common/d3d12: Clean texture upload code.

Some typos are fixed in the process
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Lejeune 2015-12-07 22:09:18 +01:00
parent 929f518ef3
commit 80dc122742
1 changed files with 110 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -11,222 +11,136 @@ namespace
* Write data, assume src pixels are packed but not mipmaplevel
writeTexelsGeneric(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
struct texel_rgba
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < currentHeight; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + offsetInDst + row * rowPitch, (char*)src + offsetInSrc + row * widthInBlock * blockSize, currentWidth * blockSize);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInDst = align(offsetInDst, 512);
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * widthInBlock * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + row * dst_pitch_in_block * block_size, (char*)src + row * src_pitch_in_block * block_size, width_in_block * block_size);
return row_count * src_pitch_in_block * block_size;
return Result;
* Write data, assume src pixels are swizzled and but not mipmaplevel
writeTexelsSwizzled(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
u32 *castedSrc, *castedDst;
castedSrc = (u32*)src + offsetInSrc;
castedDst = (u32*)dst + offsetInDst;
std::unique_ptr<u32[]> temp_swizzled(new u32[currentHeight * currentWidth]);
rsx::convert_linear_swizzle<u32>(castedSrc, temp_swizzled.get(), currentWidth, currentHeight, true);
for (unsigned row = 0; row < currentHeight; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + offsetInDst + row * rowPitch, (char*)temp_swizzled.get() + offsetInSrc + row * widthInBlock * blockSize, currentWidth * blockSize);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * widthInBlock * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
return Result;
* Write data, assume compressed (DXTCn) format
writeCompressedTexel(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t blockWidth, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockHeight, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight * blockHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth * blockWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < currentHeight; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + offsetInDst + row * rowPitch, (char*)src + offsetInSrc + row * currentWidth * blockSize, currentWidth * blockSize);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInDst = align(offsetInDst, 512);
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * currentWidth * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
return Result;
* Write 16 bytes pixel textures, assume src pixels are swizzled and but not mipmaplevel
write16bTexelsSwizzled(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
struct texel_16b_swizzled
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
size_t srcPitch = widthInBlock * blockSize;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
u16 *castedSrc = static_cast<u16*>(src), *castedDst = static_cast<u16*>(dst);
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
u16 *castedSrc, *castedDst;
castedSrc = (u16*)src + offsetInSrc;
castedDst = (u16*)dst + offsetInDst;
std::unique_ptr<u16[]> temp_swizzled(new u16[currentHeight * currentWidth]);
rsx::convert_linear_swizzle<u16>(castedSrc, temp_swizzled.get(), currentWidth, currentHeight, true);
for (unsigned row = 0; row < heightInBlock; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < currentWidth; j++)
std::unique_ptr<u16[]> temp_swizzled(new u16[row_count * width_in_block]);
rsx::convert_linear_swizzle<u16>(castedSrc, temp_swizzled.get(), src_pitch_in_block, row_count, true);
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < width_in_block; j++)
u16 tmp = temp_swizzled[offsetInSrc / 2 + row * srcPitch / 2 + j];
castedDst[offsetInDst / 2 + row * rowPitch / 2 + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
u16 tmp = temp_swizzled[row * src_pitch_in_block + j];
castedDst[row * dst_pitch_in_block + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * widthInBlock * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
return row_count * src_pitch_in_block * block_size;
return Result;
* Write data, assume src pixels are swizzled and but not mipmaplevel
struct texel_rgba_swizzled
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
u32 *castedSrc, *castedDst;
castedSrc = (u32*)src;
castedDst = (u32*)dst ;
std::unique_ptr<u32[]> temp_swizzled(new u32[src_pitch_in_block * row_count]);
rsx::convert_linear_swizzle<u32>(castedSrc, temp_swizzled.get(), src_pitch_in_block, row_count, true);
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + row * dst_pitch_in_block * block_size, (char*)temp_swizzled.get() + row * src_pitch_in_block * block_size, width_in_block * block_size);
return row_count * src_pitch_in_block * block_size;
* Write data, assume compressed (DXTCn) format
* Data are tightly packed
struct texel_bc_format {
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
memcpy((char*)dst + row * dst_pitch_in_block * block_size, (char*)src + row * width_in_block * block_size, width_in_block * block_size);
return width_in_block * row_count * block_size;
* Write 16 bytes pixel textures, assume src pixels are packed but not mipmaplevel
write16bTexelsGeneric(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
size_t srcPitch = widthInBlock * blockSize;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
struct texel_16b_format {
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
unsigned short *castedDst = (unsigned short *)dst, *castedSrc = (unsigned short *)src;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < heightInBlock; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < currentWidth; j++)
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < width_in_block; j++)
u16 tmp = castedSrc[offsetInSrc / 2 + row * srcPitch / 2 + j];
castedDst[offsetInDst / 2 + row * rowPitch / 2 + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
u16 tmp = castedSrc[row * src_pitch_in_block + j];
castedDst[row * dst_pitch_in_block + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * widthInBlock * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
return row_count * src_pitch_in_block * block_size;
return Result;
* Write 16 bytes pixel textures, assume src pixels are packed but not mipmaplevel
* Write 16 bytes X 4 pixel textures, assume src pixels are packed but not mipmaplevel
write16bX4TexelsGeneric(const char *src, char *dst, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t blockSize, size_t mipmapCount)
struct texel_16bX4_format {
template<size_t block_size>
static size_t copy_mipmap_level(void *dst, void *src, size_t row_count, size_t width_in_block, size_t dst_pitch_in_block, size_t src_pitch_in_block) noexcept
unsigned short *casted_dst = (unsigned short *)dst, *casted_src = (unsigned short *)src;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < row_count; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < width_in_block * 4; j++)
u16 tmp = casted_src[row * src_pitch_in_block * 4 + j];
casted_dst[row * dst_pitch_in_block * 4 + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
return row_count * src_pitch_in_block * block_size;
template <typename T, size_t block_size_in_bytes, size_t block_edge_in_texel = 1>
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> copy_texture_data(void *dst, const void *src, size_t widthInBlock, size_t heightInBlock, size_t depth, size_t mipmapCount) noexcept
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> Result;
size_t offsetInDst = 0, offsetInSrc = 0;
size_t currentHeight = heightInBlock, currentWidth = widthInBlock;
size_t srcPitch = widthInBlock * blockSize;
for (unsigned mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
// Every mipmap level of rsx textures use the same rowpitch.
size_t src_pitch = widthInBlock;
for (unsigned depth_level = 0; depth_level < depth; depth_level++)
size_t rowPitch = align(currentWidth * blockSize, 256);
size_t miplevel_height_in_block = heightInBlock, miplevel_width_in_block = widthInBlock;
for (unsigned mip_level = 0; mip_level < mipmapCount; mip_level++)
size_t dst_pitch = align(miplevel_width_in_block * block_size_in_bytes, 256) / block_size_in_bytes;
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = currentHeight;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = currentWidth;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = rowPitch;
MipmapLevelInfo currentMipmapLevelInfo = {};
currentMipmapLevelInfo.offset = offsetInDst;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.height = miplevel_height_in_block * block_edge_in_texel;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.width = miplevel_width_in_block * block_edge_in_texel;
currentMipmapLevelInfo.rowPitch = dst_pitch * block_size_in_bytes;
unsigned short *castedDst = (unsigned short *)dst, *castedSrc = (unsigned short *)src;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < heightInBlock; row++)
for (int j = 0; j < currentWidth * 4; j++)
u16 tmp = castedSrc[offsetInSrc / 2 + row * srcPitch / 2 + j];
castedDst[offsetInDst / 2 + row * rowPitch / 2 + j] = (tmp >> 8) | (tmp << 8);
offsetInDst += currentHeight * rowPitch;
offsetInSrc += currentHeight * widthInBlock * blockSize;
currentHeight = MAX2(currentHeight / 2, 1);
currentWidth = MAX2(currentWidth / 2, 1);
offsetInSrc += T::template copy_mipmap_level<block_size_in_bytes>((char*)dst + offsetInDst, (char*)src + offsetInSrc, miplevel_height_in_block, miplevel_width_in_block, dst_pitch, src_pitch);
offsetInDst += align(miplevel_height_in_block * dst_pitch * block_size_in_bytes, 512);
miplevel_height_in_block = MAX2(miplevel_height_in_block / 2, 1);
miplevel_width_in_block = MAX2(miplevel_width_in_block / 2, 1);
return Result;
@ -328,12 +242,13 @@ size_t get_placed_texture_storage_size(const rsx::texture &texture, size_t rowPi
size_t rowPitch = align(blockSizeInByte * widthInBlocks, rowPitchAlignement);
return rowPitch * heightInBlocks * 2; // * 2 for mipmap levels
return rowPitch * heightInBlocks * (texture.cubemap() ? 6 : 1) * 2; // * 2 for mipmap levels
std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> upload_placed_texture(const rsx::texture &texture, size_t rowPitchAlignement, void* textureData) noexcept
size_t w = texture.width(), h = texture.height();
size_t depth = texture.depth();
int format = texture.format() & ~(CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_LN | CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_UN);
@ -352,24 +267,28 @@ std::vector<MipmapLevelInfo> upload_placed_texture(const rsx::texture &texture,
if (is_swizzled)
return writeTexelsSwizzled((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, 4, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_rgba_swizzled, 4, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return writeTexelsGeneric((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, 4, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_rgba, 4, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
if (is_swizzled)
return write16bTexelsSwizzled((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, 2, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_16b_swizzled, 2, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return write16bTexelsGeneric((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, 2, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_16b_format, 2, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return write16bX4TexelsGeneric((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, 8, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_16bX4_format, 8, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_bc_format, 8, 4>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_bc_format, 16, 4>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return writeCompressedTexel((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, widthInBlocks, blockEdge, heightInBlocks, blockEdge, blockSizeInByte, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_bc_format, 16, 4>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_rgba, 1, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());
return writeTexelsGeneric((char*)pixels, (char*)textureData, w, h, blockSizeInByte, texture.mipmap());
return copy_texture_data<texel_rgba, 4, 1>(textureData, pixels, widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks, depth, texture.mipmap());