bool trunc(u64) override { return false; } u64 read(void* buffer, u64 size) override { if (pos < end) { // Current pos const u64 start = pos; // Get readable size if (const u64 max = std::min(size, end - pos)) { u8* buf_out = static_cast(buffer); u64 buf_max = max; for (auto it = ends.upper_bound(pos); it != ends.end(); ++it) { // Set position for the fragment files[it->second].seek(pos - it->first, fs::seek_end); const u64 count = std::min(it->first - pos, buf_max); const u64 read = files[it->second].read(buf_out, count); buf_out += count; buf_max -= count; pos += read; if (read < count || buf_max == 0) { break; } } return pos - start; } } return 0; } u64 read_at(u64 start, void* buffer, u64 size) override { if (start < end) { u64 pos = start; // Get readable size if (const u64 max = std::min(size, end - pos)) { u8* buf_out = static_cast(buffer); u64 buf_max = max; for (auto it = ends.upper_bound(pos); it != ends.end(); ++it) { const u64 count = std::min(it->first - pos, buf_max); const u64 read = files[it->second].read_at(files[it->second].size() + pos - it->first, buf_out, count); buf_out += count; buf_max -= count; pos += read; if (read < count || buf_max == 0) { break; } } return pos - start; } } return 0; } u64 write(const void*, u64) override { return 0; } u64 seek(s64 offset, seek_mode whence) override { const s64 new_pos = whence == fs::seek_set ? offset : whence == fs::seek_cur ? offset + pos : whence == fs::seek_end ? offset + end : -1; if (new_pos < 0) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::inval; return -1; } pos = new_pos; return pos; } u64 size() override { return end; } }; fs::file result; result.reset(std::make_unique(std::move(files))); return result; } bool fs::pending_file::open(std::string_view path) { file.close(); if (!m_path.empty()) { fs::remove_file(m_path); } if (path.empty()) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; m_dest.clear(); return false; } do { m_path = fmt::format(u8"%s/$%s.%s.tmp", get_parent_dir(path), path.substr(path.find_last_of(fs::delim) + 1), fmt::base57(utils::get_unique_tsc())); if (file.open(m_path, fs::create + fs::write + fs::read + fs::excl)) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Auto-delete pending log file FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO disp; disp.DeleteFileW = true; SetFileInformationByHandle(file.get_handle(), FileDispositionInfo, &disp, sizeof(disp)); #endif m_dest = path; break; } m_path.clear(); } while (fs::g_tls_error == fs::error::exist); // Only retry if failed due to existing file return file.operator bool(); } fs::pending_file::~pending_file() { file.close(); if (!m_path.empty()) { fs::remove_file(m_path); } } bool fs::pending_file::commit(bool overwrite) { if (m_path.empty()) { fs::g_tls_error = fs::error::noent; return false; } // The temporary file's contents must be on disk before rename #ifndef _WIN32 if (file) { file.sync(); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 // Disable auto-delete FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO disp; disp.DeleteFileW = false; SetFileInformationByHandle(file.get_handle(), FileDispositionInfo, &disp, sizeof(disp)); #endif file.close(); #ifdef _WIN32 const auto ws1 = to_wchar(m_path); const auto ws2 = to_wchar(m_dest); if (MoveFileExW(ws1.get(), ws2.get(), overwrite ? MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH : MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH)) { // Disable the destructor m_path.clear(); return true; } g_tls_error = to_error(GetLastError()); #else if (fs::rename(m_path, m_dest, overwrite)) { // Disable the destructor m_path.clear(); return true; } #endif return false; } stx::generator fs::list_dir_recursively(std::string path) { for (auto& entry : fs::dir(path)) { if (entry.name == "." || entry.name == "..") { continue; } std::string new_path = path_append(path, entry.name); if (entry.is_directory) { for (auto& nested : fs::list_dir_recursively(new_path)) { co_yield nested; } } entry.name = std::move(new_path); co_yield entry; } } template<> void fmt_class_string::format(std::string& out, u64 arg) { format_enum(out, arg, [](auto arg) { switch (arg) { STR_CASE(fs::seek_mode::seek_set); STR_CASE(fs::seek_mode::seek_cur); STR_CASE(fs::seek_mode::seek_end); } return unknown; }); } template<> void fmt_class_string::format(std::string& out, u64 arg) { format_enum(out, arg, [](auto arg) { switch (arg) { case fs::error::ok: return "OK"; case fs::error::inval: return "Invalid arguments"; case fs::error::noent: return "Not found"; case fs::error::exist: return "Already exists"; case fs::error::acces: return "Access violation"; case fs::error::notempty: return "Not empty"; case fs::error::readonly: return "Read only"; case fs::error::isdir: return "Is a directory"; case fs::error::toolong: return "Path too long"; case fs::error::nospace: return "Not enough space on the device"; case fs::error::xdev: return "Device mismatch"; case fs::error::unknown: return "Unknown system error"; } return unknown; }); } template<> void fmt_class_string::format(std::string& out, u64 arg) { const fs::file_id& id = get_object(arg); // TODO: Format data fmt::append(out, "{type='%s'}", id.type); }