
399 lines
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#include "cond.h"
#include "sync.h"
2017-04-16 01:31:58 +00:00
#include <limits.h>
2017-02-24 15:48:53 +00:00
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <thread>
bool cond_variable::imp_wait(u32 _old, u64 _timeout) noexcept
verify(HERE), _old != -1; // Very unlikely: it requires 2^32 distinct threads to wait simultaneously
const bool is_inf = _timeout > max_timeout;
#ifdef _WIN32
timeout.QuadPart = _timeout * -10;
if (HRESULT rc = _timeout ? NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) : WAIT_TIMEOUT)
verify(HERE), rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
// Retire
while (!m_value.try_dec())
timeout.QuadPart = 0;
if (HRESULT rc2 = NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, &timeout))
verify(HERE), rc2 == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
return true;
return false;
return true;
2017-02-15 15:07:42 +00:00
timespec timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = _timeout / 1000000;
timeout.tv_nsec = (_timeout % 1000000) * 1000;
for (u32 value = _old + 1;; value = m_value)
const int err = futex(&m_value, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, value, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) == 0
? 0
: errno;
// Normal or timeout wakeup
if (!err || (!is_inf && err == ETIMEDOUT))
// Cleanup (remove waiter)
verify(HERE), m_value--;
return !err;
// Not a wakeup
verify(HERE), err == EAGAIN;
void cond_variable::imp_wake(u32 _count) noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
// Try to subtract required amount of waiters
const u32 count = m_value.atomic_op([=](u32& value)
if (value > _count)
value -= _count;
return _count;
return std::exchange(value, 0);
for (u32 i = count; i > 0; i--)
NtReleaseKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, nullptr);
2017-02-15 15:07:42 +00:00
2017-02-24 15:48:53 +00:00
for (u32 i = _count; i > 0; std::this_thread::yield())
const u32 value = m_value;
// Constrain remaining amount with imaginary waiter count
if (i > value)
i = value;
if (!value || i == 0)
// Nothing to do
if (const int res = futex(&m_value, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, i > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : i))
2017-02-24 15:48:53 +00:00
verify(HERE), res >= 0 && (u32)res <= i;
i -= res;
if (!m_value || i == 0)
// Escape
bool notifier::imp_try_lock(u32 count)
return m_counter.atomic_op([&](u32& value)
if ((value % (max_readers + 1)) + count <= max_readers)
value += count;
return true;
return false;
void notifier::imp_unlock(u32 count)
const u32 counter = m_counter.sub_fetch(count);
if (UNLIKELY(counter % (max_readers + 1)))
if (counter)
const u32 _old = m_counter.atomic_op([](u32& value) -> u32
if (value % (max_readers + 1))
return 0;
return std::exchange(value, 0) / (max_readers + 1);
const u32 wc = m_cond.m_value;
if (_old && wc)
m_cond.imp_wake(_old > wc ? wc : _old);
u32 notifier::imp_notify(u32 count)
return m_counter.atomic_op([&](u32& value) -> u32
if (const u32 add = value % (max_readers + 1))
// Mutex is locked
const u32 result = add > count ? count : add;
value += result * (max_readers + 1);
return result;
// Mutex is unlocked
value = 0;
return count;
bool notifier::wait(u64 usec_timeout)
const u32 _old = m_cond.m_value.fetch_add(1);
if (max_readers < m_counter.fetch_op([](u32& value)
if (value > max_readers)
value -= max_readers;
value -= 1;
// Return without waiting
m_cond.imp_wait(_old, 0);
return true;
const bool res = m_cond.imp_wait(_old, usec_timeout);
while (!try_lock_shared())
return res;
bool cond_one::imp_wait(u32 _old, u64 _timeout) noexcept
verify(HERE), _old == c_lock;
const bool is_inf = _timeout > cond_variable::max_timeout;
#ifdef _WIN32
timeout.QuadPart = _timeout * -10;
if (HRESULT rc = _timeout ? NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) : WAIT_TIMEOUT)
verify(HERE), rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
// Retire
const bool signaled = m_value.exchange(c_lock) == c_sig;
while (signaled)
timeout.QuadPart = 0;
if (HRESULT rc2 = NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, &timeout))
verify(HERE), rc2 == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
return true;
return false;
timespec timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = _timeout / 1000000;
timeout.tv_nsec = (_timeout % 1000000) * 1000;
for (u32 value = _old - 1; value != c_sig; value = m_value)
const int err = futex(&m_value, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, value, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) == 0
? 0
: errno;
// Normal or timeout wakeup
if (!err || (!is_inf && err == ETIMEDOUT))
return m_value.exchange(c_lock) == c_sig;
// Not a wakeup
verify(HERE), err == EAGAIN;
verify(HERE), m_value.exchange(c_lock) == c_sig;
return true;
void cond_one::imp_notify() noexcept
auto [old, ok] = m_value.fetch_op([](u32& v)
if (UNLIKELY(v > 0 && v < c_sig))
v = c_sig;
return true;
return false;
verify(HERE), old <= c_sig;
if (LIKELY(!ok || old == c_lock))
#ifdef _WIN32
NtReleaseKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_value, false, nullptr);
futex(&m_value, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1);
bool cond_x16::imp_wait(u32 _new, u32 slot, u64 _timeout) noexcept
const u32 wait_bit = c_wait << slot;
const u32 lock_bit = c_lock << slot;
const bool is_inf = _timeout > cond_variable::max_timeout;
#ifdef _WIN32
timeout.QuadPart = _timeout * -10;
if (HRESULT rc = _timeout ? NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_cvx16, false, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) : WAIT_TIMEOUT)
verify(HERE), rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
// Retire
const bool signaled = this->retire(slot);
while (signaled)
timeout.QuadPart = 0;
if (HRESULT rc2 = NtWaitForKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_cvx16, false, &timeout))
verify(HERE), rc2 == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
return true;
return false;
if (!this->retire(slot))
// Stolen notification: restore balance
NtReleaseKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_cvx16, false, nullptr);
timespec timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = _timeout / 1000000;
timeout.tv_nsec = (_timeout % 1000000) * 1000;
for (u32 value = _new; ((value >> slot) & c_sig) != c_sig; value = m_cvx16)
const int err = futex(&m_cvx16, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, value, is_inf ? nullptr : &timeout) == 0
? 0
: errno;
// Normal or timeout wakeup
if (!err || (!is_inf && err == ETIMEDOUT))
return this->retire(slot);
// Not a wakeup
verify(HERE), err == EAGAIN;
// Convert c_sig to c_lock
m_cvx16 &= ~wait_bit;
return true;
void cond_x16::imp_notify() noexcept
auto [old, ok] = m_cvx16.fetch_op([](u32& v)
const u32 lock_mask = v >> 16;
const u32 wait_mask = v & 0xffff;
if (const u32 sig_mask = lock_mask ^ wait_mask)
v |= sig_mask | sig_mask << 16;
return true;
return false;
// Determine if some waiters need a syscall notification
const u32 wait_mask = old & (~old >> 16);
if (UNLIKELY(!ok || !wait_mask))
#ifdef _WIN32
for (u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if ((wait_mask >> i) & 1)
NtReleaseKeyedEvent(nullptr, &m_cvx16, false, nullptr);
futex(&m_cvx16, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, INT_MAX);