Partial commit: FS

This commit is contained in:
Nekotekina 2016-02-02 00:50:22 +03:00
parent b85a68e8a1
commit 984aa44220
22 changed files with 0 additions and 1694 deletions

View File

@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VFS.h"
#include "vfsDir.h"
#include "vfsFile.h"
#include "vfsDirBase.h"
#include "Emu/HDD/HDD.h"
#include "vfsDeviceLocalFile.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "Emu/state.h"
std::vector<std::string> simplify_path_blocks(const std::string& path)
// fmt::tolower() removed
std::vector<std::string> path_blocks = std::move(fmt::split(path, { "/", "\\" }));
for (s32 i = 0; i < path_blocks.size(); ++i)
if (path_blocks[i] == "." || (i > 0 && path_blocks[i].empty()))
path_blocks.erase(path_blocks.begin() + i);
else if (i > 0 && path_blocks[i] == "..")
path_blocks.erase(path_blocks.begin() + (i - 1), path_blocks.begin() + (i + 1));
return path_blocks;
std::string simplify_path(const std::string& path, bool is_dir, bool is_ps3)
std::vector<std::string> path_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(path);
if (path_blocks.empty())
return "";
std::string result = fmt::merge(path_blocks, "/");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (is_ps3)
result = "/" + result;
if (is_dir) result = result + "/";
return result;
void VFS::Mount(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path, vfsDevice* device)
std::string simpl_ps3_path = simplify_path(ps3_path, true, true);
device->SetPath(simpl_ps3_path, simplify_path(local_path, true, false));
if (m_devices.size() > 1)
std::sort(m_devices.begin(), m_devices.end(), [](vfsDevice *a, vfsDevice *b) { return b->GetPs3Path().length() < a->GetPs3Path().length(); });
void VFS::Link(const std::string& mount_point, const std::string& ps3_path)
links[simplify_path_blocks(mount_point)] = simplify_path_blocks(ps3_path);
std::string VFS::GetLinked(const std::string& ps3_path) const
// fmt::tolower removed
auto path_blocks = fmt::split(ps3_path, { "/", "\\" });
for (auto link : links)
if (path_blocks.size() < link.first.size())
bool is_ok = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < link.first.size(); ++i)
if (link.first[i] != path_blocks[i])
is_ok = false;
if (is_ok)
return fmt::merge({ link.second, std::vector<std::string>(path_blocks.begin() + link.first.size(), path_blocks.end()) }, "/");
return ps3_path;
void VFS::UnMount(const std::string& ps3_path)
std::string simpl_ps3_path = simplify_path(ps3_path, true, true);
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_devices.size(); ++i)
if (!strcmp(m_devices[i]->GetPs3Path().c_str(), simpl_ps3_path.c_str()))
delete m_devices[i];
m_devices.erase(m_devices.begin() +i);
void VFS::UnMountAll()
for(u32 i=0; i<m_devices.size(); ++i)
delete m_devices[i];
vfsFileBase* VFS::OpenFile(const std::string& ps3_path, u32 mode) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
if (vfsFileBase* res = dev->GetNewFileStream())
res->Open(path, mode);
return res;
return nullptr;
vfsDirBase* VFS::OpenDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
if (vfsDirBase* res = dev->GetNewDirStream())
return res;
return nullptr;
bool VFS::CreateDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->create_dir(path);
return fs::create_dir(path);
return false;
bool VFS::CreatePath(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->create_path(path);
return fs::create_path(path);
return false;
bool VFS::RemoveFile(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->remove_file(path);
return fs::remove_file(path);
return false;
bool VFS::RemoveDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->remove_dir(path);
return fs::remove_dir(path);
return false;
void VFS::DeleteAll(const std::string& ps3_path) const
// Delete directory and all its contents recursively
for (const auto entry : vfsDir(ps3_path))
if (entry->name == "." || entry->name == "..")
if (entry->flags & DirEntry_TypeFile)
RemoveFile(ps3_path + "/" + entry->name);
if (entry->flags & DirEntry_TypeDir)
DeleteAll(ps3_path + "/" + entry->name);
u64 VFS::GetDirSize(const std::string& ps3_path) const
u64 result = 0;
for (const auto entry : vfsDir(ps3_path))
if (entry->name == "." || entry->name == "..")
if (entry->flags & DirEntry_TypeFile)
result += entry->size;
if (entry->flags & DirEntry_TypeDir)
result += GetDirSize(ps3_path + "/" + entry->name);
return result;
bool VFS::ExistsFile(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->is_file(path);
return fs::is_file(path);
return false;
bool VFS::ExistsDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->is_dir(path);
return fs::is_dir(path);
return false;
bool VFS::Exists(const std::string& ps3_path) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->exists(path);
return fs::exists(path);
return false;
bool VFS::Rename(const std::string& ps3_path_from, const std::string& ps3_path_to) const
std::string path_from, path_to;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path_from, path_from))
if (vfsDevice* dev_ = GetDevice(ps3_path_to, path_to))
// return dev->rename(dev_, path_from, path_to);
return fs::rename(path_from, path_to);
return false;
bool VFS::CopyFile(const std::string& ps3_path_from, const std::string& ps3_path_to, bool overwrite) const
std::string path_from, path_to;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path_from, path_from))
if (vfsDevice* dev_ = GetDevice(ps3_path_to, path_to))
// return dev->copy_file(dev_, path_from, path_to, overwrite);
return fs::copy_file(path_from, path_to, overwrite);
return false;
bool VFS::TruncateFile(const std::string& ps3_path, u64 length) const
std::string path;
if (vfsDevice* dev = GetDevice(ps3_path, path))
// return dev->truncate_file(path, length);
return fs::truncate_file(path, length);
return false;
vfsDevice* VFS::GetDevice(const std::string& ps3_path, std::string& path) const
auto try_get_device = [this, &path](const std::string& ps3_path) -> vfsDevice*
std::vector<std::string> ps3_path_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(ps3_path);
size_t max_eq = 0;
int max_i = -1;
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_devices.size(); ++i)
std::vector<std::string> dev_ps3_path_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(m_devices[i]->GetPs3Path());
if (ps3_path_blocks.size() < dev_ps3_path_blocks.size())
size_t eq = 0;
for (; eq < dev_ps3_path_blocks.size(); ++eq)
if (strcmp(ps3_path_blocks[eq].c_str(), dev_ps3_path_blocks[eq].c_str()))
if (eq > max_eq)
max_eq = eq;
max_i = i;
if (max_i < 0)
return nullptr;
path = m_devices[max_i]->GetLocalPath();
for (size_t i = max_eq; i < ps3_path_blocks.size(); i++)
path += "/" + ps3_path_blocks[i];
path = simplify_path(path, false, false);
return m_devices[max_i];
if (!ps3_path.size() || ps3_path[0] != '/')
return nullptr;
return try_get_device(GetLinked(ps3_path));
// What is it? cwd is real path, ps3_path is ps3 path, but GetLinked accepts ps3 path
//if (auto res = try_get_device(GetLinked(cwd + ps3_path)))
// return res;
vfsDevice* VFS::GetDeviceLocal(const std::string& local_path, std::string& path) const
int max_eq = -1;
int max_i = -1;
std::vector<std::string> local_path_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(local_path);
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_devices.size(); ++i)
std::vector<std::string> dev_local_path_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(m_devices[i]->GetLocalPath());
if (local_path_blocks.size() < dev_local_path_blocks.size())
int dev_blocks = dev_local_path_blocks.size();
bool prefix_equal = std::equal(
[](const std::string& a, const std::string& b){ return strcmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) == 0; }
if (prefix_equal && dev_blocks > max_eq)
max_eq = dev_blocks;
max_i = i;
if (max_i < 0)
return nullptr;
path = m_devices[max_i]->GetPs3Path();
for (size_t i = max_eq; i < local_path_blocks.size(); i++)
path += "/" + local_path_blocks[i];
path = simplify_path(path, false, true);
return m_devices[max_i];
void VFS::Init(const std::string& path)
cwd = simplify_path(path, true, false);
std::vector<VFSManagerEntry> entries;
SaveLoadDevices(entries, true);
for(const VFSManagerEntry& entry : entries)
vfsDevice* dev;
case vfsDevice_LocalFile:
dev = new vfsDeviceLocalFile();
case vfsDevice_HDD:
dev = new vfsDeviceHDD(entry.device_path);
std::string mpath = entry.path;
// If no value assigned to SysEmulationDirPath in INI, use the path that with executable.
if (rpcs3::config.system.emulation_dir_path_enable.value())
fmt::Replace(mpath, "$(EmulatorDir)", rpcs3::config.system.emulation_dir_path.value());
fmt::Replace(mpath, "$(EmulatorDir)", fs::get_executable_dir());
fmt::Replace(mpath, "$(GameDir)", cwd);
Mount(entry.mount, mpath, dev);
Link("/app_home/", "/host_root/" + cwd);
void VFS::SaveLoadDevices(std::vector<VFSManagerEntry>& res, bool is_load)
int count = 0;
if (is_load)
count = rpcs3::config.vfs.count.value();
if (!count)
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "$(EmulatorDir)/dev_hdd0/", "/dev_hdd0/");
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "$(EmulatorDir)/dev_hdd1/", "/dev_hdd1/");
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "$(EmulatorDir)/dev_flash/", "/dev_flash/");
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "$(EmulatorDir)/dev_usb000/", "/dev_usb000/");
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "$(EmulatorDir)/dev_usb000/", "/dev_usb/");
res.emplace_back(vfsDevice_LocalFile, "", "/host_root/");
count = (int)res.size();
rpcs3::config.vfs.count = count;
// Custom EmulationDir
if (rpcs3::config.system.emulation_dir_path_enable.value())
std::string dir = rpcs3::config.system.emulation_dir_path.value();
if (dir.empty())
rpcs3::config.system.emulation_dir_path = fs::get_executable_dir();
if (!fs::is_dir(dir))
LOG_ERROR(GENERAL, "Custom EmulationDir: directory '%s' not found", dir);
LOG_NOTICE(GENERAL, "Custom EmulationDir: $(EmulatorDir) bound to '%s'", dir);
for(int i=0; i<count; ++i)
rpcs3::config.vfs.add_entry(fmt::format("path[%d]", i), std::string{});
rpcs3::config.vfs.add_entry(fmt::format("device_path[%d]", i), std::string{});
rpcs3::config.vfs.add_entry(fmt::format("mount[%d]", i), std::string{});
rpcs3::config.vfs.add_entry(fmt::format("device[%d]", i), 0);
if (is_load)
res[i] = VFSManagerEntry();
res[i].path = rpcs3::config.vfs.get_entry_value<std::string>(fmt::format("path[%d]", i), std::string{});
res[i].device_path = rpcs3::config.vfs.get_entry_value<std::string>(fmt::format("device_path[%d]", i), std::string{});
res[i].mount = rpcs3::config.vfs.get_entry_value<std::string>(fmt::format("mount[%d]", i), std::string{});
res[i].device = (vfsDeviceType)rpcs3::config.vfs.get_entry_value<int>(fmt::format("device[%d]", i), 0);
rpcs3::config.vfs.set_entry_value(fmt::format("path[%d]", i), res[i].path);
rpcs3::config.vfs.set_entry_value(fmt::format("device_path[%d]", i), res[i].device_path);
rpcs3::config.vfs.set_entry_value(fmt::format("mount[%d]", i), res[i].mount);
rpcs3::config.vfs.set_entry_value(fmt::format("device[%d]", i), (int)res[i].device);

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
class vfsDevice;
struct vfsFileBase;
class vfsDirBase;
enum vfsDeviceType
static const char* vfsDeviceTypeNames[] =
struct VFSManagerEntry
vfsDeviceType device;
std::string device_path;
std::string path;
std::string mount;
: device(vfsDevice_LocalFile)
, device_path("")
, path("")
, mount("")
VFSManagerEntry(const vfsDeviceType& device, const std::string& path, const std::string& mount)
: device(device)
, device_path("")
, path(path)
, mount(mount)
std::vector<std::string> simplify_path_blocks(const std::string& path);
std::string simplify_path(const std::string& path, bool is_dir, bool is_ps3);
struct VFS
std::string cwd;
//TODO: find out where these are supposed to be deleted or just make it shared_ptr
//and also make GetDevice and GetDeviceLocal return shared_ptr then.
// A vfsDevice will be deleted when they're unmounted or the VFS struct is destroyed.
// This will cause problems if other code stores the pointer returned by GetDevice/GetDeviceLocal
// and tries to use it after the device is unmounted.
std::vector<vfsDevice *> m_devices;
struct links_sorter
bool operator()(const std::vector<std::string>& a, const std::vector<std::string>& b) const
return b.size() < a.size();
std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>, links_sorter> links;
void Mount(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path, vfsDevice* device);
void Link(const std::string& mount_point, const std::string& ps3_path);
void UnMount(const std::string& ps3_path);
void UnMountAll();
std::string GetLinked(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
vfsFileBase* OpenFile(const std::string& ps3_path, u32 mode) const;
vfsDirBase* OpenDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool CreateDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool CreatePath(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool RemoveFile(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool RemoveDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
void DeleteAll(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
u64 GetDirSize(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool ExistsFile(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool ExistsDir(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool Exists(const std::string& ps3_path) const;
bool Rename(const std::string& ps3_path_from, const std::string& ps3_path_to) const;
bool CopyFile(const std::string& ps3_path_from, const std::string& ps3_path_to, bool overwrite = true) const;
bool TruncateFile(const std::string& ps3_path, u64 length) const;
vfsDevice* GetDevice(const std::string& ps3_path, std::string& path) const;
vfsDevice* GetDeviceLocal(const std::string& local_path, std::string& path) const;
void Init(const std::string& path);
void SaveLoadDevices(std::vector<VFSManagerEntry>& res, bool is_load);

View File

@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsDevice.h"
vfsDevice::vfsDevice(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path)
: m_ps3_path(ps3_path)
, m_local_path(GetWinPath(local_path))
std::string vfsDevice::GetLocalPath() const
return m_local_path;
std::string vfsDevice::GetPs3Path() const
return m_ps3_path;
void vfsDevice::SetPath(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path)
m_ps3_path = ps3_path;
m_local_path = local_path;
u32 vfsDevice::CmpPs3Path(const std::string& ps3_path)
const u32 lim = (u32)std::min(m_ps3_path.length(), ps3_path.length());
u32 ret = 0;
for(u32 i=0; i<lim; ++i, ++ret)
if(m_ps3_path[i] != ps3_path[i])
ret = 0;
return ret;
u32 vfsDevice::CmpLocalPath(const std::string& local_path)
if(local_path.length() < m_local_path.length())
return 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define DL "\\"
#define DL "/"
std::vector<std::string> arr0 = fmt::rSplit(m_local_path, DL);
std::vector<std::string> arr1 = fmt::rSplit(local_path, DL);
const u32 lim = (u32)std::min(arr0.size(), arr1.size());
u32 ret = 0;
for(u32 i=0; i<lim; ret += (u32)arr0[i++].size() + 1)
if(fmt::CmpNoCase(arr0[i],arr1[i]) != 0)
return ret;
std::string vfsDevice::ErasePath(const std::string& path, u32 start_dir_count, u32 end_dir_count)
u32 from = 0;
u32 to = (u32)path.length() - 1;
for(uint i = 0, dir = 0; i < path.length(); ++i)
if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/' || i == path.length() - 1)
if(++dir == start_dir_count)
from = i;
for(int i = (int)path.length() - 1, dir = 0; i >= 0; --i)
if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/' || i == 0)
if(dir++ == end_dir_count)
to = i;
return path.substr(from, to - from);
std::string vfsDevice::GetRoot(const std::string& path)
//return fmt::ToUTF8(wxFileName(fmt::FromUTF8(path), wxPATH_UNIX).GetPath());
if(path.empty()) return "";
u32 first_dir = (u32)path.length() - 1;
for(int i = (int)path.length() - 1, dir = 0, li = (int)path.length() - 1; i >= 0 && dir < 2; --i)
if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/' || i == 0)
case 0:
first_dir = i;
case 1:
if(!path.substr(i + 1, li - i).compare("USRDIR")) return path.substr(0, i + 1);
li = i - 1;
return path.substr(0, first_dir + 1);
std::string vfsDevice::GetRootPs3(const std::string& path)
if(path.empty()) return "";
static const std::string home = "/dev_hdd0/game/";
u32 last_dir = 0;
u32 first_dir = (u32)path.length() - 1;
for(int i = (int)path.length() - 1, dir = 0; i >= 0; --i)
if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/' || i == 0)
case 1:
if(path.substr(i + 1, last_dir - i - 1) == "USRDIR") return "";
case 2:
return GetPs3Path(home + path.substr(i + 1, last_dir - i - 1));
last_dir = i;
return GetPs3Path(home + path.substr(0, last_dir - 1));
std::string vfsDevice::GetWinPath(const std::string& p, bool is_dir)
if(p.empty()) return "";
std::string ret;
bool is_ls = false;
for(u32 i=0; i<p.length(); ++i)
if(p[i] == '/' || p[i] == '\\')
ret += '/';
is_ls = true;
is_ls = false;
ret += p[i];
if(is_dir && ret[ret.length() - 1] != '/' && ret[ret.length() - 1] != '\\') ret += '/'; // ???
return ret;
std::string vfsDevice::GetWinPath(const std::string& l, const std::string& r)
if(l.empty()) return GetWinPath(r, false);
if(r.empty()) return GetWinPath(l);
return GetWinPath(l + '/' + r, false);
std::string vfsDevice::GetPs3Path(const std::string& p, bool is_dir)
if(p.empty()) return "";
std::string ret;
bool is_ls = false;
for(u32 i=0; i<p.length(); ++i)
if(p[i] == L'/' || p[i] == L'\\')
ret += '/';
is_ls = true;
is_ls = false;
ret += p[i];
if(ret[0] != '/') ret = '/' + ret;
if(is_dir && ret[ret.length() - 1] != '/') ret += '/';
return ret;
std::string vfsDevice::GetPs3Path(const std::string& l, const std::string& r)
if(l.empty()) return GetPs3Path(r, false);
if(r.empty()) return GetPs3Path(l);
return GetPs3Path(l + '/' + r, false);
void vfsDevice::Lock() const
void vfsDevice::Unlock() const
bool vfsDevice::TryLock() const
return m_mtx_lock.try_lock();

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
struct vfsFileBase;
class vfsDirBase;
class vfsDevice
std::string m_ps3_path;
std::string m_local_path;
mutable std::mutex m_mtx_lock;
vfsDevice(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path);
vfsDevice() {}
virtual ~vfsDevice() {}
virtual vfsFileBase* GetNewFileStream()=0;
virtual vfsDirBase* GetNewDirStream()=0;
std::string GetLocalPath() const;
std::string GetPs3Path() const;
void SetPath(const std::string& ps3_path, const std::string& local_path);
u32 CmpPs3Path(const std::string& ps3_path);
u32 CmpLocalPath(const std::string& local_path);
static std::string ErasePath(const std::string& local_path, u32 start_dir_count, u32 end_dir_count);
static std::string GetRoot(const std::string& local_path);
static std::string GetRootPs3(const std::string& local_path);
static std::string GetWinPath(const std::string& p, bool is_dir = true);
static std::string GetWinPath(const std::string& l, const std::string& r);
static std::string GetPs3Path(const std::string& p, bool is_dir = true);
static std::string GetPs3Path(const std::string& l, const std::string& r);
void Lock() const;
void Unlock() const;
bool TryLock() const;
class vfsDeviceLocker
vfsDevice& m_device;
vfsDeviceLocker(vfsDevice& device) : m_device(device)

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsDeviceLocalFile.h"
#include "vfsLocalFile.h"
#include "vfsLocalDir.h"
vfsFileBase* vfsDeviceLocalFile::GetNewFileStream()
return new vfsLocalFile(this);
vfsDirBase* vfsDeviceLocalFile::GetNewDirStream()
return new vfsLocalDir(this);

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsDevice.h"
class vfsDeviceLocalFile : public vfsDevice
virtual vfsFileBase* GetNewFileStream() override;
virtual vfsDirBase* GetNewDirStream() override;

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "vfsDevice.h"
#include "VFS.h"
#include "vfsDir.h"
: vfsDirBase(nullptr)
, m_stream(nullptr)
// TODO: proper implementation
// m_stream is nullptr here. So open root until a proper dir is given
vfsDir::vfsDir(const std::string& path)
: vfsDirBase(nullptr)
, m_stream(nullptr)
bool vfsDir::Open(const std::string& path)
DirEntryInfo info;
m_cwd = simplify_path(Emu.GetVFS().GetLinked(0 && m_stream && m_stream->IsOpened() ? m_stream->GetPath() : path), true, true);
auto blocks = simplify_path_blocks(GetPath());
for (auto dev : Emu.GetVFS().m_devices)
auto dev_blocks = simplify_path_blocks(dev->GetPs3Path());
if (dev_blocks.size() < (blocks.size() + 1))
bool is_ok = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i)
if (strcmp(dev_blocks[i].c_str(), blocks[i].c_str()))
is_ok = false;
if (is_ok)
{ = dev_blocks[blocks.size()];
if (m_stream && m_stream->IsOpened())
m_entries.insert(m_entries.begin(), m_stream->GetEntries().begin(), m_stream->GetEntries().end());
return !m_entries.empty();
void vfsDir::Close()
bool vfsDir::IsOpened() const
return !m_entries.empty();

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsDirBase.h"
class vfsDir : public vfsDirBase
std::shared_ptr<vfsDirBase> m_stream;
vfsDir(const std::string& path);
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path) override;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override;
virtual void Close() override;
//virtual std::string GetPath() const override;

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsDirBase.h"
vfsDirBase::vfsDirBase(vfsDevice* device)
: m_pos(0)
, m_device(device)
bool vfsDirBase::Open(const std::string& path)
if (IsOpened())
m_pos = 0;
m_cwd += '/' + path;
return true;
bool vfsDirBase::IsOpened() const
return !m_cwd.empty();
const std::vector<DirEntryInfo>& vfsDirBase::GetEntries() const
return m_entries;
void vfsDirBase::Close()
m_cwd = "";
std::string vfsDirBase::GetPath() const
return m_cwd;
const DirEntryInfo* vfsDirBase::Read()
if (m_pos >= m_entries.size())
return nullptr;
return &m_entries[m_pos++];
const DirEntryInfo* vfsDirBase::First()
m_pos = 0;
return Read();

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
class vfsDevice;
enum DirEntryFlags
DirEntry_TypeDir = 0x1,
DirEntry_TypeFile = 0x2,
DirEntry_TypeMask = 0x3,
DirEntry_PermWritable = 0x20,
DirEntry_PermReadable = 0x40,
DirEntry_PermExecutable = 0x80,
struct DirEntryInfo
std::string name;
u32 flags;
u64 size;
time_t create_time;
time_t access_time;
time_t modify_time;
: flags(0)
, size(0)
, create_time(0)
, access_time(0)
, modify_time(0)
class vfsDirBase
std::string m_cwd;
std::vector<DirEntryInfo> m_entries;
uint m_pos;
vfsDevice* m_device;
vfsDirBase(vfsDevice* device);
virtual ~vfsDirBase();
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path);
virtual bool IsOpened() const;
virtual const std::vector<DirEntryInfo>& GetEntries() const;
virtual void Close();
virtual std::string GetPath() const;
virtual const DirEntryInfo* Read();
virtual const DirEntryInfo* First();
class iterator
vfsDirBase *parent;
const DirEntryInfo* data;
iterator(vfsDirBase* parent)
: parent(parent)
, data(parent->First())
iterator(vfsDirBase* parent, const DirEntryInfo* data)
: parent(parent)
, data(data)
iterator& operator++()
data = parent->Read();
return *this;
iterator operator++(int)
const DirEntryInfo* olddata = data;
data = parent->Read();
return iterator(parent, olddata);
const DirEntryInfo* operator *()
return data;
bool operator !=(iterator other) const
return data !=;
iterator begin()
return iterator(this);
iterator end()
return iterator(this, nullptr);

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "VFS.h"
#include "vfsFile.h"
: vfsFileBase(nullptr)
, m_stream(nullptr)
vfsFile::vfsFile(const std::string& path, u32 mode)
: vfsFileBase(nullptr)
, m_stream(nullptr)
Open(path, mode);
bool vfsFile::Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode)
m_stream.reset(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(path, mode));
return m_stream && m_stream->IsOpened();
void vfsFile::Close()
u64 vfsFile::GetSize() const
return m_stream->GetSize();
u64 vfsFile::Write(const void* src, u64 size)
return m_stream->Write(src, size);
u64 vfsFile::Read(void* dst, u64 size)
return m_stream->Read(dst, size);
u64 vfsFile::Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence)
return m_stream->Seek(offset, whence);
u64 vfsFile::Tell() const
return m_stream->Tell();
bool vfsFile::IsOpened() const
return m_stream && m_stream->IsOpened();

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsFileBase.h"
class vfsFile : public vfsFileBase
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> m_stream;
vfsFile(const std::string& path, u32 mode = fom::read);
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode = fom::read) override;
virtual void Close() override;
virtual u64 GetSize() const override;
virtual u64 Write(const void* src, u64 size) override;
virtual u64 Read(void* dst, u64 size) override;
virtual u64 Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence = fs::seek_set) override;
virtual u64 Tell() const override;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override;

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsFileBase.h"
vfsFileBase::vfsFileBase(vfsDevice* device)
: vfsStream()
, m_device(device)
bool vfsFileBase::Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode)
m_path = path;
m_mode = mode;
return true;
void vfsFileBase::Close()
m_path = "";
std::string vfsFileBase::GetPath() const
return m_path;
u32 vfsFileBase::GetOpenMode() const
return m_mode;

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsStream.h"
class vfsDevice;
struct vfsFileBase : public vfsStream
std::string m_path;
u32 m_mode;
vfsDevice* m_device;
vfsFileBase(vfsDevice* device);
virtual ~vfsFileBase() override;
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode);
virtual void Close() override;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override { return !m_path.empty(); }
std::string GetPath() const;
u32 GetOpenMode() const;

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsDevice.h"
#include "vfsLocalDir.h"
vfsLocalDir::vfsLocalDir(vfsDevice* device) : vfsDirBase(device)
bool vfsLocalDir::Open(const std::string& path)
if (!vfsDirBase::Open(path) || !
return false;
std::string name;
fs::stat_t file_info;
while (, file_info) && name.size())
DirEntryInfo& info = m_entries.back(); = name;
info.flags |= file_info.is_directory ? DirEntry_TypeDir | DirEntry_PermExecutable : DirEntry_TypeFile;
info.flags |= file_info.is_writable ? DirEntry_PermWritable | DirEntry_PermReadable : DirEntry_PermReadable;
info.size = file_info.size;
info.access_time = file_info.atime;
info.modify_time = file_info.mtime;
info.create_time = file_info.ctime;
return true;
bool vfsLocalDir::IsOpened() const
return m_dir && vfsDirBase::IsOpened();

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsDirBase.h"
class vfsLocalDir : public vfsDirBase
u32 m_pos;
fs::dir m_dir;
vfsLocalDir(vfsDevice* device);
virtual ~vfsLocalDir();
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path) override;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override;

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsLocalFile.h"
vfsLocalFile::vfsLocalFile(vfsDevice* device) : vfsFileBase(device)
bool vfsLocalFile::Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode)
return, mode) && vfsFileBase::Open(path, mode);
void vfsLocalFile::Close()
u64 vfsLocalFile::GetSize() const
return m_file.size();
u64 vfsLocalFile::Write(const void* src, u64 size)
return m_file.write(src, size);
u64 vfsLocalFile::Read(void* dst, u64 size)
return, size);
u64 vfsLocalFile::Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence)
return, whence);
u64 vfsLocalFile::Tell() const
return, fs::seek_cur);
bool vfsLocalFile::IsOpened() const
return m_file && vfsFileBase::IsOpened();

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsFileBase.h"
class vfsLocalFile : public vfsFileBase
fs::file m_file;
vfsLocalFile(vfsDevice* device);
virtual bool Open(const std::string& path, u32 mode = fom::read) override;
virtual void Close() override;
virtual u64 GetSize() const override;
virtual u64 Write(const void* src, u64 size) override;
virtual u64 Read(void* dst, u64 size) override;
virtual u64 Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence = fs::seek_set) override;
virtual u64 Tell() const override;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override;
virtual const fs::file& GetFile() const { return m_file; }

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vfsStream.h"

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
struct vfsStream
vfsStream() = default;
virtual ~vfsStream()
virtual void Close()
virtual u64 GetSize() const = 0;
virtual u64 Write(const void* src, u64 count) = 0;
template<typename T>
force_inline bool SWrite(const T& data, u64 count = sizeof(T))
return Write(&data, count) == count;
virtual u64 Read(void* dst, u64 count) = 0;
template<typename T>
force_inline bool SRead(T& data, u64 count = sizeof(T))
return Read(&data, count) == count;
template<typename T>
bool VWrite(const std::vector<T>& vec)
return IsOpened() && Write(, vec.size() * sizeof(T)) == vec.size() * sizeof(T);
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> VRead()
std::vector<T> result;
if (IsOpened() == false)
return result;
result.resize(GetSize() / sizeof(T));
if (Seek(0) == -1 || Read(, result.size() * sizeof(T)) != result.size() * sizeof(T))
return result;
virtual u64 Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence = fs::seek_set) = 0;
virtual u64 Tell() const = 0;
virtual bool Eof() const
return Tell() >= GetSize();
virtual bool IsOpened() const = 0;

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h"
#include "vfsStreamMemory.h"
u64 vfsStreamMemory::Write(const void* src, u64 count)
assert(m_pos < m_size);
if (m_pos + count > m_size)
count = m_size - m_pos;
std::memcpy(vm::base(VM_CAST(m_addr + m_pos)), src, count);
m_pos += count;
return count;
u64 vfsStreamMemory::Read(void* dst, u64 count)
assert(m_pos < m_size);
if (m_pos + count > m_size)
count = m_size - m_pos;
std::memcpy(dst, vm::base(VM_CAST(m_addr + m_pos)), count);
m_pos += count;
return count;

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "vfsStream.h"
class vfsStreamMemory : public vfsStream
u64 m_pos = 0;
u32 m_addr = 0;
u64 m_size = 0;
vfsStreamMemory() = default;
vfsStreamMemory(u32 addr, u32 size = 0)
Open(addr, size);
void Open(u32 addr, u32 size = 0)
m_pos = 0;
m_addr = addr;
m_size = size ? size : 0x100000000ull - addr; // determine max possible size
virtual u64 GetSize() const override
return m_size;
virtual u64 Write(const void* src, u64 count) override;
virtual u64 Read(void* dst, u64 count) override;
virtual u64 Seek(s64 offset, fs::seek_mode whence) override
switch (whence)
case fs::seek_set: return m_pos = offset;
case fs::seek_cur: return m_pos += offset;
case fs::seek_end: return m_pos = m_size + offset;
throw EXCEPTION("Unknown seek_mode (0x%x)", whence);
virtual u64 Tell() const override
return m_pos;
virtual bool IsOpened() const override
return true;