#include "sysinfo.h" #include "StrFmt.h" #include "File.h" #include "Emu/system_config.h" #include "Thread.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windows.h" #include "sysinfoapi.h" #include "subauth.h" #include "stringapiset.h" #else #include #include #include #endif bool utils::has_ssse3() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x1 && get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x200; return g_value; } bool utils::has_sse41() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x1 && get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x80000; return g_value; } bool utils::has_avx() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x1 && get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x10000000 && (get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x0C000000) == 0x0C000000 && (get_xgetbv(0) & 0x6) == 0x6; return g_value; } bool utils::has_avx2() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && get_cpuid(7, 0)[1] & 0x20 && (get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x0C000000) == 0x0C000000 && (get_xgetbv(0) & 0x6) == 0x6; return g_value; } bool utils::has_rtm() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(7, 0)[1] & 0x800) == 0x800; return g_value; } bool utils::has_tsx_force_abort() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(7, 0)[3] & 0x2000) == 0x2000; return g_value; } bool utils::has_mpx() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(7, 0)[1] & 0x4000) == 0x4000; return g_value; } bool utils::has_avx512() { // Check AVX512F, AVX512CD, AVX512DQ, AVX512BW, AVX512VL extensions (Skylake-X level support) static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(7, 0)[1] & 0xd0030000) == 0xd0030000 && (get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x0C000000) == 0x0C000000 && (get_xgetbv(0) & 0xe6) == 0xe6; return g_value; } bool utils::has_xop() { static const bool g_value = has_avx() && get_cpuid(0x80000001, 0)[2] & 0x800; return g_value; } bool utils::has_clwb() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(7, 0)[1] & 0x1000000) == 0x1000000; return g_value; } bool utils::has_invariant_tsc() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(0x80000007, 0)[3] & 0x100) == 0x100; return g_value; } bool utils::has_fma3() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x1 && get_cpuid(1, 0)[2] & 0x1000; return g_value; } bool utils::has_fma4() { static const bool g_value = get_cpuid(0, 0)[0] >= 0x7 && (get_cpuid(0x80000001, 0)[2] & 0x10000) == 0x10000; return g_value; } std::string utils::get_cpu_brand() { std::string brand; if (get_cpuid(0x80000000, 0)[0] >= 0x80000004) { for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { brand.append(reinterpret_cast(get_cpuid(0x80000002 + i, 0).data()), 16); } } else { brand = "Unknown CPU"; } brand.erase(brand.find_last_not_of('\0') + 1); brand.erase(brand.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); brand.erase(0, brand.find_first_not_of(' ')); while (auto found = brand.find(" ") + 1) { brand.erase(brand.begin() + found); } return brand; } std::string utils::get_system_info() { std::string result; const std::string brand = get_cpu_brand(); const u64 mem_total = get_total_memory(); const u32 num_proc = get_thread_count(); fmt::append(result, "%s | %d Threads | %.2f GiB RAM", brand, num_proc, mem_total / (1024.0f * 1024 * 1024)); if (const ullong tsc_freq = get_tsc_freq()) { fmt::append(result, " | TSC: %.03fGHz", tsc_freq / 1000000000.); } else { fmt::append(result, " | TSC: Bad"); } if (has_avx()) { result += " | AVX"; if (has_avx2()) { result += '+'; } if (has_avx512()) { result += '+'; } if (has_xop()) { result += 'x'; } } if (has_fma3() || has_fma4()) { result += " | FMA"; if (has_fma3() && has_fma4()) { result += "3+4"; } else if (has_fma3()) { result += "3"; } else if (has_fma4()) { result += "4"; } } if (has_rtm()) { result += " | TSX"; if (has_tsx_force_abort()) { result += "-FA"; } if (!has_mpx()) { result += " disabled by default"; } } return result; } std::string utils::get_firmware_version() { const std::string file_path = g_cfg.vfs.get_dev_flash() + "vsh/etc/version.txt"; if (fs::is_file(file_path)) { const fs::file version_file = fs::file(file_path); std::string version = version_file.to_string(); // Extract version const size_t start = version.find_first_of(':') + 1; const size_t end = version.find_first_of(':', start); version = version.substr(start, end - start); // Trim version const size_t trim_start = version.find_first_not_of('0'); const size_t trim_end = version.find_last_not_of('0'); version = version.substr(trim_start, trim_end); return version; } return ""; } std::string utils::get_OS_version() { std::string output; #ifdef _WIN32 // GetVersionEx is deprecated, RtlGetVersion is kernel-mode only and AnalyticsInfo is UWP only. // So we're forced to read PEB instead to get Windows version info. It's ugly but works. const DWORD peb_offset = 0x60; const INT_PTR peb = __readgsqword(peb_offset); const DWORD version_major = *reinterpret_cast(peb + 0x118); const DWORD version_minor = *reinterpret_cast(peb + 0x11c); const WORD build = *reinterpret_cast(peb + 0x120); const UNICODE_STRING service_pack = *reinterpret_cast(peb + 0x02E8); const u64 compatibility_mode = *reinterpret_cast(peb + 0x02C8); // Two DWORDs, major & minor version const bool has_sp = service_pack.Length > 0; std::vector holder(service_pack.Length + 1, '\0'); if (has_sp) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, NULL, service_pack.Buffer, service_pack.Length, (LPSTR) holder.data(), static_cast(holder.size()), NULL, NULL); } fmt::append(output, "Operating system: Windows, Major: %lu, Minor: %lu, Build: %u, Service Pack: %s, Compatibility mode: %llu", version_major, version_minor, build, has_sp ? holder.data() : "none", compatibility_mode); #else struct utsname details = {}; if (!uname(&details)) { fmt::append(output, "Operating system: POSIX, Name: %s, Release: %s, Version: %s", details.sysname, details.release, details.version); } else { fmt::append(output, "Operating system: POSIX, Unknown version! (Error: %d)", errno); } #endif return output; } static constexpr ullong round_tsc(ullong val) { return ::rounded_div(val, 1'000'000) * 1'000'000; } ullong utils::get_tsc_freq() { static const ullong cal_tsc = []() -> ullong { if (!has_invariant_tsc()) return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER freq; if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq)) return 0; if (freq.QuadPart <= 9'999'999) return round_tsc(freq.QuadPart * 1024); const ullong timer_freq = freq.QuadPart; #else const ullong timer_freq = 1'000'000'000; #endif // Calibrate TSC constexpr int samples = 40; ullong rdtsc_data[samples]; ullong timer_data[samples]; ullong error_data[samples]; // Narrow thread affinity to a single core const u64 old_aff = thread_ctrl::get_thread_affinity_mask(); thread_ctrl::set_thread_affinity_mask(old_aff & (0 - old_aff)); #ifndef _WIN32 struct timespec ts0; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts0); ullong sec_base = ts0.tv_sec; #endif for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(1); error_data[i] = (_mm_lfence(), __rdtsc()); LARGE_INTEGER ctr; QueryPerformanceCounter(&ctr); rdtsc_data[i] = (_mm_lfence(), __rdtsc()); timer_data[i] = ctr.QuadPart; #else usleep(200); error_data[i] = (_mm_lfence(), __rdtsc()); struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); rdtsc_data[i] = (_mm_lfence(), __rdtsc()); timer_data[i] = ts.tv_nsec + (ts.tv_sec - sec_base) * 1'000'000'000; #endif } // Restore main thread affinity thread_ctrl::set_thread_affinity_mask(old_aff); // Compute average TSC ullong acc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < samples - 1; i++) { acc += (rdtsc_data[i + 1] - rdtsc_data[i]) * timer_freq / (timer_data[i + 1] - timer_data[i]); } // Rounding return round_tsc(acc / (samples - 1)); }(); return cal_tsc; } u64 utils::get_total_memory() { #ifdef _WIN32 ::MEMORYSTATUSEX memInfo; memInfo.dwLength = sizeof(memInfo); ::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memInfo); return memInfo.ullTotalPhys; #else return ::sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * ::sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); #endif } u32 utils::get_thread_count() { #ifdef _WIN32 ::SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; ::GetNativeSystemInfo(&sysInfo); return sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; #else return ::sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); #endif }