170 lines
5.3 KiB
170 lines
5.3 KiB
#include <cstdlib>
#include "argparse/argparse.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "emuInstance.hpp"
#include "playbackInstance.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Parsing command line arguments
argparse::ArgumentParser program("player", "1.0");
.help("Path to the rom file to run.")
.help("Path to the input sequence file (.sol) to reproduce.")
.help("(Optional) Path to the initial state file to load.")
.help("Plays the entire sequence without interruptions and exit at the end.")
.help("Do not render game window.")
// Try to parse arguments
try { program.parse_args(argc, argv); }
catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { EXIT_WITH_ERROR("%s\n%s", err.what(), program.help().str().c_str()); }
// Getting ROM file path
std::string romFilePath = program.get<std::string>("romFile");
// Getting sequence file path
std::string sequenceFilePath = program.get<std::string>("sequenceFile");
// If initial state file is specified, load it
std::string stateFilePath = program.get<std::string>("stateFile");
// Getting reproduce flag
bool isReproduce = program.get<bool>("--reproduce");
// Getting reproduce flag
bool disableRender = program.get<bool>("--disableRender");
// Loading sequence file
std::string inputSequence;
auto status = loadStringFromFile(inputSequence, sequenceFilePath.c_str());
if (status == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("[ERROR] Could not find or read from sequence file: %s\n", sequenceFilePath.c_str());
// Building sequence information
const auto sequence = split(inputSequence, ' ');
// Initializing terminal
// Printing provided parameters
printw("[] Rom File Path: '%s'\n", romFilePath.c_str());
printw("[] Sequence File Path: '%s'\n", sequenceFilePath.c_str());
printw("[] Sequence Length: %lu\n", sequence.size());
printw("[] State File Path: '%s'\n", stateFilePath.empty() ? "<Boot Start>" : stateFilePath.c_str());
printw("[] Generating Sequence...\n");
// Creating emulator instance
auto e = EmuInstance(romFilePath, stateFilePath);
// Creating playback instance
auto p = PlaybackInstance(&e, sequence);
// Getting state size
auto stateSize = e.getStateSize();
// Flag to continue running playback
bool continueRunning = true;
// Variable for current step in view
ssize_t sequenceLength = p.getSequenceLength();
ssize_t currentStep = 0;
// Flag to display frame information
bool showFrameInfo = true;
// Interactive section
// Updating display
if (disableRender == false) p.renderFrame(currentStep);
// Getting input
const auto& input = p.getStateInput(currentStep);
// Getting state hash
const auto hash = p.getStateHash(currentStep);
// Getting state data
const auto stateData = p.getStateData(currentStep);
// Printing data and commands
if (showFrameInfo)
printw("[] ----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printw("[] Current Step #: %lu / %lu\n", currentStep + 1, sequenceLength);
printw("[] Input: %s\n", input.c_str());
printw("[] State Hash: 0x%lX%lX\n", hash.first, hash.second);
// Only print commands if not in reproduce mode
if (isReproduce == false) printw("[] Commands: n: -1 m: +1 | h: -10 | j: +10 | y: -100 | u: +100 | k: -1000 | i: +1000 | s: quicksave | p: play | q: quit\n");
// Resetting show frame info flag
showFrameInfo = true;
// Get command
auto command = getKeyPress();
// Advance/Rewind commands
if (command == 'n') currentStep = currentStep - 1;
if (command == 'm') currentStep = currentStep + 1;
if (command == 'h') currentStep = currentStep - 10;
if (command == 'j') currentStep = currentStep + 10;
if (command == 'y') currentStep = currentStep - 100;
if (command == 'u') currentStep = currentStep + 100;
if (command == 'k') currentStep = currentStep - 1000;
if (command == 'i') currentStep = currentStep + 1000;
// Correct current step if requested more than possible
if (currentStep < 0) currentStep = 0;
if (currentStep >= sequenceLength) currentStep = sequenceLength-1;
// Quicksave creation command
if (command == 's')
// Storing state file
std::string saveFileName = "quicksave.state";
std::string saveData;
memcpy(saveData.data(), stateData, stateSize);
if (saveStringToFile(saveData, saveFileName.c_str()) == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("[ERROR] Could not save state file: %s\n", saveFileName.c_str());
printw("[] Saved state to %s\n", saveFileName.c_str());
// Do no show frame info again after this action
showFrameInfo = false;
// Start playback from current point
if (command == 'p') isReproduce = true;
// Start playback from current point
if (command == 'q') continueRunning = false;
// Ending ncurses window