cellRtc: tick conversion improvements

This commit is contained in:
capriots 2024-04-09 23:36:42 +02:00 committed by Megamouse
parent f51b100a8c
commit a5b6b2e9b5
2 changed files with 42 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ error_code cellRtcParseRfc3339(vm::ptr<CellRtcTick> pUtc, vm::cptr<char> pszDate
error_code cellRtcGetTick(vm::cptr<CellRtcDateTime> pTime, vm::ptr<CellRtcTick> pTick)
cellRtc.todo("cellRtcGetTick(pTime=*0x%x, pTick=*0x%x)", pTime, pTick);
cellRtc.notice("cellRtcGetTick(pTime=*0x%x, pTick=*0x%x)", pTime, pTick);
if (!vm::check_addr(pTime.addr()))
@ -761,72 +761,47 @@ error_code cellRtcGetTick(vm::cptr<CellRtcDateTime> pTime, vm::ptr<CellRtcTick>
if (!pTick)
return CELL_OK;
s64 days_in_years = ((((pTime->year * 365ULL) + ((pTime->year + 3) / 4)) - ((pTime->year + 99) / 100)) + ((pTime->year + 399) / 400) + -366);
// 1-12
if (1 < pTime->month)
u32 month_idx = pTime->month - 1;
u32 monthIdx_adjusted = is_leap_year(pTime->year) * 12;
days_in_years += DAYS_IN_MONTH[monthIdx_adjusted];
month_idx -= 1;
monthIdx_adjusted += 1;
} while (month_idx != 0);
pTick->tick = ((((days_in_years + (pTime->day - 1)) * 0x18 + pTime->hour) * 0x3c + pTime->minute) * 0x3c + pTime->second) * cellRtcGetTickResolution() + pTime->microsecond;
pTick->tick = date_time_to_tick(*pTime);
return CELL_OK;
CellRtcDateTime tick_to_date_time(u64 tick)
u32 microseconds = round((pTick->tick % 1000000ULL));
u16 seconds = round((pTick->tick / (1000000ULL)) % 60);
u16 minutes = round((pTick->tick / (60ULL * 1000000ULL)) % 60);
u16 hours = round((pTick->tick / (60ULL * 60ULL * 1000000ULL)) % 24);
u64 days_tmp = round((pTick->tick / (24ULL * 60ULL * 60ULL * 1000000ULL)));*/
const u32 microseconds = (tick % 1000000ULL);
const u16 seconds = (tick / (1000000ULL)) % 60;
const u16 minutes = (tick / (60ULL * 1000000ULL)) % 60;
const u16 hours = (tick / (60ULL * 60ULL * 1000000ULL)) % 24;
u64 days_tmp = (tick / (24ULL * 60ULL * 60ULL * 1000000ULL));
u16 months = 1;
u16 years = 1;
const u32 year_400 = days_tmp / DAYS_IN_400_YEARS;
days_tmp -= year_400 * DAYS_IN_400_YEARS;
bool exit_while = false;
const u32 year_within_400_interval = (
- days_tmp / (DAYS_IN_4_YEARS - 1)
+ days_tmp / DAYS_IN_100_YEARS
- days_tmp / (DAYS_IN_400_YEARS - 1)
) / 365;
days_tmp -= year_within_400_interval * 365 + year_within_400_interval / 4 - year_within_400_interval / 100 + year_within_400_interval / 400;
const u16 years = year_400 * 400 + year_within_400_interval + 1;
const auto& month_offset = is_leap_year(years) ? MONTH_OFFSET_LEAP : MONTH_OFFSET;
u32 month_approx = days_tmp / 29;
if (month_offset[month_approx] > days_tmp)
const bool leap = is_leap_year(years);
for (u32 m = 0; m < 12; m++)
const u8 daysinmonth = DAYS_IN_MONTH[m + (leap * 12)];
if (days_tmp >= daysinmonth)
days_tmp -= daysinmonth;
exit_while = true;
if (m == 11)
months = 1;
} while (!exit_while);
const u16 months = month_approx + 1;
days_tmp = days_tmp - month_offset[month_approx];
CellRtcDateTime date_time{
.year = years,
@ -842,40 +817,18 @@ CellRtcDateTime tick_to_date_time(u64 tick)
u64 date_time_to_tick(CellRtcDateTime date_time)
const auto get_days_in_year = [](u16 year, u16 months) -> u64
const bool leap = is_leap_year(year);
u64 days = 0;
for (u16 m = 0; m < months; m++)
days += DAYS_IN_MONTH[m + (leap * 12)];
return days;
const u32 days_in_previous_years =
date_time.year * 365
+ (date_time.year + 3) / 4
- (date_time.year + 99) / 100
+ (date_time.year + 399) / 400
- 366;
u64 days = 0;
ensure(date_time.month - 1u < 12u); // Not checked on LLE
if (date_time.day > 1)
// We only need the whole days before "this" day
days += date_time.day - 1ULL;
const u16 days_in_previous_months = is_leap_year(date_time.year) ? MONTH_OFFSET_LEAP[date_time.month - 1] : MONTH_OFFSET[date_time.month - 1];
if (date_time.month > 1)
// We only need the whole months before "this" month
days += get_days_in_year(date_time.year, date_time.month - 1ULL);
if (date_time.year > 1)
// We only need the whole years before "this" year
// NOTE: tick_to_date_time starts counting with year 1, so count [1,n[ instead of [0,n-1[
for (u16 year = 1; year < date_time.year; year++)
days += get_days_in_year(year, 12);
const u32 days = days_in_previous_years + days_in_previous_months + date_time.day - 1;
u64 tick = date_time.microsecond
+ u64{date_time.second} * 1000000ULL
@ -888,7 +841,7 @@ u64 date_time_to_tick(CellRtcDateTime date_time)
error_code cellRtcSetTick(vm::ptr<CellRtcDateTime> pTime, vm::cptr<CellRtcTick> pTick)
cellRtc.todo("cellRtcSetTick(pTime=*0x%x, pTick=*0x%x)", pTime, pTick);
cellRtc.notice("cellRtcSetTick(pTime=*0x%x, pTick=*0x%x)", pTime, pTick);
if (!vm::check_addr(pTime.addr()))

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@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ struct CellRtcDateTime
be_t<u32> microsecond; // 0 to 999999
constexpr u32 DAYS_IN_400_YEARS = 365 * 400 + 97;
constexpr u16 DAYS_IN_100_YEARS = 365 * 100 + 24;
constexpr u16 DAYS_IN_4_YEARS = 365 * 4 + 1;
constexpr std::array<u16, 13> MONTH_OFFSET = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, umax };
constexpr std::array<u16, 13> MONTH_OFFSET_LEAP = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, umax };
error_code cellRtcTickAddYears(vm::ptr<CellRtcTick> pTick0, vm::cptr<CellRtcTick> pTick1, s32 iAdd);
error_code cellRtcTickAddMonths(vm::ptr<CellRtcTick> pTick0, vm::cptr<CellRtcTick> pTick1, s32 lAdd);
error_code cellRtcTickAddDays(vm::ptr<CellRtcTick> pTick0, vm::cptr<CellRtcTick> pTick1, s32 lAdd);