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#pragma once
2015-12-02 09:23:25 +00:00
2016-02-01 21:55:43 +00:00
#include <new>
#include <typeinfo>
2016-02-01 21:55:43 +00:00
#include <type_traits>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
2016-02-01 21:55:43 +00:00
#include "Platform.h"
using schar = signed char;
using uchar = unsigned char;
using ushort = unsigned short;
using uint = unsigned int;
using ulong = unsigned long;
using ullong = unsigned long long;
using llong = long long;
2015-12-02 09:23:25 +00:00
using u8 = std::uint8_t;
using u16 = std::uint16_t;
using u32 = std::uint32_t;
using u64 = std::uint64_t;
2015-12-02 09:23:25 +00:00
using s8 = std::int8_t;
using s16 = std::int16_t;
using s32 = std::int32_t;
using s64 = std::int64_t;
2016-02-01 21:55:43 +00:00
// Specialization with static constexpr pair<T1, T2> map[] member expected
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct bijective;
template<typename T, std::size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
struct atomic_storage;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_add;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_sub;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_and;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_or;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_xor;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_pre_inc;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_post_inc;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_pre_dec;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_post_dec;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_set;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_reset;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_complement;
template<typename T>
class atomic_t;
namespace fmt
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct unveil;
// TODO: replace with std::void_t when available
namespace void_details
template<class... >
struct make_void
using type = void;
template<class... T> using void_t = typename void_details::make_void<T...>::type;
// Extract T::simple_type if available, remove cv qualifiers
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct simple_type_helper
using type = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type;
template<typename T>
struct simple_type_helper<T, void_t<typename T::simple_type>>
using type = typename T::simple_type;
template<typename T> using simple_t = typename simple_type_helper<T>::type;
// Bool type equivalent
class b8
std::uint8_t m_value;
b8() = default;
constexpr b8(bool value)
: m_value(value)
constexpr operator bool() const
return m_value != 0;
// Bool wrapper for restricting bool result conversions
struct explicit_bool_t
const bool value;
constexpr explicit_bool_t(bool value)
: value(value)
explicit constexpr operator bool() const
return value;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
using u128 = __uint128_t;
using s128 = __int128_t;
#include "intrin.h"
// Unsigned 128-bit integer implementation (TODO)
struct alignas(16) u128
std::uint64_t lo, hi;
u128() = default;
constexpr u128(std::uint64_t l)
: lo(l)
, hi(0)
friend u128 operator +(const u128& l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, r.lo, l.lo, &value.lo), r.hi, l.hi, &value.hi);
return value;
friend u128 operator +(const u128& l, std::uint64_t r)
u128 value;
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, r, l.lo, &value.lo), l.hi, 0, &value.hi);
return value;
friend u128 operator +(std::uint64_t l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, r.lo, l, &value.lo), 0, r.hi, &value.hi);
return value;
friend u128 operator -(const u128& l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, r.lo, l.lo, &value.lo), r.hi, l.hi, &value.hi);
return value;
friend u128 operator -(const u128& l, std::uint64_t r)
u128 value;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, r, l.lo, &value.lo), 0, l.hi, &value.hi);
return value;
friend u128 operator -(std::uint64_t l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, r.lo, l, &value.lo), r.hi, 0, &value.hi);
return value;
u128 operator +() const
return *this;
u128 operator -() const
u128 value;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, lo, 0, &value.lo), hi, 0, &value.hi);
return value;
u128& operator ++()
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, 1, lo, &lo), 0, hi, &hi);
return *this;
u128 operator ++(int)
u128 value = *this;
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, 1, lo, &lo), 0, hi, &hi);
return value;
u128& operator --()
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, 1, lo, &lo), 0, hi, &hi);
return *this;
u128 operator --(int)
u128 value = *this;
_subborrow_u64(_subborrow_u64(0, 1, lo, &lo), 0, hi, &hi);
return value;
u128 operator ~() const
u128 value;
value.lo = ~lo;
value.hi = ~hi;
return value;
friend u128 operator &(const u128& l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
value.lo = l.lo & r.lo;
value.hi = l.hi & r.hi;
return value;
friend u128 operator |(const u128& l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
value.lo = l.lo | r.lo;
value.hi = l.hi | r.hi;
return value;
friend u128 operator ^(const u128& l, const u128& r)
u128 value;
value.lo = l.lo ^ r.lo;
value.hi = l.hi ^ r.hi;
return value;
u128& operator +=(const u128& r)
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, r.lo, lo, &lo), r.hi, hi, &hi);
return *this;
u128& operator +=(uint64_t r)
_addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, r, lo, &lo), 0, hi, &hi);
return *this;
u128& operator &=(const u128& r)
lo &= r.lo;
hi &= r.hi;
return *this;
u128& operator |=(const u128& r)
lo |= r.lo;
hi |= r.hi;
return *this;
u128& operator ^=(const u128& r)
lo ^= r.lo;
hi ^= r.hi;
return *this;
// Signed 128-bit integer implementation (TODO)
struct alignas(16) s128
std::uint64_t lo;
std::int64_t hi;
s128() = default;
constexpr s128(std::int64_t l)
: hi(l >> 63)
, lo(l)
constexpr s128(std::uint64_t l)
: hi(0)
, lo(l)
namespace std
/* Let's hack. */
struct is_integral<u128> : true_type
struct is_integral<s128> : true_type
struct make_unsigned<u128>
using type = u128;
struct make_unsigned<s128>
using type = u128;
struct make_signed<u128>
using type = s128;
struct make_signed<s128>
using type = s128;
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<u128>::value && std::is_integral<u128>::value && alignof(u128) == 16 && sizeof(u128) == 16, "Wrong u128 implementation");
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<s128>::value && std::is_integral<s128>::value && alignof(s128) == 16 && sizeof(s128) == 16, "Wrong s128 implementation");
union alignas(2) f16
u16 _u16;
u8 _u8[2];
explicit f16(u16 raw)
_u16 = raw;
explicit operator float() const
// See http://stackoverflow.com/a/26779139
// The conversion doesn't handle NaN/Inf
u32 raw = ((_u16 & 0x8000) << 16) | // Sign (just moved)
(((_u16 & 0x7c00) + 0x1C000) << 13) | // Exponent ( exp - 15 + 127)
((_u16 & 0x03FF) << 13); // Mantissa
return (float&)raw;
using f32 = float;
using f64 = double;
struct ignore
template<typename T>
2016-02-01 21:55:43 +00:00
// Allows to define integer convertible to multiple enum types
template<typename T = void, typename... Ts>
struct multicast : multicast<Ts...>
static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "multicast<> error: invalid conversion type (enum type expected)");
multicast() = default;
template<typename UT>
constexpr multicast(const UT& value)
: multicast<Ts...>(value)
, m_value{ value } // Forbid narrowing
constexpr operator T() const
// Cast to enum type
return static_cast<T>(m_value);
std::underlying_type_t<T> m_value;
// Recursion terminator
struct multicast<void>
multicast() = default;
template<typename UT>
constexpr multicast(const UT& value)
// Small bitset for enum class types with available values [0, bitsize).
// T must be either enum type or convertible to (registered with via simple_t<T>).
// Internal representation is single value of type T.
template<typename T>
struct mset
using type = simple_t<T>;
using under = std::underlying_type_t<type>;
static constexpr auto bitsize = sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT;
mset() = default;
constexpr mset(type _enum_const)
: m_value(static_cast<type>(shift(_enum_const)))
constexpr mset(under raw_value, const std::nothrow_t&)
: m_value(static_cast<T>(raw_value))
// Get underlying value
constexpr under _value() const
return static_cast<under>(m_value);
explicit constexpr operator bool() const
return _value() ? true : false;
mset& operator +=(mset rhs)
return *this = { _value() | rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
mset& operator -=(mset rhs)
return *this = { _value() & ~rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
mset& operator &=(mset rhs)
return *this = { _value() & rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
mset& operator ^=(mset rhs)
return *this = { _value() ^ rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
friend constexpr mset operator +(mset lhs, mset rhs)
return{ lhs._value() | rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
friend constexpr mset operator -(mset lhs, mset rhs)
return{ lhs._value() & ~rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
friend constexpr mset operator &(mset lhs, mset rhs)
return{ lhs._value() & rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
friend constexpr mset operator ^(mset lhs, mset rhs)
return{ lhs._value() ^ rhs._value(), std::nothrow };
bool test(mset rhs) const
const under v = _value();
const under s = rhs._value();
return (v & s) != 0;
bool test_and_set(mset rhs)
const under v = _value();
const under s = rhs._value();
*this = { v | s, std::nothrow };
return (v & s) != 0;
bool test_and_reset(mset rhs)
const under v = _value();
const under s = rhs._value();
*this = { v & ~s, std::nothrow };
return (v & s) != 0;
bool test_and_complement(mset rhs)
const under v = _value();
const under s = rhs._value();
*this = { v ^ s, std::nothrow };
return (v & s) != 0;
[[noreturn]] static under xrange()
throw std::out_of_range("mset<>: bit out of range");
static constexpr under shift(const T& value)
return static_cast<under>(value) < bitsize ? static_cast<under>(1) << static_cast<under>(value) : xrange();
T m_value;
template<typename T, typename RT = T>
constexpr RT to_mset()
return RT{};
// Fold enum constants into mset<>
template<typename T = void, typename Arg, typename... Args, typename RT = std::conditional_t<std::is_void<T>::value, mset<Arg>, T>>
constexpr RT to_mset(Arg&& _enum_const, Args&&... args)
return RT{ std::forward<Arg>(_enum_const) } + to_mset<RT>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename T, typename CT>
struct atomic_add<mset<T>, CT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline mset<T> op1(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::fetch_or(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static force_inline mset<T> op2(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::or_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T, typename CT>
struct atomic_sub<mset<T>, CT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline mset<T> op1(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static force_inline mset<T> op2(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T, typename CT>
struct atomic_and<mset<T>, CT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline mset<T> op1(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static force_inline mset<T> op2(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T, typename CT>
struct atomic_xor<mset<T>, CT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline mset<T> op1(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::fetch_xor(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static force_inline mset<T> op2(mset<T>& left, mset<T> right)
return{ atomic_storage<under>::xor_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), right._value()), std::nothrow };
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_set<mset<T>, T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline bool _op(mset<T>& left, const T& value)
return atomic_storage<under>::bts(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(value));
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_reset<mset<T>, T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline bool _op(mset<T>& left, const T& value)
return atomic_storage<under>::btr(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(value));
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_complement<mset<T>, T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = typename mset<T>::under;
static force_inline bool _op(mset<T>& left, const T& value)
return atomic_storage<under>::btc(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(value));
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T1, typename T2 = const char*, typename T = T1, typename DT = T2>
T2 bijective_find(const T& left, const DT& def = {})
for (const auto& pair : bijective<T1, T2>::map)
if (pair.first == left)
return pair.second;
return def;
template<typename T>
struct size2_base
T width, height;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base() : width{}, height{}
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base(T width, T height) : width{ width }, height{ height }
constexpr size2_base(const size2_base& rhs) : width{ rhs.width }, height{ rhs.height }
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator -(const size2_base& rhs) const
return{ width - rhs.width, height - rhs.height };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator -(T rhs) const
return{ width - rhs, height - rhs };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator +(const size2_base& rhs) const
return{ width + rhs.width, height + rhs.height };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator +(T rhs) const
return{ width + rhs, height + rhs };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator /(const size2_base& rhs) const
return{ width / rhs.width, height / rhs.height };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator /(T rhs) const
return{ width / rhs, height / rhs };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator *(const size2_base& rhs) const
return{ width * rhs.width, height * rhs.height };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr size2_base operator *(T rhs) const
return{ width * rhs, height * rhs };
size2_base& operator -=(const size2_base& rhs)
width -= rhs.width;
height -= rhs.height;
return *this;
size2_base& operator -=(T rhs)
width -= rhs;
height -= rhs;
return *this;
size2_base& operator +=(const size2_base& rhs)
width += rhs.width;
height += rhs.height;
return *this;
size2_base& operator +=(T rhs)
width += rhs;
height += rhs;
return *this;
size2_base& operator /=(const size2_base& rhs)
width /= rhs.width;
height /= rhs.height;
return *this;
size2_base& operator /=(T rhs)
width /= rhs;
height /= rhs;
return *this;
size2_base& operator *=(const size2_base& rhs)
width *= rhs.width;
height *= rhs.height;
return *this;
size2_base& operator *=(T rhs)
width *= rhs;
height *= rhs;
return *this;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator == (const size2_base& rhs) const
return width == rhs.width && height == rhs.height;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator != (const size2_base& rhs) const
return width != rhs.width || height != rhs.height;
template<typename NT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr operator size2_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)width, (NT)height };
template<typename T>
struct position1_base
T x;
position1_base operator -(const position1_base& rhs) const
return{ x - rhs.x };
position1_base operator -(T rhs) const
return{ x - rhs };
position1_base operator +(const position1_base& rhs) const
return{ x + rhs.x };
position1_base operator +(T rhs) const
return{ x + rhs };
template<typename RhsT>
position1_base operator *(RhsT rhs) const
return{ T(x * rhs) };
position1_base operator *(const position1_base& rhs) const
return{ T(x * rhs.x) };
template<typename RhsT>
position1_base operator /(RhsT rhs) const
return{ x / rhs };
position1_base operator /(const position1_base& rhs) const
return{ x / rhs.x };
position1_base& operator -=(const position1_base& rhs)
x -= rhs.x;
return *this;
position1_base& operator -=(T rhs)
x -= rhs;
return *this;
position1_base& operator +=(const position1_base& rhs)
x += rhs.x;
return *this;
position1_base& operator +=(T rhs)
x += rhs;
return *this;
template<typename RhsT>
position1_base& operator *=(RhsT rhs) const
x *= rhs;
return *this;
position1_base& operator *=(const position1_base& rhs) const
x *= rhs.x;
return *this;
template<typename RhsT>
position1_base& operator /=(RhsT rhs) const
x /= rhs;
return *this;
position1_base& operator /=(const position1_base& rhs) const
x /= rhs.x;
return *this;
bool operator ==(const position1_base& rhs) const
return x == rhs.x;
bool operator ==(T rhs) const
return x == rhs;
bool operator !=(const position1_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
bool operator !=(T rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
operator position1_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x };
double distance(const position1_base& to)
return abs(x - to.x);
template<typename T>
struct position2_base
T x, y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base() : x{}, y{}
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base(T x, T y) : x{ x }, y{ y }
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base(const position2_base& rhs) : x{ rhs.x }, y{ rhs.y }
constexpr bool operator >(const position2_base& rhs) const
return x > rhs.x && y > rhs.y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator >(T rhs) const
return x > rhs && y > rhs;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator <(const position2_base& rhs) const
return x < rhs.x && y < rhs.y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator <(T rhs) const
return x < rhs && y < rhs;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator >=(const position2_base& rhs) const
return x >= rhs.x && y >= rhs.y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator >=(T rhs) const
return x >= rhs && y >= rhs;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator <=(const position2_base& rhs) const
return x <= rhs.x && y <= rhs.y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator <=(T rhs) const
return x <= rhs && y <= rhs;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator -(const position2_base& rhs) const
return{ x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator -(T rhs) const
return{ x - rhs, y - rhs };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator +(const position2_base& rhs) const
return{ x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator +(T rhs) const
return{ x + rhs, y + rhs };
template<typename RhsT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator *(RhsT rhs) const
return{ T(x * rhs), T(y * rhs) };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator *(const position2_base& rhs) const
return{ T(x * rhs.x), T(y * rhs.y) };
template<typename RhsT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator /(RhsT rhs) const
return{ x / rhs, y / rhs };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator /(const position2_base& rhs) const
return{ x / rhs.x, y / rhs.y };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr position2_base operator /(const size2_base<T>& rhs) const
return{ x / rhs.width, y / rhs.height };
position2_base& operator -=(const position2_base& rhs)
x -= rhs.x;
y -= rhs.y;
return *this;
position2_base& operator -=(T rhs)
x -= rhs;
y -= rhs;
return *this;
position2_base& operator +=(const position2_base& rhs)
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
return *this;
position2_base& operator +=(T rhs)
x += rhs;
y += rhs;
return *this;
template<typename RhsT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
position2_base& operator *=(RhsT rhs)
x *= rhs;
y *= rhs;
return *this;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
position2_base& operator *=(const position2_base& rhs)
x *= rhs.x;
y *= rhs.y;
return *this;
template<typename RhsT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
position2_base& operator /=(RhsT rhs)
x /= rhs;
y /= rhs;
return *this;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
position2_base& operator /=(const position2_base& rhs)
x /= rhs.x;
y /= rhs.y;
return *this;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator ==(const position2_base& rhs) const
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator ==(T rhs) const
return x == rhs && y == rhs;
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator !=(const position2_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr bool operator !=(T rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr operator position2_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
double distance(const position2_base& to) const
return std::sqrt(double((x - to.x) * (x - to.x) + (y - to.y) * (y - to.y)));
template<typename T>
struct position3_base
T x, y, z;
position3_base() : x{}, y{}, z{}
position3_base(T x, T y, T z) : x{ x }, y{ y }, z{ z }
position3_base operator -(const position3_base& rhs) const
return{ x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z };
position3_base operator -(T rhs) const
return{ x - rhs, y - rhs, z - rhs };
position3_base operator +(const position3_base& rhs) const
return{ x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z };
position3_base operator +(T rhs) const
return{ x + rhs, y + rhs, z + rhs };
position3_base& operator -=(const position3_base& rhs)
x -= rhs.x;
y -= rhs.y;
z -= rhs.z;
return *this;
position3_base& operator -=(T rhs)
x -= rhs;
y -= rhs;
z -= rhs;
return *this;
position3_base& operator +=(const position3_base& rhs)
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
z += rhs.z;
return *this;
position3_base& operator +=(T rhs)
x += rhs;
y += rhs;
z += rhs;
return *this;
bool operator ==(const position3_base& rhs) const
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z;
bool operator ==(T rhs) const
return x == rhs && y == rhs && z == rhs;
bool operator !=(const position3_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
bool operator !=(T rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
operator position3_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)z };
template<typename T>
struct position4_base
T x, y, z, w;
constexpr position4_base() : x{}, y{}, z{}, w{}
constexpr position4_base(T x, T y = {}, T z = {}, T w = {T(1)}) : x{ x }, y{ y }, z{ z }, w{ w }
constexpr position4_base operator -(const position4_base& rhs) const
return{ x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z, w - rhs.w };
constexpr position4_base operator -(T rhs) const
return{ x - rhs, y - rhs, z - rhs, w - rhs };
constexpr position4_base operator +(const position4_base& rhs) const
return{ x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z, w + rhs.w };
constexpr position4_base operator +(T rhs) const
return{ x + rhs, y + rhs, z + rhs, w + rhs };
position4_base& operator -=(const position4_base& rhs)
x -= rhs.x;
y -= rhs.y;
z -= rhs.z;
w -= rhs.w;
return *this;
position4_base& operator -=(T rhs)
x -= rhs;
y -= rhs;
z -= rhs;
w -= rhs;
return *this;
position4_base& operator +=(const position4_base& rhs)
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
z += rhs.z;
w += rhs.w;
return *this;
position4_base& operator +=(T rhs)
x += rhs;
y += rhs;
z += rhs;
w += rhs;
return *this;
constexpr bool operator ==(const position4_base& rhs) const
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z && w == rhs.w;
constexpr bool operator ==(T rhs) const
return x == rhs && y == rhs && z == rhs && w == rhs;
constexpr bool operator !=(const position4_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
constexpr bool operator !=(T rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator position4_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)z, (NT)w };
template<typename T>
using position_base = position2_base<T>;
template<typename T>
struct coord_base
position_base<T> position;
struct { T x, y; };
size2_base<T> size;
struct { T width, height; };
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
constexpr coord_base() : position{}, size{}
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//compiler error
, x{}, y{}, width{}, height{}
constexpr coord_base(const position_base<T>& position, const size2_base<T>& size)
2015-10-07 16:02:10 +00:00
: position{ position }, size{ size }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
, x{ position.x }, y{ position.y }, width{ size.width }, height{ size.height }
constexpr coord_base(T x, T y, T width, T height) : x{ x }, y{ y }, width{ width }, height{ height }
constexpr bool test(const position_base<T>& position) const
if (position.x < x || position.x >= x + width)
return false;
if (position.y < y || position.y >= y + height)
return false;
return true;
constexpr bool operator == (const coord_base& rhs) const
return position == rhs.position && size == rhs.size;
constexpr bool operator != (const coord_base& rhs) const
return position != rhs.position || size != rhs.size;
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator coord_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)width, (NT)height };
template<typename T>
struct area_base
T x1, x2;
T y1, y2;
constexpr area_base() : x1{}, x2{}, y1{}, y2{}
constexpr area_base(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2) : x1{ x1 }, x2{ x2 }, y1{ y1 }, y2{ y2 }
constexpr area_base(const coord_base<T>& coord) : x1{ coord.x }, x2{ coord.x + coord.width }, y1{ coord.y }, y2{ coord.y + coord.height }
constexpr operator coord_base<T>() const
return{ x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 };
void flip_vertical()
std::swap(y1, y2);
void flip_horizontal()
std::swap(x1, x2);
constexpr area_base flipped_vertical() const
return{ x1, y2, x2, y1 };
constexpr area_base flipped_horizontal() const
return{ x2, y1, x1, y2 };
constexpr bool operator == (const area_base& rhs) const
return x1 == rhs.x1 && x2 == rhs.x2 && y1 == rhs.y1 && y2 == rhs.y2;
constexpr bool operator != (const area_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
constexpr area_base operator - (const size2_base<T>& size) const
return{ x1 - size.width, y1 - size.height, x2 - size.width, y2 - size.height };
constexpr area_base operator - (const T& value) const
return{ x1 - value, y1 - value, x2 - value, y2 - value };
constexpr area_base operator + (const size2_base<T>& size) const
return{ x1 + size.width, y1 + size.height, x2 + size.width, y2 + size.height };
constexpr area_base operator + (const T& value) const
return{ x1 + value, y1 + value, x2 + value, y2 + value };
constexpr area_base operator / (const size2_base<T>& size) const
return{ x1 / size.width, y1 / size.height, x2 / size.width, y2 / size.height };
constexpr area_base operator / (const T& value) const
return{ x1 / value, y1 / value, x2 / value, y2 / value };
constexpr area_base operator * (const size2_base<T>& size) const
return{ x1 * size.width, y1 * size.height, x2 * size.width, y2 * size.height };
constexpr area_base operator * (const T& value) const
return{ x1 * value, y1 * value, x2 * value, y2 * value };
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator area_base<NT>() const
return{(NT)x1, (NT)y1, (NT)x2, (NT)y2};
template<typename T>
struct size3_base
T width, height, depth;
size3_base() : width{}, height{}, depth{}
size3_base(T width, T height, T depth) : width{ width }, height{ height }, depth{ depth }
template<typename T>
struct coord3_base
position3_base<T> position;
struct { T x, y, z; };
size3_base<T> size;
struct { T width, height, depth; };
constexpr coord3_base() : position{}, size{}
constexpr coord3_base(const position3_base<T>& position, const size3_base<T>& size) : position{ position }, size{ size }
constexpr coord3_base(T x, T y, T z, T width, T height, T depth) : x{ x }, y{ y }, z{ z }, width{ width }, height{ height }, depth{ depth }
constexpr bool test(const position3_base<T>& position) const
if (position.x < x || position.x >= x + width)
return false;
if (position.y < y || position.y >= y + height)
return false;
if (position.z < z || position.z >= z + depth)
return false;
return true;
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator coord3_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)z, (NT)width, (NT)height, (NT)depth };
template<typename T>
struct color4_base
T r, g, b, a;
T x, y, z, w;
T rgba[4];
T xyzw[4];
: x{}
, y{}
, z{}
, w{ T(1) }
color4_base(T x, T y = {}, T z = {}, T w = {})
: x(x)
, y(y)
, z(z)
, w(w)
bool operator == (const color4_base& rhs) const
return r == rhs.r && g == rhs.g && b == rhs.b && a == rhs.a;
bool operator != (const color4_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
operator color4_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)z, (NT)w };
template<typename T>
struct color3_base
T r, g, b;
T x, y, z;
T rgb[3];
T xyz[3];
constexpr color3_base(T x = {}, T y = {}, T z = {})
: x(x)
, y(y)
, z(z)
constexpr bool operator == (const color3_base& rhs) const
return r == rhs.r && g == rhs.g && b == rhs.b;
constexpr bool operator != (const color3_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator color3_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y, (NT)z };
template<typename T>
struct color2_base
T r, g;
T x, y;
T rg[2];
T xy[2];
constexpr color2_base(T x = {}, T y = {})
: x(x)
, y(y)
constexpr bool operator == (const color2_base& rhs) const
return r == rhs.r && g == rhs.g;
constexpr bool operator != (const color2_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator color2_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x, (NT)y };
template<typename T>
struct color1_base
T r;
T x;
constexpr color1_base(T x = {})
: x(x)
constexpr bool operator == (const color1_base& rhs) const
return r == rhs.r;
constexpr bool operator != (const color1_base& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename NT>
constexpr operator color1_base<NT>() const
return{ (NT)x };
using positioni = position_base<int>;
using positionf = position_base<float>;
using positiond = position_base<double>;
using coordi = coord_base<int>;
using coordf = coord_base<float>;
using coordd = coord_base<double>;
using areai = area_base<int>;
using areaf = area_base<float>;
using aread = area_base<double>;
using position1i = position1_base<int>;
using position1f = position1_base<float>;
using position1d = position1_base<double>;
using position2i = position2_base<int>;
using position2f = position2_base<float>;
using position2d = position2_base<double>;
using position3i = position3_base<int>;
using position3f = position3_base<float>;
using position3d = position3_base<double>;
using position4i = position4_base<int>;
using position4f = position4_base<float>;
using position4d = position4_base<double>;
using size2i = size2_base<int>;
using size2f = size2_base<float>;
using size2d = size2_base<double>;
using sizei = size2i;
using sizef = size2f;
using sized = size2d;
using size3i = size3_base<int>;
using size3f = size3_base<float>;
using size3d = size3_base<double>;
using coord3i = coord3_base<int>;
using coord3f = coord3_base<float>;
using coord3d = coord3_base<double>;
using color4i = color4_base<int>;
using color4f = color4_base<float>;
using color4d = color4_base<double>;
using color3i = color3_base<int>;
using color3f = color3_base<float>;
using color3d = color3_base<double>;
using color2i = color2_base<int>;
using color2f = color2_base<float>;
using color2d = color2_base<double>;
using color1i = color1_base<int>;
using color1f = color1_base<float>;
using color1d = color1_base<double>;