#pragma once #include "util/types.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "util/asm.hpp" /* C-style format parser. Appends formatted string to `out`, returns number of characters written. `out`: mutable reference to std::string, std::vector or other compatible container `fmt`: null-terminated string of `Char` type (char or constructible from char) `src`: rvalue reference to argument provider. */ template usz cfmt_append(Dst& out, const Char* fmt, Src&& src) { const usz start_pos = out.size(); struct cfmt_context { usz size; // Size of current format sequence u8 args; // Number of extra args used u8 type; // Integral type bytesize bool dot; // Precision enabled bool left; bool sign; bool space; bool alter; bool zeros; uint width; uint prec; }; cfmt_context ctx{0}; // Error handling: print untouched sequence, stop further formatting const auto drop_sequence = [&] { out.insert(out.end(), fmt - ctx.size, fmt); ctx.size = umax; }; const auto read_decimal = [&](uint result) -> uint { while (fmt[0] >= '0' && fmt[0] <= '9' && result <= (UINT_MAX / 10)) { result = result * 10 + (fmt[0] - '0'); fmt++, ctx.size++; } return result; }; const auto write_octal = [&](auto value, u64 min_num) { if constexpr (sizeof(value) == 16) { out.resize(out.size() + std::max(min_num, 129 / 3 - (utils::clz128(value | 1) + 1) / 3), '0'); } else { out.resize(out.size() + std::max(min_num, 66 / 3 - (std::countl_zero(value | 1) + 2) / 3), '0'); } // Write in reversed order for (auto i = out.rbegin(); value; i++, value >>= 3) { *i = static_cast(static_cast(value) & 7) + '0'; } }; const auto write_hex = [&](auto value, bool upper, u64 min_num) { if constexpr (sizeof(value) == 16) { out.resize(out.size() + std::max(min_num, 128 / 4 - utils::clz128(value | 1) / 4), '0'); } else { out.resize(out.size() + std::max(min_num, 64 / 4 - std::countl_zero(value | 1) / 4), '0'); } // Write in reversed order for (auto i = out.rbegin(); value; i++, value >>= 4) { *i = (upper ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef")[static_cast(value & 0xf)]; } }; const auto write_decimal = [&](auto value, s64 min_size) { const usz start = out.size(); do { if constexpr (sizeof(value) == 16) { const u128 v0 = value; value >>= 1; constexpr u128 by_five = 0x3333'3333'3333'3333; const u128 v1 = (value >> 64) * by_five; const u128 v2 = ((value >> 64) * by_five) >> 64; const u128 v3 = (static_cast(value) * by_five) >> 64; value = v1 + v2 + v3; out.push_back(static_cast(static_cast(v0 - (value * 10))) + '0'); } else { out.push_back(value % 10 + '0'); value /= 10; } } while (0 < --min_size || value); // Revert written characters for (usz i = start, j = out.size() - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { std::swap(out[i], out[j]); } }; // Single pass over fmt string (null-terminated), TODO: check correct order while (const Char ch = *fmt++) if (ctx.size == 0) { if (ch == '%') { ctx.size = 1; } else { out.push_back(ch); } } else if (ctx.size == 1 && ch == '%') { ctx = {0}; out.push_back(ch); } else if (ctx.size == umax) { out.push_back(ch); } else switch (ctx.size++, ch) { case '-': ctx.left = true; break; case '+': ctx.sign = true; break; case ' ': ctx.space = true; break; case '#': ctx.alter = true; break; case '0': ctx.zeros = true; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { if (ctx.width) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { ctx.width = read_decimal(ch - '0'); } break; } case '*': { if (ctx.width || !src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { const int warg = src.template get(ctx.args++); ctx.width = std::abs(warg); ctx.left |= warg < 0; } break; } case '.': { if (ctx.dot || ctx.prec) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else if (*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9') // TODO: does it allow '0'? { ctx.prec = read_decimal(0); ctx.dot = true; } else if (*fmt == '*') { if (!src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { fmt++, ctx.size++; const int parg = src.template get(ctx.args++); ctx.prec = std::max(parg, 0); ctx.dot = parg >= 0; } } else { ctx.prec = 0; ctx.dot = true; } break; } case 'h': { if (ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else if (fmt[0] == 'h') { fmt++, ctx.size++; ctx.type = src.size_char; } else { ctx.type = src.size_short; } break; } case 'l': { if (ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else if (fmt[0] == 'l') { fmt++, ctx.size++; ctx.type = src.size_llong; } else { ctx.type = src.size_long; } break; } case 'z': { if (ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { ctx.type = src.size_size; } break; } case 'j': { if (ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { ctx.type = src.size_max; } break; } case 't': { if (ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); } else { ctx.type = src.size_diff; } break; } case 'c': { if (ctx.type || !src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } const usz start = out.size(); out.push_back(src.template get(ctx.args)); if (1 < ctx.width) { // Add spaces if necessary out.insert(out.begin() + start + ctx.left, ctx.width - 1, ' '); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 's': { if (ctx.type || !src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } const usz start = out.size(); const usz size1 = src.fmt_string(out, ctx.args); if (ctx.dot && size1 > ctx.prec) { // Shrink if necessary out.resize(start + ctx.prec); } const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add spaces if necessary out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ' '); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'd': case 'i': { if (!src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = static_cast(src.type(ctx.args)); if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = src.size_int; } } // Sign-extended argument expected const u64 val = src.template get(ctx.args); const bool negative = ctx.type && static_cast(val) < 0; const usz start = out.size(); if (!ctx.dot || ctx.prec) { if (negative) { out.push_back('-'); } else if (ctx.sign) { out.push_back('+'); } else if (ctx.space) { out.push_back(' '); } if (ctx.type == 16) { // TODO: support negative values (s128) u128 val2 = *reinterpret_cast(val); write_decimal(val2, ctx.prec); } else { write_decimal(negative ? 0 - val : val, ctx.prec); } } const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add padding if necessary if (ctx.zeros && !ctx.left && !ctx.dot) { out.insert(out.begin() + start + (negative || ctx.sign || ctx.space), ctx.width - size2, '0'); } else { out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ' '); } } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'o': { if (!src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = static_cast(src.type(ctx.args)); if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = src.size_int; } } const u64 mask = ctx.type == 1 ? 0xff : ctx.type == 2 ? 0xffff : ctx.type == 4 ? 0xffff'ffffu : 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffffu; // Trunc sign-extended signed types const u64 val = src.template get(ctx.args) & mask; const usz start = out.size(); if (ctx.alter) { out.push_back('0'); if (ctx.prec) { ctx.prec--; } } if ((ctx.alter && val) || !ctx.dot || ctx.prec) { if (ctx.type == 16) { u128 val2 = *reinterpret_cast(val); write_octal(val2, ctx.prec); } else { write_octal(val, ctx.prec); } } const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add padding if necessary out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ctx.zeros && !ctx.left && !ctx.dot ? '0' : ' '); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'x': case 'X': { if (!src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = static_cast(src.type(ctx.args)); if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = src.size_int; } } const u64 mask = ctx.type == 1 ? 0xff : ctx.type == 2 ? 0xffff : ctx.type == 4 ? 0xffff'ffffu : 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffffu; // Trunc sign-extended signed types const u64 val = src.template get(ctx.args) & mask; const usz start = out.size(); if (ctx.alter) { out.push_back('0'); if (val) { out.push_back(ch); // Prepend 0x or 0X } } if ((ctx.alter && val) || !ctx.dot || ctx.prec) { if (ctx.type == 16) { u128 val2 = *reinterpret_cast(val); write_hex(val2, ch == 'X', ctx.prec); } else { write_hex(val, ch == 'X', ctx.prec); } } const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add padding if necessary if (ctx.zeros && !ctx.left && !ctx.dot) { out.insert(out.begin() + start + (ctx.alter && val ? 2 : 0), ctx.width - size2, '0'); } else { out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ' '); } } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'u': { if (!src.test(ctx.args)) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = static_cast(src.type(ctx.args)); if (!ctx.type) { ctx.type = src.size_int; } } const u64 mask = ctx.type == 1 ? 0xff : ctx.type == 2 ? 0xffff : ctx.type == 4 ? 0xffff'ffffu : 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffffu; // Trunc sign-extended signed types const u64 val = src.template get(ctx.args) & mask; const usz start = out.size(); if (!ctx.dot || ctx.prec) { if (ctx.type == 16) { u128 val2 = *reinterpret_cast(val); write_decimal(val2, ctx.prec); } else { write_decimal(val, ctx.prec); } } const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add padding if necessary out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ctx.zeros && !ctx.left && !ctx.dot ? '0' : ' '); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'p': { if (!src.test(ctx.args) || ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } const u64 val = src.template get(ctx.args); const usz start = out.size(); write_hex(val, false, sizeof(void*) * 2); const usz size2 = out.size() - start; if (size2 < ctx.width) { // Add padding if necessary out.insert(ctx.left ? out.end() : out.begin() + start, ctx.width - size2, ' '); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'a': case 'A': case 'g': case 'G': { if (!src.test(ctx.args) || ctx.type) [[unlikely]] { drop_sequence(); break; } // Fallback (TODO) const std::string _fmt(fmt - ctx.size, fmt); const f64 arg0 = src.template get(0); const u64 arg1 = ctx.args >= 1 ? src.template get(1) : 0; const u64 arg2 = ctx.args >= 2 ? src.template get(2) : 0; if (const usz _size = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, _fmt.c_str(), arg0, arg1, arg2)) { out.resize(out.size() + _size); std::snprintf(&out.front() + out.size() - _size, _size + 1, _fmt.c_str(), arg0, arg1, arg2); } src.skip(ctx.args); ctx = {0}; break; } case 'L': // long double, not supported case 'n': // writeback, not supported default: { drop_sequence(); } } // Handle unfinished sequence if (ctx.size && ctx.size != umax) { fmt--, drop_sequence(); } return out.size() - start_pos; }